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STATE: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA NATIONAL POINT(S) OF CONTACT (Organization, telephones, fax, e-mail)1: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Security Policy Directorate Tel. +359 2 948 22 44; Fax: +359 2 948 20 37 Email: [email protected] Ministry of Defense, Defense Policy Directorate Tel +359 2 92 20401; +359 2 92 20460; +359 2 92 20417; Fax +359 2 92 20403 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] DATE OF SUBMISSION : 27/03/2012

[dd/mm/year] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORTING TIME PERIOD FROM INITIAL REPORT

[day/month] [day/month] [year] NOTE : all data shaded in grey is provided on a VOLUNTARY basis but pertains to

compliance and implementation not covered by the formal reporting requirements contained in Article 7.


1 In accordance with Article 7.1 (1)

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Form A National implementation measures Article 7.1 "Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General... on:

a) The national implementation measures referred to in Article 9." Remark: In accordance with Article 9, "Each State Party shall take all appropriate legal, administrative and other measures to implement this Convention, including the imposition of penal sanctions, to prevent and suppress any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention undertaken by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control."

State: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT

Legal, administrative and other measures taken to implement the CCM

(including imposition of penal sanctions)

Supplementary information (e.g., text and

effective date of implementation measures,

including legislation, administrative measures,

policies and directives, training of military


Bulgaria was one of the 94 States that signed the Convention when it was opened for signature on 3 December 2008.

The Parliament adopted a Law on the ratification of the Convention on 10 February 2011.

The Republic of Bulgaria deposited its Instrument of ratification on 6 April 2011 and became the 56th nation to ratify.

The CCM entered into force on 1 October 2011.

The Law on the ratification of the Convention was promulgated in the State Gazette No 16/2011.

The text of the Convention in Bulgarian was published in the State Gazette No 75/2011 on 27 September 2011.

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An interim National Authority to coordinate compliance and implementation of Bulgaria’s obligations stemming from the Convention was established on 31 January 2012 in the form of an Inter-Ministerial Working Group chaired by the MFA and including representatives of other relevant ministries. A permanent National Authority will be established with a special Law which is currently under consideration.

The Ministry of Defense has undertaken the necessary administrative measures in order to separate, sort and deposit the cluster munitions in order to destroy them at a later stage. On 7 March 2012, the Minister of Defense issued an order for discharge of all cluster munitions from operational stocks for their subsequent destruction in accordance with article 3 of the Convention. Accordingly, on 20 March 2012, the Chief of Defense issued an order for decommission of all cluster munitions, their separation from munitions retained for operational use and their marking for the purpose of destruction.

A special Law on the implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions and possibly other International Humanitarian Law Conventions is currently under consideration. It will aim at explicitly transpose the provisions of CCM and other conventions into the Bulgarian legislation.

Penal sanctions to prevent and suppress any activity prohibited by the Convention will be prescribed in more detail through amendments of the Penal Code of the Republic of Bulgaria.

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Form B Stockpiles and Destruction of Cluster Munitions

PART I: Stockpiled Cluster Munitions

Article 7, paragraph 1 "Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General... on:

(b) The total of all cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 3 of this Convention, to include a breakdown of their type, quantity and, if possible, lot numbers of each type;

(g) Stockpiles of cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, discovered after reported completion of the programme referred to in subparagraph (e) of this paragraph, and plans for their destruction in accordance with article 3 of this Convention;”

State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT 1. The total of all cluster munitions and explosive submunitions, stockpiled under the jurisdiction and control of the State Party

The following table does not include munitions retained for the purpose of training and expertise (in accordance with Article 3.6) reported in Form С

Cluster munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Total quantity of explosive submunitions

Lot number

Suplementary information

Air bomb RBK 250-275 AO-1 SCH 30 107 75 AO-1 SCH 4500 6 2 76 900 4 8 76 600 17 67 76 2550 14 104 76 2100 29 131 76 4350 1 135 76 150

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Cluster munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Total quantity of explosive submunitions

Lot number

Suplementary information

2 36 77 300 2 40 78 300 8 50 78 1200 2 P77 78 300 10 P40 78 1 500 30 34 80 4500 12 51 82 1800 16 P51 82 2 400 30 PM3 35 4 500

Total 213 Total 31 950 Air bomb RBK 250-275 AO-2,5 SCH 1 36 77

Total 1 Total Air bomb RBK- 250 ZAB 2,5 SM 60 63 71 ZAB 2,5 SM 2 880

Total 60 Total 2 880 Air bomb RBK 250 PTAB -2,5 М 2 17 70 PTAB -2,5 М 84 1 82 75 42 17 130 75 714 20 111 75 840 22 132 75 924 23 83 75 966 29 108 75 1260 2 104 76 84 3 96 76 126

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Cluster munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Total quantity of explosive submunitions

Lot number

Suplementary information

6 127 76 252 22 59 76 924 2 52 77 84 9 61 77 378 10 23 77 420 14 24 77 588 22 20 77 924 29 118 77 1218 30 149 77 1260 3 111 78 126 4 П39 78 168 48 128 78 2 016 12 ПМЗ124 78 504 16 39 78 672 9 П127 78 378 21 127 78 882 2 33 82 84 2 34 82 84 20 35 82 840 22 72 83 924 28 ПМ3 82 1 176 28 34 82 1 176

Total 478 Total 20 118 Cluster RBK – 250 2 0 0

Total 2 Total Air bomb RBK 500 3 21 85 AO - 2.5 RT 180

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Cluster munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Total quantity of explosive submunitions

Lot number

Suplementary information

AO - 2.5 RT 8 21 85 480 5 24 86 300 20 24 86 1 200 67 29 86 4020 7 3 88 420 8 33 88 480 9 2 88 540 12 29 86 720 13 3 88 780 18 3 88 1080 31 2 88 1 860

Total 201 Total 12 060 Air bomb RBK 500 ZAB 2.5 SM 5 14 82 ZAB 2.5 SM 225 3 15 82 135 7 18 82 315 14 9 83 630 6 13 82 360 34 14 82 2040 15 18 82 900 1 22 87 60 1 24 87 60

Total 86 Total 4 725 Submunition type ZAB - 2,5 2939 Total 2939

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Cluster munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Total quantity of explosive submunitions

Lot number

Suplementary information

Air bomb RBK 500 SHOAB - 0,5M 8 22 88

SHOAB - 0,5M 4 520

28 30 88 15820 Total 36 Total 20 340

Air bomb RBK 500 SHOAB - 0,5 3 32 86 SHOAB - 0,5 1 695

Total 3 Total 1 695 Air bomb RBK- 500 - 255 2 26 64

Total 2 Total 0 Air bomb BKF AO-2,5 RT 36 17 83 AO-2,5 RT 288 54 19 83 432 8 74 86 64 10 73 86 80 10 104 86 80 20 109 86 160 32 108 86 256 40 107 86 320 48 А3 86 384 56 72 86 448 2 56 88 16 4 49 89 32 12 55 88 96 14 53 88 112 26 57 88 208 44 56 88 352

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Cluster munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Total quantity of explosive submunitions

Lot number

Suplementary information

102 55 88 816 126 54 88 1 008 100 59 88 800 160 58 88 1 280 64 54 89 512 76 46 89 608 105 53 89 840 116 50 89 928 154 35 89 1 232 120 73 86 1440 34 74 86 408 40 104 86 480 16 106 86 192 64 107 86 768 816 108 86 9792 34 109 86 408 40 503 86 480 58 53 88 696 86 54 88 1032 78 55 88 936 12 56 88 144 198 49 89 2376 60 50 89 720 2 54 89 24 9 0 0 108

Total 3 086 Total 31 356

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Cluster munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Total quantity of explosive submunitions

Lot number

Suplementary information

Air bomb BKF PTM-3 106 13 89 PTM-3 848 112 15 89 122 12 89 976 154 13 89 246 14 89

Total 740 Total 1 824 Air bomb BKF PTAB -2,5 92 11 82 PTAB -2,5 736 148 21 82 1 184 6 13 83 72 42 13 83 336 54 43 83 648 24 34 84 192 7 0 85 84 10 142 85 80 12 145 85 96 14 39 85 168 20 5 85 240 26 144 85 312 28 139 85 224 38 145 85 456 40 139 85 480 58 72 85 696 60 71 85 720 72 153 85 864

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Cluster munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Total quantity of explosive submunitions

Lot number

Suplementary information

96 2 85 1152 6 605 86 72 4 1 87 32 4 5 87 48 6 3 87 48 8 26 87 64 8 30 87 64 14 1 87 112 22 30 87 264 24 24 87 192 26 29 87 312 32 3 87 256 36 3 87 432 40 28 87 480 44 26 87 528 60 2 87 480 66 25 87 528 72 28 87 576 84 2 87 1008 92 27 87 736 96 1 87 1152 106 29 87 848 112 5 87 896 134 4 87 1 072 14 0 0 168

Total 1 957 Total 19 108

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Cluster munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Total quantity of explosive submunitions

Lot number

Suplementary information

Air bomb PBS - 100 1 0 0 3 Total 1 Total 3

9N123K 8 87 9N24 400 Total 8 Total 400

TOTAL 6 874

All cluster munitions are in possession of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Bulgaria and are intended for destruction.

2. Additional stockpiles discovered after reported completion of the programme for destruction Cluster munition




Lot number

(if possible)




Total quantity

of explosive


Lot number

(if possible)

Plans for


Where, when

and how







3. Status and progress ... in separating all CM under its jurisdiction and control from other munitions retained for operational

use and marking them for the purpose of destruction (ref. art. 3, para. 1) Cluster munition


Quantity separated

and marked for


Lot numbers

(if possible)


submunition type

Total quantity

separated and marked

for destruction

Lot numbers

(if possible)




Total Total

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Form B Stockpiles and destruction of cluster munitions (continued)

Part II: Status of programs for the destruction of cluster munitions Article 7, paragraph 1

“Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General ... on: (e) The status and progress of programmes for the destruction, in accordance with article 3 of this

Convention, of cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, with details of the methods that will be used in destruction, the location of all destruction sites and the applicable safety and environmental standards to be observed;

(f) The types and quantities of cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, destroyed in accordance with article 3 of this Convention, including details of the methods of destruction used, the location of the destruction sites and the applicable safety and environmental standards observed;

(g) Stockpiles of cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, discovered after reported completion of the programme referred to in subparagraph (e) of this paragraph, and plans for their destruction in accordance with article 3 of this Convention;”

State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT

1. Status and progress of destruction programmes (Article 3) Status Items of the Table 1 1. The total of all cluster munitions and explosive submunitions,

stockpiled under the jurisdiction and control of the State Party, Form B, Part I, Article 7, Paragraph 1

Plans, general information, timeline Plans, including timeline, for destruction, are currently under development, with the aim to conclude the process of destruction well in advance of the stipulated deadline, and taking into account Action No 8 of the CCM Vientiane Action Plan

Methods that will be used1 The decision on the methods that will be used for destruction of the cluster munitions will be taken within the development of the plans for destruction.

Name and location of destruction sites that will be



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Applicable safety and environmental standards to

be observed

The Bulgarian standards will be applied. If the destruction is carried out in another country, its legislation will be applied.

Progress since last report N/A

Supplementary information

1 Reference to Form В (4).

2. Destruction of cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, completed BEFORE the entry into force for the State Party (ONLY for initial reports)


munition type



Lot number

(if possible)










Date of


Location of






Total: Total:

3. Types and quantities of cluster munitions, including explosive submunitions, destroyed in accordance with Article 3 3. a. After entry into force

Cluster munition




Lot number

(if possible)


submunition type



Lot number

(if possible)

Date of


Location of






Total: Total:

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3. b. Additional stockpiles destroyed after reported completion of the programme for destruction

Cluster munition




Lot number

(if possible)





destroyed *

Lot number (if


Plans for


Progress in

destruction/ Date of



Total: Total:

INCLUDING explosive submunitions which are not contained in a cluster munition. 4. Methods of destruction used Explosive submunition type Details of the methods of destruction used

TBD at later stage

5. Applicable safety and environmental standards observed in destruction

TBD at later stage

6. Challenges and international assistance and cooperation needed for the implementation of Article 3

Activity Description Time period Need


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Form C Cluster Munitions retained or transferred Article 3.8. States Parties retaining, acquiring or transferring cluster munitions or explosive submunitions for the purposes described in paragraphs 6 and 7 of this Article shall submit a detailed report on the planned and actual use of these cluster munitions and explosive submunitions and their type, quantity and lot numbers. If cluster munitions or explosive submunitions are transferred to another State Party for these purposes, the report shall include reference to the receiving party. Such a report shall be prepared for each year during which a State Party retained, acquired or transferred cluster munitions or explosive submunitions and shall be submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (...)." State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT

1. Type of cluster munitions or explosive submunitions RETAINED in accordance with Article 3(6) No cluster munitions or explosive submunitions were retained in accordance with article 3, paragraph 6 Cluster

munition type

Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Quantity Lot number Planned use Supplementary



Total: Total:

2. Type of cluster munitions or explosive submunitions ACQUIRED in accordance with Article 3(6)

No cluster munitions or explosive submunitions were acquired in accordance with article 3, paragraph 6.


munition type Quantity Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Quantity Lot number Planned use Supplementary information

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Total: Total:

3. Retained/acquired cluster munitions or explosive submunitions used during reporting period in accordance with Article 3(6) Cluster

munition type Quantity used Lot number Explosive

submunition type

Quantity used Lot number Description of actual use

Supplementary information (e.g. origin)


Total: Total:

4. Type of cluster munitions or explosive submunitions transferred in accordance with Article 3(7)

Cluster munition


Quantity Lot


Explosive submunition


Quantity Lot


Purpose of


Receiving State




(e.g. steps taken

to ensure

destruction in

receiving state)

155 mm artillery projectiles PAT 794

1080 destruction Bulgaria Transferred from Slovenia to Bulgaria (Expal Bulgaria PLC)

Total: 1080 Total:

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Form D Technical characteristics of each type produced/owned or possessed Article 7.1 "Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General... on:

(c) The technical characteristics of each type of cluster munition produced by that State Party prior to entry into force of this Convention for it, to the extent known, and those currently owned or possessed by it, giving, where reasonably possible, such categories of information as may facilitate identification and clearance of cluster munitions; at a minimum, this information shall include the dimensions, fusing, explosive content, metallic content, colour photographs and other information that may facilitate the clearance of cluster munition remnants.

State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT No cluster munitions or explosive submunitions have been produced in the Republic of Bulgaria. They are prohibited for commercial resale.

Dimensions of cluster munition


Dimensions of explosive

submunitions Cluster munition type

kg cm

Cluster munition explosive content


Explosive submunition

type and number

kg mm

Submunitions fusing

Submunition explozive

content (type and weight)

Submunition metallic

content (type/ weight) (kg)

Other information t

may facilitaclearance

Air bomb RBK 250-275 AO-1 SCH

365 240x60 AO-1 SCH 1,2 153x49

A-IX-2 0.038 kg.


Air bomb RBK 250-275 AO-2,5 SCH

365 AO-2,5 SCH 2,68 A-IX-2 0.9 kg.


Air bomb RBK- 250 ZAB 2,5 SM

260 ZAB 2,5 SM 2,3 244х63.5

Air bomb RBK 250 PTAB -2,5 М

335 255x60 PTAB -2,5 М

2,8 АВ-524M A-IX-2 0.45 kg.

2,25 PD1

Cluster RBK – 250 330 Air bomb RBK 500 ZAB 2,5 SM

530 180х65 ZAB 2,5 SM 2,3

Air bomb RBK 500 530 180х65 SHOAB- 0,417 PFF2

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Dimensions of cluster munition


Dimensions of explosive


SHOAB- 0,5M 0,5M Air bomb RBK 500 SHOAB - 0,5

500 SHOAB - 0,5

0,417 PFF

Air bomb RBK 500 AO-2,5 RT

460 180х65 AO-2,5 RT 2,6 150х90

A-IX-2 0.9 kg.


Air bomb RBK - 500 -255 320 Air bomb BKF AO- 2,5 RT

75 120х53х80

AO- 2,5 RT 2,68

И-352 0,55 kg 1,9 PD

Air bomb BKF PTM 3

83 120х53х80


Air bomb BKF PTAB- 2,5

75 120х53х80

PTAB- 2,5 2,8 A-IX-2 0.45 kg.


Air bomb RBS - 100 145 AO- 2533 33 TNT 5,5 kg.


9N123K 482 232,5х65 9N24

7,45 А-IX-20 1,45 kg

1. PD – Point Detonating 2. PFF – Pre Formed Fragments *Please attach data sheets including colour photographs

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RBK 250-275 AO-1 SCH

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RBК 250 PTAB-2,5M

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RBK 500 AO-2,5 RT

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RBK 500 ZAB 2,5 SM

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BKF PTAB-2,5 The shape is identical to BKF AO-2,5 PT

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Form E Status and progress of programs for conversion or de-commissioning of production facilities Article 7.1 "Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General... on:

(d) The status and progress of programmes for the conversion or decommissioning of production facilities for cluster munitions.

State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT There are no programmes for the conversion or decommissioning of production facilities for cluster munitions in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Name and location of production facility

Indicate if to "convert" or "decommission"

Status (indicate if "in process" or "completed") and progress of the


Supplementary information (e.g. plans and timetable for



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Form F Contaminated areas and clearance Article 7.1 "Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General... on:

h) To the extent possible, the size and location of all cluster munition contaminated areas under its jurisdiction or control, to include as much detail as possible regarding the type and quantity of each type of cluster munition remnant in each such area and when they were used." i) The status and progress of programmes for the clearance and destruction of all types and quantities of cluster munition remnants cleared and destroyed in accordance with Article 4 of this Convention, to include the size and location of the cluster munition contaminated area cleared and a breakdown to the quantity of each type of cluster munition remnant cleared and destroyed."

State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT

1. Size and location of cluster munition contaminated area*

There are no known areas contaminated with cluster munitions in the Republic of Bulgaria. At the same time, there are programmes on marking and clearance of other unexploded ordnance.

Cluster munition remnants

Location **

Size of contaminate d

area (m2) Type Estimated quantity

Estimated or known date of contamination

Method used to estimate suspected


Supplementary information


Total: Total:

* If necessary, a separate table for each area may be provided ** Location can be defined by listing the province/district/village where contaminated areas are located as well as (where possible) map references and grid coordinates sufficient to define the contaminated area. 2. Land release Provide information on the release of land previously suspected to contain cluster munition remnants by methods other than clearance.

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Location # Size of area (m2) Date of release Method of release (technical or non-technical survey)


3. Status and progress of programmes for the clearance for cluster munitions remnants

Cluster munition remnants

cleared Standards applied

Location **

Size of cleared area (m2)

Status of clearance


(if possible, including plans, time table and

completion date)



Clearance Method

Safety Standards

Environmental Standards


Total: Total:

* If necessary, a separate table for each area may be provided. ** Location can be defined by listing the province/district/village where contaminated areas are located as well as (where possible) map references and grid coordinates sufficient to define the contaminated area. Where possible, refer to the corresponding contaminated area described in [Form F, table 1]. Supplementary information


4. Status and progress of programme(s) for the destruction of cluster munition remnants(*) (**) Location Status of destruction Cluster munition remnants Standards applied

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programme (if possible, including plans, time table and completion date)

Type Quantity

Destruction Method Safety Standards Environmental




* If necessary, a separate table for each area may be provided. ** This table is only for use for those cluster munitions remnants that were not destroyed during a clearance programme (for example cluster munition remnants cleared and subsequently destroyed elsewhere or abandoned cluster munitions). Supplementary information

5. Challenges and international assistance and cooperation needed for the implementation of Article 4

No international assistance is needed for the implementation of article 4.

Activity Description Time period Need


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Form G Measures to provide warning to the population and risk education Article 7.1 "Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General... on:

j) The measures taken to provide risk reduction education and, in particular, an immediate and effective warning to civilians living in cluster munition contaminated areas under its jurisdiction or control."

State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT 1. Measures taken to provide risk reduction education

As there are no areas contaminated with cluster munitions in Bulgaria, no specific risk education programmes are necessary. At the same time, there are programmes directed at reducing risk arising from other unexploded ordnance. 2. Measures taken for effective warning of the population


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Form H Victim assistance: status and progress of implementation of the obligations under Article 5 Article 7.1 "Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General... on:

(k) The status and progress of implementation of its obligations under Article 5 of this Convention to adequately provide age- and gender- sensitive assistance, including medical care, rehabilitation and psychological support, as well as provide for social and economic inclusion of cluster munition victims and to collect reliable relevant data with respect to cluster munition victims."

State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT 1. National focal point and coordination mechanism for the implementation of Article 5 (specify name and contact information of government body responsible)

There is no national focal point for the implementation of article 5.

2. Data collection and assessment of the needs of cluster munitions victims (please indicate gender and age of survivors as well as information on affected families and communities)


3. Development and implementation of national laws and policies for implementation of Article 5

No specific laws and policies related to victims of cluster munitions are foreseen. The assistance to potential cluster munitions victims would be provided within the framework of the public healthcare system. 4. National plan and budget, including timeframes to carry out these activities


Note : If necessary, plans/budgets may be provides separately.

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5. Efforts to closely consult with and actively involve cluster munition victims and their representative organisations in victim assistance planning and implementation


6. Assistance services (including medical care, physical rehabilitation, psychological support, and social and economic inclusion).

The assistance to potential cluster munitions victims would be provided within the framework of the public healthcare system.

Type of service (medical care, physical rehabilitation,

psychological support, social and economic inclusion)

Implementing agency Description of service (progress made, activities, number of persons assisted, time period)


7. Steps taken to mobilize national and international resources


8. Needs for international assistance and cooperation

No international assistance is required.

Activity Description Time period Need


9. Efforts undertaken to raise awareness of the rights of cluster munition victims and persons with other disabilities

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Form I National resources and international cooperation and assistance Article 7.1 "Each State Party shall report to the Secretary-General... on:

(m) The amount of national resources, including financial, material or in kind, allocated to the implementation of Articles 3, 4 and 5 of this Convention; and (n) The amounts, types and destinations of international cooperation and assistance provided under Article 6 of this Convention.

State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT

1. National resources allocated

As there are no cluster munition contaminated areas, there is no need to allocate specific resources for implementation of article 4.

Activity Sector (stockpile destruction, clearance, risk education, victim

assistance, advocacy)

Amount of national resources (list currency)

Type of resources (e.g. financial, material, in kind)


2. International cooperation and assistance provided


Sector (stockpile destruction, clearance, risk

education, victim assistance, advocacy)

Amount (list currency)

Type of cooperation or assistance (financial, material or in kind)

Details (including date allocated, intermediary

destinations such as trust funds, project details,



3. International assistance and cooperation needed

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No assistance is required for the implementation of articles 4 and 5.

a. For the implementation of Article 3 : Stockpile destruction

If assistance is required details will be given at later stage

Activity Description Time period Need


b. For the implementation of Article 4 : Clearance and risk education

Activity Description Time period Need


c. For the implementation of Article 5 : Victim assistance

Activity Description Time period Need


4. Assistance provided by State Parties to another State for cluster munitions used/abandoned prior to entry into force, as outlined in Article 4 paragraph 4 -

State Parties that have used our abandoned cluster munitions which have become cluster munition remnants located in areas under jurisdiction or under control of another State Party are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to provide assistance to the latter State Party to facilitate the marking, clearance and destruction of such cluster munition remnants.


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Form J: Other relevant matters

Remark: States Parties may use this form to report voluntarily on other relevant matters, including matters pertaining to compliance and implementation not covered by the formal reporting requirements contained in Article 7.

State [Party]: REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Reporting for time period: INITIAL REPORT Narrative / reference to other reports Note : Form J can be used to report, on a voluntary basis, on the efforts to encourage states not parties to join the Convention on Cluster Munitions, and to notify such states of convention obligations as outlined in article 21
