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  • 1. For this first sound I imported one of my previosuly created sounds of that will feature as one of the main ambient background sounds. There will be several main ambient sounds that will alter as the player moves to different platforms featured in the game world that I have created. Below is a screenshot of me importing the sound file that will be featured as the ambient sounds for one of the platfroms in my game world. After importing the file I brought it into the game world itself and scaled the area in which it will be heard, depending on where the player is positioned in the game world. I then repated the same process on the other 2 platforms, so different ambient sounds will be featured on different platfroms.

2. In my next step, I imported two seperate sounds which I set to be triggered when the player aproaches the area in which they are set to trigger. I did this using two of my previously created sounds and the kismet feature in UDK. I set up two sequences using this feature that triggere seperate sounds in seperate locations in the game world when the triggers are activate by the player entering a certain area. Below is a creenshot of the two events I created that allow the sounds to be triggered when activated by the player. 3. Below are two screenshots of the areas I allocated for the sounds to be triggered in when the player enters the specific areas.