
Classroom EnglishClassroom English

Jeff WangJeff Wang


Yueyang Radio and Television UniversityYueyang Radio and Television University

I. I. The beginning of the The beginning of the lessonlesson

1. Good morning1. Good morningGood morning, everybody. Good morning, everybody. Good afternoon, everybody. Good afternoon, everybody. Hello, everyone. Hello, everyone. Hello there, James. Hello there, James.

2. How are you?2. How are you?

How are you today, Jim?How are you today, Jim?How are you getting on? How are you getting on? How's life? How's life? How are things with you, Nancy? How are things with you, Nancy? Are you feeling better today, Bill? Are you feeling better today, Bill?

3. Introductions 3. Introductions

My name is Mr/Mrs/Ms Kim. I'm your My name is Mr/Mrs/Ms Kim. I'm your new English teacher. new English teacher. I'll be teaching you English this year. I'll be teaching you English this year.

I've got five lessons with you each wI've got five lessons with you each week. eek.

4. Time to begin 4. Time to begin

Let's begin our lesson now. Let's begin our lesson now. Is everybody ready to start? Is everybody ready to start? I hope you are all ready for your I hope you are all ready for your English lesson. English lesson. I think we can start now. I think we can start now. Now we can get down to work.Now we can get down to work.

5. Waiting to start 5. Waiting to start

I'm waiting for you to be quiet. I'm waiting for you to be quiet. We won't start until everyone is We won't start until everyone is quiet. quiet. Stop talking and be quiet. Stop talking and be quiet. Settle down now so we can start.Settle down now so we can start.

6. Put your things away 6. Put your things away

Close your books. Close your books. Put your books away. Put your books away. Pack your things away. Pack your things away.

7. Register 7. Register

Who is absent today?Who is absent today?Who isn't here today? Who isn't here today? What's the matter with Helen today? What's the matter with Helen today? What's wrong with Jim today? What's wrong with Jim today? Why was you absent last Friday, Why was you absent last Friday, Jack?Jack?

8. Late 8. Late

Where have you been? Where have you been? We started ten minutes ago. What have We started ten minutes ago. What have you been doing?you been doing?Did you miss your bus? Did you miss your bus? Did you oversleep? Did you oversleep? Don't let it happen again. Don't let it happen again.

II. Classroom instructions II. Classroom instructions

1.Basic1.BasicCome in. Come in. Go out. Go out. Stand up. Stand up. Sit down. Sit down. Come to the front of the class. Come to the front of the class. Stand by your desks. Stand by your desks. Put your hands up. Put your hands up. Put your hands down. Put your hands down. Hold your books/pens up. Hold your books/pens up. Show me your pencil. Show me your pencil.

2. At the beginning of a 2. At the beginning of a session: session:

Pay attention, everybody. Pay attention, everybody. You need pencils/rulers. You need pencils/rulers. We'll learn how to ... We'll learn how to ... Are you ready? Are you ready? Open your books at page ... Open your books at page ... Turn to page ... Turn to page ... Look at activity five. Look at activity five.

Listen to this tape. Listen to this tape. Repeat after me. Repeat after me. Again, please. Again, please. Everybody ... Everybody ... you have five minutes to do this. you have five minutes to do this. Who's next? Who's next? Like this, not like that. Like this, not like that.

3. At the end of a 3. At the end of a session: session:

It's time to finish. It's time to finish. Have you finished? Have you finished? Let's stop now. Let's stop now. Stop now. Stop now. Let's check the answers. Let's check the answers. Any questions? Any questions? Collect your work please. Collect your work please. Pack up your books. Pack up your books. Are your desks tidy? Are your desks tidy? Don't forget to bring your ... tomorrow.Don't forget to bring your ... tomorrow.

4. Comprehension: 4. Comprehension:

Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you with me? Are you with me? Are you OK? Are you OK? OK so far? OK so far? Do you get it? Do you get it? Do you understand? Do you understand? Do you follow me? Do you follow me?

What did you say? What did you say? One more time, please. One more time, please. Say it again, please. Say it again, please. I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't get it. I don't get it. Like this? Like this? Is this OK?Is this OK?

III. The end of the lesson III. The end of the lesson

1. Time to stop1. Time to stopIt's almost time to stop. It's almost time to stop. I'm afraid it's time to finish now. I'm afraid it's time to finish now. We'll have to stop here. We'll have to stop here. There's the bell. It's time to stop. There's the bell. It's time to stop. That's all for today. You can go now. That's all for today. You can go now.

2. Not time to stop. 2. Not time to stop.

The bell hasn't gone yet. The bell hasn't gone yet. There are still two minutes to go. There are still two minutes to go. We still have a couple of minutes left. We still have a couple of minutes left. The lesson doesn't finish till five past. The lesson doesn't finish till five past. Your watch must be fast. Your watch must be fast. We seem to have finished early. We seem to have finished early. We have an extra five minutes. We have an extra five minutes. Sit quietly until the bell goes. Sit quietly until the bell goes.

3. Wait a minute 3. Wait a minute

Hang on a moment. Hang on a moment. Just hold on a moment. Just hold on a moment. Stay where you are for a moment. Stay where you are for a moment. Just a moment, please. Just a moment, please. One more thing before you go. One more thing before you go. Back to your places. Back to your places.

4. Next time 4. Next time

We'll do the rest of this chapter next time. We'll do the rest of this chapter next time.

We'll finish this exercise next lesson. We'll finish this exercise next lesson. We've run out of time, so we'll continue We've run out of time, so we'll continue next lesson. next lesson. We'll continue this chapter next Monday. We'll continue this chapter next Monday.

5. Homework 5. Homework

This is your homework for tonight. This is your homework for tonight. Do exercise 10 on page 23 for your Do exercise 10 on page 23 for your homework. homework. Prepare the next chapter for Monday. Prepare the next chapter for Monday. There is no homework tonight. There is no homework tonight. Remember your homework. Remember your homework. Take a worksheet as you leave. Take a worksheet as you leave.

6. Goodbye 6. Goodbye

Goodbye, everyone. Goodbye, everyone. See you again next Wednesday. See you again next Wednesday. See you tomorrow afternoon. See you tomorrow afternoon. See you in room 7 after the break. See you in room 7 after the break. Have a good holiday. Have a good holiday. Enjoy your vacation.Enjoy your vacation.

7. Leaving the room 7. Leaving the room

Get into a queue. Get into a queue. Form a queue and wait for the bell. Form a queue and wait for the bell. Everybody outside! Everybody outside! All of you, get outside now! All of you, get outside now! Hurry up and get out! Hurry up and get out! Try not to make any noise as you leave. Try not to make any noise as you leave. Be quiet as you leave. Other classes are Be quiet as you leave. Other classes are still working. still working.

IV. Correcting StudentsIV. Correcting Students

That's not quite correct. That's not quite correct. What's wrong with the sentence?What's wrong with the sentence?The word ……… is wrong. The word ……… is wrong. Can you correct it?Can you correct it?You don’t need one word. Which is it?You don’t need one word. Which is it?You don’t say ……….. , but you say ………..You don’t say ……….. , but you say ………..That's not correct. Can anyone say what is That's not correct. Can anyone say what is correct?correct?That's almost right. Try again.That's almost right. Try again.

I'm sorry I don't understand. What do you I'm sorry I don't understand. What do you mean?mean?I'm sorry I don't understand. Can you say I'm sorry I don't understand. Can you say that again?that again?That’s not correct. The correct That’s not correct. The correct word/phrase/sentence is …..word/phrase/sentence is …..No, that's not right. Will someone else No, that's not right. Will someone else try?try?(Repeat the wrong word or phrase) Is (Repeat the wrong word or phrase) Is that correct? that correct?

V. Asking for OpinionsV. Asking for Opinions

What do you think about …?What do you think about …?How about …?How about …?Why don’t you …?Why don’t you …?You should …?You should …?I think …I think …In my opinion …In my opinion …What do you think …?What do you think …?What would you say …?What would you say …?

VI. PronunciationVI. Pronunciation

Where's the stress? Where's the stress? Where's the stress in this word?Where's the stress in this word?How many syllables?How many syllables?How many syllables in this word? How many syllables in this word?

How do you say … in English?How do you say … in English?Is this rising or falling?Is this rising or falling?What's this sound?What's this sound?Listen and repeat!Listen and repeat!Repeat after me.Repeat after me.How many words can you hear?How many words can you hear?What happens to this sound?What happens to this sound?Are these sounds the same or different?Are these sounds the same or different?

VII. Giving Exact VII. Giving Exact Speaking ModelSpeaking Model

I'm going to read you a story.I'm going to read you a story.I'm going to tell you a story.I'm going to tell you a story.

We're going to listen to a story now.We're going to listen to a story now.What do you think happened next?What do you think happened next?What will happen?What will happen?What did he say?What did he say?Why did he do that? Why did he do that?
