Page 1: Dear Mrs. Mayo’s FABULOUS Morning Meeting Training Class, I have an exciting workshop planned for you today! Do not plan on a “normal” BORING workshop!

Dear Mrs. Mayo’s FABULOUS Morning Meeting Training Class,

I have an exciting workshop planned for you today! Do not plan on a “normal” BORING workshop! This workshop will be JAM- PACKED with activities and resources for you to use in your classroom! I am looking forward to positive attitudes, open minds and lots of ENERGY and PASSION to put into today’s activities. At the end of the day, we will be introduced to the rationale and practice of morning/ classroom meetings.We will be knowledgeable about available on-site and internet resources related to classroom meetings. GET EXCITED, because we will know the components of establishing an effective morning meeting routine while learning how to incorporate character education, tier one behavior and curriculum components into classroom/ morning meeting routines.Finally, we will be well-versed in Pinchbeck’s “Morning Meeting Initiative” and subsequent procedures. My ultimate goal, for today, is that we learn some exciting and meaningful activities/ techniques to make our classes nurturing, inclusive, and positive environments where ALL students feel empowered to learn, grow, and thrive.

Love, Mrs. Mayo

Page 2: Dear Mrs. Mayo’s FABULOUS Morning Meeting Training Class, I have an exciting workshop planned for you today! Do not plan on a “normal” BORING workshop!

Dear Mrs. Mayo’s FABALOUS Morning Meeting Training Class,

I have an good Workshop planned for you today? Do not plan on a “normal” BORING workshop! This workshop will be JAM- PACKED with activities and resources for you to use in your classroom! I am looking forward to positive attitudes, open minds and lots of ENERGY and PASSION to put into this morning’s activities. (what did I do here?) At the end of ths training, we will be introduced to the rationale and practice of morning/ classroom meetings we will be knowledgeable about available on-site and internet resources related to classroom meetings. GET EXCITED, because we will know the components of establishing an effective morning meeting routine while learning how to incorporate character education, tier one behavior and curriculum components into classroom/ morning meeting routines.Finally, we will be well-versed in Pinchbeck’s “Morning Meeting Initiative” and subsequent procedures. my ultimate goal, for today, is that we learn some good and cool thangs to make our classes a better place where ALL students feel good and happy. What are you most looking forward to learning? Love, Mrs. Mayo

Page 3: Dear Mrs. Mayo’s FABULOUS Morning Meeting Training Class, I have an exciting workshop planned for you today! Do not plan on a “normal” BORING workshop!

Classroom MeetingsBuilding a positive classroom community

Presented by Jentae Mayo

School Counselor, Pinchbeck Elementary School

Virginia Commonwealth University Doctoral Student Counselor Education and Supervision

Page 4: Dear Mrs. Mayo’s FABULOUS Morning Meeting Training Class, I have an exciting workshop planned for you today! Do not plan on a “normal” BORING workshop!

Haim Ginott, 1922-1973 Teacher, psychologist and psychotherapist, TEACHER AND CHILD

“I have come to a frightening conclusion. I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher I possess tremendous power to make a child’ s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.”

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Page 6: Dear Mrs. Mayo’s FABULOUS Morning Meeting Training Class, I have an exciting workshop planned for you today! Do not plan on a “normal” BORING workshop!

Classroom Meetings:

Foster an atmosphere of trust & respect

Create a positive climate for learning

Facilitate necessary positive relationships

Develop social skills

Promote a safe learning environment where students feel comfortable taking risks for learning

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Social Skills

Active listening





Problem solving

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Modeling Civility

Put-downs, snide remarks, or untimely giggles are not appropriate or acceptable

Courtesies are modeled:

Respect for the opinions of others

Listening attentively

Making constructive contributions, not destructive

Taking turns, not interrupting

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“If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice

things you say about them.”Haim Ginott

Classroom meetings allow students to hear nice things other students say about them too! Very powerful!

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Activity Time!Activity #1- Talk about it! (Energizer/ Opener)

Line up by birthdaysAdapt for older students: Without talking

Adapt for younger students: Birthday month only

Taking it further:

Conversation starter- Talk with the people closest to you. What was your all time favorite birthday gift?(Could use this to introduce a writing topic!)Timer, quicker time, more prizes…

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Establishing Normswithin your meetings

Strategic seating (sit next to someone new or who you don’t know well/ normally sit with)

Create meaningful signals

Use a“talking stick”

Encourage participation from everyone

“For the next 5 minutes I’d like to hear from people who havent had a chance to speak yet.”

“I’d like to encourage everyone to contribute at least once. So if you notice that there are some members of the group who haven’t spoken yet and you’ve already spoken two or three times, you can encourage others to share their thoughts by not taking another turn yourself.”

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Key Components of the Classroom Meeting Students sit in a circle, preferably NOT at their desks, it SHOULD

look different

Meetings held weekly

Follow a set format

Students lead meetings & record / secretary (older grades)

Both problems and suggestions are discussed

Include celebrations!

Students encourage, compliment & support each other

Classroom Rules/ Expectations

Weekly Themes/ Activities

Daily agenda/ Classroom announcements

School-Wide Themes and Topics

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Good “Find!”

Page 14: Dear Mrs. Mayo’s FABULOUS Morning Meeting Training Class, I have an exciting workshop planned for you today! Do not plan on a “normal” BORING workshop!

“Friendship Box”“Agenda Box”“Sharing Box”(Please NO bully boxes!)

Locate the box in a safe place

Provide slips of paper to fill out

Review daily in case an issue must be discussed in a timely fashion

Remind students periodically to use it, let them know when the class meeting is coming”

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Types of IssuesInformation on bullying, school rules and

classroom expectations

Problem involving one or more people

Problem or issue affecting the whole class

Suggestion for a class discussion or activity

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Activity Time!Activity #2- Try it!

(Specific PROBLEM based activity)

No Fair!Imagine we have had several complaints that

things are not “fair” in the classroom.

Close your eyes and think of an imaginary injury and hold your LEFT hand out.

PROCESS: What happened?

ALWAYS PROCESS the activity! Provide RELEVANCE AND PURPOSE.Teach students to for CONNECTIONS!

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Taking it further: Leader Responsibilities

Keep the meeting running smoothly

Opens and closes the meeting

Follows the order / meeting format

Follows steps for solving problems

Follows steps for discussing suggestions

Makes eye contact with each person speaking

Participates as any other member

Keeps discussion on topic

Lets students know if they are out of order

Asks questions, clarifies or restates problems or ideas


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Sample Agenda

Sample Morning Meeting Agenda

1. Call the meeting to order

2. Greeting (Letter to the class!)

3. Warm-up/ "Energizer" activity

4. Today's Agenda/ Special Events

5. Announcements

6. Classroom Concerns- NOT Tattles (Teacher gathers these from their "friendship box" and choose two concerns per meeting to discuss. )

7. Solutions (brainstorm/web) / Problem based activity or exercise

8. Adjourn

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Problem Solving Steps

Define the problem

Generate possible solutions

Decide on the best solution

Implement the solution

Follow Up – “How’s it workin for ya?”

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Keep it Fun!

Activities that keep kids moving, keep kids positive, engaged and participating!

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Have you ever…If the answer is yes, go to the center of the room and hi-5

those you have that in common with!

lived over seas

sung karaoke

New Edition fan? : )

met someone famous

been really proud of yourself

Human Knot Activity

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“Class meetings help make good classrooms even better.”

Donna Styles, Class Meeting: Building Leadership, problem-Solving and Decision-

Making Skills in the Respectful Classroom

The true power of meetings lies in your ability to empower students, motivate them to learn and help them discover their personal best.

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Link to Academic Achievement

When students feel valued, they are happier. When they are happier, they like coming to school. As they notice each others strengths, they take more pride in a job well done. The more self confident and supported students feel, the more effort they put into their work. With increased effort comes improved grades. Success breeds success.

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Week 1 (DAILY class meetings)GreetingsExplain what a class meeting isEstablish norms:

Where will you sit?How will you set up?How long will you take?

Name gamesBasic RulesAppropriate behaviors in the group Speak one at a time Be respectful of others and their opinions Listen and give eye contact Respect confidentiality

Introduce:R.A.Y.S. and 7 Habits

(See Handbook!)


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R.A.Y.S./ 7 Habits of Happy Kids

Tuesday: Respect (Habits #4, #5 and #6)

Wednesday: Achievement (Habit #3)

Thursday: Your Job (Habit #7)

Friday: Self-Discipline (Habit #1 and #2)

Monday: Review

**I will try so come around to every classroom's morning meeting, at least one time this week. I can observe and model at this time*

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7 Habits of Happy Kids

Become a Leader of

Self and


“ Leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves” Stephen Covey

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I take initiative.I do not blame others for my wrong actions.

I choose my actions,attitudes and moods.

Habit 1: Be ProactiveI am in charge of me!

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Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

Have a plan.


I plan ahead and set goals.

I do things that have meaning and make a difference

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Habit 3:Put First Things FirstWork first, then play.

I set priorities, make aschedule, and follow myplan

I am disciplined andorganized

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Habit 4:Think WIN-WINI win, you win, we win.

I make depositsin othersʼEmotional BankAccounts. When co

nflict a


I look f

or third



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Habit 5: Seek First to Understand then…be

UnderstoodListen before you talk.

I listen to others without interrupting.

I am confident in voicingmy ideas.

I look people in the eyes when talking.

I try to see things from their viewpoints.

I listen to other people’s ideas

and feelings.

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Habit 6: SynergizeTogether is better.

I seek out other peopleʼs ideas tosolve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us alone.

I work w

ell in gro


I value other peopleʼs strengths and learn from them

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Habit 7: Sharpen the SawBalance feels best.

I take time to find meaningful ways to help others.

I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, notjust at school.

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“Bucket-Worthy Behaviors”Below is a list of “Bucket-Worthy Behaviors”.  Please us this as a guideline for rewarding marbles.  Each teacher knows what is right for his or her classroom.  Please award marbles at your discretion, however, understand that before a behavior should be rewarded with a marble it should go "above and beyond".  

Reaching out to a new student (asking a new student to play, sit with you at lunch, etc.)

Standing up for a victim that has been bullied. 

Going out of your way to share with someone or make someone feel included

Helping a friend with something/ Consoling an upset friend

Going out of your way to be respectful/ make a compliment that is above and beyond

Being respectful to a friend you normally don’t get along with

Working well/ being respectful during partner or group work

Putting the needs of others before your own

Above and beyond good manners/ Getting a report of good manners from a substitute/ intervention/ resource teacher

Helping a friend who got hurt

EXCEPTIONAL (above average) work ethic/ behavior for the day (classroom) or period (resource)

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“When both students and teachers are able to voice opinions and thoughts in a quiet, respectful atmosphere, mutual respect and understanding develops. The students realize that it is their classroom as much as the teacher’s and they take ownership and pride in that.”

Donna Styles, author of Classroom Meetings: Building Leadership, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills in the Respectful Classroom.

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Jentae, Sarah, and Will are here to help!

New Classroom Meeting Google Doc =


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Why NOW?

Henrico County Public School Coalition for Inclusive Schools has put into place, for the past few years, that classroom meetings need to be held as part of creating inclusive school communities and as part of a county-wide bullying prevention plan.

This year we are beginning a new Morning Meeting Initiative to ensure that morning meetings are a school-wide procedure and that teachers feel supported in this initiative.

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3 R’s: Reporting, Record-keeping, and RESOURCES! Link for weekly Morning Meeting Reporting:

New this year:

Updated Morning Meeting Handbook *See Handbook*

Google Doc reporting and record-keeping of morning meetings

Administrative Team: Weekly review of Classroom Meeting reporting.

On- Site Resources and Locations:

7 Habits of Happy Kids Given to every 2 teachers (share)

Morning Meeting Book 1 per grade level (team leader)

Morning Meeting Activity Books Library Copy Room

How Full is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer School Counseling Office

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud School Counseling Office

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“Above and Beyond Behavior”- 1 Marble

Direct display of one or more of the "Seven Habits"- 2 Marbles

Cafeteria Behavior

Good Week: 5 Marbles

Good 3-4 Days: 3 Marbles

~No Marbles will be awarded for less that 3 Good days~

More about Marbles...

* Each time a class earns 25 Marbles in their classroom bucket, their classroom will be on the MORNING Announcements and receive a letter to spell out RAYS.

* At the end of each marking period, I will announce the class that has earned the most marbles. This class will receive free Ice cream coupons from Brewsters.

* ANY person working at our school can give marbles so remind students that lots of people will be watching!

* Classroom teachers are the "Bucket Boss" and have the final discretion.

Buckets of Sunshine- BIG Changes!

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For the first 4 sets of  25, classes receive the letters R, A, Y, S. EVERY set of 25 after that, a class can earn a gold star on each letter!Ex. 200 Marbles (Most) = Letters R, A, Y, S, and a gold star on each letter.

Prizes (in addition to wooden letters)25 - 10 extra min of recess50 - Homework pass for each student75 - Sweet treat at lunchtime100 - Lunch on the stage125 - Extra recess/Fun game (extra planning period for teacher!) 150 - Movie & popcorn175 - Dance Party200 - Ice cream Party (teacher gets to leave at 1pm!!!)

**In your Morning Meetings the 1st week, you will talk about ways to earn marbles by going “Above and Beyond”!


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We are ALL in this TOGETHER!

“People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”


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Resources/ Credits

The Morning Meeting Book by Roxann Kriete

Activities and Greetings by Melissa Correa-Connolly

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? By: Carol McCloud

Class Meetings: Building Leadership, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills in the Respectful Classroom by Donna Styles

7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey Lesson Plans:


How Full is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud

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Put it to work!

Use the remainder of your time to pair with your grade level and do some planning for executing your classroom meetings!Look through the resource booksFamiliarize yourself with the content and resources

available in the Morning Meeting Handbook.Plan activities for your first day, week, or month of

morning meetings. (DAILY for the first week; 1x per week thereafter)

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Resources/ Credits

The Morning Meeting Book by Roxann Kriete

Activities and Greetings by Melissa Correa-Connolly

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? By: Carol McCloud

Class Meetings: Building Leadership, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills in the Respectful Classroom by Donna Styles

7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey Lesson Plans:


How Full is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud
