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LESSON PLAN Lesson Plan is the plan which describe the procedure and

learning organization to achieve one basic competency that is stated in content standard and explained in syllabus. The scope of lesson plan includes one basic competency consists of one or some indicators for one meeting or more.

Lesson plan is teacher detailed description of the course instruction for an individual lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class instruction, the detail of the plan will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered and the need of the student.

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DEVELOPING LESSON PLAN• Title of the lesson• Timerequired to complete the lesson• List of required materials• List of objectives, which may be behavioral objectives • The set that focuses students on the

lesson's skills or concepts—these include showing pictures or models, asking leading questions, or reviewing previous lessons

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DEVELOPING LESSON PLAN • An instructional component that describes the

sequence of events that make up the lesson, including the teacher's instructional input and guided practice the students use to try new skills or work with new ideas

• Independent practice that allows students to extend skills or knowledge on their own

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DEVELOPING LESSON PLAN• A summary, where the teacher wraps up the

discussion and answers questions• An evaluation component, a test for mastery of

the instructed skills or concepts—such as a set of questions to answer or a set of instructions to follow

• Analysis component the teacher uses to reflect on the lesson itself —such as what worked, what needs improving

• A continuity component reviews and reflects on content from the previous lesson

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A WELL DEVELOPED LESSON PLANA well developed lesson plan reflects interests and needs of students. It incorporates best practices for the educational field. The lesson plan correlates with the teacher's philosophy of education, which is what the teacher feels is the purpose of educating the students.

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• A lesson plan must correlate with the text book the class uses. The school usually selects the text books or provides teachers with a limited text book choice for a particular unit. The teacher must take great care and select the most appropriate book for the students.

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TYPES OF ASSIGNMENT• The instructor must decide whether class

assignments are whole-class, small groups, workshops, independent work, peer learning, or contractual:

• Whole-classThe teacher lectures to the class as a whole and has the class collectively participate in classroom discussions.

• Small groupsThe students work on assignments in groups of three or four.

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The students perform various tasks simultaneously. Workshop activities must be tailored to the lesson plan.

• Independent workThe students complete assignments individually.

• Peer learningThe students work together, face to face, so they can learn from one another.

• Contractual workThe teacher and student establish an agreement that the student must perform a certain amount of work by a deadline

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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (Lesson plan)

Pengajaran Text Report

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Mata Pelajaran :B. InggrisKelas/Semester : XI/1Pertemuan ke : 1Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit Standar Kompetensi• Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional/ interpersonal resmi

dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari• Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog yang berbentuk report, narrative

dan analytical exposition secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

Kompetensi Dasar• Merespon makna dalam makna dalam teks monolog sederhana

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk: reports

• Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan yang berbentuk: report


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Indikator• Merespon wacana monolog: report• Melakukan monolog berbentuk : report Tujuan Pembelajaran• Siswa dapat merespon wacana monolog: report• Siswa dapat melakukan monolog berbentuk : report Materi Pokok• Wacana monolog berbentuk: report

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The Example of Report PassageWhales are sea-livings mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meters in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure; its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). It can be up to 30 meters in thickness and serves heat and body fluids.

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Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three-phase technique  Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

 Kegiatan Awal (10’)• Tanya-jawab mengenai gambar dalam buku teks   Kegiatan Inti (70’)•  Siswa mendengarkan teks lisan report sambil melengkapi teks tersebut.• Siswa merespon isi teks dengan menjawab pertanyaan dan melafalkan beberapa kosakata. • Siswa memberi label bagian-bagian tubuh seekor ikan.• Siswa membuat report seekor hewan secar berkelompok tanpa menyebutkan nama hewan

tersebut.• Salah satu perwakilan dari tiap kelompok siswa maju ke depan dan kelompok siswa lain

menebak hewan yang dilaporkan, dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang tertera di buku ( guessing games).


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Kegiatan Akhir (10’)• Siswa mendapat feedback dari guru Sumber/Bahan/Alat• Buku Look Ahead 2• Kaset/CD• Tape• Script dari Look Ahead 2• Ensiklopedia dari perpustakaan Penilaian • Teknik: Performance Assessment (responding)• Bentuk: Pertanyaan lisan

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ENJOY THIS. Play a guessing game. Think of a certain animal and then, ask your friend(s) to guess it.


Student A: It usually walks on desserts. It has a hump on its back. It is used to carry people or heavy loads. It has a long leg and

long curved neck. It is more than two meters tall. What is it?Student B: Could it be donkey?Student A: No, I’m afraid notStudent B: sounds like a camel.Student A: Exactly

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Analysis• This game has fulfilled the instructional

objective of the lesson plan.• The objective is to give a respond and reveal

on report text• This game makes the students actively use

simple report text

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The Congruent of Instructional Objective and Assessment

• From the objective of the lesson plan, we can find that it is a congruent with the assessment

• The assessment helps the students to achieve the goal because it gives the students chance to experience, to know and practice with the material intensely

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