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A. The Nature of Speaking

1. Definition of speaking

In teaching English, there are four importance skills. Those are reading,

listening, writing and speaking.” Speaking is the same as oral interaction which

are conventional ways of speaking information, expressing our idea, and thought

have in our mind” (Nunan 1991:40).

Speaking is different with singing. Speaking is using language in the

simplest way by producing ordinary sound. Then, singing is using the language

by using rhythmic. Speaking in not only to communicated with other people but

by speaking we can get new information or we can share our idea with other

people. Language just possessed by human being to interact each other.

Communication can be done at least by two people, there are speaker and hearer.

The hearer must listen and understand what speaker says, and then gives a


In additional, Tarigan (1990:15) says that “Speaking is the ability to

pronounce articulation of sounds or words for expressing, stating and conveying

thought, ideas and feeling. Speaking is so complex because it includes many

aspects such as grammar, pronunciation, fluency and vocabularies. The objects

of speaking are various such as discussion, speech, debate, dialogue and

conversation. So, it can be considered as the most important of human tool for

social control.

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2. The Component of Speaking

Every skill has a component to fulfill it is needs. Speaking also needs

many components. According to Vanderkevent (1990:8) there are three

components in speaking.

a. The speakers

Speakers are a people who produce the sound. They are useful as the tool to

express opinion or feelings to the hearer. So if there are no speakers, the

opinion or the feelings or the feeling won’t be stated.

b. The listeners

Listeners are people who receive or get the speaker’s opinion or feeling. If

there are no listeners, speakers will express their opinion by writing.

c. The Utterances

The utterances are words or sentences, which are produced by the speakers

to state the opinion. If there is no utterance, both of the speakers and the

listeners will use sign.

3. Speaking Ability

Speaking means to produce the language by using articulation that is used

to convey the messages. Students needs plenty of practice for getting students to

do speaking activities in small group and pair work will provides a safer

environment for practicing and talking risks. Also encouraging them to practices

with classmate in their own time should increase their comfort.

When providing speaking practices in the classroom we needs to ensure

that students have both motivation to speak and some information which can

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provide a reason to speak. So the students have same information but they have

different way to express and share the information.

B. Teaching Speaking

1. Definition of Teaching Speaking

According to Hornby (1995: 37) teaching means giving the instruction to

(a person): give a person (knowledge skill, etc). While speaking means to make

use of words in an ordinary voice. So, teaching speaking is giving instruction to

a person in order to communicate.

Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching.

Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued

and English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a

repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. However, today's world

requires that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students'

communicative skills, because, only in that way, students can express

themselves and learn how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in

each communicative circumstance. According to Nunan:

1. Produce the English speech sounds and sounds patterns

2. Use words and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the

second language.

3. Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social

setting, audience, situation and subject matter.

4. Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.

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5. Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.

6. Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which

is called fluency.(Nunan 2003)

C. How to Teach Speaking

When teaching young learners we constantly have to keep in mind the fact

that what we have in front of us is a mixed class with varied abilities,

expectations, motivation level, knowledge and last but not least, different

learning styles. Thus, we need to vary our approaches and offer as much

opportunity as possible to make the whole class find a little something to hold

on to, expand and grow. Young learners are like sponges, they soak up

everything we say and how we say it. Thus clear and correct pronunciation is of

vital importance, since young learners repeat exactly what they hear. What has

been learned at an early stage is difficult to change later on. One rule that

applied here is slowly and steadily through constant revision and recycling. With

the help of mixed activities, such as dialogues, choral revision, chants, songs,

poems and rhymes, students speaking abilities grow, their pronunciation gets

better and their awareness of the language improves. When applying the above-

mentioned tools into the teaching practice, what should be kept in mind is that

interaction is an important way of learning. Therefore, increased oral emphasis

should be included in our teaching to give the students as much speaking time as

possible. Now many linguistics and English as second language (ESL) teachers

agree on that students learn to speak in the second language by "interacting".

Communicative language teaching and collaborative learning serve best for this

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aim. Communicative language teaching is based on real life situations that

require communication. By using this method in ESL classes, students will have

the opportunity of communicating with each other in the target language. In

brief, ESL teachers should create a classroom environment where students have

real-life communication, authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote

oral language. This can occur when students collaborate in groups to achieve a

goal or to complete a task.

In teaching speaking teacher can be use many ways to make students speak

up in speaking class. According to Harmer (2007:123) there are three reasons for

teaching speaking

1. Speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunities, chances to practice real

life speaking in the safety of classroom.

2. Speaking task in which students try to use any or all of the language they

know provide feedback for both teacher and students. Everyone can see how

well they are doing: both how success they are and also what language

problems they are experience.

3. The more students have opportunities to activate the various elements of

language they have stored in their brain, the more automatic their use of

these elements becomes. As a result, students gradually become autonomous

language users. This meant that they will be able to use words and phrase

fluently without very much conscious thought.

Good speaking activities should be extremely engaging for students. If

they are all participation fully, and the teacher has set up the activities properly.

And then give sympathetic and useful feedback.

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In teaching speaking students should speak clearly using good grammar,

pronunciation. Because it can make the communication become well. And

students can speak more actively in the class.

D. Speaking Test

Speaking test is language testing aspect because oral skills generally rated so

highly in language learning. One of language-testing programs is the testing oral

production. According to Nurgiantoro (1995:276-289), the techniques of speaking

test are:

1. Telling picture

Picture can be good stimulus of speaking, but the picture must be based on

the students’ ability. The picture can contain an activity, have a certain idea and

purpose, meaningful and show certain situational context. It can consist of one

picture or more. If we use more than one picture, it must be related to each other,

have sequence of story and have certain contexts and that picture gives series

number to show even sequence. So the students can express their idea based on

the picture which they see.

2. Interview

Interview is the common way to measure the speaking ability. It is usually

used for the students who language ability is good enough. It is possible for

them to express their feeling and idea using the target language. Anything can be

the topic of interview, as long as it is appropriate to the level of students, like

age, kinds of school and language ability.

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3. Telling story

Telling story can be a way to measure the speaking ability

programmatically. It can be done using pictures and story. The students also can

tell their daily activities, their experience or tell a story can story book they have

read. Those stimuli can be applied for any level students. For example: “the

teacher asks the students to stand in front of the class and tell their story since

they have holiday.”

4. Speech

Speech is good a way for the students to express their idea in the language

accurately. In real life, there are so many speech activities. For example:

welcome speech, political speech, religious speech and etc. Train students ability

to express feeling and idea in appropriate and accurate language oral skill in

form of speech activity also popular in the school and university, the fact often

organize speech competition between students. For example: “the teacher asks

the students for doing speech before lesson.”

5. Discussion

It is a good for high level students to measure the students speaking ability.

And to give their argue to each other. The students must tell their idea and their

opinion, give response to other member, critically and also of depend on their

opinion with logical and responsible arguments. Because of that speaking ability

and fluency is determined. For example; the teacher asks the students to discuss

about some problems in front of the class or presentation in a class.

Based on the explanation above the writer concludes than speaking test has

some technique. Speaking test used to measurements the students’ speaking

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competence. It can also be used to understand the students’ fluency in a foreign


E. Retelling Short Story Practice

1. Definition of retelling short story

Short story is one kind of story which is the story was written in a short

paragraph. For example is fable, fairy tale, narrative text, etc. Short story is one

of important materials in teaching learning process. Searfoss and Readence

(1994) defined that a short story is a work of fiction that is usually written in

prose, often in narrative format.

Storytelling, as a part of speaking activities in class, retelling short story

encourage students to think about a short story as they retell them. It helps them

learn to tell stories or event in details and in sequences. Children develop their

favorite’s stories early in their lives and wants to hear the same short stories over

and over again.

Retelling short story can be important role in performance-based

assessment of speaking, it prepares students for real life task such as selecting,

organizing and conveying information.

Retelling short story is not easy as people imagine. The students will meet

some difficulties in giving information if they don’t have any ability in

conveying an idea or topic. Retelling short story in English is really difficult for

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them. They might have limited vocabulary items and they might have poor

ability in pronunciation.

As the person who manages the classroom activities, a teacher may use

suitable method. The teacher can motivate the students to learn through retelling

short story in more enjoyable and interesting ways. The students can enrich their

new vocabulary and will know more about the structure. They will get new

atmosphere in learning speaking through retelling short story.

2. The advantages of retelling short story

The advantages of retelling short story are to adapt to the proficiency level

of the students and it is relevant as it build on priority knowledge and


According to Phile and Tamara Maret (1984)). There are advantages and

disadvantages for both teacher and students:

a. Advantages

1) For Teacher

• Easy for prepare.

• Suitable for a whole range of language abilities.

• Flexible in use.

• Require less teachers act involved

2) For Students

• Improve reading ability when used regularly.

• Improve speaking ability

• Control of various genres.

• Control of many aspects of writing process.

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• Control of the conventions of writing language.

b. Disadvantages

Retelling short story is not easy as people imagine. The students

will meet some difficulties in giving information if they don’t have any

ability in conveying an idea or topic.

F. Teaching speaking using retelling short story

One of the goals in speaking class is improving students’ communicative skill

so they can express themselves using the target language appropriately based on its

social and cultural contexts. In order to a-achieve the goals teachers apply different

teaching techniques in the class-room. Yet, it is widely known that no best single

method or technique to apply in the teaching and learning process; the choice of

methods depends on the types of learners, learners’ motivation in learning new

language, and learners’ attitudes towards language learning and so on. Retelling

short story technique has been known as one of teaching activities in second or

foreign language classes. One of the reasons is because it relies so much on words,

offering a major and constant source of language experience for children (Wright,

1995 in Xu, 2007). In addition, stories them-selves can be considered language

treasures to use as models of language for students of different levels and ages

Retelling short story Practice as technique in teaching speaking can give good

students’ responses to increase their speaking skill. It can be done with the variety of

using short story, especially narrative text that are used in speaking activity, because

narrative text can improve their vocabulary in speaking activities to produce

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speaking and it can give more practical activities in speaking. Retelling short story

practice can give as the technique that give more practical and opportunities to the

students in speaking activities. Retelling short story practice can give experience an

insight as stimulate in practicing their productive skill.

G. The Procedure of Teaching Speaking through Retelling Short Story

Retelling short story is one of techniques that can be used in speaking classes.

By using retelling short story teachers can make students active in the classroom.

There are some steps how to use retelling short story practice in teaching speaking.

First the teacher asks the students about a kind of short story especially a narrative

text. Then the teacher asks to the students to read the text and make summarize

based on the text. Third, the teacher asks the students to memorize the content and

information based on the text. Fourth, the teacher walked around the class to

observe and the teacher corrects to the students either the pronunciation or the

meaning. Then the teacher asks students to retell a short story, the teacher asks the

students practice retelling short story in front of the class.

Example of short story next page:

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Sangkuriang and Tangkuban Perahu Mountain

Long time ago in west java, lived a woman name dayangsumbi. She lived alone

and she was thirsting for husband a live friends.

One day when quilting, her quite felt off from her house. Then she prayed tom

goods “if a man picked up my quite, he will be my husband and if a woman, she

will be my sister”. Then, a male dog picked it up. So dayangsumbi gave a birth to a

baby, name him sangkuriang, but never told him who was his father was.

One day, sangkuriang was hunting with tumang in the forest, and he found

noting. He blamed tumang for the failure and killed tumang. When dayangsumbi

knew that, she hit sangkuriang’s head with big spoon and expelled him. Many years

letters the wondering sangkuriang found a house in the forest and an old beautiful

woman was in the house. The woman dayangsumbi recorgnized the adventures as

sangkuriang. Sangkuriang forces her to marry him, she told sangkuriang had to

build a vast boat for their honeymoon. Just it one night.

In the night sangkuriang called his friends ghosts and forest fairies to help him.

Feared the boat to complete. Dayangsumbi asked other women punched the grains

with grains puncher to make noise which distracted the ghost and fairies.

The morning become before they complete the boat. And the ghost and the

fairies run away leaving sangkuriang. Sangkuriang great angry and kicked the boat

to the down side and turned into a mountain called tangkubanprahu.

(Re-written from

H. Basic Assumption

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Speaking is an important skill in learning foreign language, because to

communicate with other people in the world we often used English speech. And

speaking can also express their idea, see, and feel. The problems in teaching

speaking are the low motivation and sometime the students afraid of making mistake

when they speak English. So, the researcher chooses retelling short story practice as

the technique in teaching speaking. The researcher hopes this research give

motivation to the students to be more active in speaking class, and can also give

many opportunities to practice knowledge to improve the students speaking
