Download pdf - Dont Give it All Away

Page 1: Dont Give it All Away

Don't Give it All Away

The number one rule when it comes to converting YouTube views into traffic, is to not give

away the farm in your video. In an ideal world, you've set up a blog post or landing page in

which the video in question is merely a part of a greater point. Let's say for example you are

offering a very specific tip in a video about how to write articles more easily with a simple

template or concept of execution. When you reach the end of your video and your viewer fully

understands how to employ your method, tell them that the next thing they have to do is learn the

simple way to maximize that very same technique with specific SEO placements.

The point is not to simply produce a video and tell people that they can find more stuff on your

site, but rather to let you users know that there is more to be learned about the exact video they

watched if they continue through to the link in the info box, which should take them directly to

where they need to go. When you operate in this way, you almost mandate that your views

convert into traffic, and you can even include the video on the page they are landing on so that

they realize your site is the actual authority source on the matter, and YouTube is merely a

medium to deliver it to them.