
CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION TO INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONIntroduction Intercultural communication or communication between people of different cultural backgrounds has always been and will probably remain an important precondition of human co-existence on earth. The term intercultural is chosen over the largely synonymous term cross-cultural because it is linked to language use such as interdisciplinary that is cooperation between people with different scientific backgrounds. It is not cultures that communicate, whatever that might imply, but people (and possibly social institutions) with different cultural backgrounds that do. In general, the term cross-cultural is probably best used for comparisons between cultures (cross-cultural comparison). What is a culture? The term culture refers to all the characteristics common to a particular group of people that are learned and not given by nature. Culture involves beliefs, attitudes, values, and traditions that are shared by a group of people. Thus, we must consider more than the clothes we wear, the movies we watch, or the video games we play, all representations of environment, as culture. Culture may be defined as the complex system of values, traits, morals, and customs shared by a society. Culture teaches people how to behave, and it conditions their reactions. The important thing to remember is that culture is a powerful operating force that molds the way we think and behave. Culture also involves the psychological aspects of our expectations of the communication context. For example, if we are raised in a culture where males speak while females are expected to remain silent, the context of the communication interaction governs behavior, which in itself is a representation of culture. From the choice of words (message), to how we communicate (in person, or by e-mail), to how we acknowledge understanding with a nod or a glance (nonverbal feedback), to the internal and external interference, all aspects of communication are influenced by culture.Types of Cultural Communication We can classify the cultural communication into four groups:1.Cross Cultural Communication2. International Communication3. Intracultural Communication4.Intercultural Communication 1. Cross Cultural Communication: Cross cultural communication involves a comparison of communication styles among people from the same culture to those from another culture. It implies interaction with persons of different cultural, ethnic, racial, gender, sexual orientation, religious, age and class backgrounds. Cross-cultural communication is a process of exchanging, negotiating, and mediating one's cultural differences through language, non-verbal gestures, and space relationships. It is also the process by which people express their openness to an intercultural experience. During the past decades the growth of globalisation, immigration and international tourism has involved large numbers of people in cross-cultural interaction (also referred to as inter-cultural interaction or international relations) whether they haveliked it or not. This has led to an increased desire and need for knowledge regarding cross-cultural communication on many levels. There is the theoretical field of cross-cultural communication and the applied field of cross-cultural training.2. Intracultural Communication Intracultural Communication is the communication between culturally similar individuals. It refers the exchange of meaningful messages between members of the same cultural group. It takes place between members of the same dominant culture, but with slightly different values.3. International Communication This refers to the interactions among people from different nations not necessarily from different cultures. 4. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONIntroduction Intercultural Communication can be simply defined as the exchange of cultural information between people with significantly different cultures. It refers a symbolic process in which people from different cultures create shared meaning. It occurs when large and important cultural differences create dissimilar interpretations and expectations about how to communicate competently. Through intercultural relationships, we can learn a tremendous amount about other people and their cultures, and about ourselves and our own cultural background. At the same time, there are many challenges. Intercultural communication can also involve barriers like stereotyping and discrimination. And these relationships take place in complex historical and political context. One of the most important reasons for studying intercultural communication is the awareness that raises of cultural identity and background of the societies. The study of intercultural communication begins as a journey into another culture and reality and ends as a journey into ones own culture.However, it is important to recognize that intercultural learning is not always easy or comfortable. Sometimes intercultural encounters makes us aware of our own ethnocentrisma tendency to think that our own culture is superior to other cultures. This means that we assume, subconsciously, that the way we do things is the only way.

The Need for Intercultural Communication In human history, living together in peace without violence and problem has been a challenge for all humanity. Sometimes it has achieved, but it has just as frequently failed. It means that human beings prefer living together with the people who are like them rather than with people are different in looking, speaking, eating, dressing, behaving and believing compared to their own community, shortly, people from different cultures. However, cultural diversity and difference is a standard characteristic of modern societies. In fact, this standard character does not always something desirable. In these societies, individuals have to live together with the people from different nations, colors, religions, languages and cultures. Benefits of Intercultural Communication Intercultural communication helps to manage multiple cultural connections in a multicultural atmosphere. As a result of intercultural communication, individuals have a chance to achieve a new identity balance, to respond to new openings and experiences and to add new understandings to identity without relinquishing someones origin. Intercultural communication also provides to avoid pitfalls of identity policies and to remain open to the challenges of modern societies. Intercultural communication is progressively understood as one of the important alternatives to develop mutual understanding, better living together. Communicating and establishing relationships with people from different cultures can lead to a whole host of benefits, including healthier communities; increased international, national, and local commerce; reduced conflict; and personal growth through increased tolerance. Intercultural communication gives a good opportunity for the community integration. In contrast with assimilation which charges exclusively migrants with the burden integration, and multiculturalism which was light-hearted with regard to integration, interculturality presupposes efforts and compromises on the part of both migrants or newcomers and host community. A genuine community is a condition of togetherness in which people have lowered their defenses and learn to accept and celebrate their differences. We can no longer define equality as sameness, but instead must value our differences with others whether they can be about race, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle, or even occupation or professional discipline. Healthy communities are made up of individuals working collectively for the benefit of everyone, not just their own group. Through open and honest intercultural communication people can work together to achieve goals that benefit everyone, regardless of group or cultural orientation. Effective intercultural communication can ultimately lower or remove walls and barriers of misunderstanding that separate human beings from one another. Communication is the foundation of all human relationships. The principles of community are applicable to any situation in which two people are gathered together, including the global community, in the home, business, or neighborhood. Healthy communities support all community members and strive to understand, appreciate, and acknowledge each member. Through cooperative intercultural communication, we can reduce and manage conflict.Common Stereotypes about Blacks about Whites About Asians

They are lazy. They think they know everything. They are sneaky.

They live on welfare. They are all arrogant. They are good at math.

They like to dance. They are all rich. I wouldnt trust them.

They smoke crack. They are materialistic. They are all shy.

Intercultural Communication and Uncertainty When we interact with someone from a different culture we are faced with a lot of uncertainty. We may not know anything about the persons culture, values, habits, behavior, dress, and so on.We may not know what to say or do in such circumstances. This uncertainty about the other person may make us feel nervous and anxious. Whenever we come together and interact with a stranger, our primary concern is to reduce uncertainty, especially when the other person is someone who we will meet again, provides rewards for us, or behaves in some deviant way. Often, when we are faced with high levels of uncertainty we experience anxiety. In high-uncertainty situations our primary goal is to reduce uncertainty and to increase the predictability about the other. This can be accomplished via specific verbal and nonverbal communication strategies such as question asking and appropriate nonverbal expressiveness.

Culture and Nonverbal Communication(A World of Gestures) Can you guess the meaning of this Japanese gesture?

1. Im scared like a bunny2. Ive been hearing things about you3. Im angry This woman from France demonstrates this gesture. Can you try to guess what this French gesture means?

1. I dont believe you2. I wish I hadnt seen that3. I am looking at a very handsome man Can you guess what this Iranian gesture means?

1. Good luck to you2. I succeeded everything!3. Screw You (obscene)

Body Space and Body Touch: Various cultures have their own customs of different distance that make their people feel comfortable in personal conversation situations. The way human beings space themselves is determined by their culture and the particular relationships involved. Example: Chinese do many more touches than Americans. It is quite usual for the Chinese to walk hand in hand between the same sexes. But in America, friends with the same sex never keep such a close distance. Such kind of behavior is considered homosexual in the west and is strongly disgusted. Paralanguage: The vocal cues that accompany spoken language like the pitch, speed, volume, pause and silence. People use the basic elements to transfer the emotional and intellectual meanings of their messages. Example: Different traditions view silence much differently. Chinese people value silence more than the use of words, many of them believe that inner peace and wisdom come only through silence, just as the old sayings Silence is gold; Silence speaks louder than sound, etc. But in American culture, Americans tend to think there is no communication in silence. For instance, in response to the question Will you marry me, silence in America would be interpreted as uncertainty; while in China it would be interpreted as acceptance. Many nonverbal expressions vary from culture to culture, and what is accepted in one culture may be completely unacceptable in another making in some cases the nonverbal communication as a source of misunderstanding.Thank you for your attention!
