
Bergen Technical CollegeTertiary Vocational Training Center

Bergen Technical College

Offers various courses / programmes:

Full-time courses Part-time / distant

learning courses

The Building and Construction Department

Building and construction programme Heavy construction / civil engineering


Full – time courses

Building and construction programme Heavy construction / civil engineering

programme Energy and enviromental programme

Part – time / distant learning courses

Full-time courses 2 years Part-time / distant learning courses 3 years

Duration of courses

ProgrammeType no of students Duration Location

Building and constructionFull-time 61 2 years Bergen Campus

Heavy constructionFull-time 32 2 years Voss Campus


Building and constructionPart-time 78 3 years Bergen Campus

Heavy constructionPart-time 9 3 years Voss Campus

Energy and enviromentalPart-time 88 3 years Bergen Campus

Total number of students  268    

Number of students

Number of students receiving diploma

2013 2014

Programme Type no of students no of students

Building and construction Full-time 19 28

Heavy construction Full-time 12 14


Building and construction Part-time 13 8

Heavy construction Part-time 10 7

Energy and enviromental Part-time 18  

Total number of students   72 57

The students must have completed apprenticeship training in a basic skill like joinery, formwork etc.

An alternative route is available for those who have worked in the industry for more than 5 years.

Entry qualifications

The Building and Construction Department has a staff of 12 highly qualified tutors.

Most tutors have a B.Sc. or a Master degree, and a teachers training certificate in addition


Education in Norway

Education for everybody is a basic principle of Norwegian educational policy.

Children and young people have an equal right to education, regardless of where they live, gender, social and cultural background or any special needs.

All public education in Norway is free of charge, while kindergartens have parental fees.

Education is organised in a lifelong learning perspective in order to meet changes in our society

Education in Norway

Of a population of over 5 million, more than 900 000 people are currently undergoing education or training.

In addition approx. 1 million people participate in adult education courses each year.

Approx. 32 per cent of the population over 16 does not have education above the lower secondary level, 44 per cent do not have education above upper secondary level, and 25 per cent have an education at university and/or university college level.

Facts and figures about education in Norway

More than 600 000 pupils attend public primary and lower secondary schools.

In addition there are almost 10 000 pupils at private primary and lower secondary schools. Never before has Norway had so many pupils at this level.

There are about 195 000 students at Norwegian universities and university colleges (both public and private).

Facts and figures about education in Norway

UNIV ERSITET/ Master i teknologi HØGSKOLE

2 ÅR

HØGSKOLE Bachelor i 2 ÅR ingeniørfag

Fagtekniker/ Fagskoleingeniør


1 år ped.utd. Faglærer

VIDERE GÅENDE SKOL E Fagarbeider Læretid 2 år

VIDERE GÅENDE SKOL E Lærling Yrkesfag 2 år

Figuren viser fagskoleutdanningen i en stærre sammenheng. De fleste studenter gr ut i jobb etter avsluttet utdanning ved fagskolen. Men det er absolutt mulig fortsette sine studier etter disse to rene. Som fagtekniker kan du g direkte over til hægskolestudier i ingeniærfag og bli bachelor i ingeniærfag p 2 r.

Den teknologiske vei

Lower secondary education

Upper secondary education

Higher education entrance


Subject-relatet skils

and vocational


Bergen Tekniske fagskole

Tertiary vocation training 2



Ph. D Level 8Level 7

Level 6

Level 4A,4BLevel 3

Level 2

Level 5 Tertiary



Document of


The Norwegian Parliament (the Storting) and the Government define the goals and decide the framework for the education sector.

The Ministry of Education and Research is responsible for carrying out national educational policy. National standards are ensured through legislation, regulations, curricula and framework plans.


The municipalities are responsible for operating and administering primary and lower secondary schools, whereas the county authorities are responsible for upper secondary education and training. Legislation and regulations, including the National Curriculum, form a binding framework, but within this framework the municipal and county authorities, schools and teachers can influence the implementation of the education and training. Each school has a head teacher and various boards, councils and committees.

Primary and Secondary Education

Compulsory primary and lower secondary schooling in Norway lasts for ten years.

Children start school the year they become six. Primary and lower secondary education is founded on

the principle of equity and adapted education for all pupils in a school system based on the same National Curriculum.

All children and young people are to share a common foundation of knowledge, culture and values.

Primary and lower secondary Education

Pupils who have completed primary and lower secondary education, or the equivalent, have a right to three years’ upper secondary education and training leading either to admission to higher education, to vocational qualifications or to basic skills.

Upper secondary education and training

The education and training normally takes three years, divided into three levels: Vg1, Vg2 and Vg3.

The education and training mainly leads to a certificate.

The path usually consist of two years in school and one year in -service training in a company.

Upper secondary education and training, 2

Tertiary vocational education is an alternative to higher education and is based on upper secondary education and training or equivalent informal and non formal competence.

Higher Education Entrance Qualification is not required.

Tertiary Vocational Education

The education consists of vocational courses lasting from half a year to two years.

The traditional schools of technical and maritime subjects are financed by the county authorities.

Tertiary Vocational Education, 2

Our universities and university colleges are directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Research.

Each institution has a board which is responsible for the direction as well as the organisation of all operations.

Accredited institutions have been awarded extensive academic powers and may establish and terminate their own courses of study.

Higher Education

All courses must be accredited by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Edu cation (NOKUT).

An up to date list of recognised courses can be found on NOKUT’s website.

The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in


The curriculum design

The norwegian system permits our institution some scope to determine the curriculum.

The main curriculum is defined centrally / nationally.

The proposed teaching contents are gathered into modules.

The curriculum design

Full – time courses (2 years)

Halfyearly unit



Module Module

Module Module

Building and construction programme

Building (basic)


Building regulations

ConstructionFurther construction /


Production Main project

Building and construction programme Byggeprosess

Stikning og nivelleringBygg-anleggskonstruksjonerKonstruksjonslæreMaterialkunnskapTegningsforståelse

Allmenne fag integreres i ovenstående fag

LØMLedelse NorskØkonomi MatematikkMarkedsføringsled.

ByggesakenByggem. / søkn. Kvalitetssikring / HMSAnbud / kontrakter

Konstruksjon / beregningBetong og murkon. StikningStål og trekon. KonstruksjonslæreBygningsfysikk


Drift / produksjonForvaltning, drift og vedlikeholdBygningsprod. og prosjektledelseAnlegg

Bedriftsrettet prosjekt

Energy and enviromental programme

4 5 6Vår Høst Vår

Energi og miljø EnergiKjøle- og oppvarm. 7 Kjøle-/oppv.


Elektro og El. Og aut.automasjon Forskrifter

Ettersyn/kon.Systemforståelse, Systemfor.prosjekt Prosjektoppg





EMNE (Modul) Fp


VVS-prosjektering 13



TEMA (Fag)

Teaching methods

The term Teaching method refers to the general principles, pedagogy and strategies used for classroom instruction.

Your choice of teaching method depends on what fits you — your educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject area and school mission statement. Teaching theories primarily fall into two categories or “approaches” — teacher-centered and student-centered:

Teaching methods

Teachers are the main authority figure in this model.

Students are viewed as “empty vessels” whose primary role is to passively receive information (via lectures and direct instruction) with an end goal of testing and assessment.

Student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and assessments.

Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning

While teachers are an authority figure in this model, teachers and students play an equally active role in the learning process.

Student learning is measured through both formal and informal forms of assessment, including group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. Teaching and assessment are connected; student learning is continuously measured during teacher instruction.

Student-Centered Approach to Learning

Direct instruction refers to the traditional teaching strategy

Inquiry based learning focuses on student investigation and

hands-on learning Cooperative learning

emphasizes group work and a strong sense of community

The three main teaching styles in educational


Industry Education Partnerships

The partnership process bring together schols, industry and other members of the community to increase students learning and stimulate interest in the construction industry.

Industry / Education Partnerships

The Building and Construction Department alone have etablished more than 15 partnerships.

Some of the companies are listed on the next slide.

Industry / Education Partnerships


Delmål Tiltak Tid

Bedrift Bransje

Maskin Entreprenørenes Forbund


Byggmestrenes Servicekontor AS


EBA Vestenfjelske avdeling Arbeidsgiverorganisasjon

Rørleggerne Arbeidsgiverorganisasjon

Ventilasjon Arbeidsgiverorganisasjon

Skanska AS Total entreprenør

Nobi AS Leverandør av betongprodukter

Backer AS Boliger og næringsbygg

Johs Alsaker Eftf. AS Stål og smedarbeider

Obas AS Grunn og betong

Wikholm Anleggsgartnermester AS


Ingeniør Compagniet AS Rekrutteringsfirma

Samarbeid næringsliv

Delmål Tiltak

1 Få oversikt over hvordan vi samarbeider med næringslivet.

• Kartlegge eksisterende avtaler

• Kartlegge hvordan samarbeidet fungerer

2 Definere hva vi mener er et godt og nyttig samarbeid

• Videreutvikle dagens ordning med partnerskapsavtale.

3 Definere mulige samarbeidspartnere

• Liste opp mulige samarbeidspartnere

• Selektere de 20 viktigste

4 Etablere avtale med 15 nye samarbeidspartnere

• Kontakt via telefon, møter• Utforme og sende ut

avtaler• Følge opp frem til


5 Bli kjent med samarbeidspartnerne

• Gjennomføre fellesmøte med samarbeidspartnere

Sample partnership programmes may include:

Lectures given by professionals from the industry

Visits to various sites operatedby the company


