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Published by the Italian Community Center631 E. Chicago St., Milwaukee, WI 53202

www.ICCMilwaukee.comVOL. 36, NO. 6DECEMBER 2014




Tradizione Vivente: The Italian Dance Group of Milwaukee was the last ofeight ethnic group to perform at the Italian Community Center’s 2ndannual Festival di Danza e Cultura, on Thursday, Oct. 30. The group per-formed two numbers before inviting audience members to join them for aTarantella. The first dance was ‘Ntintiri ‘Ntontari, a lively song and dance

from the region of Sicily. The second number (seen here) was Ciccirinella,a song and dance about a girl by the name of Ciccirinella and the boyswho are trying to capture her attention by taking part in a lively dance.Several more photos from this multi-cultural showcase appear inside thisissue. (Times photo by Tom Hemman)

Giuseppe Vella (left) was sworn in as president of the Italian CommunityCenter by Sam Purpero, who served as master of ceremonies for the Nov. 1installation dinner. Vella had served as vice president the last two yearsand was a director-at-large from 2010 to 2012. At 38 years old, he is theyoungest person to be elected president of the ICC. Vella told the atten-dees that he and the newly-elected officers and directors would work dili-gently for the success of the ICC and Festa Italiana. Purpero is a pastpresident (1982-83) of the ICC. Vella served as treasurer the last six yearsand, in all, has served either as an officer or director on the ICC Board for34 of the last 36 years. He opted to retire from the board at the conclusionof the 2013-14 term. Look for more photos with detailed captions on pages14 and 15. (Times photo by Tom Hemman)

Giuseppe Vella swornin as ICC President

ICC hosts 2nd annual Festival di Danzae Cultura; eight groups participate

Celebrate Carnevale at theICC on Valentine’s Day 2015The Italian Community Center

invites you to celebrate Il GrandeCarnevale, a pre-Lenten costumeand mask ball, on Valentine’s Day,Saturday, Feb. 14.Co-Chairpersons Joanne Czubek

and Rosemary DeRubertis saidtheir committee is working dili-gently to present a spectacular andmemorable 36th annual Il GrandeCarnevale.“What a fabulous way to cele-

brate Valentine’s Day by bringingyour spouse and your closest rela-tives and friends to Carnevale, anevent that exudes in amore (love),

not to mention pageantry, excite-ment, characters in costumes andmasks and Italian traditions,”Czubek said.“You will also fall in love with

the spectacular dance music andthe fantastic food and sweet table,”DeRubertis added.Right now, the co-chairs ask you

to reserve Feb. 14 for Carnevale.Many more details will beannounced in the next issue of TheItalian Times including the selec-tion of royalty, the dinner menu,the cost to attend and how to makereservations.

By Susie ChristiansenChristmas Party Chair

The Italian Community Centerinvites members and non-memberguests to start the holiday seasonwith a festive celebration. The2014 Members Christmas Partywill be held on Thursday, Dec. 11,and will include a delicious sitdown dinner and wonderful enter-tainment, all for the price of $20per member and $35 per non-mem-ber. It will begin with a 6 p.m.reception.

DinnerDinner will begin with an

Italian salad comprised of freshgreens topped with Italian meatsand cheeses. Guests will thenenjoy an entrée of tender Siciliansteak, side of pasta, fresh sautéedvegetables, and Italian bread, withcreamy gelato for dessert.

DancingProviding the entertainment for

the evening will be premier deejayservice, Music on the Move Plus.Always professional in bothappearance and attitude, Music onthe Move Plus deejays ensure that

Members Christmas Dinnerand Dance set for Dec. 11

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By Thomas HemmanTimes Editor

An appeal to Italian CommunityCenter members to support theorganization by pledging to the“Annual Donor Society” is beingheard.Very early results show that 25

pledges have been made, totaling$5,400.“These are the pledges that have

arrived in just the first two weeksof the campaign,” said RosePurpero Spang, the retiring chair ofthe ICC’s Fund-Raising Committee,“We’re excited about the initialresults, but know we have manymore members who need to make acommitment to this endeavor.”This is the first time in 25 years

that the ICC has asked its mem-bers to participate in a donor cam-paign. During the mid 1980s, it wasan appeal to raise funds for theconstruction of the organization’scurrent building at 631 E. Chicago

St., in Milwaukee’s Historic ThirdWard, the home of many of thecity’s early Italian immigrants.Today, the ICC is asking its

members to contribute for the con-tinuation and growth of the organi-zation which they cherish and loveand all that it has come to stand forsince its founding in 1978.Like many nonprofit organiza-

tions, the ICC wants to make thisan annual appeal to its members toensure that the organization canprosper for years to come. Memberswho participate will become part ofthe “Annual Donor Society.”A two-page letter was mailed in

mid October to members. It wassigned by then-President GinaSpang and then-Vice President JoeVella. (Spang is now the immediatepast president and Vella hasassumed the presidency.) Theystated that the ICC has become a“dependable, friendly, welcomingplace where Milwaukee’s ItalianAmerican community meets toenjoy friends, wonderful food andcelebrate its rich heritage. Morethan bricks and mortar, the ICC isa testament to our ancestors who

were unwavering in their quest topave the way to a more prosperouslife for themselves and generationsto follow.”The letter and a supporting

campaign document with a pledgeform are reprinted on pages 22 and23.“We anticipate that all of our

members will give this appeal seri-ous consideration and do the bestthey can to support the ICC,”Purpero Spang said.“Many organizations have annu-

al appeals to their members anddonors to sustain themselves and togrow,” Purpero Spang said. “Webelieve an annual appeal is some-thing that is long overdue here atthe ICC. We trust that all of ourmembers will read the literaturethat was sent to them, think it overcarefully and do whatever they canto support our Italian CommunityCenter.“We hope that our members who

can afford it will make the largestgifts, in our gold category of $5,000or our silver category of $2,500,”she said.Other categories of support are:

$1,000, $750, $500, $250, $150 orother amount. All donations arewelcomed and appreciated.

Recognition for donationsAll donors will be recognized in

The Italian Times and, in addition,gold and silver category contribu-tors will be listed in the Carnevaleprogram book that will be pub-lished for the pre-Lenten costumeand mask ball on Saturday, Feb.14, 2015.Contributions can be made by

check or credit card. As an option,donors can contact the ICC office at414-223-2180 to set up a paymentplan.So far, one silver category dona-

tion has been pledged. That onewas made by Joseph John and RosePurpero Spang.“I want to remind our members

that all donations to the ICC, a501c.3 organization, are tax-deductible,” Vella said.

First donorsThe names of the members who

made a commitment to the “AnnualDonor Society” during Oct. 15-29,


A message from Giuseppe Vella,Italian Community Center PresidentI want to thank you for your trust in electing me as

president of the Italian Community Center for theupcoming year.My main objectives are:• To make sure that every member and every socie-

ty always feels welcome at the ICC. The ICC is yourextended home.• To work with our officers and board members to

establish solid plans to ensure the future of our organi-zation. There are great opportunities ahead for us. Ifeel confident that our board will work diligently toaddress the issues and make the right decisions. Wewill keep the membership updated.• To encourage our members to renew their mem-

berships and to volunteer when called upon to supportboth the ICC and Festa Italiana. The ICC has imple-mented a new membership dues structure for 2015. Aseparate article on the new dues structure, written byboard member Susie Christiansen, appears in this

issue. In another article, you will find details on our“Annual Donor Society.” Please read this article care-fully and do whatever you can to support the ICC.• To encourage more people to become members.

This is an objective every year, but we need to doubleour efforts and let people know what the benefits andadvantages are to becoming ICC members.• To produce a Festa Italiana that is true to our

Italian heritage, entertaining and, most importantly,profitable. We’re already well underway in our plan-ning for our 38th annual Festa.I want to invite everyone to attend the membership

Christmas dinner and dance on Thursday, Dec. 11.There will be a short business meeting. (Look for a sep-arate story in this issue.)In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving to you and

your family.– Giuseppe VellaICC President

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All advertisements must be in accordancewith the rules and requirements as deter-mined by editorial policy. Paid advertise-ments are not to be interpreted as anendorsement by the Italian CommunityCenter or its newspaper, The Italian Times.In addition, the Newspaper Committeereserves the right to reject ads based on edi-torial policy approved by the Board ofDirectors of the Italian Community Center.The Italian Community Center is a mem-

ber of the Metropolitan MilwaukeeAssociation of Commerce, Visit Milwaukeeand the Historic Third Ward Association.


Milwaukee, WI 53202-5916(414) 223-2180

Published 11 times annually

Publisher . . . Italian Community CenterICC President . . . . . . . . .Giuseppe VellaNewspaper CommitteeChairman . . . . . . . Rosemary DeRubertisEditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thomas HemmanItalian PageEditor . . . . . . . Enrica Tarantino-WoytalAdvertising SalesManager . . . . . . . . . . . .Thomas HemmanAdvertising SalesRepresentative . . . . . . Faye Ann KesslerEditorial Contributors and StaffWriters/Reporters . . . . , .Mario A. CariniAngelo Castronovo, Barbara Collignon

and Susan ChristiansenStaff Photographers. . . . . . .Joe Spasiano,

and Tom Hemman

For advertising information, please call(414) 223-2180 or send an e-mail to:[email protected].

Copyright 2014The Italian Community Center, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

Appeal to ICC members to join“Annual Donor Society” being heard

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Ted Glorioso (left), of Glorioso’s Enterprises, recently presented a $500check to Tony Lupo for the Thanksgiving dinner for the poor. The dona-tion was the largest single contribution received for the Nov. 16 dinner,which was organized by Lupo and several other Italian CommunityCenter volunteers. The volunteers collect donations and will provide thestaff for the serving of the meal. The turkey with all the fixings will beprepared and cooked by the Italian Conference Center culinary staff as adonation. (Times photo by Tom Hemman)

Glorioso’s makes largedonation for Thanksgiving

dinner for poor

Members ChristmasDinner and Danceset for Dec. 11

the evening is full of fun, dancing,music and fun activities! Whetherit’s swing, polka, disco, the rock-and-roll of the ‘50s and ‘60s, ortoday’s best music, these deejayscan provide it. What better way tocelebrate the holidays than todance the night away. Come jitter-bug, cha cha, rock-and roll andelectric slide your way into the holi-days.

Bake saleImagine the vast array of fresh-

baked cakes, cookies, cupcakes andpastries. The quality of thisabsolutely stunning bake sale issecond to none. You won’t want tomiss this.If you are interested in donating

baked goods, please see RosemaryDeRubertis or Joanne Czubek. Youcan also call Constance Jones atthe ICC (414-223-2180) or send anemail to her at this address:[email protected]. Ifyou are unable to individually wrapyour bakery, don’t worry – we willbe happy to do it for you – just dropit off. If you are able to packageyour baked goods, feel free to addribbons and bows and pretty cello-phane so that we can present yourdelicious bakery attractively. Wewant them to sell! (See separatestory.)

Photo booth returningAnd last but not least, after last

year’s colossal success, we willagain provide you with a uniqueway of having your Christmas pic-ture taken that evening. You cando so with the hilarious photoprops, or you can have your picturetaken, as is. We will then create a2014 ICC Members ChristmasParty photo book for the ICC, andyou will be gifted with a print foryourself. Have your family picturetaken. Take a funny picture withyour friends. The sky is the limit.

Reservation detailsAdvance reservations are

required. The cost for this fantasticevening is $20 per member, $35 pernon-member. Please use the formappearing at the bottom of thispage to make yours. Checks arepayable to the Italian CommunityCenter. You may also call 414/223-2180 and make your payment witha credit card. Please note: thereservation deadline is coming upquickly. It’s Friday, Dec. 5.

Fun begins at 6 p.m.The event will begin at 6 p.m.

with a half-hour cocktail reception.The dinner and dance are replacingthe regular general membershipdinner and meeting. However,after dinner and before the enter-tainment begins, there will be abrief business meeting.Let’s get together and celebrate

our friendship and our love for theItalian culture. Buon Natale!

from page 1

ICC General Membership Christmas PartyReservation Form

Name(s) ____________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________

City, State, Zip________________________________________________

Phone No. ________________ Email _____________________________

Number of ICC members attending ________ x $20.00 = $_____________

Number of non-members attending ________ x $35.00 + $_____________Make check or money order payable to: Italian Community Center. Send this formand your payment to: ICC, Attn.: Membership Christmas Dinner & Dance. 631 E.Chicago St., Milwaukee, WI 53202-5916. Reservation deadline: Friday, December5, 2014.

The Italian Community Center’sMembers’ Christmas Party is allset for Thursday, Dec. 11. As in thepast, one of the big attractions ofthe evening is the fabulous bakesale featuring all the delicious holi-day baked goods donated by ICCmembers.Bake Sale Coordinators Joanne

Czubek and Rosemary DeRubertisare asking members to “bring outthe pots and pans, nonna’s favoriterecipes and your baking skills” tohelp make this year’s holiday bakesale truly successful.“Anything goes – cakes, cookies,

candy, whatever your favorite holi-day treats might be – we welcomeyour donation,” Czubek said.If you are unable to bake, bring

something from your bake shop.

Baked items can be dropped off atthe ICC office the day before or themorning of the party. “If you areunable to package your items, wewill do that for you,” Czubek said.“We will also do the pricing.”“If you prefer to bring your

items the night of the party, pleasehave them packaged nicely so theyare ready to be priced and sold,”DeRubertis noted.Everyone who is interested in

donating to this fund-raising eventis asked to call Czubek at 414/529-0183 so the committee can get ahandle on what to expect.“Please come and join us for a

night of fun, friendship, holidaycheer and delicious holiday treats.Hope to see you there,” the coordi-nators added.

Calling all holiday bakersICC looking for volunteers to donatebaked goods for Dec. 11 Christmas

party fund-raiser

The Italian Community Centerwill be closing at 2 p.m. onWednesday, Nov. 26 and will beclosed Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27through Sunday, Nov. 30.Cafe La Scala will be open for

lunch on Nov. 26 from 11 a.m. to 2p.m. but will not be open for din-ner service that night. The restau-rant will also be closed Nov. 27-

30.During the Christmas and

New Year’s holidays, both the ICCand Cafe La Scala will be closedDec. 24-28 and Jan. 1-4.The ICC holds its annual New

Year’s Eve party on Wednesday,Dec. 31. A separate story withreservation form appears in thisissue.

ICC announcesholiday closings

Madeline Mary (Storniolo) Balistrerion the 11th anniversary of her passing

Born: November 30, 1925Married to Philip Balistrerion November 22, 1944.Passed away on November 7, 2003.Beloved wife and mother.Beloved daughter of the late Joseph& Franchesca Storniolo. Belovedmother of the late Salvatore.Beloved sister of the late Joseph, Jr.(Ruth), the late Rose, the late Mary,Tony (Peggy) and Dorothy (Lionel)LoCroix.

We will always love you!Joseph, Donna,Jack, Philip, Jr., Alexand Philip Balistreri, Sr.

ICC general meetings suspendedfor January and February

Italian Community CenterPresident Giuseppe Vella hasannounced that there will be nogeneral membership meetings in

January and February 2015.The first general meeting of the

new year will be on Thursday, Mar.5.

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ICC accepting reservations for NewYear’s Eve party featuring fabulousfood and dancing to Doo-Wop Daddies

By Thomas HemmanTimes Editor

Don’t wait to make your reserva-tions for the spectacular NewYear’s Eve party planned at theItalian Community Center. Thecelebration on Wednesday, Dec. 31,beginning at 7 p.m., will includelots of delicious food, plenty ofparty favors and dancing to the‘50s-‘60s sounds of the legendaryDoo-Wop Daddies.Business Manager Laurie Bisesi

said, “The Doo-Wop Daddies havealways drawn large crowds everytime we’ve booked them. So, I wantto advise everyone to get theirreservations made early.”The cost for the evening is $80

per person. Reservations arerequired can be made either bycalling 414/223-2180 and using acredit card or by completing in theform accompanying this story. Besure to make your check payable tothe Italian Conference Centerand submit it along with the reser-vation form to ICC, 631 E. ChicagoSt., Milwaukee, WI 53202.If you wish to be seated at a

table with specific persons, pleaselist the names of those people on aseparate sheet of paper. Don’t for-get to include your own name.

The ICC will not be allowingwalk-ins the night of the event.At 7 p.m., guests will be able to

enjoy a variety of the ItalianConference Center’s famous hotand cold hors d’oeuvres in the galle-ria. There will be a cash bar.An hour later, guests will be

called into the Pompeii GrandBallroom for a sumptuous dinner.It will begin with an Italian saladwith Romaine lettuce topped withmozzarella cheese, salami, pro-sciutto, tomatoes, black olives, arti-choke hearts and pepperoncini.The main course will feature a com-bination entrée – center cut beeftenderloin topped with wild mush-room Bordelaise sauce and jumboshrimp scampi – served over angelhair pasta, steamed vegetable med-ley, Italian bread, and coffee, tea,iced tea or milk.

For dessert, guests will beserved tiramisu (ladyfinger cookies,soaked in espresso and coffeeliqueur, layered with mascarpone,dusted with cocoa powder andchocolate shavings).

Following a midnight cham-pagne toast welcoming the NewYear, a buffet station will be madeavailable. The buffet will feature

assorted cold cuts, cheese and rel-ish trays, fresh rolls, pasta saladand assorted cookies.The Doo-Wop Daddies will play

from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

Doo-Wop DaddiesBased in Milwaukee, the Doo-

Wop Daddies capture the demand-ing vocal styles of doo-wop musicwith unsurpassed excellence.That’s only the beginning. TheDaddies don’t merely recreate thisclassic genre, but have redefined itand made it their own 21st centurydoo-wop.The group’s live shows attain

that ideal unity of masterful per-formance and entertainment.

Combining elements of vintage andcutting edge musical technologies,the Daddies produce an excitingtheatrical show that remains faith-ful to the doo-wop style.The Doo-Wop Daddies’ lineup

includes Mike Sturino, Mike Welch,Ryan Clark, Mark Lansing, TomRiepenhoff, Lee Stephens, LeeWanek and Terry Casey.

More than 500 people came tosee the Doo-Wop Daddies performduring their last appearance at theICC. The group played in thePompeii Grand Ballroom on Sept.18. It was the largest crowd for anyof the summer 2014 CourtyardMusic Series shows.

The Doo-Wop Daddies are returning for the fourth consecutive year toperform at the Italian Community Center’s New Year’s Eve party.

ICC New Year's Eve Party Reservation FormWednesday, Dec. 31, 2014

Name(s) _________________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________________City _______________________________ State ______ Zip _____________Phone ___________________ Email __________________________________Please list the names of persons in your party on a separate sheet of paper. Tablesof 10 are available. Singles and couples: If you wish to be seated at a table with

specific persons, please list their names on a separate sheet of paper.Total number of people attending _________ x $80.00 = $Please make your check/money order payable to: Italian Conference Center, and

mail to: ICC, 631 E. Chicago St., Milwaukee, WI 53202-5916.All payments are non-refundable and must accompany this reservation form.

Notice to ICC MembersItalian Community Center

Members should look for a storyon changes in membership dues

and a new membership form in thenext issue of The Italian Times.

These changes will go intoeffective at the time of renewaland starting January 1, 2015

for new members.

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ICC members: Bring your children andgrandchildren to the Jan. 10 party with

the Epiphany witch La BefanaFor the 13th consecutive year,

the Italian Community Center willhost a post-Christmas party for theyoungest children and grandchil-dren of ICC members that cele-brates the legend of La Befana.The gift-bearing witch of Italian

folklore will greet and provide giftsto youngsters on Saturday, Jan. 10at a party that begins with a noonlunch in Festa Hall.“Since the mission of the ICC is

to promote Italian culture, wethink it’s important that our chil-dren and grandchildren learn aboutLa Befana,” said Liz Ceraso, chair-person of the Avanti Committee,which is organizing the event.Having the party after the busy

Christmas season has also provenquite popular with the parents andgrandparents, added Rose AnneCeraso-Fritchie and Mary AnneCeraso-Alioto, Avanti Committeemembers, who are co-chairing thechildren’s party.

Party detailsChildren are encouraged to wear

socks that day because, after theyeat lunch, the children will beasked to take off their shoes andleave them behind a curtain. ICCofficials have heard that Befanahas expressed an interest in leav-ing special treats in the children’sshoes.The lunch will feature a buffet

with food to please both the chil-dren and the adults in attendance.The menu will include barbeque

beef sandwiches, chicken nuggets,french fried potatoes, macaroni andcheese, fruit, chocolate or white

milk for the kids and coffee foradults.For dessert, everyone will be

able to make their own ice creamsundae.

The cost to attend will be – $20per adult and $15 for child. Pre-paid reservations are required byWednesday, Jan. 7. Please use the

form accompanying this article tomake your reservations.Please include on the form the

names and ages of each child sothat gifts appropriate for each agegroup are given out. Walk-ins onthe day of the event will not be per-mitted.Anna Pitzo, a longtime ICC

member, is making the arrange-ments for Befana’s visit.

La Befana: The Yuletide WitchIn Italy, there still remains a

tradition involving the beneficentwitch named Befana. On the nightof the Feast of Epiphany (the 12thand final day of the Christmas holi-day observance), Befana leavespresents in children’s stockings,hung upon a hearth or a stairwayrailing (a tradition quite similar tothe American Santa Claus story).

Legend has it that when Christwas born, the Three Wise Men (I remagi) stopped at Befana’s hut fordirections on their way toBethlehem and, in the conversa-tion, asked her to join them.Befana said no, she was too busy.Later, a shepherd asked her to

join him in paying respects to the

Baby Jesus. Again, Befanadeclined.

When it became dark, Befananoticed a great star illuminatingthe sky just as the Wise Men hadtold her earlier in the day. Shethen realized that perhaps sheshould have gone with them. So,she gathered some toys that hadbelonged to her own baby, who haddied as an infant, and boarded hermagic broom to find the kings andthe stable where the Christ Childlay.The legend states that, regret-

fully, Befana was unable to locateeither the Three Wise Men or theplace where Jesus was born. Sincethen, each year at this time, Befanacontinues her search for the ChristChild and leaves gifts along theway for good children and pieces ofcharcoal for bad ones.

Here’s an amazing fact aboutBefana’s visits to the ICC’sannual party: Not once in thepast 12 years has Befana left char-coal in the shoes or gift bags of anyof the children attending. Couldthat possibly mean that all the chil-dren had been good?

La Befana


Names of male adult members attending: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Names of female adult members attending: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cost: $20.00 per adult, $15.00 per child. Total Amount Enclosed: $ . Make your check payable to: ItalianCommunity Center. Mail this form with your payment to: Italian Community Center, Attn.: La Befana party, 631 E.Chicago St., Milwaukee, WI 53202-5916. Reservation form with payment due Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015. No walk-ins permit-ted.

NAMES OF BOYSATTENDING AGE__________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ____

NAMES OFGIRLSATTENDING AGE__________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ____

The 2015 meeting and socialevent schedules of all societies,clubs and organizations that regu-larly use the Italian CommunityCenter for their activities areneeded promptly by the ItalianConference Center’s Sales andCatering Department and TheItalian Times.

David Stachowiak, Director ofSales, Catering & Special Events,and Gina Manning, Catering SalesRepresentative, need these sched-ules to guarantee dates andhall/room availability. SPECIFICHALLS AND ROOMS CANNOTBE GUARANTEED WITHOUTTHE COOPERATION OF ALLSOCIETIES, CLUBS AND

ORGANIZATIONS.Tom Hemman, Times editor,

needs the information to providean accurate reporting of events inthe calendar published in thisnewspaper.

All groups are asked to submittheir schedules including thestarting time of all events assoon as possible. The goal is tohave the schedules from all soci-eties, clubs and organizations bythe end of November.Please submit schedules by

using any one of these methods:• Send an email to Tom Hem-

man at [email protected] or toDavid Stachowiak at [email protected] or

Gina Manning at [email protected].• Fax the information to either

The Italian Times or the ItalianConference Center Sales andCatering Department at 414/223-2187.• Drop off the schedules in per-

son at the ICC.

Groups that don’t comply withthis request may find it more diffi-cult at a later time to get theaccommodations they most desire.“We always try our best to accom-modate all requests, but if we canreserve dates and rooms early, it’sto everyone’s advantage,”Stachowiak said.Added Hemman, “If we don’t

have your schedule of events andthe starting time of each event,it becomes very difficult and a bitfrustrating to prepare an accuratecalendar listing for the newspaper.We do hear about it when an eventis not listed in the calendar. Thisis why we have to depend on thepresidents or the designated repre-sentatives of the many organiza-tions to supply that information tous.”

Thanks to those who havealready responded

Stachowiak and Hemman wishto thank the societies and organi-zations that have already respond-ed to this request, which has beenpublished in two previous issues.


Saint Stephen’s Day is aholiday across ItalyDecember 26th is the day to honor

San Stefano (Saint Stephen) in Italyand many other countries. The Feast ofSan Stefano is a national holiday inItaly.San Stefano was one of the early

disciples who joined the Church ofJerusalem when it was in its infancyfollowing the Ascension of Jesus intoHeaven. He is said to be the firstChristian martyr.

Page 7: Dec 2014 online

The officers and directors of theItalian Community Center wish tothank and acknowledge all thosewho pledged, fulfilled a pledge orcontributed to the building fund.To obtain information on how to

make a donation, please call 414-223-2808.The following donations were

received between Oct. 8 and Nov.10, 2014.

In memory of Michael ValentiTed and Rosemary GloriosoRosalie M. GloriosoEddie and JoAnn GloriosoRena M. Glorioso, Giana, Adriannaand Benny

In memory of Margaret M.“Maggie” SaggioBill and Rita Jennaro

In memory of Jack Sardino, Sr.Jimmy and Linda Spataro

Tony Machi

In memory of Nicholas C. DeLeo, M.D.Bill and Rita Jennaro

In memory of Lucille PurperoEileen Robarge

In memory of Warren PoppBill and Rita Jennaro

In memory of DennisPalmisanoBill and Rita JennaroJimmy and Linda SpataroSammy and Melody Gensler

In memory of Carmello“Carmen” ZingaraJimmy and Linda SpataroRon and Joanne CzubekRosemary DeRubertisElizabeth HermannMary Ann MaglioGeorge and Aggie Collura

George and Judith MenosBill and Rita JennaroMario A. CariniMargaret M. CariniRosario and Josephine Spella

In memory of CarmineD’AngeloGeorge and Aggie Collura

In memory of Marino KrygielMary Ann Maglio

In memory of Andrea BusateriMary Ann Maglio

In memory of Frank J.SanfelippoMary Ann MaglioFrances FirleFrances Murphy

In memory of Charles “Peter”DiMaggioTony MachiMary Ann MaglioJimmy and Linda Spataro

In memory of Darlene RussoJoseph F. Catalano


Wednesday, Nov. 26• Italian Community Center early closing at 2 p.m. Cafe La Scala will beopen for lunch only, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Thursday, Nov. 27• Thanksgiving Day. The Italian Community Center and Cafe La Scalawill be closed.

Friday, Nov. 28 – Sunday, Nov. 30• Italian Community Center and Cafe La Scala will be closed.

Monday, Dec. 1• Solomon Juneau Club luncheon meeting, 11:30 a.m.

Tuesday, Dec. 2• Pompeii Men’s Club Board meeting, 6 p.m.•Milwaukee Ladies of UNICO Christmas party, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 3• Pompeii Women’s Club Board meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 6• Abruzzese Galileo-Galilei Society Christmas dinner dance, 6 p.m.

Monday, Dec. 8• Italian Community Center Culture Committee meeting, 6 p.m.

Tuesday, Dec. 9• Abruzzese Galileo-Galilei Society meeting, 7 p.m.•Milwaukee Chapter UNICO National meeting, 7 p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 11• Italian Community Center membership Christmas dinnerand dance and bake sale, 6 p.m. Details in this issue.

Monday, Dec. 15• Italian Community Center Finance Committee meeting, 6 p.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 17• Filippo Mazzei Greater Milwaukee Area Lodge #2763/Order Sons ofItaly in America membership meeting, 6 p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 18• Italian Community Center Board meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 24• Christmas Eve. The offices of the Italian Community Center, ItalianConference Center, Festa Italiana and The Italian Times will be closed.Cafe La Scala will also be closed.

Thursday, Dec. 25• Buon Natale! Merry Christmas! The Italian Community Center andCafe La Scala will also be closed.

Friday, Dec. 26 – Sunday, Dec. 28• The Italian Community Center and Cafe La Scala will be closed.

Wednesday, Dec. 31• Italian Community Center New Year’s Eve party, 7 p.m. Details in thisissue.• Cafe La Scala will be open for lunch only, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. No dinner serv-ice.

Daily and weekly classes and activities• Bocce leagues. The winter league season will begin the week of Jan. 5with mixed couples’ leagues on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nightsand seniors’ leagues on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Registrationforms are available from league coordinators or at the ICC front officereception desk.

• Free Children’s Italian class. Look for information on the spring semes-ter of this free class in the next issue.

• Italian classes for teens and adults. Look for information on the springsemester of classes in the next issue.

• Tradizione Vivente, The Italian Dance Group of Milwaukee. This folkdance group practices weekly on most Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the ICC. for details. Ballate con noi! Dance with us!

•Members Room. Open to Italian Community Center members and theirguests, 8 a.m. - 9 p.m., Monday - Thursday and 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Fridayand Saturday.

Calendar of EventsNovember 27 – December 31, 2014

It was just announced that theOldies But Goodies Spectacularwill present its annual winter con-cert with special guest stars onSaturday, Feb. 7 in the ItalianCommunity Center’s FestaBallroom. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.with the show beginning at 8 p.m.Kim Marie, one of the group’s

lead vocalists, said that the showwill feature many of the rock-and-roll artists who headlined atMidwest clubs and dancehalls inthe 1960s and ‘70s.One of the guests will be

“Twisting” Harvey Scales of theSeven Sounds. Scales was one ofthe writers of the 1976 million-seller “Disco Lady,” the biggest hitsung by the late Johnnie Taylor.Appearing also will be Tom

Anthony, who, like the Oldies ButGoodies Spectacular, has a largefollowing and has performed oftenat the ICC.Many other guest stars will be

performing, Kim Marie said. Lookfor more details in the next issueof The Italian Times.Ticket prices have been set at

$20 in advance or $25 at the door.Information on how to purchasetickets will also appear in thenext issue.The Oldies But Goodies

Spectacular has been presentingthese winter concerts at the ICCfor the last several years. All ofthe shows have been sold out.The Italian Conference Center

will have food and beveragesavailable throughout the evening.

Oldies But GoodiesSpectacular winter concertset for Feb. 7 at the ICC

Thanks for your donations to the ItalianCommunity Center building fund

In a caption appearing underthe photo of Ted Catalano, weerrantly placed the name of JoeCampagna, Jr. We wish to expressour apologies to Ted.Fortunately, we had Joe

Campagna’s name correctlyappearing under his photo.Both Catalano and Campagna

were elected to the ICC Board asdirectors-at-large for two-yearterms.

Correcting an errorin our last issue

All advertising copy, news sto-ries and photos for publication inthe December 2014 issue of TheItalian Times must be submitted tothe editor no later than Saturday,Dec. 6.

All materials can be emailed toeditor Tom Hemman at [email protected], sent to TheItalian Times, 631 E. Chicago St.,Milwaukee, WI 53202. For furtherinformation, call 414-223-2801.

Deadline set for January issueof The Italian Times

Page 8: Dec 2014 online

Here’s a little quiz for you.Do you know which famous

American poet translated Dante’sLa Divina Commedia into Englishgiving us its first translation donein the United States?

Do you know who wrote “Historyof the Italian Language andDialects” and “Syllabus de laGrammaire Italienne”?

It may surprise you that it wasHenry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882) who piqued the inter-est of Americans in Dante’s workwith his translation in 1867.Longfellow was a professor ofFrench and Spanish at Harvardfrom 1836 to 1854 but resigned inorder to devote himself to transla-tion and writing.It is really remarkable that he

learned Italian so well, without for-mal instruction, so well that he wasable to translate Dante’s work andthe works of other Italian authorsas well as an anthology of ItalianShort Stories (“Saggi de’ Novellieriitaliani d’ogni secolo”). He eventranslated poems by Michelangelo.Not only did he master Italian butSpanish, Portuguese and Germanas well as Dutch, Danish, Swedish,Finnish and Icelandic.Longfellow spent several years

translating Dante Alighieri‘sDivine Comedy. Starting in 1864,Longfellow invited his literaryfriends to weekly Wednesdayevening meetings to perfect thetranslation and review proofs. The“Dante Club” included such guests

as poet James Russell Lowell. Thefull three-volume translation waspublished in the spring of 1867.Longfellow continued to revise itthrough four printings in its firstyear.Known worldwide for his poetry,

Longfellow contributed greatly topreserving the history and creatinga national character of America. Hewrote the lyrics for some favoritehymns and carols, including “IHeard the Bells on Christmas Day.”If you are old enough, you may

have read “Evangeline, a Tale ofAcadia”, “The Midnight Ride ofPaul Revere”, “The Courtship ofMiles Standish” and “The Song ofHiawatha”. Now criticized as “irrel-evant”, he was once held in highestesteem, especially appreciated bythe English; his English publisherssold over one million copies of hisbooks. One poem garnered him$3,000. In his later years he wasearning $48,000 a year! It is ashame to think that such a geniusas Longfellow could be berated inour time. It’s fitting that he be rec-ognized and appreciated for hiscontributions to American andItalian literature!Here’s a poem by Michelangelo

written in honor of Dante followedby Longfellow’s very non-literaltranslation. It became rather con-voluted in his efforts to make endlines rhyme. Your reading it todaybrings honor to all three geniuses –Dante, Michelangelo andLongfellow.

Per Dante Alighieri

(1545) di MichelangeloDal ciel discese, e col mortal suo,

poiChe visto ebbe l’inferno giusto e ‘l

pio,Ritornò vivo a contemplare Dio,Per dar di tutto il vero lume a noi;Lucente stella, che co’raggi suoiFe chiaro, a torto, il nido ove

naqqu’io;Nè saré ‘l premio tutto ‘l mondo rio:Tu sol, che la creasti, esser quel

puoi.Di Dante dico, che mal conosciuteFur l’opre suo da quell popolo

ingrato,Che solo a’ iusti manca di salute.Fuss’io pur lui! C’a tal fortuna

nato,Per l’aspro esilio suo, con la vertute,Daré del mondo il più felice stato.

For DanteBy Michelangelo and translated

by W.H. Longfellow.What should be said of him cannot

be said;


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Opera Topics by Angelo CastronovoOpera over the airwaves began

this month with the HD broadcastof Gioachino Rossini’s (1792-1868)Il Barbiere di Siviglia from theMetropolitan Opera in New Yorkon Saturday, Nov. 22. The sameopera will kick off the radio broad-cast season on Saturday, Dec. 6.Leading roles will be sung byChristopher Maltman as Figaro,Isabel Maltman as Rosina,Christopher Brownlee as CountAlmaviva, Maurizio Mauroaro asDr. Bartolo, Prata Burchuladze asDon Basilio and Yunpeng Wang asFiorello.Rossini was considered one of

the greatest of all composers ofcomic opera, as well as the found-ing father of Italian romanticopera. He wrote an impressive

number of successful works includ-ing L’Italiana in Algeri, LaCenerentola, Le Comte Ory andMosè in Egitto. He also wrote a ver-sion of Otello and Guillaume Tell, awork which many called his finestserious work.Rossini wrote his own decorative

musical ornamentations, it wasreported, in an attempt to curb theexcesses of many singers of the day.Another version of The Barber

was written by Giovanni Paiseiello(1740-1816), a composer who wascalled the finest Italian writer ofthe late 18th century and who com-posed some 82 other operaticworks. His style is noted for elegantand charming melodies and deftorchestrations.In Rossini’s version, wonderful

arias and ensembles are woventhroughout the opera includingEcco Ridente, Se Il Mio Nome, LaCalunia and the virtuoso piece forFigaro – Largo al Factotum.Rossini’s work was initially a

fiasco, but eventually, went on tobecome one of the most popular ofall operatic works.And it is with great sadness that

we must report the passing of thegreat and beloved soprano LiciaAlbanese at the age of 105. She wasan international star who wasindelibly linked with the oldMetropolitan Opera House on 39thStreet in Manhattan where shedebuted in 1940 as Cio-Cio San inPuccini’s Madama Butterfly. Hercareer was an illustrious one, andwe will deal with more of it in a

future column.Quotable quote: “Every bird loves

to hear himself sing.” – GermanProverb

L’Angolo del PoetaPrepared by Barbara Collignon

Please turn to page 22

Page 9: Dec 2014 online


Longtime ICC member, volunteerCarmen Zingara dies at 97

He served in U.S. Cavalry during WWII and was ICC’s sergeant-at-arms for more then a dozen yearsBy Thomas Hemman

Times EditorCarmello “Carmen” Zingara,

who was long active in the ItalianCommunity Center as a member,officer, volunteer and donor, diedMonday, Oct. 20, at the age of 97.He and his wife, Lorraine “Lorre,”joined the ICC in 1981.

Carmen, as many knew him,was born Aug. 20, 1917. His par-ents, Giuseppe and CongettaZingara, were Sicilian immigrants.The Zingara family initially lived inMilwaukee’s old Third Ward.Carmen was baptized and con-firmed at Our Lady of PompeiiCatholic Church, the Italian immi-grant-built church. He served as analtar boy at the church.

The Zingara family eventuallymoved to a home on the corner ofPearson and Cass Streets inMilwaukee’s First Ward. Carmengraduated from Lincoln HighSchool.He enlisted in the U.S. Army in

1941. Carmen was the last gradu-ating officer in the United StatesCavalry during World War II andattained the rank of captain in thishorse-mounted division of theArmy. Prior to enlisting, he hadnever ridden a horse, but, due tohis athleticism and strength, hebecame a very good horseman andgraduated near the top of his class.

Carmen served for 30 months inPanama before being assigned tothe European front. He saw actionacross Europe and was an eyewit-ness to the horrors of the deathcamps in Germany. His unit helpedto evacuate children from Englandduring the German invasion.

In spite of all the horrific eventshe saw during the war, his wifeLorre said Carmen always spokewith pride of a Christmas celebra-tion for displaced English children

that he helped to arrange with aFrench nun. Through his efforts,the children received candy andother rations intended for the sol-diers, and ice cream, a treat thatthese youngsters had never eaten.“Carmen always had a big heart,”Lorre said.

Carmen’s military service endedin 1946.After the war, Carmen worked

at Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. inMilwaukee for 35 years where hebecame a superintendent.In 1991 and 1992, Carmen and a

group of volunteers performedpainting, tiling and repair jobs invarious parts of the ItalianCommunity Center, especially thekitchen area. The volunteers some-times included his wife, Lorre.Often, these volunteers did theirwork late at night, after the day’s

business activities had concluded.Carmen was instrumental in therenovation of the coatroom adjacentto the Pompeii Grand Ballroom.On Jan. 21, 1993, the ICC Board

appointed Carmen as the organiza-tion’s sergeant-at-arms, replacingLouis Aveni, who had died fourdays earlier and had held the postsince 1980.Carmen went on to win the ser-

geant-at-arms position in the elec-tion in the fall of 1993 and was re-elected every year after through the2002-2003 term.The Zingaras were generous

donors to the ICC. In recognition oftheir financial support, the namesof Carmello and Lorraine Zingaraappear on a plaque on the ICC’s“Wall of Pride” in the galleria.

Carmen served on several ICCcommittees, including Personnel,House and Military VeteransMemorial. He and Lorre served onthe ICC Hospitality Team, greetingvisitors to the building. The coupleassisted with the mailing of TheItalian Times on several occasionsand volunteered at senior citizensluncheons, “A Taste of Italy” andother events.For Festa Italiana, Carmen

served as a captain of a beer boothand worked on the grounds crew,which performed festival set-upand takedown. He helped with thepainting of food and beverage ticketbooths or other festival props.In 1997, Carmen and Lorre were

recognized by the ICC for theirhard work and commitment to theorganization when they wereselected as the Nonno and Nonna(Royal Grandparents) of Il GrandeCarnevale.In all, the Zingaras were active

volunteers for the ICC and Festafor nearly 30 years.Besides Lorre, his wife of more

than 65 years, Carmen is survivedby his children Carmen (Rudy)Rasso, Robert, Mary and James(Ginger); his grandchildren Brandt

and Allison; his great-grandchil-dren Hannah and Lillian; and otherrelatives and friends.Carmen was preceded in death

by his parents and his sistersJessie, Mary, Sarah, Mamie, Sadieand Connie and his brother Louis.

This picture was taken in January1993 when Carmen Zingara wasappointed as the ICC’s sergeant-at-arms, a position to which he wouldgo on to be elected to 11 consecu-tive times. (Times photo by TomHemman)

Here’s a picture of CarmenZingara when he served in the U.S.Cavalry.

Maria and Giuseppe startedsomething big when they came tothe United States in 1911. Theyraised 12 children who have, inturn, multiplied their numbers in abig way.A gathering of Emanueles in

Milwaukee last month joined all 12branches of that family tree withrepresentatives from many states.The first child was Rose Calarco in1911 – with number 468 expectedin January 2015. Twenty-six familymembers have since passed on.Only two remain of the originaltwelve; Mary Longo, who appearedat the event via video tape fromFond du Lac, and Carlo and hiswife Mary, who were honored atthe party.The evening began with an invo-

cation offered by Joseph AEmanuele. Past and present mili-tary and first responders wereacknowledged as well. To welcomeall to the festivities a toast wasgiven in the old Sicilian dialect ofMary and Giuseppe by VincenzoBalistreri.A video presentation crafted by

Joe Podlesnik and Joseph TEmanuele brought both cheers andtears to the 265 in attendance.Watching video clips of the 12

telling stories and sharing advicein their own voice was deeply mov-ing to all and set the tone for theevening.A memorial table displayed pho-

tos of departed family membersbringing back special memories tothe older generations and inquiriesby the younger crowd.The dedicated organizing com-

mittee made up of cousins offered agiveaway raffle and a music deejayto keep even the youngest of atten-dees partying until the sweet tablewas set out at the end of the night.The oldest in attendance was

Rose Emanuele at 95 and theyoungest was Cora Inglish, onemonth old. The clan now proudlyrepresents 100 different surnamesfrom A to Z.Statistics to date that include 23

Josephs and 11 Marys:• 12 children• 70 Grandchildren• 149 Great Grandchildren• 203 Great GreatGrandchildren• 33 Great Great GreatGrandchildren• 1 Great Great Great GreatGrandchild• … over 140 in-laws.– Submitted by Vickie Werner

Emanueles celebratefamily at a reunion

Longtime Italian CommunityCenter member Bess Busalacchibecame a great-grandmother forthe first time on Sept. 6 with thebirth of Harrison Archer Brown.Harrison is the son of Kim and

Griffin Brown.

Kim formerly worked for theItalian Conference Center on theCafe La Scala staff.Harrison weighed 9 lbs. 10 oz. at

birth.His grandparents are Tom and

Rita Flock.

Harrison Archer Brown

ICC member Bess Busalacchibecomes great-grandmother

Welcome, newICC membersThe following people became

members of the Italian Com-munity Center between Oct. 8through Nov. 11, 2014.Benvenuti! (Welcome!)

Barbara Parrottof Menomonee Falls

Bill Lara and Marsha Maki andson Eric Paetzke of Milwaukee

Page 10: Dec 2014 online


Karen and Bill Dickinson and Jack Hess presented their artistic specialties as the Italian CommunityCenter participated in Milwaukee’s Gallery Night and Day program over the weekend of Oct. 17-18. Inits 27th year, the program is a quarterly event organized by the Historic Third Ward and East TowneAssociations. The Dickinsons (top left) displayed and sold handmade jewelry, silver crafted works andVenetian glass works. Hess (right) demonstrated and sold the multi-media artwork he has made. Thesethree featured artists are members of the ICC. The Avanti Committee serves as the organizing host forthe Gallery Night & Day program. (Times photos by Tom Hemman)

ICC participates in Gallery Night & Dayprogram, Oct. 17-18

Having up to 300 dinner guests?

Entertain them at the ItalianConference Center’s FESTA BALLROOM.

A gorgeous setting in which to enjoy great food!The Italian Conference Centerin the Italian Community Center

631 E. Chicago St. (a block west of Summerfest)Call David or Gina at 414/223-2800 to

reserve your party or meeting space at the ICC.Visit:

Page 11: Dec 2014 online

The second annual Festival diDanza e Cultura, a multi-culturalperformance showcase, was pre-sented on Oct. 30 before an enthu-siastic audience in the ItalianCommunity Center’s PompeiiGrand Ballroom.The event was sponsored and

hosted by the ICC, its CultureCommittee and Tradizione Vivente,in conjunction with the Inter-national Institute of Wisconsin.Festival di Danza e Cultura was

held as part of the ICC’s recogni-tion of the nationwide celebrationof Italian American HeritageMonth (during the month ofOctober) and served as a preview ofthe 71st Holiday Folk FairInternational, which took placeNov. 21-23 at State Fair Park.Groups that participated in the

program included the IndianCommunity School Drummers andDancers, Syrena Polish Folk DanceEnsemble, Dnipro Ukrainian FolkDance Ensemble, Tatra SlovakDancers, Academia de DanzaMexico, Billy Mitchell ScottishPipes & Drums, CaledonianScottish Dancers and TradizioneVivente, the Italian Dance Group.All of the groups are from theMilwaukee area.Gina Jorgensen, a member of

the ICC Culture Committee andTradizione Vivente, served as thechief organizer of the event. Shewas assisted by other members ofthe Culture Committee. Al Durtka,International Institute ofWisconsin President and CEO.Durtka served as the master of cer-emonies. The InternationalInstitute is the sponsor of theHoliday Folk Fair International.“It was a fantastic program,

showcasing and celebrating theethnic diversity of our community,”Jorgensen said. “I want to thank allthe groups that volunteered to par-ticipate and Al Durtka for servingas our master of ceremonies. It wasan opportunity to see an entertain-ing program that truly served as apreview of the Holiday Folk Fair.People who did not attend missed awonderful evening of multi-culturalperformances and great Italianfood.”An Italian buffet, prepared by

the Italian Conference Center culi-nary staff, was available before theshowcase performance.

As a fund-raising activity, theCulture Committee sponsored araffle in which ticket buyers hadchances to win two Italian basketsfilled with products, two Folk Fairbaskets and two sets of six FolkFair tickets. Christina Ziino andother committee committee securedthe donations prizes and sold thetickets.Photos of all of the performing

groups appear on pages 12 and 13.


ICC hosts 2nd annual Festival di Danzae Cultura; eight groups participate

In the photo on the right are AlDurtka, Gina Jorgensen andSharon Durtka. Gina Jorgensenwas the chief organizer of Festivaldi Danza e Cultura. Al Durtka isthe President and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of International Instituteof Wisconsin. He served as masterof ceremonies for the ICC’sFestival di Danza e Cultural. TheInternational Institute is the spon-soring organization for the annualHoliday Folk Fair International.Sharon Durtka is Al’s wife.

Mark it down:Taste of Italy isSunday, Apr. 19Mark your calendars now:

The Italian CommunityCenter’s 20th annual “A Tasteof Italy” will be Sunday, Apr.19.This Italian food extravagan-

za is an essential fund-raisingactivity for the nonprofit organi-zation and has always been suc-cessful.Chairperson Ann Romano

said that April 19 was chosenbecause it is two Sundays afterEaster and the MilwaukeeBrewers will be playing out-of-town (in Pittsburgh). Romanohas chaired 19 of the 20 Taste ofItaly events.Look for a lot more informa-

tion on “A Taste of Italy” inupcoming issues of The ItalianTimes.

Page 12: Dec 2014 online


Festival di Danza e Cultura performances

The Tatra Slovak Dancers ofMilwaukee sang Rusinsky Spevy,four songs that come from theRusinsky region in easternSlovakia close to the Ukrainianborder. The songs were performedin the Rusinsky dialect. The groupis directed by Sabrina Madgett.

Times photos byTom Hemman

Here are the members of Syrena Polish Folk Dance Ensemble ofMilwaukee performing the Opoczno Suite. The suite is composed of dancescommon only to Opoczno, a region in south-central Poland. The group isdirected by Duane Tomka.

Below: The Dnipro Ukrainian Folk Dance Ensemble performed twodances: Koketka, a flirtatious dance, and Hopak, the “Hopping Dance.”Amy Mulhall is the director of this group.

Following in the traditions of an Indian pow-pow, the members of theIndian Community School Drummers and Dancers performed what isknown as the “Grand Entry.” It is the opening dance of the pow-pow. Itserved as the opening performance for Festival di Danza e Cultura. Themembers of this group are between the ages of 6 and 12 and are under thedirection of Jason Dropik.

Page 13: Dec 2014 online


Left: Members of TradizioneVivente invited audience membersto join them in dancing aTarantella at the conclusion ofFestival di Danza e Cultura. MarkDeSanctis, director of TradizioneVivente, provided brief instruc-tions to all the audience partici-pants.

Left: Tradizione Vivente performsits first number, ‘Ntintiri‘Ntontari, a lively song and dancefrom the region of Sicily.

Times photos byTom Hemman

Above: The Billy Mitchell ScottishPipes & Drums provided musicalaccompaniment for theCaledonian Scottish Dancers. Thegroups performed Highland Fling,the victory dance on the “targe” orshield of the defeated warrior;Scottish Measure, a “newer”national dance; and Celtic Reel, acelebration dance for all of theCeltic nations. The Billy MitchellScottish Pipes & Drums are underthe direction of Gary Button whilethe Caledonian Scottish Dancersare directed by Heather St. Ledgerand Jody Henderson-Sykes.

Left: Young members of theAcademia de Danza Mexico per-formed two numbers: Sinaloa,originating in a northwesternregion of Mexico, and Azteca, a tra-ditional dance of the indigenouspeople who inhabited the CentralValley of Mexico in the 16th centu-ry. Marina Croft serves as thedirector.

Page 14: Dec 2014 online


ICC installation dinner – Nov. 1, 2015

Both newly elected directors-at-large and those enter-ing the second year of their two-year terms were giventhe oath of office during the installation ceremony.Two of the newly elected directors, Mario A. Cariniand Henry G. Piano, and incumbent director PietroTarantino were unable to attend. Longtime memberswere asked to stand in for the three. Two other newlyelected directors Ted Catalano and Joe Campagna, Jr.

were on hand for the ceremony. From the left:Elizabeth Anne Ceraso, Anna Pitzo (a director the lasttwo years standing in for Pietro Tarantino), TedCatalano, Tom Zingale (standing in for Henry Piano),Susan (DeSanctis) Christiansen, Ann Romano (stand-ing in for Mario Carini), Joe Campagna and TonyPiacentini. Immediate Past President Gina Spangadministered the oath of office.

Newly elected officers were sworn in. From the left: Treasurer DaveSpano, Vice President Dean Cannestra, Secretary Rose Anne (Ceraso)Fritchie and Sergeant-At-Arms Joanne (Sanfilippo) Czubek. Being sworninto office was nothing new for this group. Spano is a past president (2010-2012) and a past treasurer. Cannestra has been a director the last fouryears. Fritchie is entering her 11th consecutive term as secretary. Czubekis returning for her fifth consecutive term as sergeant-at-arms.

Betty Puccio, a past president of the Italian Community Center and theorganization’s first female president (1990-91), presented a proclamationfrom Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett to newly installed ICC PresidentGiuseppe Vella. Barrett proclaimed Nov. 1, 2014 as “Giuseppe Vella Day inthe City of Milwaukee.” Barrett was unable to attend.

President Giuseppe Vella present-ed a Marcus Corporation lodgingand entertainment gift certificateto his predecessor, Gina Spang.Spang completed two consecutiveterms as president of the Italian

Community Center (2012-2014).The gift certificate is valid at anyMarcus Corporation venue includ-ing the Grand Geneva Resort &Spa in Lake Geneva.

ICC President Giuseppe Vella (center) is seen here with his parents,Salvatore and Maria. In his installation address, Vella acknowledged hisparents for instilling in him solid family values and work ethics and pro-viding support for all of his endeavors.

Decemberweather in ItalyDepending on where you are

staying in Italy in December, tem-peratures can range from cold tonot so cold and precipitation in theform of rain or snow is quite com-mon.There’s generally snow in the

mountains along the northern bor-der of the country and in the moun-tain ranges that run down thelength of the peninsula. There caneven be snow in the cities thataren’t up in the mountains. Wherethere isn’t snow, there tends to berain more days than not.The temperatures in northern

Italy average between 23º and 45ºFarenheit. In central Italy, temper-atures are usually between 40º and57º. It’s a bit warmer in southernItaly (including Sicily), where tem-peratures average from 54º to 61º.

Page 15: Dec 2014 online


ICC President Giuseppe Vella and Vice President DeanCannestra are seen here with the installation dinnerceremony committee and Vella’s son Salvatore. From

the left: Salvatore Vella, Betty Puccio, Dean Cannestra,Rosemary DeRubertis, Joanne (Sanfilippo) Czubekand Giuseppe Vella.

ICC member John Puchner volun-teered to play dinner music at theinstallation ceremony.

Club Garibaldi completes perfectseason with ICC bocce championshipFor the first time in the 24-year

history of Italian CommunityCenter bocce leagues, a team hascompleted the regular season bywinning every game, then gone onto defeat three high caliber oppo-nents in the playoffs to capture thechampionship. That feat wasaccomplished by Club Garibaldi onMonday, Nov. 10.The players on Club Garibaldi

are Sal Cannizzo, Tony Corrao,Russ Sereno, Joe Lehmann andJim Lehmann. As the victors, eachplayer received a $15 gift certificatefor Cafe La Scala, the ICC’s publicrestaurant.Club Garibaldi finished the reg-

ular season in first place in theWednesday night league with aperfect 24-0 record.

In the Nov. 10 championshipplayoffs, Club Garibaldi firstdefeated It’s All Good, the runner-up in the Monday night league,then Amici, the first-place team inthe Monday night league, and, inthe title match, Paesani, the first-place team in the Thursday after-noon seniors league with a 21-3record, the second best of the play-off teams.The scores in the champs’

matches were: Club Garibaldi – 12,It’s All Good – 9; Club Garibaldi –12, Amici – 6; and Club Garibaldi –12, Paesani – 3.One player, who wished not to

be identified, said this about thetitle match “The Club Garibalditeam was very good. The players onPaesani had some good shots which

Club Garibaldi’s players were ableto hit and take away points. ClubGaribaldi definitely deserved towin, and should be congratulatedfor going undefeated all season.Paesani had a good run, too, losingonly three regular season game andthe championship match.”Anthony Gazzana, bocce league

coordinator, said, “It seems ourteams are getting stronger everyseason. It’s really special that ClubGaribaldi could go through the reg-ular season and the playoffs with-out a single loss. I congratulatethem.”Club Garibaldi’s Tony Corrao

can now say he knows the meaningof the of the “Wide World of Sports”line: “The thrill of victory and theagony of defeat.” He experiencedboth in the Nov. 10 playoffs. Tony,it so happens, plays for both ClubGaribaldi and Paesani. During theNov. 10 playoffs, he chose to playfor Paesani. which, as mentionedlost the championship match toClub Garibaldi.It’s All Good and Amici each had

an identical 18-6 regular seasonrecord. Amici made it to the semi-final match against Club Garibaldiby defeating Rosebud, 12-10.Rosebud was the runner-up in theWednesday night league with a 15-9 record.Paesani advanced to the cham-

pionship match by scoring a quar-terfinal win over the PallinoMagnets, 12-5, and a semi-final vic-tory over Felice Amici by the samescore. Felice Amici defeated ComoSi Chiama, also 12-5, in an openingmatch. Felice Amici was the firstplace team in the Tuesday after-noon seniors league with a 20-4record. Como Si Chiama enteredthe tournament with a 16-8 recordin the Thursday afternoon seniorsleague.The Paesani teammates –

Antonio Corrao, Beverly Koceja,Anna Pitzo and James Schwindt –each received a $5 Cafe La Scalagift certificate.A separate story on the ICC’s

winter bocce leagues appears onthis page.

Here are the players on Club Garibaldi which captured the ItalianCommunity Center’s fall 2014 bocce championship with a perfect 27-0record. From the left: Sal Cannizzo, Tony Corrao, Russ Sereno, JoeLehmann and Jim Lehmann. (Times photo by Eric Watson)

Since it’s too cold, wet, andsnowy to play bocce outdoors inWisconsin in the winter time, whynot play Italian lawn bowlingindoors at the Italian CommunityCenter? Winter leagues are nowforming.

The winter bocce season getsunder way the week of Jan. 5.Teams in the senior citizen leaguesplay on Tuesday and Thursdayafternoons. Teams in the mixedcouples’ leagues compete onMonday, Wednesday and Thursdaynights. Teams in each league playonce a week. The regular seasonlasts eight weeks.The winter season champion

playoffs will take place Monday,Mar. 9.If you’re interested in register-

ing a team to play in a winterleague, here are a few things youneed to know. There are two sets ofregistration fees – one for thosewho are not members of the ICCand one for those who are ICC

members. The non-member regis-tration fee is $40 per person perleague season. A discounted regis-tration fee of $30 per person perleague season is offered to an ICCmember. Each team must consist ofat least four players, with one play-er designated as the team captain.Each league is interested in havingeight teams.Team registration forms are

available from the league coordina-tors: Dan Conley (Monday night),Anthony Gazzana (Tuesday after-noon), Tony Tarantino (Wednesdaynight), Anna Pitzo (Thursday after-noon) and David Alioto (Thursdaynight). The forms also can beobtained by calling Salina Castroat 414/223-2180.The championship playoffs, fea-

turing each league winner and fourteams with the next best record,will be played the night of Monday,Mar. 9. Prizes will be awarded tothe championship team and therunner-up in the tournament.

Winter bocce seasonto start week ofJan. 5 at ICC

Page 16: Dec 2014 online


Italian Society and Club NewsWisItalia welcomes Italian teachers including3 it helped to bring to Wisconsin from Italy

WisItalia held a meeting inRacine on Saturday, Nov. 1 atwhich it welcomed six Italianteachers working in Milwaukee,Burlington and Kenosha, includingthree instructors whom the non-profit organization played animportant role in bringing toWisconsin from Italy for the 2014-15 school year.WisItalia’s mission is to promote

and encourage the teaching of theItalian language, the culture ofItaly in Wisconsin’s primary andsecondary schools, as well as in itspost secondary colleges and univer-sities, and to educate the generalpublic about the Italian languageand culture.Working with the Italian

Consulate, WisItalia helped tobring a total of five teachers fromItaly to Wisconsin for this schoolyear, said Al Rolandi, WisItaliaPresident.The teachers from Italy who

attended the Nov. 1 meeting wereAngela Margerita Bozano,Emanuela La Grutta and SabrinaLupoli. Each is teaching in theItalian Immersion Program atVictory School. Victory is part ofMilwaukee Public Schools. For the2014-2015 school year, the schooloffers its Italian ImmersionProgram for students from K4 (fouryear-old kindergarten) throughfifth grade. Bozano is a secondgrade co-teacher, La Grutta is afirst grade teacher and Lupoli is aK5 co-teacher.The two other teachers from

Italy are Alex Filippo Kaftan andEnrica Fracchia, who also areinstructing this year at Victory.Kaftan is a K4 teacher andFracchia is a 4th grade teacher. (Anarticle on the five new teachers atVictory appeared in the November2014 issue of The Italian Times.)WisItalia has the distinction of

being the Ente Gestore (ManagingOrganization) for the Italian gov-ernment in Wisconsin. Rolandisaid. “WisItalia prepares a budgetevery year in Italian that is submit-ted to Rome, Italy via the ItalianConsulate. WisItalia is the only

organization in Wisconsin that canrequest funding from Italy for lan-guage and culture.”It was through this process that

the arrangements for the teacherscame about. The teachers fromItaly are here on a cultural J1 visa,Rolandi said. “This has enabled usto expand the Italian immersionprogram at Victory.”The other Italian teachers who

attended WisItalia’s Nov. 1 meetingwere Cathy Laurenzi, a third gradeteacher at Victory, Rosa Tadeo, aBurlington Catholic High Schoolteacher and Monica Valenti, aKenosha Bradford High Schoolteacher.Also attending the meeting were

past and present presidents fromthe Italian Workmen’s Club inMadison, Club ItaloAmericano inGreen Bay, Roma Lodge in Racineand the Filippo Mazzei GreaterMilwaukee Lodge #2763 of theOrder Sons of Italy in America.

These are the Italian teachers who were in attendance for the WisItaliameeting in Racine on Nov. 1. From the left: Cathy Laurenzi, Rosa Tadeo,Angela Margerita Bozano, Emanuela La Grutta, Sabrina Lupoli andMonica Valenti. (Photo provided by WisItalia)

From the left: Tony Bruno, Past President, ItalianWorkmen’s Club; Rick Bonanno, President, RomaLodge; Pete Feira, Past President, ClubItaloAmericano; David Rizzo, President-Elect, ItalianWorkmen’s Club, L.V. Teofilo, President, ClubItaloAmericano; Ross DePaola, President, Italian

Workmen’s Club; Joe Palmisano, Past President,Filippo Mazzei Lodge/OSIA; Don Cicero, PastPresident, Roma Lodge; Frank Alfano, Past President,Italian Workmen’s Club; and Al Rolandi, President,WisItalia. (Photo provided by WisItalia)

Order of Sons of Italy inAmerica/Fillippo Mazzei GreaterMilwaukee Area Lodge #2763 wel-comed Tony Carfang as its guestspeaker at its Oct. 15 meeting atthe Italian Community Center.As October was Italian

American Heritage Month, it wasfitting for Tony to come to the ICC.Alpha Phi Delta was formed 100years ago by a small group ofItalian men who wanted a fraterni-ty that represented ItalianAmericans. As Tony said, AlphaPhi Delta not, unlike OSIA, strivesto preserve Italian values andkeep the heritage and culture alive.The fraternity’s leadershiphas seen it grow around the coun-try, now having thousands of alum-ni and members. It is the fraterni-ty’s mission to meet the challengeof preserving Italian’s place in the

world, he said.The alumni and members work

to see that young men are encour-aged to complete college both withscholarships and mentoring.The Alpha Phi Delta fraternity

offers career information, promotescampus service and participates incultural events. At a recent paradein New York City, nearly 200 mem-bers were present along withcelebrity member Joe Piscopo.Carfang’s talk was both inform-

ative and entertaining. He is astrong advocate for this organiza-tion.Along with Carfang that

evening were Alpha Phi Deltamembers Robert Carfang, Tony’sson, and Ralph Annina, who also isan OSIA member.

– Submitted byRose Marie De Michele

Alpha Phi Delta presidentspeaks at October OSIA

meeting at ICC

Request from ICC for cell phonenumbers and e-mail addressesBy Susie Christiansen

Social networking websites,such as Facebook and Twitter, aswell as e-mail and cell phone tex-ting, are currently the most com-mon methods of communicating forpeople. Using those avenues, wewant to develop a way to reach outto our membership to inform youabout upcoming events organizedby the Italian Community Center,such as Il Grande Carnevale, ATaste of Italy and Festa Italiana.We can even email you a copy of

The Italian Times.When the ICC hosts wine tast-

ings, musical events and cookingclasses, it would be helpful toeveryone involved to be able tosend an e-mail blast or a cell phonetext blast to ICC members and asmany non-members as possible.Right now, committee chairs andevent planners here don’t alwaysknow what advertising options are

available to them and how to reachout to you. Without spending a tonof money, we just aren’t sure howto let the people out there knowabout upcoming events at the ICC.ICC members can be placed on

an e-mail list and a cell phone listwhen they sign up for or renewtheir membership. Our applicationincludes a place for your e-mailaddress and cell phone number.Our membership contact list is

extremely private, and we will con-tinue to keep it that way. We donot distribute our address, phoneor e-mail lists to anyone. Restassured your contact informationwill be retained by the ICC andonly the ICC, and you will only besent messages on a limited basis.We simply want to inform you.

We want to tell you about the fan-tastic events, activities and ethnicexperiences that the Italian

Continued on page 16

Page 17: Dec 2014 online


MacDowell Club artists perform for UNICO LadiesOn Tuesday, Oct. 21, the

Milwaukee Ladies of UNICOenjoyed an evening of Italianbaroque, classical music and Italianarias performed by members of theMacDowell Club of Milwaukee.The performance was part of the

Ladies of UNICO recognition ofItalian American Heritage Monthin October.The MacDowell Club has been

bringing together a community ofmusic lovers and musicans since1909. The club’s public concertsprovide amateur performing mem-bers with a host of outlets for theirtalents as well as delighting local

music lovers. All concerts are free.The performing artists for the

Oct. 21 concert were Carla Coonan(pianist), Robert Estlund (flute),Mischa Litvin (mandolin), KirstinMargit Roble (soprano) and IrinaYanovskaya (classical guitar).The Italian composers of their

musical selections ranged fromFerdinando Carulli (1771-1847),Domenica Scarlatti (1685-1751),Wolfgang A. Mozart (1756-1791),Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868), Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835), Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829),Achille Simonetti (1857-1928),Marino Antonelli, Luigi Denza(1846-1922) and Ottorino Respighi(1879-1946).It was truly a beautiful evening

celebrating Italian music.– Submitted by

Carla PellinVice President

Milwaukee Ladies of UNICO

Here are the MacDowell Club of Milwaukee artists who performed for theLadies of UNICO. From the left: Robert Estlund (flutist), Irina Yanovskaya(classical guitarist), Carla Coonan (pianist), Kristin Margit Roble (sopra-no) and Mischa Litvin (mandolinist).

Soprano Kristin Margit Roble per-forms with pianist Carla Coonanin the foreground.

Flutist Robert Estlund and classi-cal guitarist Irina Yanovskaya areseen here. (Photos provided by theLadies of UNICO)

The Pompeii Women’s Club got into the Halloween spirit at an Oct. 29 din-ner meeting at the Italian Community Center. Members were encouragedto dress in costume. Shown here are Sharon Best, Karen Dickinson andPresident Pat Consolazione. Decorations were arranged by hostessesSharon Best and Marie Schwindt. Pat Consolazione did the mum-plant/scarecrow table centerpiece. A guessing contest on the number ofarticles in a bowl and tasting game were part of the fun night. (Submittedby Publicity Chair Mary Winard on behalf of the Pompeii Women’s Club)

Pompeii Womencelebrate Halloween

ICC Members Christmas PartyHosted by the Italian Community Center

Thursday, Dec. 11 – 6 p.m.

ICC New Year’s Eve PartyHosted by the Italian Conference Center

Wednesday, Dec. 31 – 7 p.m.

Oldies But Goodies Spectacular Winter ConcertHosted by the Italian Community Center

Saturday, Feb. 7 – Doors: 6:30 p.m. Show: 8:00 p.m.

ICC’s Il Grande CarnevaleHosted by the Italian Community Center

Saturday, Feb. 14 – 6:11 p.m.

ICC General Membership Dinner & MeetingHosted by the Italian Community CenterThursday, Mar. 4 – Dinner: 5:30 p.m.,

Meeting: 6:30 p.m.

ICC’s 20th annual “A Taste of Italy”Hosted by the Italian Community CenterSunday, Apr. 19 – 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Community Center has to offer.These are the other options available for submitting your cell phone

number and e-mail address:1. Our website: – use the Contact Us Form (the

last tab on the site).2. By e-mail: [email protected]. Call Constance Jones at the ICC – 414-223-2808.

Request from ICC for cell phonenumbers and e-mail addresses

from page 16

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Page 18: Dec 2014 online





Attention.Whether you're planning significant family functions -- reunions, christenings,quinceañera, bridal or baby showers, or you're faced with organizing a last-minute event,such as a funeral luncheon . . .

Or you want the perfect setting for a wedding reception or engagement or weddingrehearsal dinner, or your company is looking for an ideal location for a business or socialgathering . . .

the Italian Conference Center is your answer.Our Catering Director will work closely with you to make sure that every detail that goesinto a successful event is planned. And the food at the ICC! Ah, the food. Your guests willshower you with compliments after they've eaten the delicious meals prepared by our out-standing chefs and served by our friendly and efficient wait staff.

Everything you need for a successful event is ready and waiting at the Italian ConferenceCenter. For assistance in scheduling and planning your event, call David or Gina at . . .

414-223-2800 or visit: www.ItalianConference.comIn the Italian Community Center631 E. Chicago St., MilwaukeeFree parking • Handicapped accessibleMinutes from downtown and freeway access

in the Historic Third Ward

Cafe La Scala wants to make lunchyour favorite meal of the day!

Now available a different lunch buffet Monday throughFriday, 11am - 2pm for just $8.50per person!

Monday – Tex Mex: Black bean salad, soft flour torillas, crispy corn torillas, ground beef, grilled chicken,shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, shredded cheese, sour cream, chickenenchiladas, rice and beans.Tuesday – Pasta Abbondanza: Caesar salad, Italian pasta salad, lasagna,eggplant parmesan, penna pasta, meatballs, tomato basil sauce, Alfredosauce.Wednesday – Southern BBQ: Cobb salad, cole slaw, pulled pork shoulder,Mississippi roast beef, mac and cheese, fried potato wedges, corn bread.Thursday – Italian: Antipasto, rice balls, pasta alla eggplant, chickenFlorentine, minestrone soup, sautèed cauliflower.Friday – Fish Fry: Tossed salad, tuna pasta salad, baked cod, fried cod,French fries, parsley boiled potatoes, potato pancakes.Also try Cafe La Scala’s new lunch and dinner menu, including our famouspizza, with your favorite beverage!

Cafe La Scala • 631 E. Chicago St. • Milwaukee414-223-2185 • Opwn Monday - Saturday

Lunch - 11am-2pm • Dinner from 5 pm, Friday at 4:30pm

Members:Please notifyICC of achange ofaddress

Any member of the ItalianCommunity Center who has achange of address is asked to notifythe ICC promptly so that mailingsfrom the Center are sent to the cor-rect address.Since the ICC uses nonprofit

bulk rates to mail The ItalianTimes, the United States PostalService is entitled to charge a fee(57¢) for each newspaper that isreturned to the ICC and deemedundeliverable due to an incorrectaddress.Even if you are temporarily

away from your permanent resi-dence and are not receiving mail atthat address, you need to notify theICC of your temporary address sothat your newspaper can be deliv-ered to that address and so thatthe ICC is not charged 57¢ for eachfailed attempt to deliver the publi-cation to your permanent resi-dence.“We’ve had a number of mem-

bers who have gone to Florida oranother warm weather location forthe winter and these people did notsupply us with their temporarychange of address; hence theirnewspaper was returned to theICC with the service fee due foreach newspaper,” Editor TomHemman said.Nonprofit bulk rate mail is not

forwarded to a new address, whichmeans those members who neglectto inform the ICC of their changeof address will not receive thenewspaper.Please send change of address

information to: Italian CommunityCenter, 631 E. Chicago St.,Milwaukee, WI 53202-5916 oremail Constance Jones [email protected] orcall her at 414/223-2808.


offers help toItalian citizensPietro Tarantino, a longtime

member and past board memberof the Italian CommunityCenter, is offering free assis-tance to members of Wisconsin’sItalian community on mattersinvolving the Italian govern-ment. Tarantino will be at theICC on the first Saturday of themonth from 12:30 to 3 p.m.Tarantino is a member of

Comites (Comitato degli Italianiall’estero) and a liaison to theItalian General Consulate ofChicago.Among the matters for which

Tarantino can provide assis-tance are visas and passports,power of attorney, verification ofsignatures, documents relatingto death certificates and declara-tions dealing with citizenship,civil status and pensions.

Find out how inexpensive and

effective newspaper advertising can

be. Contact The Italian Times for

details. Phone: (414) 223-2180

Email: [email protected]

Page 19: Dec 2014 online


Name MarriedMimeo, Mary (Purpero) Jul-1937Minervino, Frank May-1934Minervino, Jeanette (Peerenboom) Apr-1939Minervino, Mary (Cosentino) Jan-1938Minervino, Ralph Jul-1936Minessale, Antonia (Budzisz) Sep-1939Minessale, Caroline (Deluca) Jan-1937Minessale, Congetto Jun-1940Minessale, Philip Oct-1938Mingari, Salvatore Sep-1940Miracola, Anna (Tarantino) Sep-1929Miracola, Biaggio Feb-1938Miracola, Josephine (Barker) Sep-1936Miragliotta, Carmela (Germanotta) Nov-1940Miragliotta, Gracia (Besasie) Sep-1928Miragliotta, Santa (Splavec) Aug-1937Mirasola, Joseph Sep-1934Mirasola, Salvatore Oct-1928Mirazola, Castanzio Apr-1934Mirenda, Albert Oct-1939Mirenda, Albert J Sep-1936Mirenda, Frank Oct-1940Mirenda, Grace (Di Meo) May-1937Mirenda, Grace (Gennaro) Mar-1933Mirenda, Mamie (Barbera) Jul-1927Misia, Angeline (Skelly) Mar-1931Misia, Frances (Scalzo) Jun-1926Misia, Margaret (Maio) May-1927Misia, Stephana (Quigne) Jul-1939Mittiga, Dominic Jul-1929Moglia, Joseph Jun-1928Moglia, Sylvio Sep-1937Molinaro, Orlando May-1929Mollica, Gaetana (Magestro) Jul-1937Mollica, Joseph Dec-1932Mollica, Joseph J Jul-1934Mollica, Maryana (Bellante) Jul-1929Monfre, Anthony Oct-1939Monfre, Jennie (Sgalio) Nov-1935Monfre, Joseph Jun-1933Monfre, Joseph Jun-1937Monfre, Ray Oct-1940Monfre, Rose (Herbst) Oct-1939Montano, Joseph Jul-1930Montella, Frances (Albanese) Jun-1927Montella, Joseph Sep-1937Montella, Mary (Balistreri) Jun-1937Monticello, Erselia (Barton) Oct-1931Morana, Angelo Jul-1939Morana, Vincenzo Oct-1933Morano, Elmyra (Ploeger) Dec-1937Morazo, Refugio Apr-1938Morella, Frank Dec-1929Morella, Josephine (Sorseck) May-1938Moreno, Gabriel Oct-1934Moreno, Vincent Sep-1930Moretto, Anita (Lupini) Mar-1935Moretto, Corinne (Ceccarini) May-1935Moretto, Theresa (Kuszewski) Oct-1939Morici, Ignazio Aug-1926Mortorana, Concetta (Giordano) Sep-1931Mortorano, Joseph Oct-1936Mosconi, Lorenzo Jun-1935Muccio, Josephine (Grisanti) May-1927Mussatti, Joseph Mar-1934Mussomeli, Josephine (Sanfilippo) Feb-1932Mussomelli, Salvatore Jun-1936Muzza, Grace (Cicerello) Mar-1930Nardelli, Alfred Dec-1931Nardelli, Carmella (Kauss) Jun-1938Nardelli, Frank Sep-1929Nardelli, Marie (Lemke) Jun-1940Naso, Giacomo Oct-1933Natalizio, Joseph Jul-1939Natalucci, Gisa (DiGoetani) Jul-1929Natarelli, Charles Sep-1940Natarelli, Ouswald May-1940Natelli, Rose (Griffin) Apr-1928Natole, Joseph Jun-1935Natoli, Vincenzo Sep-1934Nelli, Cleo Jul-1928Nigrelli, Andrew Jun-1938Nigrelli, Guiseppe Feb-1932Nigrelli, Joseph Dec-1939Ninfo, Charles Mar-1940Norcia, Leonard Nov-1934

Name MarriedNovara, Joseph Feb-1937Novara, Mary (Ales) Jun-1939Novara, Philip Nov-1939Novella, Frank Feb-1932Novella, John Apr-1935Occhetti, Clara (Edwards) Feb-1934Occhi, Joseph Jun-1929Olivetti, Alexander Jr Jul-1939Olivia, Frank Nov-1929Olivo, Joseph Jun-1936Olivo, Mary (Scheifen) Jul-1939Olivo, Rose (Scheifen) Jul-1934Olivo, Teresa (Cleary) Oct-1932Olivotti, Andy Jun-1934Olivotti, Andy Dec-1936Olivotti, Evo Mar-1937Olla, Concetta (Valenti) Jun-1930Olla, Ignace Oct-1927Olla, Joseph Sep-1935Olla, Rosa (Germana) Feb-1927Olla, Tina (Picciurro) Jan-1933Ori, Nancy (Biondi) Jul-1940Orite, Carlo Oct-1937Orlandini, Aldo Oct-1935Orlandini, Louis May-1935Orlandini, Mathew Dec-1929Orlando, Antonino Sep-1927Orlando, Cesere Feb-1926Orlando, Josephine (?) Oct-1935Orlando, Margaret (Brau) Jun-1934Orlando, Peter Aug-1933Orlando, Phyllis (Gau) Apr-1940Orlando, Santina (Pedicino) Apr-1929Osterero, Andrew Sep-1930Osterero, Paul Sep-1932Ottavi, Evelina (Giovanelli) Sep-1928Pace, Lucy (Morici) Aug-1926Pace, Mary (Rugolo) Oct-1939Pace, Rose (Coralline) Mar-1940Padovana, Mary (Spende) Oct-1939Padovano, Frances (Nowicki) Nov-1940Pagnucco, Charles Jun-1933Palazzotto, Mayme (DeGaetano) Oct-1937Pallagi, Elizabeth (Stark) Jun-1929Pallagi, Irene (Novak) Sep-1932Pallagi, Irma (Stark) Jan-1938Pallaria, Nick May-1926Pallo, Irma (Pruscha) Feb-1933Pallo, Marietta (Wolff) Nov-1937Palmieri, Joseph May-1938Palmisano, Casino Jan-1939Palmisano, Christine (Galati) Sep-1939Palmisano, Mary T (Czeszynski) May-1939Palmisano, Michael Nov-1939Palmisano, Salvatore Nov-1928Palmisano, Theresa (Saccullo) Sep-1927Palozzatto, Mary Anna (Vento) Jul-1931Panaro, Carmine Oct-1929Pancheri, Theodore Dec-1931Panella, Louis Aug-1931Panetti, Harold Nov-1926Papia, Peter Aug-1939Parisi, Enrico Aug-1928Partipilo, Vincent Sep-1934Pascutti, Henry Apr-1937Pasquale, Yolanda (Bertin) Jun-1929Pasquesi, Louis Dec-1931Passante, Joseph Sep-1936Passante, Palmerina (Rappa) Sep-1938Pastore, Christine (Zielesch) May-1940Pastore, Joe Jul-1936Patti, Agatha (Todaro) Feb-1933Patti, Anne (?) Jan-1934Patti, Anthony Sep-1937Patti, Antoinette (Sibrigondio) Jun-1934Patti, Frances (DeBrozzo) Jun-1940Patti, Frank Nov-1931Patti, John Oct-1934Patti, Josephine (Guagliardo) Jun-1932Patti, Josephine (Martinez) Feb-1936Patti, Margaret (Wrzeski) Jun-1940Patti, Mary (Toto) Sep-1940Patti, Nicasia (Reiter) Oct-1939Patti, Rosalie (Gagliano) Jun-1934Patti, Rose (Crockatt) Jul-1934Patti, Sam May-1931

Name MarriedPatti, Santa (Dale) Feb-1936Patti, Sarah (Kendziorski) Jun-1940Patti, Sebastiano Sep-1927Patti, Steve Oct-1939Patti, Vincenza (Picciolo) Nov-1927Pecoraro, Anthony Nov-1935Pecoraro, Giuseppe Apr-1928Pecoraro, Jeanetta (Staples) Dec-1939Pecoraro, Joseph Jul-1940Pecoraro, Sam Jul-1939Pecoraro, Theodore May-1930Pedicino, Sabino Apr-1929Pedriana, Elvera (Manske) Sep-1938Pedriana, Joseph Jul-1939Pedriana, Louis Aug-1930Pedriana, William Nov-1932Pedrotti, Livio Nov-1935Pellegrini, Dorothy (Saraga) Jun-1929Pellegrini, Natale Oct-1927Pellegrino, Antonia (?) Feb-1928Pellegrino, Ernest Dec-1937Pellegrino, Lucy (Serra) Oct-1928Pelosi, Kathryn (Seiy) Aug-1937Penullo, Rose (Riccardi) Jul-1926Pera, Guido Nov-1930Pera, Julia (Sparacino) Sep-1929Perrotti, Frances (Carter) Mar-1940Perrotti, Margaret (Wanbach) Aug-1939Peruzzi, Agnes (Janicki) Oct-1937Peruzzo, Angeline (Fucile) May-1935Peruzzo, Eleanore (Jendusa) Apr-1937Pestalozzi, Carla (Kroetz) Sep-1928Petrillo, Susanna (Pisacreta) May-1927Petrini, Batolomas Jul-1928Petta, Rose (Maglio) Feb-1927Petta, Rose (Mordini) Sep-1939Petta, Salvatore Jun-1940Piazza, Lena (Savant) Sep-1927Picciolo, Catherine (Gioacchino) Feb-1938Picciolo, Joseph Dec-1929Picciolo, Joseph J Aug-1938Picciolo, Pietro Nov-1927Picciurro, Dominic Jan-1933Picciurro, Louis Jun-1933Picco, Hugo Jun-1936Pierotti, Amerigo Jun-1937Pierotti, Quinto Apr-1931Pietro, Joseph May-1931Pigarelli, Allas May-1935Pigarelli, Amelia (Utzat) Aug-1929Pigarelli, Aurora (Succa) Jul-1929Pigarelli, John Jun-1930Pintarro, August Oct-1939Pintarro, August Oct-1939Pipia, Frank Jun-1935Pipia, Grace (Crivello) Jul-1937Pipia, Salvatore Aug-1926Pipia, Theresa (Cozza) Jul-1939Piraino, Tillie (Giardina) Nov-1935Pirolo, Anthony Jun-1939Pirolo, Charles Jun-1928Pirolo, Marie (Fischer) Jun-1930Pirolo, Nicholas Sep-1932Piscitello, Marie (Ferrise) Apr-1927Piscitello, Theresa (Galusha) Apr-1937Piscitello, Theresa G (Quarino) Aug-1934Pizzina, Josephine (Mag1io) Jul-1927Pizzino, Anthony May-1934Pizzino, Joseph Nov-1936Pizzolato, John May-1935Policello, Mary (Kieland) Nov-1928Pomponio, Julie (Thompson) Jun-1939Ponzetti, Anna (Petrini) Jul-1928Porcaro, Frank Aug-1935Porcaro, Louise (Cocconato) Jun-1930Porfilio, Nicholas Dec-1928Pradarelli, Ben Aug-1936Pradarelli, Emma (Jeffery) Oct-1939Pradarelli, George Feb-1938Pradarelli, Mary (Basso) Sep-1930Pradarelli, Viola (Bessler) Jun-1931Preziosi, Louise (Sganlata) Jun-1939Prioletti, Mary (Paris) Jun-1929Provinzano, Vincent Jul-1938Puccetti, Joseph Jun-1940Continued in the next issue of The Italian Times.

Italians married in Milwaukee: 1926-1940Part VIII

Compiled by Mario A. Carini, Italian Community Center HistorianIntroductory Notes

The Milwaukee Marriage Index: 1926-1940 includes the name of the individual married and the month and year the mar-riage took place.

Information contained in the Milwaukee Marriage Index: 1926-1940 was compiled by this researcher in January of 1993 andwill be featured in The Italian Times the next several months.

Reporting of the volume Milwaukee Marriage Index was obtained from the Milwaukee County Historical Society and copiesat the City of Milwaukee Legislative Reference Bureau. These works are all copyrighted and an original copy is at the Library ofCongress in Washington, D.C. for all time.

Please keep in mind that these marriages were actualized only in the City of Milwaukee. Accordingly, if you were marriedoutside the city limits (e.g., Shorewood, West Allis, Cudahy), your name won’t appear in this listing. Names appearing here arelisted and spelled exactly as found in the marriage volumes. If you know of a relative who was married in Milwaukee during thetime period 1926-1941 and that relative’s name does not appear in these listings, please contact the Milwaukee County HistoricalSociety. Parts I and VII of this series were published in past issues of The Italian Times.

Page 20: Dec 2014 online


LA PAGINA ITALIANAa cura di Enrica Tarantino-Woytal


Natale è la festa più belladell’anno. I nostri piccoliallievi del corso d’Italiano,presso l’Italian CommunityCenter, augurano a tutti voi

ed alle vostre famiglie:BUONE FESTE!

8 dicembre - Festadell’Immacolata Concezione - è ungiorno di festa nazionale in Italia.In tutto il paese, ci sono feste,celebrazioni di chiese. Molte città econtrassegnare la vacanza conmusica, parate e feste.In tutta la regione Abruzzo, la

gente celebra questa giornata confalò e cantando canzonitradizionali.A Roma, c’è una processione papaleannuale vicino a Piazza di Spagna.Il Papa rende omaggio alla VergineMaria, con un corteo dell’Ordinedei Cavalieri di Malta a PiazzaMignanelli a Colonnadel’Immacolata della sezione sud-est della piazza. Il 40-piede colonna

antica è stata scoperta nel 1777 inun monastero e fu eretto in questoluogo già nel 1856. UNA statua diMaria è stata posta al vertice dellacolonna.Dopo che il Papa parla e le

preghiere sono detto, un coro cantae un fortunato vigili del fuoco siavvicina al luogo una corona di fiorialla sommità della colonna sullastatua di Maria, di solito sul suobraccio esteso. Il Santo Padrebenedice un cesto di rose che sipone alla base della colonna, e ilSindaco di Roma e di altre civiccapi reparto.La sera, c’è un concerto presso la

Basilica di Santa Maria in AraCoeli sul Campidoglio.

Festa dell’Immacolata Concezioneè una festa nazionale in Italia

Page 21: Dec 2014 online


Report from Victory School’s ItalianEnrichment Program

Victory Italian EnrichmentProgram has gotten off to a greatstart this year with our stellarteam and five new members, four ofwhom are from Italy. The four year-old kindergarten

class with Maestro Kaftan is busylearning letters, numbers, newwords and how to recite the alpha-bet in Italian. The students havebeen playing a circle tag game atrecess with Maestra Robertsoncalled, “anatra, anatra, Oca.”The five year-old kindergarten

class with Mrs. Brunnelli andMaestra Lupoli is thriving andlearning many Italian words andhaving fun.The first grade is going well

with Maestra Zizzo and Maestra LaGrutta, while the students arelearning Italian and loving it!The second grade is thriving

with Maestra Bozano and MaestraRobertson. There are 30 studentsin the class. The teachers have theopportunity to teach Italian to sev-eral diverse learning groups whoare at various levels. Lately, stu-dents have been learning: “C’e” and“Ce sono” with many differentnouns.The third grade is working hard

under the supervision of MaestraLaurenzi. The fourth grade is getting

adjusted to Maestra Enrica fromLiguria and having a good year!

The fifth and sixth graders areunder the guidance of MaestroFalsetti. He is having a fantasticyear with the students, and theyadore him!The fifth and sixth grade stu-

dents are piloting the new “EccoUno” text books and workbooksduring their Italian lessons. The6th graders are learning about theunique make-up of Victory studentsby studying their diverse culturesand ethnicities. This project is partof their Model United Nations Cluband will be presented to the schooland to the Greater MilwaukeeUnited Nations Association whichis planning to give the fifth andsixth grade class the first annualPeace Award.Three students from the fifth

and sixth grade are the reportersfor the Victory K8 article everymonth. They were invited to be fea-tured in this month’s article for TheItalian Times in appreciation fortheir hard work as reporters.Corbin, one of the reporters, is

10 years old and in fifth grade. Hegot the job about a month and ahalf ago. He applied for it, thinkingthat he would not be hired becausehe had no experience with writingnewspaper articles. He knows thathe is very good at writing creativeand imaginary stories. The nextthing he knew…he got the job! Heis so excited to be writing in The

Italian Times for Victory School,and he hopes that the readers areexcited, too!The second reporter is Esraa.

She is in the sixth grade and she ishere to make the article interestingand peculiar. She loves writing andshe has a big imagination. She isoriginally from Palestine but shewas born in Egypt. She looks for-ward to hearing back from thereaders. The third reporter is Alejandra.

She applied for the reporter job bywriting a summary about why shewould be good for the job and whyshe wanted the job. She wanted towrite for The Italian Times andVictory School because it is a greatopportunity, and it is very fun. Forfour years, she has been learning

Italian at Victory K8. Half of herfamily was born in America andhalf was born in Mexico. She hopesthat the readers visit VictorySchool sometime and stop in to seeher in room 120.The Victory Italian Team had an

evening out on the town together toentertain the new Italian teachers.After dinner everyone went minia-ture bowling. The Italian teachersenjoyed themselves immensely andscored extremely high! They saidthat the game reminded them oftheir home country game, “bocceball.” They plan to play bocce at theICC sometime.

– Submitted byAnnette Robertson

Second GradeItalian Enrichment Teacher

631 E. Chicago St.Milwaukee, WI

Call David or Gina414/223-2800


The PerfectEndingBring your wedding day toa successful close. Gatheryour families and friendswhere the ambiance is spe-cial, the food is exceptionaland the staff is attentive toyour every need.

Persons interested in acquiringa copy of any of the vintage ItalianAmerican photographs that are dis-played throughout the year at theItalian Community Center or dur-ing the three days of Festa Italianamust contact the MilwaukeeCounty Historical Society (MCHS)to obtain the photo, ICC HistorianMario A. Carini announced.“The Historical Society is the

keeper of all of the negatives,”Carini said, who donated a massivecollection of artifacts, photos andother memorabilia to the society onbehalf of the ICC and the earlyItalian immigrants in 2010.Please call the MCHS at

414/273-8288. The MCHS is locatedat 910 N. Old World Third St. indowntown Milwaukee.

Copies of vintage photos displayed atICC or Festa available through

Milwaukee County Historical Society

Don’t throw away your old highschool yearbooks or other memora-bilia. If you attended a high schoolin Milwaukee County or surround-ing counties, Italian CommunityCenter Historian Mario A. Carini isinterested in using the yearbooksand other high school memorabiliafor furthering his research on localItalian Americans.Carini will deposit the year-

books and memorabilia at theMilwaukee County Historical

Society after he completes hisresearch.“These can be yearbooks and

memorabilia from public, Catholicor private high schools,” Carinisaid.Yearbooks and memorabilia can

be dropped off at the reception deskin the main office of the ICC.Please include a note with yourname and phone number so Cariniknows who made the donation.

ICC Historian Carini wants your highschool yearbooks and other memorabilia

Page 22: Dec 2014 online


Cafe La Scala wants to make lunchyour favorite meal of the day!

Now available a different lunch buffet Monday throughFriday, 11am - 2pm for just $8.50per person!

Monday – Tex Mex: Black bean salad, soft flour torillas, crispy corn torillas, ground beef, grilled chicken,shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, shredded cheese, sour cream, chickenenchiladas, rice and beans.Tuesday – Pasta Abbondanza: Caesar salad, Italian pasta salad, lasagna,eggplant parmesan, penna pasta, meatballs, tomato basil sauce, Alfredosauce.Wednesday – Southern BBQ: Cobb salad, cole slaw, pulled pork shoulder,Mississippi roast beef, mac and cheese, fried potato wedges, corn bread.Thursday – Italian: Antipasto, rice balls, pasta alla eggplant, chickenFlorentine, minestrone soup, sautèed cauliflower.Friday – Fish Fry: Tossed salad, tuna pasta salad, baked cod, fried cod,French fries, parsley boiled potatoes, potato pancakes.Also try Cafe La Scala’s new lunch and dinner menu, including our famouspizza, with your favorite beverage!

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Becomepart of ICC’s


from page 32014 are listed here:• RoseMarie DeMichele• Michele R. Butz• William and Rita Jennaro• Leonard and Marlene Widen• Joe Manone• Vincenza and Vincent Vitale• David and Jeannie Doern• Gordon and Bernice Boucher• Joseph and Virginia Magestro• Gerald and Judith Perona• Keith Gross• Jerry W. Hermann• Maurine and Nick DeLeo• Anthony and Barbara Lupo• Margaret Mary Carini• Mary L. Herro• Joe and Carole Casamento• Joseph and Diane Barbieri• Peter and Mille Gustin• Santa L. Mazza• Gaetano Canzoneri• Wayne Kitzerow and Sheila

Vivi• Vincent and Lucretia Lo Coco• Joseph Charles Spang• Joseph John and Rose

Purpero Spang

L’Angolodel Poeta

from page 8By too great splendor is his name

attended;To blame is easier those who him

offended,Than reach the faintest glory round

him shed.This man descended to the doomed

and deadFor our instruction; then to God

ascended;Heaven opened wide to him its por-

tals splendid,Who from his country’s, closed

against him, fled.Ungrateful land! To its own preju-

diceNurse of his fortunes; and this

showeth wellThat the most perfect most of grief

shall see.Among a thousand proofs let one

suffice,That as his exile hath no parallel,Ne’er walked the earth a greater

man than he.

HHaavvee ssoommeetthhiinngg ttoo sseellll tthhiisshhoolliiddaayy sseeaassoonn?? LLeett tthhee

rreeaaddeerrss ooff TThhee IIttaalliiaann TTiimmeesskknnooww aabboouutt iitt bbyy ppllaacciinngg aannaadd iinn oouurr nneexxtt iissssuuee.. IItt’’ss eeaassyyaanndd iinneexxppeennssiivvee.. FFoorr ddeettaaiillss,,pplleeaassee ccaallll 44114411--222233--22880011

oorr sseenndd aann eemmaaiill ttoo

EEddiittoorr TToomm HHeemmmmaann aatt


Page 23: Dec 2014 online


Suvereto, Italy, is a smallmedieval town of no more than afew thousand people that’s in theLivorno province of Tuscany and isroughly 54 miles from Florence and36 miles from the city of Livorno.This isolated Mediterraneancoastal town is normally quite

peaceful, but for one week a year, itcomes to life with a festival cele-brating one of the famous delicaciesof Tuscany, wild boar.A 10-day festival that starts this

year Nov. 30 and continues throughDec. 9, the Wild Boar Festival hasbecome one of the most visited

events in the region. Stands are setup throughout the town and grillsare fired up as residents show offone of their most prized ingredientsof local cuisine. The restaurants ofSuvereto go all out as they preparetheme dinners centering on wildboar.

The festival includes historic re-enactments, archery competitionsand exhibitions as well as othermedieval competitions completewith costumes and all the fanfare.Besides wild boar, vendors offer

other local products such as wine,olive oil and honey.

Wild Boar Festival celebratedin Tuscan town

Page 24: Dec 2014 online


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How you doin’?How you doin’?FFaammoouuss ff oo rr IIttaall iiaann ccuuiiss iinnee aanndd aappppeett ii zzeerrss..

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