Page 1: BHASVIC - A Level · Web viewPhysical activity Participation in physical activity Candidates should be able to demonstrate

BHASVIC 2013-14






Page 2: BHASVIC - A Level · Web viewPhysical activity Participation in physical activity Candidates should be able to demonstrate

Section CSocio-Cultural Studies relating to participation in physical activityThis section focuses on physical activity as an intrinsically valuable and necessary experience in contemporary society. Candidates will develop their knowledge and understanding of the role of physical activity and its impact on young people developing a balanced, active and healthy lifestyle.A knowledge and understanding of the socio-cultural factors that have an impact on regular participation and the achievement of excellence in physical activity will enable candidates to appreciate the opportunities and pathways available for involvement in physical activity.The application of the knowledge gained will enable candidates to evaluate critically the socio-cultural factors that relate to lifelong participation in physical activity as part of a balanced, active and healthy lifestyle.

Physical activity Participation in physical activity

Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

• Physical activity as an umbrella term (which might include physical and outdoor recreation, physical and outdoor education and/or sport);• the meaning of the terms: exercise; healthy/balanced lifestyles; lifetime sport/life-long

physical activity; •the benefits of regular participation in physical activity;

•factors contributing to increasingly sedentary lifestyles;•recommendations in terms of frequency, intensity and type of physical activity so as to develop, and sustain, a balanced, active and healthy lifestyle;• possible barriers to regular participation in physical activity by young people.

Physical recreation outdoor recreation

Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

•physical recreation (definitions; characteristics; benefits);• Outdoor recreation as an aspect of physical recreation in the natural environment (characteristics; benefits).

Physical education outdoor education

Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

•Physical Education (definitions; characteristics; benefits);


Page 3: BHASVIC - A Level · Web viewPhysical activity Participation in physical activity Candidates should be able to demonstrate

• Outdoor education as part of Physical Education in the natural (or semi-natural) environment (definitions; characteristics; benefits; adventure; risk (real vs. perceived) and safety; constraints on widespread regular participation by young people).

Sport .

Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

•sport (definitions; characteristics; benefits);• The terms: physical prowess, physical endeavour, sportsmanship, gamesmanship, deviance.Sport and culture – sport and physical activity as a reflection of the culture in which it exists

The United Kingdom (UK)

Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

• surviving ethnic sports and games in the UK (e.g. Highland Games);describe the characteristics of surviving ethnic sports and reasons for continued existence and popularity (including festival; local; traditional; isolation; social; tourism; annual/occasional; retention of ethnic identity);•explain the role of 19th-century public schools in promoting and organising sports and games;• explain the relatively recent move from the traditional amateur approach to a more professional approach (with reference to mass participation; sporting excellence; organisation and administration; government support) in sport.

The United States of America (USA)

Candidates should be able to:

•describe characteristics of the USA (young, capitalist nation; relatively large population);•explain the nature of sport in the USA (win ethic; commercialism; vehicle for achieving ‘the American Dream’);• analyse the game of American football (origins, nature of game including violence, commercialism).

Australia (AUS)

Candidates should be able to:


Page 4: BHASVIC - A Level · Web viewPhysical activity Participation in physical activity Candidates should be able to demonstrate

•describe characteristics of Australia (young nation; sparsely populated; colonial influence and immigration);•explain the nature of sport in Australia (social and cultural reasons for sport being a high status national pre-occupation);• analyse the game of Australian rules football (origins; factors that shaped its development, including commercialism and impact of media). Contemporary sporting issues that have an impact upon young people’s aspirations and their regular participation in physical activity in the UKFunding of physical activity .

Candidates should be able to:

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of public funding; private funding; voluntary funding (including the National Lottery).

Bodies influencing and promoting participation in physical activity as part of a balanced, active and healthy lifestyle; the promotion of health, fitness and wellbeing and/or sporting excellence:

Candidates should be able to:

•demonstrate knowledge and understanding of UK Sport;•demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the United Kingdom Sports Institute (UKSI) and devolved National Institutes of Sport;•demonstrate knowledge and understanding of home country organisations (Sport England, Sports Council Northern Ireland, sport Scotland, Sports Council for Wales);•demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current government and national governing body initiatives;• evaluate critically initiatives that have an impact on young people’s aspirations and their regular participation in physical activity in the UK.

Excellence and participation in the UK


Candidates should be able to:

•explain sports development (the sports development pyramid; continuum from mass participation to sporting excellence);•explain opportunity, provision and esteem (with reference to both participation in physical activity and the achievement of sporting excellence);•evaluate critically social and cultural factors that affect participation in physical activity and the achievement of sporting excellence by young people, the elderly, people with disabilities, women and ethnic minority groups;• describe possible measures to increase participation in physical activity and achievement of sporting excellence.

Performance enhancing products .

Candidates should be able to:


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•explain the reasons for the use of drugs in sport;•describe the consequences of the use of drugs in sport (with particular reference to health, wellbeing and role modelling for young people);•describe possible solutions to the problem of the use of drugs in sport;• explain the impact on performance(s) in sport of modern technological products (with reference to particular products and activities).

Sport, sponsorship and the media .

Candidates should be able to:

•explain the roles of the media (informing; educating; entertaining; advertising);•evaluate critically the impact of the media on sport (with particular reference to its role in promoting balanced, active and healthy lifestyles and lifelong involvement in physical activity);• explain the relationship between sport, sponsorship and the media (‘golden triangle’).

Violence in sport .

Candidates should be able to:

•demonstrate knowledge and understanding of violence in sport (players and spectators);• describe possible causes and solutions.

The Olympic Games .

Candidates should be able to:

•demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the background (vision of de Coubertin); principles; aims and philosophy of the modern Olympic movement; summer and winter format; International Olympic Committee (IOC) and British Olympic Association (BOA);•explain the commercialisation of the Olympics: pre- and post-1984 (Los Angeles);•describe the opportunities and implications for sport and society in the UK arising from 2012; (impact of being a host nation on sport and society; benefits and drawbacks including potential for increasing participation and promoting healthy lifestyles particularly among young people);• explain how the Olympic Games is a vehicle for nation building, eg. China; the ‘Shop Window’ effect; government control and funding of sport; sport as a political tool.


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Socio-cultural Studies relating to participation in physical

activity. Once you have completed the booklet ensure you have notes and you have learned the sections below. This is the minimum requirement for the exam.

Learning objectives

At the end of this booklet you should be able to:



Understand physical activity as an umbrella term (which might include physical and outdoor recreation, physical and outdoor education and/or sport)

the meaning of the terms: exercise; healthy/balanced lifestyles; lifetime sport/life-long physical activity

the benefits of regular participation in physical activity;

and factors contributing to increasingly sedentary lifestyles

recommendations in terms of frequency, intensity and type of physical activity so as to develop, and sustain, a balanced, active and


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healthy lifestylepossible barriers to regular participation in physical activity by young people Physical recreation (definitions; characteristics; benefits) outdoor recreation as an aspect of physical recreation in the natural environment (characteristics; benefits). Physical Education (definitions; characteristics; benefits);

Physical activity is widely accepted as being beneficial to health. However, only 37% of men and 25% of women in the UK take part to the recommended level of physical activity. Let’s start by sorting out some of the meaning to the terms related to physical activity.

Task 1 Understand Physical activity

Think of as many different examples of physical activity as you can.







In pairs try and think of as many types of physical activity.



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Now we have looked at some examples what do we think would be a definition of physical activity?



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Benefits of Physical activity


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Now investigate and define these related topics:




Examples1. ______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________

Healthy Balanced lifestyle_______________________________



Use the boxes to list the components of a healthy balanced lifestyle.


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Lifelong Physical activity.

Now investigate and define these related topics:

Lifelong Physical activity______________________________________



____________________________________________________________ Examples

1. _____________________2. ____________________3. _____________________

Lifetime sports______________________________________________




Examples1. ___________________2.3. ___________________

4. ___________________


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Exam Question (4 marks)

Explain the characteristics of lifelong physical activity and lifetime sports


Peer marking notes:What’s good?

Suggest improvements?


Examiner’s Tip – when reading a question BEFORE you write your answer, you must firstly IDENTIFY the COMMAND VERB

(what they’re asking you to do – in this case critically evaluate), the SUBJECT (looking at what / topic – look at bones here) and

Page 13: BHASVIC - A Level · Web viewPhysical activity Participation in physical activity Candidates should be able to demonstrate

Physical Recreation

Who is taking part in recreation? Can you explain what characteristics tell you that?

Use page 217 and 218 Define Physical recreation : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Identify the characteristics of Physical recreation:_______________________________________________________________






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Note: Physical recreation encompasses lifetime sports as recreations can be badminton, or golf. It’s the nature that changes it from sport to recreation.

Choose five benefits of taking part in physical recreation from the list of words below. ____________________________________________





Enjoyment, risky, physical benefits, stressful, mental benefits, money, meet people, fame, relaxation, put on weight, solitude.

Exam Question (4 marks)

Explain the characteristics and benefits of physical recreation.



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Peer marking notes:What’s good?

Suggest improvements?


Examiner’s Tip – when reading a question BEFORE you write your answer, you must firstly IDENTIFY the COMMAND VERB (what they’re

asking you to do – in this case critically evaluate), the SUBJECT (looking at what / topic

– look at bones here) and the SUBJECT QUALIFIER (specifically what you MUST include

– answer boundaries).

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Outdoor recreation

Circle the activities that are taking part as part of outdoor recreation.

What is the difference between outdoor recreation and physical recreation?



Characteristics: _________________________________________________________



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Identify the main benefits of outdoor recreation:__________________________________________________________________














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SPORTSDefinition: Sport is, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List as many examples of sport as you can?_____________ __________________ ______________ __________________________ __________________ ______________ __________________________ __________________ ______________ _____________

Characteristics of Sport


Take a look at the pictures on the next page and decide if they are taking part in sport or not?

In analysing these activities in might help to consider the following.

Tradition, do we call this a sport in this country?Vigorous activity, does it involve real excretion?Competition, is there an element of competition?


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The more often the activity fits into the sports criteria the more likely it is classified as a sport and not anything else.

There are certain terms that are associated with sport that you need to know and understand.

Physical prowess________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Physical endeavour______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Example____________________________



Sportsmanship vs. Gamesmanship


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In groups discuss the possible effects of sportsmanship and gamesmanship.Outline the main arguments for and against using specific examples. Conclude with answering if gamesmanship is cheating?




Simon says “Gamesmanship is part of the game so we might as well get as good at it as we can”

Simon says “sportsmanship is an out of date ideal that no one lives by anymore so let’s not worry about ‘shaking hands’”.

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Physical Education

What is physical education?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the benefits of Physical education?



Characteristics of Physical education

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Physical Education

What is the difference between sports and physical education? Is there an advantage to competitive sports? Discuss in group the advantage of a balanced curriculum. Identify if your schools P.E programme was balanced.

Make notes on these four points.

Physical Education

Debate- should we teach Physical education or Sports?


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Outdoor Education

What is a definition of outdoor education? ___________________________________________________________


Who takes part in outdoor education? __________________________________________


When do people take part in outdoor education? __________________________________________


Where can people take part in outdoor education? Be specific. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

What are the potential benefits of taking part in outdoor education?Draw on your own experiences.

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


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Perceived risk vs. Real risk in outdoor education

Look at the activities below and put them in order of risk. Put them in number order with 1 being the most risky.


Perceived Risk In your own words write down what perceived risk and real risk are.





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You are a P.E teacher and you have been asked to take the students away on an adventure weekend.

Below list the things you need to do to make the activity happen.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________










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Some of the most spectacular reefs in the UK are found in Lyme Bay, just off the Devon Coast but the deaths

of four schoolchildren in the Lyme Bay canoeing tragedy in March 1993 will be remembered for a very long

time by many people, not only family and friends, since their outcome changed the outdoor activity

community and served as the first precedent in the British jurisprudence for corporate manslaughter.

The canoeing tragedy itself was the result of a series of errors and circumstances, which the Devon County

Council report states “quite simply, should not have happened.” This report goes on to say that “the

immediate cause of the tragedy was, however, the lamentable failure of the St Alban’s Centre to organise and

supervise the canoeing activity, to employ suitable staff and to have prepared and operated sensible and pre-

determined procedures when difficulties arose.” The successful prosecution of the parent company, OLL and

the managing director, Peter Kite, was based around these issues.

The canoeing party set out from the Cob in Lyme Regis at about 10 a.m. on March 22nd 1993. The party of 8

pupils and their teacher were accompanied by two instructors from the St Alban’s Centre. The intention of the

trip was to cross to Charmouth and return to Lyme Regis by lunchtime. Almost as soon as the trip got

underway, the teacher experienced difficulties, and whilst one instructor attended to him, the other instructor

rafted the pupils together. The raft rapidly drifted away from the teacher and instructor, and lost sight of

them. The pupils were wearing life jackets, the instructors bouyancy aids. No flares were carried, and the

pupils did not have spray decks.

As the raft of kayaks drifted away form the coast, the wave height increased, and gradually, one by one, the

kayaks were swamped until all nine individuals were in the water. Although the group had been due back for

lunch at 12 noon, the emergency services were not asked to help until 15:30. The teacher and one instructor

had remained in their kayaks, and were rescued by the inshore lifeboat at 17:31. The rest of the group were

picked up by rescue helicopter between 17:40 and 18:40.


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The events that surrounded and led to the loss of these four young people re-invigorated the campaign to

better regulate the safety of outdoor activity providers, particularly those providing activities for school

children. In addition, an investigation and review of coast guard procedures were undertaken, as the trial

judge considered that the actions taken by HM coastguard on the day in question demonstrated “oversight”

with regard to the search and rescue operation.

Factors contributing to increasingly sedentary lifestyle



___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________






Possible Barriers


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Barriers to physical activities

Explain giving examples what is meant by;Opportunity____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




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Recommendations of Intensity and type of physical activity.

The British heart foundation and the dept of health make some recommendations regarding the amount of activity you should be taking part in to develop a Balanced Active Healthy Lifestyle.

Current levels are: _______________________________________


Adults: Frequency _______________ __________________


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Intensity ________________ __________________Time ________________ __________________Type ________________ __________________

Children : F ________________ __________________I ________________ __________________T ________________ __________________T ________________ __________________

Are you doing enough? _____________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ________________

Key term: Physical activity has the potential to reduce CHD, osteoporosis, high blood pressure.

Can increase, co-ordination, strength, flexibility, balance.



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Analyse the benefits of participation in physical activity 10Exam tip; Make bullet point notes of key areas and think of examples before you start to write.

1. Identify the command word ____________________________2. Identify the subject area ____________________________3. Identify the subject qualifier ____________________________

Notes _________________________________________________________________________


















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Developing ‘higher order’ thinking and writing skillsFirst - read the exam question very carefully. This requires you to identify the command word, the subject and exactly what is being examined about the subject. Then - (if required by the command word) set off on the road to critical evaluationIdentify Describe

Explain Give reasons for

Discuss Analyse Critically evaluate

Brainstorm Write….develop Think of alternatives Develop further

Think of points that relate directly to the exam question

Develop key points by saying why and how they are significant to thequestion Explain significance

Critically reflecton what you have written

List or ‘spider diagram’ your points/ideas

Give examples and evidence tosupport your points

Complete key points or paragraphswith alternative evidence / a differentview


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Start here Development of a critical argument for an essay End Here

1. Know & understand

2. Apply 3. Evaluate & synthesise

Key Idea Example/evidence Explanation Development/critical evaluation What’s good or bad? What have otherssaid? What do you think? Why?

How can a game of badminton be recreation and a run be a sport?

What role does sportsmanship still play in sport today?


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The aim here is to take a key idea and to develop it into something more critically evaluative by adding examples, evidence, explanations and alternative views where relevant.


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1. Know & understand

2. Apply 3. Evaluate & synthesise

Key Idea Example/evidence Explanation Development/critical evaluation What’s good or bad? What have otherssaid? What do you think? Why?

Possible barriers

A run can be a sport


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The aim here is to take a key idea and to develop it into something more critically evaluative by adding examples, evidence, explanations and alternative views where relevant

1. Know & understand

2. Apply 3. Evaluate & synthesise

Key Idea Example/evidence Explanation Development/critical evaluation What’s good or bad? What have otherssaid? What do you think? Why?

Football can be recreation

Outdoor education is too much hastle


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Term Explanation

Sportsmanship Fair playSport An organised, competitive and skilful

physical activity requiring commitment and fair play e.g. playing seriously for a local, regional or national team

Sledging Verbally abusing, taunting or intimidating an opponent (eg in cricket)

Perceived risk Imagined hazard (related to the natural environment) that gives a sense of adventure and opportunities for personal challenge/development

Personal benefits Benefits to do with self e.g. improved self esteem

Physical Activity Anything that gets the body moving and the heart pumping harder than at rest. Also an umbrella term

Physical benefits Benefits to do with the body e.g. potential to reduce the risk of disease or improve cardio-vascular fitness

Physical Education The learning of physical, personal, preparatory and qualitative values through formal physical activity in schools

Physical endeavour EffortPhysical prowess SkillPhysical Recreation Physical activities that are pursued for

different reasons and benefits at a relatively unsophisticated level

Outdoor Education Young people learning in and about the natural environment. Part of PE involving risk/safety

Opportunity Having the chance to take part e.g. having enough time

Outdoor Recreation Physical recreation in the natural environment e.g. a country walk Natural environment

‘The Great Outdoors’ e.g. mountains, rivers, hills and lakesLife-long physical activity

Enjoyable, health-enhancing movement sustained throughout life e.g. yoga

Healthy balanced lifestyles

Day to day life that has equilibrium, quality and wellness (including some of:exercise, nutritious diet, injury and illness prevention, rest/sleep,


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hobbies/social, personal hygiene, ‘free’ time, control of stress and pressure, good relationships

Gamesmanship Pushing the rules to the limit to get an unfair advantage

Exercise/ physical exercise

Planned or structured physical activity requiring physical effort aimed at improving health and fitness

Esteem Having self belief or confidenceDeviance Seriously breaking the rules and norms (of

sport)Barriers to participation

Factors that stop people taking part

Adventure Excitement that can be experienced through Outdoor Recreation or Outdoor Education

Glossary of termsTable task










Opportunity Provision Esteem

Benefits of Physical activityPhysical Mental Social

Avoidance of risk of coronary heart diseaseDevelopment of self esteemCreation of friendship group, social interaction.Healthy growth of musculoskeletal and cardio-respiratory system.


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Reduction of obesityReduction in financial burden on health systemIncrease in confidenceReduction of growth plate injuries (dependant on age)Sense of achievementSense of belongingIncrease in cognitive function development.

Socio cultural Extension Questions Physical Activity and Culture1. (i) What is meant by each of the following:

sportsmanshipgamesmanshipperceived risk?........................................................................................................................



(ii) Identify three components of a healthy balanced lifestyle.........................................................................................................................




Examiners Comments Most candidates scored 2 or 3 out of 4 marks here. Gamesmanship was often

inaccurately explained as breaking the rules and perceived risk was poorly understood.Identification of three components of a healthy balanced lifestyle was well done –

especially by those who gave a little more detail to ensure accuracy eg sufficient rest, a healthy diet, positive relationships rather than the vague: rest, diet, relationships.

2. (i) Identify some of the values or benefits to be gained from a positive Physical Education experience..........................................................................................................................






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(ii) Why would the Olympic Games be classified as sport rather than as physical recreation?.........................................................................................................................







Examiners Comments(ii) Once again, weaker candidates were vague rather than specific in their responses, writing things such as ‘physical recreation happens whenever, wherever, is not organised, and is not competitive (fail) If, however, they had written ‘Physical recreation happens in the person’s free time, in a place decided by agreement. They would have scored a maximum of 4 marks. Just a few extra, relevant words often add sufficient clarity to gain marks. Candidates who strayed into the benefits of physical recreation in their answer to this question (e.g. stress relief/improved body shape etc.) did not gain any credit.

3. The figure below shows a variety of outdoor education activities.

C an o e in g

A b se ilin g

H illW alk in g

O rien tee rin g

O u td o o rE d u c a tio n

(i) What can young people gain from outdoor education?.........................................................................................................................






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(ii) Not all school children have the opportunity to experience regular or varied outdoor education. Give reasons for this..........................................................................................................................





Examiners Comments(i) With examples outdoor education activities clearly identified in the question, the mistake that some candidates make in thinking that activities that simply occur ‘outside’ are ‘outdoor education’ was happily avoided.

(ii) ‘Lack of staff’ or ‘no access to facilities’ when written alone were VAGUE and so did not gain credit. Reference needed to be made to lack of specialist staff, or distance from natural or appropriate facilities.

4. Ethnic sports such as the Highland Games continue to survive in the UK.Explain the reasons for the continued existence and popularity of surviving ethnic

sports today..................................................................................................................................












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Examiners CommentsThis popular area of the specification was examined at a higher level than in the

past with candidates needing to explain rather than simply identify or describe reasons. Thus a list of points such as tradition, isolation, festival, local could not gain marks. Point 4 (social) and 8 (tourism) were easily accessed by most with 2 or 3 marks of 5 being the most frequent score here.

5. Sports and games were hugely popular in nineteenth century Public Schools. Explain how nineteenth century Public Schools helped to promote and organise sports and games................................................................................................................................











This question was generally well answered, especially by candidates who carefully noted the number of marks available and offered that number of separate, concise discussion points. Weaker candidates too often simply ‘told a story’ describing life in nineteenth century Public Schools while failing to link their knowledge to the exact question.

