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8107 SW 201st Street Vashon, 98070

Dear Klahanie School Families,

Welcome to a very exciting upcoming school year creating a New together safely and kindly andfull of fun connection bridging/weaving. Our Peace Makers we study annually and seasonally(Fred Rogers, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Wangari Maathai, Dr. Maria Montessori, First LadyMichelle Obama, Helen Keller) will include local safely screened and invited SpecialCommunity guests either in person or recorded, offering mentorship skills-set sharing and assistas anchors in maintaining our weaving of connection supports for youth. COVID-19 and theEquity unveilings and continuous learnings has offered much focused daily observation, learningopportunities and connected awareness of areas humans thrive through Social-Emotional growthsupports. We are thrilled to spend time with your children and families and learn as we continueto grow in health together. What a gift always to witness the ten months of growth and meaningfor us all and deeply meaningful as we show each other patience and acceptance. We are doingthe best we can, learning and never will have any of this down perfectly. We will enter thisschool year in humor and magic moments showing our kindness to one another. Masks anddistancing or not, we can always shore up fun and connection and our school promotes returningfamilies and new families to embrace bonkers together, find solace in knowing stories andexperiences are shared here. We are not alone. You all will find friendship and surprisingkindness at some point in this school year. That is a guarantee with you all.

A Pre-Home attestation is required each day (please see last page). And a “Check-in” with ateacher of temperature/smell assessment for each child for drop off will be involved and takepatience in rainy-cold season months. Kids will have normal colds, fevers and we will staycalm in science. We will view our judgments that arise as fear founded and cradle that to calmso that we ease back into knowing we are all going to respond this school year as boat-matesknowing that we impact one another with great care and kindness. We can mentor and modelthat to the children who then ripple that out to the world community. Very exciting stuff whenyou begin to see your children normalize: masks, playing with distance and care and kindness.Their Lead will keep us all rowing together knowing they daily teach us what works today andcould be better for Tomorrow. And oh we teachers are thrilled to Listen and shore up supportweaving these daily introductions to practical uses at home. We all need


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communication-connection Tool Belts and we are happy to share our supplies. Our class iscommitted to daily Compassionate Listening and Communication introduction and practicewithin circle time and peer exchanges. Each of the Teachers is masterful in years experience andintention, consistent education of Circle-Council practice and will run independent circles thisschool year where children will benefit with more connecting, fun and trust of space andteachers. This is the magic that will lead to Montessori pillars in school year flow due to thechildren leading in their adaption to the New and we will see swiftly what works and successesare generated in the pods we are thrilled to spend time with. Please always contact Emmy ifimpacts occur, concerns arise. We are a space for listening and solution creation.

Important Dates:Please come meet, connect with teachers and help your young child get reacquainted with theschool environment. Please read below to know what to bring and read over the Forms Page prior to the Meet and Greet. Feel free to email back scannedcopies or drop off to the Check/Paperwork Lockbox mounted at the East entry.

Meet & Greet 2021-2022 Klahanie School Calendar: All Classes

Please Email the school● Picture of your child

○ In Mask○ Without Mask○ Child’s Bio: What do you love (animals, colors)? What do you like to be


Please Drop Off @ North Entrance Table in a Name Labeled Plastic Bags

1. Name Labeled Slippers2. Name Labeled Emergency Packet (please refer to Vashon school district website for

list/ online sites which need to include the following: space blankets, non-perishablefoods, photo of family & emergency pickup person, comfort stuffy, child dust mask, glowstick)

3. 3 Clean Name Labeled Masks in a Name Labeled sealable plastic bag.4. September Tuition and Art Fee (Payments can be made Klahanie School/ Venmo or

Cashapp or Direct Deposit to Our Community Credit Union/ Klahanie School. Checksand paperwork handed in can be placed in the LockBox made out to Klahanie School)

5. Filled out and Signed Waivers & Forms found as well asthrough your jovial account

Regular class times begins Thursday September 16th


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Intro Days○ Classes will be split in half to ease children and families to school routine and

introduction to school environment, classmates with an even smaller beginningcohort. We explore as a group: the prepared environment, where everything isand what is safe play and exploration in the spaces. We also begin exploration ofGrace and Courtesy and how to ask for help, and connection time with teachers orseeking friendship time.

First Names A-G, H-Z:■ 2-3yrs 8:15-9:15 A-G, 9:15-10:15 H-Z (Mon, Tues)■ 3-6yrs 10:30-12 A-G, 12-1:30 H-Z (Mon, Tues)■ 3-6yrs 8:30-10 A-G, 10-11:30 (Wed)■ Thursday 16th, first day of Full session

Regular Full Day Schedule Sept 16-June

Monday, Tuesday8:15-10:15 2-3yr class11-2pm 3-6yr class

Wednesday, Thursday8:30am-11:30am

Friday8:15-10:15am 2-3yr class

Neighborhood Driving/Parking Reminder 8107 SW 201st Street, Vashon 98070

● Neighborhood Parking is Only Available During School Hours. NeighborhoodParking is Closed in non-school hours. Thank you for this neighborhood help.

● Drop-off and pick-up might feel long, and require patience and focus. The testingprocess will be a swift temperature check. Your job is to do the Attestation Test daily foryour child prior to arriving at school. Any “Yes' ' answers to any of the symptoms listedfrom the attestation, child is required to stay home 24 hours, or otherwise advised byPCP.

○ Traffic on our one-lane road requires patience and please park in ourdriveways in front of our home and off county road, 81st Street. We respect our


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neighbors and ask you please drive slowly (10mph) and REFRAIN from pullinginto neighbor driveways, following the drawing below.


PICKUP PARENTS WILL SIT ON THE EAST BENCH AND WAIT FOR A TEACHERTO WALK CHILDREN TO PARENTS. When seating yourself, please alert the teacher ofyour child’s name you are picking up.

If not a regular pickup person, all alerts of permission must be made via [email protected] by 7:30am each morning with1. the name of the person and2. their mobile number. Thank you.



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Thank you for driving 10mph down our neighborhood roads, yielding to oncoming traffic onour one lane road and parking only where marked, avoiding neighborhood driveways forturnarounds and offering yourself enough time to drive slowly for pedestrians.

Separation Anxiety and Drop off: If a child is having more time needed for connection withparents before a session, parents are asked to cuddle in the entry until the child is ready to walkin maybe with the parent supporting that transition to comfort once most families have droppedoff and all teachers are able to focus and support fully, doing what is quietest and most conduciveto creating that connection and calm space for the children. Please see our last page forseparation anxiety options on page 8.

Pickup: Thank You for Being On-Time, driving slow, wearing masks and seating on thebenches with respectful distancing.

To ensure safety liabilities around the property, we ask children and families torefrain from gathering or playing outside of the garden space, and use thosetrails solely for walking safely to and from vehicles immediately before schooland dismissal. Thank you for this important safety reminder.

Being so close to KVI, making a meeting place prior to pickup is helpful to all, thank you!

Supplies Kept At School: Please Bring @ the Meet and Greet or First Day● Name labeled Rain Gear (separates: raincoat and rain pants)● Name Labeled plastic bag with:

○ Clean Mask(s)○ extra shirt, shorts/sweatpants, underwear, socks, warm hoodie or

sweater-sweatshirt○ name-labeled water bottle○ snack and lunch in name-labeled lunch bag○ name-labeled sun hat, work gloves (optional and helpful)

Supplies to Bring DAILY:● Name labeled water bottle and healthy lunch/snack (please keep nuts at home● Please supply your child with pre-applied sunscreen and sun hat● Easy clothing and shoes for independence, comfort and movement Comfortable and

safe to hike in gravel, Velcro, boots and crocks are the most helpful. PLEASE LEAVETIE SHOES AT HOME. Recommended at home: shoe horns for all shoe practice tomirror what we use at school. Comfortable boots (muck, bogs) recommended.


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Thank you for trusting us with the attention, care and love of learning foundations we offer yourchild and family at Klahanie School. Really looking forward to seeing you all soon and pleasegive me a call this weekend if inquiries arise, happy to help!


Emmy Graham and Klahanie School Staff Austin, Deb, Toby

Please consider helping us by volunteering, here are areas we deep appreciate & Value yourtime:

● Substitute when a teacher is ill, this is GOLDEN HELP and tuition can be reducedfor consistent helpers (background checks required)

● Monthly playdough● Chair Pie Auction, begin organizing and gather w/ Emmy● Monthly Cut outs for special projects● Spring Parent Specialist visit at Circle: visit for a brief intro to your birth home

origins and cultures, languages, work with botany/zoology, and passions throughfoods/ arts.

Class Preparedness & Separation Anxiety SupportsMost likely your child will have a couple of adjustment moments coming back into a schoolspace--maybe some tears or fears, and these can look and feel unsettling to parents in the midstAND with gentle consistency and dependable routine, there is always massive light at the end ofthe tunnel. Separation anxiety is also a clear showing of connection parenting you establish anda hard compliment. These students are usually our most bonded children or experiencingvarying sensitivities to entering group space, and very happy schoolmates when feeling safe andthrough that adapting-adjustment period.

The biggest key for helping move to that smoother drop off is reading books about school andtopics of trying new things and inner bravery- coping to resiliency steps. There are massiveselections now to order for children specific books as well as parenting books dealing withtransition to outside of the home care, schooling for young children.

Helpful support for your child is knowing a return is always happening, so having a calendarwith the days showing school and routine, who drops off and who picks up is very helpful. Thepractice at home of preparing children wearing masks, putting on their own shoes/coats, usingthe bathroom and dropping off to school are all things to practice at home. This is not to makeinto a daily lecture or huge topic but can be integrated smoothly in a day, throughout the day tonormalize.


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I do highly suggest this, especially with all the physical restrictions we have with COVID-19today, the practice of being more self reliant (age and brain appropriately) is key to feelingrelaxed in the trying which in turn becomes a flow—true adapting.

Helpful Tips and Kind Requests to Practice At Home:

• Read children books about starting school and bravery/ resiliency in new adventures aswell as books about parents and children coming back together after longer days away from eachother.

• Find one or two parent guide books on separation anxiety (HUGE topic for kids thesedays!) and ways to practice now at home. For our boys sometimes the transfer of me to theirpapa or a grandparent would spark that separation discomfort and tantrum so we would practicewhen Alex would get home, I would “drop off” our sons to go for a walk or run errands so theycould practice that exchange. School they still would cry but not full tantrums and transition toschool activity quickly.

• Begin conversation about emotions. “What do you feel when we go to...” and using openended questions, explore what makes us feel in certain places and where are the places we feelmost comfortable and safe? What does that feel like? Then you can say things related to school,weaving that in conversation that school and naming us teachers (Emmy, Austin, Laura) are hereto help always and have fun also in school.

• Highlighting the things your child loves at home are also at school : animals, counting,puzzles, blocks, etc.

• Create with your calendar and schedule maybe a reward system? Every time you come toschool and take deep breaths (hug your torso/ tap) instead of tantrums, is it a reward when pickedup? Stickers to a bigger reward. I will give the heads up that the reward system really onlyworks if consistent so if any nervousness about follow-through, I would suggest a different routethat feels more compatible with how you parent. There are many other physical methodschildren can harness when feeling scared, nervous, angry vs a tantrum and that might be fun totalk over as a family— healthy methods we use when feeling those big emotions.

• Practice masks at home and run errands. Continue to familiarize with a masked worldand take it off and on independently.

• Wash hands in transitions. At school we do a lot of work in the first couple weeks with selfcare and environment care: washing hands, arm covering mouth (even in mask) and putting on


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clothing independently/ coats and cleaning up areas before transitioning to new activities andwashing hands in between.

• If ok with some screen moments: Watch our Klahanie School YouTube channel for a bookor two from each of us teachers periodically and more consistently before we start school. Thiswill help familiarize.

• Find some Montessori books about independence at home and start implementing thoselittle activities and cleanup steps at home. This is to familiarize with the routine and also offerstability in the act of concentration, order and independence. That trust building and confidencescreate ease, calm and then creative-engaged and fun learning! That will also feel familiar to yourchild as he/she relaxes in school.

With these starts, you might see some shifts that will surprise you. Please keep communicationsopen and all these referral suggestions can be found on our website (book referrals) and someMontessori magic resources to look into. Below is a fabulous write up on a AMS (AmericanMontessori Society) training blog for the first days of school preparations:

Many times in anxiety separation (my experience lens over these years) children deep intransition seek to be comforted with presence and invitation to be close. Many times once achild is calmed and not screaming (that is the most common response in separation anxiety) thenwe talk and connect through. We play, engage in an interest and also continue sharing that wetoo understand feeling pain and that it hurts, and it will not last. We are there to help transition tofeeling trust and then fun! Letting us know his passions (special animals your child loves: lastyear we had a child who adored Arctic Fox so we all bonded through that) is super helpful.

Supplies to Bring Daily:● Comfortable and safe to hike/run/waterproof footwear.● Name Labeled water bottle and healthy snack/lunch● Please supply your child with pre-applied sunscreen and sun hat● Easy clothing and shoes for independence, comfort and movement

Thank you for trusting us with the attention, care and love of learning foundations we offer yourchild and family at Klahanie School. Really looking forward to seeing you all soon and pleasegive me a call this weekend if inquiries arise, happy to help!


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Jovial Family Portal Guide: HOW TO USE

The Family Portal is a self-service tool that allows you to:• View your tuition and billing• View form requirements• View up-to-date class rosters

Accessing Your PortalYou should have received an email from Jovial that included a personalized link to access yourfamily’s portal. If you didn’t receive that email, check your spam folder. If your link has expired(they are only good for 30 days) you can generate a new one yourself. Here’s how:

• Go to in your web browser.• Enter your email address in the email field.• Click the Get Access Link button.• Check your email for the link from Jovial.Org (don’t forget to check for spam)• Use the link in the email to access Jovial.

Viewing and Paying Your BillAt the top right of the home page, you will see your Billing Pane. It shows your next due amountand the due date. You can use the buttons in that pane to make a payment or view your billingdetails. You can submit payments to the preschool in person with the Treasurer or Registrar.You can also mail checks to our PO Box.

The most convenient way to pay is to use the Make Payment link Cashapp/VenmoKlahanie-School or checks dropped off in our metal Dropbox mounted to the Northentrance.

Viewing Form RequirementsIf you have any questions as to which, if any, forms you need to submit for registration, you canview that in the Family Portal. From the Home page, you can see the requirements and a list ofyour outstanding forms. This list is maintained by the Registrar. Requirements in yellow areoutstanding while the green items have been satisfied. If you see any in red, they are overdue.

Viewing Class RostersYou can access the rosters for any class your child is enrolled in starting on the first day ofclasses. As children are enrolled or as they drop classes, the rosters are updated in Jovial. Toaccess the rosters for your child’s class, scroll to the bottom of the home page and look for theStudent Pane. It will contain your child’s name and information. It also shows your currentsettings for use of photos permissions.

To view any roster for your child’s class, simply click the View/Print Roster button. The rostercontains contact information for the children in class and any dietary restrictions for each child. Ifyou would like any of this information amended for your child, please send an email to theRegistrar at [email protected]..


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TODAY’S DATE: _____________Accessible version available at


1. Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 48 hours: • fever orchills • cough • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • fatigue • muscle or bodyaches • headache • new loss of taste or smell • sore throat • congestion or runny nose •nausea or vomiting • diarrhea YES NO

2. Are you isolating or quarantining because you tested positive for COVID-19 or areworried that you may be sick with COVID-19? YES NOIf you have concerns about being exposed to or sick with COVID-19, please stay home andself-quarantine or isolate.

3. Are you fully vaccinated OR have you recovered from COVID19 in the past threemonths? YES NO

4. Have you been in close physical contact in the last 14 days with: • Anyone who isknown to have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19? OR • Anyone who has any symptomsconsistent with COVID-19? Close physical contact is defined as being within 6 feet of aninfected/symptomatic person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hourperiod starting from 48 hours before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic individuals, 48hours prior to test specimen collection). YES NOIf you have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19, you should stay home andself-quarantine for 14 days before returning.



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6. Have you traveled in the past 10 days? Travel is defined as any trip that is overnightAND on public transportation (plane, train, bus, Uber, Lyft, cab, etc.) OR any trip that isovernight AND with people who are not in your household. YES NO

I certify that my responses are true and correct If you ARE NOT fully vaccinated, did youanswer NO to ALL QUESTIONS?


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