Page 1: By Emmanuel E. Ekuwem, Vice Chairman/CEO, Teledom International Limited

Broadband Wireless Access Broadband Wireless Access Solutions as a Platform to Bridge Solutions as a Platform to Bridge

the Digital Divide: A real life the Digital Divide: A real life experience from Africaexperience from Africa


Emmanuel E. Ekuwem,Vice Chairman/CEO,

Teledom International [email protected]

24, Bamishile Str., (By New World), Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Tel/Fax: 234 1 4976229, 4976220, 4716398, 7730528, 8129467.

School on Digital Radio Communications for Research and Training in Developing School on Digital Radio Communications for Research and Training in Developing CountriesCountries

9-27 February 2004, ICTP,Trieste, Italy9-27 February 2004, ICTP,Trieste, Italy

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 Process and Progress of Human Civilization Thoughts and Ideas Creativity and Productivity Academia – Universities Human Resource Development Data and Information Resources Knowledge Pipes – ICT Infrastructure Access Technologies and Techniques Sharing of Resources Elimination of Isolation Empowerment Global Competitiveness

Key Words/ExpressionsKey Words/ExpressionsKey Words/ExpressionsKey Words/Expressions

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 Intellectual Ability (IA) = function (Genetic Endowment (GE) + Environment (E)) i.e IA=GE + E


•family – parents, brothers/sisters/relations, wife/husband), etc•school – Day care, nursery, primary & Sec. school,

universities, etc)•while in school – teacher.class/hall mates,

friends,books,events,etc•larger society – Religious affiliation, clubs, TV,

Newspapers, social outlets, governments, jobs, travels,events, etc

Thought & IdeasThought & IdeasThought & IdeasThought & Ideas

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 Thoughts create ideas Created ides become prevailing ideas, albeit for a while prevailing ideas provide platforms for new ideas Mastery of prevailing ideas and the application of same for meeting of needs: Creation of new ideas either in protest against or in enrichment/advancement of prevailing ideas with potentials for applications:Mastery of ideas and their potentials:

The Thought ProcessThe Thought ProcessThe Thought ProcessThe Thought Process



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Epochal Progress of CivilizationEpochal Progress of CivilizationEpochal Progress of CivilizationEpochal Progress of Civilization

Stone Age

Bone Age

Iron Age

Steam/Industrial Age

Information Age

Space Age

•Inter-epoch transition determined by the quality of ‘quantity’ of knowledge ----- impact of IA on environment.

•Succeeding epochs – richer in knowledge than the preceeding.

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Mass Whetting of Appetite for Information to boost economic productivity

Why do we do all Why do we do all these?these?

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Nigeria – With:

Large geographically dispersed land mass.Population of about 120 million – a restless lot!Low teledensity.Poor quality of telecommunication infrastructure.Low penetration telecom infrastructures,Narrowband-dominated facilities.Few private telecom Operators (PTOs) – voice only.

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Very few ISPs – mostly dial-up.Insufficient capacity at the National Carrier (NITEL level) – Switching and transport.41 large Universities and University centres with city-based multi-campuses.35 airports and aerodromes/airstrips.Tens of banks with mainly dial-up inter-branch networking.Few Private telecom Operators (PTOs) – voice only.

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Without:Second Network Operator (SNO).GSM Operators.FWA Operators.Community Telephone Operators.Wire Nigeria (Win) Project.SAT3 optical fibre ring.etc.

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An almighty NITEL!Not-sufficiently-competent NITELDemoralized NITELA NITEL in which the federal government was not proud ofA NITEL looked down on by Nigerians


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A new democratic dispension!End of pariah state statusNot proud of its past of military dictatorshipDire need to re-integrate into the rest of the civilized worldA patriotic and perfectionist presidencyA dynamic citizenry – unhappy with their late arrival in the global digital economic scene.Popular willingness and readiness to participate in the digital revolution.

Socio-political Scenario

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In the global Information and knowledge-based economy (IKE).Data and information are a factor of production

The speed and ease with which real-time access to data and information is made as well as the translation of same into productive ventures gives one a competitive advantage in any field of human endeavor

Converting Digital Divide into Digital


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Knowledge is power because it empowers!Think globally act locally

The world for me and I for the world!

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”Missing link” = Low Teledensity = Poor Infrastructure

Digital Divide = ?

Missing Link & Digital DivideMissing Link & Digital DivideMissing Link & Digital DivideMissing Link & Digital Divide

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Digital Divide = Poor ICT Infrastructures + Digital illiteracyDigital illiteracy = Educational (il)literacy + computer illiteracy.Digital Divide = Poor ICT Infrastructures + Educational (il)literacy + computer illiteracy

The Digital Divide

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Cable-bridge the divide to improve ICT infrastructures.Education via tele-education – distance and on-line learning, etc.Computer literacy

Overcoming the Digital Divide

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Cable-bridging willTake timeInvade the environmentNot be flexibleNot be fast to deploy and dismantleNot be fast to re-locate.Not be rapidly scalableNot cover large geographic land mass in a sweep

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Leap-frogging platform? Launch pad? Stepping stone?

Yes!Wireless Access Solutions?Yes! Yes!Narrowband Wireless Access?No! No! The digital divide is not narrow!Broadband Wireless Access?Yes! Yes! Yes!

Nigeria needed a leap-frogging


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All kind of narrow band wireless systemsA few low capacity broadband systemsBroadband Wireless systems arrived late on the sceneBroadband must be really broad

At the beginning of the wireless


Plug and playand notPlug and pray

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And radio waves tried to blow across the scene, but Initial reluctance to change Business loyalties to less powerful

technologies Fear of new capital expensesConstituted a frictional layer to the smooth

flow of the breeze

Wireless Technology was clearly an underdog technology at the time

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Our Vision: A Nigeria with Wireless facilities providing ‘pipes’ for rapid ICT

services penetration of every village, ward, local government headquarter, state capital

and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja in order to have a knowledge-empowered citizenry for

global competitiveness.

From the Rear to the Fore

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Our Mission: To make Broadband Wireless technology the preferred port of call by all seekers after Broadband

Access facilities in Nigeria for the utilization of same for national economic development.

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Stay totally focused Smell, drink, dream, yearn, dance, eat, hug wireless

Convince by demonstrations (demos) Seeing is believing! Feeling is accepting!

Participate in ALL major or key ICT conferences/summit exhibitions as Sponsor (for extra visibility) Exhibitor (visibility) Resource Person/paper presenter (further visibility,

opportunity for further exhibition via demos)

Strategy + Tactics

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Develop a formidable CV by hooking sector leaders: Banks –

Central bank of Nigeria Zenith International Bank

Academia – Obafemi Awolowo University Telco – NITEL Aviation – Ministry of Aviation/Lagos Airport Insurance – NDIC ISPs – Linkserve, Cyberspace, etc Government –

Federal Secretariat NITDA NCC Presidential Network

Industries - ABB

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Develop good press Relations Electronic media (TV, radio, etc) Print (Newspapers, magazines) Writing of features articles Product advertisements

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High level Contacts Government Private Sectors Academia Relevant NGOs and Youth Groups In Nigeria embassies

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Apply the Wireless products to Good causes: AgroVisionTM


Aviation Nigerian Universities Network(NuNet) Distance and on-line learning for mass literacy

campaign Tele-health Tele-training, job creation/poverty alleviation Youth Empowerment e-government Infrastructure.

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Avalanche of inquiries daily on wireless products!All the universities that have implemented a campus-wide wireless LAN projects are using Alvarion! Others are queuing up for the products! Whoever is worth being called an ISP in Nigeria is using wireless in one form or the other.A Resource technology to Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC). NCC is one of our clients.

The Situation today

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Private Telecom Operators (PTOs) go wirelessFixed Wireless operators are wirelessSNONITEL/M-TELGSM operators are of course wireless

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Point-to-Multipoint campus-wide wireless LAN using BreezeNet with

VSAT-based Internet Access

C o m p ute r C e ntre /EDLStud io //NUNe tEng ine e r’s o ffic e

Vc ’s O ffic e , Po stg ra d ua te Sc ho o l, Stud e nt Unio n G o ve rnm e nt, De p a rtm e nts a nd Fa c ultie s.



Inte rne t

8d Bi O m ni-d ire c tio na l Ante nna


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VSAT ( for I ntercity links)

Bra nc h 1

Bra nc h 2

Bra nc h 5

Bra nc h 6

Bra nc h 3 Bra nc h 4

Intra-city Banking NetworkIntra-city Banking Network(Inter-Branch)(Inter-Branch)

On-line bankingWithdrawal/payment irrespective of branchIntra-bank administration

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Strategic Partner to National Information Technology Development agency (NITDA) on BWA. NITDA is one of our clients.Utilized in the Implementation of the Presidential Network.

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Sta tio n Ad a p te r Sta tio n

Ad a p te r

Sta tio n Ad a p te r

Sta tio n A d a p te r

Sta tio n A d a p te r

Sta tio n A d a p te r

8 .5d Bi Uni.

8 .5d Bi Uni.

8 .5d Bi Uni.

8.5 d Bi Un i.

8 .5 d Bi Un i.

8 .5 d Bi Un i.

Se c to ra lAnte nna

24d Bi

8d Bi o m ni

Surg e Sup re sso r

Etc ..

Sta tio n Ad a p te r

8 .5d Bi Uni.

Sta tio n Ad a p te r

Sta tio n Ad a p te r

Wire le ssBrid g e Sta tio n

Ad a p te r

Wire le ssBrid g e

8 .5d Bi Uni.

24d Bi Uni. 24d Bi Uni.

24d Bi Uni.

24d Bi Uni.

Fe d e ra l Se c re ta ria t(Bulle t Build ing )

(1 o ffic e )

Are a 11 (1 o ffic e )

C IC TED(1 o ffic e ) M inistry o f Fina nc e

(1 o ffic e )Ra d io Ho use

(2 o ffic e s)

Ethe rne thub



Full Inte rne t Ac c e ss fo r 5 o ffic e s.


8d Bi O m ni

Fe d e ra l M inistry o f Sc ie nc e a nd Te c hno lo g y

(Fe d Ne t C o ntro l C e ntre )

Sta tio n Ad a p te r

8 .5d Bi Uni.

Surg e Sup re sso r

Su rg e Sup re sso r Su rg e

Sup re sso r

Su rg e Sup re sso r

Ethe rne t Hub


Na tio na l Asse m b ly

Bre e ze Ac c essSub srib e r UnitSU-BD 1V

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City-Based IP Broadband Wireless Local Loop City-Based IP Broadband Wireless Local Loop Access Voice and Data (PTOs, FW Operators, Access Voice and Data (PTOs, FW Operators, ISPs, etc)ISPs, etc)

IT Resource Centre

Nitel Nitel (PSTN)(PSTN)

• Non Line of Sight Ubiquitous Penetration• Access Anywhere

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Up to37.5km

Sta te Se c re ta ria tin Uyo .

Lo c a l g o ve rnm e nt Se c re ta ria tInte rne t/C o m p ute r C e ntre .

24d Bi

24d Bi 24d Bi

17d Bi Se c to ra l Ante nna

SU 1D 1V

Bre e ze Ac c e ssBa se Sta tio n

City/State Capital

Broadband Inter local Government trunking Broadband Inter local Government trunking from City to Local Government Headquartersfrom City to Local Government HeadquartersBroadband Inter local Government trunking Broadband Inter local Government trunking from City to Local Government Headquartersfrom City to Local Government Headquarters

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Map of Nigeria with VSAT & BreezeAccess Base Stations



M inna



M aiduguriG om be


LokojaO sogbo

G usau

Ike ja Akure

Ado Ekiti





D utse D am aturuKatsina



Asaba O w erri

U yoC alabar


U m uahia



YolaJa lingo

M akurd i

Abakalik i

Port H arcourt

•FCT, Abuja

•36 state Capitals

•774 LG Headquarters

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Bro a d b a ndLinks (C o nne c tivity)

C o nte nt: d a ta , in fo rm a tio n, kno wle d g e

Inter-Tier e-government modelInter-Tier e-government model

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Lo c a l

Sta te

Fed e ra l

C onte nt

Inte r-tie rlinks

Intra -tie rlinks

Inter-Tier e-government modelInter-Tier e-government model

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Rush by the FWA operators to contact Teledom for wireless products.All ICT conferences/workshops/seminar/summit organizers in Nigeria almost always invite Teledom to present a paper on Wireless Infrastructures.Contacted by many state Governments for State-wide IP wireless INTRANetNational Productivity Order of Merit (NPOM)

Award by the President and People of Nigeria to the Teledom CEO for his contributions to National Development via High Technology, Innovations and resourcefulness.

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Tele-EducationTele-Education• Learning where you are

IFELa g o s (EDL)C e ntre

Ab uja (EDL) C e ntre

Uyo (EDL) C e ntreLC D p ro je c to r


In te rn e t

M ic rop hone

Te lec a m eraTe lec a m era

LC D p ro je c to r


In te rn e t

M ic rop hone

Te lec a m eraTe lec a m era

LC D p ro je c to r


In te rn e t

M ic rop hone

Te lec a m eraTe lec a m era

LC D p ro je c to r


In te rn e t

M ic rop hone

Te lec a m eraTe lec a m era

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• medical expertise at your disposal where you are

Te le c a m e ra


Te le c a m e ra

La g o s C e ntre

Uyo C e ntre

La g o s ISP(Ife )


LC D p ro je c to r

LC D p ro je c to r

Te le c a m e ra

M ic ro p ho ne

Ab uja C e ntre

LC D p ro je c to r

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Introd uc tion.Ag ric u ltu ra l a c tivitie s in N ig e ria a nd , in fa c t, a ll o f A fric a a re la rg e ly ra in -fe d . Th is im p lie s tha t a jud ic io us a p p lic a tio n o f m e te o ro lo g ic a l, C lim a to lo g ic a l a nd hyd ro lo g ic a l d a ta a nd in fo rm a tio n b y fa rm e rs in the ir a g ric u ltu ra l a c tivitie s c a n g re a tly inc re a se fo o d p ro d uc tio n.

Ag ro Visio n is a p o we rfu l wo rksta tio n tha t re lie s o n re a l-tim e m e te o ro lo g ic a l d a ta (so il a nd a ir te m p e ra ture , ra in fa ll, so il m o isture , re la tive hum id ity, w ind , sunsh ine d ura tio n, so la r ra d ia tio n, e tc .) a s we ll a s c lim a to lo g ic a l, hyd ro lo g ic a l, a g ro no m ic a nd In te rne t in fo rm a tio n to c o unse l fa rm e rs a nd Ag ric u ltu ra l Exte nsio n o ffic e rs o n :

Pla nting d a te

Ha rve sting d a te

Dro ug ht p o te ntia l (d ura tio n, fre q ue nc y, se ve rity)

Pe st/d ise a se p o te ntia l

C ro p to la nd m a p p ing in fo rm s the fa rm e r o f the c ro p tha t g ro ws b e st o n his/he r la nd

Ag ro Visio n Sta tio nTM

24, Ba m ishile Stre e t, (Ne w Wo rld Bus Sto p ), O ff Alle n Ave nue , Ike ja , La g o s. Te l/fa x: 234 1 4976229, 4976220, 4716398, 4977892, E-m a il: in fo @ te le d o m inte rna tio na l.c o m


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Dr. Emmanuel E. Ekuwem explains technical intricacies of AgroVision to Mr. President.Dr. Emmanuel E. Ekuwem explains technical intricacies of AgroVision to Mr. President.

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Phone-in TV Interview on Wireless Access Solutions

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The Wireless Edge

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News Paper Headlines

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Nigerian Telecom Summit: Post-event analysis

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Newspaper Interviews

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Page 51: By Emmanuel E. Ekuwem, Vice Chairman/CEO, Teledom International Limited

From a little known Technology to being the


The Champion The Champion Technology!Technology!The Champion The Champion Technology!Technology! A platform for leap-frogging to bridge the digital
