Page 1: Bioenergy in Austria · 2018-01-22 · Successfull forestry based bioeconomy Annual growth of forest biomass 30 mio. m 3 Annual harvest 1971-1980 approx. 14,5 mio. m3/a 2007-2009

Bioenergy in Austria

Manfred Wörgetter, Bioenergy 2020+ GmbH.

[email protected]

Theo Zillner, Austrian Ministry for

Transport, Innovation and Technology

[email protected]

Page 2: Bioenergy in Austria · 2018-01-22 · Successfull forestry based bioeconomy Annual growth of forest biomass 30 mio. m 3 Annual harvest 1971-1980 approx. 14,5 mio. m3/a 2007-2009

■ Introducing myself: since 1975 bioenergy RD&D

■ bioheat & biofuel,

■ resources & sustainability,

■ government consultancy.

■ Thanks to Theo Zillner from the Austrian Ministry for

Traffic, Innovation and Technology for his support

■ What I will talk about:

■ Comparing Austria and “Down Under”

■ Bioenergy success stories in Austria

■ R&D in bioenergy2020+

■ Austrian´s technology provider

Brisbane, 14 Nov. 2016 Slide 2


My credo: Bioenergy = RE Number ONE worldwide on the

way to a biobased economy

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Comparing Austria and „Down under“

Austria Australia New Zealand

Area 1000 km2 82.5 7682 263

Inhabitant mio. 8.7 24 4.7

Population density c/km2 101 2.8 17.2

GDP/c 1000 US $ 48.1 47.3 36.3

Rural population % 34 11 14

Forest area % 46.9 16.2 38.6

Arable land % 16.4 6.0 2.1

Arable land ha/c 0.16 2.0 0.12 ,,,

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It can be cold in winter at home!

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Total primary energy supply 2014

New Zealand

Australia: # 1 fossil fuel consumption

NZ: leader in RE, closely followed by Austria

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Renewable Energy – absolut and percents

RE volumes [PJ]

Austria: # 1, closely followed by Australia and NZ

NZ: geothermal and hydropower dominates

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Bioenergy, total primary energy supply from

RE volumes [PJ]: solid biofuels dominate

Austria: # 1 in bioenergy, closely followed by Australia

NZ: Mainly solid biofuels

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Total primary energy supply per capita in 2014



New Zealand

Austria: lowest energy

consumption, highest bioenergy


Australia: highest energy

consumption, lowest bioenergy


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Comparing energy: IEA Bioenergy Global Bioenergy Data Set

Prepared from IEA statistical data,

information from IRENA, and IEA

Bioenergy, combined with data provided by

the IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee


Session 7 “Bioenergy Policies”,

Dina Bacovsky, bioenergy2020+

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Bioenergy success stories in Austria

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Success factors

■ Oil price shock 1973

■ R&D in bioheat and transport

biofuels & successful market


■ Tradition in “bioheat”, top class

innovations, competitiveness

■ Policy framework

■ Early “oilseeds for food, feed and

fuel programme”

■ The attitude of the Austrians

■ Strong lobbying, eg the Austrian

Biomass Association

Brisbane, 14 Nov. 2016 Slide 13

Austria: successfull bioenergy development after the energy crisis in 1973

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Successfull forestry based bioeconomy

■ Annual growth of forest biomass 30 mio. m3

■ Annual harvest

■ 1971-1980 approx. 14,5 mio. m3/a

■ 2007-2009 approx. 26 mio. m3/a

■ In 2011 the same volume like the one harvested in

Austria´s forests was used for energy (half of it in the

value chains, 18 % of it in the wood processing industry)

■ Success factors:

■ Framework conditions

■ Cooperation and competitiveness

■ State of the Technology

Slide 14

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Biomass fuel and boilers market Austria

Ort, Datum Folie 15


… and a huge European market!

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District heating plants

2108 Biomass district heating plants

1.860 MW thermal power

4.650 GWh heat produced

129 Biomasse CHP plants

318 MW Power

1.980 GWh electricity/a, 4.520 GWh heat




>0,1 -



- 4


- 5

>5 –

10 >10

Number 25 30 38 28 6 2

Quelle: Biomasse-Landkarte ÖBMV

Read more:

Curtsey to Christoph Pfemeter,


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Energy Research

Strategy 2010: ■ Consistent, energy-

related R&D portfolio

from basic research

toward market


Forward looking

■ Dialog process “Energy

Future 2050” – just finished

■ Smart technology, systems

and innovations

■ Socio-economic aspects of a

climate-friendly energy future

■ Dialogue for a technology

policy as basis of a sound

energy strategy


Success factor R&D: based on strong strategies

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R&D in bioenergy2020+

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Slide 20

■ Competence centre mainly financed in the COMET II program

■ Ownership: public + industry Partners, turnover: ~ 8 mio €/a

■ ~85 employees on 3 locations a 2 research sites

■ More than a decade experience in bioenergy with the vision to

become a world leader in bioenergy R&D and a member of the

biobased economy community, R&D backbone of our industry

■ National and international R&D network node aimed at

contributing to national and EU RE targets and to the

formation of a biobased economy by technology transfer

along the value chain

bioenergy2020+ # ONE in Bioenergy R&D in Austria


(Head office)





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1 – Combustion

■ Advanced fuel


■ Biomass for residential

heating, medium & large scale

CHP, and other applications

■ Micro- und small-scale CHP


Slide 21

Working in 4 areas

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3 – Bioconversion

■ … to gaseous

and liquid biofuels

■ Pre-treatment technologies

■ Nutrient recovery

■ H2 production&utilisation,

biogas up-grading

■ Cascadic use of biomass

■ Innovative biomass

4 – Cross cuttings

■ Sustainable supply and

value chains

■ Model based control for

conversion technologies,

■ Software development,

adaptive CFD

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Some Highligts

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Advanced testing methods for

biomass stoves to reflect real life


■ Development of a standardized

evaluation tool for quality assurance

■ Proof of reliability and

reproducibility of the methods

through a Europe-wide Round Robin


■ Development of a quality label for

the best performing stoves under real-

life conditions

Small scale biomass fired

boilers, full load operation

Efficiency and emissions

improvements since 1980

Slide 24

EU project “BeReal”

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Bioenergy2020+´s approach since 2007:

■ Cause studies and basic research,

■ Elaboration of technical solutions including training

materials for professionals

■ Cooperation with standardization organizations, agencies,

professionals in the pellet supply chain*

■ E.g. ISO TC 238 WG 7 – 5 Suggestions for new standards

■ Ongoing work on characterisation of pellet store emissions

Preventing (deadly) accidents in pellet stores



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„StirBio“ Stirling engine, biomass fired

Brisbane, 14 Nov. 2016 Slide 26

Technical data:

• 35 kW pellet boiler, preheated air, adiabatic combustion, air staged

• 15 kW heat exchanger at 1150OC gas temperature

• 5 kW 600 cm3 Frauscher Thermal Motor

700OC process gas temperature


• Electric efficiency up to 15%

• Successful operation (200 h)

• Heat exchanger can be cleaned automatically

Interested? Contact me directly

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Wood briquette “Candle


1.8-4 kW heat output,

automatically operated,

4-8 h burning time, low


Invented by Josef Lumper

& Jens-Michael Kirchhof

Tradition meets High-tech: tiled

stove plus heat pump

Dissipation of tiled stove heat to

house heating system

Variable operation of heat pump

(outdoor air or heat from stove

Maximising energy efficiency

Inventor: Lazlo Golicza

Innovative products and patents

Interested in licences? Contact me directly

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Syngas platform Güssing

Ort, Datum Folie 28

8 MW gasifier.

80 000 h




Pilot plants, eg

1 barrel/day FT

synthesis plant

• Gas treatment


• Scaling up of a

slurry reactor

• Long term tests with

synthesis gas

• Upgrading of the

raw FT products

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Sustainable Supply and Value Chains

Supply Chains

■ Availability of Biomass

■ Assessment of the potential

■ Development of logistics and supply chain concepts

■ Biomass pre-treatment & upgrading technologies:

Mechanical: Sorting, pelletizing; Thermal: Drying,

torrefying, pyrolysis; Testing and optimization

Value Chains

■ Sustainability assessment of whole value chains

■ Technical and economic assessment of value chains

(e.g. for algae, innovative biofuels, eg from torrefied

biomass, biowaste for biogas and compost, demolition


Slide 29

Pyrolysis reactor

Mobile biomass fired

hot air furnace for

drying and heating

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■ Ash:

– particle and deposit formation,

– corrosion,

– deposit layer on heat transfer

■ Gas phase combustion:

– turbulent reactive flows,

– gas phase emissions,

– streaks from the fuel bed

■ Packed bed conversion:

– conversion of particles,

– heat and mass transfer,

– granular flow

Slide 30

CFD Simulation of biomass thermal conversion; “virtual boiler”

■ Fine particle formation and deposition

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Model-based predictive control for central heating system

■ Baseline: log wood boiler, cutting edge technology, state

of the art installation

■ Improvement potential through predictive control

■ Overall annual efficiency: from 75 to 80-85 %

■ CO reduction: minus 40-50 % (from 345 down to 170-200 mg/MJ)

■ Particle emission : minus 15-30 % (from 14 down to 10-12 mg/MJ)

Model based predictive control

can be used for solid, liquid and

gaseous fuels, solar systems

and district heat

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■ Market surveys

■ Price and market models

■ Support of initiatives, trainings

■ Roadmaps and Strategies

■ IEA Bioenergy: Task 32, 33, 37, 39; Executive Committee

■ IEA AMF Secretariat

■ National:

■ “Biobased Future”

■ Network Biofuels

■ Algae R&D network

■ …

Slide 32

Market Surveys, Networking and Information Dissemination

Session 6: „ Advanced Biofuels Technologies“,

Dina Bacovsky, bioenergy2020+

Session 7: “Bioenergy Policies”, Dina Bacovsky,


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■ Cooperative R&D projects, contract research

■ Strategic and technological consultancies

■ Studies and expertise

– Assistance in decision processes (commercial,

political, …)

■ Technological monitoring

■ Target group specific training

■ Fuel: evaluation, function tests, analysis

Brisbane, 14 Nov. 2016 Slide 33

What can bioenergy2020+ do for you

Interested? Contact

[email protected],

[email protected]

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Ort, Datum Folie 34

Many thanks to the bioenergy 2020+ team!!!

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Brisbane, 14 Nov. 2016

, Slide 35

Austrian´s technology provider

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Bioheat – a very long list of manufacturers


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ANDRITZ: 2nd gen EtOH and Buthanol Production

Slide 37

Andritz: World class technology partner for pulp,

paper, tissue, board, biopower and advanced biofuels

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BDI – Biodiesel International

Integrated waste-to-biofuels

concept - turnkey solutions


BDIs integrated BioCrack pilot

plant at the OMV refinery

Project : April 2010 - 2013

Feed : 100 kg biomass + 250

kg heavy oil

Atmospheric pressure, up to


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20 MW synthesis gas plant in Gothenburg;

Slide 39

The Austrian company Repotec is

responsible for the technical design

of the gasification equipment with

Metso Power.

The gasification portion is an up-

scaling of the plant built by Repotec

in Güssing, Austria.

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VOGELBUSCH- experienced in 2nd gen ethanol: comple-menting client´s 2ndg process with proven EtOH technology

■ Process design for pilot and demo plants

■ Assist in developing fermentation and separation strategies

■ Equipment supply for separation, distillation and dehydration

■ Showcase projects:

■ IOGEN, Canada: 6 m3/d ethanol from straw

■ INBICON, DK: 53 m3/d bioethanol from wheat straw

■ INEOS BIO, USA: 90 m3 ethanol from green biomass

■ MITSUI, Malaysia: 1m3/d alcohol from fruit bunches

■ ABENGOA, USA: 270m3/d ethanol from corn cobs

■ ….

■ Strong in advanced distillation

Slide 40




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3 ecoduna hanging gardens algae production sites in operation:

1. ecoduna-plant in Bruck/Leitha, Austria

2. Vattenfall Corp. in Senftenberg, Germany

3. Kalundborg Symbiosis Cluster, Denmark:

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Brisbane, 14 Nov. 2016 Slide 42

The way forward

Toward a zero

carbon society?

Aimed at sustainability, security of

supply, competitiveness and affordability

R,D&D is a must

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Ort, Datum Folie 43

Thanks for listening

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I want to express my

heartfelt sympathy to

the suffering people in

New Zealand
