Term 1 Week 9 Cromehurst News DEC-NSW Important Dates 25 Mar—Good Friday 28 Mar—Easter Monday 29 Mar—Year 7 Vaccinations 30 Mar—Harmony Day 3 Apr—Family Picnic 8 Apr—Last Day Term 1 26 Apr—Staff Developments Day 27 Apr– Students return 25 May—School Leavers Expo, 30 May—School photos Inside this issue: Yellow Class 1 Principal’s Message 2 Family Fun Day 3 General News 4 Golf Day 5-7 Awards 8-9 What’s On 10-13 Yellow Class 21 MARCH 2016 Yellow class are pleased to welcome two new students and their families to Cromehurst this year. Anita and Arabella have been wonderful additions to the class with Claudia, Pulasthi and Ethan. This term has been incredibly busy! It was fantastic to see everyone trying their best with their swimming during swim scheme earlier in the term. We have continued to develop our swimming skills and water safety during our weekly swimming sessions. Yellow class and Green class have been working really well together and are enjoying our Community Access Fridays. It has been great to see everyone being safe by staying as a group on our walk around Lindfield, learning that we need to stop, look, listen and think and the importance of keeping our bodies safe by wearing a hat and some sunscreen. We are continuing to venture further and are now enjoying our weekly bush walks. These walks are going to be great preparation for our upcoming excursion. Yellow class have also been busy helping to take care of our school by helping to complete some of our school jobs where we go around and see what paper products the Junior classes need and helping to water the plants in our sensory garden. Yellow class wishes the best of luck to the people who are participating in the swimming carnival on Wednesday.

Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

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Page 1: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

Term 1 Week 9

Cromehurst News


Important Dates

25 Mar—Good Friday

28 Mar—Easter Monday

29 Mar—Year 7


30 Mar—Harmony Day

3 Apr—Family Picnic

8 Apr—Last Day Term 1

26 Apr—Staff

Developments Day

27 Apr– Students return

25 May—School Leavers


30 May—School photos

Inside this issue:

Yellow Class 1

Principal’s Message 2

Family Fun Day 3

General News 4

Golf Day 5-7

Awards 8-9

What’s On 10-13

Yellow Class 21 MARCH 2016

Yellow class are pleased to welcome two new students and their families to Cromehurst this year. Anita and Arabella have been wonderful additions to the class with Claudia, Pulasthi and Ethan.

This term has been incredibly busy! It was fantastic to see everyone trying their best with their swimming during swim scheme earlier in the term. We have continued to develop our swimming skills and water safety during our weekly swimming sessions.

Yellow class and Green class have been working really well together and are enjoying our Community Access Fridays. It has been great to see everyone being safe by staying as a group on our walk around Lindfield, learning that we need to stop, look, listen and think and the importance of keeping our bodies safe by wearing a hat and some sunscreen. We are continuing to venture further and are now enjoying our weekly bush walks. These walks are going to be great preparation for our upcoming excursion.

Yellow class have also been busy helping to take care of our school by helping to complete some of our school jobs where we go around and see what paper products the Junior classes need and helping to water the plants in our sensory garden.

Yellow class wishes the best of luck to the people who are participating in the swimming carnival on Wednesday.

Page 2: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

Welcome to week nine (and countdown to the long weekend)

We certainly had a very busy and event filled week last week. The annual Golf Day & Dinner was very successful once again. A huge thank you to the Golf Committee who worked tirelessly throughout the previous twelve months to ensure everything ran smoothly, the Cromehurst Staff who attended on the night and worked as volunteers during the auction, Karen Hickmott for organising online bidding which yielded a greater return than in previous years and to Nicola Worrall for the extensive effort and time outside of working hours that she put in to this year’s event.

Our Family Fun Day was held last Friday for our Primary students, thank you to all the parents who were able to attend and help make this event a success. We were a little unfortunate with the weather but it didn’t deter our students - they had a great time and participated well. Thank you also to the Roseville College year nine students who helped out on the day and assisted the students to participate.

Last year our school participated in the Woolworths “Earn and Learn” program and due to the diligence of staff and parents our sticker count was the highest it had ever been. We were also fortunate that The Cerebral Palsy Alliance and Roseville College donated a huge amount of stickers to our cur school. We were able to obtain a wide range of excellent

resources for our classrooms and library which is greatly appreciated. I have included a photo of the resources delivered last week in this newsletter. We will be participating in this program again this year so please collect your stickers and send them in to school.

I have included information regarding two events providing information regarding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). On is an expo at Ryde on Wednesday, 30 March and the other is an information session regarding residential accommodation and housing conducted by the NDIS. Please avail yourself of as many information sessions as you can manage so you are as informed as possible regarding planning and processes by the roll out date.

This week is short week with a long weekend looming. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our families a very happy Easter break and four day weekend. I hope the Easter Bunny is generous to students, parents and staff and everyone takes some time to relax and enjoy a break from the weekday routines.



Principal’s Message


Page 3: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

Family Fun Day PAGE 3

The Primary classes had a fun day with their families and friends from Roseville Ladies College. Even though it rained we were able to have our Hat Parade, play with water in the spas, have face painting, play with rice and help create a beautiful hanging for the Sensory Garden. Some families enjoyed building tow-ers in the Lego corner and we finished with a group activity with the parachute. Thank you to all who helped make this such a great experience for the stu-dents.

Page 4: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

Harmony Day A reminder that Cromehurst School will be celebrating Harmony Day on Wednesday, 30 March 2016. Please see the Harmony Day flyer on the following pages of this newsletter for the details of this special day.

General News PAGE 4


Please note that there will be no canteen this coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016.

Family Picnic Day

Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your own picnic and take the opportunity to check out all of the new playground additions and catch up with friends old and new.

Thank You!

An enormous THANK YOU to The Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Roseville College and all of our wonderful families for contributing stickers towards last year’s Woolworths “Earn & Learn” program.

The resources we ordered have now arrived!

Page 5: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

Golf Day & Dinner PAGE 5

Last Wednesday was the 21st Annual Cromehurst Charity Golf Day. We were so lucky with the weath-er with a dreary wet beginning to the day the sun came out for the golf in the afternoon and the rain set in once we were all safely inside for the evening’s events. Eighty-eight golfers took to the course and we had 170 people for dinner. Our guest speaker this year was Mr Bruce Bonyhady AM - the chair of the National Disability Insurance Agency and one of the main architects of the whole NDIS. He gave us a very frank and open outline of progress to date and very generously answered a number of probing questions. Narelle Yeo and Karen Hickmott provided a small musical interlude with voice and harp, Ian Hyman conducted our live auction and Peter Gibson was once again our dynamic MC for the night!

We are still counting all the beans raised and will announce the final result as soon as we can.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the day—the committee, the staff, the stu-dents who made the beautiful table decorations and to the families who came, brought guests and do-nated items to the silent auction and all of our donors to the event—please see the list attached and support these individuals and businesses if you can—they have supported us!

Page 6: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

Thank you for your support! PAGE 6

Page 7: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

Golf Day raffle winners PAGE 7

Page 8: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

Positive Behaviour Engaging Learn-

To create a consistent whole school approach for safe and effective learning.

This week our students of the week are:

Henry—Learn Together

Ben—Be Friendly


Name Class Awarded For:

Sophia Rainbow Helping her friends at lunch

Tara Purple Trying her hardest to write letters in desk work sessions

James M Blue Using his PECS book to communicate with his teachers

Gelo White Being very polite to Mike B in the playground

Lucy Red Greeting staff and friends with great eye contact

Anita Yellow Doing a fantastic job and trying her best with her reading and

weekend recounts

Zac M Green Joining the group for Zumba

Robyn Pink Staying with the group and listening during shopping

April Orange Great shopping with the group at Coles

James A Aqua Being part of our school for so long. We will miss you.

Sophia Art Excellent work in Art

Pulasthi Art Excellent work in Music

Term 1 Week 7

Assembly Awards


7 Mar—11 Mar


Page 9: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your

Positive Behaviour Engaging Learn-

To create a consistent whole school approach for safe and effective learning.

This week our students of the week are:

Lucy—Learn Together

Cameron—Be Safe


Name Class Awarded For:

Conor Rainbow Working well with Catherine on his numbers

Ryan Purple Following the morning exercise routine independently

Kai Blue Great attempts to tell time for different activities

Gelo & Lex White Playing friendly with each other in class during wet weather

Noah Red Sitting calmly during the whole school assembly

Pulasthi Yellow Doing fantastic dancing during Zumba

Hamish Green Using the toilet well on Tuesday

Karen Pink Shopping with the group

Hannah Orange Relaying messages to the office & the multi-purpose room independently & remembering to close gates after going


Luke Si Aqua Doing a good job as vice captain

Arabella Art Fantastic participation in Art

Conor Music Fantastic participation in Music

Term 1 Week 8

Assembly Awards


14 Mar—18 Mar


Page 10: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your


What’s On

Page 11: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your


Page 12: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your


Page 13: Cromehurst News · coming Wednesday, 23 March 2016. Family Picnic Day Don’t forget the Family Picnic Day is coming up on Sunday, 3 April 2016. Come along from 12pm—bring your