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#bmgen: The Story of aBestselling Mgmt Book

a tale of co-creation, social media and guerilla marketing

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some industry context

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number of books published exploding#

[Steven  Piersanti, President, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010]

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1,000,000new book titles were

published in the U.S. in ʼ10

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11,000new business books

appear every year

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book sales declining (despite publ. explosion) #

[Steven  Piersanti, President, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010]

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12%decline of sales in major

bookstore chains (ʻ07-ʼ09)

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average book sales are shockingly small #

[Steven  Piersanti, President, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010]

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250copies is the yearly sales of the

average U.S. non-fiction book

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A book has less than a 1% chance of being stocked in an average bookstore#

[Steven  Piersanti, President, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010]

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250,000business books are fighting

for shelf space

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?how would you create a bestselling management book in

this context?

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the traditional publishing model

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from a publisherʼs industry todayfrom an authorʼs


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?do you want to know how we did it?

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3 topicshow it all started

the global bestseller

results, learnings, +

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how it all started... 1

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I come from the land of Heidi…

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I have a PhD in the field of…

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as a book author I was a…

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a no-name

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but try searching…

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because of…

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my old


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because of…

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because of…

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that led to...

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where I talk about...

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how to design & find new business models

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we decided to write a …

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you can’t write about business model innovation without an innovative business model

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the global bestseller 2

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?what is it that you donʼt like about business or management books?

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we changed the format

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we listened to…

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management books are


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too fat

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too light

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too unpractical

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too text-heavy

Pellentesque sed quam in eros ultricies fringilla. Aliquam posuere massa tristique lacus porttitor rhoncus. Cras nec felis sit amet magna suscipit consequat. Nulla id tincidunt neque. Donec at nisl vel nisl varius dapibus et quis leo. Sed malesuada semper mauris vel aliquet. Nullam condimentum sollicitudin risus, eu porttitor arcu pulvinar id. Vestibulum vel augue nibh. Praesent sit amet tellus placerat velit dictum accumsan at eu arcu. In semper, quam eu dignissim imperdiet, quam ante fringilla nisl, cursus porttitor ligula diam eget nibh. Maecenas eget libero est. Duis pharetra justo eget diam accumsan at cursus nisl accumsan. Cras placerat purus eu sapien convallis ac ultrices augue suscipit. Praesent eros metus, pellentesque et accumsan sed, accumsan id mi. Sed nec nisl ipsum. Vivamus imperdiet, leo eget commodo dapibus, nunc tellus vestibulum metus, vel venenatis neque mi vitae tortor. Aenean dui neque, vehicula id dictum eget, interdum ut enim. In euismod consectetur ultrices. In nulla nulla, porttitor id iaculis ac, porttitor eu diam. Morbi pellentesque ultricies lacinia. Duis sit amet ipsum risus, eu pulvinar diam. Vestibulum lacinia, elit et dictum sagittis, mauris tortor viverra augue, a vehicula libero sapien nec arcu. Vestibulum bibendum dictum tellus at vulputate. Ut ut volutpat odio. Integer sit amet neque non nisi tincidunt consectetur. Praesent hendrerit tristique porttitor. Nullam in ligula eget risus sodales dictum. Quisque sed nibh at ante volutpat venenatis in sit amet enim. Phasellus in mauris non purus gravida mattis nec ut augue. Etiam eget nisl id quam volutpat facilisis nec quis arcu. Maecenas pharetra tristique urna, quis convallis odio dictum vel. Aliquam mi tortor, adipiscing non interdum eget, commodo et felis. Pellentesque aliquam, ante vitae venenatis cursus, tortor neque ultricies tellus, aliquam adipiscing dolor ipsum eget mi. Donec eu mauris sed nibh egestas vulputate quis sed neque. Nunc hendrerit tempor nulla mattis sollicitudin. Donec pulvinar est id lorem cursus elementum. Nunc condimentum dapibus libero a porttitor. Nulla id turpis metus. Morbi nisi lacus, luctus sed ultrices pulvinar, fermentum eget diam. Aenean ante quam, mattis at commodo id, volutpat sagittis magna. Ut pharetra fringilla tristique. Donec feugiat, nisl ut sagittis facilisis, tortor justo pharetra magna, sit amet euismod nulla justo et enim. Sed at elit id nibh feugiat viverra. Mauris mollis sapien id augue facilisis viverra. Curabitur eleifend posuere eros, quis feugiat mauris viverra consequat. Proin ut arcu vel nibh suscipit placerat nec non neque. Maecenas lectus velit, egestas at molestie a, aliquam nec nulla. In in lectus vel nisl porttitor eleifend et non mauris. Pellentesque imperdiet, felis eu laoreet feugiat, urna purus vulputate leo, a cursus nulla massa ac turpis. Fusce eu mauris in nibh dignissim porta sit amet vitae nulla. Cras venenatis odio at enim iaculis aliquam. In rutrum ornare quam, nec ultrices justo euismod vel. Donec in ligula lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi feugiat elit a turpis ullamcorper scelerisque. Etiam ut tincidunt leo. Vestibulum quis ullamcorper mauris Integer venenatis tellus a augue venenatis lobortis. Donec rhoncus nisi fringilla erat tempus pulvinar. Nullam eu erat lacus, ut sollicitudin massa. Nullam nulla nisl, posuere id auctor ac, bibendum ac nisl. Vestibulum consequat ultricies risus, eu tincidunt enim feugiat interdum. Etiam cursus adipiscing libero, eu commodo metus imperdiet et. Aliquam bibendum posuere mauris sit amet egestas. Aliquam mattis mi nec sapien condimentum et luctus ligula ornare. Donec eu lorem nisi. Maecenas ut mauris diam. Vestibulum vel velit eu justo malesuada pellentesque. Donec enim orci, congue at sollicitudin eget, imperdiet in magna. Quisque sed velit justo. Aenean pulvinar erat id massa laoreet vitae sagittis lectus aliquam. Maecenas tristique nunc eget sem tempus fringilla. Sed vel purus a mauris semper interdum. Pellentesque sed quam in eros ultricies fringilla. Aliquam posuere massa tristique lacus porttitor rhoncus. Cras nec felis sit amet magna suscipit consequat. Nulla id tincidunt neque. Donec at nisl vel nisl varius dapibus et quis leo. Sed malesuada semper mauris vel aliquet. Nullam condimentum sollicitudin risus, eu porttitor arcu pulvinar id. Vestibulum vel augue nibh. Praesent sit amet tellus placerat velit dictum accumsan at eu arcu. In semper, quam eu dignissim imperdiet, quam ante fringilla nisl, cursus porttitor ligula diam eget nibh. Maecenas eget libero est. Duis pharetra justo eget diam accumsan at cursus nisl accumsan. Cras placerat purus eu sapien convallis ac ultrices augue suscipit. Praesent eros metus, pellentesque et accumsan sed, accumsan id mi. Sed nec nisl ipsum. Vivamus imperdiet, leo eget commodo dapibus, nunc tellus vestibulum metus, vel venenatis neque mi vitae tortor. Aenean dui neque, vehicula id dictum eget, interdum ut enim. In euismod consectetur ultrices. In nulla nulla, porttitor id iaculis ac, porttitor eu diam. Morbi pellentesque ultricies lacinia. Duis sit amet ipsum risus, eu pulvinar diam. Vestibulum lacinia, elit et dictum sagittis, mauris tortor viverra augue, a vehicula libero sapien nec arcu. Vestibulum bibendum dictum tellus at vulputate. Ut ut volutpat odio. Integer sit amet neque non nisi tincidunt consectetur. Praesent hendrerit tristique porttitor. Nullam in ligula eget risus sodales dictum. Quisque sed nibh at ante volutpat venenatis in sit amet enim. Phasellus in mauris non purus gravida mattis nec ut augue. Etiam eget nisl id quam volutpat facilisis nec quis arcu. Maecenas pharetra tristique urna, quis convallis odio dictum vel. Aliquam mi tortor, adipiscing non interdum eget, commodo et felis. Pellentesque aliquam, ante vitae venenatis cursus, tortor neque ultricies tellus, aliquam adipiscing dolor ipsum eget mi. Donec e mauris sed nibh egestas vulputate quis sed neque. Nunc hendrerit tempor nulla mattis sollicitudin. Donec pulvinar est id lorem cursus elementum. Nunc condimentum dapibus libero a porttitor. Nulla id turpis metus. Morbi nisi lacus, luctus sed ultrices pulvinar, fermentum eget diam. Aenean ante quam, mattis at commodo id, volutpat sagittis magna. Ut pharetra fringilla tristique. Donec feugiat, nisl ut sagittis facilisis, tortor justo pharetra magna, sit amet euismod nulla justo et enim. Sed at elit id nibh feugiat viverra. Mauris mollis sapien id augue facilisis viverra. Curabitur eleifend posuere eros, quis feugiat mauris viverra consequat. Proin ut arcu vel nibh suscipit placerat nec non neque. Maecenas lectus velit, egestas at molestie a, aliquam nec nulla. In in lectus vel nisl porttitor eleifend et non mauris. Pellentesque imperdiet, felis eu laoreet feugiat, urna purus vulputate leo, a cursus nulla massa ac turpis. Fusce eu mauris in nibh dignissim porta sit amet vitae nulla. Cras venenatis odio at enim iaculis aliquam. In rutrum ornare quam, nec ultrices justo euismod vel. Donec in ligula lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi feugiat elit a turpis ullamcorper scelerisque. Etiam ut tincidunt leo. Vestibulum quis ullamcorper mauris Integer venenatis tellus a augue venenatis lobortis. Donec rhoncus nisi fringilla erat tempus pulvinar. Nullam eu erat lacus, ut sollicitudin massa. Nullam nulla nisl, posuere id auctor ac, bibendum ac nisl. Vestibulum consequat ultricies risus, eu tincidunt enim feugiat interdum. Etiam cursus adipiscing libero, eu commodo metus imperdiet et. Aliquam bibendum posuere mauris sit amet egestas. Aliquam mattis mi nec sapien condimentum et luctus ligula ornare. Donec eu lorem nisi. Maecenas ut mauris diam. Vestibulum vel velit eu justo malesuada pellentesque. Donec enim orci, congue at sollicitudin eget, imperdiet in magna. Quisque sed velit justo. Aenean pulvinar erat id massa laoreet vitae sagittis lectus aliquam. Maecenas tristique nunc eget sem tempus fringilla. Sed vel purus a mauris semper interdum. nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi feugiat elit a turpis ullamcorper scelerisque. Etiam ut tincidunt leo. Vestibulum quis ullamcorper mauris Integer venenatis tellus a augue venenatis lobortis. Donec rhoncus nisi fringilla erat tempus pulvinar. Nullam eu erat lacus, ut sollicitudin massa. Nullam nulla nisl, posuere id auctor ac, bibendum ac nisl. Vestibulum consequat ultricies risus, eu tincidunt enim feugiat interdum. Etiam cursus adipiscing libero, eu commodo metus imperdiet et. Aliquam bibendum posuere mauris sit amet egestas. Aliquam mattis mi nec sapien condimentum et luctus ligula ornare. Donec eu lorem nisi. Maecenas ut mauris diam. Vestibulum vel velit eu justo malesuada pellentesque. Donec enim orci, congue at sollicitudin eget, imperdiet in magna. Quisque sed velit justo. Aenean pulvinar erat idyzy b

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so we looked outside…

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made it more appealing…

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we decided todesigned the

book …

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what about the business model?

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old style

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old style

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old style

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old style

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old style

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let’s forget publishers and break the rules

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get people to pay to help us write our book

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?how do you get people to pay to help you write a book?

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we already had…

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new style

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we built a Hub…

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new style

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new style

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new style

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why did people pay for the


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be the first

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be part of something


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learn from each other

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what about production & distribution?

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content, design & coordination?

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print & distribution?

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fulfillment by Amazon

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results, learnings, outlook 3

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120ʼ000 #bmgen copies in print (Feb ʼ11)#

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top 10 softcover business books year-to-date (after 9 months on the shelves)#

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17 #bmgen translations planned for 2011#

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Business Model Canvas used around the world#

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co-creation and transparency = increased vulnerability#

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you canʼt control it so you need to govern it#

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co-creation and open innovation is often more work#

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distribution is a commodity / attention is the new scarcity#

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most co-creators will be fairly passive most of the time#

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150.- USD

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Twitter: business_design
