Page 1: Combined Patient Profiles for FMO 2015 Cameroon Christmas Appeal

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ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC GENERAL HOSPITAL SHISONGP.O. Box 8, Kumbo, Bui Division, North West Province, CameroonTel: (237) 3348-1122 or 7983-5796 Email: [email protected] 

Cardiac Center : Tel (237) 2265-9959, 9690-1264, 9948-8412, 7753-6572 Email: [email protected] 

Shisong, 08/07/2015


Name of Patient: FOE EUGENE (M) 

Date of Birth: 30/11/1958 

Pathology: AoVR

Occupation: FARMING 

Status: MARRIED 


Occupation: HOUSEWIFE 

Number of siblings: 05 CHILDREN 

Address: LOBOUDI 1 / OKOLA – Center Region 

Contact: 699-966-430 / 650-029-186

Cardiologist: Dr. JEAN-CLAUDE AMBASSA 

Family Background and Medical Status

Foe Eugene is 57 years old. He is presenting with a long history of heart problem that is progressing since

long years ago. Consulted at the  St Martin de Porres Mvog Betsi Yaoundé,  Dr. Lucia SABBADIN diagnosed a

heart problem and referred the patient to  Shisong Cardiac Centre for expertise. Dr. Jean-Claude  consulted

and after more investigation, Eugene is discovered with a  Severe Aortic Valve Regurgitation  which requiresurgently both a Catheterization Diagnostic and a surgical intervention.

Need Indication

The Catheterization Diagnostic would cost 655.000 FCFA ( !  1.000,00) and the Surgical intervention would

cost 3 million FCFA ( !  4.580,00) ; the hospitalization fees (Pre & Post Surgical Care, control Lab + Echo Tests + X

Ray) and the Discharge Drugs are about  1.000.000 FCFA ( !   1.527,00).  As a farmer who practicing jus

 subsistence agriculture and catering for a family of 05 children, it is really challenging for him to raise the

necessary amount for the intervention. However, he said that he can struggle to raise the necessary amount for

the Catheterization: 655.000 FCFA ( !  1.000,00). 

Therefore, your assistance and support for Foe Eugene’s bill will be highly appreciated.

We look forward to your considerate intervention and pray God’s blessings on you.

Paix et Joie / Peace and Goodness / Pace e Bene / Shalom

Brother Boniface DIEZOUMBE, FSI 

Social Case Manager, Shisong Cardiac Centre+237 699-988-596 / 677-963-880 / 243-154-603 [email protected]  

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ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC GENERAL HOSPITAL SHISONGP.O. Box 8, Kumbo, Bui Division, North West Province, CameroonTel: (237) 3348-1122 or 7983-5796 Email: [email protected] 

Cardiac Center : Tel (237) 2265-9959, 9690-1264, 9948-8412, 7753-6572 Email: [email protected] 

Shisong, 18/08/2015



Date of Birth: 04/03/1996 

Pathology: ASD II + MVR + Pulmonary

Valve Stenosis + Pericarditis


Occupation: HOUSEWIFE

Name of Father: DIED 

Occupation: LATE

Number of siblings: 05 CHILDREN 

Address: MBANGA / Littoral Region 

Contact: 677-104-856 / 651-340-154

Cardiologist: Dr. CABRAL TANTCHOU 

Family Background and Medical Status

MADOP EKOUTE DANIELLE:  Young girl of 19 years old, Orphan, referred from Laquintinie Hospital Douala

with complains of palpitation, strong cough and persistent fever which have been progressing since 03 years

Consulted several times for the problem, the patient was treated only for malaria. Finally the doctors suspecteda heart problem and referred the case to  Shisong Cardiac Center  for expertise and better management. D

Cabral TANTCHOU  admitted; and after the ECHO Test + the ECG, Danielle is diagnosed with a Large Atria

 Septal Defect type2, Moderate Mitral Valve Regurgitation, Mild Pulmonary Valve Stenosis and Pericarditis which

 require an urgent surgical intervention.

Need Indication

The surgical intervention would cost 3 million FCFA ( !   4.580, 00) ; the hospitalization fees (Pre & Pos

Surgical Care, control Lab + Echo Tests + X-Ray) and the Discharge Drugs are about   1.000.000 FCFA ( !

1.527,00). As a widow whose husband died since 2011 and catering alone for a family of 05 children, it was so

difficult for Danielle’s mother to pay the hospitalization fees and discharged drugs after admission. It’s why she

expresses her inability to raise something to permit her daughter to undergo for the intervention despite her

good will.

Therefore, your assistance and support for Danielle’s bill will be highly appreciated.

We look forward to your considerate intervention and pray God’s blessings on you.

Paix et Joie / Peace and Goodness / Pace e Bene / Shalom

Brother Boniface DIEZOUMBE, FSI 

Social Case Manager, Shisong Cardiac Centre

+237 699-988-596 / 677-963-880 / 243-154-603 [email protected]  

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ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC GENERAL HOSPITAL SHISONGP.O. Box 8, Kumbo, Bui Division, North West Province, CameroonTel: (237) 3348-1122 or 7983-5796 Email: [email protected] 

Cardiac Center : Tel (237) 2265-9959, 9690-1264, 9948-8412, 7753-6572 Email: [email protected] 

Shisong, 10/09/2015


Name of Patient: OTEH YVONNE (F) 

Date of Birth: 00/00/2004 

Pathology: SMVR

Name of Mother: MAGARET OTEH 

Occupation: HOUSEWIFE

Name of Father: OTEH STEVEN 

Occupation: FARMING

Number of siblings: 08 CHILDREN 

Address: WUM / North West Region 

Contact: 673-389-778 /

Cardiologist: Dr. CABRAL TANTCHOU 

Family Background and Medical Status

OTEH YVONNE: 11 years old female patient referred from Wum District Hospital with complains of strong

cough and persistent fever. The patient is presenting a long standing history of heart problem that is progressing

 since 02 years ago. During the last consultation, the doctor suspected a heart problem and referred the patien

to  Shisong Cardiac Centre for expertise. Dr. Cabral  consulted and after more investigation, Yvonne wasdiscovered with a Severe Mitral Valve Regurgitation which requires urgently a surgical intervention.

Need Indication

The Surgical intervention would cost 3 million FCFA ( !   4.580,00) ; the hospitalization fees (Pre & Pos

Surgical Care, control Lab + Echo Tests + X-Ray) and the Discharge Drugs are about   1.000.000 FCFA ( !

1.527,00). As a Housewife whose husband is practising subsistence agriculture and catering for a family of 08

children, it is really challenging for that family to raise the necessary amount for the procedure and in the same

time to pay the school fees to the others children. However, they said that they can struggle to raise the sum of

300.000 FCFA ( !  458,00). 

Therefore, your assistance and support for Yvonne’s bill will be highly appreciated.

We look forward to your considerate intervention and pray God’s blessings on you.

Paix et Joie / Peace and Goodness / Pace e Bene / Shalom

Brother Boniface DIEZOUMBE, FSI 

Social Case Manager, Shisong Cardiac Centre+237 699-988-596 / 677-963-880 / 243-154-603 [email protected]  

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ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC GENERAL HOSPITAL SHISONGP.O. Box 8, Kumbo, Bui Division, North West Province, CameroonTel: (237) 3348-1122 or 7983-5796 Email: [email protected] 

Cardiac Center : Tel (237) 2265-9959, 9690-1264, 9948-8412, 7753-6572 Email: [email protected] 

Shisong, 10/09/2015


Name of Patient: VAMSIRANGA ALBERT (F) 

Date of Birth: 24/02/1996 

Pathology: SMVR

Name of Mother: NGALDA

Occupation: HOUSEWIFE

Name of Father: VOUNSOUMNA 

Occupation: FARMING

Number of siblings: 10 CHILDREN 

Address: YAGOUA / Far North Region 

Contact: 695-720-467 / 678-988-308

Cardiologist: Dr. JEAN-CLAUDE AMBASSA 

Family Background and Medical Status

VAMSIRANGA ALBERT: 19 years old male patient referred from Yagoua Regional Hospital with complains

of strong cough, difficulties in breathing and palpitation. The patient has a long standing history of heart

problem that is progressing since 03 years ago. Consulted several times, Albert was put under medications

without improvement. Finally, the doctor suspected a heart problem and referred him to  Shisong CardiacCentre for expertise. Dr. Jean-Claude Ambassa consulted and after more investigation, Albert was diagnosed

with a Severe Mitral Valve Regurgitation which requires an urgent surgical intervention.

Need Indication

The Surgical intervention would cost 3 million FCFA ( !   4.580,00) ; the hospitalization fees (Pre & Pos

Surgical Care, control Lab + Echo Tests + X-Ray) and the Discharge Drugs are about   1.000.000 FCFA ( !

1.527,00). As a Housewife whose husband is just practising subsistence agriculture in the Far North village where

Boko Haram are committing exactions and catering for a family of 10 children, it is really challenging for the

family to raise the necessary amount for the procedure and also to permit the others children to attend the

 school this years. However, they said that they can struggle to raise the sum of 200.000 FCFA ( ! 


Therefore, your assistance and support for Albert’s bill will be highly appreciated.

We look forward to your considerate intervention and pray God’s blessings on you.

Paix et Joie / Peace and Goodness / Pace e Bene / Shalom

Brother Boniface DIEZOUMBE, FSI 

Social Case Manager, Shisong Cardiac Centre+237 699-988-596 / 677-963-880 / 243-154-603 [email protected]  

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ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC GENERAL HOSPITAL SHISONGP.O. Box 8, Kumbo, Bui Division, North West Province, CameroonTel: (237) 3348-1122 or 7983-5796 Email: [email protected] 

Cardiac Center : Tel (237) 2265-9959, 9690-1264, 9948-8412, 7753-6572 Email: [email protected] 

Shisong, 06/10/2015


Name of Patient: NYALEVE ANNE (F) 

Date of Birth: 10/07/1984 

Pathology: SMVR


Occupation: HOUSEWIFE

Name of Husband: DIPITA ETIENNE 

Occupation: FARMER

Number of siblings: 03 CHILDREN 

Address: EDEA / Littoral Region 

Contact: 698-958-923 / 694-921-484

Cardiologist: Dr. CABRAL TANTCHOU 

Family Background and Medical Status

NYALEVE ANNE: 32 years old female patient referred from Edéa District Hospital with complains of ches

pains, strong cough, swelling of the leg, difficulties in breathing and persistent fever. The patient is presenting a

long standing history of heart problem that is progressing since last year. Hospital to hospital, Nyaleve Anne

finally went to a traditional doctor and was under traditional drugs since 09 months without any good result Advised to consult to the Cardiac Centre , Dr. Cabral Tantchou , after more investigation, diagnosed a  Severe

Mitral Valve Regurgitation which requires an urgent surgical intervention.

Need Indication

The Surgical intervention would cost 3 million FCFA ( !   4.580,00) ; the hospitalization fees (Pre & Pos

Surgical Care, control Lab + Echo Tests + X-Ray) and the Discharge Drugs are about   1.000.000 FCFA ( !

1.527,00).  As a Housewife whose Husband is just practicing subsistence agriculture in the village, it is really

challenging for the family to raise the necessary amount for that intervention. However they promised to

contribute with the sum of 400,000 FCFA ( !  610,00). 

Therefore your assistance and support for Nyaleve’s bill will be highly appreciated.

We look forward to your considerate intervention and pray God’s blessings on you.

Paix et Joie / Peace and Goodness / Pace e Bene / Shalom

Brother Boniface DIEZOUMBE, FSI 

Social Case Manager, Shisong Cardiac Centre+237 699-988-596 / 677-963-880 / 243-154-603 [email protected]  

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ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC GENERAL HOSPITAL SHISONGP.O. Box 8, Kumbo, Bui Division, North West Province, CameroonTel: (237) 3348-1122 or 7983-5796 Email: [email protected] 

Cardiac Center : Tel (237) 2265-9959, 9690-1264, 9948-8412, 7753-6572 Email: [email protected] 

Shisong, 14/10/2015



Date of Birth: 25/05/1969 

Pathology: SMVS + AoVR

Occupation: HOUSEWIFE 


Name of Wife: EKEKO ISAAC 


Number of siblings: 07 CHILDREN 

Address: GALIM / West Region 

Contact: 678-195-863 / 677-059-151

Cardiologist: Dr. CABRAL TANTCHOU 

Family Background and Medical Status

MBANGNONGZOUEVO SPORA:  46 years old female patient referred from Galim District Hospital  with

complains of chest pains, strong cough, and difficulties in breathing which is progressing since early last year.

Patient was under medication without any good improvement. Finally, the doctor suspected a heart problem

and referred her to  Shisong Cardiac Centre for expertise and proper management. Dr. Cabral Tantchou

consulted and after more investigation, Mme Spora was diagnosed with a  Severe Mitral Valve Stenosis + Mild Aortic Valve Regurgitation and Left Atrial Mass, pHTN which require urgently both a Catheterization Diagnostic

and a surgical intervention.

Need Indication

The Catheterization Diagnostic would cost 655.000 FCFA ( !  1.000,00) and the Surgical intervention would

cost 3 million FCFA ( !  4.580,00) ; the hospitalization fees (Pre & Post Surgical Care, control Lab + Echo Tests + X

Ray) and the Discharge Drugs are about 1.000.000 FCFA ( !  1.527,00). As a Housewife whose husband is a simple

civil servant, it is really challenging for that family to raise the necessary amount for the intervention. However,

they said that they can struggle to raise the amount of 655.000 FCFA ( !  1.000,00). 

Therefore, your assistance and support for Mme Spora’s bill will be highly appreciated.

We look forward to your considerate intervention and pray God’s blessings on you.

Paix et Joie / Peace and Goodness / Pace e Bene / Shalom

Brother Boniface DIEZOUMBE, FSI 

Social Case Manager, Shisong Cardiac Centre+237 699-988-596 / 677-963-880 / 243-154-603 [email protected]  

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ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC GENERAL HOSPITAL SHISONGP.O. Box 8, Kumbo, Bui Division, North West Province, CameroonTel: (237) 3348-1122 or 7983-5796 Email: [email protected] 

Cardiac Center : Tel (237) 2265-9959, 9690-1264, 9948-8412, 7753-6572 Email: [email protected] 

Shisong, 29/10/2015


Name of Patient: MOHAMMED SALEH (M) 

Date of Birth: 22/09/2008 

Pathology: SMVR + PHTN


Occupation: HOUSEWIFE

Name of Father: YAYA 

Occupation: Unemployed

Number of siblings: 02 CHILDREN 

Address: N’GAOUNDERE / Adamaoua Region 

Contact: 677-538-821 / 677-288-791

Cardiologist: Dr. JEAN-CLAUDE AMBASSA 

Family Background and Medical Status

MOHAMMED SALEH: 07 years old male patient referred from N’Gaoundéré Regional Hospital  with

complains of chest pains, strong cough, difficulties in breathing and persistent fever. The patient is presenting a

long standing history of heart problem that is progressing since early this year 2015 and then was put unde

medication without any good improvement. During the last consultation in N’Gaoundéré, the docto suspected a heart problem and referred the young boy to  Shisong Cardiac Centre for expertise and prope

management. Dr. Jean-Claude Ambassa  admitted for more investigation. After the Echo Test and the ECG,

 Mohammed Saleh was diagnosed with a  Severe Mitral Valve Regurgitation  which requires an urgent surgica


Need Indication

The Surgical intervention would cost 3 million FCFA ( !   4.580,00) ; the hospitalization fees (Pre & Pos

Surgical Care, control Lab + Echo Tests + X-Ray) and the Discharge Drugs are about   1.000.000 FCFA ( !

1.527,00). The mother of Mohammed is a Housewife and his father is just an unemployed without any income

Therefore, it’s really challenging for the family to raise the necessary amount to permit the small boy to undergo

for the procedure. However they said that they will struggle to raise the sum of 500,000 FCFA ( !  763,00).

Therefore your assistance and support for Mohammed Saleh’s bill will be highly appreciated.

We look forward to your considerate intervention and pray God’s blessings on you.

Paix et Joie / Peace and Goodness / Pace e Bene / Shalom

Brother Boniface DIEZOUMBE, FSI 

Social Case Manager, Shisong Cardiac Centre+237 699-988-596 / 677-963-880 / 243-154-603 [email protected]  
