
Break the Pattern

Creativity is a change in mindset

Patterns = prison If we let those patterns go

too long unquestioned; they become our prisons – Dewitt Jones.

What usually works now will soon be redundant and irrelevant.

If we keep doing things because that is what we are comfortable with, our competitors will overtake us.

They like breaking patterns…

Sergey Brin and Larry Page

The Google Story

Search existed in 1994…but not very relevant results.

Google only started in 1998 (4 years later)…

…yet, almost everybody is using Google now…

…without spending on marketing

…by just word-of-mouth

What did they do differently? What patterns did they break?


Breaking the PatternThey don’t just


They rank the results according to relevance.

They find ways of making the search fast.


Breaking the PatternThey don’t buy

computers from the usual vendors

They assembled their own computers open source tools using Linux to reduce expenses


Bottom LineResult –

everybody uses Google and the company is rich


Breaking the pattern – in your work

Quit thinking: “ganyan na yan dati” “puede na yan”

Learn and re-learn your craft everydayUse the internet Look for formal classes

and volunteer to attend them

Using your new wisdom, you can then “break the pattern”

