
PowerPoint Presentation


Hi again!So in our last article we showed you a basic method to increase your conversions using Facebook Retargeting.

After sharing our results we had a few skeptics that it could be done again: Challenge accepted!

TodayToday Im going to show how a designer used the Facebook Fishing Formula to generate $18,750 in flash sales to a low traffic site in just 48 hours

Thats right, a designer not a marketer.

And this was on a site with:Relatively Low TrafficSmall Social FollowingLow budget to testHow?!The Facebook Fishing Formula

The Facebook Fishing Formula focuses on increasing conversions by leveraging the low hanging fruit (warm leads). This can be used in a number of ways, our favorite is to help educate and move them through your content funnel towards a purchase, but this can also help with more direct sales methods. The key is to not worry about more traffic but rather, more sales from the traffic you ALREADY have.

According to Marketing Sherpa only 2% of your site traffic will convert on their first interaction. Life will get in the way or the customer wont be far enough through the buyers cycle to purchase.

By advertising specific offers ONLY to sections of your audience who have previously shown interest this reduces your spend by nurturing your ideal readers only, but its PROVEN to increase your websites ROI

Remember, Its far easier and cheaper to convert a previous viewer, than to bring in new cold leads.Facebook Fishing Formula [link]If you want a full breakdown of how the Facebook Fishing Formula works check out our case study here:

Sales Conversion Case Study: How I Created A 7,425% ROI On A Single Campaign, In 24 HoursRecap of part #1 of 3Find your top traffic pages on site that offer products, content or services and focus on them to test this out quicklySet up tracking for viewers who have visited those pages to market to againCreate a sequence of campaigns that are relevant to that product, article or service, and only show it to those who have previously shown interest to progress them through the buyers cycle

This way you can continue to stay Front of mind and bring them back, or educate and guide the reader closer to purchaseAnd you know what rocks?This can work on a very low traffic page (like we demonstrated in our original article) or for high traffic audiences to help increase sales!

Just ask MikeHOW MIKE CHAPMAN USED THE FACEBOOK FISHING FORMULA TO CREATE APPROX $18,750 IN SALES IN 48 HOURS Meet MikeMike is a graphic designer/social media handler/athlete manager at a company that creates wetsuits for surfing, diving and wakeboarding.

Like many businesses, Mike is tasked with wearing many hats and has to cover a number of responsibilities, so time to implement tasks is always a factor.

Mike & BodyGloveMikes company is starting to grow their premium product line, and sales are steadily growing (but they could always be better!)They primarily sell online and wanted to increase their conversions for a new campaign.

But its not always that easy

As popular as surfing is here in New Zealand, there is not a huge local population so search traffic can be quite lowMike & BodyGloveMike isnt a marketer by any means, but he knew one thing for sure His competitors are not pushing their online marketing. In fact, other than one major distributor, most have product pages with just the product image and a price..And thats when Mike decided to try the Facebook Fishing Formula (with a twist) for an upcoming flash sale.


Before the campaign:

ResultsBefore we reveal the twist of what Mike did differently, lets take a quick look at how he did.

We spoke to Mike on May 16th.

On May the 20th, here are his results Results [continued]$89 in traffic generation for the campaign$14 in Facebook retargeting to bring visitors back to the products$18,750 in total sales OR a 9,111% ROI

Results [continued]Not only did Mikes sales improve and his traffic grew by 402.67% , but his traffic after the event continued to grow!

And then something else happened

Results [continued]The campaign also resulted in a 13% percent increase of Facebook fans, and more interaction with their page.

Results [continued]This also brought in a 55% increase in ongoing site jumped from 500 sessions to 2,263 sessions during the campaign

Results [continued]And then a healthy 1,629 sessions afterwards.

Results [continued]But thats still not all

Not only did this campaign help them sell through on stock (6 suits left at time of writing) but it nurtured their traffic and leads, and increased their ongoing interaction with their customers. The importance of previous customersAccording to Forbes, 80% of all your businesses sales will come from previous customers... Why?

Those who purchased once are more likely to buy from you again. So Mike now have a list of eager customers.

So he used similar methods to up-sell to previous customers of specific products

The result? 60% amount increase in page views of the product and 40% of new sales to viewers

Disclaimer:This is not a huge volume of sales and the product is seasonal, but this was a product with very little views before and almost half the cost of the sale product the customer had previously purchased.

How we did itNow youve seen Mikes results, lets walk you through the steps he used to explode his sales: Step #1: Decide on a product to targetWe are big fans of taking action so we recommend starting with any product that currently has high traffic. We used Facebook as our retargeting channel as its simple and we can have a campaign up and running in 30 minutes.In this situation Mike had 3 products to sell for end of season sizes and because of this, the prices were incredibly good.

The best offer by far was a $350 premium wetsuit down to $150.

Step #1 [continued]Product 1 was on offer for day 1 only, Product 2 for day 2 only etc.This allowed Mike to leverage scarcity in the offer and to also build an event. These are 2 incredibly compelling Triggers Of Influence

Step #1 [continued]By tracking which viewers moved onwards towards further information, we now had warm leads who had progressed further into funnel/buyers cycle.

We could now target these leads more aggressively immediately and also save money by not advertising to the wrong leads with the wrong offer. Thats not to say we didnt target the visitors of the landing page also, we just sequenced our adverts to show only:

When key actions had been takenWhen a specific time had passed in the campaignStep #1 [continued]3 steps to quickly find your top traffic pages to target1: Head over to Google Analytics (reporting section)

2: Scroll down to behavior> site content> landing pages

On the right hand side you will nowsee a graph of your traffic and below a list of your pages in order of traffic.Scroll down to see your list of pages in descending order

Step #1 [continued] 3 Steps to find topic traffic pages3: Choose which pages to targetAt this moment ignore the homepage (seen as a /symbol) and choose either a top product or service to market to.

In this example we have pointed out 3 key pages where leads would be cold, warm and hot i.e closer to sale

Example continued1. Digital Marketing Services (cold)

In this example someone has landed on our services overall page. This shows that they are at least contemplating a service and would be great to follow up with.

Not surprising that there are more visitors at this section than at the end and ready to book a consultation. In this situation we would target them and call out with an advert relevant to the page. i.e. Are you still looking for Digital Marketing Help? Is your site still struggling with XYZ etc.

With some small effort and reassurance, we could help move those people closer to sale but there are still easier options to target

Example continued2. SEO Packages (warm)

This visitor has looked at a specific product andis much closer to sale. They are currently lookingfor a specific solution to a problem. In this Instance, that they dont have enough traffic to their site.

This is a great lead to follow up on, possibly even better than the next option.

Why? Someone looking at the product page knows the pricing and will have found it when searching for a specific solution. This person is very close to sale.

At this stage we would target with a number of adverts specific to the product, but more beneficial would be to move them closer to interaction with our team and book a consult.Traffic not what it could be? Losing sales to competitors? etc and thenNeed to improve your SEO still? Book a FREE consultation with 3 clicks!

Example continued 3. Book a Consultation (hot)

In this situation this is traffic that has visited our book to speak with our team page. We know that the traffic that hits this page is not as high as the number of consults we receive and is the last step before a reader becomes a full time client.

This is a prime example of money left on the table! This is definitely where we would start testing and work backwards to include and ascend all pages/products

So lets discuss how to build those sequences:

Step #2: Set up tracking for viewers who have visited specific pages to market to againThis step is paramount to your success

In step 2 of the Facebook Fishing Formula we install the tracking pixels to your site but we also leverage the customer buyers cycle to recognise actions.

The reason people dont purchase initially is that they follow a specific buyers cycle

The reader needs to progress through each section before they become a customer. The content on your site should be follow a tofu/mofu/bofu plan. (Top of funnel/middle/bottom of funnel)

Step #2 [continued]If the reader comes in cold to a top of funnel content they are usually new and only just recognize a desire or need. You should then progress them to middle content to educate them and then bottom level content of advanced or specific solution content.

The breakdown for a wetsuit purchase would be:

Awareness of problem: If a visitor lands on the site then they may be interested in the brand.Its cold in the water and I want to surfEducation:If they land on a product then they are learning how to solve their problemHow can I be warmer in the water?Evaluation: Landing on further detail product pages or reviewsA wetsuit will help me stay warm-but which?Purchase: Landing on the sales pageIm going to stop being cold with a new wetsuit!I dont know about you but I would rather have them move through those stages and purchase at full price(Training your customers to only buy at a discount is not a great habit to get into)Step #2 [continued]The Problem:Now this seems quite intuitive. If it was a physical location your sales associate would be able to judge where the customer is at and progress them, not push themMost sites either dont have a system to progress or bring back the viewer. And if they do its usually a direct push to their offer.Some people may buy and a reminder is all they needed to purchase. But for the others who are not at that stage yet there is no logical progression for the reader to take.Step #2 [continued] How to add your Facebook tracking pixel to your wordpress site1: Log into Facebook with this link here Click the green Create Audience button in the top right corner and select Custom Audience3: From the pop-up menu select Website Traffic4: You can build custom variations to track later (And we recommend that you do) but for now agree to the terms and click Create Web Remarketing Pixel

Adding a pixel to Wordpress [continued] 5: Copy the tracking code now to add to your site6: Now that you have your code, head over to your WordPress admin.Scroll down the options on the left hand side until you find Appearance and then Editor

7. On the right hand side of the screen scroll down until you find Header.php

Click this to open up your header file to edit. Be careful not to delete anything here

Adding a pixel to Wordpress [continued]8: Find the section and click enter below it to make a new empty line.

Paste the code into the new line and then hit Update File belowNow your pixel is in place, lets discuss how Mike built sequenced triggers to his previous visitors

Step #3: Build a sequence of campaigns to ascend your visitor through the buyers cycleBefore we get into the exact sequence that Mike built to make 5 figures in 48 hours, we need to understand why this works:We mentioned before that if this was a physical location and not a website, your sales associate would be able to judge where the customer is at and help progress them to a sale.And it works because the customer is given the correct information at the correct stage in their buying cycleWouldnt it be great to have a digital salesperson for your product?Someone who can judge where your customer is in the cycle based on actions taken and how they need to progress. But all automated and able to work for you 24/7

so lets show you how to build one!But firstWe mentioned earlier triggers of influence and how they can affect your customers psychology to purchase or take action. To understand how to build an automation to ascend you site visitors, you need to understand the process your visitor should take.We also need to understand that a physical employee can easily build rapport and trust with a store visitor. So lets cover how to leverage certain Triggers to help build those feelings when a visitor interacts with your site..THE 7 TRIGGERS OF INFLUENCE MIKE USED TO DOMINATE HIS SALES1: HE LEVERAGED HIS ASSETS FOR AUTHORITY BY ASSOCIATION

By introducing a video of the product in action by famous professionals athletes, he achieved 2 things:If the suits are used by these athletes who this audience deem as authorities, then surely the suits themselves must also be of a high standard. Authority is transferred from the athlete to their product.Videos are high visual stimulus. They stand out from the usual ads, and can produce a much higher CTR.

7 triggers [continued]2: HE LEVERAGED AUTHORITY BY REPETITIONThis is the corner stone of how retargeting works so well. For example, there are at least 9 different email service providers for marketing. But I bet that the email provider you decided on was the one that you noticed repeatedly over and over again.

Mike ensured that the viewers of his products were treated to a scheduled campaign of reaffirming ads:A run up reminder before the sale to grow anticipation and awareness (Lots of shares!)A video of the product in useA testimonial series of the productReminders of the offerScarcity of the offerReasoning behind why they should purchase etc


As a society we have to work together as a team to succeed. (Winter is coming)When you receive without having anything to offer in return you feel obliged to repay the favor. (The entire authority site building model works on this. You provide fantastic content and the readers repay you by purchasing your recommendations.)By giving free content and advice such as How to purchase a wetsuit Mike provided value in advance to the reader. He become their trusted adviser for knowledge in the field, boosting his authority again, but also creating a small bond with the reader.When they come to buy a suit in the future, chances are high they will repay the favor and buy from him but this also helped remove any doubt or questions about the products that may have stopped a reader becoming a customer.7 triggers [continued]4: HE BUILT TRUST WITH HIS COMMUNITY

Mike used a number of ways to build up his readers trust.

By building the reciprocity and authority with the content and riders, Mike raised his readers perception of the brand. He then conditioned a response by having the reader perform small tasks.

Before the campaign Mike and the team made sure to keep producing social content of the suits in action that the readers could click on and read or watch. As the entire campaign was ran on Facebook, he targeted the fans of the page as well as their friends. Mike managed to get a flood of referrals to friends to take up the offer, links shares and likes. He also added testimonials and quotes from team riders to help bolster the response.

In the run up to the event he created a landing page giving details of the offer, BUT not allowing purchase as yet. This took the readers to the offer and showed what was available but didnt push the purchase immediately. Normally a link to a page would be a direct sale offer which can sometimes cause readers to become defensive. This caused the viewers to trust his intentions and then move to the individual product pages and build interest. The viewers of the product pages were the ideal targets for his ad campaign and more trusting when it became available7 triggers [continued]5: HE BUILT UP ANTICIPATION FOR THE PRODUCT

If a writer brings up a subject but doesnt give all the details yet, then you just HAVE to read on to find out. The same idea applies here, i.e. before Mikes product was available to purchase at the offer price, he continued to do 2 things: send new visitors to the offer, and thenshow everyone a sequence of reminders for the offer before it was available

The landing page traffic generation caused hype and interest for the upcoming campaign. Viewers could see the landing page and move to the products but not get the offer at this point in time.

7 triggers [continued]6: HE CREATED AN EVENT + RITUALAs we mentioned Mike ran pre-launch traffic to the landing page offer to build anticipation. He also started to sequence the adverts displayed.

2 days before the sale he started to target visitors of the page with the original offer. The day before he went into more detail of the product available the next day. On the day of the event he went full hog for that specific product only, running multiple time based campaigns.

This built up the anticipation further and moved it away from an offer but to a time limited event for the reader and the community to be involved with. 7 triggers [continued]7: HE LEVERAGED SCARCITY FOR THE PRODUCT AND OFFER PERIODNot everyone purchases for the same reason. Some are driven by greed, some by the need to outdo their contemporaries, and others by fear of loss or missing outWhen there was 12 hours left of the campaign Mike changed the offer to show how many units were left, then he had a timer alert of only 12 hours, 6 hours and 3 hours left of the campaign.Each time building up scarcity, each time appealing to a different potential emotion that the reader might use to buy

So lets break down the process

Its easier to think of this in 3 stages#1. 3 days before launch

1. start by adding your tracking pixel to collect info from visitors2. Think through the actions your visitors will take- or which you would like them to take. The goal is to move them through the logical stages to move forward.

Basic custom audience creationHeres a simple method to build a if this then that sequence for your campaigns using custom audiences.Be sure to make one for each product youre targeting and track traffic that moves from the landing page to itHead to the top right click the green Create Audience button again and then select Website Traffic as before.Rather thank choose All Site Traffic again this time choose People visiting certain pages but not others

Custom audience [continued]Now all you need to do is set the URLs for the correct pages. Be sure to choose URL equals and then fill it in.The top URL would be the product page, the bottom the page we would like them to visit next:

Be sure to give the audience a name that helps you remember the goal. In this caseHave they seen the product but not the guide? then show them the guide!

Custom audience [continued]3: Send traffic to the landing page that features the products, and attach links to the product pages for the viewer to learn more

We ran 2 campaigns here. One to those who shared interests and another to the group itself. The FB fans had a MUCH lower cost and continued to share, like and comment on the post. We would advise testing both however.

4: Remember to retarget viewers of the products with a buyers guide or content to help them advance closer to sale. (This is worthwhile running constantly to help convert and ascend all year if relevant to your offer)5: Continue driving traffic to your audience and fans/friends to help build a community anticipation around this..

#2: 1 DAY BEFORE LAUNCHStart retargeting previous landing page visitors with your followup landing page to create more hype.

Again do this with a custom audience:Did they visit the landing page but not the follow up page? (Yes as it wasnt available yet)Send them the next page with more details and info12 hours before the event goes live start promoting with a It Starts In 12 Hours: Dont Miss Out! campaign.

Only those who saw your previous landing page will see this, helping to move them deeper into your campaign and costing you very little compared to cold traffic generationIf day 1 is product specific, start with that product only in the image campaign

#3: Day of eventRepetition sequenceThis is ongoing throughout the campaign. The viewer will see 3 different ads all with the same goal. To build awareness and authority with repetition:A video of the product in actionAn image and message reminder of that product on saleTestimonial images of people who use the product

We targeted all viewers of the product pages and landing page with the video: Those who visited the product page also saw the testimonialLike all sequences from here on, if they progressed to the sales page the ads stopped and an upsell campaign was then targeted to them

Emotional Trigger SequencePeople buy for different reasons. Its difficult to know which trigger will cause the sale (Usually scarcity or fear of missing out) so we sequence different buying reasons and emotions here based off of your customer base. Try to appeal to each of their emotions to ensure a sale happensScared of missing out on your opportunityWant the very best and to be better than your colleaguesIt makes sense to upgrade now and not later at this deal etc.

Scarcity SequenceAs most people never do anything until the last moment, this sequence will cover the majority of your sales:

X amount of products lefttime frame scarcity sequence 12/6/3 hours remaining etc.

Upsell SequenceAt this point recommend products that fit in with what the customer has bought already. In this situation people were buying winter wetsuits and so were targeted with wetsuit boots.The key here is not to make the person regret the initial purchase but to let them see how this is a value added offer.

ConclusionFocusing on converting your current traffic is key to making more sales. (You dont need to worry about waiting until you have some magic amount of visitors) This is a simple system you can use to make more sales for your business right now with the traffic you have.

But you have to take action to succeed!Your site already has visitors and unless your bounce rate is 0.2 seconds, they are clearly interested in your products.Remember to follow these stepsTrack all traffic coming to your site to be able to target with offers and bring backCreated a sequence of adverts to show at a certain time based on actions taken. Those who showed interest are shown stronger pitches, those who hadnt were moved along and educated to the next stage and not forcedDrive traffic to a landing page to build initial hype and interestLeverage your social community to build trust and interest in the products and create An eventBuild up further hype by sequencing a series of pre-launch ads to those who have shown interest. Educate those who havent taken action yet.Announce the flash sale is live and campaign for your productAppeal to the different types and reasons that people would buy. Split test your copy and ad imagesSend out a final sequence regarding the limited time frame for them to take action. People suck at taking action in advance so dont give up at the last hurdle. Youll make more sales here than anywhere elseBuild in an up-sell offer to be shown to those who purchased on the day and take advantage of Hyper buyers

FinallyDont forget Ive packaged up a kick ass set of bonuses for you below such as:

A step by step PDF walk-throughChecklist to do this for your businessVideo of this being builtSimplified Funnel Process map

Exclusive: Click Here for more information and bonuses!
