  • 8/12/2019 Bs Standard Memorization Verses


    UNIT 1



    pcchmi tv dharma-sammha-cet

    yac chreya syn nicita brhi tan me

    iyas te 'ha, dhi m, tv prapannam

    Now I am confused about my duty and havelost all composure because of miserlyweakness. In this condition I am asking outo tell me for certain what is best for me.Now I am our disciple! and a soulsurrendered unto ou. "lease instruct me.




    vyavasytmik bddhi

    samdha na vidh!yate

    In the minds of those who are too attachedto sense en$oyment and material opulence!and who are bewildered by such things! theresolute determination for devotional serviceto the %upreme &ord does not take place.


    paritrya sdhn

    vinya ca dktm

    dharma-sasthpanrthyasambhavmi yge yge

    To deliver the pious and to annihilate themiscreants! as well as to reestablish theprinciples of religion! I (yself appear!millennium after millennium.


    "anma karma ca me divyam

    eva yo vetti tattvata

    tyaktv deha pnar "anmanaiti mm eti so 'r"na

    *ne who knows the transcendental nature of(y appearance and activities does not! uponleaving the body! take his birth again in thismaterial world! but attains (y eternal abode!* +r$una.

    UNIT 2

    2.1,dehino 'smin yath dehe

    kamra yavana "ar

    tath dehntara-prptir

    dh!ras tatra na mhyati

    +s the embodied soul continuously passes! inthis body! from boyhood to youth to old age!the soul similarly passes into another body atdeath. + sober person is not bewildered bysuch a change.


    na "yate mriyate v kadcin

    nya bhtv bhavit v na bhya

    a"o nitya vato 'ya pro

    na hanyate hanyamne ar!re

    or the soul there is neither birth nor deathat any time. /e has not come into being!does not come into being! and will not comeinto being. /e is unborn! eternal! ever0eisting and primeval. /e is not slain whenthe body is slain.

    ,.27prakte kriyamni

    gai karmi sarvaa


    kartham iti manyate

    The spirit soul bewildered by the influence offalse ego thinks himself the doer of activitiesthat are in actuality carried out by the threemodes of material nature.

    .22ye hi saspara-" bhog

    dkha-yonaya eva te

    dy-antavanta kanteya

    na te ramate bdha

    +n intelligent person does not take part inthe sources of misery! which are due tocontact with the material senses. * son of3unt4! such pleasures have a beginning and

    an end! and so the wise man does notdelight in them.


    bhoktra ya"$a-tapas


    shda sarva-bhtn

    "$tv m ntim cchati

    + person in full consciousness of (e!knowing (e to be the ultimate beneficiary of

    all sacrifices and austerities! the %upreme&ord of all planets and demigods! and thebenefactor and well0wisher of all livingentities! attains peace from the pangs ofmaterial

  • 8/12/2019 Bs Standard Memorization Verses



    yoginm api sarve


    raddhvn bha"ate yo m

    sa me yktatamo mata

    +nd of all yog4s! the one with great faith whoalways abides in (e! thinks of (e within

    himself! and renders transcendental lovingservice to (e6he is the most intimatelyunited with (e in yoga and is the highest ofall. That is (y opinion.

    UNIT ,The Nectar of evotion

    1.1.11 8 efinition of "ure evotional %ervice9Uttama0:hakti;



    nk%yena kn-

    !%anam bhaktir ttam &

    ?a favorably! as 3=>?adesires

    1.1.12 8 N@rada "aAcar@tnaBs efinition of"ure evotional %ervice


    tat-paratvena nirma%am

    h!kea h!kea-

    sevana bhaktir cyate

    Cngaging the senses in service to the (asterof the %enses 93rsna;! purified of all selfish

    motives and endeavors that arise from afalse designation of the self! is called puredevotional service.#

    9Thereby! there are two side effectsD one isfreed of all designations and the senses arepurified;

    1.2.2,# 8 *nly "urified %enses Ean ullyFealiGe the /oly Name

    ata r!-ka-nmdi

    na bhaved grhyam indriyaisevonmkhe hi "ihvda

    svayam eva sphraty ada

    HTherefore material senses cannotappreciate 3=>?as holy name! form!

    Jualities and pastimes. ?a consciousnessand renders service by using his tongue tochant the &ordBs holy name and taste theremnants of the &ordBs food! the tongue ispurified! and one comes to graduallyunderstand who 3=>?a really is.K

    1.2.2 8 evotional Fenunciation

    ansaktasya viayn

    yathrham pay$"ata

    nirbandha ka-sambandhe

    ykta vairgyam cyate

    HThings should be accepted for the &ordBsservice and not for oneBs personal sensegratification. If one accepts somethingwithout attachment! because it is related to

    3rsna! one is properly renunced. 9ykta-vairagya()* +

    The Nectar of Instruction 3ey (emory Lerses

    Tet 1

    vco vega manasa krodha-vega

    "ihv-vegam daropastha-vegam

    etn vegn yo viaheta dh!ra

    sarvm ap!m pthiv! sa iyt

    + sober person who can tolerate the urges ofspech! mind! anger! tongue! belly andgenitals is Jualified to make disciples all overthe world.

    Tet 2

    atyhra praysa ca

    pra"a%po niyamgraha

    "ana-sa#ga ca %a%ya ca

    abhir bhaktir vinayati

    :y the following si activities devotionalservice is destroyedD1. *vereating or too much collecting2. *ver0endeavoring for mundane things thatare very difficult to obtain,. Talking about mundane sub$ect matters#. "racticing the scriptural rules andregulations only for the sake of followingthem and not for the sake of spiritual

    advancement! or agraha! re$ecting the rules

    and regulations of the scriptures and workingindependently or whimsically. associating with worldly0minded personswho are not interested in 3=>?aconsciousness5. being greedy for mundane achievements.

  • 8/12/2019 Bs Standard Memorization Verses


    Tet ,

    tshn nicayd dhairyt


    sa#ga-tygt sato vtte

    abhir bhakti prasidhyati

    There are si principles which undoubtedly

    assure the complete success of puredevotional serviceD1.enthusiasm!2.confidence!,.patience!#.acting according to regulativeprinciples Msuch as rava?aO k4rtanaO vi>?oPsmara?am M%: 7..2,Q6hearing! chantingand remembering 3=>?aQ!.abandoning the association ofnondevotees! and 5. following in thefootsteps of the previous @c@ryas.

    Tet #

    dad@ti pratig=h?@tiguhyam @khy@ti p=cchatibhuRkte bho$ayate caiva>aS0vidhaO pr4ti0lak>a?am

    *ffering gifts in charity! accepting charitablegifts! revealing ones mind in confidence!inJuiring confidentially! accepting pras@daand offering pras@da are the si symptomsof love shared by one devotee and another.

    UNIT #


    apareyam itas tv any

    prakti viddhi me parm

    "!va-bht mah-bho

    yayeda dhryate "agat

    :esides these! * mighty0armed +r$una! thereis another! superior energy of (ine! whichcomprises the living entities who are

    eploiting the resources of this material!inferior nature.


    daiv! hy e ga-may!

    mama my dratyay

    mm eva ye prapadyante

    mym et taranti te

    This divine energy of (ine! consisting of thethree modes of material nature! is very

    difficult to overcome. :ut those who havesurrendered unto (e can easily cross beyondit.


    bahn "anmanm ante

    "$navn m prapadyate

    vsdeva sarvam iti

    sa mahtm s-dr%abha

    +fter many births and deaths! he who isactually in knowledge surrenders unto (e!knowing (e to be the cause of all causes and

    all that is. %uch a great soul is very rare.


    anta-k%e ca mm eva

    smaran mktv ka%evaram

    ya prayti sa mad-bhva

    yti nsty atra saaya

    +nd whoever! at the end of his life! Juits hisbody remembering (e alone at once attains(y nature. *f this there is no doubt.


    -brahma-bhvan% %ok

    pnar vartino 'r"na

    mm petya t kanteya

    pnar "anma na vidyate

    rom the highest planet in the material worlddown to the lowest! all are places of miserywherein repeated birth and death take place.:ut one who attains to (y abode! * son of

    3unt4! never takes birth again.


    r"a-vidy r"a-ghya

    pavitram idam ttamam

    pratyakvagama dharmya

    s-skha kartm avyayam

    This knowledge is the king of education! themost secret of all secrets. It is the purestknowledge! and because it gives directperception of the self by realiGation! it is theperfection of religion. It is everlasting! and itis $oyfully performed.


    may tatam ida sarva

    "agad avyakta-mrtin

    mat-sthni sarva-bhtni

    na cha tev avasthita

    :y (e! in (y unmanifested form! this entireuniverse is pervaded. +ll beings are in (e!but I am not in them


    satata k!rtayanto m

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    yatanta ca dha-vrat

    namasyanta ca m bhakty

    nitya-ykt psate

    +lways chanting (y glories! endeavoringwith great determination! bowing downbefore (e these great souls perpetuallyworship (e with devotion


    ynti deva-vrat devn

    pitn ynti pit-vrat

    bhtni ynti bhte"y

    ynti mad-y"ino 'pi mm

    Those who worship the demigods will takebirth among the demigods those whoworship the ancestors go to the ancestorsthose who worship ghosts and spiritsmwill

    take birth among such beings and thosewho worship (e


    patra ppa pha%a toya

    yo me bhakty prayacchati

    tad aha bhakty-pahtam

    anmi prayattmana

    If one offers (e with love and devotion aleaf! a flower! fruit or water! I will accept it.

    ).27yat karoi yad ansi

    ya" "hoi dadsi yat

    yat tapasyasi kanteya

    tat krva mad-arpaam

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    The living entity in material nature thusfollows the ways of life! en$oying the threemodes of nature. This is due to hisassociation with that material nature. Thushe meets with good and evil among variousspecies.

    1,.2,padranmant ca

    bhart bhokt mahevara

    paramtmeti cpy kto

    dehe 'smin pra para

    et in this body there is another! atranscendental en$oyer! who is the &ord! thesupreme proprietor! who eists as theoverseer and permitter! and who is known as

    the %upersoul.


    m ca yo 'vyabhicrea

    bhakti-yogena sevate

    sa gn samat!tyaitn

    brahma-bhyya ka%pate

    *ne who engages in full devotional service!unfailing in all circumstances! at oncetranscends the modes of material nature and

    thus comes to the level of :rahman.


    sarvasya cha hdi sannivio

    matta smtir "$nam apohana ca

    vedai ca sarvair aham eva vedyo

    vednta-kd veda-vid eva cham.I am seated in everyones heart! and from(e come remembrance! knowledge andforgetfulness. :y all the Ledas! I am to be

    known. Indeed! I am the compiler ofLed@nta! and I am the knower of the Ledas.

    1.7mamaivo "!va-%oke

    "!va-bhta santana


    prakti-sthni karati

    The living entities in this conditioned worldare (y eternal fragmental parts. ue to

    conditioned life! they are struggling veryhard with the si senses! which include themind.

    UNIT 7


    eva parampar-prptam

    ima r"arayo vid

    sa k%eneha mahat

    yogo naa parantapa

    This supreme science was thus receivedthrough the chain of disciplic succession! and

    the saintly kings understood it in that way.:ut in course of time the succession wasbroken! and therefore the science as it isappears to be lost.


    tad viddhi praiptena

    paripranena sevay

    padekyanti te "$na

    "$ninas tattva-darina

    Vust try to learn the truth by approaching aspiritual master. InJuire from himsubmissively and render service unto him.

    The self0realiGed souls can impart knowledgeunto you because the have seen the truth.


    brahma-bhta prasanntm

    na ocati na k#kati

    sama sarve bhte

    mad-bhakti %abhate parm

    *ne who is thus transcendentally situated atonce realiGes the %upreme :rahman andbecomes fully $oyful. /e never laments ordesires to have anything. /e is eJuallydisposed toward every living entity. In thatstate he attains pure devotional service unto(e.


    bhakty mm abhi"nti

    yvn ya csmi tattvatatato m tattvato "$tv

    viate tad-anantaram

    *ne can understand (e as I am! as the%upreme "ersonality of odhead! only bydevotional service. +nd when one is in fullconsciousness of (e by such devotion! hecan enter into the kingdom of od.


    man-man bhava mad-bhaktomad-y"! m namaskr

    mm evaiyasi satya te

    prati"ne priyo 'si me

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    +lways think of (e! become (y devotee!worship (e and offer your homage unto (e.

    Thus you will come to (e without fail. Ipromise you this because you are (y verydear friend.


    sarva-dharmn paritya"ya

    mm eka araa vra"a

    aha tv sarva-ppebhyo

    mokayiymi m ca

    +bandon all varieties of religion and $ustsurrender unto (e. I shall deliver you fromall sinful reactions. o not fear.

  • 8/12/2019 Bs Standard Memorization Verses


    1Sloka quoted in Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya lil 19.16732Bhakti, or devotional service, means engaging all our senses in the service ofthe Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all the senses. When

    the spirit soul renders service unto the Supreme, there are two side effects.

    One is freed from all material designations, and, simply y eing employed in

    the service of the Lord, one!s senses are purified. "#uoted in $c. %adhya


    4!" #$ %%&' (!ne )hould *e +ree +rom all material de)i$nation) and, *y a con)ciou)ne)), mu)t *e clean)ed o+ allmaterial contamination. e )hould *e re)tored to hi) #ure identity, in /hich he en$a$e) hi) )en)e) in the )er&ice o+ the

    #ro#rietor o+ the )en)e).0CC Madhya 16.23, #ur#ort