
Too Much to Know

" It's no wonder how complicated things get, what with one thing leading to another."

... E. B. White

–Johnny Appleseed

“Type a quote here.”

Langdon Winner wrote, “To invent a new technology requires society to invent the kinds of people who will use it, with new practices, relationships and identities supplanting the old.” In case after case, the move to computerize and digitize means many preexisting cultural forms have suddenly gone liquid, losing their former shape as they are retailored for computerized expression. As new patterns solidify, both useful artifacts and the texture of human

relations that surround them are often much different from what existed previously.

The CIA gets involved and concludes a study:

- Flying saucers are not a threat to national security but reports of flying saucers are.

- Military personnel should be trained in proper observation of flying saucers.

- Programs should be created to debunk flying saucers to the citizenry.




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