  • 8/13/2019 Developing a Lesson in English



    Getting the listener to do something:

    - Using a command, an injunction, and an instruction:Sit down/ Stand up/ Come here/Come out to the front/Go to theboard/Go back to your seat/Look here!/Look at the picture the board,your books, page "", #!/ Listen carefu$$y!/Listen to me/%epeat afterme after Gabrie$, #!/ &sk 'aria %au$, your neighbour!/ &sk me him,her, #! a (uestion/Spe$$ your name the word,#!

    Some of the teachers remarks:

    - )here*s no cha$k/ )he b$ackboard isn*t c$ean/ C$ean the b$ackboard,p$ease+ / )he pupi$ on duty didn*t bring the teaching aids we needtoday Go and bring the one to$d you/ Shut the window, p$ease t*snoisy outside/ .pen the window, p$ease Let some fresh air in/ t*s eryco$d in the c$ass/ )he c$ass is noisy too noisy!/ Si$ence, p$ease+ 0e(uiet can*t hear anything/ 1i$$ you, p$ease, keep (uiet2/ 3an, $eaethe c$ass+ / *d appreciate it if you*d turn out the $ight, try to be (uiet,e4cuse me, not ta$k so $oud$y!/ 3on*t disturb your desk mate who isanswering/ 3on*t he$p him, her!/ Let him or her try for himse$f orherse$f/ )here*s nothing to $augh about t*s not funny/5 *m g$ad to see you*re a$$ present/ *m g$ad to see you*e c$eaned theb$ackboard / *m g$ad to see you a$$ did your homework for today/ *mery p$eased with your homework, behaiour,#!/)hat*s a ery neatpiece of work b$ackboard, drawing, #!/ )he c$assroom $ooks rea$$ybright today now! with a$$ the pictures, f$owers, #!/ 6ou are a$$

    $ooking smart today+


    1ho is absent today2/ s eerybody here2/ &re you sure2/7ow manypupi$s are absent today2/7ow many pupi$s were absent yesterday2 /1here is &manda2 / 1hy is &nna absent2 / 7as anybody seen 'arco2/1hat*s the matter with him 8her2/ 9$ease answer when ca$$ yourname

  • 8/13/2019 Developing a Lesson in English


    Teacher Pupil

    7ow do you fee$ now2 7ae you


    *m much better, thank you fee$ fair$y!we$$, thank you

    *e comp$ete$y recoered6ou*e missed a $ot of $essons andyou are behind in your ng$ish hopeyou catch up (uick$y with yourc$assmates

    6es, missed rather a $ot*$$ do my best to catch up

    f hae any difficu$ties *$$ ask you

    f you come across difficu$ties askyour friends and me 1e sha$$ he$pyou

    6es, Gina wi$$ show me what *emissed

    0y the way: 7ae you brought a

    medica$ certificate2

    6es, *e brought it 7ere you are

    *m sorry *$$ bring it tomorrow

    Checking previous knowledge:3o you remember the $ast $esson2 1hat do you remember2 1hat didwe do $ast time2

    What shall we do in the lesson today?

    ; Listen, eerybody &re you a$$ ready2 )hen we can start/

  • 8/13/2019 Developing a Lesson in English


    haen*t consu$ted the dictionary/ )he ocabu$ary at the end of thebook is rather $imited/

  • 8/13/2019 Developing a Lesson in English


    )hat*s a $ibera$ point of iew

    conseratie radica$ se$fish

    narrow one-sided

    won*t argue with you, but think you*re being unfair



    %ea$$y2 don*t think you can say# see things a $itt$edifferent$y

    6es, but on the other hand# *m not sure about that# doubt whether

    t*s not as simp$e as that#

    )he debate was fair ach opponent had a chance to speak

    present his/her argumentanswer a$$ (uestions

    present his/her point of iew

    ow to appreciate:Good+/ )hat*s fine/ 1hat a good#+/ 7ow nice+/ Great+/ 4ce$$ent/ >ery

    good/1e$$ done

  • 8/13/2019 Developing a Lesson in English


    ?coa$a cu c$ase$e -> %o@ia, 0ihor9rofesor Limba ng$eAB: S'.