Page 1: Christmas spells the only message of peace and love · Unbelief has made slaves of us. Faith will make rulers of us. Jesus came, living, walking in that conscious faith-realm; the

.W. Kenyon wrote in one of his books that we are all incarnations! That brought a flurry of criticism from those who didn’t understand what he was saying. He was saying that just like Jesus was implanted in the womb of Mary, Christ has come to live in us by our New Birth. As we celebrate the coming of our Lord in His incarnation at Christmas time, we should never lose sight of why He came: that He might be the Firstborn of many brothers and sisters who are predestined to be conformed to His image!

Although we fully recognize our Lord’s deity, we also recog-nized that He in His coming as a Man was to show us what humanity as God intended it to be would look like. Jesus was the Model of New Creation

Humanity! As part of this New Creation Humanity we should take time to honor His coming into our race and bring forth this New Creation race that is born of God. We are the fruit of His coming. We are part of this New Humanity. We are here to model and to invite others to enter in to the New Creation. He is no longer a Babe in a manger. He’s the risen victorious King and we have come under His rule.

Let us celebrate His coming!!

Page 2: Christmas spells the only message of peace and love · Unbelief has made slaves of us. Faith will make rulers of us. Jesus came, living, walking in that conscious faith-realm; the

Christmas spells the only message of peace and love:

C– omfort. The Christ of Christmas promises, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).

H– ope. “…Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).

R– edemption. “In whom (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).

I– nspiration. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God…” (2 Tim. 3:16).

S– alvation. The Bible says, “…Now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).

T– ruth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6).

M– ercy. “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy” (Psalm 103:8).

A– ssurance. “The effect of righteousness, (is) quietness and assurance forever” (Isa. 32:17).

S – atisfaction. “…He (God) satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness” (Psalm 107:9).

All these longed-for blessings can be yours today. They are all wrapped up in one “unspeakable gift” — Jesus Christ. What better time is there than this sacred season to receive Him into your heart and life? Accept Christ today, and have His blessed promise for Christmas and all year: “…As many as received Him (Christ) to them gave He the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name” (John 1:12). Let God spell these blessings in your own life. Then you will know the true meaning of Christmas.

I know not by what methods rare,But this I know—God answers prayer:I know not when He sends the wordThat tells us fervent prayer is heard;I know it cometh soon or late,Therefore, we need to pray and wait.I know not if the blessing soughtWill come in just the guise I thought;I leave my prayers with Him aloneWhose will is wiser than my own.

Page 3: Christmas spells the only message of peace and love · Unbelief has made slaves of us. Faith will make rulers of us. Jesus came, living, walking in that conscious faith-realm; the
Page 4: Christmas spells the only message of peace and love · Unbelief has made slaves of us. Faith will make rulers of us. Jesus came, living, walking in that conscious faith-realm; the

aith is the basic law of creation, the basic law of preservation and control of the Universe; for we understand that the worlds have been formed by the Word of God.

All God did was to say, “Let there be,” and the Universe came into being.

It came into being by faith, and the world is upheld by the Word of Christ now, governed, sustained, and kept by the Word of the Son of God.

When man was brought into being this faith power, this faith dominion, was given him.

By Faith he had dominion over all the work of God’s hands.

When he sinned he lost faith, and when he lost faith he lost dominion.

Unbelief has made slaves of us.Faith will make rulers of us.Jesus came, living, walking in that

conscious faith-realm; the laws of fallen nature, or the laws that have been brought into being through the fall of man, were subject to Him.

All the laws of all the heavenly bod-ies, all things in creation were subject of the faith of Jesus.

This faith has come back to man. God planned that it should be restored to us in the heart of this New Creation, and

when we are born into the family of God that faith will so absolutely dominate us that we will take the place of sons and daughters of God.

When Jesus says, in Mark 9:23, “All things are possible for him that belie-veth,” Jesus is laying down the law of this new Creation of this new man — the man with God’s nature in him, the man who is now in God’s class, the super-man.

God and man are united.This common earth-man is made a

son of God and is to become the domi-nant, creative, ruling force in the world.

The three phases of faith would be good for us to consider. The saving faith that brings us into the family of God, dominion faith, or faith that rules the laws of nature as we understand them, and creative faith that brings into being things that are not.

We see these three phases of faith in Jesus.

We come in contact with them in the church.

God has given me the privilege of exercising all three.

Saving faith brought me into the family of God and, made me a New Creation. Dominion faith made me Dominant for a time at least over disease, over Satan, and over the laws of nature.

Creative faith — I have seen. I have known it to take place. Creative energy I have known to come into dead lungs that had been destroyed by tuberculosis; I have known those lungs to be rebuilt instantly. I have seen that in the last week.

It is a fact! I could give you many illustrations of it.

When Jesus said, “All things are possi-ble to him that believeth,” Jesus was giv-ing us a view of the possibilities of this Divine life, letting us see the restoration of the God ruling power of faith in the believer’s life.

Matt. 17:20, “And nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Jesus had just said that because of their little faith they could not cast out the demon.

“For verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall

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say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”

Martha, standing in the presence of her dead brother, who had been dead four or five days, maybe longer, filled with unbelief, said, “Master, his body decayeth.”

Jesus looked at her, so utterly tender, and said, “Martha, said I not unto thee, that, if thou believedst, thou shouldest see the glory of God?”

You see, this is a declaration of faith; this swings the mind out of the orbit of failure into God’s realm of victory; the faith-realm where Jesus lived and operat-ed when He was on earth is our realm.

We are translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

That is where you and I belong.Reason has no place up there.Reason weakens faith; reason binds it

hand and foot and puts a gag in its mouth.

Now, we have broken the bonds of reason; have thrown away the gag of reason.

We stand out; we make our declara-tion and we dare to say, “Let there be health in this weak, sin and dis-eased-cursed body.”

We say to the disease, “Be gone, in Jesus Name! Leave this body.”

We are becoming dominant over sin and disease, sickness, weakness, and failure.

This is not psychology; it is faith.This is coming into God’s realm, it is

God’s commanding through us.Then Jesus said in John 14:13, 14,

“Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

In Matt. 28:18, Jesus said, “All authority has been given unto me in heaven and on earth.”

The lost authority of the first Adam has been restored to the man Jesus, the head of this New Creation.

Now the head of this New Creation says, “You have my name now; I give you the power and authority to use it.”

“In my name shall they cast out demons, in my name they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.”

“Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

We are standing in the presence of Omnipotence.

We are dealing, not in the terms of psychology, nor human religion; we are dealing not in negatives.

We accept the fact that Satan is, that sin is and that disease is.

But we come against disease as Jesus came against it, not denying its reality,

but driving it out as the Master did, heal-ing it, the health and life of the Son of God displacing it.

It is not error to say Disease is, it is the truth, acknowledge it.

It takes faith to destroy it.In Acts 3:6 we see the Name of Jesus

actually performing things when Peter said to the man with the paralyzed limbs, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

The life of the Son of God comes pouring instantly into those weakened, useless limbs; he became a man of vigor, leaping to his feet he ran, praising and saying, “Glory to God!”

Now you can understand what He meant when He said, “If ye shall ask anything in my name, that will I do.”

That is the secret of the thing.This matchless name of Jesus has

given to you Omnipotence.The authority to govern the forces of

nature and the forces of disease and demoniacal power was lost to man back yonder; it is restored in Jesus.

Jesus, the head of the body, of the family, and of the church, has given us the right to use His name.

That Name has all the authority and dominion invested in it, so you may see with me the utter limitlessness of this life with Christ, the utter limitlessness of this faith walk in Him.

Page 6: Christmas spells the only message of peace and love · Unbelief has made slaves of us. Faith will make rulers of us. Jesus came, living, walking in that conscious faith-realm; the
