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Buzzword in the wild

Overwhelmed with all the talk about Design Thinking? It seems to be everywhere; where do I start, you ask? We have carefully selected some of the best articles available on the internet for you to get started.

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| February 2017 2

Using Design Thinking to Embed Learning in Our Jobs Harvard Business Review

Jul 25, 2016 - As I talk with learning and HR executives around the world, I hear these

issues coming up everywhere. In fact, our recent research on global human capital

trends shows that 84% of business leaders cite the “need for improved organizational

learning” as a top priority, and 44% say it’s urgent.

Unfortunately, the problem is not one of designing better programs or simply replacing

or upgrading learning platforms. Rather, there is something more fundamental going on

— a need to totally rethink corporate L&D, to shift the focus to design thinking and the

employee experience.

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| February 2017 3

The promise of ‘design thinking’ Livemint

Jul 15, 2016 - Indian IT firms are beginning to talk about design thinking in an attempt to

get away from the “factory” model of software services and break free from the “back

office” tag.

We have grown used to industries routinely adopting new nomenclature every once in a

while in order to breathe life into old concepts, and our spam filter gets set on the

highest setting at this time every quarter.

A refreshing exception is the concept of “design thinking”, especially when used in

relation to the enterprise software industry. While some industries have flirted with

design thinking over the years, it has never really been mainstream except in a few.

Design has been considered a creative endeavour, and not a commercial one, except of

course, if you are a design firm like Ideo or an Internet portal for designers like



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| February 2017 4

Generation Y is beginning to change this dated viewpoint. There is a groundswell

movement at management schools worldwide that focuses on the concept of design

thinking, which starts with putting the user first. I had a recent conversation with the

young founders of TinkerLabs, a start-up that was founded as a training company to

help foster this type of thinking at campuses in India. The conversation revealed that

they have also worked on training programmes with a number of industries, and that

even the world’s largest employer, the Indian Railways, has benefited from the

application of design thinking. And no, I am not talking about former railway minister

Lalu Prasad Yadav’s introduction of clay cups for beverages on Indian trains, though that

itself is an outstanding example of such design thinking.

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IBM, Infosys, Accenture and Cognizant lead in the industry's first Design Thinking Blueprint Horses for Sources

Jan 24, 2016 - Without Design Thinking, enterprises are really just retrofitting expensive

solutions into legacy processes and likely wasting a whole load of time, resources and

money. It all starts with Design Thinking.

Design Thinking, and new creations of Design Thinking-esque collaborative methods, are

increasingly important ways to bring together new concepts and ideas, better

teamwork, and ways to design outcomes jointly that can incorporate investments from

both sides.

Design Thinking is helping several relationships inject lateral thinking and renewed

motivation to work together, not only in the customer-facing front office, but also in the

back office operational functions. Design Thinking in services is based, primarily, on both

service buyer and provider coming together to create business outcomes that are

mutually beneficial – and motivational – for both parties. However, this must be

established as ongoing collaboration across all key relationship stakeholders, and not

simply two days of senior management putting sticky notes on each others’ foreheads.

There must be senior pressure and buy-in to adopt Design Thinking as a means to move


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| February 2017 5

away from Six Sigma-obsessed old world models, and really change the way the service

buyer and provider teams work together.

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How Indra Nooyi Turned Design Thinking Into Strategy: An Interview with PepsiCo’s CEO Harvard Business Review

Sep 2015 - As CEO, I visit a market every week to see what we look like on the shelves. I

always ask myself—not as a CEO but as a mom—“What products really speak to me?”

The shelves just seem more and more cluttered, so I thought we had to rethink our

innovation process and design experiences for our consumers—from conception to

what’s on the shelf.

In focus groups consumers told us they went to another product because it was bite-

size. We had to conclude that SunChips were too damn big. I don’t care if our mold can

only cut one inch by one inch. We don’t sell products based on the manufacturing we

have, but on how our target consumers can fall in love with them.

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| February 2017 6

How Pepsico, Godrej and Marico are 'designed to succeed’ Brand Equity

Aug 29, 2015 - Pepsico chief executive Indra Nooyi has given employees two-three years

to adapt to a new design thinking culture, telling managers that if they don't change, she

would be happy to attend their retirement parties.

Corporate leaders today are using design thinking to connect with customers at an

emotional level, and in the process boost growth. Vishal Sikka of Infosys, Nisa Godrej of

Godrej Industries, Kishore Biyani of Future Group and Harsh Mariwala of Marico are

betting on the same subject.

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| February 2017 7

Applying design thinking across the business: An interview with Citrix’s Catherine Courage McKinsey

Feb 2015 - Traditionally, many of our product organizations would start with a problem

and then—based on intuition about what our customers want—race toward a solution.

Today, they actively engage customers along the way, with an iterative process of failing

and learning fast as part of the journey. Getting to this point has required big process

changes and a new mind-set across the company.

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| February 2017 8

How Design Thinking Transformed Airbnb from a Failing Startup to a Billion Dollar Business

First Round Review

Mar 2013 - In 2009, Airbnb was close to going bust. Like so many startups, they had

launched but barely anyone noticed. The company’s revenue was flatlined at $200 per

week. Split between three young founders living in San Francisco, this meant near

indefinite losses on zero growth.

One afternoon, the team was poring over their search results for New York City listings

with Paul Graham, trying to figure out what wasn’t working, why they weren’t growing.

After spending time on the site using the product, Gebbia had a realization. “We noticed

a pattern. There's some similarity between all these 40 listings. The similarity is that the

photos sucked.

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| February 2017 9


March 24, 2011 - The term has come in for a lot of scorn. But it's because we

haven't been clear about what it actually entails. Design thinking neither negates nor

replaces the need for smart designers doing the work that they've been doing forever.

Packaging still needs to be thoughtfully created. Branding and marketing programs still

need to be brilliantly executed. Products still need to be artfully designed to be

appropriate for the modern world. When it comes to digital experiences, for instance,

design is really the driving force that will determine whether a product lives or dies in

the marketplace.

Design thinking is different. It captures many of the qualities that cause designers to

choose to make a career in their field, yes. And designers can most certainly play a key

part in facilitating and expediting it. But it's not a replacement for the important,

difficult job of design that exists elsewhere in the organization.

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| February 2017


Starbucks, “The Third Place”, and Creating the Ultimate Customer Experience

Fast Company

11 Jun 2008 - Starbucks goal is to become the Third Place in our daily lives. (i.e. Home,

Work and Starbucks) “We want to provide all the comforts of your home and office.

You can sit in a nice chair, talk on your phone, look out the window, surf the web… oh,

and drink coffee too”

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Gurugram, Haryana – 122001


Tel +91 124 4075513

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Ideafarms is a Gurugram based

Design-in-Tech Consulting &

Advisory that first brought the value of

Industrial Design approaches to

software, keeping the user’s experience

at the centre of all its thinking.

Smartphone-powered solutions are a

key strength the company invested in

and developed as early as 2010.

The company’s ethos combines

empathy with strong technology

competencies to highlight the value of

interdisciplinary work and prototyping.

Ideafarms has the distinction of

partnering with some of the largest

global corporations to help drive

strategic value through its proven

approaches to problem solving.

Ideafarms designs and executes short-

cycle business mock-ups for its clients

and customers—labelled Design

Fiction—as a tool to help them arrive

at quick and accurate investment

