Page 1: ConcertTM — an initiative towards open integrated network management


Ơn initiƠtivetowƠrds open integrƠtednetwork mƠnƠgement

Keith Willetts investigƠtes Ơ progrƠmme to mƠnƠge Ơ lƠrgeheterogeneous network

for inƠreƠsed Ơusiness Ơompetitiveness hƠve generƠtedƠn explosive growth in dƠtƠ ƠommuniƠƠtions trƠffiƠ -greƠter thƠn 30% per Ơnnum in mƠny ƠƠses . As mƠrketshƠve grƠduƠted towƠrds worldwide trƠding pƠtterns, sotoo must ƠorporƠte ƠommuniƠƠtions systems meet theƠhƠllenge of trƠnsƠending geogrƠphiƠƠl ƠoundƠries .

ƠƠtionƠl ƠoundƠries Ơre not the only oƠstƠƠles to thenetwork plƠnner. ƠeƠent reseƠrƠh ƠƠrried out Ơy BritishƠeleƠom shows thƠt ƠorporƠte networks often ƠompriseproduƠts Ơnd serviƠes from Ơt leƠst 20 different suppliers .Ơhis presents mƠjor ƠhƠllenges in integrƠting equipment,Ơnd even greƠter proƠlems in Ơttempting to mƠnƠgeeffeƠtively Ơll the pƠrts of Ơ lƠrge Ơnd ƠompliƠƠted'pƠtƠhwork'.

CorporƠte informƠtion networks hƠve ƠeƠome inƠreƠs-ingly Ơomplex Ơnd strƠtegiƠƠlly importƠnt, whilst simult-Ơneously the demƠnds mƠde upon them hƠve risendrƠmƠtiƠƠlly. Ơhe demƠnd for effeƠtive end-to-endmƠnƠgement of these systems hƠs never Ơeen greƠter .

Ơhe finƠnƠiƠl impliƠƠtions of operƠting the network Ơrefrequently overlooked . Ơver Ơ five yeƠr period, the Ơostsof operƠting the network ƠƠn Ơe more thƠn douƠle theinitiƠl Ơost of Ơuilding it.

Ơetwork mƠnƠgement involves optimizing the Ơenefitof the network Ơsset to the ƠompƠny Ơy mƠximizing itsrevenue eƠrning or enhƠnƠing potentiƠl, whilst minimizing,its ƠƠtuƠl running Ơosts . Ơnder effeƠtive mƠnƠgement theƠosts of hƠrdwƠre, softwƠre Ơnd personnel ƠƠn Ơll ƠereduƠed, whilst response time Ơnd serviƠe quƠlity ƠƠn ƠeinƠreƠsed Ơnd downtime minimized . Ơhe network istuned to inƠreƠse the flexiƠility, responsiveness Ơnd

Crown Ơt, IpswiƠh IP1 3HƠ, ƠK

Ơompetitiveness of the orgƠnizƠtion it serves .

0140-3664/90/090527-06 ©1990 Butterworth-HeinemƠnn Ơtd

vol 13 no 9 novemƠer 1990


Ơhere is Ơ growing understƠnding Ơmongst Ơommuni-ƠƠtions professionƠls of the Ơustomer's need to ƠontrolƠnd mƠnƠge todƠy's inƠreƠsingly Ơomplex multivendorƠommuniƠƠtions networks in order to ƠƠhieve ƠusinesssuƠƠess. As Ơ result, British ƠeleƠom is developing ƠƠomprehensive, integrƠted solution ƠƠsed on internƠtionƠlstƠndƠrds Ơnd ƠƠpitƠlising on its own experienƠe in theworld of lƠrge multivendor networks.

Keywords: network mƠnƠgement, stƠndƠrds, multivendorƠommuniƠƠtions


'Ơetwork mƠnƠgement' is Ơn overworked term whiƠh ƠƠnƠe more simply defined Ơs 'Ơll the tƠsks whiƠh must ƠeƠƠƠomplished to enƠƠle you to plƠn, Ơuild Ơnd operƠteƠn informƠtion system whiƠh meets your Ơusiness ƠndfinƠnƠiƠl tƠrgets .'

Ơhis is one of the most extensively disƠussed suƠjeƠtsin the world of Ơusiness ƠommuniƠƠtions Ơnd teƠhnology .ƠƠny Ơusinesses Ơre now heƠvily dependent upon theirinformƠtion networks Ơnd reƠlize their strƠtegiƠ importƠnƠe .Ơhese networks hƠve grƠduƠted from Ơeing supportsystems to the ƠentrƠl 'oxygen links', vitƠl to the suƠƠess ofthe Ơusiness .

GrƠduƠl liƠerƠlizƠtion of teleƠommuniƠƠtions mƠrketsworldwide, rƠpidly ƠdvƠnƠing teƠhnology Ơnd the drive

British ƠeleƠom, ƠƠnƠged CommuniƠƠtions/ConƠert, Crown House,

Page 2: ConcertTM — an initiative towards open integrated network management

Ơhe importƠnƠe of the ƠƠility of ƠommuniƠƠtions tofunƠtion ƠƠross Ơoth geogrƠphiƠ Ơnd teƠhniƠƠl vendorƠoundƠries hƠs ƠlreƠdy Ơeen mentioned . Equipmentmust not only 'tƠlk' the sƠme lƠnguƠge, Ơut must Ơlso ƠeƠƠpƠƠle of Ơeing mƠnƠged in Ơ Ơommon wƠy .

In orderto ƠƠhieve this prƠƠtiƠƠl integrƠtion of differentsuppliers' ƠommuniƠƠtions Ơnd informƠtion systems, onemust Ơdhere to internƠtionƠlly Ơgreed Ơnd ƠdoptedstƠndƠrds for the interƠhƠnge of mƠnƠgement informƠtionon the network.


Ơome mƠy think it strƠnge thƠt British ƠeleƠom isƠooperƠting with most of its mƠjor Ơompetitors, pƠrtiƠulƠrlyin Ơn ƠreƠ whiƠh will Ơe suƠjeƠt to suƠh intense rivƠlry inthe liƠerƠlized mƠrkets of the 1990s .

However, during the lƠst five yeƠrs the liƠerƠlizƠtion ofthe mƠrket hƠs enƠƠled mƠny new network elementsuppliers to enter the mƠrket, with ever more sophistiƠƠtedofferings . Customers hƠve seized the opportunity toutilize those solutions whiƠh Ơest suit their needs Ơnd theresultƠnt network systems hƠve Ơeen Ơuilt using offeringsfrom mƠny different suppliers .

With eƠƠh new produƠt, users hƠve demƠnded, Ơndsuppliers hƠve Ơeen quiƠk to offer, mƠnƠgement ƠƠpƠƠility .Ơhus Ơ mixture of mƠnƠgement systems from differentsuppliers hƠve ƠeƠome the norm when mƠnƠging Ơomplexnetworks . Composing Ơn integrƠted view is then eithervery diffiƠult or very expensive without Ơ stƠndƠrdizedwƠy of interfƠƠing Ơetween the mƠnƠgement systems .Ơhis is the reƠson the Forum* memƠer ƠompƠniesdeƠided to pool resourƠes .

By Ơgreeing Ơ Ơommon interfƠƠe speƠifiƠƠtion - whiƠhinƠludes the protoƠol, messƠges Ơnd dƠtƠ ƠƠout themƠnƠged elements, within Ơn Ơgreed ƠrƠhiteƠturƠl frƠme-work - Ơll ƠonformƠnt systems should Ơe ƠƠle to tƠlk toeƠƠh other in Ơ Ơoherent wƠy . Ơhe Ơompetitive edge stillremƠins in the interpretƠtion, displƠy, ƠƠpƠƠility ƠndpriƠe/performƠnƠe of eƠƠh vendor's system .

Ơhe tƠsk of mƠnƠging the speƠifiƠƠtion Ơnd Ơgreementfor this interfƠƠe is no smƠll undertƠking when it isƠonsidered thƠt memƠer ƠompƠnies Ơome from differentindustry seƠtors, different Ơultures in multiple time zones,Ơnd thƠt some hƠve divergent views for implementingnetwork Ơnd systems mƠnƠgement solutions. However,the Ơommon threƠd for the speƠifiƠƠtions (implementorƠgreements or funƠtionƠl profiles Ơy other nƠmes) istrƠƠking, or in some ƠƠses influenƠing, IƠƠ stƠndƠrds .EssentiƠlly, the Forum Ơgreements must Ơe Ơs Ơlose Ơs tothe finƠl IƠƠ stƠndƠrds Ơs possiƠle, first time .

Before the Forum ƠƠme into existenƠe, Ơ ƠommonƠpproƠƠh to network mƠnƠgement seemed, like ƠuniversƠl lƠnguƠge, desirƠƠle, Ơut Ơn impossiƠle ideƠl .InterfƠƠes Ơmong systems were lƠrgely proprietƠry . Ơomesuppliers hƠd Ơttempted to ƠƠse their interfƠƠe stƠndƠrdson the ƠƠI stƠndƠrds work in progress, Ơut even within Ơnindustry suƠh Ơs teleƠommuniƠƠtions, the stƠndƠrdsƠllowed Ơ wide rƠnge of options. Given the numƠer of

*Ơhe ƠƠI Ơetwork ƠƠnƠgement Forum, formed in 1988, Ơonsists ofneƠrly one hundred leƠding ƠommuniƠƠtions Ơnd Ơomputer ƠompƠnieswho work towƠrds Ơ Ơommon implementƠtion of protoƠols ƠndƠppliƠƠtion messƠge sets for network mƠnƠgement, ƠƠsed on emerginginternƠtionƠl stƠndƠrds

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possiƠle ƠomƠinƠtions of options ƠvƠilƠƠle, it wƠs ƠleƠrthƠt suppliers would not mƠke the sƠme implementƠtionƠhoiƠes, Ơnd therefore would not Ơe ƠƠle to interƠonneƠttheir systems without Ơuilding Ơ Ơustomized interfƠƠe .

Formed in June 1988 Ơy British ƠeleƠom, AƠ&Ơ,Hewlett-PƠƠkƠrd, Ơorthern ƠeleƠom, ƠeleƠom CƠnƠdƠ,ƠƠC Ơnd Ơnisys, the Forum now numƠers over 95memƠers in 17 Ơountries worldwide, Ơnd inƠorporƠtes Ơllof the mƠjor Ơomputing Ơnd ƠommuniƠƠtions suppliers,inƠluding IBƠ Ơnd DEC . It is dediƠƠted to definingspeƠifiƠƠtions for the interworking of mƠnƠgementinformƠtion in reƠl networks Ơetween vendors, Ơnddelivering to mƠrket interoperƠƠle produƠts from memƠerƠompƠnies.

Ơnly Ơy hƠrnessing the internƠtionƠl informƠtionindustry, users, network equipment suppliers, ƠomputerƠompƠnies Ơnd serviƠe providers ƠƠn the goƠl of gloƠƠlmulti-vendor network mƠnƠgement ƠeƠome Ơ reƠlity .Ơhe Forum is mƠking rƠpid progress in ƠƠhieving this.Working with stƠndƠrds orgƠnizƠtions Ơnd ƠonformƠnƠetesting Ơodies internƠtionƠlly, the Forum is ƠƠting Ơs ƠƠƠtƠlyst - dediƠƠted to mƠking open, interoperƠƠlemƠnƠgement systems widely ƠvƠilƠƠle Ơs soon Ơs possiƠlethrough its memƠers .

Ơhe work of the Forum, Ơn open Ơonsortium, isundertƠken Ơy its memƠers . Voting memƠers Ơommitworking ƠƠpitƠl Ơnd teƠhniƠƠl stƠff for the Forum's workprogrƠmmes; ƠssoƠiƠte memƠers, the mƠjority, pƠyƠnnuƠl dues Ơnd mƠy ƠontriƠute to the teƠhniƠƠl workif they wish . Ơun like Ơ ƠompƠny, the Forum hƠs Ơ BoƠrd ofƠrustees, operƠtionƠl mƠnƠgers to leƠd mƠjor workprogrƠmmes Ơnd teƠm leƠders to mƠnƠge the teƠhniƠƠlƠƠtivities . Ơhere Ơre ƠleƠr timesƠƠles for the delivery ofspeƠifiƠƠtions .

Ơhe Forum defines Ơ single implementƠtion of thestƠndƠrds, sifting through the mƠny Ơllowed options ƠndseleƠting those thƠt Ơest suit Ơ network mƠnƠgementƠppliƠƠtion . Where there Ơre no stƠndƠrds yet defined,drƠft stƠndƠrds or proposƠls Ơre used . ƠtƠndƠrds ƠodiesƠround the world Ơre enƠourƠged to move quiƠkly toƠdopt Ơ Ơommon ƠpproƠƠh .

Four mƠin progrƠmmes hƠve Ơeen estƠƠlished toƠƠhieve the Forum's goƠl of providing Ơ ƠompleteinteroperƠƠle interfƠƠe so thƠt informƠtion ƠƠn pƠss fromnetwork to network in Ơ Ơonsistent wƠy .

Ơhe mission of the teƠhniƠƠl progrƠmme is 'to deliverspeƠifiƠƠtions thƠt define Ơ Ơommon implementƠtionƠpproƠƠh, or ƠrƠhiteƠture, Ơ dƠtƠ ƠommuniƠƠtions protoƠol,ƠppliƠƠtions Ơnd oƠjeƠt definition - everything neededƠy Ơ developer to implement the Forum's interoperƠƠleinterfƠƠe'. AlreƠdy releƠsed Ơre the ProtoƠol ƠpeƠifiƠƠtionwhiƠh defines Ơoth Ơ wide-ƠreƠ Ơnd Ơ loƠƠl ƠreƠ networkimplementƠtion, AppliƠƠtion ƠessƠge Ơets to ƠddressfƠult mƠnƠgement Ơnd ƠonfigurƠtion, the ƠƠjeƠt ƠpeƠifi-ƠƠtion FrƠmework whiƠh provides Ơ templƠte for use indefining oƠjeƠts, Ơnd in JƠnuƠry 1990, the ArƠhiteƠtureƠnd GlossƠry whiƠh ƠomƠines the work of IƠƠ, CCIƠƠ Ơndother Ơodies into Ơ 'Ơommon flexiƠle ƠrƠhiteƠture, Ơndprovides Ơ first-ever definition of terms, so thƠt everyonein the industry ƠƠn use Ơ single term to meƠn Ơ single thingfor network mƠnƠgement' . In April Ơt the meeting of theBoƠrd of Ơrustees in Ơokyo, Ơn ƠnnounƠement wƠs mƠdeof the ƠpprovƠl of the ƠƠjeƠt ƠpeƠifiƠƠtion whiƠh definesthe logiƠƠl Ơnd physiƠƠl Ơomponents of networks . Ơhis is ƠsignifiƠƠnt ƠƠhievement for the Forum Ơnd for theindustry, whiƠh sets the Ơourse for definition of further

Ơomputer ƠommuniƠƠtions

Page 3: ConcertTM — an initiative towards open integrated network management

oƠjeƠts to support Ơny network mƠnƠgement implement-Ơtion.*

BeƠƠuse of the importƠnƠe of ƠonvinƠing the ƠustomerthƠt speƠifiƠƠtions hƠve Ơeen ƠorreƠtly implemented,ƠonformƠnƠe testing is ƠƠrried out Ơy independent thirdpƠrties, the CorporƠtion for Ơpen Ơystems InternƠtionƠl(CƠƠ) in Ơorth AmeriƠƠ, Ơnd the ƠtƠndƠrds PromotionƠnd AppliƠƠtion Group (ƠPAG) in Europe. An exeƠutiveƠounƠil mƠde up of Forum, CƠƠ Ơnd ƠPAG exists with themission to find ƠreƠs where stƠndƠrds implementƠtionƠƠn Ơe speeded up .

EquƠlly Ơs importƠnt Ơs setting the stƠndƠrds is theirpromotion in ƠƠtuƠl produƠts whiƠh ƠƠn exƠhƠngenetwork mƠnƠgement informƠtion to support new,integrƠted ƠppliƠƠtions . Customer expeƠtƠtions Ơre high,Ơnd in the ƠhowƠƠse progrƠmme there Ơre opportunitiesfor memƠers to demonstrƠte together the progress theyƠre mƠking towƠrds meeting them . ƠhowƠƠse is Ơ series ofshows within existing internƠtionƠl trƠde exhiƠitions ; theƠurrent progrƠmme Ơontinues through 1991 .

Ơhe President's ƠoundtƠƠle wƠs ƠreƠted for users ofnetwork mƠnƠgement produƠts Ơnd serviƠes to shƠreinformƠtion . During working sessions every two months,pƠrtiƠipƠnts heƠr ƠƠout the Forum's Ơurrent progrƠmmeƠnd hƠve the opportunity to influenƠe the Ơourse thƠt theForum tƠkes.

In the end it is the mƠrket thƠt diƠtƠtes the direƠtion ofthe Forum's work. ƠemƠer ƠompƠnies Ơelieve thƠt theirdeƠision to invest Ơ lƠrge perƠentƠge of their develop-ment Ơudgets in mƠking the dreƠm of Ơ ƠommonƠpproƠƠh Ơ reƠlity will Ơe justified Ơy their Ơustomers'growing demƠnds for open systems .

British ƠeleƠom hƠs tƠken Ơ proƠƠtive leƠd in the ForumsinƠe its inƠeption, with the Ơuthor serving Ơs President,ƠeƠoming ChƠirmƠn in June 1990. In Ơommon with BritishƠeleƠom, mƠny Forum memƠers Ơre now working toimplement these Ơgreed teƠhniƠƠl speƠifiƠƠtions intodemonstrƠƠle produƠts with open network mƠnƠgementƠƠpƠƠility.


It is in no Ơustomer's interests to Ơe loƠked into onemƠnufƠƠturer's produƠts Ơnd serviƠes where these ƠƠnnotwork with those of other suppliers. Ơhe lƠst deƠƠde hƠsseen Ơ speƠtƠƠulƠr mƠrket-driven expƠnsion of informƠtionteƠhnology Ơnd ƠommuniƠƠtions serviƠes fuelled ƠyƠdvƠnƠes in enƠƠling teƠhnologies Ơnd politiƠƠl pressuresfor deregulƠtion. British ƠeleƠom is, Ơnd will remƠin, ƠsignifiƠƠnt plƠyer in this ƠrenƠ, Ơoth Ơs Ơ supplier Ơnd user,Ơnd the development of Ơ Ơonsistent systems ƠrƠhiteƠture- the Co-operƠtive Ơetworking ArƠhiteƠture (CƠA)** isƠn essentiƠl pƠrt of the strƠtegy to leƠd, ƠntiƠipƠte ƠndsƠtisfy the developing demƠnds of the mƠrket.

*ƠeleƠse 1 speƠifiƠƠtions Ơonsist of nine doƠuments whiƠh togetherspeƠify Ơ Ơomplete implementƠtion of the Forum's interoperƠƠleinterfƠƠe for the exƠhƠnge of network mƠnƠgement informƠtion . ƠheseƠre ƠvƠilƠƠle from ƠƠI/ƠƠ Forum, 40 Ơorristown Ơd, BernƠdsville, ƠJ07924, ƠƠA"British ƠeleƠom's Co-operƠtive Ơetworking ArƠhiteƠture providesƠorporƠte ƠrƠhiteƠture guidelines whiƠh, in Ơddition to open stƠndƠrds,Ơlso inƠlude proprietƠry Ơnd existing stƠndƠrds in those ƠreƠs where openstƠndƠrds Ơre not Ơurrent

vol 13 no 9 novemƠer 1990

Ơhe ƠrƠhiteƠture is Ơ frƠmework of stƠndƠrds whiƠhunderpin the development of British ƠeleƠom's systemsƠnd serviƠes to give ƠonsistenƠy of style Ơnd operƠtion .Ơhis is not unique to ƠommuniƠƠtions . Ơhe sƠme outlookƠƠn Ơe seen in the motor industry ; no mƠtter whƠt thepƠrtiƠulƠr model is, you ƠƠn ƠlwƠys reƠognize Ơ JƠguƠr, forinstƠnƠe, Ơnd you ƠlwƠys know whƠt stƠndƠrd of finishƠnd performƠnƠe to expeƠt from it . In the retƠil trƠde, thestƠndƠrds Ơpplied Ơy ƠƠrks Ơnd ƠpenƠer Ơnd ƠƠinsƠury'sfor their produƠts Ơllow the Ơustomer to Ơuy Ơonfidentlyfrom them, even though mƠny of these produƠts Ơresupplied Ơy other ƠompƠnies . With this 'ƠrƠhiteƠturƠl'ƠpproƠƠh, Ơn orgƠnizƠtion Ơlso Ơenefits from eƠonomiesof sƠƠle sinƠe it is possiƠle to speƠify Ơ stƠndƠrd rƠnge ofdistinƠtive Ơomponents Ơnd negotiƠte Ơompetitive priƠesfrom Ơ numƠer of suƠƠontrƠƠtors .

Ơhe Ơenefits of this ƠpproƠƠh mƠy Ơlso Ơe reƠlized inthe ƠommuniƠƠtions industry . With Ơ rƠnge of stƠndƠrdƠomponents Ơnd ƠƠpƠƠilities thƠt mƠy Ơe Ơuilt into newsystems Ơnd serviƠes, British ƠeleƠom is ƠƠle to reƠƠtswiftly to teƠhniƠƠl developments Ơnd ƠhƠnges in Ơustomerrequirements to Ơuild Ơ Ơoherent portfolio of produƠtsƠnd serviƠes. By defining stƠndƠrd teƠhniques ƠndspeƠifiƠƠtions to Ơe used ƠƠross the orgƠnizƠtion, BritishƠeleƠom ƠƠn optimize the vƠlue of its investment insoftwƠre development, in trƠining Ơnd in informƠtion . ƠheflexiƠility thƠt use of Ơ Ơonsistent ƠrƠhiteƠture provides,meƠns thƠt when there is need to ƠhƠnge, teƠhnology isnot Ơ ƠonstrƠint, Ơnd Ơ purely mƠnƠgement deƠision mƠyƠe mƠde . CƠA provides the set of guidelines Ơndsupporting tools neƠessƠry to ƠƠhieve these Ơenefits .

Ơhe teƠhniƠƠl speƠifiƠƠtions used Ơy British ƠeleƠom inthe ƠrƠhiteƠture derive from Ơ numƠer of sourƠes suƠh ƠsƠgreements Ơy nƠtionƠl Ơnd internƠtionƠl stƠndƠrdsƠodies Ơnd industry ƠonsortiƠ (open stƠndƠrds), or othersuppliers' stƠndƠrds (proprietƠry stƠndƠrds), Ơut the ƠƠsisof ƠhoiƠe will ƠlwƠys Ơllow British ƠeleƠom to remƠin inƠontrol . In every ƠƠse, the ƠhoiƠe of stƠndƠrds tƠken upwill Ơe governed Ơy ƠommerƠiƠl requirements .

Ơhis meƠns thƠt the ƠrƠhiteƠture ƠƠnnot remƠin stƠtiƠ;it must develop to meet the needs of the mƠrket Ơnd toƠƠpitƠlize on ƠdvƠnƠes in teƠhnology. Indeed, the presentposition is the result of the evolution of the ƠrƠhiteƠturefrom its first lƠunƠh Ơs ƠƠA (Ơpen Ơetwork ArƠhiteƠture)in 1986* . Ơhe emphƠsis of ƠƠA is on the use of opensystems . Ơhe need for open systems, however, is notuniversƠl, Ơlthough the use of Ơ Ơonsistent ƠrƠhiteƠtureprovides Ơenefits in Ơll ƠreƠs . CƠA hƠs evolved to providethis ƠrƠhiteƠturƠl frƠmework not only where open systemsƠre to Ơe used, Ơut Ơlso where ƠommerƠiƠl pressuresdiƠtƠte the use of proprietƠry stƠndƠrds .

British ƠeleƠom's ƠrƠhiteƠture is Ơpplied right ƠƠrossthe orgƠnizƠtion . Ơhe development Ơnd use of Ơ ƠonsistentƠrƠhiteƠture Ơllows British ƠeleƠom to ƠƠhieve vƠlue formoney in its development of new systems Ơnd serviƠes .Ơhe inƠreƠsing rƠte of ƠhƠnge of teƠhnology Ơnd mƠrketsrequires greƠter responsiveness from suppliers - theƠrƠhiteƠture provides the teƠhniƠƠl guideƠook Ơnd toolkitthƠt will give British ƠeleƠom the flexiƠility to reƠƠtƠppropriƠtely .

Co-operƠtive Ơetworking ArƠhiteƠture tƠkes Ơ stepƠeyond open systems Ơy putting in plƠƠe the joint speƠifi-ƠƠtions Ơnd Ơgreements to ensure thƠt reƠl produƠts Ơnd

*Ơpen Ơetwork ArƠhiteƠture hƠs now Ơeen superseded Ơy CƠAdesƠriƠed ƠƠove


Page 4: ConcertTM — an initiative towards open integrated network management

serviƠes will Ơe ƠƠle to work together Ơnd Ơonform tointernƠtionƠl stƠndƠrds .

Ơhe speƠifiƠƠtions of the ƠƠI Ơetwork ƠƠnƠgementForum Ơre the Ơed-roƠk of British ƠeleƠom's ƠrƠhiteƠturefor ƠƠhieving open network mƠnƠgement . Ơhese Ơompre-hensive 'rules' define in detƠil the funƠtions, struƠturesƠnd interfƠƠes thƠt enƠƠle mƠnƠgement systems tointerƠƠt, giving Ơnd end-to-end view of the network . BritishƠeleƠom is investing heƠvily in systems Ơuilt ƠgƠinst Co-operƠtive Ơetworking ArƠhiteƠture for its own networks,Ơnd is now ƠƠtively implementing these prinƠiples into itsƠustomer produƠts Ơnd serviƠes .


ConƠert' is the ƠƠpƠƠility whiƠh will Ơllow BritishƠeleƠom to deliver open, integrƠted mƠnƠgement ofƠommuniƠƠtions systems for its Ơustomers worldwide . Itwill offer the Ơustomer the ƠƠility to mƠnƠge his Ơommuni-ƠƠtions system from end to end, ƠƠross voiƠe Ơnd dƠtƠ,puƠliƠ Ơnd privƠte elements, through Ơ Ơoherent portfolioof produƠts Ơnd serviƠes ƠƠpƠƠle of Ơeing mƠnƠged in Ơuniform wƠy .

ConƠert'will Ơlso Ơllow the integrƠted mƠnƠgement ofƠomputer systems, providing true end-to-end mƠnƠge-ment throughout the entire informƠtion system . Built onopen stƠndƠrds Ơnd speƠifiƠƠtions reƠommended Ơy theƠƠI Ơetwork ƠƠnƠgement Forum, ConƠert ƠƠ is the firstsystem to Ơe designed on the lƠtest ƠƠI mƠnƠgementprinƠiples using British ƠeleƠom's Co-operƠtive ƠetworkingArƠhiteƠture.

British ƠeleƠom's extensive ƠƠse of over Ơ thousƠndsystem ƠrƠhiteƠts, designers Ơnd softwƠre engineers,dediƠƠted to network mƠnƠgement, supports the develop-ment of the ConƠert' IntegrƠted ƠƠnƠgement Ơystem,with its PƠƠIX-ƠonformƠnt operƠting system Ơnd userinterfƠƠe mƠking extensive use of grƠphiƠs Ơuilt on theX.11 windows stƠndƠrd* .

Ơhis meƠns thƠt ConƠert' will Ơe inƠorporƠted inBritish ƠeleƠom's Ơustomer networking equipment Ơswell Ơs in the ƠompƠny's serviƠes for Ơustomer networksto provide Ơn integrƠted end-to-end systems mƠnƠge-ment ƠƠpƠƠility. Ơhe ConƠert' mƠnƠgement ƠƠpƠƠilitywill Ơuild on British ƠeleƠom's gloƠƠl ƠƠtivities inƠludingthose of its new suƠsidiƠry BƠ Ơymnet.

Ơhe implementƠtion of ConƠert' in different produƠtsor 'mƠnƠged oƠjeƠts' mƠy vƠry, Ơut it enƠƠles eƠƠh toƠommuniƠƠte Ơ two-wƠy flow of mƠnƠgement informƠtionviƠ open interfƠƠes Ơonforming to the speƠifiƠƠtions ofthe Ơetwork ƠƠnƠgement Forum, Ơomplying fully withBritish ƠeleƠom's Co-operƠtive Ơetworking ArƠhiteƠture .

ƠƠny of British ƠeleƠom's produƠts Ơnd serviƠes willinƠlude the ConƠert' ƠƠpƠƠility, Ơnd these will form ƠmƠnƠgeƠƠle portfolio known Ơs Customer ƠƠnƠgedCommuniƠƠtions. Figure 1 illustrƠtes the positioning ofCustomer ƠƠnƠged CommuniƠƠtions Ơnd ConƠert' inthe overƠll British ƠeleƠom portfolio. Customer ƠƠnƠgedCommuniƠƠtions is thƠt suƠset of the totƠl portfoliowhiƠh is mƠnƠgeƠƠle ; ConƠert' is the 'horizontƠl ingredient'whiƠh mƠkes thƠt mƠnƠgeƠƠility possiƠle .

Ơo how, in prƠƠtiƠe, will this mƠnƠgement ƠƠpƠƠility ƠeƠrought ƠƠout in the Ơustomer's network?

*X.11 provides Ơn ƠrƠhiteƠture protoƠol Ơnd ƠppliƠƠtions whiƠh ƠƠnsupport ƠdvƠnƠed windows systems using the Ơlient-server model

53 0




Figure 1. Positioning of ConƠertƠƠ in British ƠeleƠom'sportfolio


Ơhe struƠture of ConƠert'Ơ's mƠnƠgement ƠrƠhiteƠturemirrors thƠt of the Ơustomer's Ơusiness, with Ơ hierƠrƠhy oflƠyers exƠhƠnging informƠtion in Ơ struƠtured wƠy . Figure 2illustrƠtes how this ƠtruƠturƠl ArƠhiteƠture ƠrrƠnges funƠtionsto ƠreƠte Ơ single mƠnƠgement 'teƠm' .

ConƠert' reƠognizes thƠt the tƠsk of network mƠnƠge-ment must ƠommenƠe with the Ơusiness needs thƠtdefine the need for Ơ network in the first plƠƠe . ƠhesediƠtƠte the provision Ơnd mƠnƠgement of the serviƠe tousers, whiƠh in turn shƠpes the physiƠƠl network itself .Below this Ơre the detƠiled 'ƠoƠl-fƠƠe' issues surroundingindividuƠl network Ơomponents - Ơit rƠtes, error rƠtesƠnd so forth. All of these levels need to Ơe Ơddressed, ƠndprƠƠtiƠƠl implementƠtions ƠomƠine one or more lƠyersinto Ơ physiƠƠl mƠnƠgement system .

ConƠert's FunƠtionƠl ArƠhiteƠture (Figure 3) extendsthe five funƠtions ƠreƠs (ƠƠFAs) defined Ơy IƠƠ* in orderto meet the reƠl needs of todƠy's networks . Ơhe sevenfunƠtionƠl ƠƠtegories Ơre Ơhosen to ƠƠtƠlogue Ơ vƠriety ofƠommuniƠƠtions mƠnƠgement funƠtions Ơnd serviƠes,Ơovering the Ơomplete lifeƠyƠle requirements of Ơommuni-ƠƠtions systems .

Event ƠƠnƠgement deƠls with events oƠƠurring on thenetwork suƠh Ơs ƠlƠrms, Ơnd the proƠesses required to

ƠƠnƠge the Business

ƠƠnƠge theCommuniƠƠtionsƠerviƠe

Figure 2 . ƠtruƠturƠl ArƠhiteƠture

ƠƠnƠge thePhysiƠƠlƠetwork

ƠƠnƠge theƠetworkElements

*Ơhe InternƠtionƠl ƠrgƠnizƠtion for ƠtƠndƠrdizƠtion (IƠƠ) is one of theƠodies involved in the development of Ơpen Ơystems InterƠonneƠtion

Ơomputer ƠommuniƠƠtions


1- I



> > > >¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢W W W W W

01 01 0I- I- F HƠ Ơ Ơ 0 Ơ> _ > 7Ơ 0Ơ

oƠ 0 Ơ 00 0

0¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢


Page 5: ConcertTM — an initiative towards open integrated network management

AƠƠess ƠndƠeƠurity




Figure 3. FunƠtionƠl ArƠhiteƠture

Ơope with them, inƠluding testing Ơnd the Ơontrol ofmƠintenƠnƠe stƠff.

• PerformƠnƠe ƠƠnƠgement ensures thƠt the network istuned to optimize response time, utilizƠtion Ơndoptimum loƠding pƠtterns .

• ConfigurƠtion ƠƠnƠgement Ơovers how resourƠes ƠreƠonfigured into Ơomplete networks, Ơnd inƠludesdisƠster routing Ơnd provision for ƠhƠnges Ơnd expƠnsionof the network .

• ƠesourƠe ƠƠnƠgement emƠrƠƠes the physiƠƠl ƠndlogiƠƠl ƠonstruƠtion of the network : whƠt goes where,hƠrdwƠre Ơnd softwƠre Ơuild stƠtus, spƠres, test equip-ment Ơnd so forth .

FinƠnƠiƠl ƠƠnƠgement deƠls not only with Ơilling ƠndƠosting, Ơut Ơlso less oƠvious ƠreƠs suƠh Ơs ƠƠpitƠl plƠntdepreƠiƠtion Ơnd invoiƠe reƠonƠiliƠtion .

AƠƠess Ơnd ƠeƠurity ƠƠnƠgement Ơovers who isƠllowed to do whƠt on the network Ơnd when,mƠnƠging the implementƠtion of seƠurity on thenetwork .

• FinƠlly, PlƠnning Ơnd Design ƠƠnƠgement is the seriesof funƠtions required to plƠn new networks orextensions to existing ones; optionƠl routings ƠndloƠdings Ơnd fƠllƠƠƠk strƠtegies .

Ơhe InterfƠƠe ArƠhiteƠture Ơdopted Ơy ConƠerti" Ơompliesfully with the speƠifiƠƠtions of the ƠƠI Ơetwork ƠƠnƠge-ment Forum . Ơhese define dƠtƠƠommuniƠƠtions protoƠolsfor mƠnƠgement systems . Figure 4 shows the ForuminteroperƠƠle interfƠƠe protoƠol ƠrƠhiteƠture .

Ơsing Ơn oƠjeƠt oriented ƠpproƠƠh, the network isƠroken down into 'mƠnƠged oƠjeƠts' eƠƠh defined interms of whƠt informƠtion ƠƠn Ơe oƠtƠined, whƠt ƠontrolfunƠtions Ơre supported Ơnd so on. Ơhis open methodologypermits multiple suppliers' equipment to Ơe mƠnƠged viƠƠ Ơommon interfƠƠe in Ơ uniform mƠnner .

Ơhe ƠƠtuƠl Ơuilding of network mƠnƠgement softwƠreis governed Ơy the AppliƠƠtion ArƠhiteƠture* . Defining thesystems plƠtform, this Ơovers operƠting systems, dƠtƠƠƠses,dƠtƠƠƠse query lƠnguƠges, user interfƠƠes, ƠppliƠƠtioninterfƠƠes Ơnd ƠommuniƠƠtions. Ơhe ConƠert' mƠnƠge-ment system will utilize the plƠtform illustrƠted inFigure 5 .

*AppliƠƠtion ArƠhiteƠture is Ơ meƠns of orgƠnizing Ơnd representingknowledge in Ơ struƠtured mƠnner within Ơ given field

vol 13 no 9 novemƠer 1990



- - - - - - -FIƠE ƠƠAƠƠFEƠ




X.217 218

IƠƠ 8649 . 8650

ƠƠƠEX.219,229IƠƠ IƠ9072

ƠƠI PresentƠtion ƠƠyerX .216 X.226

IƠƠ 8822. 8823

ƠƠI Ơession ƠƠyerX.215 X.225

IƠƠ 8326. 8327

Figure 4 . InterfƠƠe ArƠhiteƠture







ƠƠnƠgement ƠpeƠifiƠAƠE


9595. 9596

Figure 5 . AppliƠƠtion ArƠhiteƠture


ACƠEX .217. 218

IƠƠ 8649 .8650







Figure 6 shows Ơ simple diƠgrƠm of how Ơ ConƠert"mƠnƠged network Ơould Ơe struƠtured in prƠƠtiƠe .

ConƠert' Ơllows eƠƠh produƠt or serviƠe to Ơe direƠtlymƠnƠged Ơy element mƠnƠgement softwƠre, ƠƠpƠƠle ofmonitoring, ƠnƠlysing, storing Ơnd displƠying informƠtionƠnd flƠgging up proƠlems . For exƠmple, Ơ rƠƠk of modemsmƠy Ơe mƠnƠged Ơy Ơ PC or workstƠtion whiƠh reƠeives ƠvƠriety of informƠtion from eƠƠh modem on its stƠtus .

Ơhis informƠtion is ƠommuniƠƠted viƠ open interfƠƠesto the ConƠert'" IntegrƠted ƠƠnƠgement Ơystem whiƠhgives Ơn end-to-end view of the network, for the first timeƠƠpƠƠle of integrƠting the mƠnƠgement funƠtions of Ơll

5 3 1

ƠƠI ƠrƠnsport ƠƠyerX.214 X.224

IƠƠ 8072. 8073

IƠƠ 8878 . 8208 IƠƠ 8348/ADICCIƠƠX .25PƠP CƠƠƠ

IƠƠ 7776IEEE 802 .2 ƠƠC



Ơingle Ơ* ProƠeduresIEEE 802 .3 ƠAC ƠerviƠes


CCIƠƠ X.21Ơis PhysiƠƠl ƠignƠlling

Page 6: ConcertTM — an initiative towards open integrated network management

eg Computersystems

5 3 2

eg W 100"Ơ eq PrivƠteGrƠils

eg Ơodems eg ƠAƠs




Figure 6 . ExƠmple of Ơ possiƠle ƠonfigurƠtion of ƠConƠert' mƠnƠged network

the elements into Ơ single sƠreen . Complex multivendornetworks ƠƠn therefore Ơe mƠnƠged Ơonsistently from Ơsingle point .

Ơhe entire ƠommuniƠƠtions Ơnd informƠtion system ismƠnƠged Ơs Ơ single entity, like Ơny other ƠorporƠte Ơsset .Ơot only Ơre the individuƠl elements whiƠh Ơonstitute thenetwork mƠnƠged, Ơut the system is viewed Ơs Ơ whole,providing improved serviƠe levels Ơy reduƠing responsetimes Ơnd Ơllowing fƠster proƠlem resolution .

ConƠert'' will not only Ơe ƠƠpƠƠle of pulling togetherthe elements within British ƠeleƠom's portfolio, Ơut ƠlsomƠny produƠts from other suppliers . It is this ƠƠpƠƠilitywhiƠh permits, for exƠmple, mƠnƠgement messƠges fromƠ Ơomputer system to Ơe ƠomƠined with those from theƠommuniƠƠtions network, providing Ơ true system wideview of operƠtions .


ConƠert'' is not Ơn overnight remedy for the proƠlems ofmƠnƠging Ơ lƠrge heterogeneous network . Ơhe progrƠmmerepresents Ơ long-term migrƠtion of British ƠeleƠom's

produƠts Ơnd serviƠes to meet the Ơustomer needs of the1990s Ơnd Ơeyond . Progressive releƠses of produƠtsinƠorporƠting the ConƠert' ƠƠpƠƠility will inƠreƠse Ơoththe numƠer Ơnd funƠtionƠlity of the rƠnge of mƠnƠgeƠƠleelements within British ƠeleƠom's overƠll portfolio . InprƠƠtiƠe, this roll-out will tƠke the form of Ơ series ofƠnnounƠements from lƠte 1990 to 1992 .

ConƠert'' represents the future direƠtion not only forthe mƠnƠgement of British ƠeleƠom's portfolio of produƠtsƠnd serviƠes for Ơustomers, Ơut Ơlso thƠt of its ownextensive network operƠtions Ơround the world . BƠƠymnet, the gloƠƠl dƠtƠ networking operƠtor is, forexƠmple, Ơurrently triƠlling ConƠert'' internƠtionƠlly.

Ơhe results will Ơe of reƠl Ơenefit to the ƠusinessƠommunity worldwide Ơy providing the tools to put themin Ơontrol of Ơll pƠrts of their networks, puƠliƠ Ơnd privƠte .ConƠert' therefore permits Ơ full speƠtrum of Ơontrol,from hƠnds-on mƠnƠgement Ơy the Ơustomer to fullfƠƠilities mƠnƠgement on their ƠehƠlf Ơy British ƠeleƠom .

It is hoped thƠt orgƠnizƠtions will improve rƠdiƠƠllytheir ƠƠility to mƠnƠge in Ơ uniform wƠy the networkswhiƠh trƠnsport the informƠtion so vitƠl to their suƠƠess .By mƠking the network mƠnƠgement tƠsk Ơoth simplerƠnd more effiƠient, Ơustomers will Ơe ƠƠle to devote moreof their time Ơnd resourƠe to their Ơore Ơusiness ƠƠtivity,generƠting revenue Ơnd profit .

Keith Willetts hƠs over- 20 yeƠrsexperienƠe in the teleƠommuni-ƠƠtions Ơnd Ơomputing fields. He hƠshƠd Ơ wide rƠnge of responsiƠilities inoperƠtionƠl, development mƠrketingƠnd produƠt mƠnƠgement ƠreƠs .ƠuƠh of this experienƠe hƠs ƠeenrelƠted to ƠppliƠƠtions of Ơomputinginto networks rƠnging from videotextƠdvƠnƠed switƠhing systems Ơndintelligent networks . In reƠent yeƠrs,his foƠus hƠs Ơeen on the mƠnƠge-

ment ƠspeƠts of Ơomplex networks. He is Ơurrently heƠding BritishƠeleƠom's network mƠnƠgement systems unit Ơnd mƠnƠges theƠompƠny's network mƠnƠgement progrƠm - ConƠerti".

Ơomputer ƠommuniƠƠtions
