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Chapter 11

Case No. 20-20007-CMB

Related to Doc. Nos. 18, 19, 20,466 and 753


By Order dated August 10, 2021, the Honorable Carlota M. Bohm, Chief United States

Bankruptcy Judge in the United States Bankruptcy Court in the Western District of Pennsylvania,

appointed the undersigned to serve as Mediator in the above matter.

In accord with paragraph 6 of the Order Directing Mediation, the parties are required to enter into

a Written Fee/Expense Agreement with the Mediator. Moreover, it is provided that each of the four

parties set forth in the Order shall share equally all fees and expenses of the Mediator unless otherwise

agreed provided, however, the Committee's portion of the Mediator's fees and costs shall be paid by the


The Mediator's fee for all services rendered including, but not limited to, pre-mediation review

of confidential mediation statements and exhibits submitted by the parties, travel to and from the agreed

upon mediation site, conducting the mediation, and post-mediation matters shall be charged at a rate of

$600 per hour and apportioned as follows:

1. ON Marine Services Company, LLC (the Debtor), $150.00 per hour. In addition, the

Debtor, pursuant to the Order directing mediation, shall be charged $150.00 per hour for the Committee

of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants portion of the Mediator's fees;

2. The Firemen's Fund Insurance Company and Firemen's Fund Insurance Company of

Ohio shall be charged $150.00 per hour;

3. Federal Insurance Company shall be charged $150.00 per hour;

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4. The Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants' portion of the fee shall be paid by

OM Marine Services Company, LLC, as set forth above.

Any and all costs or expenses incurred by the Mediator shall be shared by the parties as set forth

above. The parties, upon consultation with the Mediator, shall select the date, start time and location for

the mediation.

The Mediator requests all confidential pre-mediation submissions to be provided to the Mediator

on or before seven (7) calendar days in advance of the mediation.

By virtue of the signatures as set forth below, the parties agree to the tenns as set forth above.

Paul M. Singer, Esquire Luke S. Sizemore, Esquire Andrew J. Muha, Esquire REED SMITH 225 Fifth A venue, Suite 1200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Counsel for Debtor

Kami E. Quinn, Esquire Jason S. Rubenstein, Esquire GILBERTLLP 700 Pennsylvania A venue, SE Suite 400 Washington, DC 20003 Special Counsel.for Committee of Asbestos

/},()~ Jacob "Jack" C. Cohn, Esquire GORDON & REES, LLC Three Logan Square 1 71 7 Arch Street, Suite 610 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Counsel for Federal Insurance Company

02119653.DOCX 7329-1553

Kevin C. Maclay, Esquire Todd E. Phillips, Esquire Kevin M. Davis, Esquire CAPLIN & DRYSDALE, CHARTERED One Thomas Circle, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Counsel for Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants

Leslie Davis, Esquire TROUTMAN PEPPER HAMIL TON SANDERS, LLP 401 9th Street, N. W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004 Counsel for Firemen 's Fund Insurance Company and Firemen's Fund Insurance Company of Ohio

Joseph W. Selep, Esquire ZIMMER KUNZ, PLLC 310 Grant Street, Suite 3000 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Mediator

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4. The Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants' portion of the fee shall be paid by

OM Marine Services Company, LLC, as set forth above.

Any and all costs or expenses incurred by the Mediator shall be shared by the parties as set fonh

above. The parties, upon consultation with the Mediator, shall select the date, start time and location for

the mediation.

The Mediator requests all confidential pre-mediation submissions to be provided to the Mediator

on or before seven (7) calendar days in advance of the mediation.

By virtue of the signatures as set forth below, the parties agree to the terms as set forth above.

Luke S. Sizemore, Esquire Andrew J. Muha, Esquire REED SMITH 225 Fifth A venue, Suite 1200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Counsel for Debtor

Kami E. Quinn, Esquire Jason S. Rubenstein, Esquire GILBERTLLP 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Suite400 Washington, DC 20003 Special Counsel for Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants

Jacob "Jack" C. Cohn, Esquire GORDON & REES, LLC Three Logan Square 1717 Arch Street, Suite 610 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Counsel for Federal Insurance Company

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Kevin C. Maclay, Esquire Todd E. Phillips, Esquire Kevin M. Davis, Esquire CAPLIN & DRYSDALE, CHARTERED One Thomas Circle, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Counsel for Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants

Leslie Davis, Esquire TROUTMAN PEPPER HAMILTON SANDERS, LLP 401 9th Street, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004 Counsel for Firemen's Fund Insurance Company and Firemen's Fund Insurance Company of Ohio

Joseph W. Selep, Esquire ZIMMER KUNZ, PLLC 31 0 Grant Street, Suite 3000 Pitts burgh, PA I 5219 Mediator

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4. The Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants' portion of the fee shall be paid by

OM Marine Services Company, LLC, as set forth above.

Any and all costs or expenses incurred by the Mediator shall be shared by the parties as set forth

above. The parties, upon consultation with the Mediator, shall select the date, start time and location for

lhe mediation.

The Mediator requests all confidential pre-mediation submissions to be provided to the Mediator

on or before seven (7) calendar days in advance of the mediation.

By virtue of the signatures as set forth below, the parties agree to the tefflls as set forth above.

Paul M. Singer, Esquire Luke S. Sizemore, Esquire Andrew J. Muha, Esquire REED SMITH 225 Fifth A venue, Suite 1200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Counsel for Debtor

Kami E. Quinn, Esquire Jason S. Rubenstein, Esquire GILBERTLLP 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Suite 400 Washington, DC 20003 Special Counsel for Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants

Jacob "Jack" C. Cohn, Esquire GORDON & REES, LLC Three Logan Square 1717 Arch Street, Suite 6 l 0 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Counsel for Federal Insurance Company

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~t'. ~ Kevin C. Maclay, Esquire Todd E. Phillips, Esquire Kevin M. Davis, Esquire CAPLIN&. DRYSDALE, CHARTERED One Thomas Circle, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Counsel for Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claim•nts

Leslie Davis, Esquire TROUTMAN PEPPER HAMILTON SANDERS, LLP 401 91• Street, N. W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004 Counsel/or Firemen's Fun Insurance Company and Firemen's Fun Insurance Company of Ohio

Joseph W. Selep, Esquire ZlMMER KUNZ, PLLC 310 Grant Street, Suite 3000 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Mediator

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4. The Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants' portion of the fee shall be paid by

OM Marine Services Company, LLC. as set forth above.

Any and all costs or expenses incurred by the Mediator shall be shared by the parties as set forth

above. The parties, upon consultation with the Mediator. shall select the date, start time and location for

the mediation.

The Mediator requests all confidential pre-mediation submissions to be provided to the Mediator

on or before seven (7) calendar days in advance of the mediation.

By virtue of the signatures as set fo11h below. the parties agree to the terms as set forth above.

Paul M. Singer, Esquire Luke S. Sizemore, Esquire Andrew J. Muha, Esquire REED SMITH 225 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Counsel for Debtor

ni E. Quinn, Esquire ason S. Rubinstein, Esquire

GILBERT LLP 700 Pennsylvania A venue, SE Suite 400 Washington, DC 20003 Special Counsel for Commilfee cf Asbes/os Personal Injury Clai111e1111s

Jacob "Jack" C. Cohn. Esquire GORDON & REES, LLC Three Logan Square 1717 Arch Street, Suite 610 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Counsel for Federal b1.rnrwu:e Cm11p,111y

02119653.DOCX 7329·1SS3

Kevin C. Maclay. Esquire Todd E. Phill ips, Esquire Kevin M. Davis, Esquire CAPLIN & DRYSDALE, Cl IARTERED One Thomas Circle, NW, Suite 1100 Washing.ton. DC 20005 Co1111.~effor Commiflei: olAsh,:s/os Personal lnjw:v Clainumts

Leslie Davis, Esquire TROUTMAN PEPPER I IAMILTON SANDERS, Ll,P 40 I 9111 Street, N. W. Suite IOOO Washington, DC 20004 Cmmse/ ji,r Fireme11 's Fund ln.rnram:e Company and Firemen·.~ Fund b1.mra11c:,: Company of Ohio

Joseph W. Selep, Esquire ZIMMER KUNZ. PLLC 3 IO Grant Street, Suite 3000 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 /1./,:dialor

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4. The Committee of Asbestos Personal Injwy Claimants' portion of the fee shall be paid by

OM Marine Services Company, LLC, as set forth above.

Any and all costs or expenses incurred by the Mediator shall be shared by the parties as set forth

above. The parties, upon consultation with the Mediator, shall select the date, start time and location for

the mediation.

The Mediator requests all confidential pre-mediation submissions to be provided to the Mediator

on or before seven (7) calendar days in advance of the mediation.

By virtue of the signatures as set forth below, the parties agree to the terms as set forth above.

Paul M. Singer, Esquire Luke S. Sizemore, Esquire Andrew J. Muha, Esquire REED SMITH 225 Fifth A venue, Suite 1200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Counsel for Debtor

Kami E. Quinn, Esquire Jason S. Rubenstein, Esquire GILBERTLLP 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Suite 400 Washington, DC 20003 Special Counsel for Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants

Jacob "Jack" C. Cohn, Esquire GORDON & REES, LLC Three Logan Square 1717 Arch Street, Suite 610 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Counsel for Federal Insurance Company

02119653.DOCX 7329-1553

Kevin C. Maclay, Esquire Todd E. Phillips, Esquire Kevin M. Davis, Esquire CAPLIN & DRYSDALE, CHARTERED One Thomas Circle, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Counsel for Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants

Leslie Davis, Esquire TROUTMAN PEPPER HAMIL TON SANDERS, LLP 401 9th Street, N. W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004 Counsel for Firemen's Fund Insurance Company and Firemen 's und Insurance Company of Ohio

l 1 seph W. Selep, Esquire

IMMER KUNZ, PLLC 310 Grant Street, Suite 3000 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Mediator

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4. The Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants' portion of the fee shall be paid by

OM Marine Services Company, LLC, u set forth above.

Any and all costs or expenses incurred by the Mediator shall be shared by the parties as set forth

above. The parties, upon consultation with the Mediator, shall select the date, start time and location for

the mediation.

The Mediator requests all confidential pre-mediation submissions to be provided to the Mediator

on or before seven (7) calendar days in advance of the mediation.

By virtue of the signat\U'Cs as set forth below, the parties agree to the tcnns as set forth above.

Paul M . Singer, Esquire Luke S. Sizemore, Esquire Andrew J. Muha, Esquire REED SMITH 225 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1200 Pittsburgh, PA I 5222 Counsel for Debtor

Kami E. Quinn, Esquire Jason S. Rubenstein, Esquire Gll..BERTLLP 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Suite400 W eshington, DC 20003 Special Counsel for Committee of Asbestos Penonal Injury Claimants

Jacob "Jack" C. Cohn, Esquire GORDON & REES, LLC Three Logan Square 1717 Arch Street, Suite 610 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Counsel/or Federal Insurance Company

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Kevin C. Maclay, Esquire Todd E. Phillips, Esquire Kevin M. Davis, Esquire CAPLIN & DRYSDALE, CHARTERED One Thomas Circle, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Counsel for Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants

t ,.

~ I [ { L ie Davis, Esquire TROUTMAN PEPPER HAMIL TON SANDERS, LLP 401 9111 Street, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004 Counsel for Firemen 's Fund Insurance Company and 7nd Inmranc,, Company of Ohio

b'$~ l seph W. Sclcp, Esquire

IMMER KUNZ, PLLC 310 Grant Street, Suite 3000 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Mediator

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