Page 1: Digipack analysis for Rihanna & Skepta

Digipack analysis for Rihanna & SKEPTA

Page 2: Digipack analysis for Rihanna & Skepta

Rihanna - LOUD

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The image of Rihanna laying down on the roses, which is on 3 panels inside of the digipak, shows a lot of emotion through the use of colour because she is lying on many roses, which might suggest she’s weak. Also Rihanna is portrayed like a sex object because her chest is fully open, making her look seductive, which is mainly done to attract male attention because males would want to see seductive female because viewing it will allow them to feel some sort of pleasure from this. Therefore this will allow Rihanna's album to have many males buying the album.

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Looking at this image of a close up Rihanna, we see that she is looking down so that her lips draw all the attention and she has purposely pushed out he bottom lip to make the image more seductive because it makes her look as if she's thirsty. Again she's been portrayed as a sex object, straight away we are drawn into her big, bold, bright red lips, semi open and looks totally seductive. The red lipstick she has put on straight away connotes femininity, love and satisfaction. Again this is picture will help attract male consumers because it’s seductive.

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The name of the artist ‘Rihanna’ has been placed at the top of the cover and the name of the album ‘Loud’ has been placed along the bottom of the album. The text size of the name of the album has been made much bigger than the name of the artist and it has been placed at the bottom of the cover to make it look like Rihanna is looking down at the album name. The colour white is a good choice because its simple so it does not attract to much attention which is good because Rihanna's face is what that’s meant to attract all the attention. Which is why the album name is not in bold.

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This digipack suits the name of the album because LOUD can suggest bold which is what the digipack is because the digipack clearly stands out, mainly because of the use of the colour red because red is an eye catching colour and we see a lot of red. So the digipack can be described as ‘LOUD’ because it attracts attention and if something is loud it is attracting attention because everyone can hear it, in this case the digipack is noticeable by everyone, so is able to catch everyone's attention.

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SKEPTA – Microphone Champion

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In this album cover we see that the background is blurred which helps the artist Skepta stand out in the image and look tough, which is a key element for all grime artists. The fact that he has named his album ‘Microphone Champion’ means that he needs to show that he’s the champion, which is what he has done in this image because looking at his eyes we can clearly see that he does not look weak because it his eyes show that he has no fear, meaning he is ready to take on anyone onto a rap battle because he knows he is a champion and that no one can beat him.

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The fact that Skepta has boxing gloves shows that he is a stereotypical grime artist because grime artists are stereotyped as violent due having to go through a hard time growing up, life wasn’t easy for grime artists and producing grime allowed them to release their pain because they able to share it though their lyrics. So being a microphone champion, which what Skepta sees himself as, takes a lot of hard work because to get to that position to be calling yourself a ‘champion’, you need get everyone’s respect first, which is what Skepta has achieved. So the use of boxing gloves and a boxers stance was a good idea because it shows people that he is currently in power of the grime scene and is ready to end any grime artist’s career that try’s to face him in a grime rap battle.

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The fact that Skepta has his name in bold shows that he is proud of the name he has built. Skepta’s name is printed onto a plaster which can suggest that the artist had to go through a lot of downs to help bring out his name to the people. So all the bad in the past has been closed up into just a scar and each scar has contributed to his success of his name. So it was important that Skepta was in big bold text because it allows people to see how important the name is to the artist.

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The tone of the image gets brighter as you down the image. You can clearly see the red boxing gloves are bright red. The fact that Skepta has chosen to put on red boxing gloves and not another coloured boxing gloves, suggests that he wanted to portray himself as dangerous because the colour red gives connotations of danger, villain and aggression. Portraying himself as dangerous shows how he is the champion.