


61 Juno Parade, Greenacre Proposed boarding house



DATE > 29 April 2016 REPORT No. > 6333




Executive Summary 3-9

1.0 Introduction 10

2.0 BCA Assessment Data 12

4.0 Conclusion 12

Attachment A – Fire Safety Schedule 13

Attachment B – Inspection & Maintenance 16

Attachment C – Accessible Facility 17

Attachment D – Circulation Spaces at Doorways 18



This report provides a Building Code of Australia (BCA) assessment involving construction of a single storey boarding house (non-residential aged care), containing 13 bedrooms, communal, staff and amenity rooms including a three space car parking area. EPW have engaged NSW Building Approvals to carry out an audit of the proposal and provide a BCA report. The primary purpose of this report is to identify significant non-compliances with the ‘deemed-to-satisfy’ requirements of Part C-F of the current BCA 2015 which could result in design changes. Site area: 693.0 m2 Proposed Gross Floor Area: 304.0 m2 There are some issues requiring specific attention that have been noted as recommendations (below and in Section 3.0) and should be read in conjunction with the BCA compliance summary contained in Section 3.0 of this report.


RECOMMENDATIONS The following is a list of DTS non-compliances (or potential DTS non-compliances) that should be addressed either by design amendments, additional information or by way of an alternative solution (as indicated below):

Specification C1.1 (Table 5) – The building is required to be constructed in Type C throughout in accordance with the fire resistance levels specified in Table 5 of Specification C1.1 of the BCA (see Attachment A). It is important that the Construction Certificate clearly indicates the proposed method of compliance with Table 5 of Specification C1.1 that replicates a tested identical prototype/manufacturer’s detail.

Bounding Construction (C3.11) –

New entrance doorways to all rooms are to comply with Clause C3.11, that is, to be protected by self-closings, tight fitting, solid core door, not less than 35mm thick.

Openings for service installations (C3.15) –

To maintain the fire performance of building elements; Where an electrical, electronic, plumbing, mechanical ventilation, air-conditioning or other service penetrates a building element (other than an external wall or roof) that is required to have an FRL or a resistance to the incipient spread of fire, that installation must comply with clause C3.15.

Columns protected with lightweight construction to achieve an FRL (C3.17) –

Columns protected by lightweight construction are to achieve an FRL which passes through a building element that is required to have an FRL or a resistance to the incipient spread of fire, must be installed using a method and materials identical with a prototype assembly of the construction which has achieved the required FRL or resistance to the incipient spread of fire.

Exit travel distances (D1.4) and Dimensions of exits and paths of travel to exits (D1.6) –

In a required exit or path of travel to an exit the unobstructed height throughout must be not less than 2 m, except the unobstructed height of any doorway may be reduced to not less than 1980 mm; and the unobstructed width of each exit or path of travel to an exit, except for doorways, must be not less than 1 m.

Within the building no point on the floor must be more than 6 m from an exit, or a point from which travel in different directions to 2 exits is available, in which case the maximum distance to one of those exits must not exceed 20 m.


The main entry doorway to the building is to be made an ‘exit’ exit doorway. This exit doorway shall also open outwards (as circled in red);


An additional ‘exit’ exit doorway is recommended to the western side of the building. This exit doorway shall also open outwards (as circled in red);


Swinging doors (D2.20) –

The ‘exits’ serving the south and northern side of the building (as indicated above) should be re-swung to open outwards.


Access for People with Disabilities (Part D3) – In this regard the following design issues are to be addressed:- Access is required for people with disabilities to the main pedestrian entrance to the building and to

all common areas normally used by the occupants, including the ‘kitchen’. Two accessible sole-occupancy units are required to serve the building. Access for people with

disabilities is required in accordance with the requirements of Part D3 BCA, AS1428.1-2009 and AS1428.4-1992. The two accessible rooms are to be allocated upon the plans. Possibly rooms 10 and 11

The main entry doorway to the building is to be adjusted to comply with AS1428.1-2009 (as circled in red);

The corridor between the laundry and staff room to be made slightly wider to enable a wheel chair

to turn 1800 (as indicated in red);

All doorways throughout the boarding house to be accessible and the leaf must have a clear

opening width of not less than 850mm.

The two accessible sole-occupancy units are each required to be serviced by an accessible

sanitary compartment, including shower (See Attachment D). Possibly the ‘Quite Room’ to be

converted into the ‘unisex’ accessible sanitary compartment.

An accessway must be provided to the building from the main points of pedestrian entry at the allotment boundary and any proposed accessible carparking space.

The circulation spaces to doorways must comply with AS1428.1-2009 (See Attachment E) entrance

doors to the residential units (public corridor side), and inside of any proposed commercial garbage rooms. The circulation space within the kitchen area is acceptable.

The main entrance is to be provided with an accessible ramp (unless the grade is equal to / or more than



E2.2 Smoke Hazard Management All rooms and common areas are to be provided with an automatic smoke detection and alarm system complying with BCA Specification E2.2a and AS3786-1993.

Exit Signage and Emergency Lighting. (Part E4) –

Exit signs to be provided to identify exit locations in accordance with E4.5. Emergency lighting is also

required to serve the required common areas within the building.

Exit signs to be provided throughout all parts of the building in accordance with BCA Part E4 and AS 2293.1 - 2005.

Accessible Sanitary Facilities (F2.4) One accessible facility is required to be provided to serve the boarding house. The accessible

facility is to comply with AS1428.1-2009 (See Appendix D). Possibly the ‘Quite Room’ to be

converted into the ‘unisex’ accessible sanitary compartment.

One male and one female closet pan within the ‘men bathroom’ and ‘women bathroom’ are recommended to be made ‘ambulant’, with complying grabrails and signage.

Light & Ventilation (Part F4) Additional details/calculations are to be provided at the Construction Certificate stage to confirm that habitable rooms within the residential units are provided with adequate natural light and ventilation. Natural lighting must be provide by windows which have a light transmitting area of not less than 10% of the floor area of the room. Natural ventilation must be provided by windows and doors with an openabale size of not less than 5% of the floor area of the room.


Sound insulation ratings of walls and new floors (Part F5) –

Ensure that sound transmission and insulation complies with Part F5 of the BCA. A wall in a Class 3 boarding building must — have an Rw + Ctr (airborne) not less than 50, if it separates sole-occupancy units. Details to be provided with the construction certificate.


(a) A wall in a Class 2 or 3 building must—

(i) have an Rw + Ctr (airborne) not less than 50, if it separates sole-occupancy units; and

(ii) have an Rw (airborne) not less than 50, if it separates a sole-occupancy unitfrom a plant room, lift shaft, stairway, public corridor, public lobby or the like, or parts of a different classification; and

(iii) comply with F5.3(b) if it separates—

(A) a bathroom, sanitary compartment, laundry or kitchen in one sole-occupancy unit from a habitable room (other than a kitchen) in an adjoining unit; or

(B) a sole-occupancy unit from a plant room or lift shaft.

(b) A door may be incorporated in a wall in a Class 2 or 3 building that separates a sole-occupancy unit from a stairway, public corridor, public lobby or the like, provided the door assembly has an Rw not less than 30.

Part F5 BCA – Sound Transmission and Insulation is required to be considered when choosing a ceiling product.

Fire Safety Schedule –

An updated Fire Safety Schedule should be developed for the building and the fire safety measures

contained within the Schedule should be maintained annually in the form of an Annual Fire Safety

Statement, as required by the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. This statement should

be displayed within the building.

Note: Where a building solution does not comply with the Deemed to Satisfy Provisions of the BCA, Alternate Solutions can be developed to meet the Performance Requirements.


SECTION 2 – The following is a list of DTS clauses that should be referenced either on the architectural plans. It should be noted that the building is required to comply with all relevant clauses of the BCA. The list provided below identifies specific areas that are particularly relevant to the proposed building – Please refer to compliance summary table in Section 3.0 of this report for further details. 1. C1.1 – Note requirements for Type C Construction – refer to Attachment A. 2. C1.8 – if lightweight construction is used to achieve an FRL. It must comply with Specification C1.8. 3. C1.10 – Fire hazard properties must comply with C1.10 of the BCA, Specification C1.10a for floor materials, floor coverings, wall and ceiling lining materials and Specification C1.10 for other materials. 4. C3.12 – Service openings in ceilings to be protected in accordance with C3.15 5. C3.15 – Where services pass through an element that is required to achieve an FRL(other than an external wall or roof) the service must be protected in accordance with this clause (where relevant to the subject service) i.e. pipe penetrations can be protected with fire collars, mechanical penetrations to be fitted with a fire damper etc. 6. D2.7 – electrical distribution boards and the like located in a path of travel to an exit must be enclosed in non-combustible construction with openings suitable smoke sealed. 7. D2.21 – Operation of latch – details demonstrating compliance to be included on the plans or construction specification. Generally lever type handles are required to doors in exits, noting that this requirement does not apply to entrance doors to the residential sole occupancy units. 8. E1.6 – construction certificate documentation to detail portable fire extinguishers to be provided in accordance with AS 2444-2001. 9. E2.2a – construction certificate documentation to detail the residential units being provided with an automatic smoke detection and alarm system complying with BCA Specification E2.2a and AS3786-1993. 10. Part E4 – construction certificate documentation to detail emergency lighting and exit signage to be installed throughout the building in accordance with Part E4 BCA and AS2293.1-2005 11. Part F5 – Sound Transmission and Insulation – note requirements – refer to compliance table for further information 12. Part J – refer to Energy Efficiency Consultant to obtain Part J BCA report. Further, if compliance with any of the deemed to satisfy provisions is not achievable or desirable, alternative solutions could be further developed and verified by an appropriately qualified BCA Consultant or Fire Safety Engineer


1 . 0 I N T R O D U C T I O N

This report provides a Building Code of Australia (BCA) assessment of the proposal – assessment involving construction of a single storey boarding house, containing 13 bedrooms, communal, staff and amenity rooms including car parking area. EPW have engaged NSW Building Approvals to carry out an audit of the proposal and provide a BCA report. The primary purpose of this report is to identify non-compliances with the ‘deemed-to-satisfy’ requirements of the BCA. The subject site is located on the northern side of Juno Parade, approximately 400 metres from the intersection of Juno Parade and Punchbowl Road. The site frontage to Juno Parade (northern boundary) is approximately 15.85m and the site has an area of approximately 693m


The proposed building presents as a single storey face brick façade and scyon panel clad building and is flanked by single storey residential buildings. The pre dominate existing streetscape along Juno Parade in this location varies between a number of one and two storey dwellings. A total of 13 bedrooms are proposed, of which 2 will be accessible. The building will be used as a boarding house which attracts a Class 3 classification under the current BCA. This report provides a table (Section 3.0) which summarizes the identified non compliance matters. 1 . 1 B a s i s o f R e p o r t

This report is prepared to address compliance with the fire safety provisions (Sections C, D, E and F) of the Building Code of Australia. This report is based on a desktop review and plans drawing No.CDC-00, 01, 02, 03, 04 by EPW; and incorporates the requirements of the Building Code of Australia 2015, including the NSW Variations (as a guide). 1 . 2 P u r p o s e o f t h e R e p o r t

The purpose of this report is to assess the following:

Assessment under the current Building Code of Australia 2015, (Sections C, D, E & F) and list any departures from the BCA 2015.


1 . 3 L i m i t a t i o n s o f t h e R e p o r t

This report does not assess the following:

Access and facilities for people with disabilities is addressed however compliance with Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) is outside the scope of this report. It should be noted that BCA compliance does not necessarily meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).

Reporting on hazardous materials, OH&S matters or site contamination

Assessment of any structural elements or geotechnical matters relating to the building, including any structural or other assessment of the existing fire resistant levels of the building

Consideration of any fire services operations (including hydraulic, electrical or other systems)

Assessment of plumbing and drainage installations, including stormwater

Assessment of mechanical plant operations, electrical systems or security systems

Heritage significance

Consideration of energy or water authority requirements

Consideration of Council’s local planning policies

Environmental or planning issues

Requirements of statutory authorities

Pest inspection or assessment building damage caused by pests (general/visual pest invasion or damage will be reported, however invasive or intrusive inspections have not be carried out)

Sections B, G H or of the BCA are not considered.

Provision of any construction approvals or certification under Part 4A or Part 5 of the Environmental

Planning & Assessment Act 1979.

Glazing, shading, lighting calculations and the like required by Section J of the BCA not been carried out

NOTE: The inspection was a ‘visual’ inspection, limited to those areas and sections of the property fully accessible and visible to the inspector on the date of inspection. The inspection DID NOT include breaking apart, dismantling, removing or moving objects including but not limited to, foliage, moldings, roof insulation / insulation, floor or wall coverings, sidings, ceilings, floors, furnishings, appliances or personal possessions. The inspector CANNOT see inside walls, between floors, inside skillion roofing, behind stored goods in cupboards, other areas that are concealed or obstructed. The inspector DID NOT dig, gouge, force or perform any other invasive procedures. Visible timbers cannot be destructively probed or hit without the written permission of the property owner. This report does not and cannot make comment upon: defects that may have been concealed, the assessment or detection of defects (including rising damp and leaks) which may be subject to the prevailing weather conditions, the presence or absence of timber pests, gas fittings, common property areas, environmental concerns; the proximity of the property to flight paths, railways, or busy traffic; noise levels; health and safety issues; heritage concerns; security concerns; site drainage (apart from surface water drainage); swimming pools and spas (non-structural); detection and identification of illegal building work ; detection and identification of illegal plumbing work ; durability of exposed finishes ; neighborhood problems ; document analysis ; electrical installation; any matters that are solely regulated by statute; any area(s) or item(s) that could not be inspected by the consultant. Accordingly this Report is not a guarantee that defects and/or damage does not exist in any inaccessible or partly inaccessible areas or sections of the property. (NB: such matters may upon request be covered under the terms of a special purpose property report.)


2 . 0 B C A A S S E S S M E N T D A T A

Assessment data regarding the current Building Code of Australia. BCA Building Classification/s: 3 (boarding house, 13 bedrooms); Building rise in storeys: 1 Type of Construction: C General Floor area limitations: 5,000m2

and 30,000m3

2 . 1 L o c a t i o n o f F i r e S o u r c e f e a t u r e s

East: Side Boundary (>1.5m) Location from Boundary North: Rear boundary (>1.5m) Location from Boundary South: Front boundary (>6m) Location from Juno Parade West: Side boundary (>1.5m) Location from Boundary


4 . 0 C O N C L U S I O N

This report has assessed the proposed development under the provisions of the BCA. The primary purpose of this report is to identify the significant non-compliance matters in comparison to the current Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions of the BCA, which are addressed in the executive summary and in further detail in Section 3.0. It is considered that further details are required at the Construction Certificate stage to address the BCA compliance matters raised in this report. Where compliance with the deemed to satisfy provisions is not achievable or desirable, Alternative Solutions could be further developed and verified by an appropriately qualified BCA Consultant or Fire safety Engineer.

Patrick Doherty

Accredited certifier Grade A1

NSW Building Approvals





5.1 Fire-resistance of building elements

In a building required to be of Type C construction—

(a) a building element listed in Table 5 and any beam or column incorporated in it, must have an FRL not less than that listed in the Table for the particular Class of building concerned; and

(b) an external wall that is required by Table 5 to have an FRL need only be tested from the outside to satisfy the requirement; and

(c) a fire wall or an internal wall bounding a sole-occupancy unit or separating adjoining units must comply with Specification C1.8 if it is of lightweight construction and is required to have an FRL; and

(d) in a Class 2 or 3 building, an internal wall which is required by Table 5 to have an FRL must extend— (i) to the underside of the floor next above if that floor has an FRL of at least 30/30/30 or a

fire-protective covering on the underside of the floor; or

(ii) to the underside of a ceiling having a resistance to the incipient spread of fire to the space above itself of not less than 60 minutes; or

(iii) to the underside of the roof covering if it is non-combustible, and except for roof battens with dimensions of 75 mm x 50 mm or less or sarking-type material, must not be crossed by timber or other combustible building elements; or

(iv) 450 mm above the roof covering if it is combustible; and (e) in a Class 2 or 3 building, except where within the one sole-occupancy unit, or a Class 9a health-

care building, or a Class 9b building, a floor separating storeys, or above a space for the accommodation of motor vehicles or used for storage or any other ancillary purpose, and any column supporting the floor, must— (i) have an FRL of at least 30/30/30; or

(ii) have a fire-protective covering on the underside of the floor including beams incorporated in it and around the column, if the floor or column is combustible or of metal; and

(f) in a Class 9c building a floor above a space for the accommodation of motor vehicles or used for storage or any other ancillary purpose, and any column supporting the floor, must— (i) have an FRL of at least 30/30/30; or

(ii) have a fire-protective covering on the underside of the floor including beams incorporated in it and around the column, if the floor or column is combustible or of metal.




FIRE SAFETY SCHEDULE (Clause 168 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000).

Premises: 61 Juno Parade, Greenacre

The following essential fire safety measures shall be implemented in the whole of the building

premises and each of the fire safety measures must satisfy the standard of performance listed

in the schedule which, for the purposes of Clause 168 of the Environmental Planning and

Assessment Regulation 2000, is deemed to be the current fire safety schedule for the building.


Essential Fire Safety Measure Standard of performance

Emergency Lighting BCA Clauses E4.2/E4.4 & AS 2293.1-2005

Exit Signs BCA Clauses E4.5 & AS 2293.1-2005

Portable fire extinguishers BCA Clause E1.6 and AS 2444-2001

Smoke detectors and heat detectors BCA Spec. E2.2 and AS 3786-1993


A T T A C H M E N T C - I N S P E C T I O N & M A I N T E N A N C E

F i r e S a f e t y M e a s u r e s The fire safety measures within the building must be maintained to ensure correct operation at all times the building is occupied. All fire fighting equipment should be tagged when tested/inspected and log books kept up-to-date for all smoke detection, warning systems and sprinkler systems (where installed). An annual fire safety certificate must be submitted to the local consent authority and the NSW Fire Brigade each year indicating satisfactory performance of the fire safety measures contained within the building. The annual fire safety statement should be displayed in a prominent place within the building (i.e. the main entry foyer) The correct operation and maintenance of the buildings fire safety measures is critical in affording an adequate level of fire safety. G o o d H o u s e k e e p i n g The ongoing management of the building should ensure good housekeeping procedures. The following matters should be considered by building management:

Ensure exits and paths of travel to exits remain unobstructed (in particular stairways)

Avoid storage of materials in unoccupied areas

Limit storage of flammable/combustible materials to designated and approved areas

Prevent chocking open fire/smoke doors

Prevent storage of materials that could hinder access to fire fighting equipment



An accessible unisex sanitary compartment must contain a closet pan, washbasin, shelf or bench top and adequate means of disposal of sanitary towels



