
ConnexionsBusiness Magazine


Climb Every Mountain

Brand Your Personal Branding

What Does It Mean To Be AUTHENTIC?

Learned Optimism

Ian Parkin and Jennie Gorman

From Jennie’s DeskAs we draw closer to the end of the year we find that for many smallbusiness owners panic sets in as they start to realise that they have notprepared themselves for the lack of business being done during the‘holiday season’.

This is why it is so important to set in your strategies now for what you plan to do in the down-time if your business has that, as do most businesses here in Australia. The silly season is about to start and people’s calendars are filling up with the fun things that usually happen at this time of year. Where are you with your collaborations, marketing systems, strategies and forward planning for 2014?

Let me help you move forward to achieving what you want next year. Remember, you need to do the work and planning, and with some help and strategies you can move forward more easily. On Thursday 5th December I have put the day aside to do one hour sessions with people who want clarity around where they are now and where they want to go in 2014. Bookings can be made now, click HERE

I often ask business owners where are they seasonally in their businessat the moment? When you are in the ‘winter’ of your business you canonly plan for what you will do when your ‘spring’ arrives. Most businessowners do not understand that there is no use pushing when you aremeant to be doing something else. Jim always said:

Winter is a time to learn how to survive… you are either prepared or unprepared.Spring is your window of opportunity… this is your time to take action and plant your seeds.Summer is for nourishing and protecting… this is your constant daily effort. Be patient, the results may not always show immediately.Autumn is the time for those who planted abundantly in the spring. This is when you gain the rewards from your hard work.

So, where is your business at now?For us here at ‘Our Business Hub’ we have entered ‘Spring’ and it is anexciting time. We are planting the seeds as we create a place for you to get together to support, collaborate, co-operate, joint venture, share,learn and network for the future of small business owners.

I want to say thank you to the contributors this month to our magazine.Without them, there would be no magazine. Their articles are here tosupport you, the reader, to move your business forward. Please enjoythe read and make contact with anyone whom you feel provide something you are looking for in your business.

Please join our Facebook page if you haven’t already… Click HEREEnjoy, have fun and laugh lots until we connect again.

Jan MuirI want to acknowledge Jennie for her inspiration and encouragement to have had me join the mastermind group. If the truth be known I would not have joined willingly in the first instance yet something inside of me told me it would be good for me to expand. Well what a transformation, what a huge shift in self in 6 months of belonging to a Mastermind group. Challenged and critiqued as I moved forward, what better way was there to grow and realise that everything I need is within me. I say with sincere thanks to having met the other partici-pants of this group too. Your friendship means more than I ever thought would have impact on me.

I recall my first meeting with one of the participants and still to this day look at the mind map we drew out... I am so grateful for the aware-ness and understanding I gained from him. With another participant, when Jennie first introduced us her words were “I see you two working together”. Well, my heckles went up ... How could we work together? We are worlds apart. and you know to this day I feel so humble now to have her calls; I love her energy; I love our discussions, I love her challenges. I look at the mind mapping that was shared with me by another participants about half way through the 6 months and I draw reference to it often as I write my second book.

What brings me here the most is that I was in the right place for the right reasons to learn what I have from each of you and for this I so appreciate your sharing and support. I know we have all supportedeach other along this journey and I am so appreciative of your encouragement and support. I look forward to be here for you as you grow as well... my sincere appreciation and gratitude.

Tracey McLeod“Jennie is a powerhouse! Her Masterminding technique is unique. It brings untold depths of connection between the participants. Her group has been a place of safety from which to tell of my secret hopes and dreams, create goals from those dreams, and to nurture them into reality. The Masterminding Group is a cocoon in which to launch your passions and to assist in the growth of fellow entrepreneurs with whom you have a life-long connection. I would recommend Brisbane Masterminding Groups to anyone.” Jennie’s Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, High


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All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional

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Previous Issue : Oct. 2013

6 Mindmapping

9 Create Your Business 10 secrets to success in your work

10 Property Settlement What does it all mean in a nutshell?

14 Love the Opportunity

16 Climb Every Mountain

19 Are Bad Habits and Unhealthy Thinking Taking Over Your Life? Try Mindfulness...

20 Putting the Picture Together technology strategy and planning for small business

23 Brand Your Personal Branding

26 How to Think Like a Seasoned Property Investor

30 What Does It Mean To Be AUTHENTIC?

32 White Teeth, Haemorrhoids and “Oil Pulling” A Simple Remedy??

33 The Importance of Good Business Cards

35 A Mountainous Struggle

36 Learned optimism

38 Upcoming Events

6 Connexions Business Mag

Mindmappingby Jennie Gorman

Do you find that you have so much work to do that you often do not know where to start?

If you are a creative person you will no doubt love doodling and drawing pictures of how you join all the dots, especially in your business. I find that mindmapping is a great way to get onto paper a visual way of seeing my business.

Some people like to draw pictures and others like to make lists. I do both personally. What about you?

Wikipedia says - A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches. Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks or other items related to a central key word or idea.

Mind maps can be drawn by hand, either as “rough notes” during a lecture or meeting, for ex-ample, or as higher quality pictures when more time is available. An example of a rough mind map is illustrated.

Mind maps are considered to be a type of spider diagram. A similar concept in the 1970s was “idea sun bursting”. Hand-drawn and computer-drawn variations of a mind map.In business today we have become aware of the necessity of systemising and having procedures so we can grow our businesses … this means we can then duplicate and outsource easily too.

There are many programmes on the internet that you can see, try out and then use to create your own style of mindmap. Or if you prefer, get a tem-plate of the one you like that feels comfortable to you. There are lots of trial versions for you to choose from as well. Just google ‘mindmapping’.

For a business to grow and develop in size it is nec-essary for systems and procedures to be put into place as soon as possible. If you leave it too long after commencing your business, it is harder as there are so many more components to add to the list. I suggest that you use a video type pro-gramme such as to record your proce-dures as well. A good mindmap will help you also to work out what you need to put on paper and/or video for your outsourcing purposes.

Enjoy the process as you streamline your business so that you can employ people either virtually or on the ground, having them using your system without you having to teach them individually as staff changes occur. This is good business prac-tice and will make your business easier for you in the long run.

2013 November 7

AwesomeAuthenticityMasterminding Business Relationship Ryan McDonald-Smith

Limited numbers Filling fast!

2013 November 9

Create Your Business 10 secrets to success in your work

by Gay Landeta

Before you do anything about getting new clients make sure you have all these points covered, or at least underway. By having these in place you are well on the way to getting and, more impor-tantly, keeping new clients. 1. Have a plan in place to create the business you want. Without planning we plan to fail. No need to have the traditional business plan (unless you need it for partners or bankers) you can have a Visionary Plan instead. Make sure you know where you are going and why, what your values are and how you think you will get there. Feel free to email me if you want some guidance on this [email protected]. 2. Be persistent. I’ll bet Richard Branson doesn’t just give up when the going gets tough! Have some self care plans in place to keep you going on those bad days.

3. Know your target or niche market and who you serve best. Don’t be afraid to market to your per-fect client, you will do your best work with them. And enjoy it the most.

4. Have excellent customer service. Think through issues and processes that your clients might come against and develop plans to support them through it. It is very easy to alienate clients by ac-cident in this virtual driven world.

5. Have a mentor who can help you think through your work and will stretch you. Someone who has been there and done that is always good to call on.

6. Be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. Do some personal work if you know you are someone who tends to be closed to new ways of doing things. Successful businesses move with the times.

7. Produce better outcomes than you offer. Un-der promise and over deliver.

8. Understand how your perfect clients find you and have marketing strategies in place so they can do just that. Monitor the results of what you are doing so you know what works and what doesn’t.

9. Be accountable to someone for your processes and results.

10. Know how to communicate in the way your clients can hear. This is not necessarily the way you do with your friends or colleagues.

To find out more about this tip email me at [email protected]

10 Connexions Business Mag

Property SettlementWhat does it all mean in a nutshell?

by Kym-Marie Bush

The words “property settlement” are a general term that refers to the process by which parties toa relationship or marriage divide up accumulatedassets, liabilities and financial resources such as superannuation and formalize it by either a consent order or a court order.

When lawyers, or a court, are asked to advise, or adjudicate, on what a “just and equitable” settlement is, we look at:

• contributions made during the relationship from sources such as wages, inheritances, redundancy payments;• contributions made on behalf of a party by a family member, e.g. gift of property or monies or a loan without interest being payable;• the non-financial efforts each party made duringthe relationship such as the household tasks, managing the budget, maintaining the outside, entertaining and catering for a spouse who regularly has dinner parties or other work related events;• the age of the parties, their health, capacity and ability to undertake employment, if there are children, the age of those and any significant needs that they may have, child support that maybe payable, commitments to support oneself or another, standard of living the parties have following separation, the duration of the relationship,

whether one party is a stay-at-home parent, whether either or both parties have re-partnered and the circumstances of that relationship (e.g. living together or not).

At all stages, we need to be able to identify the entire property pool or balance sheet so that there is full disclosure and everyone is working with the same base set of information. The processwhen working through property settlement is being refined by the courts at the moment, as a result of a recent case, however, the main process is:1. identify the property pool (assets, liabilities and financial resources) and work out whose name they are held in (individual or joint);2. decide whether it is just and equitable to make a change to the way the property is held;3. look at the contributions that have been madeby each of the parties during the course of the relationship both financially and non-financially;4. consider whether there needs to be any adjustment made for things such as age and earning capacity (to name a couple); and,5. look at what is overall, in light of those consid-erations, just and equitable in this particular fact situation.

There is no exact science in this area. It is case by case, situation by situation.

2013 November 11

Why should I formalize property settlement?

So, you and your former partner have reached an agreement as to who gets what portion of the property pool you have worked hard to accumulate together. Do you need to put it into writing?Well, it might help to consider these things:• stamp duty concessions apply where a property is transferred from joint names to one party (and associated entities) under an order of the Court or by a binding financial agreement;• capital gains tax concessions might also apply;• you can divide up debt, as longas the loan provider is involved and approves the arrangement; • longer term, what’s yours is yours and what’s theirs is theirs – there’s no coming back and trying to change the playing field where there has been proper disclosure and a formal agree-ment reached. You know where you stand and what you can do with what you have.

Consider this: you separate and take a portion of the property. Some time later (and limitation dates apply) one of you wins the lotto after buying that elusive lucky ticket. You consider these winnings yours but your former partner hears and demands a share. That cannot be right you think. Sorry, wrong answer.

Formal arrangements put an end to the other party coming back later after they have blown their share or had some other ill for-tune visit them, particularly when you have had the good fortune

of growing your share of the property by sensible investmentstrategies. There is case law where the Court awarded the former wife a significant portion of a $5,000,000 lotto win where the winner had been a drug addict during the relationship and the wife had provided substantialsupport and subsequently raised the parties child with little or no support. The parties were sepa-rated, not divorced, and the lot-to win occurred approximately 5 years after separation.

All protective measures come at a cost. What if you don’t for-malize the arrangement – what cost will it cause you (financially, emotionally and psychologi-cally) to have to litigate matters later? As with many things, an initial outlay which is a little larger might just save many times that amount later. While you’re at it, don’t forget to review your Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and nominations on your superannu-ation and insurances.

What does the court look at when deciding the care arrangements for children?

When a relationship breaks down,and parents cannot reach an agreement to where the childrenare going to live, the Court has to decide what arrangements will be in the child(ren)’s best interests.

To assist the Court in this task, the Family Law Act requires that the following be taken into account:

• benefit to the child of having a meaningful relationship with both of his/her parents;

• the need to protect the child from hard, abuse, neglect and/or violence – this is a substantial aspect;• any views expressed by the child, within reason;• the nature of the relationship the child has with its parents; and others significant to its care;• the participation each parent has engaged in to make deci-sions about the child’s welfare and to spent time and commu-nicate with the child;• whether the parent has fulfilled parental obligations;• the effect on the child of changes in their circumstances and separation from a parent or others significant to their care;• practical difficulty and expense of the child and parent spending time together;• the capacity of each parent to support the relationship of the child with the other parent and to provide for the child’s needs;• the maturity, sex, lifestyle and background of the parents and the child;• whether the child is Aboriginalor Torres Strait Islander heritage;• the parent’s attitude towards the child and the responsibilities of parenthood;• whether there has been family violence; and if so, the nature of same;• what arrangements would be least to lead to further litigation; and,• such other things as the court considers necessary.

Continue to Page 12...

Visit Kym-Marie on LinkedIn

12 Connexions Business Mag

Continued...To assist the Court, it can require that the parties go through psychiatric examination or that a family report be prepared. These are independent investigations which generate a report and, often, recommendations.

An Independent Children’s Lawyer might be appointed to obtain information about the child’s schooling, police records, medical history, and make recommendations to the care for the care arrangements of the child. Such recommendations might include attending parenting apart programmes, drug rehabilitation, drug testing or other avenues which might assist better communication and thereby support the child’s welfare.

Not being able to agree the arrangements for your child means that you place responsibility in the hands of another to decide what they think will be in your child’s best interests. Before doing this, it might be worthwhile spending a little extra time at child-inclusive counselling to try and reach an agree-ment. After all, It is the child’s best interests that are paramount.

Property SettlementWhat does it all mean in a nutshell?

Kym-Marie Bush

2013 November 13

AussieApp Store

• Over 8.5 million smartphones are in use in Australia today

• 98% of them are used at home, 85% on the go and 73% at work

• 94% have been used to research products or services

•• 78% visit social networks

• 74% never leave home without it.

• 63% have performed a search on their mobile after seeing an offline ad

• 59% make mobile purchases at least once a month

• 58% access the Internet every day on their smartphone

•• 48% look for local info at least once a week, 18% look daily. 43% search Restaurants, Pubs, Bars

Why go mobile?

1300 494 188 • [email protected]

Love the Opportunityby Jim Rohn

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be motivated to achievement by such a lofty goal as benevolence? Somebody said you have to love what you do, but that’s not necessarily true. What is true is that you have to love the opportunity. The opportunity to build life, future, health, success and fortune. Knocking on someone’s door or making that extra call may not be something you love to do, but you love the opportunity of what might be behind that door or call.

Example, a guy says, “I’m digging ditches. Should I love digging ditches?” The answer is, “No, you don’t have to love digging ditches, but if it is your first entry onto the ladder of success, you say, ‘I’m glad somebody gave me the opportunity to dig ditches and I’m going to do it so well, I won’t be here long.”

You can be inspired by having found something; even though you are making mistakes in the beginning and it is a distasteful taking on a new discipline that you haven’t learned before. You don’t have to love it, you just have to learn to appreciate where you live, appreciate opportunity and appreciate the person who brought you the good news; that found you.

Appreciate the person who believed in you before you believed in yourself, appreciate the person who said, “Hey, if I can do it, you can do it.”

If you will embrace the disciplines associated with the new opportunity you will soon find that your self-confidence starts to grow, that you go from being a skeptic to being a believer. And soon when you go out person to person, talking to people, you will find it to be the most thrilling opportunity in the world. Every person you meet— what could it be? Unlimited!

So, before you are tempted to give up or get discouraged,remember all success is based on long term commitment, faith, discipline, attitude and a few stepping stones along the way. You might not like the stone you are on right now, but it’s sure to be one of the stones that lead to great opportunities in the future. Embrace each opportunity as a stepping stone.

14 Connexions Business Mag

Leading an Inspired Life available on

2013 November 15

By working together we can change the world!

You can make a difference…. It is as easy as a click on your computer. Ryan McDonald-Smith

16 Connexions Business Mag

Climb Every Mountainby John Milne

I have to confess the only mountain I’ve ever climbed is Mt. Cordeaux near Cunningham’s Gap in Queensland. On May 29 at 11.30A.M., Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay placed a cross and chocolates on the summit of Mt.Everest. This is the 60 th Anniversary of this epic. One of the great ex-periences of my life was to meet the conqueror of Mt.Everest, New Zealand’s favourite son, Sir Ed-mund Hillary. The tall rugged mountaineer with the tussled hair and welcoming smile took me in to his Auckland home. He was on a call to a fellow bee keeper from Chicago. His father had been a newspaper editor, his mother a teacher. Climbing is about relationships and teamwork. Education and business are the same.

Small beginnings. I asked Ed how he started get-ting interested in mountaineering. He told me of climbing hills and mountains in the picturesque landscape of New Zealand. He spoke of his love of Nepal and its people. Later as New Zealand’s Ambassador and through his foundation he could play a wider role in building hospitals and schools. When we prove ourselves in small things, we will often be presented with bigger opportunities to lead and to serve.

Natural doubts and fears. Every leader knows the pangs of self doubt and cold fear. It is a human reaction to danger and challenge. Overcoming these twins takes certain action one step at a time. These men and women of the mountains dis-play this every time. Facing your fears and doubts head on takes courage and belief.

Thorough preparation. Months, even years of planning precede each mountaineering expedi-tion. Today’s explorers have amazing technology to map and assist them in the wild regions of the earth, sky and sea. By preparing well for meetings, interviews, observations and presentations we have a better chance of successful outcomes. Both parties can feel respected and valued.

Serious challenges and setbacks. The risk of sud-den avalanche and deep crevasses were ever present. Many previous expeditions had tried and failed. Even on this attempt another pair had scaled to within ninety metres before being forced back when the weather changed. Endur-ance and resilience become part of the moun-taineer’s fabric. As leaders we must expect chal-lenges from within and without. We must have a game plan ready. We must be willing to change our plans to meet changing circumstances.

Mountain top experiences. When planning pays off, and success is achieved, you and your team can celebrate, then like Hillary, find new mountainsto climb.

18 Connexions Business Mag



Only six people will get the opportunity to be part of this group, so you need

to act now if you are interested.

• Do you wish to move your business to the next level for 2014?

• Would you like help to generate a large number of ideas for solutions to any challenges you are experiencing?

• Are you wishing to have input from otherbusiness people into your business?

•• How would you like to have your businessdissected in a creative way?

• Are you looking for new contacts to support you?

• Do you have ideas you would like to share with others?

• Would you like to have your business bbrainstormed by other business people?

Click on the application form or Visit our

2013 November 19

Are Bad Habits and Unhealthy Thinking Taking Over Your Life? Try Mindfulness...

by Josie Thomson

The busier and more chaotic our lives get, the more likely we are to let our unconscious mind doall our thinking for us. This, in turn, increases the likelihood that we will experience an ‘outside-in’version of the world, i.e. we mistakenly believe that what is happening to us on the outside is responsible for how we feel on the inside.

When life is busy and it feels as though we have a million things to do, it can genuinely feel as though the world is racing and that we have our work cut out just to keep up with it.

The truth is that the world is going at exactly the same speed it has always been travelling at. Onlyvariable that changes from moment to momentis the quality and speed at which we rattle through our thoughts, giving us the perception that we are living in either fast time or slower time.

Have you ever been on a train that is stationary at the platform and felt as though you were already moving because the train next to you started to pull away? That is how we often experience our thinking.

The reality is that we are just human beings havingthoughts in a relatively still world, but those thoughts create the illusion that we are beingswept away in the fast moving current of our busy lives.

One of the things I will often recommend to clientsis that they build moments of peacefulness and calm into their daily routine. There are two primaryreasons for this:

• Firstly, there are undeniable benefits to health and wellbeing that accompany the act of deliberate relaxation, particularly if their busy lives feel stressful to them; and

• Secondly, by taking time to enjoy a moment of peace and calm, it becomes a lot easier to see the link between thought and feeling, which inevi-tably creates a doorway to a deeper and wiser level of understanding and awareness.

* My highly popular ‘Simple Meditation for Busy People’ is available for download for free from my website:

It will help you achieve a deep meditative state in just 4 minutes. The download also includes an audiobook and some instrumental-only tracks for extended meditation.

If you’re interested in learning more about the 4-steps, Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz and I will be running special 6-week masterclass series, based on the content in his best-selling book, ‘You Are Not Your Brain’ in April 2014. Spaces are strictly limited. Register your interest at [email protected] or head across to the course page to register:

About Josie ThomsonJosie Thomson is an executive coach, internation-al speaker, trainer and seminar leader. An expert in her field, Josie is one of the few internationally certified master coaches in Australia (MCC). She has been awarded Coach of the Year for three consecutive years and was a Telstra Business Woman of the Year State Finalist.

Having survived cancer twice, most recently a brain tumour, Josie is devoted to sharing the learnings from her experiences for the improve-ment in the lives of others. She supports people in overcoming their fears and stressors; encouraging them to connect with life and powerfully express their true and authentic selves.

20 Connexions Business Mag

Putting the Picture Togethertechnology strategy and planning for small business

by Cathy Ewald

IT strategy is about determining how technology can help you achieve your business aims.

No business is too small to consider it, even if you have nothing more than one simple mobile phone. Most of you can save money by taking control of your own planning. You can do this even if you are “not tech-nical “ , “ not educated “ or “ a doer rather than a thinker” .

Only two ingredients are needed 1) Understanding of your business, what is working well and what can be improved2) Knowing what questions to ask and who to question(and how to filter biased answers from those with vested interests

If you have been running a business for a while and it is going well, you are already an expert on 1) We can show you how to do 2) and that’s what we are going to do now.

Step 1 Write down your goals for your business. Consider any “gaps”. What would you like to do that you can’t or that you think you could better?Step 2 What technologies do you know about that can help? Write them down. If you don’t know the answer, then maybe you should consider consulting an IT professional but make sure you are aware that most are affiliated or trained in particular technologies and may be qualified to advise you only in that specialist area.Step 3What does success look like? For each technology, what do you ultimately want to achieve with it? What are the steps to get there? Step 4What risks does this create? How can I mitigate them? What can I do to make the solution robust, e.g buy-ing a spare battery or car charger for a phone. That’s your technology strategy in a nutshell.

22 Connexions Business Mag

2013 November 23

Brand Your Personal Brandingby Trish Springsteen

“Seth Godin once said a book is judged by its cover,you, your brand and your product is judged by your conceptual cover. Whether you are the CEO of a global giant or a one man band with a garage operation, your conceptual cover is equally as im-portant.”

On 26 November 3 great speakers and wonderfulladies are coming together to share a not to be missed day with you. By the end of the day you will leave with ideas, tips, techniques and informationto achieve your complete branding package – from the very important first impression you wish to make, your look and brand that you want to be identified with to how to have the confidence to get up and share your message and passion with your clients and others.

In addition, you will have an opportunity to networkand meet others who are just as passionate about their business and message.

All this for the early bird price of $47 - However, we know that you will want to share this opportunity with your friends so if you bring a friend you can have 2 tickets for $50!!

And, because these ladies are so keen to share their knowledge and experience with you they are also offering some great bonuses for all participants to take away … You will have to attend to find out about those!!

Let’s meet our speakers:

Ann Whitaker – Image Consultant- House of Colour& Image: Ann’s passion is helping you to make that first impression great – so that it becomes a lasting impression that will work for you not against you. From Tanzania, South Africa to Brisbane Australia Ann has been helping others to find the style and image that works for them. With over 10 years of experience Ann works with you to help you become confident and project that inner confidence to feel great about what you do.

Li Wang – Brand Architect – CreativLi: Li is all about the brand called YOU. With over 10 years experience

with working on global leading brands such as Nokia and Moccana, Li is bringing that experience to focus on businesses and individuals to create a personal or corporate brand that reflects who you are and what your businesses is. Li’s creative talents will ensure that you stand out and become a Brand Champion.

Trish Springsteen – Public Speaking Coach, Speakerand Author – Trischel Creating Confident Commu-nicators: Trish is passionate about helping you to find the confidence to step up and speak – to be able to share your message, passion or business idea competently, concisely and confidently. You should never be at a loss for words when asked about your business. Trish has over 15 years speakingand training about communication and leadership.Having personally experienced the fear of publicspeaking and being lost for words when facing questions and seeing the results of ineffective communication, Trish is passionate about helping others conquer their fear of speaking and communication to ensure they never lose an opportunity due to loss of confidence.

Meet these speakers and hear their message on 26 November – Event Cinemas Gold Class FunctionRoom, Level 2 Westfield Chermside 9am to 430am

Book your seats here

Ann Trish


24 Connexions Business Mag Ryan McDonald-Smith

26 Connexions Business Mag

How to Think Like a Seasoned Property Investor

by Daimien Patterson

Congratulations! You have won $500,000 in the lotto! Well not really, but what would you do if you won $500,000? Everyone talks about this at some stage, but if you consider it from a property per-spective, you’ll be thinking like an experienced property investor right away!

Many people would say that they would pay off their house or buy a new house outright with no debt. In fact, the great majority of people would do that. Almost every new client that I speak to says the same thing when they start out.

You can probably hear your parents now in the back of your head. “Buy a home and own it out-right” they would say to you. That sounds like very good advice doesn’t it?

Well actually, it’s not. Let’s look at what would happen if you did follow that advice.

Let’s say you purchased a $480,000 home and used the remaining $20,000 to cover your stamp duty and other costs. In seven years’ time, if the property market stays true to form, the property will be worth $960,000. If we also say that you man-aged to save $25,000 a year because you didn’t have to pay a mortgage, then you would also have a total savings of $175,000. Therefore you would be worth about $1.135 million. That sounds like a fantastic result doesn’t it? Well a property investor would beg to differ.

A seasoned property investor would buy as many properties as they can handle. Because you see a property investor understands the difference between ‘Good Debt’ and ‘Bad Debt’.

To put it simply:• Good Debt is debt used to buy an asset that goes up in value. • Bad Debt is debt that is used to buy an asset that goes down in value.

Most people in business understand what good debt is. For example, a shopkeeper could borrow money from the bank to buy stock. Why? Because they know that they will sell it for a profit.

Now let’s say I buy a top of the line 4WD vehicle for $80,000 and 10 years later it is worth $10,000. That is a classic example of bad debt.

So what would the property investor do with the $500,000 lotto win?

Let’s say the property investor conservatively decides to buy four houses each worth $500,000.

They use $100,000 as a 20% deposit, $20,000 to coverthe stamp duty etc, and borrow $400,000 from the banks for each property. So each property costs them $120,000 of their own cash, leaving them $20,000 cash ($500K minus 4x$120K = $20K) to use as a buffer to help them handle the portfolio.

2013 November 27

So they start with a portfolio worth $2 million, and $1.6 million of good debt.

They receive $1500 per week from three propertiesthey are renting out. And if those properties don’t initially pay for themselves and they have to put in $100 of their own money on top of the rent, then their holding costs (loan interest, management fees etc) must be $1800 per week.

Now let’s see what happens in 7 years’ time, again assuming the properties double in value that time. The portfolio is now worth $4 million! If worse case, they haven’t paid off any of the loan, they will still owe $1.6 million. But that’s ok because they are now worth $2.4 million dollars! ($4 million less the $1.6 million debt) That’s a far better result than the previous course of action where we were worth about half that at $1.35 million.

But that’s not all! As the properties have gone up in value, so has the rent!

If the rent has doubled too, they now receive $1000 per week on each investment property, or a total of $3000 per week. If we allow for our holdingcosts to have gone up a little bit with inflation they

are probably going to be a total of $2000 per week. But now instead of being $300 per week negative, we now have a surplus of $1000 per week! And we can spend that on whatever we feel like!

Can you see now how property investors manage to retire early? Think about how much they will be getting in another 7 years’ time, not to mention the portfolio growth!

If all these numbers has got you excited (or left you overwhelmed) and you’d like to chat about what options you have to invest, give my office a call on 1300 372 677. I offer personal 90 min PropertyInvestment Coaching Sessions and/or Portfolio Reviews. Aside from this, I host complimentary property investor training days around the country.If you’re interested, find out more or register at give the office a call if you’re interested in findingout more.

Daimien Patterson is Australia’s leading property investment strategist and also the CEO of Integrity Investment Properties. You can get Daimien’s ebook Safe as Houses for FREE, just visit his website.

28 Connexions Business Mag

‘Our Business Hub’Unit 4, 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea


Using a GPS Key in Abercrombie Street, Rocklea (noting that the entrance to the street is via Sherwood Road). We are the second driveway on the left when you come into Abercrombie Street. Park in the complexwhere you can see a space. Office is located towards the end of the driveway facing Ipswich Road. You will find us on the Ipswich Road side of the complex closest to Sherwood Road, opposite of Westpac.

Coming from the city via Ipswich Road: Travel down Ipswich Rd to the Muriel Rd/ Sherwood Rd exit. Also signed as Brisbane Markets. Veer Left and keep in the right lane. Turn right at the lights under the motorway. Continue through the next set of lights and take 1st left into Abercrombie St. Turn left into the 2nd drive way and find a park in the complex. In the open you will see some spots with Connexions Unlimited or Aussie Painters Network OR go undercover or up the ramp. Office is located towards the end of the driveway facing Ipswich Road. You will find us on the Ipswich Road side of the complex closest to Sherwood Road, opposite Westpac.

Coming from via Fairfield Road: Head south on Fairfield Road until you come to the intersection of Sherwood, Ipswich and Muriel Roads. Turn right into Sherwood Road. Turn 1st left into Abercrombie St. Turn left into the 2nd drive way and find a park in the complex. In the open you will see some spots with Connexions Unlimited or Aussie Painters Network OR go undercover or up the ramp. Office is located towards the end of the driveway facing Ipswich Road. You will find us on the Ipswich Road side of the complex closest to Sherwood Road, opposite Westpac.

Coming From Ipswich: From the Ipswich Motorway take the Fairfield Rd exit. Turn 2nd left into Sherwood Rd, then take 1st left into Abercrombie St. Turn left into the 2nd drive way and find a park in the complex. In the open you will see some spots with Connexions Unlimited or Aussie Painters Network OR go undercover or up the ramp. Office is located towards the end of the driveway facing Ipswich Road. You will find us on the Ipswich Road side of the complex closest to Sherwood Road, opposite Westpac.

Call Jennie on 0414 278 344 if you need help.

We welcome our clients and friends to ‘Our Business Hub’.This place has been created as a place for small business owners to get together to

support, collaborate, co-operate, joint venture, share, learn and network for the future of small business owners.

‘Our Business Hub’

4/1311 Ipswich Rd., Rocklea, Queensland, Australia 4106(entrance via Abercrombie Street, second driveway on the left, off Sherwood road)

For more details, visit

We are now really up and running in our new office space and to be honest, it makes my heart sing to be back into a professional office situation. After many years in a

home office, I am very aware of the changes that have been created by this change. We have tenants here with only one room left to lease out now. Both our Training Room

and our Board Room is being booked too … so book in soon if you want to use our facilities!! We have the best coffee machine as well!!

Gail CainesThis business hub is up there with the best and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a new office space, to run meetings be it regular or casual, workshops or any other business activity.It is modern, has a great atmosphere and all the latest facilities. Call into the office and see for yourself, you will be pleased you did. As always, you will be made most welcome and you will see what I mean when I say ‘our fortnightly meetings at this professional business hub are enhanced by the quality of our environment.’ A special thank you for sharing ‘Our Business Hub’ with us all. Gail Caines, Ultimate Body, Natural Skin Products

Terri M CooperGreat place, lovely energy, terrific venture - so happy to be part of it!

Trish SpringsteenGreat place - good training room and meeting rooms - easy to find - parking available - good fa-cilities - have a meeting or training session com-ing up - give this place a trial - you will not be sorry. Trischel will certainly be considering this for future sessions.

Gail Timms • WOW! What a great venue with super facilities and office space for hire. It will be so exciting to see its growth! has a great energy flow! :-)

Laura Christie • Supportive culture and fantastic facilities. I would recommend this office space to anyone.

Kate Jess Great office space for meetings & workshops at ‘Our Business Hub’ - highly recommended - had a Mastermind Meeting there yesterday and the amenities and layout were excellent. Loved the chairs, soooo comfy - makes meetings such a pleasure!

2013 November 29

30 Connexions Business Mag

What Does It Mean To Be AUTHENTIC?by Jennie Gorman

The business world today is very different from the business world of the past. In fact, it is nothing like what it was a couple of years ago, especially for solo entrepreneurs and small business people. Be-ing AUTHENTIC and real is the most important thing you can be!

You may wonder why this has happened. I be-lieve that the internet has had a very large impact on people and the way they show themselves to the world in general and to their clients. Our close friends know and understand us, but does the rest of the world? Are we transparent enough for people to get a ‘feel’ of who we are? Do we en-gender sincerity and authenticity? Are our ‘masks’ dropped so we can really show who we are or are we hiding the ‘real me’ behind closed doors? The old saying of ‘what you see, is what you get’ is now more important than ever before.

If you love social media, as I do, you will find that people will be checking you out to see how au-thentic you really are. It shows on how your pre-sent yourself, the type of posts you put up, the friends and contacts you have, what you are do-ing in your life, who actually comments on your posts and how you ‘play the game’ generally.

The books you read, the music you listen to, the groups you belong to etc. also tell a story.

I am a ‘social media stalker’ and before accept-ing a new friend, I check them out. I want to know who is in my network, who they are connected with, their conversations and generally how they conduct themselves in the on-line world. I want to have the opportunity to meet as many of them as possible so I can find out how I can support them to realise their dreams and aspirations. To be able to support my network is paramount to me also.

To many, this may sound very strange, especially if they do not use social media in the same way as I do. I believe in quality NOT quantity. The numbers you have in your network is not really important. You can have a complete network with a small group of people. What is important to me is who they are and what they bring to the table, how

they support others and whether or not they are ‘puking themselves’ over everyone who comes into contact with them.

I want to know what they do for the betterment of others, how they support their network and how they are represented in the marketplace. It is easy to talk up oneself, but what about what others say? Testimonials bring to the table honest feed-back and how people endorse you physically can make or break your business.

So, next time you are considering allowing people into your network, make sure they are people who make a difference to the world in general and not only for their own self-interest.Be REAL, be AUTHENTIC. It will show!

Power YOUR business into the future with a PoWEr HoUr Session with Jennie Gorman

Sessions are: 10am; 12noon; 2pm; 4pmTHURSDAY, 5th December is the date of these sessions ONLY

Get a power boost for your business with Jennie’s Power Hour. 60 minutes of mentoring focus on you, your business and your goals.

Get the skills, ideas and strategies you need to grow your business with confidence.Discuss what is happening now and where you want to go in your business in the future?

Jennie offers a ‘Power Hour’ to move you forward giving you ideas, suggestions and contacts to support you to achieve what you need to do to grow your business to the next level.

First up is to know where you are now and where you want your business to go. Only once you are clear can you truly succeed. Don’t struggle or wonder with this.

So, take action today, a single session can give you the clarity that you need to move forward.

Give Jennie the opportunity to give you the way forward for 2014. Call her on 0414 278 344 to discuss or book below.

WHERE: Our Business Hub, 4 / 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea TIME: 10am OR 12noon OR 2pm OR 4pm select your preferred date

Click here to book now to receive an END OF YEAR SPECIAL

price of $75/hour (usually $150)

32 Connexions Business Mag

White Teeth, Haemorrhoids and “Oil Pulling”A Simple remedy??

by Greg Menz

Do you suffer from haemorrhoids?Would you like to have whiter teeth?

If you suffer from haemorrhoids would it be ok if there was a sim-ple treatment that not only helps your condition, but also whitens your teeth and helps to detoxify your body at the same time? And all this in the comfort of your own home for negligible cost!

If your teeth colour makes you embarrassed to smile too much, would it be ok if there was a very old, simple technique that not only avoids the cost of the dentist, but whitens your teeth quickly and easily for cents a day (about 3 cents)?

If you answered YES to any of the above then read on. You will be amazed!

What are Haemorrhoids?“Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal. Too much pressure on the veins in the pel-vic and rectal area causes hem-orrhoids. This common problem can be painful, but it’s usually not serious. Veins can swell inside the anal canal to form internal haemorrhoids or they can swell near the opening of the anus to form external haemorrhoids.

You can have both types at the same time and the symp-toms and treatment depend on which type you have.”

That is the medical version….now to the ancient art of Ayur-vedic Health and “Oil Pulling,” a natural home remedy that has

benefitted millions of people around the world for a very long time.

Some of the MoST CoMMoN conditions (there are many more) people have reported that respond to oil pulling are:• Haemorrhoids • Arthritis• Constipation• Crohn’s disease• Asthma• Bad breath• Dental cavities• Eczema• Diabetes• Bleeding gums• Sinusitis• Insomnia• Hypertension• Back and neck pain• Migraines

And the technique is simplicityitself. No probing fingers, no embarrassing details to rehash, and virtually no cost to you. Time commitment is only 15-20 minutesper day and can be done while you are doing other things, as I am doing right now.

As a former recent haemorrhoid sufferer of relatively short standing,

and due to my distaste of the medical system (I see them as mostly a last resort), I decided to give this wonderfully simple method a go…after all I had nothing to lose except my condition.

Within 3 weeks there was major improvement and within 5 weeks the problem was completely cured. I realize that many people will say this is just anecdotal B.S., but taken in conjunction with the history of Oil Pulling, it is a very interesting “Coincidence,” to say the least.

And as an added bonus, my teeth most definitely have be-come whiter, and that is NOT im-aginary.

So far my total investment has been $3.00 Not bad at all!

If you have read this far then you might be wondering what this all involves and where do I get the relevant information. So here it is!Go to for all the relevant details. You will be amazed at how truly simple this technique is, but do not be fooled. It has been my experi-ence that it is the SIMPLE things which work the best.Try it and see what you think.To your health.

The Simple Health Solutions “Fiend”

For more information call Greg Menz on 0434 544 834

2013 November 33

The Importance of GooD Business CardsYou have now been given 6 of the 7 things I believe are important for business cards.

So my 7th and final tip is ….• ALWAYS have your business cards easily accessible• NEVER run out of cards• Have your PHOTO on your card if you are a small business• Make sure all your information is CORRECT• Give RELEVANT information about your business• Make sure the WRITING on the card is easy to read• Understand other CULTURES in the handling of your cards.

This is really important as we become a more multicultural society. In business the business card is recognised as the method of passing on your contact details and it is important that all the information on it is correct and up-to-date. Note that in some cultures it is important when handed a business card, that it is disrespectful to not look at it and study it for a few seconds (even if there is not much on it). Make a comment on the card and do NOT put it straight into your pocket.

I suggest that you learn some of the cultural things necessary, especially if you are travelling overseas eg the correct hand to pass on your card, the quality of your card, the handling of yours and others cards etc. This is a big subject in itself … use Google as your friend with this.

To get your cards NOW at the right price, call Stu now on 0414 622 401

34 Connexions Business Mag

Call Jennie to discuss how this works for you 0414 278 344

2013 November 35

A Mountainous Struggleby Tove Vine

Steep climbs and descents are rewarded by panoramic views defying description. Anonymous

In the Anhui province west of Shanghai is located one of the most famous and beautiful mountains in China called Huang Shan or in English - Yellow Mountain. I had heard a lot about it as it is every Chinese person’s dream to visit Huang Shan at least once in their life.

As it was a long drive from Hangzhou I decided to take a two day tour.

The scenery in the countryside was interesting with many rice fields where women were knee deep in water planting rice and old men were steering what looked like a 500-year old plough, pulled by a water buffalo. I really wanted to take photos but the bus was driving too fast and so I had to be satisfied with the pictures in my mind.

The next morning we rode the cable car up the Yellow Mountain to White Duck Peak and spend several hours walking around this beautiful moun-tain with a spectacular view.

After lunch we had a choice either to catch the cable car down or walk down the mountain. Some Chinese people I had befriended suggest-ed I should walk down “it is very easy” they told me.

Half way down the mountain I twisted my leg and could hardly walk. I was very worried how I would be able to get down to the bottom in time to catch the bus. Fortunately on the mountains there are ‘mountain bearers’. They are men born and bred in the mountains and they carry every-thing that is needed up the mountain on a bam-boo stick across their shoulders. There were also men who carry people in a cane chair strapped on to bamboo poles. As I turned a corner on the path I saw two mountain bearers sitting waiting for a poor person who needed their assistance. I was so happy to see them and didn’t even ask how much they would charge me to carry me down the mountain. I didn’t care, at that point in time

money was not the issue. I had to get down the mountain and I couldn’t walk any more. I limped to the chair and almost cried with relief.

So the last quarter of the way down Huang Shan I was carried by two tiny but very strong Chinese men. What an amazing experience! In the begin-ning I was scared as they walked so quickly and the chair bounced so much and I was worried I would fall out or they would trip and fall. Some-times they ran so close to the steep embankment I had to close my eyes out of fear. But they were great and after a while I started to feel more con-fident and enjoyed the adventure. The bearer in the front kept calling out something, perhaps about the steps or the turn in the path and the man behind (facing me - I had my back to the man in front) called out the same words - per-haps confirming that he had heard the ‘warning instructions’ - I am not sure as they spoke a differ-ent dialect.

I got to the bottom of the mountain safe and sound.

Miss Tove’s English School

36 Connexions Business Mag

Learned optimismBy Gay Landeta

How many times do I hear “all men /women are untrustworthy….” in response to a bad situation, or even a pattern of situations…..

And how many times have I been guilty of the sneaky delight of feeling a victim of my misery?

It is a very good idea to question the ‘all’ in a statement. Often we mean ‘some’. think about it – change the statement to “some people are untrustworthy” – doesn’t that seem less devastating and more mundane. Maybe even no big deal. That person was a creep, right, but – in the scheme of things no biggie.

Now add in the actual situation – ie “some people I meet on the internet are untrustworthy”. Doesn’t that minimize it even more!

How about “last week I met someone untrustworthy on the internet” - wow – now there is even hope for next time!

Martin Seligman, talks about this concept of self- imposed pessimism and misery in his book Learned Optimism: How to Change your Mind and your Life.

You can even fill in a questionnaire (in the link below) to find out if your thinking is leading you down the path of unnecessary misery

So practice reframing your thinking – make it specific, temporary and not about you and see if life looks a little brighter!

Cheers, for now!

© 2013 Gay Landeta, Create the Life you Want to Live. All rights reserved.

Jennie Gorman is proud to be part of B1G1

38 Connexions Business Mag

Upcoming EventsNetworking Chats – ‘MasterMinding for Networkers’Thursday 21st November 2013 9.30am – 12noon

Networking Chats is now an Open MasterMinding for Networkers session.

These groups will be limited to 20 people per month and will be on a first in, first serve basis.

The aim of these groups will be to support participants to ACTION their networking by creating a programme that will help them to become not only better networkers but to become stream-lined in their networking.

WHEN: THURSDAY, 21st November 2013WHERE: Our Business Hub, 4/1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea, BrisbaneTIME: 9.30 register, 10am – 12noonINVESTMENT: $35 prepaid

Create 2014 to be what YOU want - WorkshopSaturday, 7th December 2013 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Do you know what you WANT from 2014 and beyond?JOIN US to vision and create 2014 to be what you want at this ‘HOW TO’ workshop through GOAL SETTING and VISIONING.

Jennie Gorman will take you through a process so you can create your future. She can show you the ‘HOW TO’ by DOING and CREATING your vision in three and a half hours. This will be life changing. The goal setting process will help you set your year and life. Overcome the obstacles to achievement:• Do you understand the skills you need to learn, find or develop?• Who you need to help you get there?• What are the benefits for reaching your goal?

Using Jennie Gorman’s formula to create YOUR goals for 2014:• know what you want to achieve;• understand how to get it;• overcome the obstacles;

• maximize your power to achieve;• create essential connections that will build and support you;• discover and work with your obstacles;• learn strategies of success;• vision your future.By going through a set process you will be as-tounded at how easy Goal Setting can be.

EVENT DETAILSWHERE: Our Business Hub, 4 / 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea WHEN: Friday, 22nd November 9.30am - 1.00pm

INVESTMENT: $47.00 per person (incl. GST)

Details: Park in the complex where you can find a space ... outside, under cover or up the ramp.

2013 November 39

Upcoming Events

Testimonial:I have been in my own business for 9 years and I was at that stage where I felt I needed some support with a new business. I’m absolutely amazed at the results that I’ve had. I have been able to grow and expand beyond my imagination from the help and support received from the peers in my mastermind group. The way the group was facilitated is absolutely incredible – it’s a fantastic system. I’ve never experienced anything like it. I have also experienced coaching and consulting however, I will say, having the mastermind group is incredibly differ-ent. The referrals itself had paid for the cost of the mastermind group tenfold. I know how incredible the results are and how amazing the deep friendships and business relationships gained. So thank you very much to this business mastermind groups. I would highly recommend it to any small business owner as an absolute must in your business.

Natasha Howie

This FREE evening is for: entrepreneurs who have come out of corporate and find that it is not as easy as it looked …business managers/owners/ entrepreneurs who have been in business for some years and need an independent ‘Board of Direc-tors’ and/or someone needing to be kept accountable with support to move to the next level.

‘Learn HOW MasterMinding is 10 Times More Powerful than Networking’Monday, 2nd December | Registration: 6.30pm | Event: 7pm – 9pm

FREE Introductory EveningDiscover how to use our MasterMinding Successformula to :

• Gain new business referrals• Triple your business bottom line• Collaborate and create joint ventures• Create your own advisory board• Be kept accountable• Removing road blocks that stop you from a growing business• Grow your business to where you want to be• Share resources• Business coaching/mentoring combined• Learn what to do next when you and your business grow• Maintain Confidentiality in your group• Get only the business results that count• Meet past participants who can tell you their experiences.

WHEN: 2nd December 2013WHERE: Our Business Hub,

4/1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea, Brisbane

TIME: 7pm – 9pm


“Authenticity equalstruth. The truth thatyou feel in every fibre

of your being. It comesfrom the heart, not

your head.”- Jennie Gorman

Editor : Jennie

Graphic Design : J. Anne Delgado

FRONT COVER: Ian Parkin and Jennie Gorman

Cathy Ewald

Daimien Patterson

Gay Landeta

Greg Menz

Jennie Gorman

Jim Rohn

John Milne

Josie Thomson

Kym-Marie Bush

Tove Vine

Trish Springsteen