Page 1: Cromehurst News · 2020. 11. 25. · Good choice making during shopping and canteen preparation Scott Pink Using his own iPad to tell the class his news from home Claudia Music Fabulous

Cromehurst News Term 2 Week 4


17 May—Post School Expo,

Chatswood Concourse

25 May—Wizzy World

(Blue & Yellow class)

29 May—School Photos

6 June—Yr 11& 12


30 Jun—Last Day Term 2

18 Jull—First Day Term 3

22 Sept—Last Day Term 3

9 Oct—First Day Term 4

Inside this issue:

White Class 1

Principal’s Message 2

Muggera Dancers 3-4

General News 5

Awards 6

P&C News 7

What’s On 8-12

White Class 15 MAY 2017

We have been busy during the first half of term 2 working on our individual goals and learning about our ‘Place in Space’. We have all decided that planet earth, the third planet, is our favourite planet because it is where we live! This term we have had an opportunity to visit a Kindergarten class at Willoughby PS. The boys enjoyed the visit and interacting with the class. Hopefully, this will become a weekly occurrence. As for what the boys are doing in class: Shertam is able to recite his address and order his very long last name with a little encouragement. Thomas is able to order the letters in his first name and is writing the letter T with very little prompting Conor and Ryan know 10 sightwords and are able to read simple stories that contain those words. Jake is making selections from 3 visuals to answer questions correctly. Fantastic effort boys!

Page 2: Cromehurst News · 2020. 11. 25. · Good choice making during shopping and canteen preparation Scott Pink Using his own iPad to tell the class his news from home Claudia Music Fabulous


Principal’s Message

Welcome to week four

I hope all of our families had a wonderful Mothers’ Day weekend (especially our mothers). Our Mothers’ Day raffle was a great success and I am pleased to announce the winner of the massive hamper was Sofie’s grandmother and the body shop gift set was won by Sam’s sister. Thank you to all of our families who purchased tickets enabling us to raise over $500.00 towards playground resources. Thanks also needs to go to our staff who provided the items for the raffle and our P&C who ran our Mothers’ Day stall. The students enjoyed selecting and paying for items and some very well considered purchases were made which I hope our mothers and grandmothers enjoyed.

Last week was a very busy and successful week at school. On Tuesday we had our incursion featuring the Muggera Dancers who engaged all of our school in a range of music and art activities reflecting Indigenous culture. The experience was enjoyed by students and staff and produced a range of artworks including a large canvas which is now hanging in the office area. I have included a photo of it later in the newsletter. We are grateful to our P&C who funded the cost for all of our families. This was followed by a special assembly conducted by Blue class who performed a dramatisation of an Aboriginal story reflecting what the primary students have been focusing on this term in their theme of Indigenous culture. It was a great performance which engaged the whole school.

Following on from our successful art creations we noticed that we did not have enough “paint shirts” for all of our students. We would like to request that parents send in an old (no longer required) shirt or T-shirt for our students to wear to protect their school uniforms from becoming creative art exhibits. Although we use water based paint (which should wash out) it does result in additional washing which can be a problem especially in winter. Several sizes larger than the student would be appreciated so it can be easily worn over your child’s school uniform.

Our first information session for parents was also held on Tuesday regarding the use of “Key Word Signing”, how we use it at school and how parents can use it at home. The workshop was well attended and feedback indicates that parents would like more opportunities to engage in workshops such as these. Thank you to all the parents who attended and provided feedback. We are aiming to conduct another information session if possible later in the term to discuss emotional and physical development for adolescents. Further information on this will be provided once it is confirmed.

I am including information regarding a range of NDIS information sessions and workshops across Sydney. These sessions are conducted by authorised government and non-government agencies and focus on a range of topics such as consumer rights, implementation of plans and the appeals process. The sessions are held in a range of venues across Sydney so hopefully one

or more of them will be convenient for our families. Being well informed about these changing processes will facilitate the creation of effective support for our students and their families.


Page 3: Cromehurst News · 2020. 11. 25. · Good choice making during shopping and canteen preparation Scott Pink Using his own iPad to tell the class his news from home Claudia Music Fabulous

Muggera Dancers PAGE 3

On Tuesday, 9 May the Muggera Dancers came to visit our school. All of the students enjoyed a special day where they actively participated in a variety of collaborative music and art activities based around Australian Aboriginal culture. These activities were both inside and outside the classroom with the resulting artworks being both visually vibrant and representative of the shared experience of the students.

In particular, traditional music, stories and symbols were explored, which highlighted important themes such as community and inclusivity.

We are grateful to the Muggera Dancers for the engaging incursion experience.

Page 4: Cromehurst News · 2020. 11. 25. · Good choice making during shopping and canteen preparation Scott Pink Using his own iPad to tell the class his news from home Claudia Music Fabulous

Muggera Dancers (continued) PAGE 4

This is our new artwork produced in collaboration with the Muggera Dancers. The piece is now proudly hanging in the administration building.

Page 5: Cromehurst News · 2020. 11. 25. · Good choice making during shopping and canteen preparation Scott Pink Using his own iPad to tell the class his news from home Claudia Music Fabulous

General News PAGE 5

Mother’s Day Hamper

Congratulations to Sofie’s grandmother who was the lucky first prize winner of our Mothers’ Day hamper. Second prize (a Body Shop gift set) was won by Sam’s sister.

Thanks to everyone for buying and/or selling tickets and supporting our school.

School Photos

Don’t forget to return your order form for your child’s school photos which will be taken on Monday, 29 May 2017. All forms need to be returned by Wednesday, 24 May 2017.

If you have misplaced your form and require another please contact the school office.

If you will not be purchasing school photos we would be grateful if you would note this on the form and return it to school anyway so we know that you haven’t accidentally forgotten to return the form.

The Sign of the week is:


Move hand up to mouth in a

cupped shape, as though holding

a cup.

Key word sign workshop

We were delighted with the positive turnout for our key word sign workshop, held on Tuesday. This was an excellent opportunity to practice the signs from the ‘Cromehurst Key Word Sign: Phase 1’ book and to explore how key word signing is used at Cromehurst School. The feedback we received was fantastic and we look forward to working with you all again in the future on Phase 2.

Thank you to all who participated.

Page 6: Cromehurst News · 2020. 11. 25. · Good choice making during shopping and canteen preparation Scott Pink Using his own iPad to tell the class his news from home Claudia Music Fabulous

Name Class Awarded For:

Ashton Purple Communicating ‘I want’ during meal times using visuals

and a sentence strip

Tara Rainbow Saying the routine for the day without prompting

Thomas White Walking to say farewell to Janice at the end of the day

Ashlee Blue Fabulous participation in Special Olympics

Jessica Y Yellow Walking calmly with the group and wearing his hat

Kai Red Great participation in morning circle—greeting his friends

Heather Orange Starting to walk independently with the group

on community access

Ben Green Good choice making during shopping and

canteen preparation

Scott Pink Using his own iPad to tell the class his news from home

Claudia Music Fabulous dancing and playing instruments in Aboriginal music

Jack W Art Great painting of his silver rocket ship and dot painting in Art

Term 2 Week 3

Assembly Awards


8—12 May 2017


Page 7: Cromehurst News · 2020. 11. 25. · Good choice making during shopping and canteen preparation Scott Pink Using his own iPad to tell the class his news from home Claudia Music Fabulous

P&C News PAGE 7

Hope you all had a happy and harmonious Mother's Day and enjoyed the goodies from the stall! Many

thanks to all the families that took part this year! A few photos of the students shopping are included


Many thanks also to those that took the time to attend last week's P&C AGM. The minutes will be

circulated in due course but by way of summary the new executive elected at the meeting were Karen

Hickmott - President, Catherine Dixon - Treasurer and Francine Johnson - Secretary. Many thanks to

Julia Norton for her term as Secretary over the past year.

Date for your diaries - please keep Saturday, 12 August clear for our turn at the Chatswood Bunnings

BBQ. This is a big money raiser for the P&C and we could really use your help - either manning the BBQ

on the day or providing cakes for the ever popular cake stall! If you can help in any way please let us

know at [email protected] - stay tuned for more details!

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What’s On PAGE 8

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Page 12: Cromehurst News · 2020. 11. 25. · Good choice making during shopping and canteen preparation Scott Pink Using his own iPad to tell the class his news from home Claudia Music Fabulous


Synapse funded to Assist with NDIS Appeals Synapse (former Brain Injury Association of NSW) have been funded to commence an NDIS Appeals Service to any person who has been denied access to the NDIS or is unsatisfied with the amount or type of inclusions in their NDISplan. This ranges from reviewing the documentation you have received from the NDIA, writing letters, or proceeding with an NDIS Appeal if this is the right option. Staff can also advocate for you or assist you to advocate for yourself, attend hearings and review meetings with you, and assist you to access legal assistance and funding if required during the NDIS Appeals process. There is no cost to an individual submitting a review through the NDIS Appeals Service. To contact the Synapse Advocacy team, phone 1800 673 074 or email [email protected]. All people with disability are welcome, not just people with brain injury.
