
Design Space Exploration of Multiple Loops onFPGAs using High Level Synthesis

Guanwen Zhong∗, Vanchinathan Venkataramani∗,Yun Liang†, Tulika Mitra∗ and Smail Niar‡∗School of Computing, National University of Singapore

†Center for Energy-Efficient Computing and Applications, School of EECS, Peking University, China‡LAMIH, University of Valenciennes, France

Email: {guanwen,vvanchi,tulika}, [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Real-world applications such as image processing,signal processing, and others often contain a sequence of compu-tation intensive kernels, each represented in the form of a nestedloop. High-level synthesis (HLS) enables efficient hardware imple-mentation of these loops using high-level programming languages.HLS tools also allow the designers to evaluate design choiceswith different trade-offs through pragmas/directives. Prior designspace exploration techniques for HLS primarily focus on eithersingle nested loop or multiple loops without consideration tothe data dependencies among them. In this paper, we proposeefficient design space exploration techniques for applications thatconsist of multiple nested loops with or without data dependen-cies. In particular, we develop an algorithm to derive the Pareto-optimal curve (performance versus area) of the application whenmapped onto FPGAs using HLS. Our algorithm is efficient asit effectively prunes the dominated points in the design space.We also develop accurate performance and area models to assistthe design space exploration process. Experiments on variousscientific kernels and real-world applications demonstrate thatour design space exploration technique is accurate and efficient.


Current- and next-generation applications in many embed-ded system domains demand high performance that cannotbe satisfied with general-purpose processors. The ASICs canprovide the best performance at lowest power budget; butthey suffer from huge design efforts and lack of flexibil-ity. Compared to ASICs, Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) devices have the advantages of re-programbility andmuch lower cost. In addition, high spatial parallelism andsubstantially increased capacity make FPGAs amenable totailoring according to individual applications. Thus FPGAshave become attractive to the designers and have gained mar-ket traction for the past two decades. However, the complexhardware programming models such as low-level hardware de-scription languages (Verilog/VHDL) and synthesis flow makeFPGAs inaccessible to average developers, which hinders itsacceptability. This productivity gap has led to the emergenceof high-level synthesis (HLS) that allows designers to focus onhigh-level specifications such as C/C++, SystemC, Matlab etc.and automatically transforms such high-level specificationsinto low-level implementations in the form of Register-transferlevel (RTL) circuits or gate-level netlists.

After decades of sustained endeavour, both academic[7][8][9][24] and industrial [1][4][23][25][26] tools haveemerged as mature solutions for high-level synthesis. Not only

these tools can generate hardware implementation from high-level programming language specifications, but they also givethe designers multiple implementation choices (e.g., loop un-rolling factors) in the form of pragmas/directives. This allowsthe designers to perform in-depth design-space exploration(DSE) that evaluates numerous hardware implementationsthrough HLS tools and returns a set of Pareto-optimal pointsin the multi-objective design space optimizing latency, power,throughput and area. However, the huge complexity of thedesign space coupled with the non-negligible runtime of HLStools renders it impossible to perform exhaustive DSE forrelatively complex applications. This makes the dream of apush-button solution for design space exploration of entireapplication un-achievable at this point.

To address this challenge, we propose an efficient DSEtechnique to obtain the Pareto-optimal curve (performancevs. area) for an application mapped onto FPGAs using HLS.Our DSE algorithm prunes the design space by effectivelyeliminating dominated configurations instead of evaluatingall the possible configurations. This pruning can significantlyreduce the number of invocations of the HLS tool. We alsodevelop accurate performance and area prediction models forour DSE algorithm, further scaling down the need to invokeHLS for the remaining design points.

More concretely, as real-world applications often containa sequence of computation intensive kernels represented bynested loops, we target automated design-space exploration tomap multiple nested loops onto FPGAs using HLS. Existingworks [3][5][17][20] that target a single nested loop or mul-tiple loops often ignore interactions and data dependenciesamong the loops. In this paper, we consider the dataflowdependencies among the loops as our experimental evaluationreveals that such interactions among multiple loops can notbe neglected. Experimental evaluation with real-world bench-marks show that the set of Pareto-optimal points predictedby our solution is very close to the Pareto-optimal pointsidentified through exhaustive search, whereas the runtime ofour DSE algorithm is 235X faster, on an average, comparedto exhaustive search.


Real-world applications in image processing, signal pro-cessing, etc., often contain multiple (single or nested) loops.

Fig. 1: Rician Deconvolution with dataflow feature.

Using HLS tools, we can convert these loops described inhigh-level languages such as C/C++ or SystemC into efficientFPGA-based hardware implementations. Moreover, modernHLS tools such as Xilinx Vivado [26] feature with a varietyof pragmas/directives such as loop unrolling, pipelining, etc.,for loop performance optimizations. By using the pragmasdifferently, we can have multiple different implementationswith performance and area tradeoff.

The loops contained in an application are often related viadataflow dependencies. Fig. 1 illustrates the dataflow featureusing the Rician Deconvolution [19] application in medicalimaging domain. There are two loops in the application.The two loops are dependent as the first loop produces thearray g, which is consumed by the second loop. Dataflowoptimization aims to minimize the initiation interval (II) ofthe top-level function (e.g., rician function) containing theloops, where the II is defined as the number of cycles betweenconsecutive initiations of the function [11][15][26]. In thisexample, without dataflow optimization, each loop executesin isolation and the II of the function is the sum of theexecution time of the two loops. With dataflow optimization,loop instances from different iterations of the function canexecute in a pipelined fashion thereby reducing the II. Asthroughput is the inverse of II [26], minimizing II leads toimproved throughput.

A. Motivating Example

For each individual loop in Figure 1, we optimize it throughloop unrolling. For each loop, we set the loop bound to be 6and vary the unroll factor ({1, 2, 3, 6}). We also considerto enable or disable the dataflow between the two loops.Thus, there are 512 (2*4*4*4*4) design points in total. Fig. 2presents the initiation interval versus area design space usingVivado HLS. We define the area in terms of Weighted Area(WA) and Area Efficiency (AE). WA and AE are defined usingthe following equations:

WA = bram/BRAM + dsp/DSP + ff/FF + lut/LUT (1a)AE = MAX(bram/BRAM, dsp/DSP, ff/FF, lut/LUT ) (1b)

Fig. 2: Design space of Rician Deconvolution example.

where BRAM, DSP, FF and LUT represent the availableBRAM, DSP, Flip-Flop, and LUT resources of a given FPGAplatform, while bram, dsp, ff and lut are FPGA resourcesutilized by the current pragma configuration. We define areaas,

area =

{WA if AE ≤ 1,α if AE > 1.


That is, when AE is less than or equal to 1, area is the sum ofthe resource usage utilization ratio of different resource types;otherwise, the design has already exceeded the FPGA resourcebudget, and we set area to α. We use 4 for α in this paper.

In Fig. 2, the red stars represent the Pareto-optimal curvewithout dataflow directive, while the black triangles representthe Pareto-optimal curve with dataflow directive. The resultsclearly demonstrate that data flow optimization plays a criticalrole. In terms of II, the best design point on the Pareto-optimal curve with dataflow is 30% better than that withoutdataflow. However, the current DSE techniques using HLStools [2][3][17][20][27] primarily focus on optimizing indi-vidual loops and ignore the dataflow feature between loops.

Table I presents the detailed II results for a subspaceof the entire design space. Dataflow = 1 means that weenable dataflow and vice versa. The unrolling factor "2_1_1_1"represents the unroll factor for each loop, where the first 2 and1 are unroll factors for the outer and inter loops of loop 1.For this subspace, we do not optimize loop 2. Thus, the unrollfactor for its outer and inner loop are 1. From Table I, withoutdataflow optimization, II is equal to the sum of execution timeof loops in the application. When dataflow feature is enabled,II is equal to the execution time of the longest loop. This isbecause the two consecutive instances of the same loop cannot be executed concurrently. Thus, to minimize the II for anapplication with data dependent loops, we have to optimizethe longest loop. The DSE in this case is more challengingas a different loop can become the longest loop after theoriginal longest loop is optimized. In Section III, we developour efficient DSE algorithm to overcome this challenge.

Configuration Loop1 Loop2 Initiation IntervalDataflow Unrolling Factor0 2_1_1_1 405 372 7801 405 372 4070 2_2_1_1 225 372 6001 225 372 3740 2_6_1_1 72 372 4471 72 372 374

TABLE I: Latency results of loop1 for the motivating example.

Vivado HLS takes from seconds to minutes to synthesizeeach configuration. The total design space exploration time forthis simple example is about 90 minutes. However, when thecomplexity of the applications continues to grow, exhaustivedesign space exploration becomes infeasible. Thus, we ur-gently need a design space exploration technique to efficientlyand accurately obtain the pareto-optimal curve.

B. Problem Formulation

Let us consider an application kernel K that consists of nloops {L1, L2, ..., Ln}. The kernel configuration CK is a set ofconfigurations {KC1,KC2, ...,KCt, ...,KCNK}, where NKis the total number of kernel configurations. For a kernel con-figuration KCt, it is represented by 〈lc1, lc2, ..., lci, ..., lcn〉,where lci is a configuration of loop Li.

Loop Li contains mi levels of nested loops 〈Li1, Li2, ...,Lij , ..., Limi

〉. The execution time of a loop Li is repre-sented by Ei. In this work, for each loop, we consider loopunrolling for performance optimization. We do not considerloop pipelining. Thus, the initiation interval IIi of a loopLi is Ei. Ai is the area of Li. The configuration set Ci ofLi is defined by {c1i , c2i , ..., cri , ..., c

Sii }, where Si is the total

number of configurations of loop Li. Each configuration criof loop Li is represented by 〈ui1, ui2, ..., uij , ..., uimi

〉, whereuij is the loop unrolling factor configuration for the jth-levelloop Lij . UFij consists of all loop unrolling configurations{uf1

ij , uf2ij , ..., uf

sijij } for Lij and uij ∈ UFij . sij specifies

the number of configurations for jth-level loop Lij in loopLi. Then Si, the number of configurations of a loop Li, isdefined as

Si =


sij (3)

The total configurations for a kernel K is calculated by,

NK =


Si (4)

Finally, the design space is doubled if we consider dataflowfeature.

2 ·NK = 2


( mi∏j=1



The area AK of K is calculated as

AK =


Ai (6)

The initiation interval IIK of K is defined below,



Ei if K has no dataflow feature, (7a)


Ei if K has dataflow feature (7b)

Our goal is to derive the Pareto-optimal curve with initiationinterval and area trade-off.

Pareto-optimal Curve: Let D be the design spaceof a kernel K consisting of all design points. Let(KCt, IItK,AtK) denote the corresponding initiation inter-val IItK of a kernel K and area AtK under the ker-nel configuration KCt. We are interested in identify-ing a curve that consists of all possible Pareto-optimalsolutions P = {(KC1, II1

K,A1K), ..., (KCq, IIqK,A

qK), ...,

(KCQ, IIQK ,AQK)}. Q denotes the number of Pareto-optimal

solutions for a kernel K. The Pareto-optimal curve cap-tures the different performance-area tradeoffs [6][16]. Each(KCq, IIqK,A

qK) in this curve has the property that there does

not exist any configuration with a triple (KCt, IItK,AtK) suchthat IItK ≤ IIqK and AtK ≤ A

qK, with at least one of the in-

equalities being strict. Thus, for any (KCt, IItK,AtK) ∈ D−P ,there exists a (KCqK, II


qK) ∈ P such that IIqK ≤ IItK

and AqK ≤ AtK, with at least one of the inequalities beingstrict. The set D − P consists of all the dominated solutions,dominated by elements in the Pareto-optimal set P .


The main goal of our automated DSE problem is to effi-ciently explore the design space and provide an approximatePareto-optimal curve with performance (II) and area trade-off. The exhaustive search that evaluates each configurationusing HLS tools and then builds the pareto-optimal curve isinfeasible for large applications. In contrast, we improve theexploration time through performance estimation and efficientsearch algorithms.

A. Framework Overview

Our automated DSE framework is shown in Fig. 3. Theinput to our DSE is the synthesizable C code of an application.The DSE framework consists of Code Detection, Area/Perfor-mance Prediction, Dataflow Detection, Search Algorithm.

The Code Detection component detects the loops, numberof loop levels in a nested loop, and loop bound information.Area/Performance Prediction component predicts the area andinitiation interval of different configurations. Dataflow Detec-tion component checks whether the dataflow can be enabledor not. With dataflow enabled, we use Search With Dataflowalgorithm to estimate the Pareto-optimal curve; othewise, itwill use Search Without Dataflow algorithm. The output ofthe search algorithm is the pareto-optimal curve.

B. Area and Performance Prediction Models

In order to reduce the number of invocations of HLS tools,we need to perform DSE based on area and performanceestimates. To develop accurate area/performance models, we

Fig. 3: The Automated Design Space Exploration Framework

pre-invoke HLS tools for some sample design points and thenperform estimation for the remaining points.

1) Area Prediction Model: Through empirical study, weobserve that when the configuration uij of all the nested loopLij except for the innermost level in a given nested (mi

levels) loop Li is fixed, increasing unrolling factors ui1 forthe innermost loop Li1 incurs linear increase in area Ai ofloop Li. Let the configuration with no optimization on theinnermost-level loop Li1 of loop Li be c1i = 〈1, ui2, ..., uimi

〉and the configuration with the innermost-level loop completelyunrolled in loop Li be csi1i = 〈ufsi1i1 , ui2, ..., uimi

〉. Based onthis observation, we can predict area Ai(cri ) as follows,

Ai(cri ) =

ui1 − 1

ufsi1i1 − 1(Ai(c

si1i )−Ai(c1i )) +Ai(c

1i ). (8)

where ufsi1i1 is the unrolling factor for the innermost-level loopLi1 in loop Li, and cri = 〈ui1, ui2, ..., uimi

〉 is the unrollingconfiguration for all the nested levels of loop Li. We obtainAi(c

1i ) and Ai(csi1i ) through HLS tools. To estimate the area

for the entire application, we sum the area of the individualloops in the kernel.

2) Performance Prediction Model: We have observed thatthe execution time Ei of a loop Li can be estimated us-ing iteration latency1 of its innermost-level loop Li1. Wedefine IL = {ILuf


i1 , ILuf2

i1i1 , ..., IL


i1 , ..., ILuf


i1 } as aset containing iteration latency with all available unrollingfactors UFi1 of Li1. The loop bound set of loop Li isBi = {Bi1, Bi2, ..., Bij , ..., Bimi

}, where Bij is the loopbound of the jth-level loop Lij . Then, execution time Ei of aloop Li with configuration 〈ui1, ui2, ..., uimi

〉 can be estimated

1 Iteration latency (IL) is the latency for a single iteration of the loop

as follows,

Ei =

ILui1i1 ·


+ c if mi=1, (9a)[((ILui1

i1 ·Bi1ui1

+ c)Bi2ui2


)· · ·]Bimi


+ c if mi≥2 (9b)

where, c is a constant representing extra cost. We set c as 2in our work to account for the additional cycles in enteringand exiting the loop. For a single-level loop Li (mi = 1), itsexecution time Ei is calculated as the iteration latency ILui1


with unrolling configuration ui1 multiplied by the number ofiterations after unrolling Bi1

ui1. The execution time Ei with

mi ≥ 2 is calculated similarly.For our performance and area estimation, we need to sample

a few configurations by invoking the HLS tools. For example,the benchmark MTT2 has a design space with 15,552 designpoints, whereas the number of pre-invocation of HLS is only30.

For a kernel K containing multiple loops without dataflowfeature, the initiation interval IIK is calculated by Equation7a; for a kernel K with dataflow feature, the initiation intervalIIK of the kernel is constrained by the most time-consuming(worst-case execution time) loop as shown in Equation 7b.

C. Algorithm Description

The Dataflow Detection component checks whetherdataflow feature can be enabled for the application. Dependingon the outcome, we use different search algorithms.

1) Search Algorithm with Dataflow FeatureAlgorithm 1 is used to select the Pareto-optimal design

points ~DP for a kernel K with dataflow feature. The generalidea of this algorithm is that we always focus on optimizingthe longest loop to minimize the II of the kernel. Oncethe original longest loop is optimized and is no longer thebottleneck, we switch to explore the new longest loop forminimizing the II .

A Pareto-optimal design point here is represented as(KCt, IItK,AtK), where KCt is a kernel configuration withan initiation interval IItK and area AtK. This algorithm uses theestimated execution time and area from the prediction modelsmentioned in III-B.

Algorithm 1 Line 3-5 shows the initiation step of ourmethod. We first sort the execution time Ei of all availableconfigurations for each loop Li in descending order and storeit in a queue EQueue. EQueue is an ordered queue consistingof a set of triples (Ei, Ai, c

ri ), where cri is the configuration

of loop Li with area Ai. Initially, the execution time Ei ofa loop Li is assigned as the longest execution time Emaxi ofloop Li among its available configurations.

~DP for this kernel is then searched in Line 6-18. We findloops lm and ls with the longest Emaxlm and second longestexecution time Emaxls . Our algorithm focuses on finding all thekernel configurations that are bottlenecked by loop lm. Until

Algorithm 1: Search algorithm with dataflow featureInput: A kernel K containing multiple loops, FPGA

platform constraint AreaConsOutput: The design points ~DP of the kernel

1 begin2 exit_flag ← 0;3 foreach Li ∈ K do4 EQueuei ← sort execution time Ei of all

configurations (Ei, Ai, cri ) in descending mode;

5 Emaxi ← the largest element in EQueuei;

6 while !exit_flag do7 continue_flag ← 1;8 lm← a loop with maxi=1,...,nE

maxi in K;

9 ls← a loop with the second longest executiontime;

10 while continue_flag do11 if Emaxlm > Emaxls then12 store configuration KCt, initiation

interval IItK and area AtK in ~DP as adesign point;

13 remove top element from EQueuelm;14 update Emaxlm with the new largest

element in EQueuelm;

15 else16 continue_flag ← 0;

17 if EQueuelm == ∅ then18 exit_flag ← 1;

19 return ~DP ;

execution time Emaxlm is larger than Emaxls of loop ls, we selecta kernel configuration KCt consisting of current configurationof loop lm and minimum area configurations of the remainingloops. Based on KCt, we calculate the initiation interval IItKand area AtK of this kernel and add (KCt, IItK,AtK) into~DP . After this, we remove the top most element in queueEQueuelm of loop lm to avoid storing redundant points andupdate the longest execution time Emaxlm of loop lm with thenew top element in EQueuelm; otherwise, the loop with thelargest execution time will be loop ls in which case we startexploring the new most time-consuming loop.

Since initiation interval IIK of the kernel is dominated bythe longest execution time of loop lm as shown in Equation7b, we terminate the algorithm by returning ~DP when alllevels in loop lm have been explored, i.e. (EQueuelm = ∅).

2) Search Algorithm without Dataflow FeatureAlgorithm 2 performs design space exploration for kernels

without dataflow feature. The general idea of this algorithmis that starting from the area budget A equal to the originalkernel area AoK without any optimizations (no loop unrolling),we increase A in steps of ∆. For each area budget A, we searchthe combination of configurations of loops in the kernel with

Algorithm 2: Search algorithm without dataflow featureInput: a kernel K, FPGA platform constraint AreaConsOutput: The design points ~DP of the kernel

1 begin2 for A = AoK to AreaCons in steps of ∆ do3 K1(A) = min





4 for A = AoK to AreaCons in steps of ∆ do5 for i = 2 to n do6 Ki(A) =


A(cri )≤A


ri ) +Ki−1(A−A(cri ))


7 store the configuration, area, execution timeKn(A) in ~DP as a design point;

8 return ~DP ;

the minimum execution time EK and store it into ~DP .∆Ai is the area difference between Ai(c

ri ) and Ai(c

r1i ).

The step value ∆ is calculated as the minimum area differencebetween two configurations of any loop in the kernel.

∆ = mini=1,...,n

∆Ai = mini=1,...,ncri ,c

r1i ∈Ci


ri )−Ai(cr1i )


Let Ki(A) be the minimum execution time for a kernel Kconsidering loops L1, L2, ..., Li under an area budget A. LetEi(c

ri ) be the execution time of loop Li with the unrolling

configuration cri . Then Ki(A) can be defined recursively.

Ki(A) = mincri∈Ci

A(cri )≤A


ri ) +Ki−1(A−A(cri ))


That is, given an area budget A, we explore all the possibleconfigurations of loop Li and select the one that results in theminimum execution time for the kernel K considering loopsL1, L2, ..., Li. The base case for loop L1 is calculated by thefollowing equation,

K1(A) = min∀cr1∈C1




The minimum execution time for loop L1, L2, ..., Ln withinthe area budget A corresponds to Kn(A). Based on theEquation 7a the initiation interval IIK is equal to Kn(A).


In this section, we first describe the experimental setup forthe evaluation of our method. Next, we present the experimen-tal results.

A. Experimental Setup

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our method, weutilize six benchmarks. Each benchmark consists of multiplenested loops with or without dataflow feature. These bench-marks are image processing applications used in [10] and anautomotive Multi-Target Tracking System (MTT) application[21]. Table II summarizes the benchmarks used in our evalua-tion. As the huge design space (around 264 points) of the MTTbenchmark surpasses the capability of exhaustive search, wemanually split it into four smaller kernels, each performing adifferent stage in the application.

Benchmark Description Type Explorable Operations

Rician Image RicianDeconvolution

Dataflow/No Dataflow loop(4,4)1, loop (4,4)

Seidel Seidel stencilcomputation No Dataflow loop(6,6), loop(6,6)

MTT1 Kernel 1 ofMTT

Dataflow/No Dataflow

loop(3,3), loop(3,3,3),loop(3,3,3)

MTT2 Kernel 2 ofMTT

Dataflow/No Dataflow

loop(3,3), loop(2,3,3),loop(2,3,2), loop(2,2)

MTT3 Kernel 3 ofMTT

Dataflow/No Dataflow

loop(2,2), loop(3,3,2),loop(3,2,2), loop(2,3)

MTT4 Kernel 4 ofMTT No Dataflow

loop(2), loop(3,2),loop(3), loop(3,2,3),loop(3,3)

1 loop(num1,num2,...,numm) represents a loop that has m-level loopswith each level containing numi configurations;

TABLE II: Benchmarks

We run our DSE algorithm on Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620core running at 2.10GHz with 64GB RAM. The target FPGAplatform is Xilinx ZC702 Evaluation Kit [22] and we utilizeXilinx Vivado HLS version 2013.3 to synthesize the C codeinto Verilog RTL and obtain performance/area information forall the design points of our benchmarks. Vivado HLS reportsthe minimum and maximum II. We use the maximum II toaccommodate the worst case performance. The area metricdefined by Equation 2 is used for FPGA area.

B. Experimental Results

The error of the area/performance models is calculatedby the arithmetic mean of difference between real resultsvia Vivado HLS and predictions for all the configurations.Experimental results show 4.05% and 3.92% error for the areaand performance prediction model for our six benchmarks,respectively. This demonstrates the accuracy of our predictionmodels.

For evaluating our approach, we exhaustively run all thedesign point combinations for all benchmarks to obtain thePareto-optimal curve as our reference. Figure 4 shows thePareto-optimal curves for all benchmarks using exhaustivesearch and our method. It provides an intuitive visual sum-mary of exploration results. MTT1 benchmark has dataflowfeature and its Pareto-optimal curves applying the dataflowor non-dataflow pragma using exhaustive method are plottedin Figure 4c. It can be observed that the Pareto-optimalcurve with dataflow (green line with stars) has higher qualityperformance-area trade-offs than the curve without dataflow

(red line with rectangles). This confirms our observations fromthe motivating example in section II. The approximate Pareto-optimal curve DSE_WITH_DF (orange line with triangles),obtained by our method follows the trend of the Pareto-optimalcurve with dataflow Exhaustive_With_DF (green line withstars) and is quite close to it. However, from the figure, wecan observe that the approximate Pareto-optimal curve by ourmethod does not cover all the Pareto-optimal design pointson the curve Exhaustive_With_DF. The loss of a small set ofPareto-optimal points is a side-effect of errors introduced byperformance/area prediction models. The rest of the graphs inFigure 4 illustrate similar behavior for other benchmarks.

Moreover, in order to measure the quality of an approxi-mate Pareto-optimal curve, we borrow the metric of averagedistance from reference set (ADRS) utilized by [13][20]. In ourcase, we consider a two-objectives (Initiation Interval II vs.area A) DSE problem. ADRS is used to measure the distancebetween an exact Pareto-optimal set Π = {π1, π2, ...|πi =(l, a), l ∈ II, a ∈ A} and an approximate Pareto-optimal setΛ = {λ1, λ2, ...|λj = (l, a), l ∈ II, a ∈ A}:

ADRS(Π,Λ) =1



δ(π, λ) (13)

where δ is defined by,

δ(π = (lπ, aπ), λ = (lλ, aλ)) = max{0, lλ − lπlπ

,aλ − aπaπ


ADRS is usually represented by percentage. The lower theADRS, the better is the quality of the approximate set Λwith respect to Π. Table III summarizes the ADRS for ourmethod. The maximum difference among the benchmarks isless than 4%, which means the approximate Pareto-optimalcurves obtained by our method are of high quality.

Benchmarks ADRS(%)Rician 0.08Seidel 0.62MTT1 2.51MTT2 2.67MTT3 3.67MTT4 3.66

TABLE III: Average ADRS of All Benchmarks

To demonstrate the efficiency of our approach, we alsocompare exploration time for obtaining the approximate Paretocurve using our approach with that of exhaustive method.For the exhaustive method, the total exploration time consistsof the time to run Vivado HLS for all the design points.For our approach, the total exploration time comprises ofselective invocation of Vivado HLS and the time spent onour algorithm. It is important to note that time spent on thealgorithm is negligible when compared to that of Vivado HLSfor one configuration. In addition, we also compare with themethod proposed in Schafer’s work [2]. However, their work[2] ignores dataflow feature. For a fair comparison, we extendtheir technique with dataflow feature. The algorithm they haveproposed has two steps: (1) Exhaustively perform DSE using

(a) Rician Deconvolution (b) Seidel Application (c) MTT1

(d) MTT2 (e) MTT3 (f) MTT4

Fig. 4: Comparison of Pareto-optimal Curves with Exhaustive Method versus our Approximate DSE

Benchmarks Design Points Number of HLS invocation Exploration Time (s) SpeedupExhaustive [2] Our Exhaustive [2] Our Exhaustive [2] Our

Rician 512 512 181 19 5349.90 1891.27 198.53 1 2.83 26.95Seidel 1296 1296 361 31 22121.44 6161.91 529.14 1 3.59 41.81MTT1 13122 13122 246 43 132006.40 2474.74 432.58 1 53.34 305.16MTT2 15552 15552 374 30 148978.40 3582.69 287.38 1 41.58 518.4MTT3 10368 10368 364 31 74273.09 2607.58 222.07 1 28.48 334.45MTT4 5832 5832 230 32 34397.76 1356.57 188.74 1 25.36 182.25

TABLE IV: Design Space Exploration Time Comparison

HLS for each loop in a kernel and extract the Pareto-optimalsets for individual loops and (2) Combine the configurations ofdesign points in the Pareto-optimal sets for individual loopsand invoke HLS again for extracting the Pareto-optimal setfor the kernel. The exploration time comparison is shownin Table IV. Our method is, on an average, 235x fasterthan exhaustive method. The speedup increases as designspace enlarges. For MTT2 kernel, the speedup is up to 520xcompared with exhaustive method. Moreover, we obtain 9xspeedup in exploration on an average compared to [2].

In summary, our technique can perform design space explo-ration efficiency and return design points with high quality.


Design space exploration (DSE) for FPGAs is a multi-objective optimization problem. The problem is to resolveconflicting objectives by finding the points on the Pareto-optimal curve. Typical objectives for this exploration areperformance (latency/throughput/initiation interval) and area.Existing approaches in DSE for FPGAs can be classified into

the following two categories:

Compiler techniques: [5][12][17] estimate performanceand area at control data flow graph (CDFG) level. Theyperform DSE starting from direct loop transformations andapply diverse compiler optimization techniques to generatedifferent architectures with fast estimated execution time andarea. Bilavarn et al. [5] and So et al. [17] consider perfor-mance/area trade-offs regarding loop transformations such asloop unrolling. So et al. utilize a balance metric to pruneconfiguration space in their DSE algorithm, while Bilavarn etal. perform an exhaustive search for all possible configurationsto find the Pareto-optimal curve. Holzer et al.[12] introducean evolutionary multi-objective optimization approach to thefind Pareto-optimal curve. However, all these works focus onone loop.

HLS tools as a blackbox: [2][3][14][18][20][27] explorethe design space using commercial high level synthesis toolas a blackbox. Schafer et al. propose a divide and conqueralgorithm [2] for solving HLS design space exploration prob-

lems. They first parse kernels into a set of clusters whichconsist of loops, functions and arrays. Then they exhaustivelysearch each cluster by invoking HLS tools with all possibleconfigurations to find the local Pareto-optimal points. Finally,they combine the local Pareto-optimal configurations andinvoke HLS tools again to find the global Pareto-optimalpoints. As they need actual simulation/synthesis to acquiredesign points at every step, their method suffers from longsimulation/synthesis runtime. Instead of invoking HLS toolsfrequently, Schafer et al.[3] and Liu et al.[20] propose machinelearning algorithms for this problem. Learning-based algo-rithms guide the design space exploration by predicting designpoints. This helps to reduce the total runtime to perform designspace exploration. Compared with local-search algorithms,learning-based methods require shorter simulation/synthesisruntime. However, the learning-based approaches search allpossible configurations without any pruning. Apart from thetime-consuming training step to obtain a learning model, thelearning model is only trained with one application in [20].Thus the accuracy of this learning model for a new applicationwith different features is not clear.

Prior design space exploration techniques using HLS[2][3][5][12][14][17][20] focus primarily on nested loopsignoring dataflow (producer-consumer) dependence amongthem. Design space exploration for loops with dataflow de-pendence is still not well studied. This work proposes ef-ficient design space exploration techniques for applicationsthat consist of multiple nested loops with or without dataflowdependence. In addition, instead of searching all possibleconfigurations [2][3][14][20], we prune the design space byeliminating the dominated configurations. Accurate perfor-mance and area models are also developed to assist the designspace exploration to reduce number of invocation of the HLStool. To show the accuracy and efficiency of our design spaceexploration technique, various scientific kernels and real worldapplications are tested in our work.


We have presented an efficient and accurate design spaceexploration technique using HLS for applications consistingof multiple nested loops with or without data dependencies.Experimental results demonstrate that our method can performDSE for applications with huge design space (more than10,000 design points) and provide an approximate Pareto-optimal curve within at most nine minutes. The proposedmethod runs 235x faster than exhaustive search and 9x fasterthan Schafer’s method [2] on an average. The quality of theobtained Pareto-optimal curve is very close to the optimal. Theefficiency and accuracy of our method open up opportunitiesfor design space exploration of more complex applicationkernels on FPGAs using HLS.


This work was partially supported by Singapore Ministryof Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2 MOE2012-T2-1-115 and French-Singaporean Merlion 2012 PhD Project.


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