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CONTENTS 3 Prasetiya Mulya Foundation

4 Message from The Dean

7 Why Prasetiya Mulya ?

9 Prasetiya Mulya Business School 10 MM Faculty Members

14 Atmosphere

16 Facilities

18 Student Profiles

23 Program Curriculum 24 Regular MM

30 Executive MM in Business Management

36 Executive MM in Strategic Management

43 Learning Program 44 Learning Methods

46 Business Plan

47 CEO & Guest Lecture

48 Student Activities

49 International Competition

51 Career Development

Welcome to the business school that will take you to see the world

from a different perspective.

Welcome to Prasetiya Mulya.

& Business Networking 52 Career Development 54 Alumni Relations

56 Corporate Partners

61 Program Admission

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Best practice education is a collective debt of the current generation to future generations.

Djisman SimandjuntakChairman of the Prasetiya Mulya Foundation

Professor of Business Economics

Building 2, PMBS Cilandak Campus

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The school's various programs have contributed to

the development of Indonesian business entrepreneurs

and professionals in acquiring the best management

practices needed in the global world. The Prasetiya Mulya

Foundation moves forward to fulfill its noble pledge in

educating Indonesian people.

PrASETiyA MuLyAFOuNDATiONThe Prasetiya Mulya Foundation (Yayasan Prasetiya Mulya (YPM)) was established by a group of prominent Indonesia businessmen in Jakarta, 19 May 1980.

Initially, Prasetiya Mulya's philanthropic mission spread into

several programs and activities such as social projects,

scholarship programs, assistance to victims of natural

disasters, etc. The founders, intellectuals with business

backgrounds, realized that Prasetiya Mulya's core mission

should contribute to building the nation through intellectual

enhancement thus through education and training

programs in business and management.

In the 2nd year of its 30 years of establishment, Prasetiya

Mulya or Noble Pledge Foundation, set up the Prasetiya

Mulya Business School renown as the leading educational

institution offering degree and non degree programs

in the field of business to help advance the business

community and improve the competence of Indonesian

businesspeople. The school pioneered in 1982 the first

Master of Business Administration (MBA) program in

Indonesia, now by decree called by Magister Management


Board of Trustees

ChairmanSoedono Salim*

MembersEka Tjipta Widjaja* William Soeryadjaya* (RIP) Anthoni Salim

Ciputra, Dr. Ir. Edwin Soeryadjaya Frankie Nurimba, Dipl.Ing. (RIP) Franky Oesman Widjaja Harry Tjan Silalahi, SH Ibrahim Risjad

Ipung Kurnia, MBA Jauw Tjong Kie Jusuf Wanandi, SH Kaharudin Ongko M. Hadi Soesastro, Dr (RIP) Mochtar Riady, Dr.

Mulyadi Budiman Osbert Lyman Prajogo PangestuSofjan Wanandi H. Sudwikatmono (RIP)

Suhargo Gondo Kusumo (RIP) The Ning King Usman Admadjaja

Supervisory Board

ChairmanT. P. Rachmat, Ir.

MembersAntonius J. Supit G. Sulistiyanto S., Ir.

Board of Executives

ChairmanProf. Dr. Djisman Simandjuntak

MembersTreasurer: Angeline Sutedja, MBA

Secretary: Prasasto Sudyatmiko, SHBaritono Pangestu Budiarsa Sastrawinata Danandjaja Wanandi

Franciscus Welirang Leopard Lyman Michael J.P. Widjaja Mintardjo Halim Tedy Djuhar




*Honorable Lifetime Leader

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M E S S A G E F R O M T H E D E A N4


Dear respected business leaders,

Nothing is more difficult than mapping the future business

direction. Advanced and developed countries can not

be expected to be the generators of global economy

anymore. The statement "Our global economy is so

fragile" at the G-20 group summit held on June 20, 2010

in Toronto still echoes loudly. If there are still some drivers

on the global economy, it would be the economic activity

of developing economies especially China and India. But

no one knows how long this can last.

In the midst of this high uncertainty it would be best if

each of us hold on to the motto: "Do not wait for reform.

Reinvent !”. Dawning onto the ripe age of 30 in 2012,

Prasetiya Mulya Business School takes the initiative to

place education on higher ground. The acknowledgement

for this initiative is evidenced by the awards won for

four consecutive years (2008-2011) by teams from the

graduate/Master Program, students of management,

particularly in the Global Social Venture Competition

(GSVC), Haas Business School, University of California at


Socialization and network on the international scope

with world class business schools at GSVC ascertain

Prasetiya Mulya Business School’s conviction that

today's and future global society will depend on the

initiative of the business world to actualize the "Triple

Bottom Line". A business in line with the times is a

business that not only focuses on creating profit, but

also empowering the community and restoring and

preserving the environment. Failure in these three

aspects will shake the society’s order and result in planet

Earth being no longer able to support life.

Prasetiya Mulya Business School was born 30 years ago

with the breath of life: "Give and you'll be given". More

than 80 prominent national business people who founded

the Prasetiya Mulya Foundation believe in giving some of

their fortune for the noble cause to educate the nation’s

people, the nation's need for professional managers

will be fulfilled. That belief has been proven through the

accomplishments of the Prasetiya Mulya Business School.

If you share the same belief with the vision of the Prasetiya

Mulya Business School, do not hesitate to join us. Through

sustainable business we can renew Indonesia and the


M E S S A G E F R O M T H E D E A N4

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Prof. Sammy Kristamuljana, Ph.D Dean of Prasetiya Mulya Business School

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Give and you will be given.

- Anonymous -

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WHy PrASETiyA MuLyA ?With more than 29 years experience in business education, Prasetiya Mulya has consistently developed its professional approach in providing higher education services in the areas of business and management. These developments are based on Prasetiya Mulya’s commitment to serving the learning needs of businesses and businesspeople.

Prasetiya Mulya recognizes that every challenge in

the business sector is unique, dynamic and complex.

Therefore, business players must acquire good business

knowledge and competence to be able to find the best

solutions for every situation in creative, effective and

realistic ways. Prasetiya Mulya answers this challenge

by establishing business education programs that are

practice-oriented, comprehensive, relevant and current,

to prepare future business players and leaders as well as


In addition to providing learning subjects, Prasetiya Mulya

Master of Management (MM) programs focus on improving

students’ strategic learning capacities and readiness to

develop the best solutions in any situation. High levels

of interaction and involvement in groups and inter-

group discussions whilst practicing applicative business

concepts are the right means to improve competencies.

The learning process encompassed in the Prasetiya Mulya

MM programs is designed through learning experience.

The Prasetiya Mulya curriculum is regularly adjusted

towards developments in the business world and to

prepare students to face changes and uncertainties in the

future business environment.

Faculty Members



Student Profiles

Prasetiya Mulya MM programs received an A-category accreditation, grade A. (National Accreditation Agency, 2011 - 2016)

Prasetiya Mulya Business School is a member of the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS), as well as the International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International).

Prasetiya Mulya was also voted the private business school of choice by executives and fresh graduates and received the highest rating in Indonesia (SWA Magazine, July 2008).

Prasetiya Mulya is the best private business school and the first rank as recommended (100%) by alumni.(SWA Magazine Survey, November 2009)

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M E N G A P A P R A S E T Y A M U L Y A ? 9

Many sources of knowledge are made available at Prasetiya Mulya –not only its complete collection of business books, but also its faculty members, peer students and through sharing sessions with other business players,the wide network of alumni as well as its wi-fi equipped internet facilities throughout the campus.

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P R A S E T I Y A M U L Y A B U S I N E S S S C H O O L10

MM FACuLTy MEMBErSPrasetiya Mulya MM faculty members are professionals, experienced practitioners with good educational credentials from domestic as well as foreign institutions.


Prasetiya Mulya Business School's MM Faculty Members

meet academic credentials according to subjects they

teach and also master good, effective and attractive

teaching techniques. They work to establish a relaxed but

serious atmosphere in class where students are actively

involved in every learning session, to gain maximum

benefit from the learning process. Their extensive

experience in their fields of expertise enrich their teaching

materials and case studies presented in class.

The enhancement of Prasetiya Mulya civitas academia is

shown by having 6 home grown full time Faculty Members

who are honored profesorship in various steam of










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M E N G A P A P R A S E T I Y A M U L Y A ? 11

Prof. Djisman S. Simandjuntak is the chairman, executive board of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Foundation and has served several times as a research consultant for the Asian Development Bank. He is currently the chairman of the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship’s (IICD) Supervisory Board, and the chairman of the Prasetiya Mulya Foundation. Professor Djisman is also a member of the Expert Group for Feasibility Studies on the East Asia Free Trade Area, an expert advisor to the Indonesia-Korea Economic Cooperation Committee, and a member of the Indonesian National Research Council and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Prof. Dr. DjiSman S. SimanDjuntaKProfessor of Business Economics (Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Indonesia)

SE (Parahyangan University, Indonesia) Dipl Rer-Pol (Cologne, Germany) Dr (Cologne, Germany)

Prof. Sammy Kristamuljana, Ph.D is the dean of the Prasetiya Mulya Business School, and specializes in strategic management. Before joining Prasetiya Mulya Business School in 1983, Prof. Sammy Kristamuljana was a chief accountant of Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia. Not only has he written case studies, but his scientific articles have been published in a number of journals and magazines, and he is an active member of the Editorial Board of the accredited management and business journal "Integritas".

Prof. Sammy KriStamuljana, Ph.DProfessor of Strategic Management (Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Indonesia)

SE Ak (University of Indonesia)MSM (Arthur D Little MEI, Cambridge, USA) PhD (City University, London, UK)

Professor Ignas G. Sidik’s professional career included time spent working as a director of PT Multi Adi Cipta Persada, as a general manager in a service company and as an entrepreneur. Prof. Ignas G. Sidik is also active in writing and has contributed to a number of journals in both national and international management forums. His articles, among others, includes Indonesia: A Country in Transition (2003) which he wrote together with Don Rahtz, as well as The Application of CETSCALE Measure in Indonesia; An Empirical Test.

Prof. ignaS g. SiDiK, DBaProfessor of Finance and Marketing(Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Indonesia)

Ir. (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia) MBA (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA)DBA (Boston University, USA)

Before joining Prasetiya Mulya, Prof. Dr. Andreas Budihardjo was employed as a human resources management expert for the General Motors & Isuzu training center, and as a consultant in a number of private enterprises. In addition to teaching and providing management consultancy services, Prof. Dr. Andreas Budiharjo is also an active public speaker. Besides working at Prasetiya Mulya, he also teaches organizational psychology, learning organization and knowledge management in the graduate psychology program of the University of Indonesia.

Prof. Dr. anDreaS BuDiharDjoProfessor of Human Resource Management (Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Indonesia)

Drs. M.Pd (IKIP Surabaya, Indonesia) M.Psi (University of Indonesia) PhD (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)

Prof. aguS W. SoehaDi, Ph.DProfessor of Marketing (Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Indonesia)

Ir. (Bogor Institute of Agricultural, Indonesia) M.Si (Bandung Institue of Technology, Indonesia)PhD (University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK)

Prof. Agus W. Soehadi's expertise covers strategic marketing, brand management, retail marketing, market research, community marketing and entrepreneurship. His research papers and writings are published in accredited scientific, national and international journals for example Journal of Strategic Marketing (UK based), EMAC Proceedings (European based), MEG Proceedings (UK based) and BAMP Proceedings (UK based). Currently Prof. Agus W. Soehadi is the VP-Education, International Advertising Association (IAA), IAMS board member and academic leader for the development of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMS) and Co-Founder of ICE (Indonesian Consumunity Expo). Prof. Agus W. Soehadi is a team leader of GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) Indonesia, External Expert Security Council (Wantanas) and VP HIPKI (Indonesian Training and Courses Assembly). He also contributes teaching in the Doctoral Program, University of Indonesia and Bogor Institute of Agricultural, IPB.

Prof. DjoKo Wintoro, Ph.DProfessor of Business Finance(Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Indonesia)

SE (Tarumanagara University, Indonesia) MCom (University of Wollongong, Australia)Ph.D (University of Wollongong, Australia)

As Research Director at Prasetiya Mulya, his expertise covers Corporate Finance, Advanced Corporate Finance, Corporate Growth, Institution Depositors, Investment Management and Financial Management. His research writings are published in accredited scientific journals such as Indonesia Capital Market Review, "The Credibility of IDX (Indonesian Stock Exchange)" and Business Management Journal "Renewal of the Corporate Finance Function”. Several papers were presented at international conferences like the 2nd International Conference on Business Managament Research, Jakarta, 15-16 August 2007 with the paper "How Can Emerging Stock Exchange Survive in the Global Era Competition", and "Reborn From Crisis", the CEO Forum, Jakarta, 26 August 2009.

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1. FeliX Ferryanto luKman, mm SPi (Bogor Institute of Agricultural,

Indonesia) MM (Bogor Institute of Agricultural, Indonesia)

2. Paul S. oPPuSunggu, mm SE (University of Indonesia, Indonesia) MM (Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Jakarta, Indonesia)


3. Dr. achmaD Setyo haDi Drs (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia)

M.Sc (University of Colorado, USA) Dr. (Bremen University, Germany)

4. FranKy SuPriyaDi, mBa Ir. (Bandung Institute of Technology,

Indonesia) MBA (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Ph.D Candidate (Univ of Pittsburgh, USA)

5. gregoriuS PratiKnyo, mBa Drs (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia) MBA (University of Southern California, USA)

6. inDria hanDoKo, mm ST (Parahyangan University, Indonesia) MM (Prasetiya Mulya Business School,

Indonesia) Ph.D Candidate (Manchester Business

School, UK)

7. juliati teDjaSaSmita gunaDi, mBa Dra (Padjadjaran University, Indonesia) MBA (Monash University, Australia)

8. lenny Sunaryo, Ph.D BCom (Concordia Univ, Canada)

MM (Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Indonesia)

MCom (Otago University, New Zealand) Ph.D (Otago University, New Zealand)

9. lieS Dahlia, mm ST (Bandung Institute of Technology,

Indonesia) MM (Prasetiya Mulya Business School,

Jakarta, Indonesia)

10. Dr. Willem Dagi Ir. (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia) MM (Bogor Institute of Agricultural,

Indonesia) Dr. (Bogor Institute of Agricultural,



11. Daniel haryanto, mm S.Kom (Binus University,Indonesia) MM (IPMI, Indonesia)

12. Dr. eKa arDianto, mm Ir. (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Indonesia) MM (Prasetiya Mulya Business School,

Indonesia) Dr. (University of Indonesia, Indonesia)

13. iStijanto, mm, mcom SE (Atma Jaya Catholic University,

Yogjakarta, Indonesia) MM (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia) MCom (University of New South Wales,

Australia) Dr. Candidate (University of Indonesia,


14. roBBy t. Poniman, mBa Drs. Med (Tarumanagara University,

Indonesia) MBA (Univeristy of Texas, El Paso, USA)


15. arieF FaDhilah, mBa SE.Ak (University of Indonesia, Indonesia) MBA (Putra Malaysia University, Malaysia)

1511 12


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27. aDhi henDra BaSKara e., mBa SE (University of Indonesia, Indonesia) MBA (San Francisco University, USA)

28. Dr. harriS turino KurniaWan Ir. (Satya Wacana Christian University

Kristen, Indonesia) MM (Prasetiya Mulya Business School,

Indonesia) MSi (University of Indonesia, Indonesia) Dr (University of Indonesia, Indonesia)

29. michael aDriyanto, mm S.Psi (Padjadjaran University, Indonesia) MM (Prasetiya Mulya Business School,

Jakarta, Indonesia)

30. iDa juDa WiDjojo, Ph.D Diplom Kaufmann (Universitas des

Saarlandes, Germany) MBA (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

Belgium) Ph. D (University of Bern, Switzerland)

31. joSePh Belly utarja, mBa ST (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia) MBA (Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne, Australia)



22. aDe FeBranSyah, Ph.D Ir. (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia) MSME (Oklahoma State University, USA) Ph.D (North Carolina State University, USA)

23. elliot SimangunSong, Ph.D Ir (Bogor Institute of Agricultural, Indonesia) MM (University of Indonesia, Indonesia) Ph.D (Lancaster Univ, UK)

24. F.X. hongyanto Setio, mBa Ir. (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia) MBA (Griffith University, Australia)

25. henDro aDiarSo tj, mBa Ir. (Bandung Institute of Technology,

Indonesia) MBA (TSM Business School, University of

Twente, Netherlands) Ph. D Candidate (Cranfield University, UK)

26. nugroho Suryo, Ph.D Ir. (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia) MBA (University of Wisconsin, Madison,

USA) Ph.D (AGSM, Australia)




3027 28 29 31

16. arnolD KauDin, mm, SE (Padjadjaran University, Indonesia)

MM (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia) M.Com (The University of Sydney, Australia)

17. DeDDi teDjaKumara, mm ST (Padjadjaran University, Indonesia) MM (Prasetiya Mulya Business School,


18. luKaS Setia atmaja, Ph.D SE (Atma Jaya Catholic University,

Yogjakarta, Indonesia) MSc (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA) Ph.D (Monash University, Australia)

19. nico FernanDo SamaD, mmt, mBP SE (University of Jambi, Indonesia) MMT (Bandung Institute of Technology,

Indonesia) MBP (University of South Australia, Australia)

20. SanDy harianto, m.BuS.acc SE (STIE SUPRA, Indonesia) M.Buss.Acc (Monash University, Australia)

21. Wijantini, Ph.D SE (Parahyangan University, Indonesia) MBA (University of Dallas, USA) Ph.D (University of Birmingham, UK)


16 17

23 24

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P R A S E T I Y A M U L Y A B U S I N E S S S C H O O L14

ATMOSPHErEThe Prasetiya Mulya Business School - Cilandak Campus, is strategically located in Cilandak Barat, South Jakarta. The campus, with its superb location and facilities, provides the ideal learning environment for students and the business community, making the learning process more effective.

Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak Campus is located on TB

Simatupang road (adjacent to the Jakarta Outer Ring

Toll Road) where the surrounding area is south Jakarta's

popular central business district. Many multinational,

private, and state-owned companies have their head

offices in this area.

South Jakarta is known for its various subcultures. Nearby

campus is Kemang, famous for its entertainment, cultural

spots and abundance of restaurants, cafes and galleries.

Kemang is also home to 80 percent of Jakarta’s expatriate

community. This area is located less than 20 minutes from

Prasetiya Mulya. Another prominent area near the campus

is Jakarta’s upscale residential area, Pondok Indah.

The area surrounding the Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak

Campus offers everything students could require, including

accommodation for different budgets available near the

campus, serviced apartments, condominiums, town

houses, guesthouses and hotels.

Boarding rooms are also available for long-staying

students. These rooms are conveniently located near the

campus in Cilandak, Fatmawati, Lebak Bulus, Pondok

Indah, Cipete and Pondok Labu areas. Rents vary greatly,

but most come in the range of Rp 750,000 up to Rp

2,000,000 a month.

There are a variety of shops and commercial areas

located near the campus, including traditional markets,

convenience stores, supermarkets (Hero, 7-Eleven, Giant,

Food Mart, All Fresh, Matahari and Ranch Market) and

hypermarkets (Carrefour, Giant and Lotte Mart). Pondok

Indah Mall, one of the first modern malls in Indonesia,

is just 10 minutes from the campus. Only five minutes

from the campus is Cilandak Town Square (Citos), a

popular spot and meeting point that combines shopping,

restaurants, apartments and a sports center. There are

also plenty of public facilities near the campus, including

mosques, churches, hospitals, clinics, drug stores, banks,

business centers, internet cafes, and the post office.

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"I realized it is important to experience a unique learning program for my career advancement. Through Prasetiya Mulya’s comprehensive MM program, I broadened my perspectives equipping me to make financially wise and strategic business decisions. I was also able to represent the school and Indonesia in a global competition lending the opportunity to network on a worldwide level."

yolling muis(Alumnus of Executive MM in Business Management, 2007)Head of Finance Department, PT. Panin Life • Runner Up Winner, Global Social Venture

Competition 2008, Berkeley, USA

“Prasetiya Mulya provides an extensive curriculum which enhances my ability to analyze issues from different

perspectives and to get an all round view of the situation on hand. Combined with practical group assignments, I enhanced my analytical abilities as well as developed

interpersonal skills in managing team dynamics. These abilities have proven to be very beneficial

in the corporate world."

Windrio indrasempurno (Alumnus of Regular MM 2009)

PT Suzuki IndomobilBest Graduate 2009 •

Runner Up Winner, BEI-CFA Research Report Competition 2009 •

"To manage a corporation well and drive the business, leaders must have vision -the big dream-, the persistance and fortitude to make it happen. Prasetiya Mulya Business School is the right place to learn and gain inspiration. The school lay down the strong foundation of business knowledge through its dedicated lecturers and extensively developed network. The program and fellow classmates, rich in experience and expertise, provide the right inspirational environment that enrich the grooming process for future business leaders to lead, contribute and develop others."

Syamsurizal munaf, St, mm(Alumnus of Regular MM 1995)Director & Chief Financial Officer PT. Medco Energi International, Tbk

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FACiLiTiESBuilding facilities include two main buildings for teaching-learning activities, library and computer lab. There is a dining hall, a study hall and also other supporting campus facilities, providing the complete learning atmosphere at Prasetiya Mulya.

In the main building, there is an auditorium and several

amphitheatre classrooms equipped with LCD projectors,

desktop computers and other multimedia equipment to

support interactive teaching and learning, and each room

is arranged to facilitate class discussions. Also available

is the business library, one of the best in the country, with

a collection of more than 30,000 books, domestic and

international journals, the ABI CD ROM, a wide range of

magazines and internet access for literature research.

The library also has thousands of business plans which

represents the students’ final projects containing feasibility

studies of various industries and businesses.

The calm and comfortable environment in the library

encourages students to spend long hours there. Students

can also use the study hall, the activity hall, plaza or

gazebo around the campus park as places to study or

to hold group discussions. The computer laboratory

complete with both fixed line and wire internet connections

is used also to conduct business simulations. Also

available is an Indonesian Stock Exchange corner with

data access and stock market information referenced

from the Indonesian Market Quotes (IMQ) as well as the

IDX database. Wi-Fi facilities are available in all parts of the

campus compound.

For lunch and dinner, a dining hall is available with room

to seat 250 people. There is also the Prasetiya Mulya

Store (PMStore), Book Store and a food court facility to

meet students’ daily needs. In the campus there are also

parking facilities, with around-the-clock security, a large

Muslim prayer room and a sporting area, i.e. a futsal cum

basketball court.


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"I felt the need to learn about business and management, when I was in the engineering profession. Prasetiya Mulya broadened my career views, enhanced my knowledge, and stretched my abilities and skills to the maximum. The learning experience transformed me, I am confident and competent to face the endless changes in the business world."

Waldo hutapea, St, mm(Alumnus of Regular MM Program 2005)Brand Manager - PT. Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya

Dining Hall

PM Book Store

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P R A S E T I Y A M U L Y A B U S I N E S S S C H O O L18

STuDENT PrOFiLESPrasetiya Mulya Business School continuously strives to provide the best learning process and offers Master of Management (MM) programs to suit students’ needs and specific characteristics. The MM programs available are the Regular MM, Executive Business Management MM and Executive Strategic Management MM.

In the past years, Prasetiya Mulya students’ profiles

have varied greatly in terms of their educational and

professional backgrounds. Students’ educational

backgrounds have ranged from economics, engineering,

information management, social sciences to arts and

graphic design. In terms of professional backgrounds,

students have also varied from consultants to financial

managers, human resource managers, account managers,

engineers, creative directors, auditors, tax specialists,

HR generalists, portfolio managers, marketing managers,

training managers, plant managers, doctors, pharmacists,

directors, entrepreneurs and others. They have come from

various industries, ranging from the oil and gas sector,

hospitals, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, wood industry,

banking and financial industries as well as the mass media.

With such diverse range of student profiles and learning

processes demanding interaction among peer students,

the doors for students to exchange experience and

insights are wide open. Prasetiya Mulya students also have

unprecedented opportunities to build business networks

that can help enhance their chosen career path.

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Dr. Waluyo(Alumnus of Executive MM in Strategic Management 1996)Director of General Affair, PT Pertamina (Persero)Former Vice President, BP Indonesia

"Prasetiya Mulya Business School equipped me with pertinent management knowledge. The balance of theory, applied knowledge and high quality selected case discussions in class strengthened my confidence and belief that I will survive and continue to grow in any organization. By the virtue of Prasetiya Mulya Business School, I see life so green."

“Prasetiya Mulya brings the opportunity to explore business management concepts and application in the real world. The unique learning experience and the school atmosphere shape vivid working attitudes which represent high quality standard of business practices. The best yet is that the school facilitates students eager to join international competitions by increasing their business insights through enhancement of horizons and experience, and building extensive network. Thank God I experienced all and felt the beat!”

Fadli cahyono(Alumnus of Regular MM 2009)Commercial & Operations Finance Manager - Fonterra Brand Indonesia• Best Graduate 2009• Team Finalist - Global Social Venture Competition, South East Asia Round 2009• Sampoerna Foundation Graduate Scholarship 2007-2009• National Finalist, Ristek-Novartis Indonesia Biotechnology Leadership Camp 2008

“The school introduced the latest concepts and cases to discuss, delivered by competent faculty members, and provided applicable knowledge to my professional works. The program shaped me to think strategically from several point of views. I wish more professionals can gain the same experience in Prasetiya Mulya.”

Fera Damayanti(Alumnus of Executive MM in Business Management 2010) Head of Pharma Business - Dexa Medica• Graduate The Best in Class with Distinction


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P R A S E T I Y A M U L Y A B U S I N E S S S C H O O L20


undergraduate Background

university Background

Engineering 31.86Economics 25.00Computer Science 14.22Social Science 6.86Design 3.92Psychology 2.45Microbiology 1.96Law 1.47Food Technology 1.47Literature 0.98Biomedical Science 0.98Geography 0.98Maths and Statistics 0.98Engineering Physics 0.49Others 6.38

Parahyangan Catholic University 17.65Bandung Institute of Technology 12.75Bina Nusantara University 11.76University of Indonesia 10.29Trisakti University 6.37Atma Jaya Catholic University 3.92Swiss German University 3.43Gadjah Mada University 2.94Pelita Harapan University 2.94Tarumanagara University 2.45Bogor Agricultural University 1.96Padjajaran University 1.96Prasetiya Mulya Business School 1.47Maranatha Christian University 1.47Diponegoro University 0.98Petra Christian University 0.98Other State Universities 2.94Other Private Universities 5.41Overseas 8.33


20 - 25 years 66.6726 - 30 years 32.35 > 30 years 0.98




Working experience


< 1 year 28.281 - 2 years 33.333 - 4 years 33.33> 4 years 5.06

Fresh Graduate 55.92Staff / Officer 31.28Entrepreneur 4.74 Manager 3.32Assistant Manager 2.37 Supervisor 1.42Department Head 0.95




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undergraduate Background

university Background


undergraduate Background

university Background

21 - 25 years 4.3526 - 30 years 65.2231 - 35 years 24.15> 35 years 6.28

Bandung Institute of Technology 17.32University of Indonesia 16.35Gadjah Mada University 8.65Parahyangan Catholic University 5.77Padjajaran University 5.77Atma Jaya Catholic University 4.81Trisakti University 3.85Bogor Agricultural University 2.88Diponegoro University 1.92Tarumanagara University 1.92Maranatha Christian University 0.96Other State Universities 6.73Other Private Universities 14.42Overseas 8.65






Working experience


Professional Background

Working experience





Finance & Banking 17.96 Chemical 11.65 Consumer Goods 11.17Oil, Gas & Natural Resources 7.77Media & Entertainment 6.80 Insurance 6.80Retail 5.83Health & Pharmacy 3.88Government 3.40Automotive 3.40Consultant 2.43Property & Construction 1.46Logistics & Transportation 0.97 Telecommunication & IT 0.97Manufacturing 0.49Research & Education 0.49Food, Drink and Beverages 0.49Others 14.04

Engineering 35.58 Economics 29.33 Computer Science 16.35Social Science 6.25Law 3.37Agriculture 1.92Psychology 1.44Literature 0.96Design 0.96Maths & Statistics 0.48Others 3.36

< 30 years 4.8131 - 35 years 27.8836 - 40 years 33.6541 - 45 years 25.00> 45 years 8.66

Engineering 47.13 Economics 32.69 Agriculture 4.81 Aeronautics 1.92Law 1.92Social Science 1.92Computer Science 1.92Literature 0.96Nuclear Engineering 0.96Psychology 0.96Others 4.81

2 - 3 years 57.004 - 5 years 26.57> 5 years 16.43

5 - 10 years 51.4310 - 15 years 30.4816 - 20 years 13.33> 20 years 4.76


Professional Background



Oil, Gas & Natural Resources 18.27Finance & Banking 12.51Telecommunication & IT 12.51 Manufacturing 10.58Logistics & Transportation 6.73Health & Pharmacy 6.73Consultant 6.73Media & Entertainment 5.77Property & Construction 2.88 Insurance 1.92Food and Beverage 1.92Automotive 0.96 Consumer Goods 0.96Government 0.96Chemical 0.96Research and Education 0.96Others 8.65

Manager 52.89 Senior Manager 19.23 Professional 11.54 Director 10.58 CEO/CFO 2.88Entrepreneur/Owner 1.92Commissioner 0.96

Staff / Officer 58.45 Supervisor 14.02 Manager 13.04 Assistant Manager 6.28Director 3.86Entrepreneur 2.42 Department Head 1.93


University of Indonesia 16.02 Bina Nusantara University 11.65 Bandung Institute of Technology 8.74Trisakti University 9.22Parahyangan Catholic University 7.77Padjajaran University 6.80Atma Jaya Catholic University 6.31Brawijaya University 2.43Gadjah Mada University 2.43Pelita Harapan University 3.40Tarumanagara University 3.40Swiss German University 1.46Bogor Agricultural University 1.46Other State Universities 5.34Other Private Universities 7.28 Overseas 6.31




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The program’s comprehensive and applicative curriculum prepares business players and leaders with necessary knowledge while sharpening other skills needed in the business world and in life.

Multifunction Hall

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Regular MM

Executive Business Management MM

Executive Strategic Management MM

Prasetiya Mulya Business School offers three MM programs individually designed and targeted at different goals. These are the Regular MM, Executive MM in Business Management and Executive MM in Strategic Management programs.

With more than 25 years experience, Prasetiya Mulya's

professionalsm and committment to business education

has earned it recognition as one of the top Business

Schools in Indonesia. This recognition is backed by

surveys conducted by leading business magazines and

newspapers covering local, state-owned and multinational

enterprises employing Prasetiya Mulya graduates.

Critical thinking and class discussions are important

to shape the class students, not only learning from the

Faculty members but also frequently from each other.

Faculty members serve as mediators or facilitators

conducting the teaching process in a very interactive and

dynamic manner.

The curriculum for the MM Programs are adjusted

periodically to keep pace with developments in the

business world and also, regional and international focus

is given that require students to be aware of socio-cultural

changes, thus ensuring students are prepared for all the

challenges they will encounter upon graduation and in their


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P R O G R A M C U R R I C U L U M24

rEGuLAr MMThe regular MM program is an intensive full-time program that runs for 16 months, and is especially prepared for those who have completed their undergraduate (S1) degree and have limited work experience.

The program consists of four trimesters (1 trimester

= 4 months), and offers two majors, i.e. Marketing

Management and Finance Management. In this regular

program, the emphasis is on students’ mastering concepts

and techniques. In addition to business knowledge, this

program also places emphasis on character building and

self development. Students in this program will receive

training in various business skill areas including meetings,

negotiations, presentations and interviews, as well as

communication in the workplace. The program also offers

other important subjects such as business law, group

dynamics, business ethics, taxation and information

management systems. The Regular MM program requires

the completion of 49 Trimester Credit Units (CU) and 12

business workshop units. Classes run five days a week,

from 8.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m.

"With my industrial engineering background, I learned management and gained valuable business perspective in Prasetiya Mulya, very close to what I face in the real business world, I became the youngest person who succeeded in establishing the Lexus business in Indonesia. In the global automotive business, one must have engineering, marketing, finance, and HR know how and good business intuition, besides having the neccessary personal skills, all very important determining factors, for a promising career in the future."

adrian tirtadjaja, St, mm(Alumnus of Regular MM 2003)General Manager Lexus Indonesia - PT. Toyota Astra Motor

acquatech teamRegional Finalist, Global Social Venture Competition - South East Asia Round,

2010, Bangkok Thailand.

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MATriCuLATiON AKI 501 Financial Accounting 0

BEC 605 Fundamentals of Business English


OPR 511 Statistics for Business 0

STA 501 Strategic Planning:Analytical Tools & Techniques


TriMESTEr 1 AKI 701 Managerial Accounting 3

EKN 707 Economics for Business 3

MJN 701 Organizational Behaviour 3

MKT 703 Consumer Behaviour 3

TriMESTEr 2 FIN 702 Corporate Financial Management


MKT 701 Marketing Management 3

MJN 705 Human Resources Management


OPR 703 Operations Management 3

TriMESTEr 3 STA 702 Strategic Management 3

STA 703 Business Plan 1 1


FIN 721 Investment Management 3

FIN 723 International Finance 3

FIN 720 Advanced Corporate Finance



MKT 721 Marketing Research 3

MKT 723 Strategic Marketing 3

MKT 725 Integrated Marketing Communication


TriMESTEr 4 STA 706 Business Strategy Simulation


STA 703 Business Plan 2 5

Elective Course 1 2

Elective Course 2 2



TriMESTEr 1 BEC 609 Fundamentals of Communication


WSP 601 Introduction to Business Law


MJN 603 Ethics in Business 1

TriMESTEr 2 AKI 603 Taxation 1

MJN 602 Group Dynamics 2

BEC 610 Meeting, Negotiations, Presentation & Interviews


TriMESTEr 3 BEC 611 Doing Your Job: Communication in the Workplace


FIN 602 Management Information System





MArKETiNG MKT 731 Services Marketing 2

MKT 742 Brand Management 2

MKT 745 Business to Business Marketing


MKT 747 Experiential Marketing 2

FiNANCE FIN 757 Financial Risk Management 2

FIN 759 Business Financing 2

FIN760 Business Valuation 2

MANAGEMENT MJN 735 Organizational Diagnostic 2


Note:• One trimester equals to 14 weeks of class meetings (approximately 4 months)• cu = credit unit; wu = workshop unit• 1 session = 1.5 hour • Program duration : 16 months ( five days a week from Monday to Friday)• Monday: 8.30 - 16.15 WIB and Friday: 08.15 - 16.45 WIB• Elective subjects requires minimum of 10 class attendees

ELECTivE SuBJECTSminimum 10 students



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P R O G R A M C U R R I C U L U M26



aKi 501 Financial accounting 0 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneDesigned to discuss the nature of accounting, the company’s financial report, the elements of financial statements, and the analysis of financial statements. With these discussions, the students are expected to be able to understand financial accounting in the language of business.

Bec 605 FunDamentalS oF BuSineSS engliSh 0 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneDesigned to provide students with business English communicative skills necessary for subsequent BEC courses. The activities focus on fixing gaps in grammar, as well as, enhancing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The language function taught relate to the following areas: meeting people; telephoning; meetings; making arrangements; business travel; company visits; and tackling problems.

oPr 511 StatiSticS For BuSineSS0 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneTo equip the students with statistical basic concepts as tools in advanced courses as well as for future practical applications in business decision making contexts.

Sta 501 Strategic Planning: analytical toolS anD techniQueS0 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThe strategic management process may seem to be privilege of the top level managers. Application of top-down approach in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of practical Strategic Planning result in middle-level managers acting as doers or executioners. This situation cannot accomodate the current needs of the business world. Participation from all levels of management in the overall process of Strategic Planning management is expected to increase corporate effectiveness to achive the company's vision and mission, and the quality of the Strategic Planning input process itself. To deliver maximum participation, managers should equip themselves with analytical tools and techniques developed in strategic management.

trimeSter 1

aKi 701 managerial accounting3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis course is a graduate level exploration of managerial accounting. The course will cover the three streams of managerial accounting; cost and costing, operational decision support and management control.

eKn 707 economicS For BuSineSS 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneEconomics for Business is introductory to—and also be a review of—economics. The emphasis of discussions is on business-related topics of economics. The microeconomics sessions focus on the basics of the market and market structures whereas in the macroeconomics session discussions are on emacroeconomic variables, performance, and policies. The students are expected to gain basic understanding about the framework as to how businesses are both influencing and influenced by the market (micro, industrial level) and by the macroeconomic variables working in the economy as whole.

mjn 701 organizational Behaviour3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThe course is about organizations and how they operate in a world that is rapidly changing. It will focus on people working together & contributing individually within the organization. The course will provide an opportunity to develop a perspective and skills for managing people effectively in organization.

mKt 703 conSumer Behaviour3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis is a foundation course in Marketing. In this course, through consumer analysis framework various topics are studied in detail such as consumer cognition and affection, consumer perception, consumer preference, consumer knowledge, and consumer decision making.

Bec 609 FunDamentalS oF communication2 Workshop Unit / Prerequisite: BEC 605 Designed to provide students with the fundamentals of business English that are necessary for learning and practicing managerial communication skills required in subsequent BEC courses. The activities focus on enhancing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The language functions taught, include: participating in meetings; talking about jobs and responsibilities; telephoning to make arrangements; arranging a schedule/meeting; asking polite questions; describing the structure of an organization; writing letters, memos and short reports; asking for opinions; discussing a company’s history; discussing careers and past experiences; using a problem solving model; making suggestions; considering possibilities.

WSP 601 introDuction to BuSineSS laW1 Workshop Unit / Prerequisite: None This course provides an introduction to laws effecting business. It aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of law and legal processes in Indonesia, leading to an examination of the bankruptcy law, corporate law, law of contract, labor or employment law.

mjn 603 ethicS in BuSineSS 1 Workshop Unit / Prerequisite: NoneIn this course, students will gain insight in ethical decision making, generally and in the business context. In particular, they will acquire the following basics of ethics, business ethics; identification and differentiation between ethical and legal issues; analytical tools and methods; application of concepts and tools in ethical decision making.

trimeSter 2

Fin 702 corPorate Financial management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis course examines the role of finance in supporting the functional areas of a firm, and fosters an understanding of how financial decisions can create value. Students are expected to master the following topics: basic analytical skills and principles of corporate finance; functions of modern capital markets and financial institutions; standard techniques of analysis, capital budgeting, discounted cash flow valuation, and risk analysis.

mKt 701 marKeting management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 703Marketing management emphasizes managing customer value. It is a study of choosing, creating, delivering, and communicating customer value. It involves marketing information system, development, design, and implementation of marketing programs. After this course participants should be able to demonstrate the integration of managing customer value, and conduct presentation of marketing programs through the use of both qualitative and quantitative data.

mjn 705 human reSourceS management 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MJN 701Upon completing this course, participants are expected to be able to discuss the role and functions of Human Resource Management in an organization; and to apply the concept of human resource management in the organization level in order to achieve the organization goals.

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oPr 703 oPerationS management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis course introduces students to concepts and techniques related to the design, planning, control, and improvement of service and manufacturing operations. The course attempts to make students conversant in the language of operations management, provide the students with quantitative and qualitative tools to analyze basic operations issues, and allow students to see the role of operations management in the overall strategy of the firm. After completing this course, students are expected to understand the role of operations management in the overall business strategy of the firm; to grasp the idea of creating value through operations management and to be better equipped in analyzing, managing, and improving processes in the service sector as well as manufacturing firms.

aKi 603 taXation1 Workshop Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis course provides an introduction to taxation effecting business. It aims to provide students with a basic knowledge in taxation processes in Indonesia.

Bec 610 meeting, negotiationS, PreSentationS anD intervieWS 2 Workshop Unit / Prerequisite: BEC 609 TBEC 610 is designed to provide students with specific business English communicative skill relevant to the job interviewing process. The activities enhance writing, speaking and listening skills. The language functions taught, include: preparing for, and chairing, meetings; preparing for, and participating in, negotiations; preparing and giving presentations; producing effective written communication; applying for a job; preparing for, and participating in, interviews.

mjn 602 grouP DynamicS 2 Workshop Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis program is designed to improve student’s sensitivity, empathy and people skills to work effectively in a team. Students' people skills are enhanced by implementing the Johari’s Window Concept. Students are grouped into relatively small groups guided by faculty members to practice “sensitivity skills”, such as active listening, assertive communication, and being open and positive. They are, thus trained to practice high emotional intelligence and to develop a positive personality. In order to be effective, this training is conducted outside Jakarta.

trimeSter 3

Sta 702 Strategic management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: all basic & functional management subjectsDuring the course each student will accustom himself/herself to act as an active member in the Team of Strategic Leaders of a firm taken from the case that will be discussed in class. Interaction with peers while learning together in class and doing group assignment will enhance understanding and enable students to (1) identify and understand the Resultant model of Strategic management and the configuration of seven elements in the urgency management process (2) understand fully and adopt the configuration of seven elements of the "urgency management process" as a guide to practise strategic management (3) understand the power of strategic and organization levers in the transformation process, the importance of Business Definition and Firm Position (4) take advantage in applying the Resultant Model's way of thinking for bringing new perspective to the company's strategic planning cycle, making business plans and identify a firm's Resultant with respect to to the current organization conditions and critical situations.

Fin 720 aDvanceD corPorate Finance 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 702Discusses the growth of companies via diversification that includes reasons for diversification, the relationship between headquarter and business unit, business group building political capital, corporate investment via acquisition and strategic alliance, capital structure for diversified company, private equity market and corporate turnaround restructuring.

Fin 721 inveStment management 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 702This course discusses analytical frameworks and empirical evidence in investment management. The first part of this course focuses on equity analysis. Portfolio strategy and technical analysis are the focus of the second part.

Fin 723 international Finance3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 702This subject will give an understanding of the recent progress of international financial system. Students will be guided to understand the instruments in international financial market, applied customarily in global companies’ financial decision-making. This subject will analyze the quantitative and also the qualitative aspects. The students will be greatly involved in financial analysis to sharpen their ability in making financial decision.

mKt 721 marKeting reSearch3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701This course considers the gathering of marketing-related data from individuals and organizations, with particular emphasis on integrating problem formulation, research design, questionnaire construction, and sampling so as to yield the most valuable information. Also studied are the proper use of statistical methods and the use of computers for data analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are discussed. In order to gain a deeper understanding of what is involved in marketing research; students will undertake a research project.

mKt 723 Strategic marKeting 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701 This course is built around a commitment to develop market-based competitiveness, reflecting the fact that any business success is in its ability to win the customer’s preferences against competitors’ offerings. Students are expected to examine critical issues required in the making of high-level and strategic marketing decision making in a business. This course takes the perspective of both the functional and the business levels because strategic marketing decisions can be taken from the level of a Marketing Manager, a General Manager, or a Business-Unit CEO. In most cases, corporate-level CEOs need also to understand the conceptual framework in winning the markets served by their business units.

mKt 725 integrateD marKeting communication3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701This course takes an analytical approach to the study of Integrated Marketing Communication. Attention focuses are on the relationship between product brand or company image with marketing communications forms, such as: advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and experiential contact. Bec 611 Doing your joB: communication in the WorKPlace 2 Workshop Unit / Prerequisite: BEC 610TBEC 611 is designed to provide students with specific business English communicative skills relevant to the workplace. The activities enhance writing, speaking and listening skills. The language functions taught, include: assessing candidates; written correspondence; reporting on progress; describing trends; discussing products and services; comparing options; workplace meetings; and effective presentations skills.

Fin 602 management inFormation SyStemS 1 Workshop Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis course gives an overview of information technology and an understanding of the strategic importance of information systems in organizations. Students will be exposed to the vocabulary of MIS. Students will not be computer programmers at the end of this course. They will be able to intelligently discuss and assess information systems requirements, strategy, and issues on the job and be techno-literate.

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trimeSter 4

Sta 706 BuSineSS Strategic Simulation3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: STA 702Business Strategy Simulation is a multi-disciplined learning method which places and involves students to actively in run a virtual business. This virtual business environment model the real world and reflect actual world practices. The students will set up a company, manage and maximize its value through the application of their business knowledge and their integrative management skills. The business Strategy Simulation requires the implementation of holistic rational decision making and cooperative teamwork. Thus the students are expected to be able to overcome the functional as well as the strategic problems of their company, and to compete under competitive and uncertain situation.

Sta 703 BuSineSS Plan 6 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: all management functional coursesThis is the final project to demonstrate student’s ability in implementing business concepts at general industrial and firm specific environments. Based on a scenario analysis, the environmental opportunities and threats are explored to create a viable Business Plan. The assessment of strengths and weaknesses is conducted to measure its feasibility. The strategic and functional aspects are discussed systematically in the group to present a comprehensive Business Plan.

BuSineSS Plan eXaminationCredit Unit integrated to STA 703 Business Plan / Prerequisite: The student must have submitted the business plan and have acquired 49 credit units (Regular MM) and should pass all compulsory supporting subjects with GPA (Grade Point Average) of or higher than 3.0 without C, D, F, I and NP grade. The comprehensive exam is the final assessment of the Business Plan. Students who have submitted their Business Plan have to defend it before the panel of examiners.

elective SuBject

mKt 731 ServiceS marKeting 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701Services marketing emphasize managing customer experience. It is a study of understanding customers in service encounters, building the service model, managing the customer interface, and implementing profitable service strategies. It involves service marketing information system, development, design, and implementation of service marketing programs.

mKt 742 BranD management2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701The course examines the complete brand management process from the perspective of the brand manager. It covers the strategic decisions that must be made in three areas (1) the development and introduction of new products/brands—from idea stage to commercialization; (2) the marketing of existing brands, with emphasis on building, measuring, managing, and leveraging brand equity; and (3) the marketing of product modifications, product line extensions, brand extensions, and product deletions.

mKt 745 BuSineSS to BuSineSS marKeting 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701 Business-to-Business Marketing is a graduate level marketing elective course. For maximum benefit from this course,, students should have marketing management knowledge, prior to taking this elective course. The purpose of this course is to help students to understand marketing activities between firms/organizations. Upon completion of this elective course, students should be able to understand the distinctive nature of the marketing tasks when the customer is an organization; understand the growing role of marketing within industrial companies; have insights into ways in which a number of marketing concept and techniques can be used by the business-to business marketing manager.

mKt 747 eXPeriential marKeting 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneExperience marketing provides facilitation beyond the product function. It provides sensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and relational values to consumers (Schmitt, 1999). The brand engages the consumer holistically. The aim of experience marketing is to establish memorable moments to the consumers. In the Experiential Marketing class, the students will learn about how to differentiate the brand through experience, how to involve the consumers when they encounter with the product, and how to establish a long-term relationship between brand and consumers.

Fin 751 BanK management 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis course is designed to enhance students’ interest in banking practices and problems. Students are expected to master basic management principles of the bank and made aware of the issues of risk, regulation, technology and competition that bankers see as their greatest challenges in modern banking.

Fin 757 Financial riSK management 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 723This subject discusses the key topics of corporate risk management, operational risk, financial risk and business risk management from the perspective of non-financial corporations. The course focuses on knowing the theories and practices of risk management and building problem solving skills as needed by managers. Various teaching methods are used in this subject. Lectures are used to explain and discuss the theoretical framework of risk management required to analyze the cases. The case method is used to build and develop problem-solving skills in terms of formulating case definitions, the case analysis framework, and proposing case recommendations.

Fin 759 BuSineSS Financing2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 721Using a lecture and discussion teaching format, this course provides the background in the concepts, processes and institutions in the financing of business enterprises both at early stage and growth/expansion stage. Topics covered within this course are equity financing (ownership, warrants, LLC and LPE), debt financing (bank loans, factoring, revenue participation/royalty financing, and private debt), friends, angels, venture capital sources and licensing and franchising. Students should be able to explain the reasons why businesses need short-term and or long-term financing, be able to identify and describe the main sources of capital funds for businesses, and apply knowledge and skills to practical situations.

Fin760 BuSineSS valuation2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 721, FIN 720This course is a graduate level exploration of business valuation. It is actually designed for students with career interest in corporate finance, investment banking, securities analysis or corporate investment. Since it is an elective course, anyone who is interested in issues pertaining to valuation can also take this course. A good understanding of accounting and corporate finance is important in valuation. Students attending in this course are the core subjects of financial accounting and corporate finance. The familiarity of using spreadsheet (MS Excel) is a must.

mnj 735 organizational conSulting: DiagnoSiS anD DeSign2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: None The highly competitive business environment nowadays requires companies to be professionally managed. As a result, many changes in the organization should be in good order to survive and even grow. Organization dimensions, such as culture, strategy, managerial style and structure have to be effectively identified before change is carried out. This course discusses ways to diagnose organization dimensions and elements and make effective organizational changes to increase its performance. Scientific approaches and concept is introduced and discussed so that change agents can manage the changes effectively.

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Prasetiya Mulya Business School offers scholarships for the full time Graduate Magister in Management degree program (Regular MM Program).

Future leaders Scholarship opens for highly talented individuals with leadership potential and who are committed to contribute to the business community and national development. It covers tuition fees, books, and living allowance.

graduate Program Scholarships open for highly motivated students with excellent academic qualities but financially disadvantaged. Preference is given to candidates who possess the necessary aptitude, personal qualities and interest in management. Prasetiya Mulya Business School offers this scholarship for the regular full time degree program.

Information on requirements, terms, and conditions, forms and instructions can be read and downloaded from the Prasetiya Mulya website at Applicants are suggested to read the general information on the website thoroughly prior to applying.

"Learning is always my passion. I want to develop myself through education because I believe that education will broaden my perspective, enrich my knowledge and beneficially shape my future. I want to contribute my knowledge to people around me and to the business community. I think I can contribute more with higher education. The Prasetiya Mulya Future Leaders Scholarship gave me the chance to gain more knowledge and skills that beneficially supported my career."

Dhiah Karsiwulan(Alumnus of Regular MM 2010)Project Analyst - PT. Agrinergy Indonesia• Team Finalist - Global Social Venture Competition, South

East Asia Round 2010• Prasetiya Mulya Future Leaders Scholarship 2008

Awardee• Prasetiya Mulya Management Society President 2009 -


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P R O G R A M C U R R I C U L U M30


The Executive MM in Business Management program is a part-time program designed for undergraduate degree holders with at least two years working experience.

The Executive MM in Business Management combines the

curriculum and classroom atmosphere with a dynamic

and intensive learning experience. The program is on a

part-time basis designed for those who seek to acquire

knowledge, conceptual understanding of business and

management and expand their networks. It fits young

professionals who are climbing the managerial ladder.

The focus is on Business management, offering two

minor subjects: Marketing management and Finance

management. The program requires 43 Trimester Credit

Units (CU), to be completed in 5 trimesters (1 trimester

equals 4 months). Course days are Monday, Wednesday

and Friday (from 6.15 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.)

amandes teamGlobal Finalist &

Winner of Innovation Award, Global Social Venture

Competition, 2010, Berkeley USA.

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MATriCuLATiON AKI 501 Financial Accounting 0

EKN 503 Economics for Business 0

OPR 511 Statistics for Business 0

TriMESTEr 1 AKI 701 Managerial Accounting 3

MKT 702 Consumer Behaviour 2

MJN 709 Organizational Dynamics 3

MJN 707 Ethics in Business 1

TriMESTEr 2 FIN 702 Corporate Financial Management


MKT 701 Marketing Management 3

MJN 705 Human Resources Management


TriMESTEr 3 OPR 703 Operations Management 3

STA 702 Strategic Management 3

FINANCEFIN 720 Advanced Corporate


MARKETING MKT 721 Marketing Research 3

TriMESTEr 4 STA 703 Business Plan 1 1

STA 706 Business Strategy Simulation


FINANCE FIN 723 International Finance 3

MARKETING MKT 723 Strategic Marketing 3

Elective Course 1 2

TriMESTEr 5 Elective Course 2 2

STA 703 Business Plan 2 5



MArKETiNG MKT 731 Services Marketing 2

MKT 742 Brand Management 2

MKT 743 Value-Based Marketing 2

MKT 745 Business to Business Marketing


FiNANCE FIN 746 Investment Management 2

FIN 749 Corporate Restructuring 2

FIN 757 Financial Risk Management


FIN 759 Business Financing 2

FIN 758 Financial Strategy 2

STA 734 Social Venture 2

ELECTivE SuBJECTSminimum 10 students

"Prasetiya Mulya offers a life-long learning experience, it’s beyond knowledge. The faculty members' excellent dedication and total commitment is at par with the dynamics of the global business environment, and it gives us added value. The program focuses not only on teamwork and collaboration in the classroom but also a tough competition among the best which resulted in superior business graduates. Leader creates leaders, and Prasetiya Mulya shapes us to become strong business leaders.” Kenny hartanto(Alumnus Executive MM in Business Management 2009)Product Manager - PT. Agel Langgeng • Best in Class 2009

Note:• One trimester equals to 14 weeks of class meetings (approximately 4 months)• cu = credit unit• 1 session = 1.5 hour • Program duration : 20 months (3 days in week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 18.15 to 21.30)• Elective subjects are held every Tuesday and Thursday


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P R O G R A M C U R R I C U L U M32


aKi 501 Financial accounting 0 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneDesigned to discuss the nature of accounting, the company’s financial report, the elements of financial statements, and the analysis of financial statements. Through these discussions, the students are expected to be able to understand the financial accounting as the language of business.

eKn 503 economicS For BuSineSS0 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneEconomics for Business is introductory to—and also be a review of—economics. The emphasis of discussions is on business-related topics of economics. The microeconomics sessions focus on the basics of the market and market structures whereas in the macroeconomics session discussions are on emacroeconomic variables, performance, and policies. The students are expected to gain basic understanding about the framework as to how businesses are both influencing and influenced by the market (micro, industrial level) and by the macroeconomic variables working in the economy as whole.

oPr 511 StatiSticS For BuSineSS0 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneTo equip students with statistical basic concepts as tools in advanced courses as well as for future practical applications in business decision making contexts.

trimeSter 1

aKi 701 managerial accounting3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThe main objective of this course is to provide the students with an understanding of theories and ability to implement the mechanics and concepts of managerial accounting in a strategic business unit. With this course, students are expected to understand how managerial accounting contributes in creating value within a dynamic business environment i.e. planning, control, and cost management systems, and using accounting information in decision making.

mKt 702 conSumer Behaviour 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneIn this course, through consumer analysis framework, students study in detail various topics such as consumer cognition and affection, consumer perception, consumer preference, consumer knowledge, and consumer decision making.

mjn 707 ethicS in BuSineSS 1 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneIn this course, students will gain insights in ethical decision making, generally and in the business context. In particular, they will find out the following: (1) Basic of ethics, business ethics (2) analytical tools and methods in ethical decision making (3) individual and organizational factors which influence ethical decision making (4) corporate social responsibility and good corporate governance (5) application of concepts and tools in ethical decision making.

mjn 709 organizational DynamicS 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: None The course discusses how organizations are managed in a rapidly changing world. It focuses on how people work together & contribute within an organization. The course provides insights and approaches to manage people effectively in an organization. After completing the course, students are expected to be able (1) to understand, and manage people effectively in dynamic organizational settings, (2) to increase teamwork effectiveness through goal setting, motivation and leadership, (3) to increase leadership knowledge and skills based on several leadership approaches, (4) to apply various conflict management techniques, (5) to improve communication skills based on effective communication concepts and (6) to manage change and

effectiveness in an organization through managing organization culture and structure.

trimeSter 2

Fin 702 corPorate Financial management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis course examines the role of finance in supporting the functional areas of a firm, and fosters an understanding of how financial decisions themselves can create value. Students are expected to master the following topics after attending the course: basic analytical skills and principles of corporate finance; functions of modern capital markets and financial institutions; standard techniques of analysis, including capital budgeting, discounted cash flow valuation, and risk analysis.

mKt 701 marKeting management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 702 Marketing management emphasizes managing customer value. It is a study of choosing, creating, delivering, and communicating customer value. It involves marketing information system, development, design, and implementation of marketing programs. After this course students should be able to demonstrate the integration of managing customer value, and conduct presentation of marketing programs through the use of both qualitative and quantitative data.

mjn 705 human reSourceS management 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MJN 701Upon completing this course, students are expected to be able to understand the role and functions of Human Resource Management in an organization; and to apply the concept of human resource management in the organization in order to achieve the organizational goals.

trimeSter 3

oPr 703 oPerationS management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis course introduces students to concepts and techniques related to the design, planning, control, and improvement of service and manufacturing operations. The course attempts to make students conversant in the language of operations management, provide the students with quantitative and qualitative tools to analyze basic operations issues, and allow students to see the role of operations management in the overall strategy of the firm. After completing this course, students are expected to understand the role of operations management in the overall business strategy of the firm; to grasp the idea of creating value through operations management and to be better equipped in analyzing, managing, and improving processes in the service sector as well as manufacturing firms.

Fin 720 aDvanceD corPorate Finance 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 702Discusses growth companies via diversification that includes reasons for diversification, the relationship between headquarter and business unit, business group building political capital, corporate investment via acquisition and strategic alliance, capital structure for diversified company, private equity market and corporate turnaround restructuring.

mKt 721 marKeting reSearch3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701This course covers the gathering of marketing-related data from individuals and organizations, with particular emphasis on integrating problem formulation, research design, questionnaire construction, and sampling to yield the most valuable information. Also studied are the proper use of statistical methods and the use of computers for data analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are discussed. In order to gain a deeper understanding of what is involved in marketing research students will undertake a research project assignment.


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Sta 702 Strategic management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: all basic & functional management subjectsDuring the course each student will accustom himself/herself to act as an active member in the Team of Strategic Leaders of a firm taken from the case that will be discussed in class. Interaction with peers while learning together in class and doing group assignment will enhance understanding and enable students to (1) identify and understand the Resultant model of Strategic management and the configuration of seven elements in the urgency management process (2) understand fully and adopt the configuration of seven elements of the "urgency management process" as a guide to practise strategic management (3) understand the power of strategic and organization levers in the transformation process, the importance of Business Definition and Firm Position (4) take advantage in applying the Resultant Model's way of thinking for bringing new perspective to the company's strategic planning cycle, making business plans and identify a firm's Resultant with respect to to the current organization conditions and critical situations.

trimeSter 4

Fin 723 international Finance3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 702This subject will give an understanding of the recent progress of international financial system. Students will be guided to understand the instruments in international financial market, applied customarily in global companies’ financial decision-making. This subject will analyze the quantitative and also the qualitative aspects. The students will be greatly involved in financial analysis to sharpen their ability in making financial decision.

mKt 723 Strategic marKeting 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701 This course is built around development of market-based competitiveness, reflecting the fact that any business success is in its ability to win the customer’s preferences against competitors’ offerings. Students will examine critical issues required in the making of high-level and strategic marketing decision making in any business. This course takes the perspective of both the functional and the business levels as strategic marketing decisions can be taken from the level a Marketing Manager, a General Manager, or a Business-Unit CEO. In most cases, corporate-level CEOs need also to understand the conceptual framework in winning the markets served by their business units.

Sta 706 BuSineSS Strategy Simulation3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: STA 702Business Strategy Simulation is a multi-disciplined learning method which places and involves students to actively in run a virtual business. This virtual business environment is a model of the real world and reflect actual world practices. The students will set up a company, manage and maximize its value through the application of their business knowledge and their integrative management skills. The business Strategy Simulation requires the implementation of holistic rational decision making and cooperative teamwork. Thus students are expected to be able to overcome the functional as well as the strategic problems of their company, and to compete under a competitive and uncertain situation.

trimeSter 5

Sta 703 BuSineSS Plan STA 703 BUSINESS PLAN6 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: all management functional courses and STA 702This is the final project assignment to demonstrate students' ability in implementing business concepts to real economic, general industrial and firm specific environments. Based on a scenario analysis, the environmental opportunities and threats will be explored to creative a viable Business Plan. The assessment of strengths and weaknesses will be conducted to measure its feasibility. The strategic and functional aspects are discussed systematically to present a comprehensive Business Plan.

BuSineSS Plan eXaminationCredit Unit integrated to STA 703 Business Plan / Prerequisite: The student must have submitted the business plan and have acquired 43 credit units (Executive MM in Business Management) and should pass all compulsory supporting subjects with GPA (Grade Point Average) of or higher than 3.0 without C, D, F, I and NP grade. The comprehensive exam is the final assessment of the Business Plan. Students who have submitted their Business Plan have to defend it before the panel of examiners.

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P R O G R A M C U R R I C U L U M34

elective courSeS

mKt 742 BranD management2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701The course examines the complete brand management process from the perspective of the brand manager. It covers the strategic decisions that must be made in three areas (1) the development and introduction of new products/brands—from idea stage to commercialization; (2) the marketing of existing brands, with emphasis on building, measuring, managing, and leveraging brand equity; and (3) the marketing of product modifications, product line extensions, brand extensions, and product deletions.

mKt 743 value BaSeD marKeting2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701Value-based marketing is founded on shareholder value analysis – a well-accepted body of financial theory and set of techniques. Shareholder value analysis states that the value of the business is increased when managers make decisions that increase the discounted value of all future cash flows. This course shows that shareholder value approach offers enormous opportunities for marketing. First, it enables the purpose of marketing in commercial firms to be clearly defined. Second, it explains how marketing strategies need to be evaluated. Third, rigorously exploring the effects on shareholder value.The course is organized around the problems marketers face. In particular, the three major topics of the course correspond to the three major problems addressed by marketers. That contribute significantly towards generating future cash flows. Topics include (1) Managing the Customers, (2) Managing the Brand and (3) Managing the Network.

mKt 745 BuSineSS to BuSineSS marKeting 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701 Business-to-Business Marketing is a graduate level marketing elective course. For maximum benefit, students should have marketing management knowledge, prior taking this elective course. The purpose of this course is to help students to understand marketing activities between firms/organizations. Upon completion of this elective course, students will understand the distinctive nature of the marketing tasks when the customer is an organization; understand the growing role of marketing within industrial companies; gain insights into ways in which a number of marketing concepts and techniques can be used by the business-to business marketing manager.

mKt 731 ServiceS marKeting 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701 Services marketing emphasize managing customer experience. It is a study of understanding customer in service encounters, building the service model, managing the customer interface, and implementing profitable service strategies. It involves service marketing information system, development, design, and implementation of service marketing programs.

Fin 746 inveStment management 2 Credit Units/ Prerequisite: FIN 702 This course deals with analytical frameworks and empirical evidences in investment management with main focus on equity. Equity investment management consists of equity analysis and portfolio analysis. In equity analysis, students learn to use available fundamental tools to assess economic value of a company. Along with the analysis, multiples and technical approach will also be discussed to examine their strengths and weaknesses. Portfolio analysis covers portfolio theory, equilibrium behavior of a single asset within a well diversified portfolio and portfolio performance measurement. In addition, this course will review the modern investment theory (i.e., Markowitz model and CAPM) and discuss efficient market hypothesis, behavioral finance and options.

Fin 749 corPorate reStructuring 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 720In certain adverse conditions, companies need to make breakthroughs in order to survive, maintain or accelerate their growth. Restructuring is a part and an option of the strategy. Topics discussed in this subject, include: company revitalizing , turnaround, business restructuring, operational restructuring, financial restructuring, company strategies, and political restructuring.

Fin 757 Financial riSK management 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 723This subject discusses the key topics of corporate risk management, operational risk, financial risk and business risk management from the perspective of non-financial corporations. The course focuses on knowing the theories and practices of risk management and building problem solving skills as needed by managers. Various teaching methods are used in this subject. Lectures are used to explain and discuss the theoretical framework of risk management is required to analyze the cases. The case method is used to build and develop problem-solving skills in terms of formulating case definitions, the case analysis framework, and proposing case recommendations.

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One of the major benefits of attending the program is building a network for career development and access to Prasetiya Mulya alumni network. Developing a network of contacts is important for a successful career and acquiring business opportunities.

Students who join the program come from various industries such as finance and banking, telecommunication, energy, consumer goods, manufacturing, media, health services and pharmaceutical, property and construction, distribution/logistics, automotive and other industries. Developing business networking skills is critical during the program.

Not only developing a network in the class, Prasetiya Mulya opens various other networks that come from lecturers, CEOs and guest speakers, business professionals and practitioners, industry experts, and alumni through various school activities and alumni events opening the doors to business opportunities.

"At Prasetiya Mulya I harvested knowledge, nourishing experiences, accrued business sense and professionalism through the invaluable interaction and shared experiences among students, pertinent basic ingredients to face the global business battleground. I gained strength and determination, the garnish for future career acceleration. This rare situation, being with talented colleagues from many leading companies with diverse backgrounds, lent to my learning experience. It’s really amazing that I had this chance to learn at Prasetiya Mulya, my almamater, I am truly proud of."

Widhiharto rah Wicaksono, St, mm(Alumnus of Executive MM in Business Management, 2005)• Business Development Manager- PT. Nutrifood Indonesia

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P R O G R A M C U R R I C U L U M36

To be a highly inspirational business decision maker, you continuously need new perspectives in managing businesses. Prasetiya Mulya offers the Executive Strategic Management MM Program for businessmen with experience, managerial positions and in need of strengthening their strategic competences in corporate management .


The program is a part-time program designed for business

practitioners who are undergraduate degree holders with

at least five years work experience and holding senior

managerial positions. This program is also a perfect and

strategic means to establish a strong business network

with other executives who are also intent on becoming

excellent business leaders. This Executive MM program's

main focus is on Strategic Management, with emphasis on

complex management and business decision making at

strategic levels. Competencies in managing companies in

dynamic business environments will be the basis for every

classroom discussion during 20 months of study. The

program requires 41 Trimester Credit Units (CU), to be

completed in 5 trimesters (1 trimester equals 4 months).

Course days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday (from

6.15 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.)

Stemcell teamFinalist the mai Bangkok

Business Challenge @Sasin 2009 - Bangkok Thiland.

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MATriCuLATiON OPR 512 Business Decision Analysis 0

AKI 503 Accounting for Managers 0

TriMESTEr 1 FIN 702 Corporate Financial Management


MKT 701 Marketing Management 3

MJN 708 Organization & Human Capital Management


TriMESTEr 2 OPR 703 Operations Management 3

EKN 708 Economic Policy Analysis 3

MKT 723 Strategic Marketing 3

TriMESTEr 3 STA 702 Strategic Management 3

STA 725 Corporate Risk Management


STA 724 Business Process Management


TriMESTEr 4 STA 705 Business Strategy Simulation


STA 703 Business Plan 1 2

MJN 722 Strategic Human Resources Management


Elective Course 1 2

TriMESTEr 5 STA 703 Business Plan 2 4

Elective Course 2 2


ELECTivE SuBJECTSminimum 10 students


MArKETiNG MKT 742 Brand Management 2

MKT 743 Value-Based Marketing 2

MKT 745 Business-to-Business Marketing


FiNANCE FIN 740 Advanced Corporate Finance


FIN 746 Investment Management 2

FIN 748 Financial Engineering 2

FIN 749 Corporate Restructuring 2

FIN 752 Building Corporate Growth 2

FIN 753 International Finance 2

MANAGEMENT MJN 735 Organizational Consulting:Diagnosis and Design


MJN 745 Strategic Innovation Management


MJN 746 Performance Management 2

MJN 747 Comparative Management 2

OPErATiON OPR 721 Supply Chain Management 2

Note:• One trimester equals to 14 weeks of class meetings (approximately 4 months)• cu = credit unit• 1 session = 1.5 hour • Program duration : 20 months (3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 18.15 to 21.30)• Elective subjects are held every Tuesday and Thursday

endang Sri murtiyoningsih(Alumnus of Executive MM in Strategic Management 2010)Independent Consultant • Best Graduate 2010• Team Finalist & Best Business Plan Presentation Award, The Mai Bangkok Business Challenge @ Sasin, Bangkok, Thailand 2010

“I re-affirm that I have made the right decision to join Prasetiya Mulya MM Program, as recommended by colleagues and friends. By virtue of its integrated program encompassing theories, application and shared experiences, my knowledge and horizons are now widely broadened. Learning in Prasetiya Mulya supports my career development significantly. It transformed me to become a professional consultant for numerous companies striving for future dramatic growth”

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P R O G R A M C U R R I C U L U M38

trimeSter 2

mKt 723 Strategic marKeting 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701This course is about how to develop market-based competitiveness, reflecting the fact that any business success is in its ability to win the customer’s preferences against competitors’ offerings. Students will examine critical issues required in the making of high-level and strategic marketing decision making in a business. This course takes the perspective of both the functional and the business levels because strategic marketing decisions can be taken from the level of a Marketing Manager, a General Manager, or a Business-Unit CEO. In most cases, corporate-level CEOs need also to understand the conceptual framework in winning the markets served by their business units.

eKn 708 economic Policy analySiS3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneBusiness Economics explores the behavior of consumers, producers, markets and open economies from economics perspectives. Good understanding of how actors interact in the external environments is among important ingredients to the success of the firm in pursuing its goals.

oPr 703 oPerationS management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: OPR 512Operations Management is one of the functions in every organization. Although there is a trend toward focusing on business processes and cross-functional teams, the functions of Operations Management still remain. Organizational performance depends on how good the operations function is being undertaken in the company.The objective of this course is to understand the concept and application of Operations Management in practice. Therefore, in each meeting, the students will discuss two mini cases that are relevant to the topic being learned.

trimeSter 3

Sta 702 Strategic management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: all basic & functional management subjectsDuring the course each student will accustom himself/herself to act as an active member in the Team of Strategic Leaders of a firm taken from the case that will be discussed in class. Interaction with peers while learning together in class and doing group assignment is expected to make the students able to (1) Identify and get an agreement about the Current Resultant and/or New Resultant of various firms from the cases that are discussed in class, (2) Understand fully the power of Strategic Issue and Organization Levers to create Resultant in terms of the strategic direction and the momentum to energize the organization member, and the meaning of Business Definition and Firm Position to build self-confidence among the member and self-image in the environment and (3) Take advantage of their customary practice in applying the Resultant Model’s way of thinking to other purposes, for example to bring a new perspective in the company’s strategic planning cycle, to make a business plan, and to find out a firm’s Resultant from the speech of its Top Executives.

Sta 724 BuSineSS ProceSS management 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: OPR 703 In this course, the students will learn (1) How to achieve competitive strategy from market-based and resource-based view, (2) How to manage companies according to the new business paradigm, (3) How to successfully build World Class performance using Suryo’s Framework and Roadmap, (4) How to think horizontally as well as vertically about ways to manage a business, (5) How to organize people and work in an organization which manages according to its business process model, (6) About process improvement programs – Kaizen, Benchmarking, Reengineering, Key Performance Indicators, Six Sigma Way, Process-Based Management Systems, (7) How to achieve “Fast, Right, and Successful” process improvement and measure the results of improvement against world class standards.


aKi 503 accounting For manager0 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThe objective of this course in accounting is to relate concepts with business practices. The students learn to use the accounting knowledge for decision making process, and avoid fraud by installing proper management controls. This course will cover the following areas: fundamental concepts in accounting, financial statements, financial ratios, basic concepts in management accounting, management accounting systems, taxation and advanced fraud.

oPr 512 BuSineSS DeciSion analySiS0 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneIn practice, making decisions in business environment is difficult due to uncertainty, conflicting objectives, and ill-structured problems. The objective of this course is to teach students to make better decisions. After completing this course, students will have sound conceptual knowledge and be better equipped with a variety of approaches in structuring, analyzing, and synthesizing decision problems. The knowledge given in this course will help students to think clearly about values, objectives, alternatives, consequences, risks and uncertainties, and enable them to come up with sound judgments and choices, which are logical and defensible.

trimeSter 1

Fin 702 corPorate Financial management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: AKI 503This course discusses basic principles of finance and provides practical tools for financial decisions and valuation. During the course, the students will learn: (1) Financial Policy: The factors that determine a company's need for external financing, be it debt or equity. Also the optimal mix of debt and equity financing; and (2) Valuation: The tools needed for valuing investment projects, including the determination of the relevant cash flows and the appropriate discount rate. Students will use these basic tools to select investment projects and value companies.At the end of this course, the students will have a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and theories of corporate finance and be able to apply them in creating and maximizing shareholders’ value.

mKt 701 marKeting management3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NonaThis course introduces marketing concepts and provide the students to understanding of Marketing Management. Creating, providing, communicating and bonding the Superior Customer Value are the subjects of this study. The course also challenges students to explore the practical implication of the marketing process in the market and to comprehend the link between theory and practice. Also given is, knowledge of the customer, competitor and environment which will help advance strategic decision-making.Upon the completion of this course, the students (1) Understand the importance of marketing management in developing a marketing strategy, (2) Use skills to help understand customers, competitors and environments, (3) Create, provide, communicate and bond the Values for customers, (4) Apply the theory of marketing management in the real world and (5) Use marketing concepts to make business decisions

mjn 708 organization & human caPital management 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneAfter following this course, students (1) understand how and why knowledge can deliver a sustainable competitive advantage, (2) understand the role of intellectual capital in achieving corporate goals, (3) understand, predict and influence the behavior of others such as motivation, leadership, structure, culture, change management, conflict and team building in dynamic organizational settings, (4) understand how to recruit and retain talented employees, (5) understand how to create a total reward system and (6) to comprehend the importance conducting business ethically.


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Sta 725 corPorate riSK management 3 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: STA 702 Discusses the key topics of corporate risk management, operational risk, financial risk and business risk management from the perspective of non-financial corporations. The course focuses on knowing the theories and practices of risk management and building problem solving skills as needed by managers. Various teaching methods are used in this subject. Lectures are used to explain and discuss the theoretical framework of risk management is required to analyze the cases. The case method is used to build and develop problem-solving skills in terms of formulating case definitions, the case analysis framework, and proposing case recommendations. Students are asked to do a survey in order to find the best practices of risk management in Indonesia.

trimeSter 4

Sta 705 BuSineSS Strategy Simulation2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: STA 702Business Strategy Simulation is a multi-disciplined learning method which places and involves students to actively run a virtual business. This virtual business environment is a model of the real world that reflect actual world practices. The students will set up a company, manage and maximize its value through the application of their business knowledge and their integrative management skills. The business Strategy Simulation requires the implementation of holistic rational decision making and cooperative teamwork. Thus the students learn to be able to overcome the functional as well as the strategic problems of their company, and to compete under competitive and uncertain situations.

mjn 722 Strategic human reSourceS management2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: NoneThis subject focuses on strategic approaches to maximize the utilization of human resources (HR). There are two main domains of Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM). The first is a differentiation strategy, i.e. placing an individual in a job according to their competences. The process begins in selection and recruitment, and goes on to training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, as well as designing and redesigning work systems. The second is an integration strategy, i.e. synergizing and coordinating individuals within their working units in accordance with corporate level strategy. This process includes employee relations, diversity, rightsizing, organizational culture and organizational design perspectives. This subject also introduces SHRM concepts and model frameworks, as well as important Human Resource Management factors that could improve organizational effectiveness in a strategic way.

trimeSter 5

Sta 703 BuSineSS Plan 6 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: all management functional courses and STA 702This is the final project to demonstrate student’s ability in implementing business concepts to real economic, general industrial and firm specific environment based on a scenario analysis, the environmental opportunities and threats are explored to create a viable Business Plan. The assessment of strengths and weaknesses is conducted to measure its feasibility. The strategic and functional aspects are discussed systematically to present a comprehensive Business Plan.

BuSineSS Plan eXaminationCredit Unit integrated to STA 703 Business Plan / Prerequisite: The student must have submitted the business plan and have acquired 41 credit units (Executive MM in Strategic Management) and should pass all compulsory supporting subjects with GPA (Grade Point Average) of or higher than 3.0 without C, D, F, I and NP grade. The comprehensive exam is the final assessment of the Business Plan. Students who have submitted their Business Plan have to defend it before the panel of examiners.

elective SuBjectS

Fin 740 aDvanceD corPorate Finance 2 Credit Units / Prerequisite: FIN 702This subject covers areas of business diversification, relations between headquarters and subsidiaries, corporate investment policies, funding for innovative companies, corporate governance, as well as buying and selling companies.

Fin 746 inveStment management 2 Credit Units/ Prerequisite: FIN 702 This course deals with analytical frameworks and empirical evidences in investment management with main focus on equity. Equity investment management consists of equity analysis and portfolio analysis. In equity analysis, students will be encouraged to use available fundamental tools to assess economic value of a company. Along with the analysis, multiples and technical approach will also be discussed to examine their strengths and weaknesses. Portfolio analysis covers portfolio theory, equilibrium behavior of a single asset within a well diversified portfolio and portfolio performance measurement. In addition, this course will review the modern investment theory (i.e., Markowitz model and CAPM) and discuss efficient market hypothesis, behavioral finance and options.

Fin 748 Financial engineering 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 746The objective of this subject is to study about tools and techniques for financial risk management with derivative instruments. The topics are: Cash markets, forward rates, FRAs, financial futures, interest rate futures, index futures, swaps, options, exotic option, currency risk management, interest risk management, equity risk management, commodity risk management, structured finance. The focus of this subject is on tools and application on risk management.

Fin 749 corPorate reStructuring 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: FIN 720In certain conditions, companies need to make breakthroughs in order to survive, maintain or accelerate their growth. Restructuring is a part and an option of the strategy. Some topics discussed in this subject, include: company revitalizing , turnaround, business restructuring, operational restructuring, financial restructuring, company strategies, and political restructuring.

Fin 752 BuilDing corPorate groWth2 Credit Units/ Prerequisite: None This subject discusses strategic thinking for building corporate growth as a development agenda of a CEO. Areas that this subject covers include corporate diversification and organic growth; managing growth paths and growth stages; making decisions on whether to diversify or not; acquisition and strategic partnership for accelerated growth; corporate politics to support corporate growth; managing relations between headquarters and Strategic Business Units (SBU); ways to get out of growth crises; diversification; and restructuring for development.

Fin 753 international Finance2 Unit Credits / Prerequisite: FIN 702This subject will give an understanding of the recent international financial system progress. Students are guided to understand the instruments in international financial market, are applied customarily in the global companies’ financial decision-making. This subject will analyze the quantitative and qualitative aspects. The students will learn to (1) understand the Balance of Payments impact toward the foreign exchange volatility (2) understand the available hedging instruments to anticipate the business and market risks due to the foreign exchange and interest rate volatility (3) understand the strategy for managing foreign exchange and accounting exposure, which influence the company cash flows (4) undestand the multinational comapnies' working capital and investment management, related to the economical and pilotical risks, such as block fund and nationalization (5) understand the feasibility study forinternational business.

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mKt 742 BranD management2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701The course examines the complete brand management process from the perspective of the brand manager. It covers the strategic decisions that must be made in three areas (1) the development and introduction of new products/brands—from idea stage to commercialization; (2) the marketing of existing brands, with emphasis on building, measuring, managing, and leveraging brand equity; and (3) the marketing of product modifications, product line extensions, brand extensions, and product deletions.

mKt 743 value BaSeD marKeting2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701Value-based marketing in founded on shareholder value analysis – a well-accepted body of financial theory and set of techniques. Shareholder value analysis states that the value of the business is increased when managers make decisions that increase the discounted value of all future cash flows. This course shows that shareholder value approach offers enormous opportunities for marketing. First, it enables the purpose of marketing in commercial firms to be clearly defined. Second, it explains how marketing strategies need to be evaluated. Third, rigorously exploring the effects on shareholder value. The course is organized around the problems marketers face. In particular, the three major topics of the course correspond to the three major problems addressed by marketers. Those problems contribute significantly for generating future cash flows. Also discussed are the problems of (1) Managing the Customers, (2) Managing the Brand and (3) Managing the Network.

mKt 745 BuSineSS to BuSineSS marKeting 2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: MKT 701 Business-to-Business Marketing is a graduate level marketing elective course. In order to maximize benefit, students should have marketing management knowledge, prior taking this elective course. The purpose of this course is to help students to understand marketing activities between firms/organizations. Upon completion of this elective course, students should be able to understand the distinctive nature of the marketing tasks when the customer is an organization; understand the growing role of marketing within industrial companies; have insights into ways in which a number of marketing concepts and techniques can be used by the business-to business marketing manager.

mjn 746 PerFormance management2 Credit Unit / Prerequisite: STA 702 This course studies how to set and measure corporate organization performance in a comprehensive and integrative method in order to achieve corporate vision and business strategy. The method is recognized as one of the effective management tools in strategy mapping operational processes. One topic discussed in this subject include balanced scorecard framework.

mjn 735 organizational conSulting: DiagnoSiS anDDeSign2 Credit Units / Prerequisite: NoneThe highly competitive business environment nowadays requires companies to be professionally managed. As a result, many changes in the organization should be in order to survive and grow. Organization dimensions, such as culture, strategy, managerial style and structure have to be effectively identified before change is carried out. This course discusses ways to diagnose organization dimensions and elements and make effective organizational changes to increase its performance. Scientific approaches and concept is introduced and discussed so that change agents can manage the changes effectively.

mjn 745 Strategic innovation management 2 Credit Units / Prerequisite: NoneThis course provides a strategy framework for managing innovations in businesses. The emphasis is on the development and application of models that demonstrate the interactions between competition, pattern of technological and market dynamics, and the structure and development of internal firm capabilities. These models can provide the framework for planning when deciding which initiatives to invest in, how to structure the resources to gain competitive advantage over other firms, and how to use the capabilities to exploit innovative activities. The course is addressed to those interested in managing a business where internal or external innovation is a necessity for competition.

mjn 747 comParative management2 Credit Units / Prerequisite: NoneIn the globalization era, managers and executives face challenges in international business, in which the influence of culture is inevitable. This subject discusses ways for managing cultures professionally. Rather than perceiving cultural differences as threats to be overcome. This subject will challenge the students to enjoy the richness of cultural diferences and create synergy.

oPr 741 SuPPly chain management 2 Credit Units / Prerequisite: None This subject studies optimal ways to meet the products and services needs of an organization. The topics covered in this subject include determining and planning supply needs, analyzing supply markets and developing supply strategies. This course considers management of the supply chain in a global environment from a managerial perspective. The course is divided into three related key areas namely - the strategic role of the supply chain, key drivers of supply chain performance, and analytical tools and techniques for supply chain analysis. After completing the course, a student is expected to gain knowledge and tools to evaluate a current supply chain and recommend design changes to supply chain processes.

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The learning process in the MM Executive-Strategic Management program emphasize on applied learning on a strategic level to produce Business Leaders, with vision for the future (visionary leaders).

The flagship course in this learning process is the MasterClass Program. The program participants not only learn from case studies which are usually written up ones, but also real cases directly from the source with responsible incumbents present to discuss with. This is a breakthrough made by the Prasetiya Mulya Business School to bring all the students of the MM Executive-Strategic Management program closer to business reality. The concept of MasterClass is to bring the company board room to the classroom. MasterClass also prepare students to feel and get adapted to the boardroom’s tensed pressure. The students discuss with directors of a company as if they are really members of the board of directors forwarding and communicating ideas, responses and solutions to problems faced by the company.

The program is divided into 2 (two) meetings, in the first meeting the company directors explain the vision, mission and strategy of their company and then the problems and challenges faced. In the second meeting, the student teams present their perspective and propose ideas and solutions to the board of directors.

Through this program students experience real business issues where they can apply their knowledge gained in learning. The company gains thoroughly thought out feedback based on academically sound concepts and alternative solutions from the world of education.

“The Business Plan as the final project represents the rounding up of Prasetiya Mulya’s comprehensive learning process that caters to all business pillars. The school’s dedicated and professional Faculty Members are really supportive and are very open as discussion partners. No doubt, the experience I gained is very encouraging and I am driven to contribute even further in the business world.”

agus Budi tjahjono Alumnus of Executive MM in Strategic Management MM 2009Director - PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara• Best in Class 2009

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P R A S E T I Y A M U L Y A B U S I N E S S S C H O O L42

As a business school founded by members of the country’s

business community, Prasetiya Mulya offers leading graduate and undergraduate business programs

that emphasize learning by actually implementing business concepts

in real-world situations.

National Winner & Regional Finalist Team, BEI-CFA Research Report Competition 2008 - Singapore.

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Learning Method

Business Plan

CEO & Guest Lecture

Student Activities

International Competitions

Prasetiya Mulya Business School places itself as partner to the learning process. A comfortable atmosphere can be felt across the campus and friendship is reflected in the relationship between students and faculty members. The learning process and activities are facilitated by faculty members with strong business and educational backgrounds.

Prasetiya Mulya is supported by over 40 faculty members

who are highly qualified, professors, doctorate and full-

time master’s degree holders from leading universities

both domestic and foreign. Full-time, competent and

dedicated faculty members provide students with added

opportunities to interact directly during academic activities

as well as outside the classroom for discussions and

consultation during their study at Prasetiya Mulya.

Prasetiya Mulya MM programs emphasize the importance

of both mastering concepts and implementing them

when managing a business. Therefore, the learning

process, classroom interaction and discussions proceed

dynamically, involving active participation from faculty

members, students and business or industry players. The

assignments will guide the students to understand real

business practices by involvement in field projects where

students can interact directly with business players and

learn from real cases.

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L E A R N I N G P R O G R A M44

LEArNiNG METHODSThe teaching-learning method applied at Prasetiya Mulya uses an eclectic approach, i.e. combining numerous methods including lectures, case studies, games, films, debates, workshops, business simulations as well as individual and group assignments.

In each trimester, a CEO lecture is organized, where

students get to meet and hear, business leaders or

prominent guest speakers share their knowledge and

experience. Regular MM students also get to experience

field assignments including industry visits and study tours.

Learning through active interaction with other students

with diverse backgrounds and strengths in their own fields

will enrich the student’s knowledge and understanding of

business, gaining valuable insights during their study at

Prasetiya Mulya Business School.

The final assignment at the end of the study period is

a group assignment to produce a comprehensive and

feasible Business Plan. This Business Plan is a mandatory

prerequisite to complete the program, and all students

will have to face a final comprehensive examination where

their Business Plan will be evaluated.

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language of instruction The language of instruction is Indonesian. However,

English is actively used. A number of subjects use English

as the language of instruction. Almost all textbooks and

reference books are in English. A relatively high level of

English language competency is required to be admitted

to the Prasetiya Mulya MM programs.

Business Strategy Simulation Since the inception of Prasetiya Mulya MM programs,

business simulation was developed as a subject of study,

It was designed to so that students compete in virtual

business environments – models of the real business

world - reflecting business practices in the real world. This

subject is offered in the last trimester after students have

"Many things I learned in Prasetiya Mulya, especially expanding perspectives, analyzing and finding solutions to existing problems

in various industries. Case studies enrich my knowledge of the challenges and strategies in the company. Besides knowledge,

the formation of team work and soft skills are also important things to learn here. So, if you really want to learn the business, here is the

right place."

aldila Delarani(Alumnus of Regular MM 2010)

Business Development Executive - PT. Tripatra Team Finalist - Global Social Venture Competition, South East Asia Round 2010 •

completed all the subjects covering basic knowledge of

functional management and strategic management.

In this subject, students are divided into groups, each

group an individual company with the goal to maximize

shareholders’ value. Through this simulation students

learn to solve both functional and strategic problems in

their company. Students will feel the dynamism of real life

business competition in competing with the other groups.

At the end of the business simulation, each group as a

corporation must present an accountability report of the

company’s overall performance in a shareholders general

meeting (RUPS).

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L E A R N I N G P R O G R A M46

BuSiNESS PLAN Changes in local and global environments are the challenge for all business players. Current issues plaguing the food, energy, information and transportation, industries and finance can also be perceived as opportunities. With Prasetiya Mulya’s unique business plan methodology, students at the Prasetiya Mulya Business School learn how to use their locally acquired knowledge to devise solutions for global issues.

MM students, who come from diverse undergraduate

discipline are taught how to think, analyze and devise a

thorough business plan upon joining the business school.

Their numerous perspectives and experiences blend

to produce a business plan specific to Prasetiya Mulya

Business School.

Using this comprehensive business plan methodology

adopted by PMBS students find solutions to local and

global environment challenges, with a focus on relevant

issues in society. The business plan should have an

important influence over business social communities

(profit, people and planet perspective). The Prasetiya

Mulya Business School business plan is not just a paper

business plan, but is the result of rigorous thinking that

can be implemented in the real world.

Flexi Air Team

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CEO & GuEST LECTurEThe CEO lectures by chief executive officers of prominent corporations and non-profit organizations provide students the opportunity to know and interact directly with CEOs.

Students gain comprehensive overview of the values

and leadership skills CEOs adopt when building their

companies, which will add value to their own perspective

when running their own businesses. The CEOs share with

students how they formulate their company’s corporate

vision, lead their organizations to implement those visions

and make strategic decisions in a dynamic environment.

The CEO lecture enrich students’ knowledge, perspective

and judgment to better equip them when they manage

their own companies.

The CEOs and leaders of business and non-profit

organizations who have given CEO lectures at Prasetiya

Mulya include :

Herris B. Simanjuntak (PT Jiwasraya)•Jusman Syafii Djamal (Minister of Transportation)•Prof. Iskandar Alisjahbana (PT Bio Nusantara Teknologi)•Ishadi S.K. (Trans Corp)•Arif Siregar, Ph.D (PT International Nickel Indonesia, Tbk)•Betti Alisjahbana (PT IBM Indonesia)•Ari H. Soemarno (PT Pertamina)•Lester Lee (Johnson & Johnson Indonesia) •Ir. Ferry A. Soetikno, MSc, MBA (PT. Dexa Medica) •Sigit Pramono, MM (Chairman of Perbanas) •Sudhamek A.W.S., SH, SE (PT. Garuda Food Group) •Irwan Hidayat (PT Sido Muncul) •Darwin Silalahi (PT Shell Indonesia) •Gevi W. Achdiat (Microsoft Indonesia) •Jos Luhukay, Ph.D (PT Bank Danamon Indonesia)•Palgunadi Setyawan (Parasahabat Foundation) •Lukas Widjaja (Kontan - Kompas Gramedia)•Hasnul Suhaimi (PT Excelcomindo Pratama, Tbk) •Faisal Basri (PT Irsa) •Pryono Sugiarto (PT Astra International, Tbk)•etc.•

Note : Prasetiya Mulya Alumnus (in italics).

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L E A R N I N G P R O G R A M48

STuDENT ACTiviTiESStudents of the Regular MM program lead and manage The Prasetiya Mulya Management Society (MS), through which students can participate and deploy their organizational and leadership skills through extra-curricular activities.

In addition to the formal management classes, students

take to strengthening their management skills and

insights. Students can also improve their organizational

skills, apply their management knowledge as well as

develop their soft skills by participating in activities

organized by the MS.

The MS gives students the opportunity to enhance their

leadership, teamwork, time management, negotiation and

decision-making skills. In addition, the activities organized

by the Management Society aim to create an attractive

and varied learning environment as well as develop

students’ potential and comradeship.

The MS activities include both academic and non-academic

activities. The MS also invites Prasetiya Mulya alumni,

business players and experts on certain fields or study

subject material to take part in the numerous activities it

organizes. Clubs inside the Management Society, such as

the Marketing Club, the Entrepreneur Club, the Finance

Club, the Social Club, the Consulting Club and the Personal

Development Club, put together many of the MS activities.

Academic activities organized by the MS include

competitions, seminars, talk shows, workshops and

time-sharing activities around management issues, self-

development and career development in the business

world. Together with the Career Development division, MS

also organizes a Career Day toward the end of the Regular

MM program. Other events and activities organized by the

MS include book fairs, movie and classical music nights,

volunteer social work, blood donation, aikido, sports

week and choir. Students can also enroll in golf and table

manners workshops. Other regular activities include a

social night to welcome new students and bid farewell to

graduating students.

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iNTErNATiONAL COMPETiTiONSPrasetiya Mulya Business School as pioneer of the MBA program in Indonesia always strive for the best. Students are always encouraged to participate in various competitions either at the national, regional or international level.

2010• Global Finalist & Special Award in Innovation, Global Social

Venture Competition 2010 – UC Berkeley, USA• South East Asia Finalist, Global Social Venture Competition

2010 – Bangkok, Thailand• Finalist & Best Business Plan Presentation Award, the mai

Bangkok Business Challenge @Sasin 2010 – Bangkok, Thailand

• Runner Up Winner, Indonesian Young Woman Future Business Leader Award 2010

2009• Winner (World Champion), Global Social Venture

Competition 2009 – UC Berkeley, USA• Semi-finalist, the mai Bangkok Business Challenge @Sasin

2009 – Bangkok• National Delegate, Novartis International Biotechnology

Leadership Camp 2009 – Cambridge, Boston, USA• Runner Up Winner, BEI-CFA Research Report Competition


2008• Runner Up Winner, Global Social Venture Competition

2008 - UC Berkeley, USA• National Delegate, Novartis International Biotechnology

Leadership Camp 2008 – Hongkong• Gourami Business Challenge 2008 by Shell – Malaysia• Finalist Wirausaha Muda Mandiri 2008• 2nd Runner Up, Young Marketing Champions 2008 (SWA)• Winner, BEI-CFA Research Report Competition 2008

Prasetiya Mulya students have also participated in

international events as the Indonesian delegation

or representative i.e youth forum, young leaders

conferences and other activites,which lend to the

improvement of our students' global network and

competencies as well as exposure to global happenings

Prasetiya Mulya students are encouraged to participate in

various business-related competitions or in youth-related

personal and knowledge development programmes.

Prasetiya Mulya students are reputed for winning various

national, regional, and international competitions. In 2009,

"EcoFaeBrick", a team of Regular MM students won First

Place in the Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC)

held at Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, USA.

This achievement in 2009 succeeded the achievement

in 2008 when PMBS entered this competition for the

first time and won runners up in the GSVC at Berkeley.

PMBS annually participates in The Mai Bangkok Business

Challenge Competition, SASIN and other regional business


ecoFaeBrick teamGlobal Winner of Global

Social Venture Competition, 2010, Berkeley USA.

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Prasetiya Mulya's Students' abilities and competence to be change agents of

business and management is further augmented by the career development and

services center and prepares them to be corporate assets.

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Career Development


Corporate Partners

In the reality of the business world, having a wide network is pertinent and a significant aspect. To cultivate business and career advancement, The Prasetiya Mulya Business School has a large network of over 3,600 alumni, working in many companies and different industries, in Indonesia and overseas.

The Prasetiya Mulya Business School is reputable for

close connections with the business sector. Every

year, many leading companies in Indonesia actively

recruit MM graduates from Prasetiya Mulya. A number

of companies regularly enroll their star employees and

executives in Prasetiya Mulya MM programs, for example

Aneka Tambang, Askes Indonesia, BCA, Bank Mandiri,

BRI, Bogasari, British Petroleum (BP), Conoco Phillips

Indonesia, Ericsson Indonesia, the Medco Group, Mead

Johnson Indonesia, PLN Persero, Sanghiang Perkasa,

the Vinoti Group, Citibank, Sinarmas Group, etc.

The Prasetiya Mulya Business School in partnering with

prominent companies provides the gateway to endless

possibilities in career choices. Through the Career

Development & Services Center, the education that

sharpen Prasetiya Mulya students’ competence and

abilities to be change agents of business and management

is augmented. Empowerment of the students through

softskill enhancement and solid preparation to enter the

work market is constantly made available to each student

in the form of enrichment workshops and career talks.

That way students are well-informed on the real working

world, able to make right choices from the invaluable

insight into industry gained, know what is expected of

them and succeed as corporate assets.

Prasetiya Mulya Career Development and Services Center

partner with top companies in their activities to attract and

recruit invaluable talents through On Campus Recruitment,

Career Day, Preparation workshops and Career Talks.

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C A R E E R D E V E L O P M E N T & B U S I N E S S N E T W O R K I N G52

CArEEr DEvELOPMENTThe Prasetiya Mulya Career Development division organizes programs to equip students, especially the Regular MM students with the opportunity to develop their skills or competencies from the on-start of their study at the Prasetiya Mulya Business School.

career Development Programs include:Business English skills: report writing, negotiation,

presentation and interview skills.

Soft skills workshop: communications, creativity,

leadership, teamwork, conflict management and decision-


Sensitivity training (GroupDynamics): group activities to

improve self-awareness and self-development.

Career preparation workshop: writing resumes, cover

letters and mastering interview techniques.

Other activities: Golf classes, table manners and grooming


counseling Program/ individual consultation

The Career Development Division has a team of

psychologists providing consultations or counseling

services. Counseling services include psychological

counseling (self-awareness, goal setting, dealing

with personal issues), advice on career choices after

graduation as well as career development. These services

are available for current students as well as alumni.

career DayCareer Day, a full day event, aims to bring together

recruiters and graduating students and include

presentations from participating companies. Career Day

is conducted twice a year, about three months before


on-campus recruitmentIn addition to the Career day, several companies do

on-campus recruitment, which basically is a company

presentation to familiarize the company, its policies and

culture to students, followed by a recruitment process.

This is to ensure students make well-informed decisions on

career choices.

Distribution of resume compilation Book.The Career Development division actively distributes

a book with a compilation of the current resumes of

Prasetiya Mulya graduates to be selected by companies.

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Career Day where Regular MM Students meet directly withrecruiting companies.


AutomotiveBanking ConstructionConsultingCosmeticPharmaceuticalFinance Service

Manufacturing MediaOil and GasRetailTelecommunication & IT












2%2% 2%

raden ayu mislihah(Alumnus of Executive MM in Business Management 2010)Entrepreneur• Best in Class with distinction 2010

"Being at Prasetiya Mulya Business School (PMBS) was a life-changing experience. Not only did I feel challenged academically through lectures, assignments and the Business Plan project, but I have gained great friends from various backgrounds and working experiences and developed invaluable business knowledge and way of thinking through the many case studies and group assignments, which gave me a broad context that I could adapt to different issue areas today and in the future."










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C A R E E R D E V E L O P M E N T & B U S I N E S S N E T W O R K I N G54

ALuMNi rELATiONSOver the duration of the Prasetiya Mulya MM program, students not only enhance their business acumen and skills, but also widen their business network, by forging relationships with other students from different educational and work backgrounds.

Students joining Prasetiya Mulya and especially as alumni,

become part of a larger business network and have

access to life-long learning. More than 3,600 alumni

work in a wide range industries and companies, hold

various positions ranging from staff to CEOs as well as

company owners. Alumni can opt to further their business

knowledge and tap into current and new business trends

by taking a subject of their choice in the graduate program

or enrolling in an executive development program at

Prasetiya Mulya Business School. Alumni also have special

access to Prasetiya Mulya library services. In addition,

alumni are welcome to attend guest lectures, workshops

and seminars run by Prasetiya Mulya on various topics

ranging from functional management, business ethics,

corporate social responsibility, global competition to


Prasetiya Mulya News is a newsletter published by the

alumni relations division at Prasetiya Mulya. It acts as a

medium of communication for all Prasetiya Mulya MM and

undergraduate alumni where upated information about

current and future activities at the business school and

from the alumni association is reported.

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The Association of Prasetiya Mulya Alumni or Ikatan Alumni

Prasetiya Mulya (IKAPRAMA) regularly organizes activities,

such as seminars, panel discussions on management and

business issues networking dinners and tournaments.

IKAPRAMA also puts together social activities as part of its

contribution to society, such as blood donations, financial

help to orphanages, as well as free medication for the


Formal and informal networking activities are held regularly

through alumni dinners and meetings in a number of

cities and towns. Class or alumni reunions serve as a

useful means to maintain network and business contacts.

Workshops on topics such as self-development and

current industry or general business issues are also

created during these reunions. There are available email

and internet groups formed to facilitate sharing and

discussion amongst the alumni.

In addition, there is an association of golfers, mostly

Prasetiya Mulya alumni named Perkumpulan Golf

Prasetiya Mulya (PGPM) which also actively participate in

funding Prasetiya Mulya scholarships for high-performing

undergraduate students.

Alumni Networking Dinner

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C A R E E R D E V E L O P M E N T & B U S I N E S S N E T W O R K I N G56

COrPOrATE PArTNErSThe Prasetiya Mulya Business School is the trusted partner for many national and multinational companies in the area of human resource, academic cooperation, consultation, research and graduate recruitment. Management training programs have been conducted

in a number of companies, including Astra International

(Astra Middle Management Program), Indosat

(Managerial Competence II), the Kompas Gramedia

Group (Management Development program, Middle

Management Development program), Tirta Investama,

now Aqua Danone (Leadership Development program for

supervisors & managers), Pertamina (Leadership Training),

Telkom (Leadership Training), Palyja (Management

Development program for supervisors & Fast Track MDP

for managers), INTI (Leadership Training), Pos Indonesia

(Functional Skills course, Leadership Skills course),

Aerowisata (Management Development program: Level

A, B and C), Angkasa Pura I (Managerial Training: junior,

middle and senior level), Bank Central Asia (Achievement

Motivation training, Business Process Improvement), BNI

(Management Development training program I), Sinarmas

Forestry (Forestry Middle Management Development

program), Bank Syariah Mandiri (Middle Management

Development Program) and Triputra (Managers

Development Program).

Prasetiya Mulya is the trusted partner of International

Enterprise Singapore, an agency under the Ministry

of Trade and Industry Singapore entrusted to run an

International Business Fellowship (IBF) program to provide

a comprehensive introduction and overview of business

in Indonesia, encompassing economic, social, legal and

culture dimensions.

Since 1984, besides directly recruiting Prasetiya Mulya

MM graduates, many companies have also provided

scholarships enabling their best employees to enroll in

Prasetiya Mulya MM programs.

In addition, being involved in the students’ business plans

in their last year inspire many corporate leaders and

business players from those companies to regularly come

to campus to share their knowledge with the Prasetiya

Mulya students through CEO and guest lectures. Prasetiya

Mulya's extensive relationship with company partners

facilitate students to conduct surveys, research and

industrial visits directly on the field.

Page 58: Brochure Prasetiya Mulya Graduate School of Business


Adira FinanceAdira InsuranceAplikanusa LintasartaAjinomotoAnugrah Pharmindo LestariAqua DanoneArutmin IndonesiaAsahiman Subentra ChemicalAsuransi JiwasrayaBPPNBahana Artha VenturaBank DKIBanpu GroupBNIBursa Efek JakartaCaltex Pacific IndonesiaCharoen PokphanConoco PhillipsDaimler Chrysler Indonesia

Dos Ni RohaDow Chemical Pacific Foremost IndonesiaFreeport IndonesiaFriesche Vlag IndonesiaGaruda IndonesiaKelompok Kompas GramediaGroup ModernIndah KiatIndomobil NiagaJasa Angkasa SemestaJasa MargaKalbe FarmaKayaba IndonesiaKompasKonimex PharmaceuticalLippobankMaruwai CoalMedco

Microsoft IndonesiaNovartis BiochemieOtto MultiarthaPembangunan PerumahanPerum PerhutaniPerum PerumnasPerum PeruriPetrokimia GresikPfizer IndonesiaPGNPlaza Indonesia RealtyPLNPrudential Life AssuranceRatelindoRekayasa IndustriSchlumberger Schneider IndonesiaSiemens IndonesiaSinarmas Group

Summarecon AgungSurveyor IndonesiaTaspenTelkomselTesori MuliaThe Jakarta PostTificoTiga RaksaTrakindo UtamaTunggal GroupUnilever IndonesiaUnited TractorsUnocal IndonesiaYamaha Music Manufacturing AsiaYogya GroupYuasa Battery Indonesia



3M IndonesiaAC Nielsen IndonesiaAdira Dinamika Multi FinanceAgung Podomoro Group AndrewTani & CoAnugrah Argon MedicaAsco Dinamika MobilindoAstra Credit CompaniesAstra InternationalAsuransi Adira DinamikaAsuransi Astra BuanaBank DanamonBank HSBC IndonesiaBank MegaBank NiagaBank PermataBCABentoel GroupBerlian Laju Tanker Bhakti InvestamaBlue Bird Group

Bogasari Flour MillsBumi Serpong DamaiCharoen Pokhpand IndonesiaCiputra GroupCitigroupCommonwealth Bank Darya Varia LaboratoriaDatascripDjarumErnst & Young Excelcomindo PratamaFemina GroupFonterra Brands IndonesiaFrisian Flag IndonesiaGajah TunggalGE Consumer Finance IndonesiaGunung Sewu KencanaHeinz ABC IndonesiaHM. Sampoerna Hutchison CP Telecommunication Infomedia Nusantara

Jaya Real PropertyJohnson & Johnson IndonesiaKao Indonesia Kino GroupMatahari Graha FantasiMedco E&P IndonesiaMobile-8 TelecomMultipolar CorpNovartis Indonesia Nutrifood IndonesiaOrang Tua GroupOrix Indonesia FinancePharos IndonesiaPLNProcter & Gamble Prudential Life AssurancePZ. Cussons IndonesiaResearch InternationalSamudera IndonesiaSari HusadaSayap Mas Utama

Schneider IndonesiaTRAC Astra Rent a CarShell Indonesia Sinarmas GroupStandard Chartered BankSun Life Financial IndonesiaSynovateTelkomselTempo IntimediaTirta Investama (Danone Aqua)Toyota Astra MotorToyota Motor Manufacturing IndonesiaTrans 7Unilever IndonesiaValbury Asia Futures

“Pursuing and attaining my graduate degree from Prasetiya Mulya Business School is the best professional decision I have ever made. Prasetiya Mulya facilitated me with progress beyond my wildest dreams. Seven years ago, nobody especially myself, would have believed I would be a successful Marketing Manager achieving the “Young Marketer Award” and “Indonesian Young Woman Future Business Leader Award”. Now that I am, I’ve had to change all my goals because I have accomplished them all. If you are looking for an education to enhance your move into the next millennium, Prasetiya Mulya is the best option. It will “Unlock Your Potential”. It Really DOES.”

anita Feng(Alumnus of Regular MM Class of 2005)Marketing Manager Consumer, SMART Tbk• Top Five Young Marketer Champion, SWA Magazine (2009)• Indonesian Young Woman Future Business Leader Award, Runner Up Winner, SWA Magazine (2010)

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The talented people from various backgrounds and competencies

you meet at Prasetiya Mulya will provide you with a range of insights and opportunities,

and give you experiences you never expected.

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Prasetiya Mulya Business School provides three MM programs: Regular MM, Executive in Business Management MM and Executive in Strategic Management MM. Our admission process only select the best

students into our MM programs, those who will strive for the best in the Prasetiya Mulya's MM programs and be ready to compete in the real

business world, locally and globally.

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STUDENT ADMISSIONThe Prasetiya Mulya MM program, executed in trimesters

(1 trimester equals 4 months), runs two - three intakes a

year. Each program is preceded by a matriculation course,

which runs for between six to eight weeks before the first

trimester starts.

Prasetiya Mulya MM programs accept prospective

student applications all year round. The selection tests

are scheduled on fixed dates. The selection and student

admission process is conducted approximately four

to six months before the matriculation session starts.

Generally the selection process takes place between

October and December for the program beginning in

March the following year, between March and May for the

program beginning in July the same year, and between

July and September for the program beginning in October.

REGISTRATION PROCESSFree registration forms can be collected from Prasetiya

Mulya campus or sent by post upon request. Forms can

also be downloaded from the Prasetiya Mulya Business

School website at

Prospective students can register directly at the Prasetiya

Mulya campus premises by completing the registration

forms and supplying the required supporting documents,

or by visiting the Prasetiya Mulya Business School website

at After registering online, applicants will

receive a registration confirmation. Applicants are required

to send all supporting documents to the admission office

before application can be proccesed. The registration fee

can be deposited directly at the Prasetiya Mulya cashier

on campus premises, or transferred into Prasetiya Mulya’s

bank account. A copy of the registration fee payment

receipt should be attached with the other registration



Student Admission

Information Session


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P R O G R A M A D M I S S I O N62

Jan ay Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec


JULYINTAKE New Trimester

New Trimester

S2 MMProgram


To be admitted into the Prasetiya Mulya MM program,

applicants must meet a number of admission


Applicants must have completed an S1 or any other •

undergraduate degree from an accredited higher

education institution.

Work experience: The regular MM program does not •

require any work experience. The Executive Business

Management MM program requires at least two

years of work experience. The Executive Strategic

Management MM program requires at least five

years of work experience, two years of which are at

managerial level.

Applicants must fill out and complete the registration •

form, submit the required supporting documents and

the accompanying essay.

Applicants must complete and pass the Prasetiya •

Mulya MM scheduled written selection tests which

include an Academic Potential Test (TPA), an English

test, a Psychological test and a case analysis

(for the Executive Strategic Management MM

program). Successful candidates shall go through

the second selection phase which include an in-depth


SUPPORTING DOCUMENTSApplicants must provide:

Copies of their S1 Certificate and an accompanying •

transcript that has been certified by the issuing

faculty or university. The Directorate General of

Higher Education (DIKTI) must certify qualifications

obtained overseas as equivalent to an S1 certificate.

Information about this can be found at

Two recommendation letters, using the •

recommendation letter forms provided.

Recommendation letters should come from lecturers

for S1 graduates and, for those with work experience,

from their current or previous supervisors, or from

senior members of social, community or political


For businesspeople, their business partners can write •their recommendation letters.

For employees, a reference letter from the company •stating the current status of employment is required

to be submitted.

Copy of an ID card (KTP/Driver License/Passports).•5 passport-size color photos, 3x4.•An essay witten by the applicant on a required topic of •minimal 1000 words.

Prasetiya Mulya MM Programs are executed for two or three times a year. Registration for the program is open for the entire year. The admission for the program is conducted up to six months in advance before the program commences. Each program begins with matriculation, beginning in March, June, or October.

r MayFeb r MApr M

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For information about other programs available at

Prasetiya Mulya Business School, please contact our


E-mail : [email protected]

Phone : (021) 751-1126, 750-0463, 765-7257

Fax : (021) 751-1128

INFORMATION SESSION Prasetiya Mulya encourages prospective students to meet

and consult with the marketing and admission teams as

well as faculty members. Prospective students can get

in touch directly with alumni and current Prasetiya Mulya

students. Prasetiya Mulya hosts a number of formal

activities to provide more comprehensive information

and to explain programs to prospective students. These

activities are normally organized before a new program


For further information, prospective applicants should visit

our campus and attend the information session to find

out more about our programs. Applicants can visit the

Prasetiya Mulya campus every weekday from 8.00 a.m.

to 5 p.m. Please visit our website to

register for the information session.

SIT-INProspective applicants interested in experiencing the

uniqueness of our learning atmosphere are invited to join

a current MM program class as an observer, as part of

our sit-in program. Prospective applicants are welcome

to join our sit-in programs, providing the class is not full.

This sit-in program helps prospective applicants make the

right decision. Please contact our Marketing and Customer

Relations or email your details to [email protected] to

register for this service. This service is only available to

prospective applicants who have made prior appointments.

CAMPUS VISIT Our marketing and admission teams encourage prospective

students to visit Prasetiya Mulya during working hours,

and facilitate meetings with current students or faculty

members, for more comprehensive information about

Prasetiya Mulya MM programs, check out campus facilities

and activities.

REGISTRATION For information about registration, selection tests,

interviews and other stages of the selection process, please

contact our MM Program admission division.

E-mail : [email protected]

Phone : (021) 751-1126, 750-0463, 765-7257

Fax : (021) 750-0462


The Prasetiya Mulya MM program

commencement schedule is as follow:

MM Regular (every March and October)•MM Executive in Business Management •(every March, June and October)

MM Executive in Strategic Management •(every March and June)

Our Programs are trimester based system

(1 trimester equals 4 months)

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Prasetiya Mulya Business School - Cilandak Campus Location

Prasetiya Mulya Business School ia located strategically in West Cilandak, South Jakarta. Prasetiya Mulya Business School is easily accessible, as it is located next to the TB. Simatupang toll road (Jakarta Outer Ringroad), which connects Serpong – Pondok Indah - Senayan - Jakarta Inner Ringroad - Jagorawi toll and Cikampek toll. Public transport such as taxi and bus are easily accessible from the front of the campus. It takes only 1 hour from Soekarno – Hatta International Airport, 40 minutes from Halim Perdanakusumah Airport, 1.5 hours from Gambir train station, 30 minutes from Blok M bus terminal, 20 minutes from Kampung Rambutan bus terminal and 10 minutes from Lebak Bulus bus terminal to get to Prasetiya Mulya Business School.









Soekarno HattaCengkareng


Halim Perdana KusumaAirport

Train StationBus Station




To S




n Je


Pd. Indah Mosque

To B



To P




BSD City

Toll GateCiputat Raya

Toll GatePondok Pinang


Toll GatePondok Pinang


Lebak BulusBus Station

Lebak BulusStadiun

JORR (Jakarta

TB. Simatupang / R.A. Kartini)

Outer Ring Road -

Garda OtoInsurance


Toll GateFatmawati Barat Toll Gate

Fatmawati Timur




i Hos





Toll GateAmpera Barat

CilandakMarine / Navy


UNTARCampus 3

Toll GateAmpera Timur

To TMII/Kp. Rambutan

Pondok IndahHospital

Kristal Hotel



Lotte Mart




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