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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan i

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Annual Reportii BATAN 2012


Prof. Dr. Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto

Penanggung Jawab

Drs. Budi Santoso, M.Eng


Drs. Dendang Hermansyah

PenyuntingMedio Venda S.

Abdul HarisChatarina Y.Ani Syamsi

Perancang GrafisOppie Erlangga

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan iii

ForewordThis annual report has been prepared as a form of accountability of Batan in rendering information to all stakeholders including the public in connection with the results of implementing the program of activities during the year 2012, which is the third year of the 2012-2014 Batan Strategic Plan (Renstra).

The results of research, development and engineering (litbangyasa) of Batan has been directed to participating in support of the national development which is focused in resolving issues in the fields of energy, food, health, natural resources and the environment, as well as the industry. Besides that, socialization and dissemination are conducted by Batan with the purpose of introducing the results of the research-development-engineering in nuclear science and technology, as well as giving information openly, balanced in relation to the utilization of nuclear science and technology for the welfare of the people.

The excellent support as well as coordination of the stakeholders, the government, the private sector as well as the users (public) are very much needed in the endeavor to produce more beneficial products. Besides the results of the research-development-engineering, this report is complemented with information in regard to the resources of Batan.

It is sincerely expected that this document could be acknowledged and of benefit to the stakeholders, and could also become a means of cooperation in the future as well as obtaining input for enhancing the performance of Batan.

At last, I hope that God the Almighty shall always give His grace and His blessings to us all, Amen.

Kata PengantarLaporan tahunan ini disusun sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban Batan dalam memberikan informasi kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan termasuk masyarakat terkait hasil pelaksanaan program kegiatan selama tahun 2012 yang merupakan tahun ketiga pelaksanaan rencana strategis (Renstra) Batan 2010-2014.

Hasil penelitian, pengembangan dan rekayasa (litbangyasa) Batan ditujukan dalam rangka turut berpartisipasi mendukung pembangunan nasional yang difokuskan dalam hal memecahkan permasalahan di bidang energi, pangan, kesehatan, sumber daya alam dan lingkungan, serta industri. Di samping itu, sosialisasi dan diseminasi dilaksanakan oleh Batan dengan tujuan memperkenalkan hasil litbangyasa iptek nuklir, serta memberikan informasi secara terbuka dan berimbang berkenaan dengan pemanfaatan iptek nuklir untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat.

Dukungan serta koordinasi yang baik dari pemangku kepentingan, baik pemerintah, swasta maupun masyarakat pengguna sangat diperlukan dalam rangka menghasilkan produk yang lebih bermanfaat. Selain hasil litbangyasa, laporan ini dilengkapi dengan informasi mengenai sumberdaya Batan.

Diharapkan dokumen ini dapat diketahui dan dimanfaatkan oleh para pemangku kepentingan, serta dapat menjadi sarana kerjasama di masa depan maupun untuk mendapatkan masukan bagi peningkatan kinerja Batan.

Akhirnya, semoga Allah SWT selalu memberikan rahmat, taufiq dan hidayah-Nya kepada kita semua, Amin.

Jakarta, Mei 2013Head of the National Nuclear Energy AgencyKepala Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

Prof. Dr. Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto

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Annual Reportiv BATAN 2012

The year 2012 is the third year of The National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) in implementation of the 2010-2014 Strategic Plan“

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan v

Ringkasan EksekutifTahun 2012 merupakan tahun ketiga bagi Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (Batan) dalam melaksanakan Rencana Strategis 2010-2014. Pada tahun 2012, Batan telah melaksanakan seluruh program dan kegiatan yang menjadi komitmen sesuai tugas Batan yaitu melakukan pengembangan iptek nuklir untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat.

Beberapa hasil litbangyasa yang diperoleh pada tahun 2012, diantaranya adalah dalam rangka mendukung program prioritas nasional di bidang pangan/pertanian, dan energi, yaitu:

Di bidang pangan, litbangyasa Batan dilakukan untuk perbaikan varietas tanaman pangan sehingga mampu berproduksi tinggi, umur genjah dan tahan terhadap berbagai hama penyakit utama, serta adaptif pada kondisi agroklimat Indonesia. Pada tahun 2012 telah dilepas varietas padi unggul baru hasil litbangyasa iptek nuklir, yaitu: Varietas padi Inpari Mugibat, Suluttan Unsrat 1, serta Suluttan Unsrat 2. Selain itu beberapa varietas baru tanaman pangan lain: gandum tropis, sorgum, kedelai, dan kacang hijau, telah mendapat penilaian dan rekomendasi dari Tim Pelepasan Varietas – Kementerian Pertanian untuk dapat dilepas menjadi varietas unggul baru. Di samping itu, di bidang pangan/pertanian, Batan juga telah memperoleh paket pembuatan inokulan mikroba pengurai limbah organik dan perunut untuk remediasi lahan marginal serta pembuatan produk pangan fungsional berbasis nabati (aneka sayur) iradiasi.

Di tahun 2012, kerjasama untuk penyebaran varietas unggul hasil litbangyasa Batan telah dilakukan dengan 21 institusi mitra Batan yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah Indonesia: Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa, Sulawesi dan Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Di bidang energi, Batan telah melengkapi dokumen-dokumen terkait Sistem Energi Nuklir, diantaranya studi infrastruktur sistem kelistrikan opsi nuklir (ekonomi dan pendanaan, perencanaan energi), studi partisipasi industri nasional, serta studi tapak PLTN dan penyusunan spesifikasi teknis yang siap dimanfaatkan oleh pemangku kepentingan.

Selain itu Batan mendukung program iptek dengan melaksanakan penelitian, pengembangan, dan penerapan energi nuklir isotop dan radiasi di bidang kesehatan, melalui pengembangan teknis penatalaksanaan kanker menggunakan teknik nuklir, Batan memberikan masukan

Executive SummaryThe year 2012 is the third year of The National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) in implementation of the 2010-2014 Strategic Plan. In the year 2012 Batan had conducted all the programs and activities which had become the commitment in accordance to the duties of Batan, which is the development of nuclear science and technology for the welfare of the people.

Several results of the research-development-engineering which had been obtained in the year 2012, among them are in the frame of supporting the national priority program in the field of food/agriculture, and energy, which are:

In the field of food, the research-development-engineering of Batan is conducted to improve food plant varieties therefore able to have higher production, shorter life cycle, and more resilient to various main pests, as well as adaptive to the agroclimatic conditions in Indonesia. In the year 2012 new superior rice paddy varieties from the results of research-development-engineering have been released, which are: the paddy varieties of Inpari Mugibat, the Suluttan Unsrat 1, as well as the Suluttan Unsrat 2. Besides those, there are also several other new varieties of food plants, namely: tropical wheat, sorghum, soybean, and mungbean, which have obtained evaluation and recommendation from the Variety Release Team – Ministry of Agriculture, to be released as new superior varieties. Besides that, in the field of food/agriculture, Batan also had obtained packages in manufacturing microbe inoculants for degradation of organic wastes and tracers for remediation of marginal lands as well as making irradiated plant (variety of vegetables) based functional food products.

In the year 2012, cooperation in spreading superior varieties from the results of research-development-enginering of Batan had been conducted with 21 partner institutions of Batan which are spread out in several areas of Indonesia: Sumatera, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara Barat.

In the field of energy, Batan had succeeded in completing the documents in connection to the Nuclear Energy System, among others, the electricity system infrastructure study with the nuclear option (economy and funding/finance, energy planning), study of the national industry participation, as well as the NPP site study and preparation of the technical specifications which are ready to be utilized by stakeholders.

Besides that, Batan has supported the science and technology program by conducting research, development, and application of nuclear energy of isotopes and radiation in the field of health, through technical development in procedural handling of cancer using nuclear techniques,

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Annual Reportvi BATAN 2012

pada metoda diagnostik yang sudah ada/baku untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan pasien di rumah sakit, khususnya yang mempunyai instalasi kedokteran nuklir.

Pada tahun 2012 telah pula diperoleh prototipe pencacah RIA untuk diagnosa kelenjar tumor payudara dengan inovasi sistem otomatis, sehingga jumlah sampel yang diperiksa lebih banyak dan cepat. Di samping itu telah pula dilakukan difusi teknologi seed I-125 dengan menyebarluaskan teknologi ini kepada mitra pengguna, badan regulasi dan mitra industri. Mitra industri telah dilibatkan dalam kegiatan sertifikasi yang terkait sisi kualitas serta registrasi yang berkaitan dengan legalitas. Seed I-125 adalah sumber radiasi laju dosis rendah untuk terapi kanker payudara dan prostat dengan cara menanamkan (implantasi) sumber radiasi ke dalam jaringan kanker, tanpa memerlukan rawat inap serta memiliki dampak yang kecil terhadap sel-sel tubuh di sekitarnya.

Di bidang sumber daya alam dan lingkungan, pada tahun 2012 ini Batan telah melengkapi hasil kegiatan inventarisasi potensi sumberdaya Uranium, Thorium di Indonesia untuk daerah Papua, Kalimantan Barat, Bangka Belitung serta penguasaan teknologi pengolahan Uranium dan Thorium. Untuk membantu pemecahan masalah kualitas lingkungan, Batan telah melakukan karakterisasi dan identifikasi sumber pencemar menggunakan Teknik Analisis Nuklir (TAN) yang memiliki keunggulan, di beberapa daerah di Indonesia dan memperoleh data base yang dapat memberi kontribusi terhadap kebijakan yang tepat dan terarah dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas udara di Indonesia agar gangguan kesehatan dan kerugian finansial yang lebih besar dapat dihindari.

Kegiatan pengembangan material maju di bidang energi dilakukan dalam mengembangkan bahan baterai mikro dan bahan struktur reaktor untuk mendukung Agenda Riset Nasional (ARN) menuju kemandirian di bidang energi, terutama dalam pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan baik energi nuklir maupun energi alternatif lainnya.

Pengembangan material maju bidang kesehatan yang telah dilakukan berupa pengembangan nanopartikel magnetik untuk diagnosa. Bahan ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk diagnosa karena selain memiliki ukuran yang kecil, sifat magnetik yang dimilikinya dapat dimanipulasi untuk mendukung proses pencitraan berbasis teknik magnetik dalam metoda diagnosis in vivo serta mempermudah proses pemisahan dan identifikasi dalam metoda in vitro.

Batan memberikan layanan kepada masyarakat, baik perorangan maupun lembaga/instansi dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang dimiliki Batan yang berada di Jakarta (Kuningan Barat dan Pasar Jum’at), Serpong, Bandung, maupun Yogyakarta. Jenis layanan publik yang

Batan has given input to existing/standard diagnostic methods in order to increase quality of services to patients in hospitals having nuclear medical installations. In the year 2012, a RIA Counter prototype had been obtained for diagnosis of breast tumor glands by automatic innovation systems, therefore the number of samples being examined was more and much quicker. Besides that, a diffusion technology of seed I-125 had also been conducted with the dissemination of this technology to the partner user, the regulatory authority and to the partner Industry. The partner industry had been involved in the certification activities in connection with the quality side as well as the registration which is connected to the legality. The Seed I-125 is a low dose rate radiation source for therapy of breast and prostate cancer by implantation of the radiation source into the cancer tissue, without needing overnight hospitalization as well as having a very small impact towards the surrounding body cells.

In the field of natural resources and the environment, in this year of 2012, Batan had complemented its activities in inventory of Uranium and Thorium resource potency in Indonesia for the regions of Papua, West Kalimantan, Bangka Belitung as well as mastery of processing technology of Uranium and Thorium. In order to help in resolving issues of the environmental quality, Batan had conducted characterization and identification of pollution sources by using the Nuclear Analysis Techniques (TAN) which possesses superiority in several regions of Indonesia and obtained a data base which could give contribution towards the precise and directed policy in the effort to increase the air quality of Indonesia so that greater disturbances to the health and financial losses could be avoided.

Activities in development of advanced materials in the field of energy are conducted in development of micro battery materials and reactor structural materials in support of the National Research Agenda (ARN) towards independence in the field of energy, especially in development of new and renewable energy, whether it is nuclear as well as other alternative energies.

Development of advanced material in the field of health that has been conducted is the development of magnetic nano-particles for diagnosis. These materials could be applied for diagnosis because besides possessing a small size, the magnetic characteristics could be manipulated for supporting the magnetic technique based imaging process in in-vivo diagnosis method as well as easier in the process of separation and identification in the in-vitro method.

Batan renders services to the people, to the individual as well as to institutions by utilization of facilities possessed by Batan located in Jakarta (Kuningan Barat and Pasar Jum’at), Bandung, as well as in Yogyakarta. The type of public services provided by Batan, among others: education

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan vii

disediakan Batan, antara lain: pendidikan dan pelatihan, teknologi keselamatan dan metrologi radiasi, pengolahan limbah radioaktif, iradiasi, dan sertifiaksi personel uji tak rusak (UTR)

Pada tahun 2012, telah terdaftar sejumlah 13 judul paten hasil litbangyasa Batan, ditetapkan 5 judul Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) bidang nuklir oleh Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) dari rancangan yang telah diusulkan Batan, serta diperoleh publikasi karya ilmiah sekitar 257 publikasi nasional dan 30 publikasi Internasional melalui jurnal, maupun prosiding forum ilmiah nasional maupun internasional.

Selain itu, pada tahun 2012, Batan memperoleh beberapa penghargaan terkait hasil penilaian kinerja dari institusi yang berwenang antara lain:

• Opini WTP dalam Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan • Penghargaan peringkat kedua untuk kategori Realisasi IP (Inventarisasi dan Penilaian) Barang Milik Negara • Predikat Baik dalam penilaian LAKIP • Penghargaan Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, peringkat ke-3 untuk kategori informasi wajib diumumkan berkala (melalui website) dan kategori informasi wajib tersedia setiap saat

• Enam penelitian memperoleh penghargaan Karya Inovasi dari Business Innovation Center (BIC) - Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi

• Penghargaan sertifikat Kawasan Berbudaya Hak Kekayaan Intelektual kepada Batan untuk kategori Instansi Pemerintah di Bidang Kreativitas dan Inovasi Teknologi.

Masukan maupun rekomendasi untuk perbaikan dari pemangku kepentingan Batan, merupakan pemicu bagi Batan untuk perbaikan maupun peningkatan kinerja ke depan.

and training, safety technology and radiation metrology, radioactive waste processing, irradiation, and certification of personnel for non-destructive testing (NDT/UTR).

In the year 2012, 13 patent titles had been registered from the results of research-development-engineering of Batan, 5 Indonesia National Standards (SNI) in the nuclear field had been stipulated by the National Standardization Agency (BSN) from Concepts proposed by Batan, as well as the publication of scientific papers, 257 national publications and 30 international publications through journals, as well as national and international scientific forum proceedings.

Besides that, in the year 2012, Batan had obtained several awards in connection with the results of evaluation of performance from the authorized institutions, among others:

• Opinion of WTP (Reasonable Without Reserve) in Evaluation of the Financial Performance • Appreciation for Second Rank for the category in Realization of IP (Inventory and Evauation) of State Owned Goods

• The Predicate : “Good” in evaluation of LAKIP (Government Institution Performance Accountability Report)

• Award in Openness of Public Information, ranking-3 (third) for the category of obligation for announcement of information periodically (through website) and the category for availability of information at anytime

• Six researches have obtained the award, Innovation Achievement from the Business Innovation Center (BIC) – State Ministry for Research and Technology

• The award, Certificate for Intellectual Property Rights of the Cultural Zone/Area to Batan for the Government Institution in the Field of Creativity and Innovation of Technology.

The inputs as well as recommendations for improvement from the Batan stakeholders, are triggers for Batan to improve as well as to increase performance in the coming future.

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Annual Reportviii BATAN 2012

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan ix

FOREWORDKATA PENGANTAREXECUTIVE SUMMARYRINGKASAN EKSEKUTIFTABLE OF CONTENTDAFTAR ISICHAPTER I Results of Research, Development, and Application of Nuclear Energy, Isotope and Radiation in the Year 2012BAB I Hasil Penelitian, Pengembangan, dan Penerapan Energi Nuklir Isotop dan Radiasi Tahun 2012 I.1 Health and Medicine I.1 Kesehatan dan Obat I.2 Food I.2 Pangan / Pertanian I.3 Natural Resources and Environment I.3 Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan I.4 Advanced Material I.4 Material Maju I.5 Energy I.5 Energi I.6 Informatics I.6 Informatika I.7 Dissemination of Nuclear Science and Technology I.7 Diseminasi Iptek Nuklir I.8 Other Achievements I.8 Lain-lainCHAPTER II Education, Standardization, and Nuclear Science and Technology Services BAB II Pendidikan, Standardisasi, dan Layanan Jasa Iptek Nuklir II.1 Education in Nuclear Science and Technology II.1 Pendidikan Iptek Nuklir II.2 Standardization in the Nuclear Field II.2 Standardisasi Bidang Nuklir II.3 Nuclear Science and Technology Services II.3 Layanan Jasa Iptek NuklirCHAPTER III Results of Performance Evaluation and Awards Received by Batan in the Year 2012 BAB III Hasil Penilaian Kinerja dan Penghargaan yang Diterima Batan pada Tahun 2012CHAPTER IV Profile of the National Nuclear Energy AgencyBab IV Profil Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional IV.1 Position, Duties and Functions IV.1 Kedudukan, Tugas dan Fungsi IV.2 Organization Structure IV.2 Struktur organisasi IV.3 Human Resources IV.3 Sumber Daya Manusia 1V.4 Facilities for Research, Development and Engineering IV.4 Sarana Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Perekayasaan 1V.5 Program and Budget IV.5 Program dan Anggaran 1V.6 Bureaucracy Reformation IV.6 Reformasi BirokrasiAttachmentLampiran List of Recipients of Awards in Innovation in the Year 2012 Daftar Penerima Penghargaan Karya Inovasi Tahun 2012 List of Batan Patents in the Year 2012 Daftar Paten Batan Tahun 2012 List of Indonesian Nuclear Standards stipulated by the National Standard Agency in the Year 2012 Daftar SNI Bidang Nuklir yang Ditetapkan BSN Tahun 2012 List of Food Grain Varieties from the results of the Batan Research-Development-Engineering Daftar Varietas Hasil Litbangyasa Batan































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Annual Reportx BATAN 2012

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 1

Results of Research, Development, and Application of Nuclear Energy, Isotope and Radiation in the Year 2012

Hasil Penelitian, Pengembangan, dan Penerapan Energi Nuklir Isotop dan Radiasi Tahun 2012

Chapter 1 - BAB I

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Annual Report2 BATAN 2012

I.1.1. Development in techniques of orderly administering treatment in Cancer of the Breast, Cervix, and prostate with the use of Nuclear TechniquesBatan conducts Research-Development-Engineering in the frame of development in techniques of orderly administering treatment of cancer with the use of nuclear techniques in order to give input to the existing diagnostic method in serving patients in hospitals, specifically those possessing nuclear medical installation. In the year 2012 a cancer diagnostic method/technique had been obtained for prostate and breast cancer by in vitro and in vivo method by using radiopharmaceuticals as follows.

I.1.1.1. Development of the in vitro diagnostic technique for breast cancer with CA - 15.3 and prostate cancer with PSA (Prostate Spesific Antigen)

The in vitro examination or laboratory specifically with tumor labeling is one of the selected alternative diagnostic technique because it is safer dan comfortable to patients. Mastery of labeling detection techniques of tumor CA – 15.3 for screen test and/or breast cancer diagnosis, and labeling detection technique of tumor PSA (Prostate Spesific Antigen), serum for screen test and/or diagnosis of the prostate cancer which is examined with the radioimmunoassay (RI) or Immunoradiometric Assay (IRMA) becomes very much needed.

The two examination methods could detect and measure the interaction of the antigen – antibodies by using radioisotopes. The basic principle of this technique is the immunology between antigen with radioactive label and specific antibody with gamma ray detection which has

proven to be a specific technique, sensitive, and simple.

In the year 2012 the detection of breast cancer was conducted by swab test/screening with the tumor labeling of Antigen Cancer (CA) serial serums to patients suffering from advanced stadium of breast cancer, pre and post therapeutic action for evaluation of response therapeutic action. Breast tumor labeling analysis (CA-15.3) are for patients who are suspected of breast cancer. Whereas for prostate cancer detection, the Prostate Spesific Antigen (PSA) is examined for patients who are suspected to have prostate cancer. The results have been obtained, on the average, PSA 40,21 ±33,24 ng/ml, hence among them are post therapeutic with an average of 28,52 ±26,14 ng/ml and pre-therapy patients with an average of PSA 78,62 ±24,01 ng/ml. In prostate cancer of post prostatektomi of less than 1 month achieves a PSA which is very low with an average of 1,32±1,13 ng/ml. The average age of prostate cancer patients who are following this research is 68,2±6,84 years.

The conclusion is that, examination of the CA and PSA tumor labeling could be used for early diagnosis and for therapeutic evaluation of each breast and prostate cancer.

I.1.1.2. In Vivo Diagnostic Method for Prostate and Breast Cancer

The utilization of nuclear techniques to view physiologically as well as pathologically is by using the gamma camera, or PET to evaluate the metabolic level of the organ functions, is still lacking, specifically in Indonesia.

I.1 Health and Medicine

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 3

I.1.1. Pengembangan Teknik Penatalaksanaan Kanker Payudara, Serviks, dan Prostat dengan Teknik Nuklir

Batan melakukan litbangyasa dalam rangka mengembangkan teknis penatalaksanaan kanker menggunakan teknik nuklir untuk memberikan masukan pada metoda diagnostik yang sudah ada/baku di dalam pelayanan pasien di rumah sakit, khususnya yang mempunyai instalasi kedokteran nuklir. Pada tahun 2012 telah diperoleh metode/teknik diagnostik kanker prostat dan payudara secara in vitro dan in vivo menggunakan radiofarmaka sebagai berikut.

I.1.1.1. Pengembangan teknik diagnostik in vitro kanker payudara dengan CA - 15.3 dan kanker prostat dengan PSA (Prostate Spesific Antigen)

Pemeriksaan in vitro atau laboratorium khususnya dengan petanda tumor merupakan salah satu alternatif pilihan teknik diagnostik karena lebih aman dan nyaman bagi penderita. Penguasaan teknik deteksi petanda tumor CA - 15.3 untuk uji saring dan/atau diagnosis kanker payudara, dan teknik deteksi petanda tumor PSA (Prostate Spesific Antigen) serum untuk uji saring dan/atau diagnosis kanker prostat yang diperiksa dengan metode radioimmunoassay (RIA) atau Immunoradiometric Assay (IRMA) menjadi sangat diperlukan.

Kedua metode pemeriksaan dapat mendeteksi dan mengukur interaksi antigen - antibodi menggunakan radioisotop. Prinsip dasar dari teknik ini adalah reaksi imunologis antara antigen bertanda radioaktif dan antibodi spesifik dengan deteksi sinar gamma yang telah terbukti sebagai teknik yang spesifik, sensitif dan sederhana.

Pada tahun 2012 deteksi kanker payudara dilakukan dengan uji tapis/ skrining dengan petanda tumor Cancer Antigen (CA) serum serial pada pasien-pasien pengidap kanker payudara stadium lanjut pra dan paska tindakan terapi untuk penilaian respon tindakan terapi. Berhasil dilakukan analisis petanda tumor payudara (CA-15.3) terhadap pasien-pasien tersangka kanker payudara. Sedangkan untuk deteksi kanker prostat telah diperiksa kadar Prostate Spesific Antigen (PSA) dari pasien tersangka kanker prostat. Hasilnya telah diperoleh rerata PSA 40,21 ±33,24 ng/ml, diantaranya pasien paskaterapi dengan rerata PSA 28,52 ±26,14 ng/ml dan pasien pra-terapi dengan rerata PSA 78,62 ±24,01 ng/ml. Pada pasien kanker prostat paska prostatektomi kurang dari 1 bulan didapatkan nilai PSA yang sangat rendah dengan rerata 1,32±1,13 ng/ml. Rerata usia pasien kanker prostat yang mengikuti penelitian ini adalah 68,2±6,84 tahun.

Kesimpulannya, pemeriksaan petanda tumor CA dan PSA dapat digunakan untuk diagnosa dini dan untuk evaluasi terapi masing-masing kanker payudara dan prostat.

I.1.1.2. Metode Diagnostik in vivo Kanker Prostat dan Payudara

Pemanfaatan teknik nuklir untuk melihat secara fisiologis maupun patologis menggunakan kamera gamma, atau PET untuk penilaian fungsi organ taraf metabolik, masih kurang, khususnya di Indonesia. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, dengan adanya fasilitas litbang yang memadai, yaitu Generator teknesium, cold kit dan kamera gamma dual head, Batan melakukan penelitian untuk kanker prostat dan payudara untuk memberikan masukan pada metoda diagnostik yang sudah ada/baku di

I.1 Kesehatan dan Obat

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Annual Report4 BATAN 2012

Departing from this condition, and with the existence of an adequate R&D facility support, including the Technetium Generator, cold kit and dual head gamma camera, Batan conducts research on prostate and breast cancer in order to give input to the existing/standard diagnostic method for serving patients in the hospitals, specifically those having a nuclear medical installation. In medical nuclear techniques there is an in vivo diagnostic method using radiopharmaceuticals to detect the spread or metastasis level of cancer which among others originates from prostate and breast cancer, as well as gamma camera equipment as a detection tool for radioactive markers in the patients body.The detection of prostate cancer and its spread into soft tissues is conducted by using the dual head gamma camera for physiological and pathological puposes. The results obtained is a prostate cancer technical procedure document to detect metastasis of the soft tissue using the Tc-99m Hynic Folat with the whole body scan technique. Application of nuclear technique for detecting breast cancer is conducted to determine the cancer stadium/stage by using the gamma camera and the 99mTc Sestamibi as a cancer marker in soft tissue.

The research is conducted by researchers from several relevant work units of Batan, and cooperation with doctors from the urology division of the Fatmawati Public Hospital Jakarta.

I. Subject : normal (normal prostate gland)

Examination with Tc-99m Hynic folat

I.1.1.3. Prognosis of Biomarker Detection of the Cervix and Breast Cancer

Radiotherapy is the main choice in handling cervix cancer, therefore the mechanism which regulates the radiosensitivity of cancer cells and cell proliferation is a very important step to be studied to improve the survival of cancer victims from cervix cancer after receiving radiotherapy. The death of cancer cells due to radiotherapy, a large part is caused by apoptosis (death of cell in connection to the cell cycle phase which is regulated by the gene protein expression like Fox01, MDM2,Bim). With the immuno-histochemistry technique as a cell radiosensitive prognosis biomarker for optimizing the handling or treatment of cervix cancer patients with radiotherapy. One of the risks of radiotherapy is excess dose which could cause destruction and death of normal cells in the surrounding tissue. This risk could be avoided by knowing the cell radiosensitivity level of each individual patient.

Cell radiosensitivity could be seen through the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) biomarker. The purpose of this research is to master the cell radiosensitivity detection technique with SNP biomarker of radiotherapy patients. One of the genes which functions in repair of DNA due to ionizing radiation is the X-ray Repair Cross Complementing (XRCC). The research conducted in the year 2012 is a continuation of the research in the year 2010-2011 which detects the SNP gene, the XRCC 1- 4 on cervix cancer patients and breast cancer. Analysis of this SNP radiosensitivity shall be conducted using the sequenching of DNA and RT-PCR from the blood sample (whole blood).

Blood samples are obtained before radiotherapy of cervix and breast cancer patients for SNP radiosensitivity biomarker detection. Blood sample is also taken after radiotherapy treatment. After radiotherapy, it is found that there is a tendency of association between p70s6k and the response of chemoradiotherapy (P=0,006), and no correlation has been found between akt.bax.bcl-2 and mTOR with chemoradiotherapy response. It could be concluded that the protein channel p70s6k is associated with the cervix cancer chemoradiotherapy response, and no association is found between channel bcl-2, bax, Akt, and mTOR with the cervix cancer chemoradiotherapy response.

Invasion by cervic cell in a body tissue

An active cancer cells found insidethe body tissue

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 5

dalam pelayanan pasien di rumah sakit, khususnya yang mempunyai instalasi kedokteran nuklir. Dalam teknik nuklir kedokteran terdapat metode diagnostik in vivo menggunakan radiofarmaka untuk deteksi penyebaran atau metastasis kanker yang antara lain berasal kanker prostat dan payudara, serta alat kamera gamma sebagai alat pendeteksi distribusi marker radioaktif dalam tubuh pasien.Deteksi kanker prostat dan penyebarannya pada jaringan lunak dilakukan menggunakan kamera gamma dual head secara fisiologi dan patofisiologi. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah dokumen teknis penatalaksanaan kanker prostat untuk mendeteksi metastasis pada jaringan lunak menggunakan Tc-99m Hynic Folat dengan teknik whole body scan. Aplikasi teknik nuklir untuk deteksi kanker payudara dilakukan untuk menentukan stadium kanker dengan menggunakan kamera gamma dan sumber 99mTc Sestamibi sebagai petanda kanker pada jaringan lunak.

Penelitian dilaksanakan oleh para peneliti dari beberapa unit kerja Batan yang terkait, dan kerjasama dengan dokter dari bagian urologi RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta.

II.Subjek abnormal (kanker prostat)

Gambar biru adalah dengan Tc-99m Hynic Folat dan kuning Tc-99m Sestamibi

Gambar hijau adalah dengan Tc-99m Hynic Folat dan hitam Tc-99m MDP

I.1.1.3. Deteksi Biomarker Prognosis Kanker Serviks dan Payudara

Radioterapi merupakan pilihan utama dalam menangani kanker serviks, sehingga mekanisme yang mengatur radiosensitifitas sel kanker dan proliferasi sel merupakan langkah penting dipelajari untuk memperbaiki survival penderita kanker dari kanker serviks setelah menerima radioterapi. Matinya sel kanker akibat radioterapi, sebagian besar disebabkan oleh apoptosis (kematian sel yang terkait dengan fase siklus sel yang diatur ekspresi protein gen seperti Fox01, MDM2, Bim). Dengan teknik immunohistochemistry sebagai biomarker prognosis radiosensitivitas sel untuk mengoptimalkan penanganan atau pengobatan pasien kanker serviks dengan radioterapi. Salah satu resiko radioterapi adalah pajanan berlebih yang dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan dan kematian sel normal pada jaringan sekitarnya. Resiko tersebut dapat dihindari dengan mengetahui tingkat radiosensitivitas sel dari masing-masing individu pasien.

Radiosensitivitas sel dapat dilihat melalui biomarker Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguasai teknik deteksi radiosensitivitas sel dengan biomarker SNP pada pasien radioterapi. Salah satu gen yang berfungsi dalam perbaikan DNA akibat radiasi pengion adalah X-ray Repair Cross Complementing (XRCC). Penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2012 ini merupakan kelanjutan dari penelitian tahun 2010-2011 yang mendeteksi SNP gen XRCC 1- 4 pada pasien kanker serviks. Tahun 2012 gen XRCC yang akan digunakan adalah XRCC 5 pada pasien kanker serviks dan kanker payudara. Analisis radiosensitivitas SNP ini akan dilakukan menggunakan sequensing DNA dan RT-PCR dari sampel darah (whole blood).

Telah diperoleh sampel darah sebelum radioterapi dari pasien kanker serviks dan kanker payudara untuk deteksi biomarker radiosensitivitas SNP. Telah pula dilakukan pengambilan darah setelah radioterapi. Setelah tindakan radioterapi ditemukan adanya kecenderungan asosiasi antara p70s6k dan respon kemoradioterapi (P=0,006), dan tidak ditemukan adanya korelasi akt.bax.bcl-2 dan mTOR dengan respon kemoradioterapi. Dapat disimpulkan jalur protein p70s6k berasosiasi dengan respon kemoradioterapi kanker servik, dan tidak ditemukan asosiasi antara jalur bcl-2, bax, Akt, dan mTOR dengan respon kemoradioterapi kanker serviks.

Jaringan yang terserang servik mit rendah

Methylation Variable Position (MVP) diluar inti

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Annual Report6 BATAN 2012

I.1.2. Development of a Candidate Caccine Material for Plasmodium Malaria sp. Sporozoit Stadium with the Radiation Technique (Gamma Irradiation)

Batan has conducted R&D of irradiated malaria vaccine with the main purpose to determine the effective gamma irradiation level in weakening the malaria parasite and obtaining the main supporting data to come up with the precise formula from the malaria vaccine material candidate. Currently research and development of malaria vaccine with nuclear techniques is being conducted to obtain a malaria vaccine base material in the form of a weakened plasmodium using gamma rays.

In the year 2012 the R&D for malaria vaccine is focused on the sporozoit phase, where each are divided in the detection of the plasmodium sp. protein, the immune response towards Plasmodium sp. infection and haematological and histopathological examination of the host body organ. The activity covers expression examination of the Circum Sporozoite Protein (CSP) Plasmodium sp. sporozoit stadium due to attenuation of gamma rays, immunological response examination using the ELISA/IFAT technique, propagation of Plasmodium by in vivo, and haematological and histopathological examination on experimental animal body organs. The results in the year 2012 is as follows.

Expression Detection in Post Gamma Irradiation of Plasmodium Protein sp. Sporozoit StadiumThe activity is conducted to find out the immunity response and the effect to the haematological and histopathological system of experimental animal organs from the malaria vaccine base material which is the Plasmodium sp. stadium sporozoit parasite which is weakened by gamma radiation. For the P. falciparum protein profile examination, culturing is conducted with the Trager and Jensen method towards the P. falciparum strain 3D7 (Figure 1A). Infection to mosquitoes is conducted with the membrane feeding system using parafilm and baudrauche membrane. The results are very good where there are more mosquitoes which are infected (gravid) and a number of sporozoit is obtained to be irradiated.

One protein which has the role in the life cycle of the Plasmodium sp. is the Circum Sporozoite Protein (CSP) which has the potency to be a vaccine material candidate. The results obtained with the Western Blot technique towards protein from the irradiated sporozoit stadium of P. berghei (molecular weight is 62 kDa) is that there are no differences in the profile of Circum Sporozoite Protein (CSP) at variations of gamma radiation doses (150, 175 and 200 Gy) which is shown in the figure above.

Immunological Response Examination of Post Irradiated Sporozoit Plasmodium sp. The immune system towards malaria is very complex involving all the immune system including the specific and non specific immunity, humoral immunity and cellular immunity. Immune response is known to appear during post vaccination of weakened Plasmodium by gamma radiation. The objective of this research is to find out the level of antibodies acquired and to find out the body immunity system response in responding to the irradiated sporozoit stadium malaria vaccine material. After given the vaccine, the host animal (in vivo) and the culture cell (in vitro) is tested against malaria parasite and then monitored in its development of antibodies during a certain period of time. The results of immunity response testing on the Swiss Webster animal host mice during post irradiation shows that the radiation dose of 150 and 175 Gy is relatively effective in weakening and suppressing the growth of the parasite.

Figure. Detection of the entrositic stadium P.berghei antibody which is irradiated with 0 Gy (positive control), 150 Gy, 175 Gy.

Profile of irradiated P. berghei sporozoit protein (molecular weight is 62 kDa).

Attenuated plasmodium examintion with gamma ray in plasma blood sample

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 7

I.1.2. Pengembangan Kandidat Bahan Vaksin Malaria Plasmodium sp. Stadium Sporozoit dengan Teknik Radiasi (Iradiasi Gamma)

Batan telah melaksanakan litbang vaksin malaria iradiasi dengan tujuan utama menentukan dosis iradiasi gamma yang efektif melemahkan parasit malaria dan memperoleh data dukung utama untuk memperoleh formula yang tepat dari kandidat bahan vaksin malaria. Saat ini sedang dilakukan kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan vaksin malaria dengan teknik nuklir untuk memperoleh bahan dasar vaksin malaria berupa plasmodium yang dilemahkan dengan sinar gamma.

Pada tahun 2012 penelitian litbang vaksin malaria difokuskan pada tahap sporozoit, yang masing-masing terbagi dalam deteksi protein plasmodium sp., pengujian respon imun terhadap infeksi Plasmodium sp. dan pemeriksaan hematologi dan histopatologi organ tubuh inang. Kegiatan meliputi uji ekspresi Circum Sporozoite Protein (CSP) Plasmodium sp. stadium sporozoit akibat atenuasi sinar gamma, uji respon imunologis dengan teknik ELISA/IFAT, propagasi Plasmodium secara in vivo, dan pemeriksaan hematologi dan histopatologi pada organ tubuh hewan coba. Hasil tahun 2012 sebagai berikut.

Pendeteksian Ekspresi Protein Plasmodium sp. Stadium Sporozoit Pasca Iradiasi GammaKegiatan dilakukan untuk mengetahui respon imunitas dan efek pada sistem hematologi dan histopatologi organ hewan coba dari kandidat bahan dasar vaksin malaria yaitu parasit Plasmodium sp. stadium sporozoit yang telah dilemahkan dengan radiasi gamma.

Untuk uji profil protein P. falciparum, dilakukan pengkulturan dengan metode Trager dan Jensen terhadap P. falciparum strain 3D7 (Gambar 1A). Penginfeksian nyamuk dilakukan dengan sistem membrane feeding menggunakan parafilm dan membran baudrauche. Hasilnya sangat baik dimana lebih banyak jumlah nyamuk yang terinfeksi (gravid) dan diperoleh sejumlah sporozoit untuk diiradiasi.Satu protein yang berperan dalam siklus hidup Plasmodium sp. adalah Circum Sporozoite Protein (CSP) yang berpotensi sebagai kandidat bahan vaksin. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan teknik Western Blot terhadap protein dari P. berghei stadium sporozoit iradiasi (berat molekul 62 kDa) adalah tidak adanya perbedaan profil Circum Sporozoite Protein (CSP) pada variasi dosis radiasi gamma (150, 175 dan 200 Gy) yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di atas.

Uji Respon Imunologis Pasca Imunisasi Sporozoit Plasmodium sp. IradiasiSistem imunitas terhadap malaria sangat kompleks melibatkan semua komponen sistem imunitas spesifik dan non spesifik, imunitas humoral dan imunitas seluler. Respon imun diketahui muncul pasca vaksinasi Plasmodium yang dilemahkan dengan radiasi gamma. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat antibodi yang diperoleh (acquired) untuk mengetahui respon sistem imunitas tubuh dalam merespon bahan vaksin malaria iradiasi stadium sporozoit. Setelah diberikan vaksin, hewan inang (in vivo) dan kultur sel (in vitro) diuji tantang dengan parasit malaria kemudian dimonitor perkembangan respon antibodi selama waktu tertentu.

Hasil uji respon imunitas pada hewan inang mencit Swiss Webster pasca iradiasi menunjukkan bahwa dosis radiasi 150 dan 175 Gy relatif efektif dalam melemahkan dan menekan pertumbuhan parasit.

Pengembangan vaksin malaria dengan teknik nuklir untuk memperoleh bahan dasar vaksin malaria

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Annual Report8 BATAN 2012

Haematological and Histopathological testing post Immunization with Sporozoit Stadium Plasmodium sp.Haematological examination of mice infected with irradiated Sporozoit Stadium Plasmodium sp. shows that the dose of 150 and 175 Gy is capable of weakening the level of infection of the parasite because the trial animal body is able to maintain the average number of erithrocyt and leucocyt cells under normal limits which does not show any differences of irradiation doses.

The results of histopathological examination on organs of the liver and lymph of mice post infection with irradiated Plasmodium berghei (150 Gy and 175 Gy) shows the presence of inflammation which is not too different to the control animal. Whereas on animals which are infected with non irradiated parasites, the organ of the liver experienced congestion, hepatocyt degeneration, infiltration of infected cells, sinusoidal dilatation, necrocyt hepatocyt, haemozoin pigment and macrofag infiltration, and the lymph organ experienced congestion, megacariocyt proliferation, splenitis and hemorrhage.

I.1.3. Development of Technology in Mitigation of Nuclear Accidents

I.1.3.1. Development of Cytogenetic Analysis Technique as a Radiation Biodosimetry

The dosis-response standard curve is used to predict the radiation dose received by the body of the radiation accident victim through examination of the blood sample.

The prediction of the radiation dose received by the worker or people in radiation accident cases could be conducted through examination of the amount of damage to the chromosomes or aberration to the chromosomes of the victim’s periphery blood lymphosit cells (cytogenetic analysis as biodosimetry).

The presence of chromosome aberration or changes to the chromosome structure of the blood periphery lymphosit cells could be used as a body biological dosimeter which is exposed to excess radiation.

Changes to the chromosome structure due to radiation exposure could be in the form of acentric chromosome (chromosome fragments not containing centromers), ring chromosomes, dicentric chromosomes (chromosomes with two centromers), and translocation (fragment movements between one or more chromosomes). The changes in the specific chromosome structure induced by the radiation exposure is the dicentric chromosome. For this necessity, it is therefore needed to possess a response dose

standard curve for every type of radiation which is obtained by radiating healthy human blood samples with various doses. Until the year 2011, 2 dose response standard curves of X-ray and gamma rays have been obtained. Whereas the year 2012 focusses on translocation (due to background radiation) or fragment movement between one or more chromosomes by using gamma irradiation from the 60Co source with the dose range of 0 – 4 Gy.

Histopathological Response of organs

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 9

Uji Hematologi dan Histopatologi Pasca Imunisasi Plasmodium sp. Stadium SporozoitPemeriksaan hematologi pada hewan coba mencit yang diinfeksi dengan Plasmodium sp stadium Sporozoit irradiasi menunjukkan bahwa dosis 150 dan 175 Gy mampu melemahkan tingkat infeksi parasit karena tubuh hewan coba dapat mempertahankan jumlah rata-rata sel eritrosit dan lekosit dalam batas normal yang tidak menunjukkan perbedaan antar dosis iradiasi

Respon Hematologi pada darah

Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi pada organ hati dan limpa hewan coba mencit pasca infeksi Plasmodium berghei iradiasi (150 Gy dan 175 Gy) menunjukkan adanya sedikit pembengkakan yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan hewan kontrol. Sedangkan pada hewan yang diinfeksi dengan parasit yang tidak diiradiasi, organ hati mengalami kongesti, degenerasi hepatosit, infiltrasi sel radang, dilastasi sinusoid, nekrosit hepatosit, pigmen hemozoin dan infiltrsi makrofag, dan organ limpa mengalami kongesti, proliferasi megakariosit, splenitis dan hemoragi

I.1.3. Pengembangan Teknologi Penanggulangan Kecelakaan Nuklir

I.1.3.1. Pengembangan Teknik Analisis Sitogenetik sebagai Biodosimetri Radiasi

Kurva standard dosis-respon digunakan untuk memprediksi dosis radiasi yang diterima tubuh korban kecelakaan radiasi melalui pemeriksaan sampel darah. Prediksi dosis radiasi yang diterima pekerja atau masyarakat pada kasus kecelakaan radiasi dapat dilakukan melalui pemeriksaan jumlah kerusakan pada kromosom atau aberasi pada kromosom pada sel limfosit darah tepi korban (analisis sitogenetik sebagai biodosimetri).

Keberadaan aberasi kromosom atau perubahan struktur kromosom pada sel limfosit darah tepi dapat digunakan sebagai dosimeter biologi tubuh yang terpapar radiasi berlebih. Perubahan struktur kromosom akibat paparan radiasi dapat berupa kromosom asentrik (fragmen kromosom yang tidak mengandung sentromer), kromosom cincin, kromosom disentrik (kromosom dengan dua sentromer), dan translokasi (perpindahan fragmen antara satu atau lebih kromosom). Perubahan struktur kromosom yang spesifik terinduksi paparan radiasi ialah kromosom disentrik. Untuk keperluan tersebut, maka perlu dimiliki kurva standar dosis respon untuk setiap jenis radiasi yang diperoleh dengan meradiasi sampel darah manusia sehat dengan berbagai variasi dosis. Sampai dengan tahun 2011 telah diperoleh 2 kurva standar respon dosis sinar X dan sinar gamma. Sedangkan pada tahun 2012 difokuskan pada translokasi (akibat radiasi latar) atau perpindahan fragmen antara satu atau lebih kromosom dengan menggunakan irradiasi gamma dari sumber 60Co dengan rentang dosis 0 – 4 Gy.

Kurva standar kromosom translokasi sebagai fungsi dosis pasca irradiasi gamma dari sumber 60Co dengan rentang dosis 0 - 4 Gy.

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Annual Report10 BATAN 2012

This research uses the Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) technique to visualize translocation chromosomes as a stable chromosome aberration of periphery blood lymphosit cells. The translocation standard curve could be applied in prediction of worker dose specifically as a retrospective radiation biodosimetry.

I.1.4. Development of Radiation Metrology Technology

I.1.4.1. The In Vivo Radiotherapy Dosimetry Method

Uniformity of the amount of dose given to patients is an obligation which must be met by the institution involved in radiotherapy, which is the hospital and calibration laboratory. In Indonesia the calibration laboratory possessing the responsibility to maintain the uniformity of the amount of dose, is the SSDL-Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory which is owned by Batan and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Health Organization (WHO). With the increase of radiotherapy institutions and the more complex in the technique in radiation of radiotherapy patients, calibration of measuring equipment becomes inadequate to ensure precision and accuracy in giving doses to the patients. IAEA and several dosimetry laboratories which are combined in a dosimetry labratory network are beginning to require dose control through a dosimetry audit. The audit method could be conducted by giving passive dosimeters to hospitals to be given radiation of a certain dose and the passive dosimeter shall be analyzed to know precisely the given dose. The level of accuracy between planned doses and actual is 5%. In this activity a standard method shall be made which shall become the national standard method in a dosimetry audit in all hospitals that give radiotherapy services in Indonesia.

The in vivo dosimetry, needs an adequate diode detector characterization, and several correction factors which must be measured every time measurement is conducted.

The uncertainty of in vivo dosimetry measurement is 4.4% therefore the in vivo measurement could be conducted with a precision level under 5%. Based on trial tests, it is obtained that the difference of the results of measurement and estimation of diode is very small, which is 2.5%, therefore this method could be used to conduct good dose estimation to be given to the target.

I.1.4.2. Method in Determination of Internal (Hot Particle) and External Dose of Individuals with the Fast Neutron

This research activity has the objective to increase the capability of Batan Laboratories which become reference laboratories for radiation of the protection and environmental level, therefore this could be able to determine the dose of

hot particle internal radiation and dose of the fast neutron external radiation.

Internal Dosimetry (Hot Particle)Hot particles are particles that have a high radioactive content which could cause high doses to localized areas in a very brief time. With a measurement of 1-250 µm and high activity, the hot particle has high mobility therefore could be found in most of the skin of workers or protective clothing. Exposure of hot particles, physically they are radioactive particles that are very small and could give risks specifically to the lungs, skin and the body digestive system. The capability to estimate the internal dose of hot particles through the achievement of performance this year is important to the protection aspect of radiation workers.

The method used is to scan floor dust in the work area which has a potency for high exposure. The point of location where the exposure of high radiation is found, a sample of the floor coating measuring 5 x 5 Cm is taken with a Ludlum-9 surveymeter, and the sample is measured for its activity. There are 2 measurements of hot particles which are 10.65 µm and 30.5 µm. Analysis of the first dose, uses a radiograph chromic film. Analysis of the second dose, uses the Beta 3 version Varskin software. From the results, the analysis shows that the dose rate of the two types of hot particles are within the 0,0119 – 0,36 rad/hour range. The use of safety equipment is very important because this could reduce the dose up to 100 times.

External Dosimetry :Personal dosimetry is much used for monitoring foton external dose, a film dosimeter and a Thermo Luminescence Dosimeter (TLD). The TLD possesses better features compared to film dosimeters in the case of sensitivity, capability of measuring doses, dose response, energy response, and is not influenced by humidity and high magnetic fields. Research has been conducted to TLD-100 H and TLD-100, from the results of research, the results obtained had a deviation between 3,04 – 4,06% for TLD-100 and 3,804 – 4,10% for TLD-100H, after radiated with 60Co then each spread has reached 6,85% and 9,42% respectively. The conclusion obtained from TLD-100H is more suitable for applications which need accurate and precise measurement results.

Results of dose calculation of Beta 3 Varskin

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 11

Penelitian ini digunakan teknik Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) untuk memvisualisasi kromosom translokasi sebagai aberasi kromosom stabil pada sel limfosit darah tepi. Kurva standar translokasi dapat diaplikasikan dalam prediksi dosis pekerja khususnya sebagai biodosimetri radiasi retrospektif.

I.1.4. Pengembangan Teknologi Metrologi Radiasi

I.1.4.1. Metode Dosimetri in Vivo Radioterapi

Keseragaman besaran dosis yang diberikan pasien merupakan kewajiban yang harus dipenuhi oleh institusi yang terlibat dalam radioterapi yaitu rumah sakit dan laboratorium kalibrasi. Di Indonesia laboratorium kalibrasi yang memiliki tanggung jawab dalam menjaga keseragaman besaran dosis adalah Laboratorium Dosimetri Standar Sekunder (SSDL-Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory) yang dimiliki Batan dan berada di bawah pengawasan International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) dan World Health Organization (WHO). Dengan meningkatnya institusi radioterapi dan semakin kompleksnya teknik penyinaran pasien radioterapi, kalibrasi alat ukur menjadi tidak cukup untuk menjamin ketepatan dan keakurasian pemberian dosis kepada pasien. IAEA dan beberapa laboratorium dosimetri yang tergabung dalam jaringan laboratorium dosimetri mulai mewajibkan pengontrolan dosis dilakukan melalui audit dosimetri. Metode audit dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan dosimeter pasif kepada rumah sakit untuk diberi radiasi pada dosis tertentu dan dosimeter pasif akan dianalisis untuk mengetahui ketepatan dosis yang diberikan. Tingkat akurasi antara dosis perencanaan dan aktual adalah 5%. Dalam kegiatan ini akan dibuat suatu metode standar yang akan dijadikan sebagai metode standar nasional dalam audit dosimetri seluruh rumah sakit yang memberikan layanan radioterapi di Indonesia.

Dosimetri in vivo membutuhkan karakterisasi detektor dioda yang memadai, dan beberapa faktor koreksi yang harus diukur setiap melakukan pengukuran.

Ketidakpastian pengukuran dosimetri in vivo adalah 4,4 % sehingga pengukuran in vivo dapat dilakukan dengan tingkat ketepatan di bawah 5%. Berdasarkan uji coba diperoleh bahwa perbedaan hasil pengukuran dan estimasi dioda sangat kecil yaitu 2,5%, sehingga metode ini dapat digunakan untuk melakukan estimasi dosis yang diberikan ke target dengan baik.

I.1.4.2. Metode Penentuan Dosis Interna (Hot Partikel) dan Eksterna Perorangan dengan Neutron Cepat

Kegiatan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Laboratorium Batan yang menjadi acuan laboratorium radiasi tingkat proteksi dan lingkungan sehingga dapat menentukan dosis radiasi interna hot partikel dan dosis eksterna perorangan neutron cepat.

Dosimetri Interna (Hot Partikel)Hot partikel merupakan partikel yang mempunyai kandungan radioaktif tinggi yang dapat menyebabkan dosis tinggi pada area yang terlokalisir dalam waktu yang singkat. Dengan ukuran sekitar 1-250 µm dan aktivitas tinggi, hot partikel mempunyai mobilitas yang tinggi sehingga dapat ditemukan di sebagian besar kulit pekerja atau baju pelindung. Paparan hot partikel secara fisik merupakan partikel radioaktif yang sangat kecil dan dapat memberikan risiko khususnya pada paru-paru, kulit dan sistem pencernaan tubuh. Kemampuan untuk memperkirakan dosis interna hot partikel melalui capaian kinerja tahun ini adalah penting bagi aspek proteksi terhadap pekerja radiasi.

Metode yang digunakan adalah memindai debu lantai di daerah kerja yang memiliki potensi paparan tinggi. Titik lokasi ditemukan paparan radiasi tinggi ini dicuplik pelapis lantainya berukuran 5 x 5 Cm dengan surveimeter Ludlum-9, cuplikan diukur aktivitasnya. Terdapat 2 ukuran hot partikel yaitu 10,65 µm dan 30,5 µm. Analisis dosis pertama, menggunakan film kromik radiografi. Analisis dosis kedua, menggunakan software Varskin versi 3 Beta. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa laju dosis dari kedua jenis hot partikel ini berada pada rentang 0,0119 – 0,36 rad/jam. Pemakaian perlengkapan keselamatan sangat penting karena dapat menurunkan dosis hingga 100 kali.

Dosimetri Eksterna :Dosimetri perorangan banyak digunakan untuk pemantauan dosis eksterna foton, adalah dosimeter film dan Thermo Luminescence Dosimeter (TLD). TLD memiliki kelebihan dari dosimeter film dalam sensitivitas, kemampuan mengukur dosis, tanggapan dosis, respon energi, dan tidak dipengaruhi oleh humiditas dan medan magnetik tinggi. Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap TLD-100 H dan TLD-100, dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil dengan deviasi antara 3,04 – 4,06% untuk TLD-100 dan 3,804 – 4,10% untuk TLD-100H, setelah disinari dengan 60Co maka masing-masing sebaran mencapai 6,85% dan 9,42%. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh TLD-100H lebih cocok untuk aplikasi yang membutuhkan hasil pengukuran dosis yang akurat dan teliti.

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Annual Report12 BATAN 2012

I.1.5. Design of RIA Counter for Diagnosis of Breast Tumor Gland

The RIA counter is an instrument to analyze substances which are in the body fluids like: urine, hormones, and others or low content medium culture and its matrix is complex. The RIA measurement technique is based on the immunology reaction by using radioisotope as its tracer. This technique is used to find out the contents of certain biological substance in the body of which amount is very small, for example, insulin hormone, thyroxin, enzymes, and others. The RIA examination principle is competition between antigen (biological substance being examined) with radioactive antigen in fighting for antibodies of which the number is very limited. The nuclear technique application with the Radioimmuno Assay (RIA) technique in the field of health is used in diagnosis of several diseases like Hepatitis B, Thyroid gland tumor, Breast Cancer. In the year 2012, Batan conducted R&D&E activities producing RIA Counter prototypes for diagnosing breast cancer.

The radioisotopes used in nuclear medical techniques have a very short half life (T1/2), starting from several minutes until several days. Besides having half life, they are also of low energy and given in small doses, therefore there are no harmful side effects to the body even if the radioisotopes stay too long in the body. The RIA counter system consists of a scintillation detector NaI(Tl), high voltage, primary amplifier, linear amplifier, single phase analyzer and counter.

The RIA counter system which has previously been made, uses the manual system, meaning that the positioning of the sample is conducted manually, one by one, then counting is done, and there are no memory facility for data storage. Currently the RIA counter from the results of Batan R&D&E uses an automatic system, this is an innovation so that the operation of the RIA counter could run by itself, so that the number of samples that are being examined will be much more and faster by excluding the possibility of errors and operator fatigue. Another feature from this prototype is the portability nature and programmable system therefore analysis of sample could be conducted efficiently. The activity is conducted by the Center for Nuclear Instrumentation and Engineering (PRPN) working together with the Center for Radioisotope and Radiopharmacy (PRR), as well as external partnership of Batan, with the Hasan Sadikin Hospital.

I.1.6. Diffusion of Technology in Production of Seed I-125

Seed I-125 is a low dose rate radiation source which could be used for therapy of breast and prostate cancer by implantation of radiation source into the cancer tissue. This radiation source is small in size, the length is about 10 mm with a diameter of 1 mm. Handling of cancer with this seed I-125 does not need overnight stays in the hospital and has a small impact to the surrounding body cells.

Until the year 2011 a technology for production and quality control of seed I-125 has successfully been developed. The diffusion of this seed I-125 technology in the year

2012 is intended to disseminate this technology to user partners, regulatory agency and industry partners. The industry partners have been involved in certification activities in connection with the quality side as well as registration in connection to the legality aspect. Product certification is applied to the Center for Nuclear Standardization and Quality Assurance (PSJMN) – Batan, whereas for product registration this is applied to the Ministry of Health to obtain a circulation permit. Various documents which are needed for the certification process as well as for the registration process to the Ministry of Health have been prepared by Batan together with the industry partners. The product registration to the

Directorate General for Pharmacy and Health Equipment, Ministry of Health is conducted by the industry partner which is PT. Kimia Farma.

RIA Counter

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 13

I.1.5. Perekayasaan Pencacah RIA untuk Diagnosa Kelenjar Tumor Payudara

Pencacah RIA adalah alat untuk menganalisis zat-zat yang ada di dalam cairan tubuh seperti: urin, hormon, dan lain-lain atau kultur media yang berkadar rendah dan matriksnya komplek. Teknik pengukuran RIA berdasarkan pada reaksi immunologi dengan menggunakan radioisotop sebagai perunutnya. Teknik ini digunakan untuk mengetahui kandungan zat biologis tertentu dalam tubuh yang jumlahnya sangat kecil, misalnya hormon insulin, tiroksin, enzim dan lain-lain. Prinsip pemeriksaan RIA adalah kompetisi antara antigen (bahan biologis yang diperiksa) dengan antigen radioaktif dalam memperebutkan antibodi yang jumlahnya sangat terbatas. Aplikasi teknik nuklir dengan teknik Radioimmuno Assay (RIA) di bidang kesehatan digunakan dalam diagnosis beberapa penyakit seperti Hepatitis B, Kelenjar Gondok, Kanker Payudara. Pada tahun 2012 ini Batan melakukan kegiatan litbangyasa menghasilkan prototipe pencacah RIA untuk mendiagnosa kanker payudara.

Radioisotop yang digunakan dalam teknik kedokteran nuklir berumur paro (T1/2) sangat pendek, mulai dari beberapa menit sampai beberapa hari saja. Di samping berwaktu paro pendek, juga berenergi rendah dan diberikan dalam dosis yang kecil, sehingga tidak ada efek samping dari radiasi yang merugikan terhadap tubuh apabila radioisotop tersebut tinggal terlalu lama di dalam tubuh. Sistem pencacah RIA terdiri dari detektor sintilasi NaI(Tl), tegangan tinggi, penguat awal, penguat linier, penganalisa saluran tunggal dan pencacah.

Sistem pencacah RIA yang telah dibuat sebelumnya, menggunakan sistem manual, artinya penempatan sampel dilakukan dengan manual satu persatu, kemudian dilakukan pencacahan serta tidak ada fasilitas memori sebagai penyimpan data. Saat ini pencacah RIA hasil dari Libangyasa Batan telah menggunakan sistem otomatisi, hal ini merupakan inovasi agar pengoperasian pada pencacah RIA ini berjalan dengan sendirinya, sehingga jumlah sampel yang diperiksa akan lebih banyak dan cepat dengan meniadakan kemungkinan kesalahan dan kelelahan operator. Keunggulan lain dari prototipe ini adalah sifat portabilitas dan programmabble sistem sehingga analisis sampel dapat berlangsung secara efisien. Kegiatan dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Perangkat Nuklir dan Rekayasa (PRPN) bekerjasama dengan Pusat Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka (PRR), serta mitra dari luar Batan, Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin.

I.1.6. Difusi Teknologi Produksi Seed I-125

Seed I-125 adalah sumber radiasi laju dosis rendah yang dapat digunakan untuk terapi kanker payudara dan prostat dengan cara menanamkan (implantasi) sumber radiasi ke dalam jaringan kanker. Sumber radiasi ini berukuran kecil, panjang sekitar 10 mm dengan diameter 1 mm. Penanganan kanker dengan seed I-125 ini tidak memerlukan rawat inap serta memiliki dampak yang kecil terhadap sel-sel tubuh di sekitarnya.

Sampai dengan tahun 2011 telah berhasil dikembangkan teknologi produksi dan kendali kualitas seed I-125. Kegiatan difusi teknologi seed I-125 tahun 2012 ini bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan teknologi ini kepada mitra pengguna, badan regulasi dan mitra industri. Mitra industri telah dilibatkan dalam kegiatan sertifikasi yang terkait sisi kualitas serta registrasi yang terkait sisi legalitas. Sertifikasi produk diajukan ke Pusat Standardisasi Jaminan Mutu Nuklir (PSJMN)-Batan, sedang registrasi produk diajukan ke Kementerian Kesehatan untuk mendapatkan ijin edar. Berbagai dokumen yang diperlukan baik untuk proses sertifikasi maupun proses registrasi ke Kementerian Kesehatan telah disusun oleh Batan bersama dengan mitra industri. Proses registrasi produk ke Direktorat Jenderal Bina Farmasi dan Alat Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan dilakukan oleh mitra industri yaitu PT. Kimia Farma.

Terhadap seed I-125, telah dilakukan pula uji klinis pada pasien penderita kanker. Uji klinis dilakukan oleh dokter spesialis radiologi dan onkologi radiasi di rumah sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Batan berperan dalam penyediaan seed dan pengujian kualitasnya. Hasil uji klinis ini merupakan salah satu syarat yang dibutuhkan dalam proses registrasi produk Seed I-125 untuk memastikan sisi safety, efficacy, dan quality dari seed yang dihasilkan.

Pasien penderita tumor di bagian kepala

Pengaplikasian seed I125 kepada pasien

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Annual Report14 BATAN 2012

GBR technique in handling periodontal bone damage case

Clinical tests have been done to seed I-125, to cancer patients. The clinical tests are conducted by specialist doctors in radiology and oncology radiation in the Bandung Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Batan has the role in providing seed and testing of its quality. The results of clinical testing is one of the rquirements which is needed in the process of registration of the Seed I-125 product in order to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of the seed produced.

Seed I-125 is a new product which is not much known in Indonesia. Due to this, several discussions have been conducted inviting academicians, practitioners/clinics as well as the regulatory agency with the objective to exchange information and views in connection with the seed. With such activities it is expected that all parties could obtain a complete illustration and similar understanding towards this R&D product. From this discussion several conclusions have arrived, among them a temporary conclusion on the regulatory side that the brachytherapy is included in the health equipment group, and not in the drug group. This temporary conclusion will be further studied by the regulatory agency which is the Ministry of Health and the Agency for the Supervision of Food and Drugs/Medicine.

In several countries, seed brachytherapy has been utilized for cancer therapy. Several patients from Indonesia have been reported to have been handled with seed brachytherapy abroad (China). The success in development of technology in utilization of seed brachytherapy is expected to promote the use for handling cancer in our country so the dependency in cancer handling abroad could be reduced.

I.1.7. Development of Technology in Production of Laboratory Scale Gd-DTPA-Folat

Gd-DTPA-folat is a compound from the element gadolinium (Gd), diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) group and the folat group. This compound could be used as a contrast agent in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for diagnosis of specific cancer disease. The contrast agent is used to make images clearer of the organs/tissues which are difficult for distinction through MRI imaging techniques. This Gd-DTPA-folat could help in making images clearer for diagnosis of cancer disease like ovarium cancer, breast cancer, nasopharynx cancer, cervix cancer and colorectal cancer.

The production technology of Gd-DTPA-Folat is the result of cooperation of Batan with the Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) Faculty and the Medical Faculty of the University of Padjadjaran. In the year 2012, the Dharmais Cancer Hospital together with Hasan Sadikin Hospital joined in preparing the clinical testing of the technology package of the Gd-DTPA-Folat to the patients. Clinical testing is one of the requirements in registration for circulation permit from the Agency for Supervision of Food and Drugs/Medicine (BPOM).

Results of development in production technology of this Gd-DTPA-Folat has been communicated to the industry partner, PT. Kimia Farma. The industry in the pharmaceutical field has conducted a market survey of the contrast agent in Indonesia and has seen that the product has a large opportunity considering that currently the need of contrast agent for MRI is increasing. Currently, all the contrast agent for MRI is still being imported, therefore the presence of contrast agent produced domestically will increase the national independency in the field of health.

I.1.8. Manufacturing irradiated biodegradable cellulose microbial membrane for GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration )

Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) is a procedure or operation action especially in the field of periodontal to repair bone damage. This operation is usually conducted by using bone

grafts and a sterile membrane. The membrane functions as a physical block towards invasion of unwanted soft tissue so that the osteosis process is not disturbed by intrusion of the surrounding soft tissue so that healing would run faster and perfectly. The figure above shows the process mechanism of the operation of GBR in the case of handling periodontal bone damage.

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 15

Seed I-125 merupakan produk baru yang belum banyak dikenal di Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, telah digelar pula beberapa kali diskusi dengan menghadirkan akademisi, praktisi/klinisi serta badan regulasi dengan tujuan untuk tukar menukar informasi dan pandangan terkait dengan seed ini. Dengan kegiatan ini diharapkan seluruh pihak mendapatkan gambaran yang utuh serta memiliki pemahaman yang sama terhadap produk litbang ini. Dari diskusi ini telah dihasilkan beberapa kesimpulan, diantaranya kesimpulan sementara pada sisi regulasi bahwa seed brakhiterapi termasuk ke dalam kelompok alat kesehatan, bukan kelompok obat. Kesimpulan sementara ini akan didalami lebih lanjut oleh badan regulasi yaitu Kementerian Kesehatan dan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan.

Di beberapa negara, seed brakhiterapi telah dimanfaatkan untuk terapi kanker. Beberapa pasien dari Indonesia pun dilaporkan pernah mendapatkan penanganan dengan seed brakhiterapi di luar negeri (China). Keberhasilan pengembangan teknologi produksi dan pemanfaatan seed brakhiterapi ini diharapkan dapat mendorong penggunaannya untuk penanganan kanker di tanah air sehingga ketergantungan penanganan kanker ke luar negeri dapat dikurangi.

I.1.7. Pengembangan Teknologi Produksi Gd-DTPA-Folat Skala Laboratorium.

Gd-DTPA-folat merupakan senyawa yang tersusun dari unsur gadolinium (Gd), gugus diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) dan gugus folat. Senyawa ini dapat digunakan sebagai senyawa pengkontras (contrast agent) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) untuk diagnosis spesifik penyakit kanker. Senyawa pengontras digunakan untuk memperjelas gambaran atau citra (image) dari organ/jaringan yang sulit dibedakan melalui teknik pencitraan MRI. Senyawa Gd-DTPA-folat ini dapat membantu memperjelas pencitraan untuk diagnosis penyakit kanker seperti kanker ovarium, kanker payudara, kanker nasofaring, kanker serviks dan kanker kolorektal.

Teknologi produksi Gd-DTPA-Folat ini merupakan hasil kerja sama antara Batan, Fakultas MIPA dan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran. Pada tahun 2012, bergabung pula Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais bersama dengan Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin dalam penyiapan uji klinis paket teknologi Gd-DTPA-Folat ke pasien. Uji klinis merupakan salah satu syarat dalam registrasi untuk mendapatkan ijin edar dari Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM).

Hasil pengembangan teknologi produksi Gd-DTPA-Folat ini telah dikomunikasikan pula ke mitra industri yaitu PT. Kimia

Farma. Industri di bidang farmasi tersebut telah melakukan survei pasar contrast agent di Indonesia dan melihat bahwa produk ini memiliki peluang yang besar mengingat saat ini kebutuhan contrast agent untuk MRI di Indonesia telah cukup tinggi dan terus menunjukkan peningkatan. Saat ini, seluruh contrast agent untuk MRI masih didatangkan dari luar negeri, sehingga kehadiran contrast agent produk dalam negeri akan meningkatkan kemandirian nasional di bidang kesehatan.

I.1.8. Pembuatan irradiated biodegradable cellulose microbial membrane untuk GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration )

Guided Bone regeneration (GBR) adalah suatu prosedur atau tindakan operasi terutama dibidang periodontal untuk memperbaiki kerusakan tulang. Operasi ini biasanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan graft tulang dan suatu membran steril. Membran berfungsi sebagai penghalang fisik terhadap invasi jaringan lunak yang tidak diinginkan sehingga proses oseosis tidak terganggu oleh intrusi jaringan lunak disekitarnya dapat penyembuhan berjalan lebih cepat dan sempurna. Gambar di samping memperlihatkan mekanisme proses operasi GBR pada kasus penanganan kerusakan tulang periodontal.

Bahan pembuatan Gd-DTPA-folat

Gd-DTPA-folat berbentuk serbuk kristal

Proses pembuatan Gd-DTPA-folat

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Annual Report16 BATAN 2012

There are two types of membranes that are usually used, which are membranes that can not be degraded by body liquids (non biodegradable membrane) and biodegradable membranes. The non biodegradable membrane has a weakness, it can not be degraded by body fluids therefore needing a second operation after the bone healing process is finished. This is very uncomfortable because besides of the high cost involved, this could also lead to complications to the patient and the healing time becomes very long. On the other hand the biodegradable membrane does not need any second operation action after the healing process of the bone is finished.

Batan succeeded in synthesizing the microbial cellulose membrane which is biodegradable in nature which has been obtained from the fermentation process of the Axylinum microbe in a medium which contains coconut juice as a source of micronutrient and radiating the membrane to obtain a biodegradable membrane. The following figure is a microbial cellulose membrane which is produced by Batan. Several characteristics of the membrane like the physical-chemical, mechanical, toxicity, biodegradability, sterility and biocompatibility characteristics using experimental animals have been conducted.

The results obtained shows that the irradiated cellulosa microbial membrane has a strong physical characteristic and quite elastic with a pulling strength of 927 kg/cm2. The puling strength value is very adequate to maintain the physical condition of the membrane during its function. Besides that, the cellulose microbial membrane is biodegradable invitro whereas after soaking in synthetic body fluid for 6 months, it has shown decrease in weight of the membrane until 39% due to the dissolving cellulose having low molecular weight. The results of morphology testing of the microbial cellulose membrane shows very clear indication that the microbial cellulose membrane was degraded due to irradiation as shown in the figure below. The results of toxicity testing of the microbial cellulose membrane using experimental

animals show that the microbial cellulose membrane is not toxic. Besides that the microbial cellulose membrane shows biocompatible characteristics to the body tissue of the experimental animal. Because of this the microbial cellulose irradiated membrane is very potential to be used as a GBR. In order to prove the potency of the microbial cellulose membrane as a GBR membrane, research on efficacy testing on experimental animals and clinical testing on patients need to be conducted. Compared to the commercial membrane such as e-PTFE, the microbial cellulose irradiated membrane has features, that it could be degraded by body fluids therefore there is no need to conduct a second operation after the bone healing process is finished. In its application, the microbial cellulose irradiated membrane could be used by dentists specializing in periodontology, dentists specializing in mouth surgery, eye doctor, and doctors specializing in bone surgery to handle various cases of bone damage. The production process of the microbial cellulose irradiated membrane has been registered for obtaining patent rights to the Directorate General for Intellectual Rights, Ministry for Law and Human Rights and has obtained the registration number P.00201000820.

I.1.9. Design of Proton 13 MeV Cyclotron for Radioisotope Production (Radiopharmaceuticals)

Besides the Electron Beam Machine (MBE), Batan also develops the Cyclotron type accelerator, which is one of the cyclic accelerator type which has the important role in the radioisotope production (radiopharmaceuticals) as a medical diagnostic material using the Positron Emission Tomography (PET) technique. The imaging technique of the PET system is capable, precision wise, in producing organ images which are diagnosed in 3 dimensional images. The cyclotron has much been used in advanced countries like the United States, Japan, Germany and several countries in Europe, as well as developing countries like Indonesia.

Figure. Micro structural photo of a non irradiated (a) and irradiated with 50kGy (b) of microbial cellulose membrane at a magnification of 2 x 104

a b

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 17

Ada dua jenis membran yang biasa digunakan yaitu membran yang tidak dapat didegradasi oleh cairan tubuh (non biodegradable membrane) dan membran biodegradasi (biodegradable membrane). Membran non biodegradable mempunyai kelemahan yaitu tidak dapat didegradasi oleh cairan tubuh sehingga memerlukan tindakan operasi kedua setelah proses penyembuhan tulang selesai. Hal ini sangat tidak nyaman karena selain memerlukan biaya yang sangat mahal, juga dapat menyebabkan komplikasi pada pasien dan waktu penyembuhan menjadi lama. Sebaliknya membran biodegradasi tidak memerlukan tindakan operasi kedua setelah proses penyembuhan tulang selesai.

Batan telah berhasil mensintesis membran cellulose microbial yang bersifat biodegradasi yang diperoleh dari proses fermentasi mikroba A xylinum dalam suatu media yang mengandung air kelapa sebagai sumber mikronutrien dan meradiasi membran tersebut untuk mendapatkan membran yang bersifat biodegradable. Gambar berikut adalah membran cellulose microbial yang dihasilkan Batan. Beberapa karakteristik membran seperti sifat fisiko-kimia, mekanik, toksisitas, biodegradasi, sterilitas dan biokompatibilitas menggunakan hewan percobaan telah dilakukan.

Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa membran irradiated cellulosa microbial mempunyai sifat fisik yang kuat dan cukup elastis dengan kekuatan tarik yaitu 927 kg/cm2. Nilai kekuatan tarik ini sangat cukup untuk mempertahankan kondisi fisik membran selama menjalankan fungsinya. Selain itu membran cellulose microbial bersifat biodegradabel secara in vitro dimana setelah perendaman dalam larutan synthetic body fluid selama 6 bulan menunjukkan penurunan berat membran hingga 39% sebagai akibat dari terlarutnya senyawa selulosa yang mempunyai berat molekul yang rendah. Hasil pengujian morfologi membran cellulose microbial menunjukkan indikasi yang sangat jelas bahwa membran cellulosa microbial terdegradasi akibat iradiasi sebagaimana diperlihatkan pada gambar di

bawah ini. Hasil pengujian toksisitas membran cellulose microbial menggunakan hewan percobaan menunjukkan bahwa membran cellulose microbial tidak bersifat toksik. Selain itu membran cellulose microbial menunjukkan sifat biokompatibel terhadap jaringan tubuh hewan percobaan. Oleh karena itu membran irradiated cellulose microbial sangat potensial digunakan sebagai membran GBR. Untuk membuktikan potensi membran cellulose microbial sebagai membran GBR, penelitian uji efikasi pada hewan percobaan dan uji klinis pasien perlu dilakukan. Dibandingkan dengan membran komersial seperti e-PTFE, membran irradiated cellulose microbial mempunyai keunggulan yaitu dapat terdegradasi oleh cairan tubuh sehingga tidak perlu dilakukan operasi kedua setelah proses penyembuhan tulang selesai. Dalam aplikasinya membran irradiated cellulosa microbial dapat digunakan oleh dokter gigi spesialis periodontodologi, dokter gigi spesialis bedah mulut, dokter mata, dokter spesialis bedah tulang untuk menangani berbagai kasus kerusakan tulang. Proses produksi membran irradiated cellulosa microbial telah didaftarkan untuk mendapatkan paten ke Ditjen HAKI, kementerian Hukum dan HAM dan telah mendapatkan nomor pendaftaran P.00201000820.

I.1.9. Perancangan Siklotron Proton 13 MeV untuk Produksi Radioisotop (Radiofarmaka)

Selain Mesin Berkas Elektron (MBE), Batan juga mengembangkan akselerator jenis Siklotron, yaitu salah satu jenis akselerator siklik yang berperanan penting dalam produksi radioisotop (radiofarmaka) sebagai bahan diagnosa medis menggunakan teknik Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Teknik pencitraan dengan sistem PET mampu secara presisi menghasilkan citra organ yang didiagnosa dalam tampilan 3 dimensi. Siklotron telah banyak digunakan di negara-negara maju seperti Amerika, Jepang, Jerman dan beberapa negara di Eropa, serta di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia.

Membrane cellulose microbial yang dihasilkan Batan

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Annual Report18 BATAN 2012

The benefit of the cyclotron is that it is a very compact system and could shoot particles continuously therefore the average power which is produced is relatively greater. The main component of the cyclotron is the Radio Frequency (RF) system dan magnet system which functions as an accelerator and guide of the energized particle beam in its axial path; an ion source as a generator of the energized particle; vacuum system; instrumentation and control system; as well as a beam extractor.

In the year 2010 the basic design was conducted, continued in the year 2011 whereas the detail calculation was obtained for components of the proton 13 MeV Cyclotron covering the magnet system, RF accelerator system, ion source system, beam extractor system, instrumentation and control system, vacuum system, safety system, and the utilities.

In the year 2012 further activities were conducted and completed in making of the mapping equipment for the magnet field, instrumentation dan control system, and function testing conducted with the results that the mechanical system is in accordance to the specifications.The RF system has been completed in its engineering design and testing conducted. The testing shall be continued more intensely with more integrated power with optimal power measurement for the electric field produced. Besides that preparations have been conducted to the base utility of the magnet system and revitalization of the electrical system.

This activity shall still be continued for the target in the year 2014 to obtain a detail design technical document of the 13 MeV cyclotron for manufacturing radiopharmaceuticals specifically used for diagnosis or therapy of cancer.

I.1.10. Radiometry Analysis to Support the Environmental Quality and Public Health Validity of Software of Batan Bandung, Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Utility, Use of Standard Reference Material (SRM) for Food and Food Material

The results obtained from this activity shows that the validation of software of Batan Bandung-NAA Utility by using the SRM Oyster Tissue (OT) and SRM Wheat Flour (WF) has the equal capability in spectrum analysis with the commercial type software like Genie-2000. Characterization of Micro Nutrient Elements of Various Food Materials in the area of the Special City of Yogyakarta and Central Java

Preparations have been conducted towards all the food material samples from 26 cities/regencies in Central Java

and Special City of Yogyakarta, as well as preparation of standards and SRM for irradiation of food material samples of the results of the final sampling phase. From the results of analysis, obtained are the element content of Cr, Co, Fe, Se, and Zn in several food material commodities which consist of rice, mungbean, soybean, flour, corn, spinach, carrots, potatoes, bananas, yellow/white bean curd, fermented soybean, beef, liver, chicken digestive tract, fish, eggs, cassava, and the Ipomoea reptans/ water grown vegetable (kangkung). The results of this activity is expected to give a contribution in complementing the food composition data base therefore could become a scientific based reference for nutrition practitioners or those connected to support in increasing the public health status of Indonesia.

I.1.11. Radiobiomedical Analysis to Support Quality of Public Health

I.1.11.1. Bioaffinity Analysis of Cancer Cells towards 99mTc-Glucose-6-Phosphate

A standard method has been obtained in preparation of glucose-6-phosphate dry-kit which shall produce diagnostic-kits which fulfill the requirements. At the same time, test animals have been made which have tumor tissue in the body artificially by induction of carcinogenic material, therefore could be used as a test animal model for this research. The glucose-6-phosphate dry-kit has been produced in a dry, sterile form packaged in one vial and the physical-chemical profile has been studied using various analysis methods. The glucose-6-phosphate dry-kit is stable until 20 weeks in refrigeration storage (4oC), whereas the labeled 99mTc-glucose-6-phosphate compound is stable in room temperature until 2 hours after labeling. It is expected that the 99mTc-glucose-6-phosphate preparation could be used for detecting the existence and viability of cancer cells in nuclear medicine. This labeled compound could substitute the need of 18FDG-(F-18 labeled flouro dioxy glucose) which the production needs the existence of a cyclotron and the examination in nuclear medicine needs a very expensive Positron Emission Tomography (PET) facility.

Kit Radiofarmaka 99mTc-Glukosa-6-Fosfat

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 19

Keuntungan dari siklotron adalah merupakan sistem yang sangat kompak dan dapat menembakkan partikel ke target secara kontinyu sehingga daya rata-rata yang dihasilkan relatif lebih besar. Komponen utama dari siklotron adalah sistem Radio Frequency (RF) dan sistem magnet yang berfungsi sebagai pemercepat dan pemandu berkas partikel bermuatan pada jalur lingkar aksial; sumber ion sebagai pembangkit partikel bermuatan; sistem vakum; sistem instrumentasi dan kendali; serta sistem ekstraktor berkas.

Pada tahun 2010 telah dilakukan perancangan dasar, dilanjutkan pada tahun 2011 telah diperoleh perhitungan detil komponen-komponen Siklotron proton 13 MeV meliputi sistem magnet, sistem pemercepat RF, sistem sumber ion, sistem ekstraktor berkas, sistem instrumentasi dan kendali, sistem vakum, sistem keselamatan, dan utilitas.

Pada tahun 2012 dilakukan kegiatan lanjutan dan telah diselesaikan pembuatan peralatan mapping medan magnet dan Sistem Informasi dan Kendali, dan telah dilakukan uji fungsi dengan hasil sistem mekanik sudah sesuai spesifikasi.Sistem RF telah selesai dirancangbangun dan telah dilakukan pengujian. Pengujian akan dilanjutkan dengan pengujian yang lebih intens dengan daya lebih besar terintegrasi dengan pengukuran daya optimal untuk medan listrik yang dihasilkan. Di samping itu telah dilakukan penyiapan utilitas landasan sistem magnet dan revitalisasi sistem kelistrikan.

Kegiatan ini masih akan dilanjutkan dengan target tahun 2014 dapat diperoleh dokumen teknis detil desain siklotron 13 Mev untuk pembuatan radiofarmaka khususnya yang dipergunakan untuk diagnosis atau terapi kanker.

I.1.10. Analisis Radiometri untuk Mendukung Kualitas Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat

I.1.10.1. Validasi Perangkat Lunak Batan Bandung, Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Utility Menggunakan Standard Reference Material (SRM) Makanan dan Bahan Pangan

Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa validasi software Batan Bandung-NAA Utility dengan menggunakan SRM Oyster Tissue (OT) dan SRM Wheat Flour (WF) memiliki kemampuan analisis spektrum yang sebanding dengan software komersial sejenis seperti Genie-2000.

I.1.10.2. Karakterisasi Unsur Gizi Mikro pada Berbagai Bahan Pangan di wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah

Telah dilakukan preparasi terhadap keseluruhan sampel bahan pangan dari 26 kota/kabupaten di Jawa Tengah

dan DIY, serta dilakukan preparasi standar dan SRM untuk iradiasi sampel bahan pangan hasil sampling tahap akhir. Dari hasil analisis, diperoleh kandungan unsur Cr, Co, Fe, Se, dan Zn pada beberapa komoditi bahan pangan yang meliputi beras, kacang hijau, kedelai, tepung terigu, jagung, bayam, wortel, kentang, pisang, tahu kuning/putih, tahu coklat, pepaya, tempe, daging sapi, hati, ampela ayam, ikan, telur, singkong, dan kangkung. Hasil kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam melengkapi basis data komposisi pangan sehingga diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi berbasis ilmiah bagi para praktisi gizi atau yang terkait untuk mendukung peningkatan status kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia.

I.1.11. Analisis Radiobiomedik untuk Mendukung Kualitas Kesehatan Masyarakat

I.1.11.1. Analisis Bioafinitas Sel Kanker terhadap 99mTc-Glukosa-6-Fosfat

Telah diperoleh metode baku preparasi kit-kering glukosa-6-fosfat yang akan menghasilkan kit-diagnostik yang memenuhi persyaratan. Dalam waktu yang bersamaan telah dibuat hewan uji yang mempunyai jaringan tumor di dalam tubuhnya secara artifisial dengan jalan diinduksi oleh bahan karsinogenik, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai model hewan uji untuk penelitian ini. Kit-kering glukosa-6-fosfat telah dihasilkan dalam bentuk kering, steril dikemas dalam satu buah vial dan profil fisiko-kimianya telah dipelajari menggunakan berbagai metode analisis. Kit kering glukosa-6-fosfat stabil sampai 20 minggu pada penyimpanan di lemari es (4oC), sedangkan senyawa bertanda 99mTc-glukosa-6-fosfat stabil pada temperatur kamar sampai 2 jam setelah penandaan. Diharapkan sediaan 99mTc-glukosa-6-fosfat dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan dan viabilitas sel kanker di kedokteran nuklir. Senyawa bertanda ini dapat mensubstitusi kebutuhan akan 18FDG-(flouro dioxy glucose bertanda F-18) yang produksinya membutuhkan keberadaan siklotron dan pemeriksaannya di kedokteran nuklir membutuhkan fasilitas Positron Eemission Tomography (PET) yang sangat mahal.

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Annual Report20 BATAN 2012

I.1.11.2. Standard Method in Physical-Chemical Analysis of the Diagnostic Kit 99mTc-Kanamycin for infection

Kanamycin is an antibiotic which is used for treating infection, which is included in the aminoglicoside group that works in delaying the microorganism protein synthesis process. Kanamycin for treating infection, if penicillin or other less toxic medicine could not be used. Infections which are usually treated with kanamycin are infections of the respiratory tract, bones, skin, soft tissue, stomach, and infection of the urinary tract. Kanamycin could be labeled with the radionuclide 99mTc by indirect labeling which is adding pyrophosphate as a co-ligant. The physical-chemical characteristic of the kanamycin dry kit is the purity of its radiochemicals 96,25 ± 1,71%. From this research the formulation of the kanamycin dry kit has been obtained, with the acidity level 6 of the kanamycin kit, whereas its labeled incubation time is 10 minutes at room temperature. The electricity content of the compound is negative. The bonding value with the protein plasma is 59,54 ± 3,4 %. In its application in nuclear medicine, one dry kit could be used for more than one patient, therefore it is necessary to know the characteristics of the dry kit by conducting variations of the volume and radioactivity of the technetium-99m added. From the results of testing it is obtained that the storage of 6 months of the kanamycin dry kit can still give a high radiochemical purity (› 95%). This shows that the kanamycin dry kit which has been stored for 6 months is still worthy of use.

I.1.11.3. Standard Method in Physical-Chemical Analysis of the Radioisotope Iterbium-175 (Yb-175) of the Target material, Enriched Iterbium Oxide

The radioisotope Iterbium-175 (175Yb) is one of the radiolantanides which could be used for cancer therapy. The radioisotope 175Yb possesses beneficial nuclear characteristics for therapy, which has the half life (T1/2) of 4,2 days and the maximum penetration in soft tissue of 1,7 mm and could also be used for monitoring the therapy progress. In this activity development is conducted for making preparations of the radioisotope 175YbCl3, the results of irradiation of the target material iterbium oxide with enrichment of the isotope 174Yb to 98,4%. Before the preparation of the radioisotope 175YbCl3 where the application was obtained in making of the radiopharmaceutical, characterization must be conducted first to fulfill the standard. From the results of research, the preparation of radioisotope 175YbCl3 has been obtained, in the form of a clear solution, having pH 2, with no charge, purity of the radionuclide is 100%, the radiochemical purity is 99,66 ± 0,22% and the activity type at the end of irradiation (EOI) is 173,12-480,21 mCi/mg Yb. Stability testing shows that the preparation of the radioisotope is still stable until one month with a radiochemical purity of 99,24 ± 0,48%. This preparation possesses physical-chemical characteristics which fulfills the requirements for cancer therapy, radiosinovectomy, and palliative therapy.

The radioactivity measurement of 99mTc radionuclide

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 21

I.1.11.2. Metode Baku Analisis Fisiko Kimia Kit Diagnostik 99mTc-Kanamycin untuk Infeksi

Kanamycin merupakan antibiotik yang digunakan untuk pengobatan infeksi, yang termasuk dalam golongan aminoglikosida yang bekerja menghambat proses sintesis protein mikroorganisme. Kanamycin digunakan untuk pengobatan infeksi, jika penisilin atau obat yg kurang toksik lainnya tidak dapat digunakan. Infeksi yang biasanya diobati dengan menggunakan kanamycin adalah infeksi pada tulang saluran pernafasan, kulit, jaringan lunak, perut, dan infeksi pada saluran kemih. Kanamycin dapat ditandai dengan radionuklida 99mTc dengan cara penandaan tidak langsung yaitu dengan menambahkan pirofosfat sebagai co-ligan. Karakteristik fisiko-kimia dari kit kering kanamycin adalah kemurnian radiokimianya 96,25 ± 1,71%. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan formulasi kit kering kanamycin, dengan derajat keasaman kit kanamycin adalah 6, sedangkan waktu inkubasi penandaannya adalah 10 menit pada temperatur ruang. Muatan listrik dari senyawa ini adalah negatif. Nilai ikatan dengan protein plasma adalah 59,54 ± 3,4 %. Di dalam aplikasinya di kedokteran nuklir satu kit kering dapat digunakan untuk lebih dari satu pasien oleh karena perlu diketahui karakteristik dari kit kering tersebut dengan melakukan variasi volume dan radioaktivitas dari teknesium-99m yang ditambahkan. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa penyimpanan 6 bulan kit kering kanamycin masih memberikan kemurnian radiokimia yang tinggi (› 95%). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kit kering kanamycin yang telah disimpan hingga 6 bulan masih layak digunakan.

I.1.11.3. Metode Baku Analisis Fisiko-Kimia Radioisotop Iterbium-175 (Yb-175) dari Bahan Sasaran Iterbium Oksida Diperkaya

Radioisotop Iterbium-175 (175Yb) merupakan salah satu radiolantanida yang dapat digunakan untuk terapi kanker. Radioisotop 175Yb memiliki karakteristik nuklir yang menguntungkan untuk terapi, yaitu waktu paro (T1/2) selama 4,2 hari dan daya tembus maksimum pada jaringan lunak sejauh 1,7 mm dapat juga digunakan untuk memantau kemajuan terapi. Pada kegiatan ini dilakukan pengembangan pembuatan sediaan radioisotop 175YbCl3 hasil iradiasi bahan sasaran iterbium oksida dengan pengayaan isotop 174Yb sebesar 98,4%. Sebelum sediaan radioisotop 175YbCl3 yang diperoleh diaplikasikan dalam pembuatan radiofarmaka, terlebih dahulu harus dilakukan karakterisasi supaya memenuhui standar. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh sediaan radioisotop 175YbCl3 berupa larutan jernih, memiliki pH 2, tidak bermuatan, kemurnian radionuklida sebesar 100%, kemurnian radiokimia 99,66 ± 0,22% dan aktivitas jenis pada saat end of irradiation (EOI) sebesar 173,12-480,21 mCi/mg Yb. Uji stabilitas menunjukkan bahwa sediaan radioisotop tersebut masih stabil sampai satu bulan dengan kemurnian radiokimia sebesar 99,24 ± 0,48%. Sedian ini memiliki karakteristik fisiko-kimia yang memenuhi syarat untuk terapi kanker, radiosinovektomi, dan paliatif.

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Annual Report22 BATAN 2012

I.2. Food

In order to reduce import as well as for fulfilling the national need of food, the national rice production needs to be increased, also in fulfilling the need of other carbohydrate producing plants that could be developed to become an alternative material in diversification of food in Indonesia.Batan conducts research-development-engineering (litbangyasa) in nuclear science and technology for improvement of varieties of rice paddy plants, sorghum/wheat, soybean/mungbean which are possible for high production, having short/fast growing period and resilient towards various main pests, and adaptive to the agro-climate of Indonesia. Besides supporting the increase of food plant productivity and control of plant pests, Batan also develops packages in making microbe inoculation for degradation of organic wastes and tracers of remediation of marginal land as well as making irradiation vegetable plant based functional food products.

I.2.1. Rice Paddy Varieties

I.2.1.1 The Inpari Mugibat Variety

The Inpari Mugibat Variety is a new superior variety from the results of the Batan consortium with the Large Workshops for Research and Development of Bio-technology and Agricultural Genetic Resources, Large Workshops for Research of Rice Paddy Plants and the Bogor Institute of Agriculture in the year 2011. The Inpari Mugibat Variety had passed as a new superior variety and had been awarded a Letter of Decision for Release from the Minister of Agriculture No. 2419/Kpts/SR.120/7/2012, with features as follows:a. Compared to the Ciherang variety: more resilient

towards WBC biotype 1, 2 and 3; more resilient to bas ras 133 and 173; growth period is the same;

b. Compared to Inpari 1: productivity is higher; more resilient to WBC biotype 1, 2 and 3; more resilient to blas ras 033 and 173; and equally resilient to blas ras 133; as well as having the same growth period;

c. Compared to Cimelati: productivity is equally the same; more resilient to WBC biotype 1, 2, and 3; more resilient to blas ras 133; and having same growth period.

I.2.1.2. The Suluttan Unsrat 1 Variety

The Suluttan Unsrat 1 Variety is a new superior variety originating from Galur Harapan OBS 1750 which is from the results of cooperation of Batan with the University of Sam Ratulangi and The Office for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of the Province of North Sulawesi in the year 2011. The Suluttan Unsrat 1 Variety had passed as a new superior variety and had been awarded the Letter of Decision for Release from the Minister of Agriculture No. 2436/Kpts/ SR.120/7/2012, with superiority/features as follows:a. Compared to Mira-1: productivity is higher 7,89%; the

moisture of the milled rice is equal; the moisture of the rice head is higher; lower rice breaking; resilient to WBC

Galur Harapan OBS 1740 has been released to become the Inpari Mugibat variety

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 23

Untuk mengurangi impor serta untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan nasional, produksi beras nasional perlu ditingkatkan, demikian juga dalam memenuhi kebutuhan akan tanaman penghasil karbohidrat lain yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi bahan alternatif diversifikasi pangan di Indonesia.Batan melakukan litbangyasa iptek nuklir untuk perbaikan varietas tanaman padi, sorgum/gandum, kedelai/kacang hijau yang mampu berproduksi tinggi, umur genjah dan tahan terhadap berbagai hama penyakit utama, dan adaptif pada kondisi agroklimat Indonesia. Selain untuk mendukung peningkatan produktivitas tanaman pangan dan pengendalian hama tanaman, Batan juga mengembangkan paket pembuatan inokulan mikroba pengurai limbah organik dan perunut untuk remediasi lahan marginal serta pembuatan produk pangan fungsional berbasis nabati (aneka sayur) iradiasi.

I.2.1. Varietas Padi

I.2.1.1 Varietas Inpari Mugibat

Varietas Inpari Mugibat merupakan varietas unggul baru hasil konsorsium Batan dengan Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian, Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi dan Institut Pertanian Bogor pada tahun 2011. Varietas Inpari Mugibat telah lulus sebagai varietas unggul baru dan telah mendapatkan Surat Keputusan Pelepasan dari Menteri Pertanian No. 2419/Kpts/SR.120/7/2012, dengan keunggulan sebagai berikut :a. dibandingkan dengan varietas Ciherang: lebih tahan

terhadap WBC biotipe 1, 2 dan 3; lebih tahan terhadap blas ras 133 dan 173; serta umur setara;

b. dibandingkan dengan Inpari 1: produktivitas lebih tinggi;

lebih tahan WBC biotipe 1, 2 dan 3; lebih tahan blas ras 033 dan 173; dan setara ketahanannya terhadap blas ras 133; serta umur setara;

c. dibandingkan dengan Cimelati: produktivitas setara; lebih tahan terhadap WBC biotipe 1, 2, dan 3; lebih tahan terhadap blas ras 133; dan umur setara.

I.2.1.2. Varietas Suluttan Unsrat 1

Varietas Suluttan Unsrat 1 merupakan varietas unggul baru berasal dari Galur Harapan OBS 1750 yang merupakan hasil kerja sama Batan dengan Universitas Sam Ratulangi dan Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara pada tahun 2011. Varietas Suluttan Unsrat 1 telah lulus sebagai varietas unggul baru dan telah mendapatkan Surat Keputusan Pelepasan dari Menteri Pertanian No. 2436/Kpts/SR.120/7/2012, dengan keunggulan sebagai berikut:a. dibandingkan dengan Mira-1: produktivitas lebih tinggi

7,89%; rendemen beras giling setara; rendemen beras kepala lebih tinggi; beras patah lebih rendah; ketahanan terhadap WBC biotipe 1 setara; lebih tahan terhadap WBC biotipe 2; dan ketahanan terhadap HDB strain III setara;

I.2. Pangan / Pertanian

Beras Mugibat

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Annual Report24 BATAN 2012

biotype 1 is equal; more resilient to WBC biotype 2; and resilient to HDB strain III is equal;

b. Compared to Super Win: productivity is higher 27,42%; short growth period of 12 days; plant posture is lower 25 cm; form of plant is more vertically straight; moisture of milled rice is higher; moisture of rice head is higher; lower rice breaking; amilose content is equal; as well as more resilient to WBC biotype 1 and 2;

c. Compared to Ciherang: productivity is higher 12,58%; growth period is equal; plant height is equal; moisture of milled rice equal; moisture of rice head is higher; lower rice breaking; more resilient to WBC biotype 2.

I.2.1.3. The Suluttan Unsrat 2 Variety

The Suluttan Unsrat 2 Variety is a new superior variety coming from Galur Harapan OBS 1750, this is the result of cooperation of Batan with the University of Sam Ratulangi and the Office for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of the Province of North Sulawesi in the year 2011. The Suluttan Unsrat 2 Variety had passed as a new superior variety and awarded the Letter of Decision of Release from the Minister of Agriculture No. 2438/Kpts/SR.120/7/2012, with features as follows:a. Compared to Mira-1: productivity is higher 5,95%;

moisture content of milled rice is equal; more resilient to WBC biotype 1 and 2;

b. Compared to Super Win: productivity is higher 25,13%; growth period is shorter 13 days; the plant posture is shorter and straighter vertically; moisture content of milled rice is higher; amilose content is equal; and more resilient to WBC biotype 1;

c. Compared to Ciherang: productivity is higher 10,56%; growth period is equal; plant height is equal; moisture content of milled rice is equal; moisture content of rice head is equal; more resilient to WBC biotype 1 and 2.

I.2.2. Sorghum Variety

Since the year 2010 Batan has proposed 3 varieties of sorghum mutants which are B-76, B-100 and Zh-30 to be released to become new sorghum varieties by the Minister of Agriculture. These three varieties possess superiority in high production and are very resilient towards draught conditions. The B-76 variety is grouped as sweet sorghum with a relatively high sugar content of 17.6% and ideal as raw material in manufacturing bioethanol. The B-100 variety possess a relatively high biomass production and ideal for ruminant feeding (cows, water buffaloes, goats etc.). The Zh-30 variety has been proposed for release as a new sorghum variety with the name Pahat (abreviation of healthy food). Furthermore, in the year 2012 testing was conducted and had been presented to the TP2V-Ministry of Agriculture. In order to fulfill the new release requirements of the results of testing in 2012, it was therefore necessary to add several new data like the resilience to draught. Therefore, testing needed to be conducted against draught for the Zh-30 variety.

The superiority of the candidate variety, Pahat, compared to the national variety, are:a. Average seed production reaches 5,7 Ton/Ha and

potency of production results reach 8 Tons/Ha. The level of production is higher compared to the national variety (average production is 4.2 Tons/Ha and the potency of production results is 6 Tons/Ha).

b. Possesses low tanin content (0,011% polyphenol) compared to the national variety (around 0,015-0,030% polyphenol).

c. The physical structure of the plant is low with clear seed color and easily breaking down/falling.

The region of testing/utilization of the Zh-30 variety includes Banyuwangi, Boyolali, NTT, NTB, Lampung, Yogyakarta, and Balikpapan.Up until the end of 2012, the Zh-30 had been trial tested which was conducted by: a. PT. Multi Usaha Wisesa in utilizing the sorghum seeds as

an industrial food material.b. Semeo Biotrop in utilizing sorghum seeds for varieties of

food.c. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara (RPN) in utilizing sorghum

seeds as a food alternative.d. PT. Blue Energi in utilizing the sorghum seeds and stalks

as a raw material for bioethanol.e. CV. Adas Wangi in utilizing the sorghum seeds and stalks

for domestic animal feed.

Galur Harapan OBS 1750 has been released to become the Suluttan Unsrat 1 variety

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 25

b. dibandingkan dengan Super Win: produktivitas lebih tinggi 27,42%; umur lebih pendek 12 hari; postur tanaman lebih rendah 25 cm; bentuk tanaman lebih tegak; rendemen beras giling lebih tinggi; rendemen beras kepala lebih tinggi; beras patah lebih rendah; kadar amilosa setara; serta lebih tahan terhadap WBC biotipe 1 dan 2;

c. dibandingkan dengan Ciherang: produktivitas lebih tinggi 12,58%; umur setara; tinggi tanaman setara; rendemen beras giling setara; rendemen beras kepala lebih tinggi; beras patah lebih rendah; lebih tahan terhadap WBC biotipe 2.

I.2.1.3. Varietas Suluttan Unsrat 2

Varietas Suluttan Unsrat 2 merupakan varietas unggul baru berasal dari Galur Harapan OBS 1750, merupakan hasil kerja sama Batan dengan Universitas Sam Ratulangi dan Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara pada tahun 2011. Varietas Suluttan Unsrat 2 telah lulus sebagai varietas unggul baru dan telah mendapatkan Surat Keputusan Pelepasan dari Menteri Pertanian No. 2438/Kpts/SR.120/7/2012, dengan keunggulan sebagai berikut:a. dibandingkan dengan Mira-1: produktivitas lebih tinggi

5,95%; rendemen beras giling setara; serta lebih tahan terhadap WBC biotipe 1 dan 2;

b. dibandingkan dengan Super Win: produktivitas lebih tinggi 25,13%; umur lebih genjah 13 hari; postur tanaman lebih pendek dan lebih tegak; rendemen beras giling lebih tinggi; kadar amilosa setara; dan lebih tahan terhadap WBC biotipe 1;

c. dibandingkan dengan Ciherang: produktivitas lebih tinggi 10,56%; umur setara; tinggi tanaman setara; rendemen beras giling setara; rendemen beras kepala setara; serta lebih tahan terhadap WBC biotipe 1 dan 2.

I.2.2. Varietas Sorgum

Sejak tahun 2010 Batan telah mengusulkan 3 galur mutan sorgum yaitu B-76, B-100 dan Zh-30 untuk dilepas menjadi varietas sorgum baru oleh Kementerian Pertanian. Ketiga galur tersebut memiliki keunggulan berproduksi tinggi dan sangat tahan terhadap kondisi kekeringan. Galur B-76 tergolong sebagai sorgum manis dengan kadar gula relatif tinggi yaitu 17,6% dan ideal untuk bahan baku pembuatan bioetanol. Galur B-100 memiliki produksi biomassa yang relatif tinggi dan ideal untuk pakan ternak ruminansia (sapi, kerbau, kambing dsb). Galur Zh-30 memiliki produktivitas biji tertinggi dengan kualitas biji dan tepung yang baik dan ideal untuk pangan. Pada tahun 2011, galur Zh-30 telah dilakukan pengajuan proposal pelepasan menjadi varietas sorgum baru dengan nama Pahat (singkatan Pangan Sehat). Selanjutnya, pada tahun 2012 dilakukan pengujian dan telah dipresentasikan di hadapan TP2V-Kementan. Untuk memenuhi pembaharuan persyaratan pelepasan varietas hasil pengujian di tahun 2012, maka diperlukan penambahan beberapa data baru seperti data daya tahan terhadap kekeringan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan uji daya tahan terhadap kekeringan bagi galur Zh-30.

Keunggulan calon varietas Pahat dibandingkan dengan varietas nasional, yaitu:a. Produksi biji rata-rata mencapai 5,7 Ton/Ha dan potensi

produksi hasil mencapai 8 Ton/Ha. Tingkat produktivitas ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan varietas nasional (produksi rata-rata 4,2 Ton/Ha dan potensi hasil 6 Ton/Ha).

b. Memiliki kandungan tanin yang rendah (0,011% polifenol) dibanding varietas nasional (kisaran antara 0,015-0,030% polifenol).

c. Struktur fisik tanaman yang rendah dengan warna biji yang bening dan mudah rontok.

Daerah pengujian/pemanfaatan galur harapan Zh-30 meliputi Banyuwangi, Boyolali, NTT, NTB, Lampung, Yogyakarta, dan Balikpapan.Hingga akhir tahun 2012, galur harapan Zh-30 telah dilakukan uji coba penelitian yang dilakukan oleh: a. PT. Multi Usaha Wisesa dalam pemanfaatan biji sorgum

sebagai bahan industri pangan.b. Semeo Biotrop dalam pemanfaatan biji sorgum untuk

aneka pangan.c. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara (RPN) dalam pemanfatan

biji sorgum sebagai pangan alternatif.d. PT. Blue Energi dalam pemanfaatan biji dan Batang

sorgum sebagai bahan baku bioetanol.e. CV. Adas Wangi dalam pemanfaatan biji dan Batang

sorgum sebagai pakan ternak.Galur Harapan OBS 1759 telah dilepas menjadi varietas Suluttan Unsrat 2

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Annual Report26 BATAN 2012

I.2.3. Tropical Wheat Variety

Up until the end of the year 2012, a multi-location testing had been conducted to the wheat mutant variety together with the national wheat consortium, for the wheat mutants CPN-01, CPN-02, CBD-16, CBD-17, CBD-18, CBD-19, CBD-20, CBD-21, and CBD-23. In the year 2013 proposals for the release of wheat varieties shall be made which will involve Batan mutant varieties to be proposed by the national wheat consortium.The benefit of tropical wheat varieties:a. Able to contribute to the food diversification program

which could be utilized as wheat flour based food (for noodles, bread, etc.).

b. Could have the role in production of wheat flour therefore reducing dependency on imported wheat flour.

c. Could support the people’s economy by developing wheat at the individual farmer level in a suitable agro-ecosystem.

Superiority of the varieties :a. They are wheat varieties which are not dependent to low

temperatures like the wheat variety in general therefore could be well produced even though planted in low plateau regions.

b. They have the potency to become a source of carbohydrate for fulfilling the nutrition and food needs in Indonesia.

I.2.4. The Gamasugen 1 and Gamasugen 2

Soybean Variety The Gamasugen 1 and Gamasugen 2 Soybean Varieties have already been recommended to be released as new superior soybean varieties in the Variety Release Hearing by TP2V-Ministry of Agriculture dated 3rd December 2012, based on the Minutes of the Variety Release Hearing for Food Plant Variety No. 106/BBN.TP/12/12. The superiority of the two soybean varieties compared to the national soybean varieties for comparison (Tidar, Argomulyo, Grobogan and Burangrang), among others are :a. Super growth period which is under 70 days (Gamasugen

1: 65 days and Gamasugen 2: 68 days), The variety for comparison possesses planting period of 85 days;

b. Average production of Gamasugen 1 is 2.42 Tons/Ha and Gamasugen 2 is 2.41 Tons/Ha, with average production of the variety for comparison which is 2.10 Tons/Ha;

c. The production potency of Gamasugen 1 reaches 2.56 Tons/Ha and Gamasugen 2 reaches 2.55 Tons/Ha;

d. More resilient to leaf rust disease (Phakopshora Pachyrhizi.Syd);

e. More resilient to cocoa leaf pock-marked disease (Cercospora);

f. Gamasugen 1 and Gamasugen 2 is more resilient to green flea pest (Aphis Glycines Matsumura);

g. More resilient to the young leaf penggerek pest (Melanagromyza Sojae);

h. Better utilized for the food industry like soybean curd and tempe with a moisture content of 336,6% (Gamasugen 1) and 370% (Gamasugen 2). Besides that, the two varieties also have the same moisture content as imported soybeans from the USA;

i. Content of protein and fat is higher compared to the variety in comparison;

j. Suitable to be planted with the paddy rice – paddy rice – soybean planting scheme, therefore utilization of land is more optimal at the end of the rainy season. In the frame of producing new superior soybean varieties, Batan has conducted cooperation, among others by:- Testing results in multilocations conducted in

Banjarnegara-Central Java during the rainy season and dry season, Temanggung-Central Java during rainy and dry seasons, Malang-east Java during rainy and dry season, Citayam-West Java during rainy and dry season, Indralaya-South Sumatera during the rainy and dry season, Pasaman-West Sumatera during the dry season, Purbalingga-Central Java during the rainy and dry season, Banyumas-Central Java during the rainy season, and Majalengka-West Java during the rainy season;

- Testing results in multi-locations together with the Research Workshop for Bean and Root plants – Malang, East Java;

- Testing results in multilocations together with the University of Jenderal Soedirman – Central Java.

Tropical wheat multilocation test in Cipanas

Galur harapan of the Gamasugen 2 variety

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 27

I.2.3. Varietas Gandum Tropis

Hingga akhir tahun 2012, telah dilakukan uji multilokasi terhadap galur-galur mutan gandum bersama dengan konsorsium gandum nasional, yaitu galur mutan CPN-01, CPN-02, CBD-16, CBD-17, CBD-18, CBD-19, CBD-20, CBD-21, CBD-23. Pada tahun 2013 akan dibuat proposal pelepasan varietas gandum yang melibatkan galur-galur mutan Batan yang diajukan oleh konsorsium gandum nasional.Kegunaan varietas gandum tropis:a. dapat berkontribusi dalam program diversifikasi pangan

yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan berbasis tepung terigu (mie, roti, dan lain-lain).

b. dapat berperan dalam produksi tepung terigu sehingga mengurangi ketergantungan impor tepung terigu.

c. dapat mendukung ekonomi rakyat dengan pengembangan gandum di tingkat petani pada agroekosistem yang cocok

Keunggulan varietas :a. merupakan varietas gandum yang tidak bergantung pada

suhu rendah seperti varietas gandum pada umumnya sehingga dapat berproduksi dengan baik walaupun ditanam pada daerah dataran rendah.

b. berpotensi menjadi sumber karbohidrat bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi dan pangan di Indonesia.

I.2.4. Varietas Kedelai Gamasugen 1 dan Gamasugen 2

Varietas kedelai Gamasugen 1 dan Gamasugen 2 sudah direkomendasikan untuk dilepas sebagai varietas kedelai unggul baru dalam sidang pelepasan varietas oleh TP2V-Kementan tanggal 3 Desember 2012, berdasarkan Berita Acara Sidang Pelepasan Varietas Tanaman Pangan No. 106/BBN.TP/12/12. Keunggulan kedua varietas kedelai tersebut dibandingkan dengan varietas kedelai nasional sebagai pembanding (Tidar, Argomulyo, Grobogan dan Burangrang), antara lain yaitu :a. umur super genjah dibawah 70 hari (Gamasugen 1: 65

hari dan Gamasugen 2: 68 hari), varietas pembanding memiliki umur tanaman 85 hari;

b. produksi rata-rata Gamasugen 1 adalah 2,42 Ton/Ha dan

Gamasugen 2 adalah 2,41 Ton/Ha, dengan produksi rata-rata varietas pembanding 2,10 Ton/Ha;

c. potensi produksi Gamasugen 1 mencapai 2,56 Ton/Ha dan Gamasugen 2 mencapai 2,55 Ton/Ha;

d. lebih tahan terhadap penyakit karat daun (Phakopshora Pachyrhizi.Syd);

e. lebih tahan terhadap penyakit bercak daun coklat (Cercospora);

f. Gamasugen 1 dan Gamasugen 2 lebih tahan terhadap hama kutu hijau (Aphis Glycines Matsumura);

g. lebih tahan terhadap hama penggerek pucuk (Melanagromyza Sojae);

h. lebih baik digunakan pada industri pangan seperti tahu dan tempe dengan rendemen 336,6% (Gamasugen 1) dan 370% (Gamasugen 2). Selain itu, kedua varietas tersebut juga mempunyai rendemen yang sama dengan kedelai impor dari USA;

i. kandungan protein dan lemak lebih tinggi dibandingkan varietas pembanding;

j. cocok ditanam dengan pola tanam padi-padi-kedelai, sehingga memanfaatkan lahan lebih optimal di akhir musim hujan. Dalam rangka menghasilkan varietas kedelai unggul baru tersebut, Batan melaksanakan beberapa kerja sama, antara lain yaitu:- pengujian uji daya hasil multi lokasi dilakukan di

Banjarnegara-Jateng pada musim hujan (MH) dan musim kemarau (MK), Temanggung-Jateng pada MK dan MH, Malang-Jatim pada MH dan MK, Citayam-Jabar pada MH dan MK, Indralaya-Sumsel pada MH dan MK, Pasaman-Sumbar pada MK, Purbalingga-Jateng pada MH dan MK, Banyumas-Jateng pada MH, dan Majalengka-Jabar pada MH;

- pengujian uji daya hasil multi lokasi bersama Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian (Balitkabi)-Malang;

- pengujian uji daya hasil multi lokasi bersama Universitas Jenderal Soedirman–Jawa Tengah.

Uji multilokasi tanaman Gandum di Cipanas

Uji multilokasi Gamasugen 2

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Annual Report28 BATAN 2012

be poisoned by the insecticied and finally dies. During all this time the insecticide product with the same active substance has circulated through the markets with the name Spontan 400 EC. Sofatan-3G is superior compared to Spontan 400 EC, due to:a. Sofatan-3G is in the form of beads, therefore the

application is easier and more efficient compared to Spontan 400 EC which is in the form of liquid

b. The use of Sofatan-3G is more efficient, it is given twice during the planting period, whereas other forms of insecticide are given every week at the time the age of the plants is 21 days after planting until the plant is 42 days old after planting

c. Sofatan-3G is able to reduce risk of environmental pollution, compared with other commercial insecticide products

d. Sofatan-3G has an economic value (Rp 45.000,-/kg) which is higher compared to Spontan 400 EC (Rp 100.000,-/kg).

Insecticides having the form of beads with the active substance Dimehipo from the results of Batan R&D has obtained the trademark of Sofatan-3G from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI), Ministry for Law and Human Rights. Currently Sofatan-3G is in the process of certification from the Commission for Pesticides, Ministry of Agriculture.

I.2.7. Making of microbe inoculation (starter manure/bio-activator) for degradation of organic waste and tracer for marginal land remediation.

A technology has been obtained for making microbe inoculation (starter manure/bio-activator) for degradation of organic waste and tracer for marginal land remediation. This technology is a development of the Super Carrier which is an irradiated manure based carrier material. Analysis of the influence of irradiated manure based carrier material towards the storage and rate of return of carbon in the ground uses isotope C-13 as a tracer.

I.2.5. Mung Bean Variety

The features of the Mung Bean variety (PSJ S 31) compared to the Gelatik (Mother variety) and the Perkutut variety (controlled nationally), which are:a. The candidate Mung Bean variety (PSJ S 31) of Batan has

a higher productivity (2.48 Tons/Ha) compared to the Gelatik variety (1.76 Tons/Ha) and Perkutut variety (1.90 Tons/Ha).

b. More resilient to the leaf pock-marked disease caused by the Cercospora fungus.

c. Has higher protein content (24.55 mg/100gr) compared to the Gelatik variety (21.84 mg/100gr) and the Perkutut variety (20.80 mg/100gr).

d. Vitamin B1 content is higher (0.90 mg/100gr) compared to the Gelatik variety (0.79 mg/100gr) and Perkutut variety (0.65mg/100 gr).

e. Nutrition content (P, Zn, Sn) is higher compared to the Gelatik and Perkutut varieties.

f. The candidate Mung Bean variety (PSJ S 31) of Batan is tolerant to draught.

In the year 2012 testing had been conducted to the candidate Mung Bean variety and presented to the TP2V-Ministry of Agriculture. From the results of the testing, a recommendation had been produced in connection with the addition of several new data like the data regarding resilience to draught. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct tests of the resilience to draught to the PSJ 31 variety.The candidate mung bean variety has been used/trial tested/utilized in the regions of Yogyakarta, Malang, Mataram, and South Sulawesi.

I.2.6. Technology Package for Control of Plant Pests

The technology package Sofatan-3G is an insecticide in the form of beads with the active substance, Dimehipo, which is used for controlling the penggerek pest on yellow paddy stalks (Scirpopaga incertulas). This insecticide is systemic in nature, and the use is conducted by inserting it in the soil and then it is absorbed by the plants. The pests on the plants will

Galur Harapan PsJ-S-31-91 has been proposed with the name MURI

Controlled plants

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 29

tanaman berusia 21 hari setelah tanam sampai dengan tanaman berusia 42 hari setelah tanam

c. Sofatan-3G bisa mengurangi resiko pencemaran lingkungan, dibandingkan produk insektisida komersial yang lain

d. Sofatan-3G mempunyai nilai ekonomis (Rp 45.000,-/kg) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Spontan 400 EC (Rp 100.000,-/kg).

Insektisida berbentuk butiran dengan bahan aktif Dimehipo hasil litbang Batan telah mendapatkan merek dagang Sofatan-3G dari Ditjen HAKI Kementerian Hukum dan HAM. Saat ini Sofatan-3G sedang dalam proses untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi dari Komisi Pestisida Kementerian Pertanian.

I.2.7. Pembuatan inokulan mikroba (kompos starter/bio-aktivator) pengurai limbah organik dan perunut untuk remediasi lahan marginal.

Telah diperoleh teknologi pembuatan inokulan mikroba (kompos starter/bio-aktivator) pengurai limbah organik dan perunut untuk remediasi lahan marginal. Teknologi ini merupakan pengembangan Super Carrier yakni berupa bahan pembawa berbasis kompos teriradiasi. Analisis pengaruh aplikasi inokulan berbasis kompos teriradiasi terhadap penyimpanan dan laju pengembalian karbon di tanah menggunakan isotop C-13 sebagai perunut.

I.2.5. Varietas Kacang Hijau

Keunggulan calon varietas Kacang Hijau (PSJ S 31) dibandingkan varietas Gelatik (Induk) dan Varietas Perkutut (kontrol nasional), yaitu:

a. Calon Varietas Kacang Hijau (PSJ S 31) Batan mempunyai produktivitas yang lebih tinggi (2,48 Ton/Ha) dibandingkan varietas Gelatik (1,76 Ton/Ha) dan varietas Perkutut (1,90 Ton/Ha).

b. Lebih tahan terhadap penyakit bercak daun disebabkan oleh jamur Cercospora.

c. Mempunyai kandungan protein lebih tinggi (24,55 mg/100gr) dibandingkan dengan varietas Gelatik (21,84 mg/100gr) dan varietas Perkutut (20,80 mg/100gr).

d. Kandungan Vitamin B1 lebih tinggi (0,90 mg/100gr) dibandingkan dengan varietas Gelatik (0,79 mg/100gr) dan varietas Perkutut (0,65mg/100 gr).

e. Kandungan nutrisi (P, Zn, Sn) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan varietas Gelatik dan varietas Perkutut.

f. Calon varietas Kacang Hijau (PSJ S 31) Batan toleran terhadap kekeringan.

Pada tahun 2012 dilakukan pengujian terhadap calon varietas Kacang Hijau dan telah dipresentasikan di hadapan TP2V-Kementan. Dari hasil pengujian tersebut, dihasilkan rekomendasi terkait penambahan beberapa data baru seperti data daya tahan terhadap kekeringan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan uji daya tahan kekeringan bagi galur PSJ S 31.Calon varietas kacang hijau sudah pernah digunakan/diuji coba/dimanfaatkan di daerah Yogyakarta, Malang, Mataram, dan Sulawesi Selatan.

I.2.6. Paket Teknologi Pengendalian Hama Tanaman

Paket Teknologi Sofatan-3G merupakan insektisida berbentuk butiran dengan bahan aktif Dimehipo digunakan untuk mengendalikan hama penggerek Batang padi kuning (Scirpopaga incertulas). Insektisida ini bersifat sistemik, dan penggunaannya dilakukan dengan cara ditanam di dalam tanah sehingga dapat dihisap oleh tanaman. Hama yang ada pada tanaman tersebut akan terkena racun dari insektisida dan akhirnya mati. Selama ini produk Insektisida dengan bahan aktif yang sama sudah beredar di pasar dengan nama dagang Spontan 400 EC. Sofatan-3G memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan dengan Spontan 400 EC, antara lain:a. Sofatan-3G berbentuk butiran, sehingga aplikasinya

lebih mudah dan lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan Spontan 400 EC yang berbentuk cairan

b. Penggunaan Sofatan-3G lebih efisien, selama masa tanam cukup diberikan dua kali, sedangkan bentuk insektisida yang lain diberikan setiap minggu pada saat

Tanaman padi yang terserang hama penggerek Batang

Tanaman kontrol dan tanaman pembanding

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Annual Report30 BATAN 2012

Batan micro-organism inoculation Same type/other commercial Product

1. Use of Indonesian original micro-organism with capability of adapting well.

1. Several commercial products use micro-organism not originating from Indonesia therefore having potency to disturb the bio-varieties in Indonesia.

2. Developed with cheap manure based solid and liquid carrier material, renewable and environmen-tally friendly.

2. Commercial product with solid carrier material using mined products that could disturb the environment, while the commercial product of liquid carrier material uses expensive synthetic material.

3. Solid bio-inoculant uses sterilized manure based carrier material (irradiated at 25 kGy dose with as-surance of good sterilization and quality.

3. Commercial products generally use sterilizing hot vapor with the assurance that the sterilization and quality is not good, therefore the media is easily contaminated and viability of the microbe target decreases rapidly.

4. Containing a consortium of organic material de-grading micro-organism, organic material degrad-ing micro-organism, Nitrogen Fixer, phosphate dissolver and bio-control, so having multi-function nature as a manure bio-activator as well as a plant bio-stimulantt.

4. A large part of the commercial products only contain organic material degrader even though from among them there are also adding php-sphate dissolvers, therefore it is more as a manure bio-activator only.

5. Could be combined with biological and other chemical treatment.

5. A large part of the commercial products can not be combined with biological and other chemical treatments.

6. Containing functional micro-organism which have the role as a chelating agent, therefore stimulating reduction of several heavy metal contaminations and increasing the aggregation of the earth.

6. -

Use/benefit of micro-organisme inoculation:a. Containing selected functional micro-organism

consortium which is effective as a degrader of organic waste, nitrogen fixing, phosphate dissolver and bio-control.

b. Increase health of soil and plants.c. Having potency to increase land aggregation.d. Containing micro-organism that take the role as a

chelating agent to reduce several heavy metals.e. Increase absorption efficiency of nutrient elements by

the plants.

f. Reduce the use of anorganic fertilizer and other agrochemicals.

g. Increase growth and plant results. Several micro-organism inoculation products of the

same type existing in the market among others the EM4, Superfarm, Stardec, Orgadec and other commercial micro-organism inoculation products. Compared to the commercial micro-orgaism inoculation products, the Batan micro-organism inoculation possesses features as

The solid and liquid form of bioactivator as the result of nuclear R&D in agriculture

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 31

Inokulan mikroorganisme Batan Produk sejenis/komersial lain

1. Menggunakan mikroorganisme asli Indonesia dengan kemampuan adaptasi yang baik.

1. Beberapa produk komersial menggunakan mikroorganisme yang bukan berasal dari Indonesia sehingga berpotensi meng-ganggu keragaman hayati Indonesia.

2. Dikembangkan dengan bahan pembawa padat dan cair berbasis kompos yang murah, terbarukan dan ramah lingkungan.

2. Produk komersial berbahan pembawa padat menggunakan produk tambang yang dapat mengganggu bentang alam, sedan-gkan produk komersial berbahan pembawa cair menggunakan bahan sintetis yang mahal.

3. Bio-inokulan padat menggunakan bahan pembawa berba-sis kompos yang disterilkan dengan iradiasi pada dosis 25 kGy dengan jaminan sterilitas dan kualitas yang baik.

3. Produk komersial umumnya menggunakan sterilisasi uap pa-nas dengan jaminan sterilitas dan kualitas yang kurang baik, sehingga media mudah terkontaminasi dan viabilitas mikroba target cepat turun.

4. Mengandung konsorsium mikroorganisme pengurai bahan organik, pemfiksasi N, pelarut fosfat dan pengendali hayati, sehingga bersifat multifungsi baik sebagai bioaktivator kompos maupun biostimulan tanaman.

4. Sebagian besar produk komersial hanya mengandung pengurai bahan organik meskipun diantaranya ada juga yang menam-bahkan pelarut fosfat, sehingga lebih bersifat sebagai bioaktiva-tor kompos saja.

5. Dapat dikombinasikan dengan perlakuan biologi dan kimia lain.

5. Sebagian besar produk komersial tidak dapat dikombinasikan dengan perlakuan biologi dan kimia lain.

6. Mengandung mikroorganisme fungsional yang berperan sebagai chelating agent, sehingga menstimulasi reduksi beberapa cemaran logam berat dan meningkatkan agregasi tanah.

6. -

Kegunaan/manfaat Inokulan mikroorganisme:a. Mengandung konsorsium mikroorganisme fungsional

terpilih yang efektif sebagai pengurai limbah organik, penambat nitrogen, pelarut fosfat dan pengendali hayati (biokontrol).

b. Meningkatkan kesehatan tanah dan tanaman.c. Berpotensi meningkatkan agregasi tanah.d. Mengandung mikroorganisme yang mampu berperan

sebagai chelating agent untuk mereduksi beberapa logam berat.

e. Meningkatkan efisiensi serapan unsur hara oleh tanaman.

f. Menurunkan penggunaan pupuk anorganik dan agrochemical lain.

g. Meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman. Beberapa produk inokulan mikroorganisme sejenis

yang ada di pasaran antara lain EM4, Superfarm, Stardec, Orgadec dan produk inokulan mikroorganisme komersial lainnya. Dibandingkan dengan produk inokulan mikroorganisme komersial tersebut, inokulan mikroorganisme Batan memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut:

Stirring process pembuatan inokulan bioaktivator

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Annual Report32 BATAN 2012

Certification of the Batan micro-organism inoculation product shall be conducted this year (in the year 2013). Certification of the product requires several requirements which are industrial adminstrative in nature like the Company Business Permit and others, therefore involvement of other business entities are needed.In the frame of application of the micro-organism inoculation product, Batan has been able to conduct cooperation with relevant private companies, which are:a. Cooperation in the form of an MOU with PT MB Plus

Agro conducted to test production and effectiveness of products in the frame of increasing production of the Sidenuk and Mira I variety.

b. Other industries which are interested are PT Usaha Maju Bersama (Cirebon) and PT Rexa Satria Integra (Jakarta).

I.2.8. Making of Semi Plot Scale Irradiation of Bio based Functional Food Products (Variety of vegetables)

The results of testing shows that the shitake mushroom (L. edodes) and the ear mushroom (A. auricula) are two types of mushrooms rich in protein and low in fat which could be dried

under the sun, the water content is around 11-12%, having pH around 6-7 and water activity (Aw) around 0,6-0,8. Gamma irradiation with a dose of 5 kGy could really suppress microbe growth on the two kinds of edible mushrooms (L. edodes and A.auricula), the dry ones which are packaged with PE vacuum lamination as much as 5 log cycle, without changing the physical-chemical characteristics like water content, pH, protein content, fat and carbohydrates as well as maintaining the amino acid quality, anti-oxidant activity, functional micro-nutrition minerals and organo-leptic characteristics of dry mushrooms, whereas the content of several vitamins and carotene is reduced; however in general it is such that the functional nutrition quality of the two mushrooms could be maintained and more hygienic. In the two types of edible mushrooms, no heavy metals are found (Cd, Hg and As), with the exception of a small amount of Pb which is still well under the limit, which means that it is safe to be used as a nutritious food material. Up until a storage of 6 months, in general the two types of irradiated mushrooms could be mentioned as still in good quality as a nutritious food material.

Unirradiated shitake mushroom after 6 months storage Irradiated shitake mushroom after 6 months storage

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Sertifikasi produk inokulan mikroorganisme Batan akan dilaksanakan pada tahun ini (tahun 2013). Sertifikasi produk tersebut memerlukan beberapa persyaratan yang bersifat administratif industrial seperti SIUP dan lain-lain, sehingga diperlukan keterlibatan badan usaha lain.Dalam rangka mengaplikasikan produk inokulan mikroorganisme, Batan telah menjalin beberapa kerja sama dengan pihak swasta terkait, yaitu :a. Kerja sama dalam bentuk MoU dengan PT MB Plus Agro

dilakukan untuk uji produksi dan efektivitas produk dalam rangka meningkatkan produksi padi varietas Sidenuk dan Mira I.

b. Industri lain yang berminat adalah PT Usaha Maju Bersama (Cirebon) dan PT Rexa Satria Integra (Jakarta).

I.2.8. Pembuatan Produk Pangan Fungsional Berbasis Nabati (Aneka Sayur) Iradiasi Skala Semi Pilot

Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa jamur shiitake (L. edodes) dan jamur kuping (A. auricula) adalah kedua jenis jamur pangan yang kaya protein dan rendah lemak dapat dikeringkan dengan cara pengeringan menggunakan

sinar matahari kadar air sekitar 11-12%, yang memiliki pH berkisar 6-7 dan aktivitas air (Aw) berkisar 0,6-0,8. Iradiasi gamma dengan dosis 5 kGy dapat menekan secara nyata pertumbuhan mikroba pada kedua jenis jamur pangan (L. edodes dan A.auricula) kering yang dikemas PE laminasi vakum sebesar 5 log cycle, dengan tanpa mengubah secara nyata sifat fisiko-kimia seperti kadar air, pH, aw, kadar protein, lemak dan karbohidrat serta mempertahankan kualitas asam amino, aktivitas antioksidan, mineral mikronutrisi fungsional dan sifat organoleptik jamur kering, sedangkan kandungan beberapa vitamin dan karoten agak menurun; namun demikian secara umum kualitas gizi fungsional kedua jenis jamur kering tersebut dapat dipertahankan dan lebih higienis. Pada kedua jenis jamur pangan kering tersebut tidak ditemukan logam berat (Cd, Hg dan As), kecuali sedikit Pb yang masih di bawah ambang batas, yang berarti aman digunakan sebagai bahan pangan bergizi. Sampai penyimpananan 6 bulan secara umum kedua jenis jamur kering iradiasi tersebut dapat dikatakan masih berkualitas cukup baik sebagai bahan pangan yang bergizi.

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Annual Report34 BATAN 2012

I.3 Natural Resources and Environment

I.3.1. Inventory of the Potency of Uranium, Thorium Resources as well as Mastery in Process Technology of Uranium and Thorium.

I.3.1.1 Inventory Activity on the Potency of Uranium Resources in Indonesia

a. Inventory of the Uranium resource potency in the Province of Papua

In this activity data gathering had been conducted, among others, the geological data, rock radioactivity data and rock and mud sample taking, as well as laboratory analysis to find out the prospective region which may have the possibility of Uranium deposit formation in the Regency of Nduga, Papua. The area of the covered region is ± 2,000 km2, number of revealed observation is 575 locations, number of mud rivers are 252, samples and number of rock samples is 33 samples. Rock samples are analyzed for the Uranium content whereas the mud samples are analyzed for mobile Uranium.

From the results of analysis of the Uranium content of the rocks and analysis for the mobile Uranium of mud samples as well as the distribution pattern of the rocks, a Uranium prospective region is obtained measuring an area of 360 km2.

b. Management of nuclear ore facility and Installation as well as Monitoring the environmental impact in the Kalan Region, West Kalimantan.

Management activities of nuclear ore facilities and installation have been conducted consisting of maintaining the 32 km road, maintaining the 618 meter exploration tunnel, maintenance of heavy equipment consisting of two bulldozer units, one LHD (Load Haul Dump) unit and transportation equipment consisting of two dump truck units and one unimog unit as well as maintenance of boring equipment with its complementing tools and equipment. This activity is a supporting activity therefore the research and development in the nuclear ore area runs smoothly.

Monitoring activities of the environmental impact is conducted by taking samples of river water, river mud and earth which further is analyzed for heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Fe, Zn), analysis of water turbidity and Uranium content. The results of analysis around the tunnels of Ekoremaja, Lemajung and Semut for the element Pb is around 0,00002 – 0,0002 mg/L and Zn 0,0002 – 0,0005, content of Pb and Zn around the Efka area is under the detection limit of the AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometer) equipment, Cu is around 0,00006 – 0,0004 mg/L, Fe in the Kalan river water is around 0,011 – 0,104 mg/L. From the results of monitoring, it could be concluded that the heavy metal content in the nuclear ore area is far below the allowable limit therefore the exploration research activities in the Kalan region is not influenced by the local surrounding conditions.

Rock radiomatry measurement

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b. Pengelolaan fasilitas dan Instalasi bahan galian nuklir serta pemantauan dampak lingkungan di kawasan Kalan, Kalimantan Barat.

Telah dilakukan kegiatan pengelolaan fasilitas dan instalasi bahan galian nuklir yang terdiri dari perawatan jalan tanah sepanjang sekitar 32 km, perawatan terowongan eksplorasi sepanjang 618 meter, perawatan alat berat berupa dua unit bulldozer, satu unit LHD (Load Haul Dump) dan peralatan transportasi berupa dua unit dump truck dan satu unit unimog serta perawatan peralatan pemboran beserta kelengkapannya. Kegiatan ini sebagai kegiatan penunjang sehingga penelitian dan pengembangan di kawasan bahan galian nuklir berjalan lancar.

Kegiatan pemantauan dampak lingkungan dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan contoh air sungai, lumpur sungai dan tanah yang selanjutnya dianalisis kadar logam berat (Pb, Cu, Fe, Zn), analisis kekeruhan air dan kadar Uranium. Hasil analisis di sekitar terowongan Ekoremaja, Lemajung dan Semut terhadap unsur Pb berkisar 0,00002 – 0,0002 mg/L dan Zn 0,0002 – 0,0005, kadar Pb dan Zn di daerah sekitar Efka berada di bawah deteksi limit alat AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometer), Cu berkisar 0,00006 – 0,0004 mg/L, Fe dalam air sungai Kalan berkisar 0,011 – 0,104 mg/L. Dari hasil pemantauan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kadar logam berat di kawasan bahan galian nuklir Kalan berada jauh di bawah ambang batas yang diijinkan sehingga kegiatan penelitian eksplorasi di daerah Kalan tidak berpengaruh pada kondisi lingkungan setempat.

I.3.1. Inventarisasi Potensi Sumberdaya Uranium, Thorium serta Penguasaan Teknologi Pengolahan Uranium dan Thorium.

I.3.1.1 Kegiatan Inventarisasi Potensi Sumberdaya Uranium di Indonesia

a. Inventarisasi potensi sumberdaya Uranium di Provinsi Papua

Dalam kegiatan ini antara lain telah dilakukan pengambilan data yang terdiri dari data geologi, data radioaktivitas batuan dan pengambilan contoh batuan, lumpur serta analisis laboratorium untuk mengetahui daerah prospek yang memungkinkan terbentuk cebakan Uranium di Kabupaten Nduga, Papua. Luas daerah cakupan ± 2.000 km2, jumlah pengamatan singkapan 575 lokasi, jumlah lumpur sungai 252 contoh dan jumlah batuan 33 contoh. Contoh batuan dianalisis kadar Uranium total sedang contoh lumpur dianalisis Uranium mobil.

Dari hasil analisis kadar Uranium total batuan dan analisis kadar Uranium mobil contoh lumpur serta pola sebaran batuan, maka didapatkan daerah prospek Uranium seluas 360 km2.

Analisis Kadar Uranium Batuan dan Lumpur di Laboratorium

I.3 Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan

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Annual Report36 BATAN 2012

Besides these activities, boring preparation activities are also done by conducting trial test boring in the West Lemajung sector with a depth reaching 30 meters.

I.3.1.2. Inventory Activities of Thorium Resource Potency in Indonesia

Inventory activities of Thorium resource potency is conducted in the West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Province and Regency of Ketapang, Province of West Kalimantan. The activities are conducted by geological mapping and measurement of Uranium as well as Thorium content of rocks using the gamma spectrometer RS 125 equipment. The results of the geological mapping and measurement of the Thorium and Uranium content in West Bangka has lead to obtaining the potential region of Thorium and Uranium around the village of Menjelang, Muntok District and Village of Parit Tiga, District of Jebus. The Thorium content is around 68-86 ppm and the Uranium content is 15-18 ppm, existing in granit that has experienced dilapidation. The estimation of resources has obtained the potency of Thorium resources for as much as 2,520 tons and Uranium for as much as 540 tons under the speculative category.

Whereas the results of the geological mapping and measurement of Uranium and Thorium content in Ketapang, West Kalimantan show that the potential region of Thorium exists in the alluvial sediment around the Pesaguan river with a Thorium content reaching 5 ppm whereas in other rocks the Uranium and Thorium content is relatively low.

I.3.1.3. Trial Test of the optimal condition in separation of Uranium from Thorium in Monasite type U ore in Laboratory Scale

From this activity, information is obtained that is based on the analysis data of the element U and Th, the recovery in extraction of U of 100% accompanied by extraction of Thorium of 33,63% of the Thorium content in the bait solution. The separation uses the solvent extraction method.

Sedimentation Process of Uranium and Thorium

I.3.2. Development in Engineering of Nuclear Instrumentation for Monitoring the Environmental Radioactivity

I.3.2.1. Prototype of Instrument in Monitoring of the Environmental Radioactivity

The environmental radioactivity monitoring instrumentation has an important role in monitoring the level of radioaktivity in the environment and ensuring the safety level of a nuclear installation towards the surrounding environment. The instrumentation is placed in open space and operated and monitored remotely. This instrumentation shall routinely conduct measurements and store parameters which are connected to radiation as well as non radiation and sending the results of measurement to the data center station.

This type of equipment generally are foreign products therefore the operation and maintenance often experiences constraints. This situation becomes more difficult because generally the manufacturer of this instrumentation

Potential Region of Thorium in Alluvial Sediment in Ketapang, West Kalimantan

Geological mapping of RembangKanan regency

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Selain kegiatan tersebut juga dilakukan kegiatan persiapan pemboran dengan cara melakukan ujicoba pemboran di sektor Lemajung Barat dengan kedalaman mencapai 30 meter.

I.3.1.2. Kegiatan Inventarisasi Potensi sumberdaya Thorium di Indonesia

Kegiatan Inventarisasi potensi sumberdaya Thorium dilakukan di kabupaten Bangka Barat, provinsi Bangka Belitung dan kabupaten Ketapang, provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan cara pemetaan geologi dan pengukuran kadar Uranium serta Thorium dari batuan menggunakan alat gamma spektrometer RS 125. Hasil pemetaan geologi dan pengukuran kadar Thorium dan Uranium di Bangka Barat mendapatkan daerah potensial Thorium dan Uranium di sekitar Desa Menjelang, Kecamatan Muntok dan Desa Parit Tiga, Kecamatan Jebus. Kadar Thorium berkisar 68-86 ppm dan Uranium 15-18 ppm, terdapat pada granit yang telah mengalami pelapukan lanjut. Estimasi sumberdaya mendapatkan potensi sumberdaya Thorium sebesar 2.520 ton dan Uranium sebesar 540 ton kategori spekulaif.

Sedangkan hasil pemetaan geologi dan pengukuran kadar Uranium dan Thorium di Ketapang Kalimantan Barat menunjukkan bahwa daerah potensial Thorium terdapat pada endapan alluvial di sekitar sungai Pesaguan dengan kadar Thorium mencapai 5 ppm sedang pada batuan lain kadar Uranium dan Thoriumnya relatif rendah.

I.3.1.3. Uji coba kondisi optimal pemisahan Uranium dari Thorium pada bijih U tipe Monasit Skala laboratorium

Dari kegiatan ini diperoleh informasi bahwa berdasarkan data analisis unsur U dan Th, rekoveri ekstraksi U sebesar 100 % dengan Th yang ikut terekstrak sebesar 33,63 % dari kandungan Th pada larutan umpan. Pemisahan menggunakan metoda ekstraksi pelarut (solvent extraction)

Pemetaan Geologi batuan di Bangka

I.3.2. Pengembangan Perekayasaan Perangkat Nuklir Pemantau Radioaktivitas Lingkungan

I.3.2.1. Prototip Perangkat Pemantau Radioaktivitas Lingkungan

Perangkat pemantau radioaktivitas lingkungan sangat penting peranannya dalam memantau tingkat radioaktivitas di lingkungan dan memastikan tingkat keamanan sebuah instalasi nuklir terhadap lingkungannya. Perangkat ini diletakkan di alam terbuka dan dioperasikan dan dimonitor secara jarak jauh. Perangkat ini secara rutin akan melakukan pengukuran-pengukuran dan menyimpan parameter yang berhubungan dengan radiasi maupun non radiasi serta mengirimkan hasil pengukuran ke stasiun pusat data.

Peralatan jenis ini umumnya adalah produk luar negeri sehingga pengoperasian dan perawatannya sering mengalami kendala. Keadaan ini menjadi lebih sulit karena umumnya produsen perangkat ini memiliki sistem, komponen dan protokol komunikasi yang dirancang khusus hanya untuk produk tertentu dan sifatnya tertutup,

Peta Iso Kadar Thorium daerah Bangka Barat

Peta Iso Kadar Uranium daerah Bangka Barat

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Annual Report38 BATAN 2012

possesses a system, components and communication protocol which is specially designed only for certain products and closed in nature, therefore it is difficult to be repaired or modified in accordance to the need. The moist and hot environmental condition due to a tropical environment which possesses a high rainfall and very hot during the dry season shall need special designing of the environmental monitoring instrumentation for Indonesia.

The instrumentation developed consists of a measuring system and a control system. The measuring system consists of sub-modules which functions in conducting measurements of the radiation, and wind direction and speed. This equipment possesses a radiation measuring detector which is a GM tube (optional scintillation detector) NaI(TI). The GM detector is operated as a rate counter in order to obtain the counts per second (CPS) measurement which could be calibrated therefore will give a reading result in microSievert. The LED image measures 6 inches, also provided in order to easily read the data locally. The Measuring System communicates with the data collector through a radio modem based on the master-slave network topology. Several remote stations could be positioned in several different locations and could send data to the data collector (as the master). To give a distinction among measuring systems, every remote station could be given a unique ID code which consists of 2 characters, therefore there are many remote stations that could be controlled by one master. This will be very beneficial in conducting radiation spread/distribution studies.

Control system of monitoring instrumentation for environmental radioactivity

The control system functions to control/gather measurement data from several measuring instruments. As a master this instrument will regulate the data gathering. The data is read from the measuring instrument taking turns. The results of this measurement is demonstrated graphically on the computer screen and also stored chronologically, so that it could be further analyzed.

The design & engineering of the environmental radioactivity monitoring instrumentation is a cooperation among design & engineering work units and user work units in Batan in monitoring the environmental radioactivity in the Serpong Batan area. It is expected in the future that the results of design & engineering of environmental radioactivity monitoring instrumentation being developed could be used to replace the damaged monitoring instrumentation due to aging.

I.3.2.2. Prototype Instrumentation for Radon Monitoring in the Air

Radon gas is a radioactive gas which gives the largest contribution of natural radiation received by humans. If the radon gas is inhaled through the respiratory tract, a small part of the radon will be left in the lungs, therefore could cause lung cancer. The higher the concentration of radon in the air, the higher the possibility of lung cancer in humans. Considering the risk which could occur to humans, an instrument that could detect the radon radiation level in the air is very much needed.

Design engineering of a monitoring instrumentation for radon in the air has been conducted. The design and making of the module are conducted following the standard design engineering principles which cover making the design requirements, basic design, detail design, construction, and testing. The instrumentation already made is able to function in detecting the presence of alpha radiation in accordance to the characteristics of radon. The system is complemented with operation software to record the counting and the energy spectrum.

The monitoring instrumentation of radon in the air which has been designed-constructed consists of: Sample taking system, detection system, electronic system and data processing system. The sample taking system, consists of an air sampling motor, flowmeter, an air debit regulator, and an air filter. It is this filter which will be counted in the radon measuring instrumentation system. For other radon measuring models the sample taking system is already integrated with the detector, therefore the output of the detector is counting data which is ready to be processed by the computer. The detection system uses the radon scintillation detector/flash detector and the alpha beta sample counter. The electronic system consists of a signal amplifying module, a low and high voltage source as well as an MCA (Multi Channel Analyzer) module. The data processing system is integrated with the MCA module in order to indentify as well as to measure the content of radon gas in the air.

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sehingga sulit untuk diperbaiki atau dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan. Kondisi lingkungan yang lembab dan panas akibat lingkungan tropis yang memiliki curah hujan tinggi dan panas terik dimusim kemarau membutuhkan desain khusus pada perangkat pemantau lingkungan di Indonesia.

Perangkat yang dikembangkan terdiri dari sistem pengukur dan sistem pengendali. Sistem pengukur terdiri atas sub-sub modul yang befungsi melakukan pengukuran radiasi, arah dan kecepatan angin. Alat ini memiliki detektor pengukur radiasi berupa tabung GM (optional detektor sintilasi) NaI(Tl). Detektor GM dioperasikan sebagai rate counter untuk mendapatkan pengukuran cacah per detik (cps) yang dapat dikalibrasi sehingga akan memberikan hasil pembacaan dalam mikroSievert. Penampil LED berukuran besar 6 inci juga disediakan agar dapat mempermudah melihat pembacaan data secara lokal. Sistem Pengukur berkomunikasi dengan data collector melalui radio modem berdasarkan topologi jaringan master-slave. Beberapa remote station dapat ditempatkan di beberapa lokasi yang berbeda dan dapat mengirimkan datanya ke data collector (sebagai master). Untuk membedakan sistem pengukur satu sama lainnya, setiap remote station tersebut dapat diberi kode ID unik yang terdiri dari 2 karakter, sehingga cukup banyak remote station dapat dikendalikan oleh satu master. Ini akan sangat bermanfaat dalam melakukan studi penyebaran radiasi.

Sistem pengukur perangkat pemantau radioaktivitas lingkungan

Sistem Pengendali berfungsi untuk mengendalikan/mengumpulkan data pengukuran dari beberapa sistem pengukur. Sebagai master alat ini akan mengatur pengumpulan data. Data dibaca dari sistem pengukur secara bergiliran. Hasil pengukuran ini diperagakan secara grafis dalam layar komputer dan juga disimpan secara kronologis, sehingga dapat dianalisa lebih lanjut.

Perekayasaan perangkat pemantau radioaktivitas lingkungan merupakan bentuk kerja sama antar satker perekayasa dan satker pengguna di Batan dalam memonitor radioaktivitas lingkungan di kawasan Batan Serpong. Diharapakan di masa mendatang hasil rekayasa perangkat pemantau radioaktivitas lingkungan yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti perangkat pemantau yang sudah rusak akibat penuaan

I.3.2.2. Prototip Perangkat Pemantau Radon di Udara

Gas radon merupakan gas radioaktif yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar dari radiasi alam yang diterima manusia. Bila gas radon terhirup lewat saluran pernafasan, sebagian kecil radon akan tertinggal dalam paru-paru, sehingga dapat menimbulkan kanker paru-paru. Makin tinggi konsentrasi radon di udara, makin tinggi kemungkinan terjadinya kanker paru-paru bagi manusia. Mengingat resiko yang dapat terjadi pada manusia, sangat diperlukan adanya alat yang dapat mendeteksi tingkat radiasi radon yang terkandung dalam udara.

Telah dilakukan perekayasaan perangkat pemantau radon di udara. Perancangan dan pembuatan modul dilakukan mengikuti kaidah baku perekayasaan yang meliputi pembuatan persyaratan desain, desain dasar, desain rinci, konstruksi, dan pengujian. Perangkat yang dibuat sudah dapat berfungsi untuk mendeteksi adanya radiasi alfa sesuai karakteristik radon. Sistem dilengkapi dengan perangkat lunak operasi untuk mencatat besarnya cacah dan spektrum energinya.

Perangkat pemantau radon di udara yang dirancang bangun terdiri dari : Sistem pencuplik sampel, sistem deteksi, sistem elektronik dan sistem pengolah data. Sistem pencuplik sampel, terdiri dari motor penghisap udara (air sampling), flow meter, pengatur debit udara, dan filter udara. Filter inilah yang akan dicacah dalam sistem instrumentasi pengukur radon. Untuk model pengukur radon yang lain sistem pencuplik sampel ini sudah terintegrasi dengan detektor, sehingga keluaran detektor sudah berupa data cacahan yang siap diolah oleh komputer. Sistem deteksi menggunakan detektor sintilasi radon flash detector dan alpha beta sample counter. Sistem elektronik terdiri atas modul penguat sinyal, catu daya tegangan rendah dan tinggi serta modul MCA (Multi Channel Analyzer). Sistem pengolah data diintegrasikan dengan modul MCA untuk dapat mengidentifikasi serta mengukur kandungan gas radon di udara.

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Annual Report40 BATAN 2012

provide calibrated Radiation Measuring Equipment. In order to calibrate the Radiation Measuring Equipment a beta exposure standard source is needed. For this purpose Batan has developed a method for calibrating Radiation Measuring Equipment for Beta exposure with a 85Kr source. The results of research is the air flowrate and the standard 85Kr absorption rate, which could be used for Serving Calibration of Radiation Measuring Equipment for Beta Exposure.

The users for this Radiation Measuring Equipment calibration method are the paper industry, plastic packaging, cigarettes, radioactive waste installation, nuclear fuel installation (about 30 companies are recorded).

I.3.4. Ocean Radioecology Monitoring at Muria Peninsula and Bangka Belitung

The research in ocean radioecology in the scope of environmental monitoring has the objective to obtain radioactivity baseline data at various ocean environment compartments during pre-construction and prior operation of Nuclear Power Plants. The data will become a comparison in changes of the ocean environment radioactivity if ever an NPP is built and operated. Baseline data of environmental radioactivity is very much needed for the planning of NPP and other nuclear facilities. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has required that before all types

The measurement method of radon is conducted by sucking the air of the room to be measured for its concentration by using an air sampler. The Air sampler is complemented with special filters which could hold radon particles. The air sampler is complemented with a flowmeter to find out the flowing air debit. The air is sucked for a certain period of time (t hours) and certain air debit. After several hours, the filter of the air sampler is taken and placed on the detector for counting. Only radon radiation which is being analyzed with the method of regulating the energy level of the MCA. By using mathematical equations, the data from the results of the count, the time and debit of the air, the concentration of radon in the air then could be obtained.

Design engineering of monitoring instrumentation of Radon in the air is a form of cooperation among work units (PRPN) and user work units (PTLR and PTKMR) in Batan in monitoring radon radioactivity in the surrounding environment. It is expected in the future of the results of design engineering of radon radioactivity monitoring instrumentation which is being developed could be used as a safety equipment for workers in the surrounding laboratory, industry and in mining.

I.3.3. Development of Method in Calibration of Radiation Measuring Equipment (AUR) for Beta Exposure by 85Kr Source

Protection to radiation workers is very important to be conducted in the industry which utilizes beta sources for quality control of a product, for example a paper factory, plastic packaging, cigarettes, as well as facilities which handle nuclear fuel as well as radioactive wastes.

In order to estimate the beta absorption dose received by workers and to find out the radiation exposure at the work place in the industry, the installation management must

Radon monitoring instrumentation with radon flash detector

Calibration of Radiation Measuring Equipment for Beta Exposure with 85Kr Source

The operation process of radiation measuring tool from control room

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control suatu produk, misalnya pabrik kertas, plastik kemasan, rokok, maupun di fasilitas yang menangani bahan bakar nuklir maupun limbah radioaktif.

Untuk memperkirakan dosis serap beta yg diterima pekerja dan mengetahui paparan radiasi di tempat kerja di industri tersebut pengusaha instalasi harus menyediakan Alat Ukur Radiasi (AUR) yang terkalibrasi. Untuk mengkalibrasi AUR tersebut diperlukan sumber standar beta paparan. Untuk itu Batan mengembangkan metode kalibrasi AUR Beta paparan dengan Sumber 85Kr. Hasil penelitian adalah diperolehnya laju kerma udara dan dosis serap standar 85Kr, yang dapat digunakan untuk Layanan Kalibrasi AUR Beta Paparan.

Pengguna metoda kalibrasi AUR ini adalah industri kertas, plastik kemasan, rokok, instalasi limbah ra, instalasi bahan bakar nuklir (tercatat ada sekitar 30 perusahaan).

1.3.4. Pemantauan Radioekologi Kelautan di Semenanjung Muria dan Bangka Belitung

Penelitian radioekologi kelautan dalam lingkup pemantauan lingkungan bertujuan untuk memperoleh data dasar (baseline) radioaktivitas pada berbagai kompartemen lingkungan kelautan pra konstruksi dan pra operasional Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN). Data tersebut akan menjadi pembanding perubahan radioaktivitas lingkungan kelautan jika suatu saat PLTN dibangun dan dioperasikan. Data dasar radioaktivitas lingkungan sangat diperlukan bagi perencanaan PLTN dan fasilitas nuklir lainnya. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mensyaratkan sebelum seluruh jenis fasilitas nuklir termasuk reaktor riset dan

Metode pengukuran Radon dilakukan dengan menyedot udara ruangan yang akan diukur konsentrasinya dengan menggunakan air sampler. Air sampler dilengkapi filter khusus yang akan menahan partikel radon. Air sampler dilengkapi dengan flow meter untuk mengetahui debit udara yang mengalir. Udara disedot dalam kurun waktu tertentu (t jam) dan debit udara tertentu. Setelah beberapa jam, filter pada air sampler diambil dan diletakkan pada detektor untuk dicacah. Hanya radiasi radon yang dianalisis dengan cara mengatur level energi pada MCA. Dengan menggunakan persamaan matematis, data hasil cacah, waktu dan debit udara, akan didapat konsentrasi radon di udara.

Perekayasaan perangkat pemantau radon di udara merupakan bentuk kerja sama antar satker perekayasa (PRPN) dan satker pengguna (PTLR dan PTKMR) di Batan dalam memonitor radioaktivitas radon di lingkungan. Di harapkan di masa mendatang hasil rekayasa perangkat pemantau radioaktivitas radon yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan sebagai alat keselamatan bagi pekerja di lingkungan laboratorium, industri dan pertambangan.

I.3.3. Pengembangan Metode Kalibrasi Alat Ukur Radiasi (AUR) Beta Paparan dengan Sumber 85Kr

Proteksi terhadap pekerja radiasi sangat penting dilakukan di industri yang memanfaatkan sumber beta untuk quality

Pengoperasian perangkat pemantau radon

Perangkat pemantau radon dengan alpha beta sample counter

Prototipe Alat Ukur Radiasi

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Annual Report42 BATAN 2012

The results show no indication of any impact from the accident whereas the concentration of 137Cs is at the same level as before the occurrence of the nuclear accident in Fukushima.

The activities in ocean radioecology research is still being conducted in order to obtain baseline data of 239/240Pu, 137Cs and anthropogenic radionuclides in all the waters of Bangka Belitung and other areas of Indonesia.

In increasing the results of activities, 2 staff members of Batan and BPPT have been sent to participate in the IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Assessment of Radiological Risks at Basic Level, 12-23 November 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand.

of nuclear facilities including the research reactor and NPP operates, a study on the environmental radioactivity background level must be conducted. On the other hand activities in environmental monitoring also is focused to anticipate the impact of the nuclear accident in Fukushima. This research activity is also supported by the SINAS (competitive) Research Incentive Funding which is funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology. On the other hand this activity also is in synergy with the participation in IAEA/RCA project RAS/7/021, Marine Benchmark Study On The Possible Impact of The Fukushima Radioactive Releases in The Asia-Pacific Region. The output of this activity is the document on Base-line Data of the Ocean Radioecology, with innovative features in method modification of sampling and measurement. Until the year 2012 the anthropogenic radionuclide baseline data has been completed (which is represented by 137Cs) present in sediments in a large part of the coastline waters of Bangka Island. Results of monitoring of 137Cs in sediments is shown in the following Figure.

The above Figure shows the 137Cs concentration in sediments around <LD (under detection limit) until 2.33 Bq.Kg-1. On the other hand also the baseline data of 137Cs and 239/240Pu concentration in water in the coastline area of West and South Bangka. The concentration of 137Cs in water is within the range of 0.49 until 0.66 mBq.l-1. Average concentration of 239/240Pu is 4.19+0.32 µBq.l-1 (West Bangka) 3.28+0.29 µBq.l-1 (South Bangka) 1.45+0.09 Bq.Kg-1. In anticipation of the impact of the nuclear accident in Fukushima, several monitoring activities in the ocean waters of Indonesia have been conducted in cooperation with the Faculty for Fisheries and Sciences of the University of Diponegoro and the Ocean Survey Workshop of The Agency for Research and Application of Technology (BPPT). The results of monitoring of 137Cs concentration in several Indonesian waters are shown in the following figure.

Profile of 137Cs concentration in sediments (

Profile of 137Cs concentration in waters of the Indian Ocean (West Java Southern Coast)

Analysis activities in the laboratory

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Hasil menunjukkan belum terindikasi dampak dari kecelakaan tersebut dimana konsentrasi 137Cs berada pada level sebelum kecelakaan nuklir di Fukushima.

Kegiatan penelitian radioekologi kelautan masih terus dilakukan untuk memperoleh data dasar 239/240Pu, 137Cs dan radionuklida antropogenik lainnya di seluruh perairan Bangka Belitung dan wilayah Indonesia lainnya.

Untuk keperluan peningkatan hasil kegiatan telah dilakukan pengiriman 2 orang staf dari Batan dan BPPT untuk mengikuti IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Assessment of Radiological Risks at Basic Level, 12-23 November 2012 di Bangkok, Thailand.

PLTN beroperasi harus dilakukan studi level background radioaktivitas lingkungan. Di sisi lain kegiatan pemantauan lingkungan ini juga difokuskan untuk mengantisipasi dampak kecelakaan nuklir di Fukushima. Kegiatan penelitian ini juga didukung oleh pendanaan Insentif Riset SINAS (kompetitif) yang dibiayai oleh Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi. Di sisi lain kegiatan ini juga bersinergi dengan keikutsertaan pada proyek kegiatan IAEA/RCA RAS/7/021, Marine Benchmark Study On The Possible Impact of The Fukushima Radioactive Releases in The Asia-Pacific Region. Output kegiatan ini adalah Dokumen Baseline Data (Data Dasar) Radioekologi Kelautan, dengan keunggulan inovatif pada modifikasi metode sampling dan pengukuran. Sampai dengan tahun 2012 telah diselesaikan data dasar radionuklida antropogenik (yang direpresentasikan oleh 137Cs) dalam sedimen di sebagian besar perairan pesisir Pulau Bangka. Hasil pemantauan 137Cs dalam sedimen ditunjukkan pada gambar berikut.

Gambar di atas menunjukkan konsentrasi 137Cs di dalam sedimen berkisar <LD (di bawah limit deteksi) sampai dengan 2,33 Bq.Kg-1. Di sisi lain juga telah diselesaikan data dasar konsentrasi 137Cs dan 239/240Pu dalam air di wilayah pesisir Bangka Barat dan Selatan. Konsentrasi 137Cs dalam air berkisar antara 0,49 sampai dengan 0,66 mBq.l-1. Rerata konsentrasi 239/240Pu adalah 4,19+0,32 µBq.l-1 (Bangka Barat) 3,28+0.29 µBq.l-1 (Bangka Selatan) 1,45+0,09 Bq.Kg-1. Mengantisipasi dampak dari kecelakaan nuklir di Fukushima telah dilakukan beberapa kegiatan monitoring di perairan laut Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Diponegoro dan Balai Survey Kelautan BPPT. Hasil pemantauan konsentrasi 137Cs di beberapa perairan Indonesia ditunjukkan pada gambar berikut.

Profil konsentrasi 137Cs di dalam sedimen (

Profil konsentrasi 137Cs dalam air di Wilayah Timur Indonesia

Kegiatan pengambilan sampel di laut dalam dan pesisir

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Annual Report44 BATAN 2012

process technology of radioactive wastes which contain Uranium that is created from the process in providing nuclear fuel through the mining channel as well as from the purification process of phosphate acid, therefore could support the coming NPP program. Output of the activities obtained are documents for development of technology in industrial liquid radioactive waste processing. In the year 2013 development of technology shall be continued in processing high activity liquid waste of high activity which is created from the post irradiation testing of nuclear fuel with immobilization using the synroc zirkonia titanite matrix. Then in the year 2014 this will continue in developing technology in Thorium liquid waste processing with the immobilization process using the synroc zirkonia titanite matrix.

Innovative features in this research, which is development of technology in processing liquid wastes from the industry with the immobilization process using the synroc matrix material which is the latest development for high activity liquid waste and long life alpha radioactive wastes. In advanced countries, the formation of the waste synroc block uses the isostatic heat press technique. In this research sintering technique at high temperature is developed using simple equipment. Besides using the composition of synroc zirkonia phosphate and synroc silico phosphate whereas the material is cheaper and easy to acquire. The results achieved, shows that the quality of the synroc block waste, the result of immobilization with the sintering technique is relatively the same with the isostatic heat press technique.

1.Preparation phase of the simulated waste and synroc matrix material (precursor)

1. Weighing of the Waste and synroc supercalcine zirkonia phosphate matrix material (precursor) 2. Preparation of waste3. Drying of waste

I.3.5. Development of Technology in Processing Industrial Liquid Radioactive Wastes : Immobilization of radioactive Uranium Wastes using the Synroc Supercalcine Zirkonia Phosphate Matrix Material

Purifying facility of Phosphate Acid - Petrokimia Gresik (PAF-PKG) has been stopped in its operation since 12 August 1989, then decommissioning was conducted with the permit from BAPETEN in the Permit Letter for Decommisioning No. 286/ID/DPI/ 14-X/2004 dated 14 October 2004 with validity for 5 years until 13 October 2009. The activities of decommissioning the PAF-PKG facility creates organic liquid radioactive wastes which contains Uranium, mixture of the solvent D2EHPA TOPO, and kerosene as well as water, which has a volume of 371 m3. The wastes are B3 wastes (hazardous-toxic) which are radioactive, containing Uranium (U-238) nuclides and its differentiated radionuclides. In order to avoid any pollution to the environment, the wastes are processed with the bio-oxidation process producing radioactive sludge wastes.

The radioactive sludge wastes from decommissioning of the PAF-PKG facility contains Uranium included in the criteria of alpha emitting wastes, with long life, low or medium activity. These wastes could be solidified using a plastic, polymer or asphalt matrix material. The latest development is the use of synroc matrix material. Synroc is a crystalline solid which is made up of combination of titanite phases or stable phosphate and selected due to its geochemical stability and collective capability to mobilize all radioactive elements as a result of fission and long life actinides in the radioactive waste. In this research, the synroc supercalcine phosphate (synroc SC-fosfat) matrix material is a development of the Synroc supercalcine titanat matrixes. The method of formation of synroc with the heat-press process at high temperature has been developed in several countries like Australia, the United States, Great Britain and Japan. In this research, immobilization of radioactive wastes containing Uranium uses the synroc SC-phosphate matrix with the sintering process at high temperature. The quality of the synroc block and condition of the best immobilization process is determined by characteristic testing of the synroc block waste which covers density, pressing strength, and rate of press-rolling.

This research has the objective to obtain immobilization process technology of sludge wastes which contains Uranium using the synroc SC-phosphate matrix by sintering process at high temperature, as an effort to obtain immobilization

1 2 3

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I.3.5. Pengembangan Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Radioaktif Cair Industri : Imobilisasi Limbah Radioaktif Uranium Menggunakan Bahan Matriks Synroc Supercalcine Zirkonia Fosfat

Fasilitas Pemurnian Asam Fosfat-Petrokimia Gresik (PAF-PKG) dihentikan operasinya sejak 12 Agustus 1989, selanjutnya dilakukan dekomisioning dengan izin dari BAPETEN dalam Surat Izin Dekomisioning No. 286/ID/DPI/ 14-X/2004 tanggal 14 Oktober 2004 yang berlaku selama 5 tahun sampai dengan 13 Oktober 2009. Kegiatan dekomisioning fasilitas PAF-PKG tersebut menimbulkan limbah radioaktif cair organik yang mengandung Uranium, campuran pelarut D2EHPA TOPO, dan kerosen serta air, yang mempunyai volume 371 m3. Limbah tersebut merupakan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun (B3) yang radioaktif, mengandung radionuklida Uranium (U-238) dan radionuklida anak luruhnya. Guna menghindari resiko pencemaran lingkungan, limbah tersebut telah diolah dengan proses biooksidasi menghasilkan limbah sludge radioaktif.

Limbah sludge radioaktif dari dekomisioning fasilitas PAF-PKG mengandung Uranium dan anak luruhnya termasuk dalam kriteria limbah pemancar alfa berumur panjang aktivitas rendah atau sedang. Limbah ini dapat disolidifikasi menggunakan bahan matrik plastik polimer atau aspal. Pengembangan terakhir telah digunakan bahan matriks synroc. Synroc adalah bentuk kristalin padat yang tersusun dari gabungan fase-fase titanat atau fosfat yang stabil dan dipilih karena kestabilan geokimia dan kemampuan kolektif untuk imobilisasi semua unsur radioaktif hasil belah dan aktinida umur panjang dalam limbah radioaktif. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan bahan matriks synroc supercalcines phosphate (synroc SC-fosfat) merupakan pengembangan dari matriks Synroc supercalcines titanat. Metode pembentukan synroc dengan proses pres-panas pada suhu tinggi telah dikembangkan di beberapa negara seperti Australia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Jepang. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan imobilisasi limbah radioaktif yang mengandung Uranium menggunakan matriks synroc SC-fosfat dengan proses sintering pada suhu tinggi. Kualitas blok synroc limbah dan kondisi proses imobilisasi yang terbaik ditentukan dengan pengujian karakteristik blok synroc limbah yang meliputi densitas, kuat tekan, dan laju pelindian.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan teknologi proses imobilisasi limbah sludge yang mengandung Uranium menggunakan bahan matriks synroc SC-fosfat dengan proses sintering suhu tinggi, sebagai upaya untuk mendapatkan teknologi proses imobilisasi limbah radioaktif yang mengandung Uranium yang ditimbulkan dari proses penyediaan bahan bakar nuklir baik melalui

jalur penambangan maupun dari proses pemurnian asam fosfat, sehingga dapat mendukung program PLTN yang akan datang. Output kegiatan yang diperoleh adalah dokumen pengembangan teknologi pengolahan limbah radioaktif cair industri. Pada tahun 2013 akan dilanjutkan pengembangan teknologi pengolahan limbah cair aktivitas tinggi yang ditimbulkan dari uji paska iradiasi bahan bakar nuklir dengan imobilisasi menggunakan bahan matriks synroc zirkonia titanat. Kemudian pada tahun 2014 dilanjutkan pengembangan teknologi pengolahan limbah cair Thorium dengan proses imobilisasi menggunakan bahan matriks synroc zirkonia titanat.

Keunggulan inovatif dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengembangan teknologi pengolahan limbah cair dari industri dengan proses imobilisasi menggunakan bahan matriks synroc merupakan pengembangan terbaru untuk limbah cair aktivitas tinggi dan limbah radioaktif alfa umur panjang. Di negara maju, pembentukan blok synroc limbah menggunakan teknik pres panas isostatik. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan teknik sintering pada suhu tinggi dengan peralatan yang sederhana. Selain menggunakan komposisi synroc zirkonia titanat, juga dikembangkan komposisi matriks synroc zirkonia fofat dan synroc siliko fosfat sehingga bahannya lebih murah dan mudah didapat. Hasil-hasil yang telah diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa kualitas blok synroc limbah hasil imobilisasi dengan teknik sintering relatif sama dengan teknik pres panas isostatik.

1.Tahap penyiapan Limbah simulasi dan bahan matriks (prekursor) synroc

1 2 3

1. Penimbangan Limbah dan bahan matriks (prekursor) synroc supercalcine zirkonia fosfat2. Penyiapan limbah 3. Pengeringan limbah

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Annual Report46 BATAN 2012

2.Immobilization Phase2.Tahap imobilisasi

10. Results of moulding/casting of mixture of waste and synroc matrix

10. Hasil cetak campuran limbah dan matriks synroc

7. Mixture of Waste and synroc matrix ready for calcination

7. Campuran Limbah dan matriks synroc siap dikalsinasi

8. Furnace for calcination (at RadWaste Technology Centre)

8. Tungku pemanas (furnace) untuk kalsinasi (di PTLR)

9. Mixture of Waste and synroc matrix after calcination

9. Campuran Limbah dan matriks synroc setelah dikalsinasi

5. Addition of acid solution

5. Penambahan larutan asam

11. Entering raw synroc block for sintering process

11. Memasukan blok synroc mentah untuk proses sintering

12. Sintering process of synroc waste block in the furnace (at Nuclear Fuel Technology Centre)

12. Proses sintering blok synroc limbah dalam tungku pemanas (di PTBN)

6. Drying of mixture of waste and synroc matrix

6. Pengeringan campuran limbah dan matriks synroc

4. Mixing of Dry waste and synroc supercalcine

4. Pencampuran Limbah kering dan matriks synroc supercalcine zirkonia fosfat

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14. Results of synroc waste block with variations in sintering temperatures of 1200, 1250, 1300, 1350 oC.

14. Hasil blok synroc limbah variasi suhu sintering 1200, 1250, 1300, 1350 oC.

15. Results of synroc waste block with variations in sintering time of 1 to 5 hours.

15. Hasil blok synroc limbah variasi waktu sintering 1 s/d 5 jam.

16. Results of synroc waste block with variations in sintering time of 1 to 5 hours

16. Hasil Blok synroc limbah variasi Waktu sintering 1 – 5 jam

40% 30% 20% 10%17. Results of synroc waste block with sintering time of 3.5 hours with variations of 10-40% weight waste loading

40% 30% 20% 10%17. Hasil blok synroc limbah dengan sintering 3,5 jam dengan variasi Waste Loading 10-40%berat

70 60 50 40 %18. Results of synroc waste block with sintering time of 3.5 hours with variations of 40-70% weight waste loading

70 60 50 40 %18. Hasil blok synroc limbah dengan sintering 3,5 jam dengan variasi Waste Loading 40-70%berat

3.Testing Phase3.Tahap Pengujian

19. Press rolling test of waste block sample of the results of immobilization with soxhlet equipment.

19. Uji pelindihan sampel blok limbah hasil imobilisasi dengan alat soxhlet

20. Analysis of Uranium in press rolling water with Spectrophotometer UV-VIS equipment.

20. Analisis Uranium dalam air pelindih dengan alat Spektrofotometer UV-VIS.

21. Synroc waste block pressing test equipment

21. Alat Uji tekan blok synroc limbah

22. Pressing strength testing of synroc waste block sample

22. Pengujian kuat tekan sampel blok synroc limbah

23. Callipers for measuring dimensions of the synroc waste block

23. Jangka sorong untuk pengukuran dimensi blok synroc limbah

13. Results of synroc waste block with variations in sintering temperatures of 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150 oC.

13. Hasil blok synroc limbah variasi suhu sintering 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150 oC.

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Annual Report48 BATAN 2012

I.3.6. Radiometry Analysis Activity to Support Quality of the Environment : Assesment of Air Pollution in Indonesia through Characterization and Identification of Pollution Source by Using the Nuclear Analysis Technique (TAN) in the Yogyakarta Region, Semarang, Pekanbaru, Denpasar, Palangkaraya, and Makassar (Phase 1)

From this activity, obtained are measurement data of Particulate Matter (PM), PM2.5 and PM10 of filter samples from Yogyakarta, Semarang, Pekanbaru, Palangkaraya, Bali and Makasar and the determination of Black Carbon (BC) concentration of the filter sample of the region of Yogyakarta, Semarang, Pekanbaru, Palangkaraya, Bali and Makasar. The characterization of the samples from the six sampling locations have been conducted using the Energy-

Dispersive-X-Ray-Fluorescence (ED-XRF) and 13 elements have been quantified (Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb).

The results of this activity is expected to become a data base which is expected to give contribution, support, and urge the government to make the right and directed policies in the effort to increase the air quality in Indonesia so that health disturbances and greater financial losses could be avoided. This activity could give an illustration that the Nuclear Analysis Technique (TAN) possesses various features and could become a breakthrough as well as a new hope in answering the challenges of the air pollution issue in Indonesia.

Air sampling in Bali Air sampling in Makassar

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I.3.6. Kegiatan Analisis Radiometri untuk Mendukung Kualitas Lingkungan: Pengkajian Polusi Udara di Indonesia melalui Karakterisasi dan Identifikasi Sumber Pencemar Menggunakan Teknik Analisis Nuklir (TAN) di Daerah Yogyakarta, Semarang, Pekanbaru, Denpasar, Palangkaraya dan Makassar (Tahap 1)

Dari kegiatan ini telah diperoleh data pengukuran Particulate Matter (PM), PM2.5 dan PM10 terhadap sampel-sampel filter dari Yogyakarta, Semarang, Pekanbaru, Palangkaraya, Bali dan Makassar dan penentuan konsentrasi Black Carbon (BC) pada sampel filter dari daerah Yogyakarta, Semarang, Pekanbaru, Palangkaraya, Bali dan Makassar. Adapun karakterisasi sampel dari keenam lokasi sampling tersebut telah dilakukan menggunakan Energy-Dispersive-X-Ray-

Fluorescence (ED-XRF) dan telah terkuantifikasi 13 unsur (Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, dan Pb).

Hasil kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai data base yang diharapkan dapat memberi kontribusi, mendukung, dan mendorong pemerintah untuk membuat kebijakan yang tepat dan terarah dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas udara di Indonesia agar gangguan kesehatan dan kerugian finansial yang lebih besar dapat dihindari. Kegiatan ini dapat memberikan gambaran bahwa TAN memiliki berbagai keunggulan dan dapat menjadi terobosan serta harapan baru dalam menjawab tantangan permasalahan pencemaran udara di Indonesia.

Air sampling di PalangkarayaAir sampling di Semarang

Air sampling di Pekanbaru Air sampling di Yogyakarta

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Annual Report50 BATAN 2012

I.3.7. Development of Detection Techniques of Radiation and Radioactivity in Nuclear Accidents

In the frame of supporting the implementation in mitigation of nuclear accidents, a Carborne Monitoring system is needed which is capable to detect radiation and radioactivity of the environment integratively, mobile and in real time to be achieved in the year 2014. In this research the Carborne Monitoring system is developed to measure the level of radiation and radioactivity of the environment integratively and could send data to the control station in real time. Besides that a continuous air monitoring system also is developed with installed monitoring stations (permanent).In the year 2012 the development of the Carborne Monitoring system is focused for developing air particulate radioactivity measurement system and the air monitoring system which is permanently installed in the Pasar Jumat Nuclear Technology Research Centre. The results obtained are a series of mobile systems already calibrated for measurement of air radioactivity and its infrastructure. A trial test of the Carborne Monitoring system instrumentation has been conducted which shows the NaI(TI) 3”x3” detector efficiency which is very close to the absolute efficiency in detecting I31I and 41Ar radionuclides which are released to the air in the Serpong Nuclear Technology Research Centre area. A minibus vehicle design which will become a frame/positioning of the Carborne Monitoring system is shown in the following Figure. The vehicle is designed in such a way that the series of detector and other sensors as well as the position of the supporting equipment such as the accumulator compartment, genset compartment, work table, rails of the Whole Body Counter (WBC), electrical installation, and CCTV camera could work well to give optimal results.

Whereas the mini bus vehicle which has been assembled with the Carborne Monitoring system based on the above design is shown in the following Figure.

I.3.8. Development in Assessment of Environmental Radiation LevelA map for environmental radiation and radioactivity level in Indonesia in this year of 2012 has been achieved. This map illustrates the gamma radiation level and radioactivity of several primordial radionuclides which has successfully been measured beginning from the western part of Sumatera island, i.e. Aceh, North Sumatera (Central Tapanuli, Asahan, Langkat), West Sumatera (Agam, Southern coastline), South Sumatera (Indragiri, Siak, Ogan Komering Ulu), Jambi (Rejang Lebong), Riau (Karimun Islands) Bangka, Lampung (Bandar Lampung), Java (Cianjur, Grobogan, Madura), Bali (Buleleng), NTB (Dompu and West Sumba), NTT (Sikka), West Kalimatan (Pontianak, Sambas, Malawi, Ketapang, Kapuas Hulu), East Kalimatan (Kutai, Bulungan, Berau, Kodya Samarinda), South Kalimatan ( Tanah Laut, Barito Kuala), Central Kalimatan (Tabalong), South Sulawesi (Maros, Selayar Island), West Sulawesi (Majene, Mamuju), Central Sulawesi, Southwest Sulawesi (Kolaka, Buton), North Sulawesi (Bolaang Mangondow, Kodya Bitung), Maluku (Kodya Ambon), North Maluku, and Papua (Biak). Measurement of the gamma radiation dose rate directly in the field is conducted with the Exploranium Model GR-130 surveymeter.

The map of radiation and radioactivity level of the environment in Indonesia consists of 5 (five) national level maps which is the environmental gamma radiation dose rate map, the natural radionuclide radioactivity level map of 228Th, 232Th, 226Ra, and 40K. The map obtained is being processed into one book of maps for the radiation and radioactivity level in Indonesia which shall give more detailed information of each island which shall be divided into several parts (areas).

Design of vehicle for the Carborne Monitoring system.

Operational Vehicle for Carborne Monitoring system.

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Sedangkan mobil mini bus yang sudah selesai dirangkai dengan sistim Carborne Monitoring berdasarkan disain di atas ditunjukkan pada Gambar berikut.

I.3.8. Pengembangan Kajian Tingkat Radiasi Lingkungan

Peta tingkat radiasi dan radioaktivitas lingkungan di Indonesia pada tahun 2012 ini telah tercapai. Peta ini menggambarkan tingkat radiasi gamma dan radioaktivitas beberapa radionuklida primordial yang berhasil diukur mulai dari barat pulau Sumatera Aceh, yaitu Sumatera Utara (Tapanuli Tengah, Asahan, Langkat), Sumatera Barat (Agam, Pesisir Selatan), Sumatera Selatan (Indragiri, Siak, Ogan Komering Ulu), Jambi (Rejang Lebong), Riau ( Kepulauan Kariumun) Bangka, Lampung (Bandar Lampung), Jawa (Cianjur, Grobogan, Madura), Bali (Buleleng), NTB (Dompu dan Sumba Barat), NTT (Sikka), Kalimatan Barat (Pontianak, Sambas, Malawi, Ketapang, Kapuas Hulu), Kalimatan Timur (Kutai, Bulungan, Berau, Kodya Samarinda), Kalimatan Selatan ( Tanah Laut, Barito Kuala, Tanah Laut), Kalimatan Tengah (Tabalong), Sulawesi Selatan (Maros, P. Selayar), Sulawesi Barat (Majene, Mamuju), Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara (Kolaka, Buton), Sulawesi Utara (Bolaang Mangondow, Kodya Bitung), Maluku (Kodya Ambon), Maluku Utara, dan Papua (Biak). Pengukuran laju dosis radiasi gamma secara langsung ke lapangan dilakukan dengan surveimeter Exploranium Model GR-130.

Peta tingkat radiasi dan radioaktivitas lingkungan di Indonesia terdiri dari 5 (lima) buah peta tingkat nasional yaitu peta laju dosis radiasi gamma lingkungan, peta tingkat radioaktivitas radionuklida alam 228Th, 232Th, 226Ra, dan 40K. Peta yang diperoleh ini sedang dalam proses penyusunan sebuah buku peta tingkat radiasi dan radioaktivitas di Indonesia yang memberikan informasi lebih rinci pada setiap pulau yang dibagi dalam beberapa bagian.

I.3.7. Pengembangan Teknik Deteksi Radiasi dan Radioaktivitas pada Kecelakaan Nuklir

Dalam rangka mendukung pelaksanaan penanggulangan kecelakaan nuklir, diperlukan sistem Carborne Monitoring yang mampu mendeteksi radiasi dan radioaktivitas lingkungan secara terintegrasi, mobile dan real time akan dicapai pada tahun 2014. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan sistem Carborne Monitoring untuk mengukur tingkat radiasi dan radioaktivitas lingkungan secara terintegrasi dan dapat mengirim data ke stasiun kendali secara real time. Di samping itu dikembangkan juga sistem pemantauan udara kontinyu dengan stasiun monitoring terpasang (permanen).Pada tahun 2012 pengembangan sistem Carborne Monitoring difokuskan untuk pengembangan sistem pengukuran radioaktivitas partikulat udara dan sistem pemantauan udara yang terpasang permanen di kawasan PPTN Pasar Jum’at. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah rangkaian sistem mobile yang sudah terkalibrasi untuk pengukuran radioaktivitas udara dan infrastrukturnya. Telah dilakukan uji coba perangkat sistem Carborne Monitoring yang menunjukkan efisiensi detektor NaI(Tl) 3”x3” sangat mendekati efisiensi absolut dalam mendeteksi radionuklida I31I dan 41Ar yang terlepas ke udara pada kawasan PPTN Serpong.

Disain mobil minibus yang akan dijadikan sebagai rangka/dudukan Carborne Monitoring diperlihatkan pada Gambar di samping. Mobil didisain sedemikian rupa agar rangkaian detektor dan sensor-sensor lainnya serta dan posisi alat penunjang seperti bagasi accu, bagasi genset, meja kerja, rel Whole Body Counter (WBC), instalasi listrik, dan kamera CCTV dapat bekerja dengan baik untuk memberikan hasil yang optimal.

Mobil untuk Sistem Carborne Monitoring.

Perangkat sistem carbone monitoring permanen yang akan diletakkan di kawasan Pasar Jum’at

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Annual Report52 BATAN 2012

The value of the gamma radiation dose rate in Indonesia is around 10 – 3000 nSv/hour with an average of 46 nSv/jam. The highest dose rate is in the District of Singkep, Regency of Mamuju, Province of West Sulawesi. Concentration of the radionuclide Ra-226 in the earth in Indonesia is around 5 – 7586 Bq/kg, whereas for Th-232 it is around 5 – 3400 Bq/kg. The highest concentration of Ra-226 exists in Biak Island, Province of Papua, whereas for Th-232 it exists in the Regency of Mamuju, Province of West Sulawesi.

This map which is made is very useful as a baseline data of radiation and radioactivity in Indonesia, therefore if there is any increase which is caused by other factors, for example industrial releases, nuclear accidents, and others, it could be quickly known. This map is also useful to assess the health effect to people living in high radiation regions, and this map could also be used as an indication of mining materials in Indonesia like uranium and Thorium mining, as well as similar types of minerals.

Besides making a radiation and radioactivity map of Indonesia, in the year 2012 assesment of the environmental radiation level has been conducted in the frame to determine the environmental radiation baseline data in Indonesia. The data from this assessment is taken in a field study in the industrial regions, high natural radiation regions and in community houses, this year the sample is taken from the regions of the Eastern part of Sumatera region, Central Part of Kalimatan, Madura Island, Mentawai Island, Nias Island, Buton Island and the Banggai Islands. Industrial radiation data, sample taking is conducted in the Indramayu Coal Fired Electricity Generation Plant, whereas, for the high radiation data, sample taking is conducted from Bangka Belitung and in community houses it is conducted in Riau, Jambi, West Sumatera. The results of research shows the level of normal radiation for the region assessed and the result of research could be used for making recommendations to the regional government in the effort to increase the safety and health of the community.

Map of environmental gamma radiation dose rate in Indonesia.

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 53

Peta tingkat konsentrasi radionuklida alam 226Ra dalam tanah di Indonesia.

Nilai Laju dosis radiasi gamma di Indonesia berkisar dari 10 – 3000 nSv/jam dengan rata-rata 46 nSv/jam. Laju dosis tertinggi terdapat di Kecamatan Singkep, Kabupaten Mamuju, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Konsentrasi radionuklida Ra-226 dalam tanah di Indonesia berkisar dari 5 – 7586 Bq/kg, sedangkan untuk Th-232 berkisar dari 5 – 3400 Bq/kg. Konsentrasi tertinggi Ra-226 terdapat di Pulau Biak, Provinsi

Peta konsentrasi radionuklida 232Th dalam tanah di Indonesia

Papua, sedangkan untuk Th-232 terdapat d i Kabupaten Mamuju, Provinsi Sulawesi


Peta yang dibuat ini sangat berguna sebagai data dasar radiasi dan radioaktivitas di Indonesia, sehingga kalau ada kenaikan yang disebabkan oleh faktor lain, misalnya lepasan industri, kecelakaan nuklir, dan lain-lain dapat diketahui dengan cepat. Peta ini juga sangat berguna untuk mengkaji efek kesehatan bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah radiasi tinggi, dan peta ini juga bisa dipakai sebagai indikasi bahan tambang di bumi Indonesia seperti tambang Uranium dan Thorium, serta mineral sejenis.

Selain telah membuat peta radiasi dan radioaktivitas di Indonesia, pada tahun 2012 ini telah dilakukan pengkajian tingkat radiasi lingkungan dalam rangka menentukan baseline data radiasi lingkungan di Indonesia. Data dari kajian

i n i diambil studi lapangan di daerah industri, daerah radiasi alam tinggi dan di rumah penduduk, tahun ini sampel di ambil di daerah Sumatera bagian Timur, Kalimatan Bagian Tengah, Pulau Madura, Pulau mentawai, Pulau Nias, Pulau Buton dan Kepulauan Banggai. Data radiasi industri, pengambilan sampel dilakukan di PLTU

Indramayu, sedangkan, data radiasi tinggi diambil sampel dari Bangka Belitung dan di rumah penduduk dilakukan di Riau, Jambi, Sumatera Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat radiasi normal untuk daerah yang dikaji dan hasil penelitian dapat dipakai untuk membuat rekomendasi ke pemerintah daerah dalam upaya peningkatan keselamatan dan kesehatan masyarakat.

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Annual Report54 BATAN 2012

I.4 Advanced Material

I.4.1. Development of Advanced Material for Energy

Activities in development of micro batteries and reactor structural materials, these are research activities which have been prepared to support the National Research Agenda towards independency in the field of energy, especially in development of new and renewable energy, including nuclear as well as other alternative energies. This activity is divided into two categories:

I.4.1.1. Development of the Micro Battery as a Means of Storing Energy

This activity is a part of the research program in the field of development of new and renewable energy in the frame of mastering technology in the field of energy which is safe and environmentally friendly. Development of the micro battery is conducted by manufacturing and characterization of glass material based micro battery components and biodegradable polymers as well as testing of the battery from results of integration of the components. The manufacturing is conducted with the thin layer technique and ion implantation. Characterization of the structure and characteristics is conducted with nuclear as well as non nuclear techniques. Testing of the battery cell of the results of integration of all the components made, is conducted by testing the charge-discharge characteristics. This activity consists of 3 sub activities which are sustainable to each other namely:• Development of a lithium based thin layer battery• Development of a biodegradable polymer based battery • Research of the battery component structure with the neutron scattering technique.

In the year 2012 the target of research and development is directed to obtaining battery components in the form of electrolytes and electrodes that are characterized and integrated in the form of a half cell battery. The results of this phase is expected to be able to bring it to the final target which is the realization of a thin layer battery prototype and a polymer battery.The output of activities in the year 2012 are:• Technical document for characterization of data and an

integrated thin component material to become a thin layer battery

• Technical document for characterization of biodegradable polymer film ionic conductivity

• Technical document for characterization on measurement of the particle size, compound doping, concentration of impurities and phase for electrolytes/electrodes of the result of optimization of the integrated micro battery thin layer component material.

Example of the results of activities in the year 2012 which among them are as follows:

Figure A. Target material for thin layer battery component (a) electrode (b) electrolyte

a b

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 55

I.4.1. Pengembangan Material Maju untuk Energi

Kegiatan pengembangan baterai mikro dan bahan struktur reaktor ini merupakan kegiatan penelitian yang disusun untuk mendukung Agenda Riset Nasional menuju kemandirian di bidang energi, terutama dalam pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan baik energi nuklir maupun energi alternatif lainnya. Kegiatan ini dibagi dalam dua katagori:

I.4.1.1. Pengembangan Baterai Mikro sebagai Sarana Penyimpan Energi

Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari program penelitian di bidang pengembangan bahan energi baru dan terbarukan dalam rangka penguasaan teknologi di bidang energi yang aman dan ramah lingkungan. Pengembangan baterai mikro dilakukan dengan pembuatan dan karakterisasi komponen baterai mikro berbasis bahan gelas dan polimer biodegradable serta pengujian baterai hasil integrasi komponen tersebut. Pembuatan dilakukan dengan teknik lapisan tipis dan implantasi ion. Karakterisasi struktur dan sifat dilakukan dengan teknik nuklir dan non nuklir. Pengujian sel baterai hasil integrasi seluruh komponen yang dibuat dilakukan dengan menguji karakteristik charge-discharge. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari 3 sub kegiatan yang saling berkesinambungan yaitu:• Pengembangan baterai lapisan tipis berbasis lithium• pengembangan baterai berbasis polimer biodegradable • penelitian struktur komponen baterai dengan teknik hamburan neutron.

Pada tahun 2012 sasaran penelitian dan pengembangan diarahkan pada perolehan komponen baterai berupa elektrolit dan elektroda yang sudah terkarakterisasi dan terintegrasi dalam bentuk baterai setengah sel. Hasil dari tahapan ini diharapkan dapat menghantarkan sasaran akhir yaitu terwujudnya prototipe baterai lapisan tipis dan baterai polimer.Adapun output kegiatan tahun 2012 adalah:• Dokumen teknis data karakterisasi dan bahan komponen

lapisan tipis yang telah terintegrasi menjadi baterai lapisan tipis

• Dokumen teknis karakterisasi konduktivitas ionik film polimer biodegradable

• Dokumen teknis karakterisasi ukuran partikel, senyawa doping, konsentarasi impuritas dana fasa untuk elektrolit/elektroda hasil optimasi bahan lapisan tipis komponen baterai mikro yang terintegrasi.

Contoh hasil kegiatan tahun 2012 diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

I.4 Material Maju


Gambar A. (c) Baterai koin dengan elektrolit campuran LiPO3 /Li3PO4 dan elektroda Li MnO2 dan karbon.

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Annual Report56 BATAN 2012

Figure C. The X-ray scattering data of the nanorod electrode LiMn2O4 of the results of synthesis with Hydrothermal (HDT)

Figure C. is an example of the data of the results of characterization of electrode material with the X-ray scattering technique. The results of this characterization besides being used as a criteria basis in achievement of synthesis of LiMn2O4 based battery electrode component with the milling and hydrothermal technique, also to conduct material simulation of its crystal structure. This is very important to be conducted because the performance of the electrode in a battery system is determined by its crystal structure.

I.4.1.2. Development of Reactor Structural material to Support the Nuclear Industry

The development of reactor structural materials is a research activity to support the energy program in the field of nuclear through development of materials for the structure and tubing containment of the fuel. In the implementation this activity is divided into three sub activities, which is the manufacturing of new alloy material, increase of quality of the alloy material with layering techniques, and application of the neutron scattering technique for characterization of alloy material. The manufacturing of new alloy is conducted by synthesis of zirconium alloy for the candidate tubing material of the nuclear fuel and manufacturing FeCrNi based alloy which is directed for vessel structural material and piping components. The alloy synthesis process is conducted by casting and rolling. In the year 2012, the target is directed to obtaining data in increasing quality of alloy material as a basis of quality data of the prototype of alloy material which is in accordance to the standards. The output produced in the year 2012 is:• Technical document of characterization data of the alloy

product FeCrNi and ZrNbMoGe alloy in the form of piping for reactor structural material.

• Characterization data of coating of Fe alloy and Zr alloy in the form of piping (sklep) for corrosion resilience

• Technical document of remaining tension data in FeCrNi and ZrNbMoGe alloys

Figure A. shows an example of the results of battery component material in the form of a solid for the electrode, electrolyte and the results of integration in the form of a coin battery. From the results of monitoring, it is found that the surface of the component layer is still not flat and less homogenous, therefore efforts for optimization is still needed to be conducted. Integration of battery components have been conducted to become an electrolyte coin battery of glass material from the mixture of LiPO3/Li3PO4 and electrode Li MnO2 as well as carbon. From the charging process of this battery with a constant current of 0,1 mA, a maximum voltage of 2.99 Volts had been obtained.

is an example of the results of manufacturing and characterization of chitosan biodegradable polymer based electrolyte material which is a composite with monmorillonit and lithium salt as a source of ions. From the results of observation it is known that the chitosan sheets containing monmorillonit could be made into sheets with a smooth surface film, however the results of observation of the micro structure with an optical microscope shows the condition that it is still not fully homogenous. The results of the conductivity measurement shows the membrane ionic conductivity value after being added with LiClO4 experienced very significant changes from an initial conductivity of about 10-10 to become 10-5 S/cm, or in other words, the conductivity of the membrane experienced an increase of 100,000 times. Increase of ionic conductivity after adding lithium salt is because the surface is rich with lithium ions which is possessed by the membrane. The more salt composition is added, the ionic conductivity of the membrane also increases. This means the more ions which move due to the addition of lithium salt to the membrane. In general the optimum conductivity value is obtained at a composition of LiClO4 40 % which is 2,38 x 10-5 S/cm.

Figure B. (a) Film Kitosan + Monmorillonit + LiClO4 40%


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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 57

Gambar A. menunjukkan contoh hasil bahan komponen baterai dalam bentuk padatan untuk elektroda, elektrolit dan hasil integrasinya dalam bentuk baterai koin. Dari hasil pengamatan diketahui bahwa permukaan lapisan komponen masih belum rata dan kurang homogen sehingga upaya optimasi masih perlu dilakukan. Telah dilakukan pengintegrasian komponen baterai menjadi baterai koin elektrolit berbahan gelas dari campuran LiPO3/Li3PO4 dan elektroda Li MnO2 serta karbon. Dari proses pengisian (charge) terhadap baterai ini dengan arus tetap 0,1 mA diperoleh tegangan maksimal 2,99 Volt.

Gambar B b. Hasil Uji Konduktivitas Membran Kitosan Monmorillonit dengan Variasi komposisi LiClO4

Gambar B. adalah contoh hasil pembuatan dan karakterisasi bahan elektrolit berbasis polimer biodegradabel kitosan yang dikompositkan dengan monmorillonit dan garam lithium sebagai sumber ion. Dari hasil pengamatan diketahui bahwa lembaran kitosan mengandung monmorillonit dapat dibuat lembaran dengan permukaan film yang halus, namun demikian hasil pengamatan struktur mikro dengan mikoroskop optik menunjukkan kondisi yang masih kurang homogen. Hasil pengukuran konduktivitasnya menunjukkan nilai konduktivitas ionik membran setelah ditambah LiClO4 mengalami perubahan yang sangat signifikan dari nilai konduktivitas awal sekitar 10-10 menjadi 10-5 S/cm, atau dengan kata lain konduktivitas membran mengalami kenaikan hingga 100.000 kali lipat. Kenaikan konduktivitas ionik setelah penambahan garam lithium dikarenakan permukaan yang kaya akan ion-ion lithium yang dimiliki oleh membran. Semakin banyak komposisi garam yang ditambahkan, konduktivitas ionik membran juga semakin meningkat. Hal ini berarti semakin banyak ion yang bergerak akibat penambahan garam lithium dalam membran. Secara keseluruhan nilai Konduktivitas optimum diperoleh pada komposisi LiClO4 40 % yaitu sebesar 2,38 x 10-5 S/cm.

Gambar C. Data hamburan sinar X bahan elektroda nanorod LiMn2O4 hasil sintesis dengan High Energy Milling (HEM)

Gambar C. adalah contoh data hasil karakterisasi bahan elektroda dengan teknik hamburan sinar X. Hasil karakterisasi ini selain digunakan sebagai dasar kriteria keberhasilan sintesis komponen elektroda baterasi berbasis LiMn2O4 dengan teknik milling dan hydrothermal juga untuk melakukan bahan simulasi struktur kristalnya. Hal ini sangat penting dilakukan karena kinerja elektroda dalam sebuah sistem baterai ditentukan oleh struktur kristalnya.

I.4.1.2. Pengembangan Bahan Struktur Reaktor untuk Mendukung Industri Nuklir

Pengembangan bahan struktur reaktor merupakan kegiatan penelitian untuk mendukung program energi di bidang nuklir melalui pengembangan material untuk struktur dan kelongsong bahan bakar. Dalam pelaksanaannya kegiatan ini juga dibagi menjadi tiga sub kegiatan, yaitu pembuatan bahan paduan baru, peningkatan kualitas bahan paduan dengan teknik pelapisan, dan aplikasi teknik hamburan neutron untuk karakterisasi bahan paduan. Pembuatan paduan baru dilakukan dengan sintesa paduan zirkonium untuk kandidat material kelongsong bahan bakar nuklir dan pembuatan paduan berbasis FeCrNi yang diarahkan untuk bahan struktur vessel dan komponen pemipaan. Proses sintesis paduan dilakukan dengan pengecoran dan pengerolan. Pada tahun 2012, sasaran diarahkan pada perolehan data peningkatan kualitas bahan paduan sebagai dasar data kualitas prototipe bahan paduan yang sesuai standar. Adapun output yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2012 adalah :• Dokumen teknis data karakterisasi produk paduan

FeCrNi dan paduan ZrNbMoGe berbentuk sklep pipa untuk bahan struktur reaktor

• Data karakterisasi pelapisan paduan Fe dan paduan Zr dalam bentuk sklep pipa untuk ketahanan korosi

• Dokumen teknis data tegangan sisa dalam paduan FeCrNi dan paduan ZrNbMoGe

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Annual Report58 BATAN 2012

Remaining tension of results measured with neutron scattering technique of the Zr alloy sample

The above figure is an output example of activities in connection with utilization of neutron beam for measurement of remaining tension of alloys from the results of synthesis. The results of analysis shows that the ZrNbMoGe alloy material, the behavior of the remaining hydrostatic tension could be divided into two parts; under composition of 1 %wt Ge, remaining material tension is dominated by the Zr matrix phase, whereas above this composition the remaining tension is dominated by the Zr3Ge phase. The hydrostatic remaining tension in the ZrNbMoGe alloy with a composition of 1%wt Ge and 3%wt Ge is respectively 1401,14 GPa and -771,77 Gpa. This conclusion is supported by the fact that the remaining tension in the Zr matrix and the minor phase are not equally standing free but are connected in an equilibrium relationship.

I.4.2. Development of Advanced Material for Health and Medicine

I.4.2.1. Development of Superior Magnetic Material for Diagnostic Application

Magnetic superior material developed is a magnetic nanoparticle material which is modified to be used as supporting material in diagnostic efforts, as a contrasting material in diagnostic process with the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance imaging (NMRI) facility as well as an agent in processing separation of biology units (virus, bacteria and others) in the assay process for early detection of a disease/sickness. The use of magnetic nanoparticle material for diagnosis is one of the forms of nano technology applications in the field of health. This material could be applied for diagnosis because besides having a small size, the magnetic properties possessed could be manipulated to support the magnetic technique based imaging process in the in-vitro method. In diagnosis, the in-vitro gives an opportunity for a more simple diagnosis process, faster and more sensitive.

Example of the results of activities in the year 2012 in connection with development of nuclear reactor structural materials are as follows.

Figure D. (a) Zr alloy ingot of results of smelting in the form of plates

Figure D. Results of smelting of ZrNbMoGe alloy in the form of ingots with the form and measurement of the plate diameter of 25-50 mm, thickness 8 -12 mm. From the figure it is seen that the ingot forms a solid homogenous alloy with color changes on the surface which shows that oxidation still occurs on the sample. The ingot produced from the smelting after cleaning then is characterized further with SEM-EDS. The micro structure from the results of observation with the SEM and the spectrum from the results of observation of the EDS in the matrix area and grain limit shows a high peak in the spectrum of the results of EDS testing, for the matrix region the content obtained is 38% Zr, 62% Ge, whereas for the grain limit region there is found 25% Zr, 75% Ge. Whereas the results of analysis of the crystal indicates the existence of the Zr3Ge phase. the existence of the precipitation of Zr3Ge proves increases in strength of the ZrNbMoGe alloy.

The above Figure is a photo example of the surface of FeCrNi based reactor structural material before and after design process of the Ti sputtering technique surface, as a function of time. From the figure it is clearly seen the occurrence of coating on the surface which is marked with the presence of color change. The results of characterization of compounds and structure also shows increase of Ti concentration on the surface of the FeCrNi material. The results of design of this surface is also proven to be able to increase the hardness of materials.

Surface of FeCrNi alloy (a). Before sputtering process, (b). After 2 hour sputtering process

a b

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 59

Profile hamburan neutron dari sample paduan Zr

Gambar di atas adalah contoh output kegiatan terkait dengan pemanfaatan berkas neutron untuk pengukuran tegangan sisa paduan hasil sintesis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada bahan paduan ZrNbMoGe kelakuan tegangan sisa hidrostatis dapat dibagi dua bagian; di bawah komposisi 1 %wt Ge, tegangan sisa bahan didominasi oleh fasa matriks Zr, sedang di atas komposisi ini tegangan sisa didominasi oleh fasa Zr3Ge. Tegangan sisa hidrostatis dalam bahan paduan ZrNbMoGe dengan komposisi 1%wt Ge dan 3%wt Ge berturut-turut adalah 1401,14 GPa dan -771,77 Gpa. Kesimpulan ini didukung oleh fakta bahwa tegangan sisa dalam matriks Zr dan fasa minor tidak saling berdiri bebas melainkan mereka terkait dalam suatu hubungan kesetimbangan.

I.4.2. Pengembangan Material Maju untuk Kesehatan dan Obat

I.4.2.1. Pengembangan Bahan Unggul Magnetik untuk Aplikasi Diagnostik

Bahan unggul magnetik yang dikembangkan adalah bahan nanopartikel magnetik yang dimodifikasi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan pendukung pada upaya diagnostik, baik sebagai bahan pengontras pada proses diagnostik dengan fasilitas Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMRI) maupun sebagai agen proses pemisahan unit biologi (virus, bakteri dan lain lain) dalam proses assay untuk deteksi dini suatu penyakit. Penggunaan bahan nanopartikel magnetik untuk diagnosa merupakan salah satu bentuk aplikasi nano teknologi dalam bidang kesehatan. Bahan ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk diagnosa karena selain memiliki ukuran yang kecil, sifat magnetik yang dimilikinya dapat dimanipulasi untuk mendukung proses pencitraan berbasis teknik magnetik dalam metoda diagnosis in vivo serta mempermudah proses pemisahan dan identifikasi dalam metoda in vitro. Dalam diagnosa in vitro memberi peluang untuk proses diagnosa yang lebih sederhana, lebih cepat dan lebih sensitif.

Contoh hasil kegiatan tahun 2012 terkait dengan pengembangan bahan struktur reaktor nuklir adalah sebagai berikut.

Gambar D. (b) hasil karakterisasi dengan SEM-EDS

Gambar D. adalah hasil peleburan paduan ZrNbMoGe berupa ingot dengan bentuk dan ukuran lempengan diameter 25-50 mm, tebal 8 -12 mm. Dari gambar tersebut tampak bahwa ingot tersebut membentuk paduan homogen yang padat dengan perubahan warna dipermukaan yang menunjukkan masih terjadi oksidasi pada sampel. Ingot hasil peleburan setelah dilakukan pembersihan kemudian dikarakterisasi lebih lanjut dengan dengan SEM-EDS. Struktur mikro hasil pengamatan dengan SEM dan spektrum hasil pengamatan EDS pada daerah matrik dan batas butir menunjukkan perbandingan tinggi puncak pada spektrum hasil uji EDS untuk daerah matriks diperoleh kandungan 38% Zr, 62% Ge, sedangkan untuk daerah batas butir ditemukan 25% Zr, 75% Ge. Sedangkan hasil analisis kristal mengindikasikan keberadaan fasa Zr3Ge. Keberadaan presipitat Zr3Ge ini terbukti meningkatkan kekuatan paduan ZrNbMoGe.

Gambar tersebut adalah contoh foto permukaan bahan struktur reaktor berbasis FeCrNi sebelum dan sesudah proses rekayasa permukaan teknik sputtering Ti, sebagai fungsi waktu. Dari gambar tersebut jelas terlihat terjadinya pelapisan pada permukaan yang ditandai dengan adanya perubahan warna. Hasil karakteriasisi senyawa dan struktur juga menunjukkan peningkatan konsentrasi Ti pada permukaan bahan FeCrNi. Hasil rekayasa permukaan ini juga terbukti dapat meningkatkan kekarasan bahan.

Permukaan paduan FeCrNi (c). Setelah proses sputtering 3 jam, (d). Setelah proses sputtering 4 jam

c d

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Annual Report60 BATAN 2012

I.4.3. Development of Advanced Material for Environmentally Friendly Industry

Environmental pollution as a negative impact of industrial growth, operation of coal fired plants, household wastes, are interesting issues, specifically in connection with the pollution of the ecosystem, because of the impact to human lives. For this the determination of the type of pollutants and its distribution in the environment needs to be conducted. Activitie are conducted in the frame of efforts in mitigation of pollution, technically as well as managerially.

The AAN technique is one of the nuclear techniques which is quite reliable for monitoring the occurrence of pollution to the environment. This technique has the capability to determine the elements in a relatively very low concentration (ppm until ppb level), determination of elements is conducted simultaneously with good precision and accuracy. This technique will be used for determining pollutants contained in the earth, air and food material. In the year 2012 the output of the advanced materials for environmental and utilization AAN research activities are:

• Technical data document of the process system in making material for fenton

• Technical data document of the system in waste processing with the optimal fenton method

• Technical data document of micronutrients and pollutants of heavy metals in the area of Pandegelang 1 Regency

• Technical data document of geochemical status of anthropogenic in the Regency of Pandeglang.

The results of research of liquid waste processing

Photo of TEM for FF sample Photo of TEM for FF-chitosan-EDTA sample Photo of TEM for FF-chitosan-EDTA-IgG sample

For the year 2012, with the results achieved from the previous year, the activities in development of nano structural material technology for health shall be conducted through several research sub activities, which are:• Magnetic nano particle with high magnetization (high-emu Magnetic Nano Particle / HMNP). The HMNP obtained will

be conjugated with protein/antibody which conforms to the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV). • Manufacturing biosensor GMR Fe-C phase-2 material,

In the year 2012 the output from the research activities in Development of Magnetic Superior Material for Diagnostic Application is : • Technical document in making and characterization of magnetic nanoparticle material with high magnetization which is

conjugated with antibodies for separation of the HPV virus• Technical document in making material and characterization data of the results of material function testing of the Fe-C

phase-2 based Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR)

In addition it has been done Characterization by SANS technology to determine the mechanism of protein-protein interactions in solution and technical documents characterization data acquired mechanisms of protein interactions in solution

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Untuk tahun 2012 berbekal dari capaian kegiatan tahun sebelumnya, kegiatan pengembangan teknologi bahan struktur nano untuk kesehatan dilakukan beberapa sub kegiatan penelitian, yaitu:• Nano partikel magnetik dengan magnetisasi tinggi (high-emu Magnetic Nano Particle/HMNP). HMNP yang telah

diperoleh akan dikonjugasikan dengan protein/antibodi yang sesuai dengan virus Human Papiloma Virus (HPV). • Pembuatan bahan biosensor GMR Fe-C tahap-2,

Pada tahun 2012 output dari kegiatan penelitian Pengembangan Bahan Unggul Magnetik untuk Aplikasi Diagnostik adalah • Dokumen teknis pembuatan dan karakterisasi bahan nanopartikel magnetik dengan magnetisasi tinggi yang terkonjugasi

dengan antibodi untuk pemisahan virus HPV• Dokumen teknis pembuatan bahan dan data karakterisasi hasil uji fungsi bahan Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR)

berbasis Fe-C tahap 2

Selain itu telah dilakukan Karakterisasi dengan teknologi SANS untuk mengetahui mekanisme interaksi protein-protein dalam larutan dan diperoleh dokumen teknis data karakterisasi mekanisme interaksi protein dalam larutan

• Dokumen teknis data sistem proses pembuatan bahan untuk fenton

• Dokumen teknis data sistem pengolahan limbah dengan metode fenton yang optimal

• Dokumen teknis data mikronutrien dan polutan logam berat di wilayah Kabupaten Pandeglang 1

• Dokumen teknis data geokimia status antrophogenic di wilayah Kabupaten Pandeglang

Gambar pendataan unsur polutan logam berat di wilayah Provinsi Banten dengan teknik nuklir analisis aktivasi neutron

I.4.3. Pengembangan Material Maju untuk Industri Ramah Lingkungan

Pencemaran lingkungan sebagai dampak negatif pertumbuhan industri, pengoperasian PLTU batu bara, buangan rumah tangga, merupakan issue yang sangat menarik, khususnya berkaitan dengan pencemaran ekosistem, karena berdampak terhadap kehidupan manusia. Untuk itu penentuan jenis polutan dan distribusinya di lingkungan perlu dilakukan. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam rangka upaya penanggulangan pencemaran, baik secara teknis maupun manajerial.

Teknik AAN merupakan salah satu teknik nuklir yang cukup handal untuk pemantauan terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan. Teknik ini mempunyai kemampuan menentukan unsur dalam konsentrasi yang relatif sangat rendah (orde ppm hingga ppb), penentuan unsur dilakukan secara serempak dengan ketelitian dan akurasi yang baik. Teknik ini akan digunakan untuk penentuan unsur-unsur pencemar yang terkandung dalam tanah, udara, biota dan bahan pangan. Pada tahun 2012 output dari kegiatan penelitian material maju untuk lingkungan dan pemanfaatan teknik AAN adalah:

koloid FF-chitosan impor (a)-hasil pengembangan Batan (b)-sebelum konjugasi (c)-setelah konjugasi IgG (d)

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Annual Report62 BATAN 2012

I.5. Energy

I.5.1. Preparation of Infrastructure, NPP Site and Preparation of Technical Specifications which are Ready to be Utilized by the Stakeholders

In accordance to the projection of the National Energy Council (DEN), in the year 2025 it is estimated that Indonesia shall need an electricity supply for as much as 115,000 MW. So far the current installed capacity is about 30,000 MW, therefore Indonesia still needs about 85,000 MW. This shortage shall be fulfilled through the utilization of various energy sources within an optimal energy mix. Nuclear energy has become one of the options in the energy mix planning. In connection with this matter, Batan has been conducting studies in preparation of the NPP Site in Bangka Island – Province of the Bangka-Belitung Islands. The West Bangka candidate site is estimated to have a maximum capacity of 10.000 MW, and South Bangka with a maximum capacity of 6.000 MW. Nevertheless, the maximum capacity must be calculated based on the development of the network capacity. Besides Bangka Island, Batan also conducts site preparation studies in two other locations, which are in Muria – Central Java with a capacity of 7.000 MW, and in Banten (still initial study) with a capacity of 4.000 MW.In the year 2012 several supporting documents for the preparation of NPP Infrastructure have been produced, which are:

I.5.1.1. The Basic Infrastructure Guideline Preparation Document in Support of the National Nuclear Energy Program in Evaluation of the NPP Development Infrastructure, consisting of:

a. Document of the screening phase 3 of the Banten site survey which contains the results of the survey on gravity, geomagnet, as well as an initial survey on radon for confirmation on geological faults of the Banten area.

One of the very important aspects in determining the

site is the in-depth analysis towards the potency of active faults which become sources of earthquakes. The current study is still focused in acquiring confirmation of the presence of faults around Banten. The analysis on gravity, geomagnet and radon has been conducted within the area covering the near regional which includes the Banten and Anyer coast, Serang Regency, City of Cilegon and a part of the area of Pandeglang. The results of analysis shows indications of the Bojonegoro fault around Banten. However, the available data still could not be used to ensure that these faults are active faults. Further studies will be conducted to the aspect of surface faults by conducting gravity survey to the South direction (Southern part of Serang) to seek any indication of other faults in the Banten area (in near regional scale).

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I.5.1. Penyiapan Infrastruktur, Tapak PLTN dan Penyusunan Spesifikasi Teknis yang Siap Dimanfaatkan oleh Pemangku Kepentingan

Berdasarkan proyeksi Dewan Energi Nasional (DEN), pada tahun 2025 diperkirakan Indonesia membutuhkan pasokan listrik sebesar 115.000 MW. Kapasitas terpasang saat ini sekitar 30.000 MW, sehingga Indonesia masih membutuhkan sekitar 85.000 MW. Kekurangan ini akan dipenuhi melalui pemanfaatan berbagai macam sumber energi dalam bauran energi yang optimal. Energi nuklir menjadi salah satu opsi dalam rencana bauran energi tersebut. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, Batan melakukan studi penyiapan tapak PLTN di Pulau Bangka – Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka-Belitung. Calon tapak Bangka Barat diperkirakan mempunyai kapasitas maksimum 10.000 MW, dan Bangka Selatan maksimum 6.000 MW. Namun demikian, kapasitas maksimum tersebut harus diperhitungkan berdasarkan pengembangan kapasitas jaringan. Selain Pulau Bangka, Batan juga melakukan studi penyiapan tapak di dua lokasi lain, yaitu di Muria-Jawa Tengah dengan kapasitas 7.000 MW, dan Banten (masih studi awal) dengan kapasitas 4.000 MW.Pada tahun 2012 telah dihasilkan beberapa dokumen pendukung penyiapan infrastruktur PLTN, yaitu:

I.5.1.1. Dokumen Penyusunan Pedoman Infrastruktur Dasar Pendukung Program Energi Nuklir Nasional Evaluasi Infrastruktur Pembangunan PLTN , terdiri dari:

a. Dokumen Survei tapak Banten tahap penapisan 3 yang memuat hasil survei gravity, geomagnet, serta survei radon awal untuk konfirmasi sesar (patahan geologi) Banten.

Salah satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam penentuan tapak adalah analisis mendalam terhadap potensi sesar aktif yang menjadi sumber potensi gempa. Studi saat ini masih difokuskan pada konfirmasi keberadaan sesar di sekitar Banten. Analisis gravity, geomagnet dan radon dilakukan dengan cakupan wilayah near regional meliputi pantai Banten dan Anyer, Kabupaten Serang, Kota Cilegon dan sebagian wilayah Pandeglang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya indikasi sesar Bojonegara di sekitar Banten. Namun demikian, data yang ada belum dapat digunakan untuk memastikan apakah sesar ini merupakan sesar aktif. Akan dilakukan studi lanjutan pada aspek sesar permukaan dengan melakukan gravity ke arah Selatan (Serang bagian Selatan) untuk menemukan indikasi sesar lain di wilayah Banten (dalam skala near regional).

I.5. Energi

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Annual Report64 BATAN 2012

b. Analysis Concept Preparation Document regarding Environmental Impact (AMDAL) of Banten NPP which contains the Kramatwatu – Banten NPP AMDAL document concept, and results of updating the data of the initial surrounding environment based on the Site Data Report (SDR) of Kramatwatu.

This study has been conducted in accordance to the provisions of Law Number 32 Year 2009 regarding the Protection and Management of the Environment as well as Regulation of the State Minister for the Environment No. 05 Year 2012 Attachment I Number II letter M of Nuclear Energy number 1a. As a non ministerial government institution, Batan has had the initiative to facilitate the preparation of the AMDAL document concept for NPP in Kramatwatu – Banten. This AMDAL study assesses the impact with the development of NPP having a power of 4 x 1.000 MW, which among others are: • The physical and chemical aspects, especially to the

air quality (emission, ambience, and noise), the water quality (lubricating oil spill, fire wastes), as well as ground water.

• The social, economic and cultural aspects, especially at the time of land acquisition and relocation of the community.

The existence of NPP must be able to assure social sustainability, economic sustainability and more important the environmental sustainability.

In the frame of preparing for the development of NPP and its complementing infrastructure, it is therefore necessary to prepare the NPP Environmental Impact document as an incentive from the government. A document concept for the Reference Framework of the Environmental Impact Analysis (KA-ANDAL) shall only be made in this study. The document concept of KA-ANDAL shall become a document for comparison or reference to the owner of the Banten NPP in later preparing the NPP Environmental Impact Analysis document.

c. The NPP Site Preparation Document in Bangka Island, Province of Bangka – Belitung Islands which shall contain

the results of the site survey aspects (17 aspects) and non-site aspects (3 aspects). The activities carried out by consultant, PT. Surveyor Indonesia and AF Consult, as well as the supervisory consultant, PT. KOGAS Driyap Konsultan.

This study has produced much data which are very important for evaluation of the feasibility of the NPP site. Besides that, it could also be utilized by the local Regional Government in planning development of the economy, development of the social area and industry, security, transportation, agriculture, sailing routes and others. In this study, monitoring of earthquakes has also been conducted through earthquake monitoring equipment at 10 stations: 8 stations on Bangka Island and 2 stations in Sumatera. The meteorological monitoring among others has produced profile data of the rainfall, wind speed, wind direction, ambient humidity, air pressure, solar radiation, and frequency of lightning. In this study, also obtained is a contour map (detail topography), geological map, land-sea stratigraphy profile, ground water flow pattern, sea water flow, potency of coastline shallowing, and a detail seawater depth (bathymetry), as well as low-high tide and sea waves. An estimation of the potency of flooding and sea water intrusion into the land, has also been made.

Based on the results of analysis and survey of geology, geophysics, and geotechniques, the age and profile of the rocks under the ground surface have been obtained, which could be used as a basis in determining the foundation of the NPP. Investigation of surface faults is intended to ascertain whether the site is really safe from any earthquake threats due to structural movements (tectonic). The results of the volcanic aspect investigation shows that there has never been any volcanic activity in the Bangka – Belitung area. This study also has mapped the population pattern like a pyramid of the Bangka population based on the age and sex, population distribution and density map. In the aspect of land use and water layout as well as the ecology, a detail land use layout map has been produced, as well as the abundant and variety of sea/water, land, and terrestrial biota/living things.

Survey on geomagnet in Bojonegara

Oceanology monitoring

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Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh Konsultan pelaksana PT. Surveyor Indonesia dan AF Consult, serta konsultan pengawas adalah PT. KOGAS Driyap Konsultan.

Studi ini menghasilkan banyak data yang sangat penting untuk menilai kelayakan tapak PLTN. Di samping itu juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh Pemda setempat dalam merencanakan pengembangan ekonomi, pengembangan wilayah sosial dan industri, keamanan, transportasi, pertanian, pelayaran dan lain-lain. Dalam studi ini telah dilakukan pemantauan gempa melalui alat pemantau gempa di 10 stasiun: 8 stasiun di Pulau Bangka dan 2 stasiun di Sumatera. Pemantauan meteorologi antara lain telah menghasilkan data profil curah hujan, kecepatan angin, arah angin, kelembaban nisbi, tekanan udara, radiasi matahari, dan frekuensi petir. Dalam studi ini juga telah didapatkan peta kontur (topografi rinci), peta geologi, profil stratigrafi darat-laut, pola aliran air tanah, aliran air laut, potensi pendangkalan pantai, dan kedalaman air laut (batimetri) rinci, serta pasang-surut dan gelombang laut. Telah pula dibuat perkiraan potensi banjir dan intrusi air laut ke dalam daratan.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan survei geologi, geofisika, dan geoteknik telah didapatkan umur batuan dan profil batuan di bawah permukaan tanah, yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar penetapan fondasi untuk PLTN. Penyelidikan sesar permukaan dimaksudkan untuk memastikan bahwa tapak benar-benar aman dari ancaman bahaya gempa akibat bergeraknya struktur (tektonik). Hasil penelitian aspek vulkanologi menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi aktivitas vulkanik di wilayah Bangka-Belitung. Studi ini juga memetakan pola penduduk seperti piramida penduduk Bangka berdasarkan umur dan jenis kelamin, peta sebaran dan kepadatan penduduk. Dalam aspek tataguna lahan dan air serta ekologi, telah diproduksi peta tata guna lahan rinci, serta kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman biota laut/air, tanah, dan terestrial.

b. Dokumen Penyusunan Konsep Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) PLTN Banten yang memuat konsep dokumen AMDAL PLTN Kramatwatu – Banten, dan hasil pemutakhiran data rona lingkungan awal berdasarkan Site Data Report (SDR) Kramatwatu.

Studi ini dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup serta Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 05 Tahun 2012 Lampiran I Nomor II huruf M Bidang Ketenaganukliran nomor 1a. Batan sebagai lembaga pemerintah non kementerian berinisiatif untuk memfasilitasi penyusunan konsep dokumen AMDAL untuk PLTN di Kramatwatu – Banten. Studi AMDAL ini mengkaji dampak pembangunan PLTN dengan daya 4 x 1.000 MW, antara lain: • Aspek fisik dan kimia, terutama pada kualitas udara

(emisi, ambient, dan kebisingan), kualitas air (ceceran minyak pelumas, limbah bahang), serta air tanah.

• Aspek sosial, ekonomi dan budaya, terutama pada saat pembebasan lahan dan relokasi penduduk.

Keberadaan PLTN harus dapat menjamin keberlanjutan sosial (social sustainability), keberlanjutan ekonomi (economic sustainability) dan yang lebih utama adalah keberlanjutan fungsi lingkungan hidup (environmental sustainability).

Dalam rangka persiapan pembangunan PLTN dan kelengkapan infrastrukturnya, maka perlu disusun dokumen AMDAL PLTN sebagai insentif pemerintah. Dalam studi ini hanya akan dibuat konsep dokumen Kerangka Acuan Analisis Dampak Lingkungan (KA-ANDAL). Konsep dokumen KA-ANDAL ini akan menjadi dokumen pembanding atau acuan bagi pemrakarsa/owner PLTN Banten dalam menyusun dokumen AMDAL PLTN nantinya.

c. Dokumen Penyiapan Tapak PLTN di Pulau Bangka, Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka – Belitung yang berisi hasil survey aspek tapak (17 aspek) dan non tapak (3 aspek).

Survey gravity di Bojonegara

Pemantauan meteorologi

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Annual Report66 BATAN 2012

In the fame of preparing a nuclear readiness program, a disaster mitigation plan has been analyzed, like inventory of roads, rivers, routes and shelter for evacuation. Based on analysis of various relevant data, an NPP layout in West and South Bangka has been prepared.

This feasibility study activity gives benefit also to the development of the National Human Resources in general, and specifically to Batan Human Resources in preparation of the NPP site.

d. Preparation document for Spatial data based NPP Site Information System in Bangka – Belitung, Banten, and Muria which contain the updated phase of the site spatial data.

This study has been conducted to gather all site studies relevant to the geo-spatial data. The map produced among others are the spatial structure map, land coverage, map of the surrounding environment and the infrastructure profile. The results of the year 2011 and the year 2012 studies have been prepared in the form of a database. The data which has been gathered for 2 years have not yet indicated the presence of spatial structural changes, land coverage, and condition of the surrounding environment, however it has indicated the presence of changes in the infrastructure of the Muria area. In the year 2013, this activity will be developed into a WebGIS based information system that could be accessed through the intranet or internet. The results of this study not only could be utilized for site preparation, but could also be benefitted by the local regional government for spatial layout planning, management of the environment, and development of infrastructures.

e. Document for Earthquake Monitoring, Meteorology and Environment of Muria Site which contains micro earthquake data from 8 micro earthquake stations surrounding the Muria mountain. The data processing to obtain results are in the form of date/time, epicentre coordinates, Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), Magnitude, and the depth of each earthquake occurrence. The geospatial earthquake distribution data especially the micro earthquakes until December 2012 has been shown. Gathering of meteorological data, processing, and analysis of data based on the parameters and sensor heights has been conducted. In this research, also conducted are the making of graphs of every parameter, windrose, gathering of land and sea data of the Muria sita area until the end of December 2012, as well as implementation in the calibration of the meteorology equipment to maintain accuracy of data produced.

f. Document of the Results of Ground Deformation Monitoring Using the Geodetic GPS in the Muria Site which contains the results of monitoring of the deformation in Muria using the Geodetic Global Positioning System (GPS), in cooperation with the Faculty of Geodesy – ITB.

This study is conducted to find out the shift in position of the coordinates of a location which may occur due to volcanic activity. GPS is utilized to observe changes in position of coordinates per year within a range of 5 years until 2014. Primary data has been gathered from the year 2010 until 2012 of accurate coordinate positions (with an accuracy of smaller than 1 mm). Until now coordinate position shifts have not been found in the Muria area. Data acquisition of accurate coordinate position is still needed at least not until 2014 to make a conclusion regarding the existence of any shifts. Finally, all of this data is needed to find out the possibility of Muria Mountain to be reactivated. The information regarding Muria Mountain is very important in connection to the safety of the NPP site.

I.5.1.2. Document for Study of the Human Resources Development Infrastructure and the National Industry Participation, consisting of :

a. Blue Print Draft Document of the National Industry Participation and Technology Transfer (final), which contains a concept of the national industry participation program to support the NPP development, a concept of the technology transfer program to increase the number of the national industry (TKDN – Domestic Component Level). This document is supported by several academic papers, among others: • Summary of codes and quality standards needed for

NPP and conventional generation (thermal – fossile). • Summary of the relevant industrial conditions and its

development.• Several regulations and policies which are relevant to

the increase of the domestic component level (TKDN).

Monitoring deformation at the benchmark location in Village of Danyang Mulyo

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Global Positioning System (GPS) geodetik, bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Geodesi – ITB.

Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pergeseran posisi koordinat suatu lokasi yang mungkin terjadi akibat aktivitas vulkanik. GPS digunakan untuk mengamati perubahan posisi koordinat tersebut per tahun dalam rentang waktu 5 tahun hingga tahun 2014. Telah dikumpulkan data primer dari tahun 2010 hingga 2012 berupa posisi koordinat teliti (dengan akurasi lebih kecil daripada 1 mm). Sampai saat ini belum ditemukan adanya pergeseran posisi koordinat di wilayah Muria. Masih diperlukan akuisisi data posisi koordinat teliti paling tidak sampai tahun 2014 untuk dapat mengambil kesimpulan tentang adanya pergeseran. Pada akhirnya semua data ini diperlukan untuk mengetahui kemungkinan Gunung Muria aktif kembali. Informasi mengenai Gunung Muria ini sangat penting terkait dengan keselamatan tapak PLTN.

I.5.1.2. Dokumen Studi Infrastruktur Pengembangan SDM dan Partisipasi Industri Nasional, terdiri dari :

a. Dokumen Draft Cetak Biru Partisipasi Industri Nasional dan Alih Teknologi PLTN (final), yang berisikan konsep program partisipasi industri nasional untuk mendukung pembangunan PLTN, konsep program alih teknologi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan industri nasional dan meningkatkan angka partisipasi industri nasional (TKDN - Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri). Dokumen ini didukung oleh beberapa naskah akademis, antara lain: • Ringkasan kode dan standar kualitas yang diperlukan

dalam PLTN dan pembangkit konvensional (termal-fosil).

• Ringkasan kondisi industri terkait dan perkembangannya.

• Beberapa peraturan dan kebijakan yang terkait dengan peningkatan TKDN.

Dalam rangka penyusunan program kesiapsiagaan nuklir, telah dianalisis rencana penanggulangan bencana seperti inventarisasi jalan, sungai, rute dan shelter evakuasi. Berdasarkan analisis berbagai data terkait, dibuatlah lay out PLTN di Bangka Barat dan Bangka Selatan.

Kegiatan studi kelayakan ini memberikan manfaat juga bagi pengembangan SDM Nasional secara umum, dan SDM Batan secara khusus dalam hal penyiapan tapak PLTN.

d. Dokumen Penyusunan Sistem Informasi Tapak PLTN Berbasis Data Spasial di Bangka – Belitung, Banten, dan Muria yang berisi data spasial tapak tahap pemutakhiran.

Studi ini dilakukan untuk menghimpun semua studi tapak yang terkait dengan data geospasial. Peta yang dihasilkan antara lain peta struktur ruang, tutupan lahan, peta lingkungan dan profil infrastruktur. Hasil studi tahun 2011 dan tahun 2012 disusun dalam bentuk pangkalan data (database) sistem informasi tapak berbasis SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis/GIS). Data yang dikumpulkan selama 2 tahun belum menunjukkan adanya perubahan struktur ruang, tutupan lahan, dan kondisi lingkungan, tetapi sudah menunjukkan adanya perubahan infrastruktur di wilayah Muria. Pada tahun 2013, kegiatan ini akan dikembangkan menjadi sebuah sistem informasi berbasis WebGIS yang bisa diakses melalui intranet atau internet. Hasil studi ini tidak hanya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk penyiapan tapak, tetapi juga oleh pemerintah daerah setempat bagi perencanaan tata ruang, pengelolaan lingkungan, dan pengembangan infrastruktur.

e. Dokumen Monitoring Kegempaan, Meteorologi dan Lingkungan di Tapak Muria yang berisi data gempa mikro dari 8 stasiun gempa mikro di sekeliling gunung Muria. Pengolahan data untuk memperoleh hasil berupa date/time, koordinat epicenter, Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), Magnitude, dan kedalaman pada setiap kejadian gempa. Data sebaran gempa secara geospasial terutama gempa mikro sampai Desember 2012 telah ditampilkan. Pengumpulan data meteorologi, pengolahan, dan analisis data berdasarkan parameter dan ketinggian sensor telah dilakukan. Dalam penelitian ini juga telah dilakukan pembuatan grafik pada setiap parameternya, windrose, pengumpulan data lingkungan darat dan laut wilayah tapak Muria hingga akhir Desember 2012, serta pelaksanaan kalibrasi peralatan meteorologi untuk menjaga keakuratan data yang dihasilkan.

f. Dokumen Hasil Pemantauan Ground Deformation Menggunakan GPS Geodetik di Tapak Muria yang berisi hasil monitoring deformasi di Muria menggunakan

Pemantauan deformasi di lokasi benchmark Desa Mijen

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b. Document for Preparation of the National Industrial Database, which contains the system and report of the national industrial database to support development of NPP.

This database contains information and specification of NPP components and products of the national industry which is considered able to participate in the nuclear industry, specifically for NPP. Data updating was previously conducted in the year 2009, and in the year 2012 updating of data was reconducted as well as program modification. The program architecture of the database system is to arrange and link the NPP components with the products produced by the national industry. Finally the national industrial capacity could be acknowledged for producing NPP components based on the TKDN information (domestic capacity) on a national scale. The database then becomes the basis of the NPP technology transfer process.

c. Document for Human Resources Development Program and Preparation of the Document for NPP Training Facility, which contains improvement of the concept document for NPP Human Resources Development, assessment in the need of Human Resources (with considerations to the Japan and Korea cases), training concept, as well as the concept for the means and facilities (Nuclear Training Center - NTC) for development of NPP Human Resources.This document covers discussions on:• Assessment in the need of NPP Human Resources.• Infrastructure for Development of NPP Human

Resources.• Action plan in preparation of NPP Human Resources.• Training Facility and Cooperation Network.

I.5.1.3. Study Document for the Infrastructure of the Electricity System with the Nuclear Option (Economy and Funding, Energy Planning), consisting of :

a. Study Document for the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) of Bangka-Belitung, which contains profit estimates and losses in utilization of HVDC if NPP is developed in Bangka Island. This document covers elaboration of the system capacity to deploy a large amount of power at a long distance with lower cost expenditure compared to other systems. The results of the study is a comparison of the techno-economic value with the HVDC system and without the HVDC system, as well as the total cost estimate.

The analysis is conducted with the scenario to the capacity and length of transmission line from West Bangka and South Bangka as the region of interest for the NPP site to

the area around the south of Jakarta and to Muara Enim – South Sumatera, in accordance to the plan of PT. PLN which is developing the HVDC transmission line from the mine mouth coal fired electricity generation plant to the area around South Jakarta.

From the results of the cost analysis, the total estimated cost for the HVDC is obtained for the capacity of 1000, 2000 and 4000 MW. The calculation has been conducted for the HVDC system from West Bangka and South Bangka to the South Jakarta area as well as to Muara Enim.

b. The 2012 Nuclear Energy Statistics Document, which contains information of the condition of the population of Indonesia, the energy economics, the energy price of various energy resources, energy consumption of every sector, availability of energy resources, and nuclear energy statistics.

c. Document of the Bangka NPP Non Site Feasibility Study for the Aspects of Economy, Technology and Management, which contains economic calculation with NPP investment cost amounting to 4.500 USD/kW. Based on the technology it has been obtained that the PWR NPP types which are suitable to be built in Indonesia are the AP1000, OPR1000, and ATMEA. From the management aspects it has been obtained that the public-private partnership (PPP) system is the best choice in development and operation of NPP.

d. Technical Specification Document of the NPP Cogeneration System Concept, which contains the technical specification of the NPP cogeneration system concept.

The concept of the NPP cogeneration system is a concept in the utilization of NPP of not only to produce electricity, but also to produce other products like the utilization of the heat for gasification/liquefaction of coal and production of clean water (desalination). This study is intended to prepare the technical specification of the NPP cogeneration system concept with installation of a coal gasification/liquefaction and desalination plants. The technical specification is prepared based on the results of the previous pre-design. The type of NPP utilized is the high temperature reactor (HTR). Gasification/liquefaction of coal is conducted with the indirect coal liquefaction method, whereas the desalination installation uses the LT-HT-MED (Low temperature horizontal tube multi effect desalination) method.

The technical specification which has been prepared for coal gasification/liquefaction covers specification of the

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b. Dokumen Penyusunan Pangkalan Data Industri Nasional, yang berisikan sistem dan laporan database/pangkalan data industri nasional untuk mendukung pembangunan PLTN.

Pangkalan data ini memuat informasi dan spesifikasi komponen PLTN dan produk industri nasional yang diperkirakan dapat berpartisipasi dalam industri nuklir, khususnya PLTN. Pemutakhiran pangkalan data sebelumnya dilakukan pada tahun 2009, dan pada tahun 2012 dilakukan kembali pemutakhiran data serta modifikasi program. Arsitektur program sistem pangkalan data ini adalah merangkai dan menghubungkan komponen PLTN dengan produk yang dihasilkan oleh industri nasional. Pada akhirnya dapat diketahui kemampuan industri nasional untuk memproduksi komponen PLTN dengan informasi TKDN secara nasional. Pangkalan data ini menjadi basis proses transfer teknologi PLTN.

c. Dokumen Program Pengembangan SDM dan Penyusunan Dokumen Fasilitas Pelatihan PLTN, yang berisikan penyempurnaan dokumen konsep pengembangan SDM PLTN, kajian kebutuhan SDM (dengan pertimbangan kasus Jepang dan Korea), konsep pelatihan, serta konsep sarana dan prasarana (Nuclear Training Center - NTC) untuk pengembangan SDM PLTN.

Dokumen ini mencakup pokok bahasan:• Kajian Kebutuhan SDM PLTN.• Infrastruktur Pengembangan SDM PLTN.• Rencana Tindak Penyiapan SDM PLTN.• Fasilitas Pelatihan dan Jejaring Kerjasama.

I.5.1.3. Dokumen Studi Infrastruktur Sistem Kelistrikan Opsi Nuklir (Ekonomi dan Pendanaan, Perencanaan Energi), terdiri dari :

a. Dokumen Studi High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Bangka-Belitung, yang berisikan estimasi keuntungan dan kerugian pemanfaatan HVDC apabila PLTN dibangun di Pulau Bangka. Dokumen ini meliputi uraian kemampuan sistem untuk mengirimkan sejumlah besar daya pada jarak jauh dengan pengeluaran biaya yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan sistem lainnya. Hasil studi adalah perbandingan nilai tekno-ekonomi dengan sistem HVDC dan tanpa sistem HVDC, serta perkiraan biaya total.

Analisis dilakukan untuk skenario kapasitas dan panjang saluran transmisi dari Bangka Barat dan Bangka Selatan sebagai daerah interest tapak PLTN ke wilayah di sekitar selatan Jakarta dan ke Muara Enim - Sumatera Selatan, sesuai rencana PT. PLN yang membangun saluran transmisi HVDC dari PLTU batubara mulut tambang ke

wilayah di sekitar selatan Jakarta. Dari hasil analisis biaya diperoleh bahwa estimasi biaya

total untuk sistem HVDC untuk kapasitas 1000, 2000 dan 4000 MW. Perhitungan dilakukan untuk sistem HVDC dari Bangka Barat dan Bangka Selatan ke wilayah Selatan Jakarta maupun Muara Enim.

b. Dokumen Statistik Energi Nuklir 2012, yang berisikan informasi kondisi penduduk Indonesia, ekonomi energi, harga energi berbagai sumber energi, konsumsi energi tiap sektor, ketersediaan sumber daya energi, dan statistik energi nuklir.

c. Dokumen Studi Kelayakan PLTN Bangka Non Tapak Aspek Ekonomi, Teknologi dan Pengelolaan, yang berisikan perhitungan ekonomi dengan biaya investasi PLTN sebesar 4.500 USD/kW. Secara teknologi diperoleh bahwa jenis PLTN PWR yang cocok untuk dibangun di Indonesia adalah AP1000, OPR1000, dan ATMEA. Dari aspek manajemen didapatkan bahwa sistem public-private partnership (PPP) merupakan pilihan terbaik dalam pembangunan dan pengoperasian PLTN.

d. Dokumen Spesifikasi Teknis Konsep Sistem Kogenerasi PLTN, yang berisikan spesifikasi teknis konsep sistem kogenerasi PLTN.

Konsep sistem kogenerasi PLTN adalah sebuah konsep penggunaan PLTN bukan hanya untuk menghasilkan listrik, namun juga untuk menghasilkan produk lain seperti pemanfaatan panas untuk gasifikasi/pencairan batubara dan produksi air bersih (desalinasi). Studi ini untuk menyusun spesifikasi teknis konsep sistem kogenerasi PLTN dengan instalasi gasifikasi/pencairan batubara dan instalasi desalinasi. Spesifikasi teknis ini disusun berdasarkan hasil pra-rancangan sebelumnya. Jenis PLTN yang digunakan adalah reaktor bertemperatur tinggi (HTR). Gasifikasi/pencairan batubara dilakukan dengan metode pencairan tidak langsung (indirect coal liquefaction), sedangkan instalasi desalinasi menggunakan teknologi LT-HT-MED (Low temperature horizontal tube multi effect desalination).

Spesifikasi teknis yang disusun untuk gasifikasi/pencairan batubara meliputi spesifikasi bahan baku, bahan bantu, dan alat. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah batubara sebanyak + 1.980.000 Ton/tahun dan uap (steam) + 158.000 Ton/ tahun.

Gasifikasi/pencairan batubara menghasilkan fraksi produk berupa gasoline, kerosene, diesel, hidrokarbon berat, dan fuel gas. Penerapan konsep ini akan membantu pemerintah dalam penyediaan bahan bakar

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raw materials, supporting materials, and equipment. The raw materials used is coal for as much as 1.980.000 + tons/year and 158.000 + tons/ year of steam.

Gasification/liquefaction of coal produces fractions of products in the form of gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, heavy hydrocarbon, and fuel gas. The application of this concept will assist the government in provision of alternative fuels. Besides that, components could be identified for the coal gasification/liquefaction, which among the important are the intermediate heat exchanger, Fischer Tropsch reactor, and the destillation tower.

The technical specification which has been prepared for desalination covers the specification of raw materials, supporting materials, and equipment. The production capacity of the desalination installation is 2,000 Tons/hour. The specification of equipment components of the desalination installation has been identified, especially the evaporator, flash tank, heat exchanger, and pump with filter (capacity of 2,000 Tons/hour).

This study is a continuation from the previous years, which are the assesment of the nuclear desalination techno-economy and the gasification/liquefaction of coal. The results of this study is of benefit to the liquid coal production and clean water industries with specifications that have been assessed.

I.5.2. Development in Design Engineering of Nuclear Installation Instrumentation

I.5.2.1. Prototype of Instrumentation and Control System (SIK) of the Research and Power Reactors (Computer Integrated System at the supervisory level)

The Nuclear Reactor is quite a complex installation and needs a high degree of safety in its operation. The Instrumentation and Control System has the main role in assuring the level of safety of a nuclear reactor, whether it be a research reactor or a power reactor.

The nuclear reactor Instrumentation and Control System (SIK) is a very unique control system and not found in other power generation systems. On the other hand, the development of technology in this field has developed very rapidly in line with the development of digital technology. Currently, various manufacturers of SIK instrumentation offer various new features to reach a high level of reliability and safety. In order to simplify the use of SIK equipment within a reliable and safe system, various communication standards have been developed. Practical knowledge is needed regarding

the method of integration of a SIK system which has been prepared from various types of instruments that exist in the market. Design engineering activities of nuclear reactor SIK is conducted through multi-years projects, whereas every year prototypes are produced in the form of sub-sub systems which at the end would be integrated into a complete system. The activities in the year 2012 is a continuation from the activities in the year 2010 which is the design engineering of instrumentation and control for the control rod mechanical simulator, and in the year 2011 in design engineering of the local controller level. In the year 2012 the design engineering conducted is in the supervisory control level, in the year 2013 for the system safety level and in the year 2014 for the Management Information System level.

The desire to independently have the capacity to conduct management, maintenance, innovation and design engineering in connection with nuclear instrumentation and control has been the main motivation of these activities. In order to achieve mastery in design engineering and innovation, reliable Human Resources and supporting equipment/facilities are needed. The configuration of the supervisory control which has been built in the supervisor computer, would be able to give orders to the controller. The mathematical model of the nuclear reactor is deployed to the NI PXI module. Whereas the PLC as the controller shall control the process in the nuclear reactor model. The Input-output model could be linked to the real apparatus through the I/O connector. The feature of this configuration is the formation of a hardware-in-the-loop, where the plant model is represented in the form of computer simulation, whereas the input-output is with a real system.

I.5.2.2. Design of a Nuclear Fuel Element Factory of the PWR 1000 MW type for NPP in Indonesia

A detail design planning of a nuclear fuel element factory of the PWR type in Indonesia has been conducted to support the operation of NPP in Indonesia. An initial study had been conducted during the period 2007 – 2009, with the topic “PRE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A NUCLEAR FUEL ELEMENT OF THE PWR TYPE IN INDONESIA”. From the Pre Study conducted, this has given the conclusion that a factory is very feasible and very strategic to immediately be developed if NPP is to be operated in Indonesia. From the results of the Pre-feasibility Study conducted, data/information had been obtained regarding the optimum production capacity of the factory which shall be built, technical data had been obtained regarding the production process technology which is most advantageous in the conversion process of enriched UF6 to become UO2 powder and the fabrication process of UO2 pellets to become a PWR type nuclear fuel element assembly. Other technical aspect data

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alternatif. Selain itu, telah dapat diidentifikasi komponen untuk gasifikasi/pencairan batubara, yang terpenting di antaranya adalah intermediate heat exchanger, reaktor Fischer Tropsch, dan menara destilasi.

Spesifikasi teknis yang disusun untuk desalinasi meliputi spesifikasi bahan baku, bahan bantu, dan alat. Kapasitas produksi instalasi desalinasi adalah 2.000 Ton/jam. Telah diidentifikasi spesifikasi komponen peralatan untuk instalasi desalinasi, terutama evaporator, flash tank, heat exchanger, dan pompa dengan filter (kapasitas 2.000 Ton/jam).

Studi ini adalah kelanjutan dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya yaitu kajian tekno-ekonomi desalinasi nuklir dan gasifikasi/pencairan batubara. Hasil studi ini bermanfaat untuk kalangan industri produksi batubara cair dan air bersih dengan spesifikasi yang sudah dikaji.

I.5.2. Pengembangan Perekayasaan Perangkat Instalasi Nuklir

I.5.2.1. Prototip Sistem Instrumentasi dan Kendali (SIK) Reaktor Riset dan Reaktor Daya (Computer Integrated System pada level supervisory)

Reaktor Nuklir adalah sebuah instalasi yang cukup kompleks dan membutuhkan tingkat keselamatan yang tinggi dalam pengoperasiaannya. Sistem Instrumentasi dan Kendali memiliki peran utama dalam menjamin tingkat keselamatan sebuah reaktor nuklir, baik itu reaktor riset maupun reaktor daya.

Sistem Instrumentasi dan Kendali (SIK) reaktor nuklir merupakan sistem pengendalian yang sangat unik dan tidak ditemui pada sistem-sistem pembangkit daya yang lain. Pada sisi lain perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang ini berkembang sangat cepat seiring perkembangan teknologi digital. Saat ini, berbagai pabrikan perangkat SIK menawarkan berbagai fitur baru untuk mencapai tingkat keandalan dan keselamatan yang tinggi. Untuk

memudahkan penggunaan peralatan SIK dalam sebuah sistem yang andal dan aman, berbagai standar komunikasi telah dikembangkan. Dibutuhkan pengetahuan praktis mengenai cara mengintegrasikan sebuah sistem SIK yang tersusun dari berbagai macam instrumen yang ada di pasaran. Kegiatan perekayasaan SIK reaktor nuklir ini dilaksanakan secara multiyears, dengan setiap tahunnya menghasilkan prototipe berupa sub-sub sistem yang pada akhirnya akan diintegrasikan dalam sebuah sistem yang lengkap. Kegiatan tahun 2012 merupakan kelanjutan dari kegiatan pada tahun 2010 yaitu perekayasaan instrumentasi dan kendali untuk simulator mekanik Batang kendali, dan tahun 2011 perekayasaan tingkat local controller. Tahun 2012 perekayasaan dilakukan pada tingkat supervisory control, tahun 2013 tingkat safety system dan tahun 2014 tingkat Management Information System.

Keinginan untuk mampu secara mandiri melakukan pengelolaan, perawatan, inovasi dan perekayasaan terkait instrumentasi dan kendali nuklir merupakan motivasi utama kegiatan ini. Untuk mencapai penguasaan desain dan inovasi diperlukan SDM yang handal dan perangkat/fasilitas pendukung. Konfigurasi supervisory control yang dibangun pada komputer supervisor akan dapat memberikan perintah ke kontroler. Model matematika reaktor nuklir dideploy pada modul NI PXI. Sedangkan PLC sebagai kontroler akan mengendalikan proses di dalam model reaktor nuklir. Input-output model dapat dihubungkan ke perangkat riil melalui konektor I/O. Keunggulan konfigurasi ini adalah terbentuknya sistem hardware-in-the loop, dimana model plant direpresentasikan dalam bentuk simulasi komputer, sedangkan input-output dari lingkungan luar dapat berupa perangkat keras sistem riil (sensor dan aktuator). Dengan demikian simulasi komputer dapat dikomunikasikan dengan sistem riil.

I.5.2.2. Desain Pabrik Elemen Bakar Nuklir Tipe PWR 1000 MW untuk PLTN di Indonesia

Telah dilakukan perencanaan desain rinci pabrik elemen bakar nuklir tipe PWR di Indonesia untuk mendukung beroperasinya PLTN di Indonesia. Studi pendahuluan telah dilakukan pada periode 2007 – 2009 yaitu dengan dilakukannya “PRA STUDI KELAYAKAN PABRIK ELEMEN BAKAR NUKLIR TIPE PWR DI INDONESIA”. Dari Pra studi yang telah dilakukan telah memberikan kesimpulan awal bahwa pabrik sangat layak dan sangat strategis untuk segera dibangun bila PLTN dioperasikan di Indonesia. Dari hasil pra studi kelayakan yang telah dilakukan diperoleh data/informasi mengenai kapasitas produksi optimum pabrik yang akan didirikan, diperolehnya data teknis mengenai teknologi proses produksi yang paling menguntungkan pada proses konversi UF6 yang diperkaya menjadi UO2 serbuk dan

Sistem Instrumentasi Kendali

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obtained are the balance of mass and energy, elaboration of the selected production process, specification of raw materials, intermediate and final products, specification of conversion and fabrication process equipment, qualitative and quantitative flow diagram, “Process flow engineering diagram”, production installation plant layout, and selected candidate factory location. From the market aspect, the nuclear fuel element in the world also has been presented that the prospective picture of marketing abroad is very good, besdes fulfilling the domestic captive market for fulfilling NPP fuel in Indonesia. From the financial aspect, the investment cost is needed to develop the factory and at the same time the production cost data has been obtained. Besides that, also obtained are data analysis of profit and break even points, balance sheet and cash flow, as well as the depreciation and taxation. From the selection criteria aspect, there are data regarding the net present value of the factory, the period of return, “Return on Investment”, profitability index, rentability of the business, internal rate of return, benefit cost ratio and analysis of capital returns. From the economic aspect, obtained also are information regarding the impact towards the addition of national income if this factory is developed, the impact towards job opportunities and impact towards the regional income.

The result is a detail design of the Nuclear Fuel factory for PWR type 1000 MWe for NPP in Indonesia, as a design phase which is a continuation of the Pre-Study that has been conducted. At this detail design phase, obtained is a nuclear fuel element factory detail design package which is a conversion process equipment design (AUK and JKT) complemented with detail drawings of the process equipment, description of the process, specification of the pellet process equipment and fabrication, drawings of the piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID), isometric drawing of the piping system for conversion process of AUK & JKT, detail plot plant of the nuclear fuel element factory which shall be built, data sheet documentation of all pellet conversion (AUK+JKT) process equipment and fabrication, detail investment feasibility if the factory is developed, availability of analysis document regarding the environmental impact (AMDAL) if the factory is developed in Indonesia and in the determined location.

I.5.2.3. Conceptual Design of an Innovative Research Reactor This activity has the objective for document preparation containing Innovative Research Reactor (IRR) design concept, which is prepared by Batan Human Resources for the new research reactor as a candidate for replacing the research reactor which its useful lifetime shall soon expire. The methodology in implementation covers activities in preparation of the blue print of RRI which contains action

plans as an elaboration of the strategic planning in order to achieve the objective in making a concept of a new research reactor in Indonesia. The implementation of R&D activities cover modeling and calculation of a conceptual design of various selections of the reactor core configurations and irradiation facility of innovative research reactor using transport theory and neutron diffusion based program package which are WIMSD/5, Batan-2DIFF, including SRAC, MCNP, COOLOD-N and FLUENT.

In this activity, calculation and analysis have been conducted to determine the configuration of the reactor core with UMo fuel with a loading level of 7-9 g U/cm3 with a neutron flux of 5x1014 n/cm2. Design of the conceptual innovative research reactor is expected to become a synergic R&D activin the field of reactor technology. The achievement of this program could become a track record in the field of reactor technology and could show the capability of the Indonesian nation in nuclear reactor design engineering. In the year 2012 which is the third year of 5 years which has been planned for obtaining the “Conceptual Design Document of the Innovative Research Reactor”, containing the results of calculations: conceptual design of the final core configuration and irradiation facility, gamma core heat and determination of primary cooling system design parameters RRI; as well as calculation of the source group. The conceptual design of the RRI core has converged to 3 configurations where each has been calculated from the thermohydraulic safety aspect, and the same conducted from the calculation aspect of the group source.

I.5.3. Development of Nuclear Fuel Technology

I.5.3.1. Prototype in Development of Fuel Technology (Fuel Pin of Pressurized Water Reactor/PWR and Rod Compound of Zirlo-Mo)

I. PWR Fuel Pin

Until now nuclear energy has been considered as one of the alternatives that is potential and promising for generating energy/electric power (NPP). Even though the people of the world are shadowed by a sense of worry to the danger potency of radiation, however the development NPP still goes on, in fact it is increased in its research and development program in order to obtain a nuclear reactor which is safe, economical, environmental friendly, and sustainable. The making of a prototype PWR fuel element covers a pellet process (making of UO2 sintered pellets) and assembly of UO2 sinter pellets within a Zircalloy tube forming a fuel pin. This activity is a multi-years activity, and shall be completed in the year 2014.

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proses fabrikasi pellet UO2 menjadi rakitan elemen bakar nuklir tipe PWR. Data aspek teknis lain yang telah diperoleh adalah neraca massa dan energi, uraian proses produksi terpilih, spesifikasi bahan baku, produk tengah dan produk akhir, spesifikasi alat proses konversi dan fabrikasi, diagram alir kualitatif dan kuantitatif, “Process flow engineering diagram”, denah instalasi produksi (plant lay out), dan calon lokasi pabrik terseleksi. Dari aspek pasar elemen bakar nuklir di dunia juga telah disajikan bahwa gambaran prospek pemasaran keluar negeri sangat bagus, disamping memenuhi pasar dalam negeri (captive market) untuk pengisian bahan bakar PLTN Indonesia. Dari aspek keuangan telah diperoleh data biaya investasi yang diperlukan untuk membangun pabrik itu dan sekaligus data biaya produksinya. Selain itu juga telah diperoleh data analisa laba dan titik impas, neraca dan aliran kas, serta depreasi dan pajak. Dari aspek kriteria seleksi, telah diperoleh data mengenai nilai sekarang netto dari pabrik, periode pengembalian, “Return on Investment”, indeks profitabilitas, rentabilitas usaha, arus pengembalian internal, benefit cost ratio dan analisa pulang pokok. Dari aspek ekonomi juga telah diperoleh informasi mengenai dampak terhadap penambahan pendapatan nasional bila pabrik ini dibangun, dampak terhadap kesempatan kerja dan dampak terhadap pendapatan daerah.

Hasil berupa desain rinci Pabrik Elemen Bakar Nuklir Tipe PWR 1000 MWe untuk PLTN di Indonesia, adalah suatu tahapan desain yang merupakan kelanjutan dari Pra Studi yang telah dilakukan. Pada tahapan desain rinci ini diperoleh paket desain rinci pabrik elemen bakar nuklir berupa desain peralatan proses konversi (AUK dan JKT) dilengkapi dengan gambar detailnya dari alat proses, deskripsi proses, spesifikasi peralatan proses pelletisasi dan fabrikasi, gambar piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID), gambar isometrik sistim pipa untuk proses konversi AUK & JKT, detil plot plant dari pabrik elemen bakar nuklir yang akan didirikan, dokumen data sheet seluruh peralatan proses konversi (AUK+JKT) pelletisasi dan fabrikasi, detil kelayakan investasi bila pabrik dibangun, tersedianya dokumen analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (Amdal) bila pabrik dibangun di Indonesia dan di lokasi yang telah ditentukan.

I.5.2.3. Desain Konseptual Reaktor Riset Inovatif

Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menyiapkan dokumen yang berisi desain konseptual Reaktor Riset inovatif (RRI), yang disiapkan oleh SDM Batan untuk reaktor riset baru sebagai calon pengganti reaktor riset yang akan habis umur pakainya. Metodologi pelaksanaan meliputi kegiatan penyusunan cetak biru (blue print) RRI yang berisi rencana tindak sebagai penjabaran dari rencana strategis untuk mencapai

tujuan pembuatan konsep reaktor riset baru di Indonesia. Pelaksanaan kegiatan litbang meliputi pemodelan dan perhitungan desain konseptual berbagai pilihan konfigurasi teras reaktor dan fasilitas iradiasi reaktor riset inovatif menggunakan paket program berbasis teori transport dan difusi neutron yaitu WIMSD/5, Batan-2DIFF, serta SRAC, MCNP, COOLOD-N dan FLUENT.

Pada kegiatan ini telah dilakukan perhitungan dan analisis untuk menentukan konfigurasi teras reaktor berbahan bakar UMo tingkat muat 7-9 g U/cm3 dengan fluks neutron 5x1014 n/cm2.s. Desain konseptual reaktor riset inovatif diharapkan dapat menjadi kegiatan litbang yang sinergis dalam bidang teknologi reaktor. Keberhasilan program ini dapat menjadi rekam jejak di bidang teknologi reaktor dan menunjukkan kemampuan bangsa Indonesia dalam rekayasa reaktor nukir. Pada tahun 2012 yang merupakan tahun ketiga dari 5 tahun yang direncanakan telah diperoleh “Dokumen Desain Konseptual Reaktor Riset Inovatif”, berisikan hasil perhitungan: desain konseptual final konfigurasi teras dan fasilitas iradiasi, panas gamma teras dan penentuan parameter desain sistem pendingin primer RRI; serta perhitungan suku sumber. Desain konseptual teras RRI telah mengerucut pada 3 konfigurasi yang masing-masing telah dihitung dari aspek keselamatan termohidrolika, hal yang sama dilakukan dari aspek perhitungan suku sumber.

I.5.3. Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir

I.5.3.1. Prototipe Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Bakar (Pin Bahan Bakar Pressurized Water Reactor/PWR dan Rod Paduan Zirlo-Mo)

I. Pin Bahan Bakar PWR

Sampai saat ini energi nuklir tetap dipandang sebagai salah satu alternatif yang potensial dan menjanjikan untuk pembangkit energi/daya listrik (PLTN). Meskipun masyarakat dunia selalu dibayangi oleh perasaan khawatir akan potensi bahaya radiasi, namun pembangunan PLTN tetap berjalan, bahkan semakin ditingkatkan program penelitian dan pengembangannya guna mendapatkan reaktor nuklir yang aman, ekonomis, ramah lingkungan, dan sustainable. Pembuatan prototipe elemen bakar PWR meliputi proses peletisasi (pembuatan pelet UO2 sinter) dan perakitan pelet UO2 sinter dengan kelongsong Zirkaloi membentuk elemen bakar (fuel pin). Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan multiyears, dan akan diselesaikan pada tahun 2014

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In the year 2012, the activities conducted are : • Testing of material quality and pellet fabrication as well

as tesing of the pellet quality• Assembly of fuel pin and testing its quality• PWR fuel pin prototype has been obtained (short fuel pin

containing large natural beads of UO2 sintered pellets)

I. Rod Alloy of Zirlo-Mo

Zirconium alloy atau zircalloy and usually abbreviated as Zry are much used as structural material or tubes for nuclear fuel elements for all power reactors with water cooling (LWR). The fuel tubing is an important part in making the fuel element, because besides wrapping the uranium fuel, it is also as a containment of gas from the results of fission during the operation in the nuclear reactor. The desire to increase better performance of the zirconium alloy as a fuel structural material which has been triggered by the trend in development of a much higher increased burn-up, from 40 MWd/kgU to become 80 MWd/kgU. The consequences are efforts to increase the performance of the zirconium alloy as a structural material, to increase the mechanical strength and resilient to material corrosion at high temperatures.In the year 2012, the activities conducted were :• Testing of bait material, making of Zirlo-Mo rod casts

and characterization of Zirlo-Mo rod from the results of casting

• Mechanical work and heat treatment of rods from the results of casting, characterization of rods from the results of mechanical work and heat treatment

• Obtained are prototype of Zirlo-Mo alloy rods, from results of development, with a composition of 0.5 % Mo.

Activities have been conducted in cooperation with an external party which is PT. Pindad

I.5.3.2. Technical Document for Technology Development of Nuclear Fuel for PWR Power Reactor and MTR Research Reactor (Phase-III)

I. Development of PWR Power Reactor Fuel Technology

The strategic objective of development and technological activitites in nuclear power reactor fuel is to realize and increase the technical-scientific competitiveness towards the domestic industrial NPP nuclear fuel option. The domestic industrial fuel option is one of the strategic efforts to strengthen and increase national participation in the NPP introduction program. The main target is the technology package obtained in mastery and fabrication of PWR power reactor fuel in the year 2014.In the year 2012, the activities conducted are :• Testing of bait material, the sol-gel process in making UO2

kernels, making PWR pellets from former simulation, U recovery process of unsuccessful pellets, and modeling.

• Making of CERMET pellets, oxidation-reduction process of former simulation PWR pellets, UO2 powder from the results of recovery due to thermo-mechanical modeling.

• Data analysis of test results: O/U ratio of pellets, pellet morphology, knocking density of UO2 powder, and content of contaminants in UO2 powder.

I. Development of Research Reactor Fuel Technology (New Fuel Density)

The dispersion type research reactor fuel until now still uses the U3Si2 alloy with relatively still low uranium content, around 4,8 U/g. This content is still felt as very low and less efficient for a research reactor. Therefore many researchers until now are still conducting research in dispersion types of uranium alloy as well as monotic U-Mo with objective to increase the uranium content. Several researchers have conducted research in making U-Mo alloy powder, however until now there has not been any achievement in agreement regarding the prospect in the use of such alloys as a substitute for U-Si alloy.In the year 2012 the activities conducted are :• Fabrication and quality testing, coordination and initial

evaluations of the fuel element design data for safety analysis of irradiation testing.

• Further coordination and evaluation of fabrication data and quality control, as well as preparation of the safety analysis document

• Coordination and finalization in preparation of the safety analysis document and permit application to the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) .

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Pada tahun 2012, telah dilakukan : • Pengujian kualitas bahan dan fabrikasi pelet serta

pengujian kualitas pelet• Perakitan pin bahan bakar dan pengujian kualitasnya• Telah diperoleh prototipe elemen bakar PWR (short fuel

pin berisi pelet sinter UO2 alam butir besar)

I. Rod Paduan Zirlo-Mo

Paduan zirkonium atau zircalloy dan biasa disingkat Zry banyak digunakan sebagai bahan struktur atau kelongsong pada elemen bakar nuklir untuk semua reaktor daya yang berpendingin air (LWR). Kelongsong bahan bakar merupakan bagian yang penting dalam pembuatan elemen bakar, karena disamping berfungsi sebagai pembungkus bahan bakar uranium juga sebagai pengungkung gas hasil fisi selama operasi dalam reaktor nuklir. Keinginan untuk meningkatkan unjuk kerja paduan zirkonium yang lebih baik sebagai bahan struktur bahan bakar yang telah ada dipicu oleh trend pengembangan peningkatan burn-up bahan bakar lebih tinggi, yaitu 40 MWd/kgU menjadi 80 MWd/kgU. Konsekuensinya adalah upaya-upaya peningkatkan unjuk kerja paduan zirkonium sebagai bahan struktur, yaitu meningkatkan kekuatan mekanik dan ketahanan korosi bahan pada temperatur tinggi.Pada tahun 2012 telah dilakukan :• Pengujian bahan umpan, pembuatan leburan rod Zirlo-

Mo dan karakterisasi rod zirlo-Mo hasil leburan• Pengerjaan mekanik dan perlakuan panas rod hasil

leburan, karakterisasi rod hasil pengerjaan mekanik dan perlakuan panas

• Telah diperoleh prototipe rod paduan Zirlo-Mo hasil pengembangan, dengan komposisi 0.5 % Mo.

Kegiatan dilakukan bekerjasama dengan pihak eksternal yaitu PT. Pindad

I.5.3.2. Dokumen Teknis Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir Reaktor Daya PWR dan Reaktor Riset MTR (Fase-III)

I. Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Bakar Reaktor Daya PWR

Tujuan strategis kegiatan bangtek bahan bakar nuklir reaktor daya adalah mewujudkan dan meningkatkan daya-saing teknis-ilmiah terhadap opsi domestifikasi industri bahan bakar nuklir PLTN. Opsi domestifikasi industri bahan bakar merupakan salah satu upaya strategis untuk memperkuat dan meningkatkan partisipasi nasional dalam program introduksi PLTN. Adapun sasaran utamanya adalah diperolehnya paket teknologi penguasaan dan fabrikasi bahan bakar reaktor daya PWR pada tahun 2014.Pada tahun 2012, telah dilakukan :• Pengujian bahan umpan, proses sol-gel pembuatan

kernel UO2,pembuatan pelet PWR bekas simulasi, proses rekoveri U gagalan pelet, dan permodelan.

• Pembuatan pelet CERMET, proses oksidasi-reduksi pelet PWR bekas simulasi, serbuk UO2 hasil rekoveri permodelan termo-mekanik.

• Analisis data hasil uji: rasio O/U pelet, morfologi pelet, densitas ketuk serbuk UO2, dan kandungan pengotor serbuk UO2.

I. Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Bakar Reaktor Riset (Bahan Bakar Baru Densitas )

Bahan bakar reaktor riset tipe dispersi hingga saat ini masih menggunakan paduan U3Si2 dengan muatan uranium yang relative masih rendah, sekitar 4,8 U/g. Muatan tersebut masih dirasa sangat rendah dan kurang efisien untuk sebuah reaktor riset. Oleh karena itu banyak peneliti hingga saat ini masih melakukan penelitian paduan uranium tipe dispersi maupun monotik U-Mo dengan tujuan untuk menaikkan muatan uraniumnya. Beberapa peneliti telah melakukan penelitian pembuatan serbuk paduan U-Mo, namun hingga saat ini masih belum dihasilkan kesepakatan tentang prospek penggunan paduan tersebut sebagai pengganti paduan U-Si.Pada tahun 2012 telah dilakukan :• Fabrikasi dan pengujian kualitas, koordinasi dan

evaluasi awal data desain elemen bakar untuk analisis keselamatan uji iradiasi

• Koordinasi dan evaluasi lanjutan data fabrikasi dan kendali kualitas, serta penyusunan dokumen analisis keselamatan

• Koordinasi dan finalisasi penyusunan dokumen analisis keselamatan dan perizinan ke BAPETEN.

Rod Paduan Zirlo-Mo

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I.5.3.3. Development of Technology for Pre and Post Irradiation of Nuclear Fuel Testing

The process in development of nuclear fuel element technology very much needs information on the accurate results of the test data as a feedback for increasing mastery in the technical process or as information on the raw material characteristics which is used in the development process and the data from the results of post irradiation testing to give information regarding the performance of fuel in the reactor. The accuracy of the test results is influenced by : the suitable analysis/testing method to be used as a guideline in implementation of the testing, testing equipment which functions and calibrated, and availability of reference material to maintain tracing of the results of testing/analysis. The presence of several constraints in order to achieve good information data which are caused by the lack of standard methods for testing/analysis, testing process equipment and lack in availability of reference materials. In order to overcome this problem, the activities conducted are : development of technology in pre irradiation of nuclear fuel element testing, the testing method developed to conduct chemical analysis of the main elements and contaminating elements, towards the Umo and Uzr alloy fuel, microstructural analysis and pulling strength testing.In the year 2012 the activities conducted are :• Sample taking and preparation, taking of test data,

procurement process and improvement• Analysis of data processor as well as improvement

process and functional testing

I.5.4. Analysis of Nanoparticles and Nanofluid Thermophysics Characterization as Coolant Material of the Reactor System

I.5.4.1. Analysis and synthesis of nanoparticle powder for nanofluid (phase 2) : analysis of ZrO2 nanoparticle ceramic powder from results of the technical process of precipitation/co-precipitation from local materials

Nanofluids are mixture of nanoparticles with fluid like water which forms a stable suspension. This research is a continuation from the previous research which is synthesis and analysis of ZrO2 and ZrO2-MgO nanoparticle powders with the solgel technique. The making of nanofluid from ZrO2 nanoparticles is used as another alternative for reactor coolant besides water. Nanofluid is used for increasing the coefficient of water fluid heat transfer with the aid of nano particles. The nanofluid must be made to remain suspended for a long time. The ZrOCl2.8H2O (ZOC) powder has successfully been obtained by caustic fusion of local Zircon sand. From the ZOC powder obtained successfully, ZrO2 nanoparticle has successfully been synthesized by

the method of precipitation at a calcination temperature of 700-8000C. ZrO2 powder is taken because it has a low neutron profile which makes possible the use in the primary cooling system. The nanoparticle powder obtained, has good characteristics, which among them have crystallite measurement of 10 nm. From the ZrO2 nanoparticle powder obtained, a good nanofluid has successfully been made. The nanofluid made from calcinated powder at 7000C is relatively stable which is shown by the lowering of the nanofluid surface which is only 15% of the initial height after observation for 10 days and the level of the potential zeta is 47 mV.

I.5.4.2. Analysis of influence of nanoparticle concentration and temperature of nanofluid on steel corrosion as a material for heat transfer (phase 2) : analysis of steel alloy corrosion rate in a water-ZrO2 nanofluid medium as a work fluid with varying temperatures

The research conducted is toward the influence of temperature with the concentration of 0.01% weight of ZrO2 nano particles which is added as a coolant media towards corrosion of SS 304 stainless steel alloy and zirconium using the polarization technique. The selection of the ZrO2 nanoparticle is because it has a low neutron absorption area. Addition of nanoparticle to the coolant medium will influence the rate of corrosion and erosion of metal alloys. The increase of corrosion rate is because ZrO2 has a high thermal conductivity compared to water therefore the increase in temperature will increase conductivity of ZrO2, and also increase the electric conductivity thereby increasing the corrosion rate. From the results of research conducted, it shows that the macro-structure of SS 304 alloy has relatively not been changed after conducting polarization. The results of measurement of the potency from the aspect of thermodynamics, it shows that SS 304 will be actively corroded in a nanofluid medium which contains ZrO2 nanoparticles. From the kinetics aspect, the results of polarization testing shows that the corrosion rate is relatively low. The results of corrosion testing

The Operation Process of Stirer Machine

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I.5.3.3. Pengembangan Teknologi Pengujian Bahan Bakar Nuklir Pra dan Pasca Iradiasi

Proses pengembangan teknologi elemen bakar nuklir sangat membutuhkan informasi data hasil pengujian yang akurat sebagai umpan balik untuk peningkatan penguasaan teknik proses atau sebagai informasi karakter bahan baku yang digunakan dalam proses pengembangan dan data hasil pengujian pasca irradiasi untuk memberikan informasi tentang unjuk kerja bahan bakar di reaktor. Keakuratan hasil pengujian dipengaruhi oleh : metode analisis/pengujian yang sesuai untuk digunakan sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan pengujian, peralatan pengujian yang berfungsi dan terkalibrasi, dan tersedianya bahan acuan untuk menjaga ketertelusran hasil pengujian/analisis. Adanya beberapa kendala untuk dapat menghasilkan data informasi baik yang disebabkan oleh kurang tersedianya metode baku untuk pengujian/analisis, peralatan proses pengujian dan kurang tersediannya bahan acuan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, maka dilakukan kegiatan-kegiatan: pengembangan teknologi pengujian elemen bakar nuklir pra iradiasi, metode pengujian yang dikembangkan untuk melakukan analisis kimia unsur utama dan unsur pengotor, dalam bahan bakar paduan Umo dan Uzr, analisis mikrostruktur dan uji tarik.Pada tahun 2012 telah dilakukan :• Pengambilan dan penyiapan sampel, pengambilan data

pengujian, proses pengadaan dan perbaikan• Pengolah data analisis serta proses perbaikan dan uji


I.5.4. Analisis nanopartikel dan Karakterisasi Termofisika Nanofluida sebagai Bahan Pendingin Sistem Reaktor

I.5.4.1. Analisis dan sintesis serbuk nanopartikel untuk nanofluida (tahap 2) : analisis serbuk keramik ZrO2 nanopartikel dari bahan lokal hasil proses teknik presipitasi / kopresipitasi

Nanofluida adalah campuran serbuk nanopartikel dengan fluida seperti air yang membentuk suspensi yang stabil. Penelitian ini adalah kelanjutan dari penelitian sebelumnya yaitu sintesis dan analisis serbuk ZrO2 dan ZrO2-MgO nanopartikel dengan teknik solgel. Pembuatan nanofluida dari nanopartikel ZrO2 yang digunakan sebagai alternatif lain untuk pendingin reaktor selain air. Nano fluida digunakan untuk meningkatkan koefisien perpindahan panas fluida air dengan bantuan nano partikel. Nano fluida yang dibuat harus tidak mengendap untuk kurun waktu yg lama. Serbuk ZrOCl2.8H2O (ZOC) telah berhasil diperoleh dengan fusi kaustik dari pasir zirkon lokal. Dari serbuk ZOC yang diperoleh telah berhasil disintesis nanopartikel ZrO2

dengan metode presipitasi pada suhu kalsinasi 700-8000C. Serbuk ZrO2 diambil karena mempunyai tampang neutron yang rendah yang memungkinkan penggunaan di sistem pendingin primer. Serbuk nanopartikel yang diperoleh mempunyai karakteristik yang baik diantaranya mempunyai ukuran kristalit sebesar 10 nm. Dari serbuk nanopartikel ZrO2 yang diperoleh telah berhasil dibuat nanofluida yang baik. Nanofluida yang dibuat dari serbuk hasil kalsinasi 7000C relatif stabil yang diperlihatkan oleh penurunan permukaan nanofluida yang hanya sebesar 15 % dari tinggi awal setelah pengamatan 10 hari dan harga zeta potensial sebesar 47 mV.

I.5.4.2. Analisis pengaruh konsentrasi nanopartikel dan suhu nanofluida pada korosi baja sebagai bahan pemindah panas (tahap 2) : analisis laju korosi paduan baja di dalam medium nanofluida air-ZrO2 sebagai fluida kerja dengan suhu yang bervariasi

Penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalah pengaruh temperatur dengan konsentrasi partikel nano ZrO2 0.01% berat yang ditambahkan sebagai media pendingin terhadap korosi pada paduan baja tahan karat SS 304 dan zirkonium menggunakan teknik polarisasi. Dipilihnya partikel nano ZrO2 karena mempunyai luas serapan neutron yang rendah. Penambahan nanopartikel pada media pendingin akan mempengaruhi laju korosi dan erosi pada paduan logam. Naiknya laju korosi disebabkan ZrO2 mempunyai konduktivitas termal yg tinggi dibanding air maka naiknya suhu akan meningkatkan konduktivitas ZrO2 juga akan menaikkan konduktivitas listriknya sehingga akan meningkatkan laju korosi. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa makrostruktur SS 304 paduan relatif tidak berubah setelah dilakukan polarisasi. Hasil pengukuran potensial dari aspek termodinamika menunjukkan bahwa SS 304 akan terkorosi aktif dalam media nanofluida yang berisi nanopartikel ZrO2. Dari aspek kinetika hasil pengujian polarisasi menunjukkan bahwa laju korosi relatif rendah. Hasil pengujian korosi dengan teknik polarisasi menunjukkan bahwa naiknya temperatur pada nanofluida dari suhu kamar sampai 50oC akan menaikkan laju korosi baja dan zirkaloy-4. Dari komponen kegiatan ini telah diperoleh data karakterisasi

Penggunaan mesin pengaduk otomatis

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empirical correlation of heat transfer convection of the vertical small-tubing with square geometry, pure water and water-ZrO2 nanofluid of local material as a working fluid. The concentration of nanoparticles in the solution used is 0.05%, an empirical correlation formula is obtained for the vertical small-tubing with a triangular geometry whereas Nu = 16, 2256(Ra.Dh/x)0,0696 and the vertical sub-tubing with square geometry is Nu = 10,0971 (Ra.Dh/x)0,0702. From the components of this activity, obtained are the data analysis results, calculation and development of the correlation of forced heat transfer convection of the vertical small-tubing in square arrangement.

with polarization techniques shows that the increase in temperature of nanofluids from room temperature until 50oC will increase the corrosion rate of steel and zircalloy-4. From the components of this activity, characterization data has been obtained with an optical microscope, XRD and SEM-EDAX steel alloy and zirconium has been obtained from the results of corrosion testing in a nanofluid medium.

I.5.4.3. Analysis & Correlation of Heat Transfer for Water-ZrO2 Nanofluid of Local Material as a Working Fluid in Verticle Small-Tubing arranged in Triangles & Squares This research is conducted using the numerical and experimental approach. The numerical three dimensional analysis is used in optimizing design of test equipment, and experimental data obtained is used for developing an

Software and hardware for Heat Exchange Analysis and Correlation Experiment Tool

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dengan mikroskop optik, XRD dan SEM-EDAX paduan baja dan zirkonium hasil pengujian korosi dalam media nanofluid.

I.5.4.3. Analisis & Korelasi Perpindahan Panas untuk Nanofluida Air-ZrO2 Bahan Lokal sebagai Fluida Kerja dalam Subbuluh Vertikal Susunan Segitiga & Segiempat Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan numerik dan eksperimental. Analisis numerik tiga dimensi digunakan dalam optimalisasi perancangan perangkat uji, dan data eksperimen yang didapat digunakan untuk mengembangakan korelasi empiris perpindahan panas konveksi pada sub-buluh vertikal dengan geometri segiempat, air murni dan nanofluida air-ZrO2 bahan lokal sebagai fluida kerja. Konsentrasi nanopartikel dalam larutan yang digunakan adalah sebesar 0,05%, diperoleh

persamaan korelasi empiriknya untuk sub-buluh vertikal dengan geometri segitiga Nu = 16, 2256(Ra.Dh/x)0,0696 dan sub-buluh vertikal dengan geometri segiempat adalah Nu = 10,0971 (Ra.Dh/x)0,0702. Dari komponen kegiatan ini telah diperoleh hasil analisis data, perhitungan dan pengembangan korelasi perpindahan panas konveksi paksa pada sub-buluh vertikal susunan segiempat.

Pengoperasian aplikasi penghitung aliran perpindahan panas pada pemodelan teras reaktor

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I.6 Informatics

Batan has been developing a software for the nuclear science and technology management information system (SIMLIN), a software for simulation and computation of nuclear science and technology (KIN), giving services for scientific information and preserving the nuclear knowledge for the organization and public needs, as well as providing information technology infrastructure for e-government.In the year 2012 several SIMLIN software as well as simulation and nuclear science and technology computation softwares have been produced. Besides producing new software, several modules were added and functions in fulfilling the need towards several softwares that are already in possession. The results of the activities in the year 2012, are:1. Software for the Nuclear Science and Technology Management Information System (SIMLIN)a. Software e-LAKIP which is a form of adding modules

which are implemented into the software of the Research-development-engineering Management Information System (SIPL). Through the application of e-LAKIP, Batan possesses a database of the LAKIP document of the Work Unit of Echelon II in Batan as well as the LAKIP document of Batan from the year 2010. Besides that, through this application also a database is obtained for the Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan (RKT), Determination of Performance (PK), IKU, as well as Achievement of Quarterly PK for the Batan level and Work Unit of Echelon II. From now on, the development will be conducted on the automization side in making LAKIP of Echelon II Work Unit through the web media with the objective for standardizing and simplifying the contents, easier in working out and submitting of the LAKIP, as well as reducing paper work as a form of commitment of Batan

in saving the environment.b. The adding of several new modules to the software for

the Information System regarding Letters Management (SITP). The SITP is one of the applications from the results of development of Batan to support the office automatization information system. The addition of the modules conducted are for Memorandum, Concept Letters, Pre-concept letters, as well as addition of users as daily implementers (PIh). Through SITP, the sending of letters whether they are Official Letters as well as Memorandums, could be conducted electronically. Therefore, the sending time would be faster as well as reducing the use of paper. SITP also gives a control function on the side of the sender in conducting tracing to the electronic letter that has been sent. The concept in disposition of letters is conducted stepwise, wherever and whenever, as well as the disposition could directly determine who is the recipient or implementer of the disposition letter. SITP is a function for electronic official letters for all the employees of Batan.

c. The Software supporting the bureaucracy reformation is the application of the Employee Performance Information System (SIKAP). SIKAP is an application used by Batan in managing information on the competency of employees and simultaneously in web based employee performance evaluation. Through SIKAP, the leaders could conduct evaluation of performance of employees towards the employees of one level below them, wherever and whenever. Through SIKAP, the employees also have the possibility in defining the Work Target of Civil Servants every year, for the structural as well as the functional career. Previously Batan has already possessed the SIAPP software (Administration Information System for

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Batan mengembangkan perangkat lunak (software) sistem informasi manajemen iptek nuklir (SIMLIN), software simulasi dan komputasi iptek nuklir (KIN), memberikan layanan informasi ilmiah dan preservasi pengetahuan nuklir untuk kebutuhan organisasi dan publik, serta penyediaan infrastruktur teknologi informasi untuk e-government.Pada tahun 2012 telah dihasilkan beberapa software SIMLIN serta software simulasi dan komputasi iptek nuklir. Selain menghasilkan software baru, juga dilakukan penambahan beberapa modul dan fungsi sebagai bentuk penyempurnaan kebutuhan terhadap beberapa software yang telah dimiliki. Adapun hasil kegiatan di tahun 2012, yaitu :1. Perangkat Lunak Sistem Informasi Manajemen Iptek Nuklir (SIMLIN)a. Software e-LAKIP yang merupakan bentuk penambahan

modul yang diimplementasikan ke dalam software Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Litbangyasa (SIPL). Melalui aplikasi e-LAKIP, Batan memiliki database atas dokumen LAKIP Unit Kerja Eselon II di Batan serta dokumen LAKIP Batan dari tahun 2010. Selain itu, melalui aplikasi ini juga didapatkan database Rencana Strategis, Rencana Kinerja Tahunan (RKT), Penetapan Kinerja (PK), IKU, serta Capaian PK Triwulanan untuk tingkat Batan dan Unit Kerja Eselon II. Kedepannya, pengembangan akan dilakukan pada sisi otomatisasi pembuatan LAKIP Unit Kerja Eselon II melalui media web dengan tujuan untuk menyeragamkan dan menyederhanakan isi, mempermudah pengerjaan dan penyampaian LAKIP, serta mengurangi penggunaan kertas sebagai bentuk komitmen Batan dalam penyelamatan lingkungan.

b. Penambahan beberapa modul baru pada software Sistem Informasi Tata Persuratan (SITP). SITP merupakan salah satu aplikasi hasil pengembangan Batan untuk

mendukung sistem informasi otomasi perkantoran. Adapun penambahan modul yang dilakukan yaitu modul Memorandum, Konsep Surat, Pre-Konsep Surat, serta penambahan user Pelaksana Harian (Plh). Melalui SITP, penyampaian surat baik itu Nota Dinas maupun Memorandum, dapat dilakukan secara elektronik. Dengan demikian, waktu penyampaian akan lebih singkat serta mengurangi penggunaan kertas. SITP juga memberikan fungsi kontrol disisi pengirim dalam melakukan pelacakan (tracing) terhadap surat elektronik yang dikirimkan. Konsep pendisposisian surat dilakukan secara berjenjang, dimanapun dan kapanpun, serta pendisposisi dapat langsung menentukan siapa penerima atau pelaksana disposisi surat tersebut. SITP merupakan fungsi surat dinas elektronik bagi seluruh karyawan Batan.

c. Software pendukung reformasi birokrasi berupa aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kinerja Pegawai (SIKAP). SIKAP merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan oleh Batan dalam mengelola informasi kompetensi pegawai sekaligus dalam penilaian kinerja pegawai berbasis web. Melalui SIKAP, para pemimpin dapat melakukan penilaian kinerja terhadap pegawai setingkat dibawahnya, dimanapun dan kapanpun. Melaui SIKAP, para pegawai juga dimungkinkan untuk mendefinisikan Sasaran Kerja PNS (SKP) personal tiap tahunnya, baik untuk jenjang struktural maupun fungsional. Sebelumnya Batan telah memiliki software SIAPP (Sistem Informasi Administrasi Presensi Pegawai), yaitu aplikasi sistem informasi berbasis web yang dapat digunakan untuk mengolah data kehadiran dan keberadaan pegawai di tempat kerja di Batan.

I.6 Informatika

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the Attendance of Employees) which is a web based information system application which could be used for processing data on the attendance and whereabouts of the employees in the work place in Batan.

2. Software for Simulation and Computation of Nuclear Science and Technology (KIN)a. Software for analysis of stress distribution with the form

of an MEH based two dimension linear axisymmetrical elements (Finite Element Method). Development of this software is used for calculation of two dimensional stress distribution with the element method based axisymmetrical element form up until the strength analysis of material based on the distribution of stress produced.

b. The Software is integrated for analysis of the structural stress of nuclear fuel based on the neutronic and thermal hydraulic calculations. This software is a development of integrated software which combines the application of the VSOP (Very Superior Old Programs) and FEMAS (Finite Element Method Analysis). The application of VSOP is an application which is used in calculation of neutronic and thermal hydraulic parameters of reactor fuel in the form of balls/kernels, whereas the application of FEMAS is an application which is used for structural calculations. Through integration of the two applications into a software makes possible to :

c. Conduct calculations of neutronic and thermal hydraulic analysis as well as the structural analysis of nuclear fuel in one integrated interface.

d. Software analysis for uncertainty and sensitivity of nuclear fuel isotope depletion calculations. The development of this software was started since the year before, and in the year 2012 the development was stressed on input parameter uncertainty analysis code in depletion/burn-up calculations. Through development of this software, sensitivity analysis could be conducted to see the influence of burn-up calculations with the inclusion of the input parameter uncertainty from the temperature, fuel density, and coolant density.

e. Software paralel system calculation of the eigen value in parallel. This application is a development of paralel software for application of the Eigen value and the Eigen vector in a mulitgroup equation. The utilization of this application is in resolving reactor safety issues in the case of criticallity and distribution of neutron flux, using the Eigen value power iteration (householder deflation) method.

3. Scientific Information Service and Preservation of Nuclear Knowledge. a. Activities in revitalization of nuclear science and

technology scientific information disemination. In the year 2012, activities which were conducted were disemination of the nuclear science and technology to 2 universities, the Tadulako State University (UNTAD) – Palu, and the Nuclear Technology School of Higher Learning (STTN) – Yogyakarta. Besides that, also conducted were digitalization of 5 scientific document packages of the results of nuclear science and technology R&D as well as sending of nuclear science and technology scientific article bibliography data of 158 records to the INIS base data (International Nuclear Information System) owned by IAEA. And the final one is the development of the Batan E-Journal website which contains juornals from the results of research and development of Batan.

b. Library Management System. In this activity, modification is conducted to the application of LARAS (Library and Archives Analysis System) which is used in the input process and tracing of Batan proceeding data, as well as the application of “SENAYAN” (Software for open source library management system which is licensed under GPL v3). The two applications is modified and integrated so that it could be adopted in the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) service and circulation of Batan library.

c. The application model of the nuclear knlowledge management in Batan. In this activity making a design of a knowledge portal for Batan is being conducted which shall consist of repository of explicit knowledge, list of experts (expert directory), community of practices, and administration management.

4. Implementation of Open Source Software (OSS) in Batan, in the form of OSS training for employees in Batan.

Batan also continues to develop the Batan website (, which is one of the media of Batan for providing information to the public.

In meeting the Law Number 14 Year 2008 regarding Openness of Public Information (UU KIP), Batan has formed an organization which manages information and documentation of the National Nuclear Energy Agency by Decision of the Head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency Number 1811/KA/IX/2012 regarding the Organization for Management of Information and Documentation of the National Nuclear Energy Agency.

In the year 2012 in connection with the implementation of KIP, Batan has obtained the third award for two categories, which is for the information which is obliged to be announced and information services which are available at any time.

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2. Perangkat Lunak Simulasi dan Komputasi Iptek Nuklir (KIN)a. Software analisis distribusi tegangan (stress) dengan

bentuk elemen axisymetrik linier berdimensi dua berbasis MEH (Metode Elemen Hingga). Pengembangan perangkat lunak ini digunakan untuk perhitungan distribusi tegangan berdimensi dua dengan bentuk elemen axisymetrik berbasis metoda elemen hingga untuk menganalisis kekuatan bahan/material berdasarkan distribusi tegangan yang dihasilkan.

b. Software terintegrasi untuk analisis tegangan struktur bahan bakar nuklir berdasarkan perhitungan neutronik dan termal hidrolik. Software ini merupakan pengembangan perangkat lunak integrasi yang menggabungkan aplikasi VSOP (Very Superior Old Programs) dan FEMAS (Finite Element Method Analysis). Aplikasi VSOP merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan dalam perhitungan parameter neutronik dan termal hidrolik pada bahan bakar reaktor bentuk bola/kernel, sedangkan aplikasi FEMAS merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk perhitungan struktural. Melalui pengintegrasian kedua aplikasi ini kedalam sebuah software memungkinkan untuk

c. melakukan perhitungan analisis neutronik dan termal hidrolik serta analisis struktur dari bahan bakar nuklir dalam satu antar-muka (interface) terpadu.

d. Software analisis ketidakpastian dan sensitivitas pada perhitungan deplesi isotop bahan bakar nuklir. Pengembangan software ini telah dimulai sejak tahun lalu, dan di tahun 2012 pengembangan ditekankan pada code analisis ketidakpastian parameter input pada perhitungan deplesi/burn-up. Melalui pengembangan software ini dapat dilakukan analisis sensitivitas untuk melihat pengaruh pada perhitungan burn-up dengan menyertakan ketidakpastian parameter input dari temperatur, fuel density, dan coolant density.

e. Software sistem paralelisasi perhitungan nilai eigen secara paralel. Aplikasi ini merupakan pengembangan perangkat lunak paralel penerapan nilai Eigen dan vektor Eigen dalam persamaan multigrup. Pemanfaatan aplikasi ini adalah dalam penyelesaian masalah keselamatan reaktor dalam hal kritikalitas dan distribusi fluks neutron, menggunakan metode Eigen value power iteration (householder deflasi).

3. Layanan Informasi Ilmiah dan Preservasi Pengetahuan Nuklir. a. Kegiatan revitalisasi bahan diseminasi informasi ilmiah

iptek nuklir. Di tahun 2012, kegiatan yang dilakukan

adalah pendiseminasian sistem informasi ilmiah iptek nuklir pada 2 perguruan tinggi, yaitu Universitas Negeri Tadulako (UNTAD) – Palu dan Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir (STTN) – Yogyakarta. Selain itu, juga dilakukan pendigitalisasian 5 paket dokumen ilmiah hasil litbang iptek nuklir serta pengiriman data bibliografi artikel-artikel ilmiah iptek nuklir sejumlah 158 records ke basis data INIS (International Nuclear Information System) milik IAEA. Dan yang terakhir adalah pengembangan website E-Jurnal Batan yang berisikan jurnal-jurnal hasil litbang Batan.

b. Library Management System. Pada kegiatan ini dilakukan modifikasi terhadap aplikasi LARAS (Library and Archives Analysis System) yang dipergunakan dalam proses input dan penelusuran data prosiding Batan, serta aplikasi “SENAYAN” (perangkat lunak sistem manajemen perpustakaan sumber terbuka yang dilisensikan di bawah GPL v3). Kedua aplikasi tersebut dimodifikasi dan diintegrasikan agar dapat diadopsi dalam layanan OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) dan sirkulasi perpustakaan Batan.

c. Model penerapan nuclear knowledge management di Batan. Pada kegiatan ini dilakukan pembuatan rancangan knowledge portal untuk Batan yang terdiri dari repositori explicit knowledge, list of experts (expert directory), community of practices, dan pengelolaan admin.

4. Implementasi Open Source Software (OSS) di Batan, dalam bentuk pelatihan OSS bagi pegawai di lingkungan Batan.

Batan juga terus mengembangkan website Batan (, yang merupakan salah satu media bagi Batan untuk menyediakan informasi bagi publik .

Memenuhi Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (UU KIP), Batan telah membentuk organisasi yang mengelola informasi dan dokumentasi Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional dengan Keputusan Kepala Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional Nomor 1811/KA/IX/2012 tentang Organisasi Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional.

Pada tahun 2012 terkait pelaksanaan KIP, Batan mendapat penghargaan ke tiga untuk dua kategori, yaitu informasi yang wajib diumumkan dan pelayanan informasi yang tersedia setiap saat.

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Log-in page for SIAKIP module

Development of Batan’s nuclear knowledge Application

Office-Automation Information System Application (SIKAP)

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Software Untuk Analisis Distribusi Tegangan

Pengembangan Sistem Komputasi Kluster - Monitor Proses pada Master Kluster

Software Analisis Ketidakpastian - Output MCNPX

Software Terintegrasi untuk Analisis Tegangan - Tampilan awal aplikasi FEMAS

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I.7 Dissemination of Nuclear Science and Technology

I.7.1. Socialization of Nuclear Science and Technology

The policy for disemination of the results of research-development-engineering of nuclear science and technology of Batan is conducted through Public Information, Public Education, and Utilization of the results of research-development-engineering in the region. Disemination and socialization of nuclear science and technology is directed to the community to understand nuclear science and technology as a whole. Various means and methods which are used among others are through seminars, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, publications, interactive dialogue on radio and TV, and so on, with the participants of the activities coming from students, teachers, public in general, Islamic boarding schools, employees from government institutions up until farmer/animal breeder groups. On the other hand, Batan also systematically is giving efforts to build a strong network among the institutions, the executive, legislative, academician, NGO and the general public through media campaign, stakeholder development, community empowerment, and measurement of public acceptance towards nuclear science and technology.

In order to know how far the response and knowledge of the general public regarding nuclear science and technology, an evaluation activity is needed against the level of acceptance of the community towards the results of research-development-engineering of nuclear science and technology. This activity is in the form of a public opinion survey which the results could represent the acceptance of the public in general towards nuclear science and technology. This activity is conducted on a national scale which could represent the opinion of the public which are in the islands of

Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Bali, considering that these regions will become the consumer targets of NPP. The public opinion survey activity is an implementation of the evaluation of the level of acceptance towards nuclear science and technology which has been stipulated in the Strategic Planning of Batan for 2010-2014.

In the year 2012 a nuclear science and technology public opinion survey had been conducted by an independent institution, which is PT. Andira Karya Persada, dated 7 - 21 October 2012 with respondents numbering 5,000 people spread out covering 33 Provinces.

The technique in drawing samples which are used is a combination of random multistage sampling and simple random sampling. This technique is used so that the variability and probability is equally represented in the sample point drawing and the respondents. In whole, the number of respondents in this survey is 5,000 respondents, which are distributed based on the category of the public opinion location, which are (i) 3,000 respondents for national opinion survey with a margin of error (MoE) of 1,8%; (ii) 1,000 respondents for the area of Bangka-Belitung Province with a MoE of 3,2%; and (iii) 1,000 respondents in the cluster areas which consist of areas which have had previous experiences in public opinion survey, with an MoE of 3,2%. The MoE value in this public opinion survey is determined by the confidence level of 95%.

From the results of the public opinion survey, obtained is the level of acceptance of the community towards the development of NPP in Indonesia, which is: 52,93% agree, 24,23% do not agree, and 22,84% answered they don’t know.

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I.7 Diseminasi Iptek Nuklir

I.7.1. Sosialisasi Iptek Nuklir

Kebijakan diseminasi hasil litbangyasa iptek nuklir Batan dilakukan melalui Public Information, Public Education, dan Pemanfaatan hasil litbangyasa di daerah. Diseminasi dan sosialisasi iptek nuklir ditujukan kepada masyarakat untuk memahami iptek nuklir seutuhnya. Berbagai sarana dan metoda yang digunakan antara lain melalui seminar, ceramah, workshop, pameran, penerbitan publikasi, dialog interaktif di radio dan TV, dan sebagainya, dengan peserta kegiatan berasal dari kalangan siswa, guru, masyarakat umum, pondok pesantren, pegawai dinas/instansi, hingga kelompok tani/ternak. Di sisi lain, Batan secara sistematis juga berusaha untuk membangun jejaring yang erat antara lembaga eksekutif, legislatif, akademisi, LSM dan masyarakat umum melalui media campaign, pengembangan stakeholder, pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan pengukuran penerimaan masyarakat terhadap iptek nuklir.

Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tanggapan dan pengetahuan masyarakat umum tentang iptek nuklir dan pemanfaatannya, diperlukan suatu kegiatan evaluasi tingkat penerimaan masyarakat terhadap hasil litbangyasa iptek nuklir. Kegiatan tersebut berupa jajak yang hasilnya dapat merepresentasikan penerimaan masyarakat secara umum terhadap iptek nuklir. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara nasional yang dapat merepresentasikan pendapat masyarakat yang terdapat di pulau Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Bali, mengingat daerah-daerah inilah yang nantinya akan menjadi target konsumen listrik dari PLTN. Kegiatan jajak pendapat tersebut merupakan

impelementasi evaluasi tingkat penerimaan terhadap iptek nuklir yang telah ditetapkan dalam Renstra Batan 2010-2014.Pada tahun 2012 telah dilakukan jajak pendapat iptek nuklir yang dilaksanakan oleh lembaga independen, yaitu PT. Andira Karya Persada, tanggal 7 - 21 Oktober 2012 dengan sebaran responden sebanyak 5.000 orang yang meliputi 33 Provinsi.

Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah kombinasi penarikan acak bertingkat (multistage sampling) dan acak sederhana (simple random sampling). Teknik ini digunakan agar variabilitas dan probabilitas terwakili sama dalam penarikan sample point dan responden. Secara keseluruhan, jumlah responden dalam survei ini adalah 5.000 responden, yang didistribusikan berdasarkan kategori lokasi jajak pendapat, yaitu (i) 3.000 responden untuk jajak pendapat nasional dengan margin of error (MoE) 1,8%; (ii) 1.000 responden untuk wilayah Provinsi Bangka-Belitung dengan MoE 3,2%; dan (iii) 1.000 responden wilayah klaster yang terdiri dari wilayah yang pernah dilakukan jajak pendapat sebelumnya, dengan MoE 3,2%. Nilai MoE dalam jajak pendapat ini ditentukan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%.

Dari hasil jajak pendapat tersebut diperoleh tingkat penerimaan masyarakat terhadap pembangunan PLTN di Indonesia, yaitu: 52,93% setuju, 24,23% tidak setuju, dan 22,84% menjawab tidak tahu.

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I.7.2. Utilization of the Results of R&D of Nuclear Science and Technology (PHLIN) in the Year 2012

The Program in Utilization of the Results of R&D in Nuclear Science and Technology which at the beginning was named the Regional Program for Disemination of Science and Technology, with the purpose to disseminate the results of research and development of nuclear science and technology which is proven to the public with the orientation to the demand driven of the regional needs, for assisting the government in increasing the welfare of the people. This program involves participation of the people in the region including schools of higher learning, small and medium enterprises and cooperatives, as well as the local regional government. Through this program, technology transfer process is conducted by giving preference to the local resources and at the same time increase the understanding of the people regarding nuclear science and technology and its application in various fields for the welfare. In this year of 2012, PHLIN is conducted in the field of food

(agriculture and animal husbandry), with 21 Batan partner institutions which are:

1. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Syiah Kuala, Aceh2. Agriculture Office, Regency of Mandailing Natal, North


3. Research Institution, University of Andalas, West Sumatera

4. Institution for Serving to the Public, University of Jambi, Jambi

5. Agriculture Office, Fisheries and Forestry, City of Palembang, South Sumatera

6. Agriculture Office, Plantation and Forestry, Regency of Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera

7. Agriculture Office, Regency of Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatera

8. Food Plant and Horticulture Office, Regency of Musi Rawas, South Sumatera

9. Research Institution and Serving to the Public, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten

10. Agriculture and Forestry Office, Regency of Bogor, West Java

11. Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Office, Regency of Kebumen, Central Java

12. Agriculture, Plantation, and Forestry Office, Regency of Purbalingga, Central Java

13. Agriculture, Fisheries, and Animal Husbandry Office, Regency of Banjarnegara, Central Java

14. Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Office, Regency of Jepara, Central Java

15. Agriculture Office, Regency of Jember, East Java

Level of Acceptance of the People Towards Development of NPP

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I.7.2. Pemanfaatan Hasil Litbang Iptek Nuklir (PHLIN) Tahun 2012

Program Pemanfaatan Hasil Litbang Iptek Nuklir (PHLIN) yang pada awalnya bernama program diseminasi Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Daerah (Iptekda), bertujuan menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian dan pengembangan iptek nuklir yang sudah teruji (proven) ke masyarakat dengan berorientasi kepada tarikan kebutuhan daerah (demand driven), untuk membantu pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Program ini melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat di daerah termasuk perguruan tinggi, usaha kecil menengah dan koperasi, serta pemerintah daerah setempat. Melalui program ini dilakukan proses alih teknologi dengan mengutamakan sumberdaya lokal sekaligus meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat tentang iptek nuklir dan aplikasinya di berbagai bidang untuk kesejahteraan.Pada tahun 2012 ini, PHLIN dilaksanakan dalam bidang pangan (pertanian/peternakan), di 21 institusi mitra Batan yaitu:1. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh2. Dinas Pertanian, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumut3. Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Andalas, Sumbar4. Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas

Jambi, Jambi

5. Dinas Pertanian, Perikanan dan Kehutanan, Kota Palembang, Sumsel

6. Dinas Pertanian, Perkebunan dan Kehutanan, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumsel

7. Dinas Pertanian, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumsel8. Dinas Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura, Kabupaten

Musi Rawas, Sumsel9. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat,

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten10. Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan, Kabupaten Bogor, Jabar11. Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Kabupaten Kebumen,

Jateng12. Dinas Pertanian, Perkebunan, dan Kehutanan, Kabupaten

Purbalingga, Jateng13. Dinas Pertanian, Perikanan , dan Peternakan, Kabupaten

Banjarnegara, Jateng14. Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Kabupaten Jepara,

Jateng15. Dinas Pertanian, Kabupaten Jember, Jatim16. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura,

Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali17. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura,

Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat18. Dinas Pertanian, Kabupaten Maros, Sulsel19. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat,

Universitas Hasanuddin, Sulsel

Jajak pendapat di Boyolali

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1 Regency of Jepara Village of Jerukwangi, District of Bangsri, Regency of Jepara, dated 18 July 2012. The results of Bestari paddy variety amounting to 8,3 Tons per hectare

2. Regency of Bogor Village of Sinargalih, District of Jonggol, Regency of Bogor, dated 2 August 2012. The results of Mira-1 paddy variety harvest is 9.9 tons/ha and Inpari Sidenuk amounting to 8.6 tons/ha.

3. Regency of Ogan Komer-ing Ilir

Village of Sungai Belida, District of Lempuing Jaya, Regency of Ogan Komering Ilir, Dated 18 July 2012. The results of the Bestari paddy variety amounting to 5 tons/ha

4. Regency of Kebumen Village of Kedungwaru, District of Karangsambung, Kebumen, dated 30 August 2012. The results of the Inpari Sidenuk paddy variety amounting to 9.28 tons per hectare.

5. Province of Banten Village of Pekayon, diatrict of Sukadiri, Regency of Tangerang, dated 12 September 2012. The results of the Mira-1 paddy variety amounts to 12 tons/ha and Inpari Sidenuk 10.4 tons/ha

6. Regency of Musi Rawas Village of P1 Mardiharjo, District of Purwodadi, regency of Musi Rawas, dated 18 September 2012

7. Province of Aceh Village of Aneuk Glee, District of Indrapuri, Regency of Greater Aceh, dated 3 October 2012. The results of harvest of the paddy variety Inpari Sidenuk and Mira-1, amounting to 8.4 and 8.1 tons/ha respectively.

8. Nusa Tenggara Barat Village of Toya, District of Aik Mei, Regency of East Lombok dated 11 October 2012. The prod-uct results of the Bestari paddy variety harvest amounting to 7 tons/ha.

9. Regency of Jember Village of Karangsono, District of Bangsalsari, Regency of Jember dated 16 October 2012. The results of productivity of the Mitani soybean variety reached 3 tons/ha.

10. Province of Banten Harvest of nila fish and catfish growing with fish feed stimulants of Batan in the Village of Sumur Bandung, District of Jayanti, Regency of Tangerang, dated 30 October 2012.

11. Province of South Kaliman-tan

Technology Disemination of Batan and Agriculture Training in the Village of Sei Riam, District of Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan dated 17 December 2012

16. Agriculture Office for Food Plants and Horticulture, Regency of Tabanan, Bali

17. Agriculture Office for Food Plants and Horticulture, Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat

18. Agriculture Office, Regency of Maros, South Sulawesi19. Institution for Research and for Serving the Public,

University of Hasanuddin, South Sulawesi20. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tanjungpura, West

Kalimantan21. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lambung Mangkurat,

South KalimantanIn the field of agriculture, Batan has introduced superior rice paddies as well as soybean varieties from results of R&D of Batan. The planting area of the rice paddy planting in the year 2012 had reached 1,680 Ha whereas for soybean, it has reached 60 Ha. Whereas the activities in the field of animal husbandry is in the treatment in introducing feed supplement for a period of 4 – 6 months, by giving feed supplement to 180 cows, as well as growing the nila fish and

catfish with fish feed stimulants from Batan.

Activities for the Great Harvest, had been conducted in 10 PHLN partner regions, among them are the great harvest for rice paddy, great harvest for soybean, and harvest of fresh water fish.Other supporting activities which are the training activities in agriculture and animal husbandry, introduction of technology as well as socialization of nuclear science and technology and the results of research-development-engineering of Batan in various regions.In the frame of reporting progress in implementation of the 2012 PHLIN activities and to evaluate the achievement as well as constraints in implementation of the PHLIN activities, a PHLIN workshop was held for three days in Hotel Le Dian Serang, Banten on the date 6-8 November 2012. The workshop invited all of the PHLIN regional partners and researchers, producers of Batan technologies.

List of Great Harvest Activities

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20. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura, Kalbar21. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat,


Di bidang pertanian, Batan memperkenalkan varietas unggul padi serta kedelai hasil litbang Batan. Luas areal pertanaman padi pada tahun 2012 mencapai 1.680 Ha sedangkan untuk kedelai mencapai 60 Ha. Sedangkan kegiatan pada bidang peternakan berupa perlakuan pengenalan suplemen pakan selama 4 – 6 bulan, dengan pemberian suplemen pakan pada 180 ekor sapi, serta pembesaran ikan nila dan ikan lele dengan stimulan pakan ikan Batan.

Kegiatan panen raya, dilaksanakan di 10 daerah mitra PHLIN, diantaranya adalah panen raya padi, panen raya kedelai, dan panen ikan air tawar.

Kegiatan pendukung lainnya yaitu kegiatan pelatihan pertanian dan peternakan, pengenalan teknologi serta sosialisasi iptek nuklir dan hasil litbangyasa Batan di berbagai daerah.Dalam rangka melaporkan kemajuan pelaksanaan kegiatan PHLIN 2012 dan untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan serta hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan PHLIN, telah diselenggarakan Lokakarya PHLIN selama tiga hari di Hotel Le Dian Serang, Banten pada tanggal 6-8 November 2012. Lokakarya tersebut menghadirkan seluruh mitra daerah PHLIN dan para peneliti penghasil teknologi Batan.

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Annual Report92 BATAN 2012

I.7.3. Partnership in Nuclear Technology

In increasing the utilization or commercialization of the nuclear science and technology research-deveopment-engineering products, it is necessary to conduct indentification and inventory of the market needs, and further conduct collaboration or cooperation with commercial partners therefore a network system is formed which synergizes with each other and capable of accelerating the dissemination of the research-development-engineering products. The partnership scheme that shall be created must be capable of ensuring that the product of research-development-engineering shall have an economic value, therefore giving an added value in development of the regional economy. The partnership scheme shows a real role of Batan in supporting the national development program and to increase the quality of life of the people.

With the existence of the regional autonomy at this time, there are many regional governments that are trying to conduct breakthroughs by having cooperation with R&D institutions that have a superior product in its efforts to realize a regional independency. Another breakthrough is to conduct innovation towards the local products to be more superior and able to compete with ouside/froreign products. On the other hand, Batan also needs to have cooperation with commercial partners in the frame of conducting market penetration of the nuclear science and technology research-development-engineering products. With the right partnership scheme, Batan has been able to conduct continual guidance to new entrepreneurs therefore acquiring independency, able to produce in commercial scale and have competitive value.

Form of PartnershipThere are several cooperation schemes that are created at this time with working partners which is adjusted to the research-development-engineering products being the scope, which among others are :1) A tripartite cooperation scheme, conducted between the

owner of technology (Batan) and the regulation holder in the region (Regional Government) and user of the technology (INVESTOR). The cooperation scheme usually is conducted for the results of the research-development-engineering in the field of industry, where Batan has the expertise in the irradiator field (for preservation/sterilization of food material) which shall be established by the Regional Government in cooperation with INVESTOR in its development.

2) The bipartite cooperation scheme, is conducted between the owner of technology (Batan) with the user of technology (SERVICE PROVIDER). This cooperation usually is conducted for nuclear science and technology

research-development-engineering results in the field of health, where Batan produces a product which will be used by Hospitals in treating patients.

3) The commercial cooperation scheme, is conducted between the owner of technology (Batan) with the user of technology (PRIVATE/STATE OWNED/COOPERATIVES. This cooperation usually is conducted for results of nuclear science and technology research-development-engineering which are technologically proven, whereas Batan produces a product which will be commercially produced by the working partner.

All the cooperation schemes are marked by a signing of a cooperation agreement between the parties involved.

I.7.3.1. Partnership in the Field of Industry

With the rapid growth of technology in the field of Industry especially technology from abroad, the Nuclear Science and Development R&D Products specifically in the field of industry very much need technology innovations, in order to be able to compete and be useful for resolving industrial issues, specifically the food industry which currently is very much needed in support of one of the programs of the government in facing “The National Food Resilience“. Through policies of Batan, which is to optimize the empowerment of the results of research- development-engineering of Batan through cooperation activities with commercial partners or the regional government, by conducting seminars, get-togethers and other activities in order to increase the network in utilization of the results of the research-development-engineering of Batan to promote growth of the national economy.

Partner Gathering - Yogyakarta 29-31 Mei 2012

MoU signaturing between Batan and the Local Goverment of South Sulawesi

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untuk hasil litbangyasa iptek nuklir yang sudah teruji (proven technology), dimana Batan menghasilkan suatu produk yang akan diproduksi secara komersil oleh mitra kerja.

Semua pola kerja sama ditandai dengan adanya penandatanganan perjanjian kerja sama antara para pihak yang terlibat.

I.7.3.1. Kemitraan di Bidang Industri

Dengan perkembangan teknologi dibidang industri yang pesat terutama dari teknologi luar, Produk Litbang Iptek Nuklir khususnya dibidang Industri sangat diperlukan inovasi-inovasi teknologi, sehingga dapat bersaing dan berdayaguna untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan industri, khususnya industri makanan yang saat ini sangat dibutuhkan dalam menunjang salah satu program pemerintah menghadapi “Ketahanan Pangan Nasional“. Dengan kebijakan Batan, yaitu untuk mengoptimalkan pendayagunaan hasil litbangyasa Batan melalui kegiatan kerja sama dengan mitra komersial atau pemerintah daerah yaitu dengan melakukan kegiatan seminar, sarasehan dan lain lain guna meningkatkan jejaring dalam pemanfaatan hasil litbangyasa Batan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.

I.7.3. Kemitraan Teknologi Nuklir

Dalam meningkatkan pemanfaatan atau komersialisasi produk litbangyasa iptek nuklir perlu dilakukan identifikasi dan inventarisasi kebutuhan pasar, selanjutnya dilakukan kolaborasi atau kerja sama dengan mitra komersil sehingga terbentuk sistem jaringan kerja yang saling bersinergi dan mampu mengakselerasi penyebarluasan produk litbangyasa tersebut. Pola kemitraan yang dijalin harus mampu menjamin bahwa produk litbangyasa yang dimitrakan mempunyai nilai ekonomis, sehingga memberikan nilai tambah dalam pengembangan perekonomian daerah. Pola kemitraan ini menunjukan peran nyata dari Batan dalam mendukung program pembangunan nasional dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat.

Dengan adanya otonomi daerah saat ini, banyak pemerintah daerah yang berusaha melakukan terobosan dengan menjalin kerja sama dengan lembaga litbang yang mempunyai produk unggulan dalam upaya mewujudkan kemandirian daerah. Terobosan lain adalah melakukan inovasi terhadap produk lokal supaya lebih unggul dan mampu bersaing dengan produk luar. Di sisi lain, Batan juga membutuhkan jalinan kerja sama dengan mitra komersil dalam rangka melakukan penetrasi pasar bagi produk litbangyasa iptek nuklir. Dengan pola kemitraan yang tepat, Batan telah mampu melakukan pembinaan secara berkelanjutan kepada entrepreneur baru sehingga mandiri, mampu berproduksi dalam skala komersil dan mempunyai daya saing.

Bentuk KemitraanAda beberapa pola kerja sama yang dijalin saat ini dengan mitra kerja yang disesuaikan dengan produk litbangyasa yang dimitrakan, antara lain :1) Pola kerja sama tripartit, dilakukan antara pemilik

teknologi (Batan) dengan pemegang regulasi di daerah (PEMDA) dan pengguna teknologi (INVESTOR). Bentuk kerja sama ini biasanya dilakukan untuk hasil litbangyasa iptek nuklir bidang industri, dimana Batan mempunyai kepakaran di bidang iradiator (untuk pengawetan/sterilisasi bahan pangan) yang akan didirikan oleh PEMDA bekerja sama dengan INVESTOR dalam pembangunannya.

2) Pola kerja sama bipartit, dilakukan antara pemilik teknologi (Batan) dengan pengguna teknologi (PENYEDIA JASA). Kerja sama ini biasanya dilakukan untuk hasil litbangyasa iptek nuklir bidang kesehatan, dimana Batan menghasilkan suatu produk yang akan digunakan oleh Rumah Sakit untuk mengobati pasien.

3) Pola kerja sama komersil, dilakukan antara pemilik teknologi (Batan) dengan pengguna teknologi (SWASTA/BUMN/KOPERASI). Kerja sama ini biasanya dilakukan

Penandatanganan MoU dengan mitra dibidang Industri

Penandatanganan MoU pada acara Batan Agro Partner Club dengan sektor swasta

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Cooperation of Activities in the year 2012:- Batan with CV. Naufan Putra (exporter of food), in

Serang, Banten, in utilizing the Irradiator for preservation and sterilization of food material (white fish sate and melinjo crackers). Innovative superiority: storage period (preservation) of white fish sate could be increased from 2 days to become 1 month at room temperature.

- Batan together with the Government of Serang City in regard to Research, Development and Utilization of the Results of Nuclear Science and Technology R&D in the Field of Preservation of Food for the welfare of the people in Serang City.

I.7.3.2. Partnership in the Field of Health

The research and development and engineering which is conducted by Batan in the field of health/medical instrumentationthat has produced several nuclear medical equipment, of which have not yet shown real results in its utilization to the public, even though it has gone through clinical testing and feasible quality standards. This is due to the many regulations and requirements which must be implemented for example the registration, regulation, and permits for the product itself. However, even so, the utilization of the results of nuclear science and technology R&D in the field of health has already given good contribution to the field of medicine and health. The need of health instrumentation technology has increased in line with the awareness of the people to the importance of health. This is an opportunity for Batan to market the results of its R&D to the people, through partnership with producers/manufacturers as well as directly to the user partner. Several cooperations which have been achieved during the year 2012 which are as follows:a. Batan with the Provincial Government of South Sulawesi

in utilization of the results of Nuclear Science and Technology R&D for the welfare of the South Sulawesi

people. b. Batan with the regional R&D Workshop of South

Sulawesi and the Siti Fatimah Cancer Hospital, Makassar in utilization of the Tissue Bank (Amnion Graft). Amnion Graft, is one of the technology products of the Batan Tissue Bank which could be utilized for overcoming/accelerating in healing burn wounds, caesarean operation wounds, leprosy wounds, etc.

The Siti Fatimah cancer Hospital – Makassar as a working partner of Batan has abundant amnion raw material, which could be processed by Batan or the Siti Fatimah Cancer Hospital itself (supervision from Batan) to become sterile Amnion Grafts. The results of sterile Amnion Graft which could be commercialized to other Hospitals which have needs for it to be used for treating burn wounds, wounds from Caesarean operation, etc.

I.7.3.3. Partnership in the Field of Agroindustry

Cooperation with the business world is absolutely necessary to accelerate the Batan R&D products in penetrating the market. The private sector has an important role in producing, conducting packaging, and distributing the Batan R&D products. As an example, the partners of Batan which exist in West Java and Lampung have the capability to distribute their products to other provinces in Indonesia, even though in those regions there are the same type of businesses but with different kinds of products. It could be meant that, the Batan R&D products is able to compete freely in the market with other types of products. Besides that, with the right partnership scheme, Batan would be able to conduct guidance to the working partner to be independent, capable for commercial scale production and has competitive power. In the year 2012 the cooperation activities with commercial/user partners which utilize the results of nuclear science and technology research and development in the field of Agroindustry (Pandan Putri paddy rice seeds), which are:

a. Batan with the Farmer Group, “Surya Gemilang1”, Regency of Magelang in utilization of the Batan R&D

Seminar activities, Irradiation Food Exposé and Signing of MOU between Batan with CV. Naufan Putra and Batan with the Mayor of Serang. Workshop in Preparation of Amnion Graft in Siti Fatimah

Cancer Hospital, Makassar

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Kerja sama Kegiatan pada tahun 2012:- Batan dengan CV. Naufan Putra (ekspor makanan), di

Serang, Banten, dalam pemanfaatan Iradiator untuk pengawetan dan sterilisasi bahan pangan (sate bandeng dan emping melinjo). Keunggulan inovatif: masa simpan (pengawetan) sate bandeng dapat ditingkatkan dari 2 hari menjadi 1 bulan dengan suhu kamar.

- Batan dengan Pemerintah Kota Serang tentang Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Hasil Litbang Iptek Nuklir di Bidang Pengawetan Pangan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Kota Serang.

I.7.3.2. Kemitraan di Bidang Kesehatan

Kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan dan perekayasaan yang dilakukan Batan di bidang perangkat kesehatan/medik yang telah menghasilkan beberapa peralatan kedokteran nuklir, memang belum menunjukkan hasil yang nyata dalam pemanfaatannya di masyarakat, walaupun sudah melalui uji klinis dan standar kelayakan mutu. Hal ini dikarenakan masih banyak regulasi dan persyaratan yang harus dilaksanakan misalnya registrasi, regulasi, perizinan dari produk itu sendiri. Tetapi bagaimanapun pemanfaatan hasil litbang iptek nuklir bidang kesehatan sudah memberikan kontribusi yang baik bagi bidang kedokteran dan kesehatan. Kebutuhan akan teknologi perangkat kesehatan meningkat seiring dengan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya kesehatan. Hal ini merupakan peluang bagi Batan untuk memasarkan hasil litbangnya kepada masyarakat baik melalui mitra produsen/manufaktur maupun langsung ke mitra pengguna. Beberapa kerja sama yang telah dihasilkan selama tahun 2012 sebagai berikut.a. Batan dengan Pemprov Sulawesi Selatan dalam

pemanfaatan hasil litbang Iptek Nuklir untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan.

b. Batan dengan Balitbangda Sulsel dan RSKD Siti Fatimah, Makassar dalam pemanfaatan Bank Jaringan (Amnion Graft). Amnion Graft, merupakan salah satu produk teknologi bank jaringan Batan, yang dapat dimanfaatkan

untuk mengatasi/mempercepat penyembuhan luka bakar, luka bedah caesar, luka lepra dll.

RSKD Siti Fatimah – Makassar sebagai mitra kerja Batan mempunyai bahan baku amnion berlimpah, yang dapat diproses oleh Batan atau RSKD Siti Fatimah sendiri (supervisi dari Batan) menjadi Amnion Graft steril. Hasil Amnion Graft steril yang dimiliki RSKD Siti Fatimah dapat dikomersialkan kepada Rumah Sakit lainnya yang membutuhkan untuk digunakan sebagai penyembuhan luka bakar, luka bekas operasi cesar, dan lain-lain.

I.7.3.3. Kemitraan di Bidang Agroindustri

Jalinan kerja sama dengan dunia usaha mutlak diperlukan untuk mengakselerasi produk litbang Batan dalam melakukan penetrasi pasar. Swasta memegang peranan penting dalam memproduksi, melakukan pengemasan (packaging), dan mendistribusikan produk litbang Batan. Sebagai contoh, mitra Batan yang ada di Jawa Barat dan lampung telah mampu mendistribusikan produknya ke provinsi-provinsi lain di Indonesia, meskipun di daerah tersebut terdapat usaha sejenis dengan produk yang berbeda. Dapat diartikan bahwa, produk litbang Batan mampu bersaing secara bebas di pasar dengan produk lain yang sejenis. Di samping itu dengan pola kemitraan yang tepat, Batan juga telah mampu melakukan pembinaan kepada mitra kerja sehingga mandiri, mampu berproduksi dalam skala komersil dan mempunyai daya saing. Pada tahun 2012 kerja sama kegiatan dengan mitra komersial/pengguna yang memanfaatkan hasil litbang iptek nuklir di bidang Agroindustri (benih padi Pandan Putri), yaitu:

a. Batan dengan Kelompok Tani “Surya Gemilang1”, Kabupaten Magelang dalam pemanfaatan hasil litbang Batan bidang pertanian

b. Batan dengan Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Pedesaan Swadaya (P4S) “ORYZA SATIVA”, Cianjur dalam pemanfaatan hasil litbang Batan bidang pertanian

Kegiatan seminar Expose Makanan Iradiasi dan penandatanganan MoU antara Batan dengan CV. Naufan Putra dan Batan dengan Walikota Serang.

Paralel FGD bidang Kesehatan

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Annual Report96 BATAN 2012

Seed Production Center of Batan (Rice paddy variety : Cilosari, Bestari, Sidenuk, and Pandan Putri) - Farmer Group, Surya Gemilang I, Magelang - Center for Agricultural Training and the Self Sufficient

Village (P4S) Oryza Sativa, Cianjur - PT. MB Plus Agro, Subang - UD. Srijaya, Banyuwangi - Satria Jaya Cooperative, Blitar - PT. Andall Hasa Prima, South Lampung - P4S Kuntum Mataram- PP Kerja Boyolali

Other Achievements- As a further action of the cooperation which has been

conducted in the year 2011, the Provincial Government of East Java in the year 2012 had conducted feasibility assessment of the location and economy (Feasibility Study) of the development of an irradiator facility in East Java,

- The superior rice paddy from the results of Batan research-development-engineering which is the Mira-1, Bestari and Inpari Sidenuk which is already produced by PT. Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) to be entered in the Direct Assistance Program of Superior Seeds (BLBU) and the National Seed Reserve (CBN) which is coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture.

I.7.3.4. Assessment of the Techno-Economy

Batan also conducts economical assessment of the package from the results of the Batan R&D which has gone through technology innovation or development. Before being socialized or utilized by the people of user partners, assessment of the business feasibility is first conducted by calculating from the financial aspect.

In the year 2012 2 (two) techno-economical packages have been produced which are the techno-economy document package for the Radioimmunoassay (RIA) Counter to support technology in the health industrial field and the techno-economy document package for Biocyclofarming to support technology in the field of agro-industry.

results in the field of agriculture.b. Batan with the Center for Agricultural Training and the

Self Susfficient Village, (P4S) “ORYZA SATIVA”, Cianjur in utilization of the Batan R&D results in the field of agriculture.

c. P4S Oryza Sativa – Cianjur is breeding seeds of the Pandan Putri klas BS variety (Seed Breeder/same type odf seed) which as been obtained from Batan to become FS class (Foundation Seed). Furthermore the FS class seed is regenerated again to become SS class (Stock Seed) and then the SS class is grown again to become the ES class (Extension Seed). Considering the market demand towards the Pandan Putri variety is quite great, so the seeds produced, P4S Oryza Sativa is always absorbed by the market.

d. Batan with PT. MB Plus AGRO, Subang in utilization of the Batan R&D results in the field of agriculture (New Enterpreneur)

e. Batan with UD. Srijaya, Banyuwangi regarding the utilization of the Batan R&D results in the field of agriculture.

f. Batan with the Satria Jaya Cooperative, Blitar in utilization of the Batan R&D results in the field of agriculture.

g. Batan with PT. Andall Hasa Prima, South Lampung in utilization of the Batan R&D results in the field of agriculture.

With these partnerships there are many matters beneficial to the producer due to the increase of its production, meanwhile for Batan it is the dissemination of the results of research-development-engineering to the public at large. The user of the results of the nuclear science and technology research-development-engineering which is the superior rice paddy variety is the seed breeder/producer of superior seeds who are optimistic to disseminate and fulfill the need of superior seeds to farmers if Batan continually could provide superior seeds from the results of Batan R&D.

Signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Center for Cooperation in Nuclear Techniques with the Farmer Group, “Surya Gemilang1”

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c. P4S Oryza Sativa – Cianjur menangkarkan benih Varietas Pandan Putri klas BS (Breeder Seed/benih penjenis) yang diperoleh dari Batan menjadi klas FS (Foundation Seed/benih dasar). Selanjutnya benih klas FS tersebut ditangkarkan lagi menjadi klas SS (Stock Seed/benih pokok) dan benih klas SS ditangkarkan lagi menjadi klas ES (Extention Seed/benih sebar). Mengingat permintaan pasar terhadap Varietas Pandan Putri cukup besar, sehingga benih yang dihasilkan P4S Oryza Sativa selalu terserap oleh pasar.

d. Batan dengan PT. MB Plus AGRO, Subang dalam pemanfaatan hasil litbang Batan bidang pertanian (Enterpreneur Baru)

e. Batan dengan UD. Srijaya, Banyuwangi tentang dalam pemanfaatan hasil litbang Batan bidang pertanian.

f. Batan dengan Koperasi Satria Jaya, Blitar dalam pemanfaatan hasil litbang Batan bidang pertanian.

g. Batan dengan PT. Andall Hasa Prima, Lampung Selatan dalam pemanfaatan hasil litbang Batan bidang pertanian.

Dengan kemitraan ini banyak hal yang menguntungkan produsen karena peningkatan produksinya, sementara bagi Batan adalah penyebarluasan hasil litbangyasa di masyarakat luas. Pengguna hasil litbangyasa iptek nuklir berupa benih padi unggul adalah para penangkar/produsen benih unggul yang optimis dapat menyebarluaskan dan memenuhi kebutuhan petani atas benih unggul apabila Batan secara kontinuitas dapat menyediakan benih unggul hasil litbang Batan .

Sentra produsen benih Batan (Padi varietas : Cilosari, Bestari, Sidenuk, dan Pandan Putri) - Kelompok Tani Surya Gemilang I, Magelang - Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Pedesaan Swadaya (P4S)

Oryza Sativa, Cianjur - PT. MB Plus Agro, Subang - UD. Srijaya, Banyuwangi - Koperasi Satria Jaya, Blitar - PT. Andall Hasa Prima, Lampung Selatan- P4S Kuntum Mataram- PP Kerja Boyolali

Capaian Lainnya- Sebagai tindak lanjut dari kerja sama yang telah

dilakukan pada tahun 2011, Pemprov Jawa Timur pada tahun 2012 telah melakukan kajian kelayakan tempat dan ekonomi (Feasibility Study) pembangunan fasilitas Iradiator di Jawa Timur,

- Padi unggul hasil litbangyasa Batan Varietas Mira-1, Bestari dan Inpari Sidenuk telah diproduksi oleh PT. Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) untuk dimasukkan dalam Program Bantuan Langsung Benih Unggul (BLBU) dan Cadangan Benih Nasional (CBN) yang dikoordinasi oleh Kementerian Pertanian.

I.7.3.4. Kajian Teknoekonomi

Batan juga melakukan suatu kajian keekonomian dari paket hasil litbang Batan yang telah dilakukan inovasi atau pengembangan teknologi. Sebelum disosialisasikan atau dimanfaatkan ke masyarkat atau mitra pengguna, dilakukan kajian kelayakan bisnis terlebih dahulu dengan menghitung dari segi aspek keuangan.

Pada tahun 2012 telah dihasilkan 2 (dua) paket teknoekonomi yaitu paket dokumen teknoekonomi Pencacah Radioimmunoassay (RIA) untuk menunjang teknologi di bidang industri kesehatan dan paket dokumen teknoekonomi Biocyclofarming untuk menunjang teknologi di bidang agroindustri.

Penyerahan benih Pandan Putri oleh Ka. PKTN kepada Ka. Dinas Pertanian Prop. DIY

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I.8. Other Achievements

As an R&D institution which has specific duties in utilization of nuclear science and technology, Batan conducts research in the frame of standardization as well as calibration of sources/radiation measuring instrumentation. Besides that, Batan conducts research-development-engineering which the results are directed to the uses in the field of industry and improve the quality of Batan services. In the year 2012 several activities conducted are as follows.

I.8.1. Radionuclide Standardization Method (152Eu of massive sphere form, 24Na and 99Tc)

An 152Eu standard source in sphere form has successfully been made with an uncertainty under 4% and the standard source 24Na in dot form with a high stable level using the gamma spectrometry method. The results in making this standard source is used in calibration of measuring instrumentation until reaching an energy level of 2168 keV. Whereas the result in measurement of the activity towards the standard source, 99Tc in liquid form with the LSC instrument is quite sufficient with an uncertainty of 2,2%

I.8.2. Calibration Method of Low Energy X-Ray Radiation Measuring Instruments

The determination of low energy X-Ray source characteristics and calibration of low energy radiation measuring instruments have been conducted using a suitable standard dosimeter equipment. This activity is conducted to increase the capability in giving services for standard sources and calibration as well as the capability in measurement of radioactivity on a national scale.

I.8.3. Intercomparison in Radioactivity Measurement of Gamma Emitting Source

The objective of this activity is to find out the capability of several laboratories in Batan in conducting activity measurement of gamma emitting radioactive substances. This intercomparison activity is participated by 17 laboratories in conducting activity measurement of the radionuclide Europium-152 (152Eu). The results of measurement of each of the laboratories are compared with the results of measurement in the PTKMR standardization laboratory. The results shows that 10 laboratories show differences of less than 5%, 2 laboratories between 5 – 10%, and 5 laboratories are above 10%. It is concluded that in general the capability of laboratories in Batan are adequately giving better qualities from the results of intercomparison with the previous years.

I.8.4. Engineering of the Material Imaging System in the Petrochemical Reactor with the Gamma Ray Absorption Technique

Nuclear instrumentation is instrumentation which is used in various nuclear facilities, health facilities and industry which the working principle is using nuclear techniques application whereas the utilization is on the radiation interaction characteristics with materials. In the industry, the nuclear instrumentation is much used in monitoring process and analysis of elements to which the functions are difficult to be replaced by other non nuclear techniques.Almost all nuclear instrumentation which are used in nuclear installations, for health as well as for the industry are foreign country products. As an effect, the dependency to foreign

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I.8.3. Interkomparasi Pengukuran Radioaktivitas Sumber Pemancar Gamma

Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan beberapa laboratorium di Batan dalam melakukan pengukuran aktivitas zat radioaktif pemancar gamma. Kegiatan interkomparasi ini diikuti oleh 17 laboratoria dalam melakukan pengukuran aktivitas radionuklioda Europium-152 (152Eu). Hasil pengukuran masing-masing laboratoria tersebut dibandingkan dengan hasil pengukuran di Laboratorium standardisasi PTKMR. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 10 laboratoria menunjukkan perbedaan kurang dari 5%, 2 laboratoria antara 5 – 10%, dan 5 laboratoria di atas 10%. Disimpulkan bahwa secara umum kemampuan laboratorium di Batan cukup memberikan kualitas lebih baik dari hasil interkomperasi tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

I.8.4. Perekayasaan Sistem Pencitraan Material dalam Reaktor Petrokimia dengan Teknik Serapan Sinar Gamma

Perangkat Nuklir adalah perangkat yang digunakan pada berbagai fasilitas nuklir, fasilitas kesehatan dan industri yang prinsip kerjanya menggunakan aplikasi teknik nuklir yaitu pemanfaatan sifat interaksi radiasi dengan materi. Pada industri, perangkat nuklir banyak digunakan untuk pemantauan proses dan analisis unsur yang fungsinya sulit digantikan dengan teknik-teknik non nuklir lainnya.

Hampir seluruh perangkat nuklir yang digunakan pada instalasi nuklir, kesehatan maupun industri merupakan produk luar negeri. Sebagai akibatnya, ketergantungan terhadap produsen luar negeri dalam hal pengoperasian dan

I.8. Lain-lain

Sebagai lembaga litbang yang memiliki tugas spesifik dalam pemanfaatan iptek nuklir, Batan melaksanakan penelitian dalam rangka standardisasi serta kalibrasi sumber/alat ukur radiasi. Selain itu Batan melakukan litbangyasa yang hasilnya mengarah kepada penggunaan di bidang industri dan meningkatkan kualitas layanan Batan. Pada tahun 2012 beberapa kegiatan yang telah dilakukan sebagai berikut.

I.8.1. Metode Standardisasi Radionuklida (152Eu bentuk bola pejal, 24Na dan 99Tc)

Telah berhasil dibuat sumber standar 152Eu berbentuk bola dengan ketidakpastian di bawah 4% dan sumber standar 24Na bentuk titik dengan tingkat kestabilan tinggi menggunakan metode spektrometri gamma. Hasil pembuatan sumber standar ini digunakan untuk mengkalibrasi alat ukur sampai pada energi 2168 keV. Sedangkan hasil pengukuran aktivitas terhadap sumber standar 99Tc bentuk cair dengan alat LSC adalah cukup baik dengan ketidakpastian 2,2% .

I.8.2. Metode Kalibrasi Alat Ukur Radiasi Sinar-X Energi Rendah

Telah dilakukan penentuan karakteristik sumber sinar-X berenergi rendah dan kalibrasi alat ukur radiasi energi rendah mengunakan alat dosimeter standar yang sesuai. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan layanan sumber standar dan kalibrasi serta kemampuan dalam pengukuran radioaktivitas secara nasional.

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producers in the case of operation and maintenance becomes the main issue besides the high costs in maintenance and repair. Batan, as a nuclear R&D institution is giving efforts to conduct mastery, development and innovation which is given more priority in design and use of local materials therefore the cost in investment, maintenance and repair becomes much less expensive. Mastery in engineering technology also promotes the utilization of nuclear technique application to be used by the people at a much wider scope.

The material imaging instrumentation in the petrochemical reactor with the gamma ray absorption technique is generally used in petrochemical industries which processes the nafta raw material from crude oil to polyethylene and then become plastic beads. The detection in the occurence of material coagulation in the reactor using the temperature measurement method which is combined with pressure, it turns out that this is not accurate therefore often creating a very large material and time losses due to the process failure and the factory must be stopped.The use of the gamma ray absorption technique has been proven superior in detecting the occurrence of coagulation in the petrochemical reactor which possesses an extreme environment and the diameter size of the reactor is quite large. In this technique, the half life gamma ray source is positioned in the center of the reactor, whereas the detector which is used in monitoring the condition inside the reactor is placed outside the reactor and not physically touching the material being processed. The monitoring technique conducted outside the reactor has features in regard to the accuracy and stability of the system. If coagulation occurs in the initial phase, this system could immediately conduct detection, therefore actions in adding anti coagulants could immediately be entered in precise amounts and at the exact time.

The features of this imaging instrumentation is among others: the installation does not disturb the processes because the detector is placed outside the reactor, while the gamma radiation installation is inserted in the center of the reactor, using a collimator which is controlled mechanically from the outside wall of the reactor. The working principle of this system is the measurement of the gamma radiation intensity which is received by the detector around the outside of the reactor depending on the density as well as the thickness of the material process which is present between the reactor wall and the reactor center. The higher the density and the thicker the material, then the less intensity received by the detector. Each detector has different coordinates of 30o, surrounding the reactor, 12 detectors are placed outside the reactor wall, the intensity of each reactor is illustrated on the computer screen in the control room in the form of a two dimensional topography.

Prototype testing in the laboratory shows the system is capable of detecting changes of density in the reactor accurately and online therefore the image on the computer screen could illustrate the condition in the reactor at that time also and the development from time to time. The application on an industrial scale would need a place for the detector and source which fulfills the industrial standards in accordance to the type of material used as well as the reactor surrounding requirements. The standard signal used is already the standard signal and communication which is used generally in petrochemical industries.

The form of cooperation activities which has ever been conducted to the user of the real petrochemical reactor imaging system, has been conducted in the form of cooperation in maintenance of the system with PT Chandra Asri and PT Titan Petrochemical. With the mastery of technology designing of petrochemical reactor imaging instrumentation with the gamma ray absorption technique, in the future the user of this system could be applied to the reactor of LLDPE PT Chandra Asri and PT Titan Petrochemical, polyethylene reactor of PT Pasific Asian Fiber and PT Indorama.

I.8.5. Design Engineering of Electron Beam Machine 300 Kev/20 mA for Pre-Vulcanization of Latex

The Electron Beam Machine (MBE) or machine to accelerate electrons is developed during the two previous decades, as a source of radiation for irradiation of an industrial product.

Configuration of testing of material imaging instrumentation in the petrochemical reactor with the gamma ray absorption technique in the laboratory

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perawatan menjadi masalah utama selain mahalnya biaya perawatan dan perbaikan. Batan sebagai instansi libang nuklir berupaya melakukan penguasaan, pengembangan dan inovasi yang lebih mengutamakan desain dan penggunaan muatan lokal sehingga biaya investasi, perawatan dan perbaikan menjadi semakin murah. Penguasaan teknologi perekayasaan juga mendorong pemanfaatan aplikasi teknik nuklir untuk dapat dipergunakan oleh masyarakat yang lebih luas lingkupnya.

Perangkat pencitraan material dalam reaktor petrokimia dengan teknik serapan sinar gamma umumnya digunakan pada industri petrokimia yang mengolah bahan baku nafta dari minyak mentah menjadi polyethylene dan kemudian menjadi biji plastik. Pendeteksian terjadinya penggumpalan material dalam reaktor menggunakan metoda pengukuran temperatur yang dikombinasi dengan tekanan ternyata tidak akurat sehingga sering menimbulkan kerugian material dan waktu yang sangat besar karena terjadinya gagal proses selanjutnya proses pabrik harus terhenti.Penggunaan teknik serapan sinar gamma telah terbukti unggul dalam mendeteksi terjadinya penggumpalan dalam reaktor petrokimia yang memiliki lingkungan ekstrim dan ukuran diameter reaktor yang cukup besar. Dalam teknik ini, sumber sinar gamma berumur paruh panjang diletakkan di tengah-tengah reaktor, sedangkan detektor yang digunakan untuk memantau kondisi di dalam reaktor terletak di luar reaktor dan tidak bersinggungan secara fisik dengan material yang diproses. Teknik pemantauan yang dilakukan di luar reaktor memiliki keunggulan dalam hal keakuratan dan kestabilan sistem. Apabila terjadi penggumpalam dalam fase awal, sistem ini akan segera dapat mendeteksi, sehingga tindakan penambahan zat-zat anti penggumpalan dapat segera dimasukkan dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tepat.

Keunggulan perangkat pencitraan ini antara lain: instalasinya tidak mengganggu proses karena detektor ditempatkan di luar reaktor, sementara instalasi pemancar radiasi gamma disisipkan di tengah reaktor, menggunakan kolimator yang dikendalikan secara mekanik dari dinding luar reaktor. Prinsip kerja sistem ini adalah pengukuran Intensitas radiasi gamma yang diterima oleh detektor di sekeliling reaktor luar tergantung dari densitas serta tebalnya material proses yang terdapat antara dinding reaktor dan pusat reaktor. Makin tinggi tingkat densitas serta makin tebal material maka makin kecil intensitas yang diterima detektor. Masing-masing detektor mempunyai koordinat berbeda 30o, sekeliling reaktor terpasang 12 detektor di luar dinding reaktor, intensitas yang diterima oleh masing-masing detektor digambarkan pada layar komputer di ruang kendali berupa topografi dua dimensi.

Pengujian prototip di laboratorium menunjukkan sistem mampu mendeteksi perubahan densitas di dalam reaktor secara akurat dan online sehingga tampilan layar komputer dapat menggambarkan keadaan di dalam reaktor saat itu juga dan perkembangannya dari waktu ke waktu. Aplikasi pada skala industri membutuhkan wadah bagi detektor dan sumber yang memenuhi standar industri sesuai dengan jenis material yang digunakan serta lingkungan reaktor yang dipersyaratkan. Standar sinyal yang digunakan sudah meggunakan standar sinyal dan komunikasi yang digunakan dalam industri petrokimia pada umumnya.

Bentuk kerja sama kegiatan yang pernah dilakukan pada pengguna sistem pencitraan reaktor petrokimia yang sesungguhnya, sudah dilakukan dalam bentuk kerja sama pemeliharaan sistem dengan PT Chandra Asri dan PT Titan Petrochemical. Dengan dikuasainya teknologi perekayasaan perangkat pencitraan reaktor petrokimia dengan teknik serapan sinar gamma, pada masa mendatang pengguna sistem ini dapat diaplikasikan pada reaktor LLDPE PT Chandra Asri dan PT Titan Petrochemical, reaktor polyethilen PT Pasific Asian Fiber dan PT Indorama.

I.8.5. Rancangbangun Mesin Berkas Elektron 300 Kev/20 mA untuk Pra Vulkanisasi Lateks

Mesin Berkas Elektron (MBE) atau mesin pemercepat elektron dikembangkan dalam dua dekade yang lalu sebagai sumber radiasi pada proses iradiasi suatu produk industri. MBE digunakan dalam proses pengeringan pelapisan (curing of coatings) permukaan suatu bahan, proses pembentukan

Tampilan topografi di layar komputer yang menunjukkan kondisi dalam reaktor petrokimia pada saat pengujian

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The Electron Beam Machine irradiates the surface of a material, the process in formation of cross links in plastics, rubber and cable insulation, vulcanization process of natural rubber, sterilization of medical equipment, preservation of food material, etc.

The irradiation technology with this low energy Electron Beam Machine could produce pre-vulvcanization latex which is stable in storage therefore suitable for small and medium industries, possesses a content of protein, carbohydrates and low fat as well as free from nitrosamine and allergen protein which until now there has not been any method to cope with it. Compared to the conventional thermal process and chemical process, the electron irradiation process possesses features among others: does not create pollution, the reactions are in room temperature, and saves energy.Batan has conducted development in mastery of the Electron Beam Machine specifically low energy Electron Beam Machine having a capacity of 300 keV/20mA, for irradiating latex which the construction is very specific, as one of the activities of Batan in the field of design/engineering.

Implementation of activities is conducted in several phases, covering: complete design and detail drawings of the components, making and procurement of parts according to design, function testing of each part before being installed into an Electron Beam Machine unit. After the Electron Beam Machine unit is installed, conditioning and commissioning is conducted.

Until the year 2012 the status of design-engineering activities of the electron beam machine for the latex Industry has arrived at the phase of the integration of one electron Beam Machine Unit with the Cockroft Walton High Voltage Source (STT-CW), whereas in the year 2012, the functional tests and performance of the latex electron beam machine prototype is continued as well as the trial testing of the latex irradiation vessel.

From the results of testing, it is obtained that the latex irradiation vessel could function and could be used for vulcanization of natural rubber latex. Further research is to obtain the optimal irradiation latex results. The results of the functional testing of the Latex Electron Beam Machine 300 keV/20 mA shows that the new electron beam machine could be operated at an accelerating voltage of 225 kV and beam current of 725 μA. There is still instability in the vacuum level, therefore it is still necessary to conduct further handling in order to obtain a stable high vacuum level, therefore the accelerating voltage and electron beam current could be increased.

I.8.6. Design Engineering of Plasma Nitridation Instrumentation For Surface Treatment with Automatic Sample Changer

Batan has developed a design engineering in nitridation of ion/plasma to increase the mechanical characteristics of metal surfaces. The nitridation of ion/plasma for increasing the mechanical characteristics of metal surfaces is a surface treatment to change the structure of the metal surfaces by adding the element, nitrogen. Addition of this element will change/improve the mechanical surface (hardness, resilient to wear, corrosion/oxidation) and the internal characteristics of the metal remains the same therefore could add to its useful life.

The use of plasma technology which is applied for ion nitridation/plasma nitridation has many benefits compared to the conventional process which among them are direct nitridation process in a time period and temperature which is relatively low, does not need quenching therefore reducing distortion, efficiency in the use of gas and electrical energy, and does not create pollution.

Until the year 2009 design engineering activities of plasma nitridation to increase the surface hardness of instrumentation and machine components with double chamber and in the year 2011 construction activities of the various parts were conducted, and in the year 2012 functional and performance testing were conducted covering: vacuum functional testing, Functional testing of the Instrumentation and Control System (SIK) and performance testing for generating plasma and increasing the temperature until reaching the nitridation temperature.

From the results of functional testing of the plasma nitridation instrumentation for surface treatment with automatic sample changer, it is obtained that the vacuum system could operate well, the instrumentation and control system has functioned and could control and measure the temperature as well as vacuum and the functional testing of the plasma generation produces the temperature in the plasma reactor vessel (place of work object) of 450OC, could be used for nitridation because the temperature requirements needed for the nitridation process is 4000C to 5600C. The temperature obtained already fulfills the requirements for nitridation process even though it is in the low limit region of the plasma nitridation process. With this result, the nitridation instrumentation could be continued for application testing which is to increase the hardness of the metal surface material (machine and instrumentation components). It is expected that the target is a technology package for the plasma nitridation based metal material surface hardness process, which could be obtained in the year 2014.

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ikatan silang pada plastik, karet dan bahan isolasi kabel, proses vulkanisasi karet alam, sterilisasi peralatan medis, pengawetan bahan makanan, dan lain sebagainya.

Dengan teknologi iradiasi dengan MBE energi rendah ini dapat menghasilkan lateks pra-vulkanisasi yang bersifat stabil dalam penyimpanan sehingga cocok untuk industri kecil dan menengah, memiliki kadar protein, karbohidrat dan lemak yang rendah serta bebas dari nitrosamine dan protein alergen yang sampai saat ini belum ada cara lain untuk mengatasinya. Dibandingkan proses termal konvensional dan proses kimia, proses iradiasi elektron memiliki keunggulan antara lain: tidak menimbulkan polusi, reaksi-reaksi dalam suhu kamar, dan hemat energi.Batan melakukan pengembangan penguasaan MBE khususnya MBE energi rendah dengan kapasitas 300 keV/20mA, untuk iradiasi lateks yang konstruksinya sangat spesifik sebagai salah satu kegiatan Batan di bidang rancang bangun/ perekayasaan.

Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan meliputi: perancangan lengkap dengan gambar detil bagian-bagiannya, pembuatan dan pengadaan bagian-bagian tersebut sesuai rancangan, uji fungsi masing-masing bagian sebelum diinstal menjadi satu kesatuan MBE. Setelah unit MBE diinstal, dilakukan kondisioning dan komisioning.

Sampai tahun 2011 status kegiatan rancangbangun mesin berkas elektron (MBE) untuk industri lateks telah sampai pada tahap terintegrasinya satu unit MBE menggunakan Sumber Tegangan Tinggi Cockroft Walton (STT-CW), sedangkan pada tahun 2012 dilanjutkan uji fungsi dan kinerja prototipe MBE Lateks dan uji coba bejana iradiasi lateks.

Hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa bejana iradiasi lateks dapat berfungsi dan dapat digunakan untuk vulkanisasi lateks karet alam. Penelitian lebih lanjut adalah untuk mendapatkan hasil lateks iradiasi yang optimal. Adapun hasil uji fungsi MBE Lateks 300 keV/20 mA menunjukkan bahwa MBE baru dapat dioperasikan pada tegangan pemercepat 225 kV dan arus berkas 725 μA. Masih terjadi ketidakstabilan tingkat kevakuman, sehingga masih perlu dilakukan penanganan lebih lanjut guna memperoleh tingkat kevakuman tinggi yang stabil, sehingga tegangan pemercepat dan arus berkas elektron dapat dinaikkan.

I.8.6. Rancangbangun Perangkat Nitridasi Plasma Untuk Perlakuan Permukaan dengan Sample Changer Otomatis

Batan telah mengembangkan rancangbangun nitridasi ion/plasma untuk peningkatan sifat mekanik permukaan logam. Nitridasi ion/plasma untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik permukaan logam merupakan perlakuan permukaan untuk mengubah struktur permukaan logam dengan menambahkan unsur nitrogen. Penambahan unsur ini akan mengubah/memperbaiki sifat mekanik permukaan (kekerasan, ketahanan aus, korosi/oksidasi) dan sifat pada bagian dalam dari logam tersebut tetap sehingga dapat menambah umur pemakaian.

Penggunaan teknologi plasma yang diterapkan untuk nitridasi ion/nitridasi plasma ini mempunyai banyak keuntungan dibandingkan dengan proses konvensional diantaranya proses nitridasi berlangsung dalam waktu dan suhu relatif rendah, tidak memerlukan quenching sehingga mengurangi distorsi, efisiensi pemakaian gas dan energi listrik, dan tidak menimbulkan polusi.

Sampai dengan tahun 2009 telah dilakukan kegiatan perancangan perangkat nitridasi plasma untuk peningkatan kekerasan permukaan perkakas dan komponen mesin dengan double chamber dan tahun 2010 dilakukan pembuatan komponen-komponennya. Pada tahun 2011 dilakukan kegiatan konstruksi dari bagian-bagian tersebut dan pada tahun 2012 telah dilakukan uji fungsi dan kinerja meliputi: uji fungsi kevakuman, uji fungsi Sistem Instrumentasi dan Kendali (SIK) dan uji kinerja untuk membangkitkan plasma dan menaikkan suhu hingga mencapai suhu nitridasi.

Dari hasil uji fungsi perangkat nitridasi plasma untuk perlakuan permukaan dengan sample changer otomatis diperoleh bahwa sistem vakum dapat beroperasi dengan baik, sistem instrumentasi dan kendali telah berfungsi dapat mengendalikan dan mengukur suhu maupun kevakuman dan uji fungsi pembangkitan plasma menghasilkan suhu di dalam bejana reaktor plasma (tempat benda kerja) 450OC, dapat digunakan untuk proses nitridasi karena persyaratan suhu yang diperlukan untuk proses nitridasi adalah 4000C s/d. 5600C. Suhu yang diperoleh ini sudah memenuhi syarat untuk proses nitridasi walaupun masih di batas daerah bawah proses nitridasi plasma. Dengan hasil ini, perangkat nitridasi dapat dilanjutkan untuk pengujian penerapan yaitu untuk peningkatan kekerasan permukaan bahan logam (komponen mesin dan perkakas). Diharapkan target berupa paket teknologi proses pengerasan permukaan bahan logam berbasis nitridasi plasma, dapat diperoleh pada tahun 2014.

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I.8.7. Design engineering of Plasma Cathode Based Electron Source

In the frame of increasing homogenity and efficiency of the irradiation beam as well as easiness in operation of the Electron Beam Machine, the type of electron beam machine has been developing, one among them is the Pulse Electron Beam Machine. The application of the Pulse Electron Beam Machine is quite broad, for example in the latex industry, surface modification in semiconductor industry and polymers, as well as the food industry for pasteurization without destruction to the nutrition, and neutralizing wastes.

The components of the pulse electron beam machine consists of: plasma vessel, plasma generator, accelerating voltage and vacuum pump. Batan has been conducting development in mastery of design engineering of instrumentation of plasma cathode based electron source. The activities are conducted in several phases, which are the complete design with detail drawings of the parts, making/procurement and testing of the parts to be installed to become a Plasma Cathode Based Electron Source Unit (SEBKP). The design documents of the SEBKP parts have been obtained in the year 2011. In

the year 2012 making of the SEBKP parts module and the results that could be realized are: component modules of the Plasma Cathode Based Electron Source (SEBKP) which consists of an Electron Source Vessel (BSE), plasma emmiter module, power ignitor module with a voltage of 10 kV and pulse repetition of 50 Hz, plasma power source of 840 V for plasma scattering in the plasma vessel, as well as the supporting frame.

Testing of the electron source vessel module has been conducted, and a final vacuum has been obtained that could reach 9×10-3 torr with a vacuuming time period of 60 minutes using a rotary pump, whereas for ignitor electrode system testing which initiates sparks and the plasma generator electrode system in forming the plasma, a spot spark is obtained at the Mg catode and plasma symptoms are formed at the anode of the plasma generator. Furthermore, testing was conducted for the plasma generator power source as well as the frame strength. From the results of testing of the SEBKP component modules, it could be concluded that the modules are ready to be constructed and module testing after being constructed.

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I.8.7. Rancangbangun Perangkat Sumber Elektron Berbasis Katoda Plasma

Dalam rangka meningkatkan homodenitas dan efisiensi dari berkas iradiasi serta kemudahan operasi Mesin Berkas Elektron (MBE), jenis MBE telah berkembang, satu diantaranya adalah MBE pulsa. Aplikasi MBE pulsa cukup luas , misalnya dalam industri lateks, modifikasi permukaan pada industri semikonduktor dan polimer, serta pada industri pangan untuk pasteurisasi tanpa merusak nutrisi, dan netralisasi limbah.

Komponen MBE pulsa terdiri atas: bejana plasma, generator plasma, tegangan pemercepat dan pompa vakum. Batan melakukan pengembangan penguasaan rancangbangun perangkat sumber elektron berbasis katoda plasma. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan, yaitu perancangan lengkap dengan gambar detil bagian-bagiannya, pembuatan/pengadaan dan pengujian bagian-bagian tersebut untuk diinstal menjadi kesatuan sistem Sumber Elektron Berbasis Katoda Plasma (SEBKP). Dokumen rancangan bagian-bagian SEBKP telah diperoleh pada tahun 2011. Pada tahun 2012 dilakukan pembuatan modul bagian-

bagian SEBKP dan hasil yang telah dapat direalisasi adalah: modul komponen-komponen Sumber Elektron Berbasis Katoda Plasma (SEBKP) yang terdiri dari Bejana Sumber Elektron (BSE), modul plasma emitor, modul catu daya ignitor dengan tegangan 10 kV dan pengulangan pulsa 50 Hz, catu daya plasma 840 V untuk menghamburkan plasma di dalam bejana plasma, serta kerangka penyangga.

Telah dilakukan pengujian modul BSE, dan diperoleh kevakuman akhir yang dapat dicapai 9×10-3 torr dengan waktu pemvakuman 60 menit menggunakan pompa rotari, sedangkan untuk pengujian sistem elektroda ignitor yang menginisiasi lucutan dan sistem elektroda generator plasma sebagai pembentuk plasma diperoleh lucutan spot pada katoda Mg dan terbentuk gejala plasma pada anoda generator plasma. Selanjutnya telah pula dilakukan pengujian catu daya generator plasma serta kekuatan kerangka. Dari hasil pengujian modul komponen-komponen SEBKP, dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul-modul tersebut siap untuk dikonstruksi dan uji modul setelah terkonstruksi.

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Annual Report106 BATAN 2012

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 107

Education, Standardization, and Nuclear Science and Technology Services

Pendidikan, Standardisasi, dan Layanan Jasa Iptek Nuklir

Chapter II - BAB II

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Annual Report108 BATAN 2012

Education, Standardization, and Nuclear Science and Technology Services

II.1. Education in Nuclear Science and Technology

The Polytechnic Institute of Nuclear Technology Batan (STTN-Batan), Yogyakarta conducts D-IV Education Program with the purpose of preparing students to become members of the community who possess professional capabilities. The graduates who pass the D-IV STTN Program shall be given the title, Applied Science Graduates (SST).

STTN-Batan had been established on the date 15 March 2001 based on the Letter of Director General for Higher Education Number 1013/D/T/2001 which initially was the Nuclear Technology Expert Education (PATN). The Approval in opening a Faculty and Study Program in STTN-Batan in Yogyakarta by the Director General for Higher Education on 20 March 2001, with letter number 1037/D/T/2001, covers 2 Faculties with 3 Study Programs, which are the Nuclear Technochemistry Faculty with 1 Study program (Prodi) in Nuclear Technochemistry and the Nuclear TechnoPhysics Faculty with 2 Study Programs, which are the Electronic Instrumentation Prodi and the Electromechanical Prodi.

After conducting discussions between Batan and the Minister for Empowerment of the State Apparatus (MENPAN) finally, on the date 8 June 2001 a Presidential Decision had been issued, number 71 year 2001 regarding the Establishment of a Nuclear Technology School for Hgher Learning. This decision had been further acted upon with the Decision of the Head of Batan Number 360/KA/VII/2001 regarding Organization and Work Procedures of STTN. On the date 24 August 2001 STTN was officially opened by the State Minister for Research and Technology, Mr. Ir. M. Hatta Rajasa which was marked by the signing on a memorial stone tablet.

In the year 2007 all the study programs which have been conducted by STTN have obtained accreditation based on the Decision of the National Accreditation Board of the School for Higher Learning, Department for National Education Number: 006/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/Dipl-IV/XI/2007, with B Ranking/Rating.

Batan through the Nuclear Technology School for Hgher Learning (STTN) is giving efforts that graduates from STTN could directly be accepted by the labor market in Indonesia. The target planned is the absorption of STTN graduates which could reach 75% every year, and at the same time could help in reducing the level of unemployment in Indonesia.Every year for the last 3 years, there has been an increase of D-IV graduates being absorbed by the labor market in Indonesia. In the year 2010 as much as 81,42% (57 from 70 graduates), in the year 2011 as much as 82,50% ( 94 from 114 graduates), and in the year 2012 STTN graduates accepted by the labor market is quite high, 89,93% (125 from 139 STTN graduates in the year 2011). This is due to the need of labor of Diploma IV graduates and the competence in the field of nuclear technology is needed and relevant to the development of technology at this time.

The demand of the labor market existing in Indonesia towards STTN graduates is inceasing, this is due to the fact that STTN graduates are complemented with a Work Permit Certificate (SIB) for Radiation Protection Workers (PPR) and or Radiography Operators (OR). The graduates who are ready-for-use fulfills the need of industries, user of radioactive substances, which are in connection with BAPETEN regulations which obliges having labor who have the competence in the field of nuclear as well as possessing an SIB Certification.

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 109

Batan melalui Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir (STTN) berupaya agar lulusan STTN dapat langsung diterima oleh pasar kerja di Indonesia. Target yang direncanakan adalah penyerapan lulusan STTN bisa mencapai 75% setiap tahunnya, dan sekaligus dapat membantu menurunkan tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia.

Setiap tahun dalam 3 tahun terakhir, terjadi peningkatan persentase lulusan DIV yang terserap pasar kerja di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2010 sebesar 81,42% (57 orang dari 70 orang lulusan), tahun 2011 sebesar 82,50% ( 94 orang dari 114 lulusan), dan pada tahun 2012 lulusan STTN yang diterima oleh pasar kerja cukup tinggi, 89,93%, yaitu (125 orang dari 139 lulusan STTN tahun 2011). Hal ini dikarenakan kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk lulusan Diploma IV dan kompetensi di bidang teknik nuklir diperlukan dan relevan dengan kemajuan teknologi saat iniKebutuhan pasar kerja yang ada di Indonesia terhadap lulusan STTN semakin meningkat, hal ini karena lulusan STTN juga dilengkapi dengan adanya Sertifikat Ijin Bekerja (SIB) Petugas Proteksi Radiasi (PPR) dan atau Operator Radiografi (OR). Lulusan yang siap pakai ini memenuhi kebutuhan industri pengguna zat radioaktif, yang terkait dengan peraturan BAPETEN diwajibkan mempunyai tenaga kerja yang berkompetensi di bidang nuklir serta memiliki sertifikasi SIB.

Wisuda pendidikan DIV Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir

Pendidikan, Standardisasi, dan Layanan Jasa Iptek Nuklir

II.1. Pendidikan Iptek Nuklir

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir-Batan, Yogyakarta menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Program D-IV bertujuan menyiapkan peserta didik menjadi anggota masyarakat yang memiliki kemampuan profesional. Lulusan Program D-IV STTN menyandang gelar Sarjana Sains Terapan (SST).

STTN-Batan berdiri pada tanggal 15 Maret 2001 dengan surat Dirjen Dikti Nomor 1013/D/T/2001 yang pada mulanya merupakan Pendidikan Ahli Teknologi Nuklir (PATN). Persetujuan pembukaan Jurusan dan Program Studi pada STTN-Batan di Yogyakarta oleh Direktur Jenderal Perguruan Tinggi pada tanggal 20 Maret 2001, dengan surat Nomor 1037/D/T/2001, meliputi 2 Jurusan dengan 3 Program Studi, yaitu Jurusan Teknokimia Nuklir dengan 1 Program Studi (Prodi) Teknokimia Nuklir dan Jurusan Teknofisika Nuklir dengan 2 Program Studi, yaitu Prodi Elektronika Instrumentasi dan Prodi Elektromekanik.

Setelah dilakukan pembahasan antara Batan dengan Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara (MENPAN) akhirnya, pada tanggal 8 Juni 2001 diterbitkan KEPRES nomor 71 tahun 2001 tentang Pendirian Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir. Keputusan ini ditindak lanjuti dengan Keputusan Kepala Batan Nomor 360/KA/VII/2001 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja STTN. Pada tanggal 24 Agustus 2001 STTN dibuka secara resmi oleh Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi, Ir. M. Hatta Rajasa ditandai dengan penandatanganan prasasti.

Pada tahun 2007 seluruh program studi yang diselenggarakan STTN telah memperoleh akreditasi berdasarkan Keputusan Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Nomor: 006/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/Dipl-IV/XI/2007, dengan Peringkat B.

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Annual Report110 BATAN 2012

The above SNI list is a list of 5 RSNI proposed for the year 2011. Three RSNI are funded by DIPA Batan and 2 RSNI are funded by the user. The stipulation of RSNI to become SNI by BSN shall need time for processing, especially SNI which is not from adoption of International Standards or modification of existing standards (necessary to go through opinion survey process and e-balloting).

II.2.2. Accreditation

Besides taking an active role in formulation of the Indonesian National Standards in the field of Nuclear, Batan also conducts laboratory accreditation. Accreditation has been the main objective in the frame of obtaining acknowledgment from foreign parties as a competent laboratory. The presence of a conformity evaluation, therefore the laboratory could be accountable, accurate and precise in accordance to the standard of Batan SB77-0003-88:2007.

In the year 2012 accreditation has been awarded to the Environmental Radioactivity Analysis Testing Laboratory (LARL) of the Center for Nuclear Material Technology and Radiometry-Batan Bandung as a testing laboratory which fulfills the requirements in accordance to Batan standards, as well as the accreditation process of the X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory (XRD) with improvements to fulfill the requirements.

Laboratory accreditation has also been awarded by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and the National Accreditation Commission for Pranata Research and Development (KNAPPP), which is a national accreditation agency. Several Batan laboratories that have been awarded KAN and KNAPPP accreditation are as follows.

In increasing the education quality, one of the new academic policies is for example: A Remedial program and the use of the English language in the Oral Examination of the Final Assignment, changes in the TOEFL grade requirements for graduation of 400 to become 450, as well as scientific papers of lecturers with a target of 1 title per year. This new policy is expected to enhance the quality of STTN.

II.2. Standardization in the Nuclear Field

II.2.1. Indonesian National Standard (SNI)

The Indonesian National Standard (SNI) is a standard stipulated by the National Standardization Agency (BSN) and effective in all areas of the Republic of Indonesia. Before being stipulated to become SNI, a process in Formulation of the Indonesian National Standard must first be conducted, which is a series of activities beginning with the gathering and processing of data for preparing an Indonesian National Standard Draft (RSNI) until a consensus from all relevant parties is reached (stakeholders), which shall be named the Indonesian National Standard Draft of the results of consensus (RSNI3), which is an output of Batan at the current year.

RSNI3 is further proposed to BSN to be stipulated as an SNI in the following year. With the existence of SNI, all relevant parties in the whole area of the Republic of Indonesia that have applied the SNI, the product shall have the same quality in accordance to its scope, it could also be used for limiting foreign products (goods/services) which will enter Indonesia by obliging to follow the standards which are valid in Indonesia. In the year 2012, 5 SNI have been realized, with the details as follows.

List of SNI Stipulated by the National Standardization Agency (BSN) in the year 2012

NoIdentification No./

Head of BSN Decision No. Title of SNI

1 SNI ISO/ASTM 51818:2012/

No. 60/KEP/BSN/4/2012

Dosimetry practice in electron beam facility for processing with radiation at energy levels from 80 until 300 keV.

2 SNI ISO 17874-1:2012 /

No. 69/KEP/BSN/4/2012

Remote handling equipment for ra-dioactive material – Part 1: General requirements.

3 No.135/KEP/BSN/12/2012 Irradiated Food – Part 1: Sterile Beef Rendang

4 SNI ISO 9915:2012 /

No. 129/KEP/BSN/12/2012

Aluminium alloy smelting – Radiog-raphy testing

5 SNI ISO 4986:2012 /


Steel smelting – Magnetic particle Inspection

SNI in steel smelting Magnetic particle inspection

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 111

Dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, salah satu kebijakan akademik yang baru antara lain: Program Remedial dan penggunaan Bahasa Inggris dalam Ujian Lisan Tugas Akhir/Pendadaran, perubahan pada persyaratan nilai TOEFL untuk wisuda dari 400 menjadi 450, serta karya ilmiah dosen dengan target 1 judul per tahun. Kebijakan baru ini diharapkan dapat memperbaiki kualitas dari STTN.

II.2. Standardisasi Bidang Nuklir

II.2.1. Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)

Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) adalah standar yang ditetapkan oleh Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) dan berlaku di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia. Sebelum ditetapkan menjadi SNI, terlebih dahulu dilakukan proses Perumusan Standar Nasional Indonesia yaitu rangkaian kegiatan sejak pengumpulan dan pengolahan data untuk menyusun Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia (RSNI) sampai tercapainya konsensus dari semua pihak yang terkait (pemangku kepentingan/stakeholder), yang dinamakan Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia hasil konsensus (RSNI3), yaitu output dari Batan pada tahun berjalan.

RSNI3 selanjutnya diusulkan ke BSN untuk ditetapkan menjadi SNI pada tahun berikutnya. Dengan adanya SNI, maka semua pihak yang terkait di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia yang menerapkan SNI tersebut, produknya akan mempunyai kualitas yang sama sesuai lingkupnya, dapat juga untuk membatasi produk asing (barang/jasa) yang akan masuk ke Indonesia dengan mewajibkan mengikuti standar yang berlaku di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2012, direalisasikan sebanyak 5 SNI, dengan rincian sebagai berikut.

Daftar SNI yang Ditetapkan Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) Tahun 2012

Daftar SNI di atas merupakan 5 RSNI yang diusulkan pada tahun 2011. Tiga RSNI dibiayai DIPA Batan dan 2 RSNI dibiayai oleh pengguna. Penetapan RSNI menjadi SNI oleh BSN memerlukan waktu untuk proses, terutama SNI yang bukan berasal dari adopsi Standar Internasional atau modifikasi dari standar yang sudah ada (perlu melalui proses jajak pendapat dan e-balloting).

II.2.2. Akreditasi

Selain berperan aktif dalam perumusan standar nasional Indonesia bidang ketenaganukliran, Batan juga melakukan akreditasi laboratorium. Akreditasi telah menjadi tujuan utama dalam rangka memperoleh pengakuan dari pihak luar sebagai laboratorium yang berkompeten. Adanya penilaian kesesuaian maka laboratorium dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, akurat dan presisi sesuai standar Batan SB77-0003-88:2007.

Pada tahun 2012 telah diakreditasi Laboratorium Uji Analisis Radioaktifitas Lingkungan (LARL) Pusat Teknologi Nuklir Bahan dan Radiometri-Batan Bandung sebagai laboratorium penguji yang memenuhi syarat sesuai standar Batan, serta proses akreditasi Laboratorium X-ray Diffraction (XRD) dengan perbaikan untuk memenuhi persyaratan.

Akreditasi laboratorium juga telah diberikan oleh Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN) dan Komisi Nasional Akreditasi Pranata Penelitian dan Pengembangan (KNAPPP), yang merupakan badan akreditasi nasional. Beberapa laboratorium Batan yang telah mendapat akreditasi KAN dan KNAPPP sebagai berikut.

NoNo. Identifikasi/

No. Keputusan Kepala BSN Judul SNI

1 SNI ISO/ASTM 51818:2012/

No. 60/KEP/BSN/4/2012

Praktik dosimetri pada fasilitas berkas elektron untuk pemros-esan dengan radiasi pada energi antara 80 sampai dengan 300 keV.

2 SNI ISO 17874-1:2012 /

No. 69/KEP/BSN/4/2012)

Peralatan penanganan jarak jauh untuk bahan radioaktif – Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum.

3 No.135/KEP/BSN/12/2012 Pangan Iradiasi – Bagian 1: Ren-dang daging sapi steril

4 SNI ISO 9915:2012 /

No. 129/KEP/BSN/12/2012

Coran paduan aluminium – Uji radiografi

5 SNI ISO 4986:2012 /


Coran baja – Inspeksi partikel magnetik

RSNI 3 Coran Paduan Aluminium - Uji Radiografi

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Annual Report112 BATAN 2012

form of a series of activities in issuance of certificates to work units which have applied the quality management system in accordance to SB 77.0001.80: 2005 (A quality management system-prerequisite in accordance to the main duties and functions of each work unit), SB006-OHSAS 18001:2008 (requirements of the Management System for Work Safety and Health, SB 008-SNI-19-14001:2009 (Environmental Management System) and SB 009-Batan : 2010 (Security Management System). Until the year 2012, Batan units that have been certified as follows.

List of Batan Units that have been Certified with Quality System

II.3. Nuclear Science and Technology Services

The Batan nuclear science and technology services are services rendered by Batan to the people, individuals as well as institutions by utilization of facilities as well as nuclear science and technology expertise possessed by Batan. The nuclear science and technology services are implemented in the 5 areas of Batan which are in Jakarta (Kuningan and lebak Bulus), Serpong-Tangerang, Bandung, as well as in Yogyakarta. The type of Public Services in Batan, among others are:

II.3.1. Education and Training Services

The utilization of nuclear technology besides giving benefit for the human welfare, it also could create radiation danger. Because of this for the sake of safety, the health of workers and people as well as protection towards the environment, the utilization of nuclear technology must be conducted precisely and carefully. The personnel involved in such activities must have adequate knowledge and skill for operating equipment safely. In connection with this, Batan through the Center for Education and Training Unit conducts training for professionals in the field of nuclear with the objective to give knowledge and skill in applying nuclear technology, as well as increasing the awareness to the safety culture by applying radiation safety procedures.

• KAN Laboratory Accreditation

The External Dose Monitoring Laboratory is currently in the process of applying for accreditation to KAN. Whereas the other laboratories which have already been awarded accreditation from KNAPPP, are as follows.

• Pranata R&D Accreditation of KNAPPP

Besides that, in order to ensure the product results produced, Batan has obtained 2 CPOB certificates (Method of Making Good Medicine) from the Agency for Supervision of Drugs and Food (BPOM), which is the CPOB with the Certificate Number 3805/CPOB/A/XI/2012 and Preparation Production Facility for Dry Frozen Injection Pharmaceutical Kit in accordance to the CPOB with the Certificate Number 3806/CPOB/A/XI/2012.

II.2.3. Nuclear Science and Technology Certificate

Batan conducts certification, which is one of the divisions of the standardization activities in the field of nuclear in the

No. Quality System / Batan Quality Stan-dard

Certified Unit

1. Quality Management System (SMM) - requirements in accordance with duties of each unit)/ SB 77.0001.80: 2005

22 units from 24 Batan units

2. Occupational health and safety manage-ment system (SMK3)/

SB006-OHSAS 18001:2008

3 units (PTNBR, PRR,

PTBIN), initial cerification.

3. Environmental Management System (SML) / SB 008-SNI-19-14001:2009

1 unit (PTNBR) sertifikasi awal

4. Security Management System (SMK) / SB 009-Batan : 2010


No.Batan Work

Unit/ Accredi-tation No.

Name of LaboratoryField of Test-ing/ Calibra-




Analytical Chemistry Testing Batan and outside Batan

2. PTKMR /


Safety of Health and Environment (KKL)

Testing Batan and outside Batan

4. PTBN/


Material Testing (LUB) Testing Batan and outside Batan



Hydrology Testing Batan and outside Batan



Radiometry Analy-sisTechnique


Testing Batan and outside Batan

7 PRR/


Testing of Radioiso-tope and

Radiopharmaceuticals (LUR2)

Testing Batan and outside Batan



TLD (thermolumines-cent


Testing Batan and outside Batan

No. Batan Work Unit/ Accreditation No. Pranata R&D

1. PTAPB/ PLM-003-INA Techno-physico-chemistry


• Plant culturing • Domestic animal nutrition • Tissue Bank • Health and earth reproduc tion

3 PTKMR / PLM-022-INA Cytogenetics

4 PTBN/ PLM-028-INA Material Testing

5 PRR/ PLM-029-INA PhysicsChemistryEngineering

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 113

• Laboratorium Akreditasi KAN

Laboratorium Pemantauan Dosis Eksternal saat ini sedang dalam proses pengajuan akreditasi ke KAN. Sedangkan Laboratorium lainnya yang sudah mendapat akreditasi dari KNAPPP, sebagai berikut.

• Pranata Litbang Akreditasi KNAPPP

Selain itu, untuk menjamin hasil produk yang dihasilkan, Batan telah memperoleh 2 sertifikat CPOB (Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik) dari Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BPOM), yaitu untuk Fasilitas produksi sediaan injeksi volume kecil radiofarmaka sesuai CPOB dengan Nomor Sertifikat 3805/CPOB/A/XI/2012 dan Fasilitas produksi sediaan injeksi beku kering kit radiofarmaka sesuai CPOB dengan Nomor sertifikat 3806/CPOB/A/XI/2012.

II.2.3. Sertifikasi Iptek Nuklir

Batan melakukan sertifikasi yaitu salah satu bagian dari kegiatan standardisasi bidang ketenaganukliran berupa

rangkaian kegiatan penerbitan sertifikat terhadap unit kerja yang telah menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu sesuai SB 77.0001.80: 2005 (Sistem manajemen mutu-prasyaratan sesuai tupoksi masing-masing unit kerja), SB006-OHSAS 18001:2008 (Persyaratan Sistem manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, SB 008-SNI-19-14001:2009 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) dan SB 009-Batan : 2010 (Sistem Manajemen Keamanan). Sampai dengan tahun 2012 status unit kerja Batan yang telah tersertifikasi sebagai berikut.

Daftar Unit Kerja Batan yang Telah Tersertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu

II.3. Layanan Jasa Iptek Nuklir

Layanan jasa iptek nuklir Batan adalah layanan yang diberikan oleh Batan kepada masyarakat, baik perorangan maupun lembaga/instansi dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas-fasilitas serta keahlian iptek nuklir yang dimiliki Batan. Layanan jasa iptek nuklir dilaksanakan di 5 kawasan Batan yang berada di Jakarta (Kuningan dan Lebak Bulus), Serpong-Tangerang, Bandung, serta Yogyakarta. Jenis Pelayanan Publik di Batan, diantaranya:

II.3.1. Layanan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

Pemanfaatan teknologi nuklir selain dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kesejahteraan manusia, juga dapat menimbulkan bahaya radiasi. Oleh karena itu maka demi keselamatan, kesehatan pekerja dan masyarakat serta perlindungan terhadap lingkungan hidup, pemanfaatan teknologi nuklir harus dilakukan secara tepat dan hati-hati. Personil yang terlibat dalam kegiatan tersebut harus mempunyai pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang memadai untuk mengoperasikan peralatan dengan aman dan selamat. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, Batan melalui unit Pusdiklat menyelenggarakan pelatihan bagi para profesional di bidang nuklir dengan tujuan memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menerapkan teknologi nuklir, serta meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap budaya keselamatan dengan menerapkan prosedur keselamatan radiasi.

No. Sistem Mutu /

Standard Mutu Batan

Unit Kerja yang

Telah Disertifikasi

1. Sistem Manajemen Mutu (SMM) - per-syaratan sesuai tupoksi masing-masing unit kerja)/ SB 77.0001.80: 2005

22 unit kerja dari 24 unit kerja Batan

2. Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja(SMK3)/

SB006-OHSAS 18001:2008

3 unit (PTNBR, PRR, PTBIN), sertifikasi awal.

3. Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan (SML) / SB 008-SNI-19-14001:2009

1 unit (PTNBR) sertifikasi awal

4. Sistem Manajemen Keamanan (SMK) / SB 009-Batan : 2010

4Unit kerja (PTNBR, PT-BIN, PTBN, PRR)

No.Unit Kerja Batan/ No. Akreditasi

Nama Laboratorim Bidang Pengu-jian/ Kalibrasi Pengguna



Kimia Analitik Pengujian Batan dan luar Batan

2. PTKMR /


Keselamatan Kesehat an dan Lingkungan (KKL)

Pengujian Batan dan luar Batan

4. PTBN/


Uji Bahan (LUB) Pengujian Batan dan luar Batan



Hidrologi Pengujian Batan dan luar Batan



Teknik Analisis Ra-diometri (TAR)(AAN)

Pengujian Batan dan luar Batan

7 PRR/


Uji Radioisotop dan

Radiofarmaka (LUR2)

Pengujian Batan dan luar Batan



TLD (thermolumines-cent dosimetry)

Pengujian Batan dan luar Batan

No.Unit Kerja Batan/

No. AkreditasiPranata Litbang

1. PTAPB/ PLM-003-INA Teknofisikokimia

2. PATIR/ PLM-009-INA • Pemuliaan tanaman • nutrisi ternak • Tissue Bank • Kesehatan dan reproduksi tanah

3 PTKMR / PLM-022-INA Sitogenetik

4 PTBN/ PLM-028-INA Uji Bahan

5 PRR/ PLM-029-INA FisikaKimiaEnjinering

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Annual Report114 BATAN 2012

Until the year 2012, Batan has educated and trained more than 2,245 Radiation Protection Workers (PPR) for the industry as well as medical workers/medics and more than 1,650 professional people in the field of radiography (level 1 and level 2). In implementation of the training, Batan cooperates with another institution, which is the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) for training Radiation Protection Workers (PPR Industry and PPR Medics). In the year 2012, Batan has conducted 23 trainings which consists of:• PPR Training : Industry : 13 Trainings (261 people)

Medics : 5 Trainings (85 people)• Radiography Training Level 1 : 3 Trainings (70 people) Level 2 : 2 Trainings (39 people)

From 346 PPR training participants, as much as 324 participants (94%) succeeded in obtaining the SIB PPR from BAPETEN. Whereas for radiography training, from 109 new training participants 48 participants (44,04 %) succeeded in obtaining the Radiography SIB from BAPETEN.

The main cause of failures of the participants of the radiography training is due to the level of competency demanded specifically for training participants whose education is only at the level of high school. Batan through the Nuclear Standardization and Quality Assurance needs to determine a radiography personnel competence standard (SKP), therefore it is expected that the level of difficulty of the testing material and learning material shall conform to the qualifications of the participants.

The user institution or user company of nuclear science and technology services which is conducted by the Center for Education and Training – by Batan, among them are the oil industries, mining industry, automotive industry, beverage industry, paper industry, suppliers of industrial equipment, supplier of health equipment, element analysis services company, airports, tyre manufacturing industry, government and private hospitals and others.

No. Services Activity Number ofservices

1 Free from Radiation Certification 1,496

2 Certification in Calibration of Radiation Measur-ing Equipment (AUR) and Standardization


3 Analysis in Radiation Monitoring and Work Place 5,480

4 Clinical Analysis 1,276

II.3.2. Safety Technology and Radiation Metrology Services

Batan provides testing services in regard to the safety of the workplace, safety of radiation workers, packaging of radioactive substances, diagnostic X-ray machine function, health of workers and safety of the environment. The Batan testing laboratory has been awarded accreditation by KAN ISO 17025 LP-206-IDN, and Batan is committed to render services which satisfy the customers, safely, accurately and timely.Services in safety technology and radiation metrology which have been conducted in the year 2012 is presented in the Table below.

Table of The Type and number of Services in Safety Technology and Radiation Metrology in the year 2012

In the frame of increasing the services to the public, Batan follows the Open Government of Indonesia (OGI) Competition which is held by the Work Unit of the President in the Field of Supervision and Control of Development (UKP-PPP), and succeeded in entering the rank of the 20 largest of the progressive public services, from 62 public service units (from about 34) which are evaluated, as well as entering the largest 5 (five) as the most popular public services.In the efforts to continually increase services to the public, currently Batan is developing an online service with a track and trace system which shall be completed in the month of November 2013. With this system, customers would be able to trace materials/equipment that are being tested or calibrated through the internet.

II.3.3. Radioaktive Waste Processing Services

Radioactive waste processing services are provided for the industry and hospitals creating radioactive wastes. The services of Batan in processing wastes, covers: (1) Radioactive Waste Management, (2) Transportation of Radioactive Wastes, (3) Decontamination, (4) Environmental Monitoring, (5) Monitoring of Worker Radiation Dose, (6) R&D in Industrial Waste Management and (7) Analysis of Waste Data or Samples.

Practice of Internal Radiation Protection of Radiation Protection Worker training (PPR)

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 115

Sampai dengan tahun 2012, Batan telah mendidik dan melatih lebih dari 2.245 orang Petugas Proteksi Radiasi (PPR) baik untuk industri maupun medik dan lebih dari 1.650 orang profesional di bidang radiografi (level 1 dan level 2). Dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan, Batan bekerja sama dengan instansi lain, yaitu Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN) untuk pelatihan Petugas Proteksi Radiasi (PPR Industri dan PPR Medik). Tahun 2012 Batan telah menyelenggarakan 23 pelatihan yang terdiri dari : • Pelatihan PPR : Industri : 13 Pelatihan (261 orang) Medik : 5 Pelatihan (85 orang) • Pelatihan Radiografi: Tk. 1 : 3 Pelatihan (70 orang) Tk. 2 : 2 Pelatihan (39 orang)

Dari 346 peserta pelatihan PPR, sebanyak 324 peserta (94%) berhasil memperoleh SIB PPR dari BAPETEN. Sedangkan untuk pelatihan Radiografi, dari 109 peserta pelatihan baru 48 peserta (44,04 %) yang berhasil memperoleh SIB Radiografi dari BAPETEN. Penyebab utama ketidaklulusan peserta pelatihan Radiografi adalah karena tingkat kompetensi yang dituntut masih terlalu tinggi khususnya bagi peserta pelatihan yang hanya berpendidikan setingkat sekolah menengah saja. Batan melalui unit standardisasi dan jaminan mutu nuklir perlu menetapkan standar kompetensi personil (SKP) radiografi, dengan demikian diharapkan tingkat kesulitan bahan uji dan bahan ajar akan sesuai dengan kualifikasi pesertanya.

Institusi atau perusahaan pengguna layanan iptek nuklir yang dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan - Batan diantaranya adalah Industri perminyakan, industri pertambangan, industri otomotif, industri minuman, industri kertas, suplier alat-alat industri, suplier alat-alat kesehatan, perusahaan jasa analisa unsur, bandar udara, industri pembuatan ban, rumah sakit pemerintah dan swasta dan lain-lain.

II.3.2. Layanan Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radiasi

Batan memberikan pelayanan pengujian mengenai keselamatan daerah kerja, keselamatan pekerja radiasi, bungkusan zat radioaktif, fungsi pesawat sinar-X diagnostik, kesehatan pekerja dan keselamatan lingkungan. Laboratorium penguji Batan telah terakreditasi KAN ISO 17025 LP-206-IDN, dan Batan berkomitmen memberikan layanan yang memuaskan pelanggan, aman, akurat dan tepat waktu.Layanan teknologi keselamatan dan metrologi radiasi yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2012 disajikan pada Tabel di bawah.

Jenis dan Jumlah Layanan Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radiasi Tahun 2012

Dalam rangka meningkatkan layanan kepada publik, Batan mengikuti Kompetisi Open Government Indonesia (OGI) yang diselenggarakan oleh Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan (UKP-PPP), dan berhasil masuk 20 (dua puluh) besar layanan publik terprogresif, dari 62 unit layanan publik (dari 34 K/L) yang dinilai, serta masuk 5 (lima) besar layanan publik terpopuler.Dalam upaya terus meningkatkan layanan kepada publik, saat ini Batan mengembangkan layanan online dengan sistem track and trace yang akan selesai pada November 2013. Dengan sistem ini, pelanggan dapat melakukan penelusuran terhadap bahan/alat yang sedang diuji atau dikalibrasi melalui internet.

II.3.3. Layanan Pengolahan Limbah Radioaktif

Pelayanan pengelolaan limbah radioaktif disediakan bagi industri dan rumah sakit penimbul limbah radioaktif. Layanan Batan dalam pengelolaan limbah, meliputi: (1) Pengelolaan Limbah Radioaktif, (2) Transportasi Limbah Radioaktif, (3) Dekontaminasi, (4) Pemantauan Lingkungan, (5) Pemantauan Dosis Radiasi Pekerja, (6) Litbang Pengelolaan Limbah Industri, dan (7) Analisis Data Limbah atau Sample.

No. Kegiatan Layanan Jumlah Layanan

1 Sertifikasi Bebas Radiasi 1.496

2 Sertifikasi Kalibrasi Alat Ukur Radiasi (AUR) dan Standardisasi


3 Analisis Pemantauan Radiasi dan Daerah Kerja 5.480

4 Analisis Klinik 1.276

Praktikum Teknik Double Wall Double Image (DWDI) pada Pelatihan Radiografi Level 2

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Annual Report116 BATAN 2012

II.3.4. Irradiation Services

Neutron irradiation services at the G.A. Siwabessy Multipurpose Reactor (RSG-GAS) comes from activities in research or utilization of resources in another form for the public at large. The Multipurpose Reactor Center provides services to institutions within or ouside Batan (private sector). The services are: (1) Neutron Irradiation Services (2) Topaz Stone Irradiation Services, and (3) Mineral Free (Demineralized) Water. In the year 2012, irradiation services had been conducted to 478 irradiation targets, as well as irradiation of 1,690 kg of Topaz stones.

II.3.5. Personnel Certification Services

Batan provides personnel certification services for Non-destructive Testing – Radiography to the people. The objective of this service is to give a contribution to the national development through provision of competent personnel specifically in the Non-destructive Testing field. Certification is conducted in reference to the provisions of the national and the international standards as well as the valid laws and regulations in the field of Non-destructive Testing. Certification of personnel in the field of Non-Destructive Testing is a requirement to obtain a Work Permit from the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN). The user institution of this service is the Technical Inspection Company, Government Institution, Schools of Higher Learning, and State Owned Companies.

In the year 2012, services in certification of personnel for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) which had been conducted is presented in the following Table.

List of Personel Certification Services

During the year 2012, activities in processing radioactive wastes covers activities in processing of solid radioactive wastes amounting to 163 drums of 100 liter capacity, conditioning of sealed source radioactive waste from various industries and hospitals amounting to 194 units, as well as moving spent nuclear fuel from the Multi Purpose Reactor Center (PRSG) unit to the KHIPSB3 (Connecting channel – Interim Storage Installation for Spent Fuel). Besides that, socialization had been conducted regarding procedures in management and transporting of radioactive wastes to the Center for Radioactive Waste Technology (PTLR) – Batan to the creator of wastes (industries and hospitals) in Indonesia, among others Pertamina Plaju, PT. Indah Kiat Prawang Riau, Dr. M Djamil Central Public Hospital in Padang, Dr. Sarjito hospital in Yogyakarta, Dr. Muwardi Hospital in Solo, Newmont NTB as well as Semen Tonasa, Makassar. It is expected with the presence of socialization, the implementation in transporting radioactive waste from the waste creator to PTLR could become better, smoother, and orderly in its administration.

List of Industries and Internal Batan which Obtained Services in Waste Processing at PTLR in the Year 2012

No Name of Waste Creator No Name of Waste Creator

1 PT. Titan Petrokimia Nusantara 15 PT. Pertamina RU VI-Balongan

2PT. NDT Instruments Indonesia

(3X)16 PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk

3 PT. Krakatau Steel (2X) 17 RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang4 PT. Pratita Prama Nugraha (5X) 18 PT. Sucofindo

5PT. Global Solution Technology

Aseana (3X)19 PT. Adiprima Suraprinta

6Center for Education and Train-

ing of Oil and Natural Gas20 PT. Lotte Packaging

7 PT. Widya Sapta Colas (WASCO) 21 RSUD Syaiful Anwar8 PT. Indonesia Power 22 PT. Pupuk Kujang

9Multipurpose Reactor Center


10 PT. South Pasific Viscose 24 PT. Pupuk Kaltim


Center for Nuclear Material

Technology and Radiometry


25Center for Radioisotope and

Radiopharmaceuticals (PRR)

12 PT. Suparma, Tbk. 26Dr. Kariadi Public Hospital in

Semarang13 PT. Indonesia Teijin Dupont Fims 27 PT. Amoco Mitsui PTA Indonesi

14Center for Nuclear Fuel Technol-

ogy (PTBN)

No Type of Service Target Realization %

1 Personnel Certification of Radiography Level 1 - NDT






2 Personnel Certification of Radiography Level 2 - NDT






Radiography Training Level 1

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 117

Selama tahun 2012, kegiatan pengolahan limbah radioaktif meliputi kegiatan pengolahan limbah radioaktif padat sebanyak 163 drum kapasitas 100 liter, kondisioning limbah radioaktif sumber terbungkus dari berbagai industri dan rumah sakit sebanyak 194 unit, serta telah dilakukan pemindahan bahan bakar nuklir bekas dari unit PRSG (Pusat Reaktor Serba Guna) ke KHIPSB3 (Kanal Hubung – Instalasi Penyimpanan Sementara Bahan Bakar Bekas). Di samping itu, telah dilakukan sosialisasi tentang prosedur pengelolaan dan pengiriman limbah radioaktif ke Pusat Teknologi Limbah Radioaktif (PTLR) - Batan kepada penimbul limbah (industri dan rumah sakit) di Indonesia, antara lain Pertamina Plaju, PT. Indah Kiat Prawang Riau, RSUP Dr. M Djamil Padang, RS. Dr. Sarjito Yogyakarta, RS. Dr. Muwardi Solo, Newmont NTB serta Semen Tonasa, Makassar. Diharapkan dengan adanya sosialisasi ini pelaksanaan pengiriman limbah radioaktif dari penimbul limbah ke PTLR menjadi lebih baik, lancar, dan tertib administrasi.

Tabel Daftar Industri dan Internal Batan yang Mendapat Layanan Pengolahan Limbah di PTLR pada Tahun 2012

No Nama Penimbul Limbah No Nama Penimbul Limbah

1 PT. Titan Petrokimia Nusantara 15 PT. Pertamina RU VI-Balongan

2 PT. NDT Instruments Indonesia (3X)

16 PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk

3 PT. Krakatau Steel (2X) 17 RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang

4 PT. Pratita Prama Nugraha (5X) 18 PT. Sucofindo

5 PT. Global Solution Technology Aseana (3X)

19 PT. Adiprima Suraprinta

6 Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Minyak dan Gas Bumi

20 PT. Lotte Packaging

7 PT. Widya Sapta Colas (WASCO) 21 RSUD Syaiful Anwar

8 PT. Indonesia Power 22 PT. Pupuk Kujang

9 Pusat Reaktor Serba Guna (PRSG) 23 PT. NEWMONT

10 PT. South Pasific Viscose 24 PT. Pupuk Kaltim

11 Pusat Teknologi Nuklir Bahan dan Radiometri (PTNBR)

25 Pusat Radioisotop dan Radio-farmaka (PRR)

12 PT. Suparma, Tbk. 26 RSUD Dr. Kariadi Semarang

13 PT. Indonesia Teijin Dupont Fims 27 PT. Amoco Mitsui PTA Indonesi

14 Pusat Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir (PTBN)

II.3.4. Layanan Iradiasi

Jasa layanan iradiasi neutron pada Reaktor Serba Guna – G.A. Siwabessy (RSG-GAS) berasal dari kegiatan penelitian atau pemanfaatan sumberdaya dalam bentuk yang lain untuk masyarakat luas. PRSG menyediakan layanan kepada instansi di dalam atau di luar Batan (swasta). Layanan tersebut berupa: (1) Jasa Iradiasi Neutron, (2) Jasa Iradiasi Batu Topaz, dan (3) Air Bebas Mineral. Pada tahun 2012, telah dilakukan layanan jasa iradiasi pada 478 target iradiasi, serta iradiasi 1.690 kg batu Topaz.

II.3.5. Layanan Sertifikasi Personel

Batan memberikan pelayanan sertifikasi personel Uji Tak Rusak (UTR) – Radiografi kepada masyarakat. Tujuan dari layanan ini adalah memberikan kontribusi kepada pembangunan nasional melalui penyediaan personel yang kompeten khususnya di bidang Uji Tak Rusak. Sertifikasi dilakukan dengan mengacu pada ketentuan standar nasional dan internasional serta peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di bidang Uji Tak Rusak. Sertifikasi personel di bidang UTR Radiografi merupakan persyaratan untuk memperoleh Surat Izin Bekerja dari Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN). Institusi pengguna dari layanan ini adalah Perusahaan Inspeksi teknis, Instansi pemerintah , Perguruan Tinggi, dan BUMN. Pada tahun 2012, layanan sertifikasi personel Uji Tak Rusak yang telah dilaksanakan disajikan pada Tabel berikut.

Tabel Daftar Layanan Sertifikasi Personel

No Jenis Layanan Target Realisasi %

1Sertifikasi personel UTR

– Radiografi Level 1100 sertifikat 137 sertifikat 137

2Sertifikasi Personel UTR-

Radiografi Level 275 sertifikat 102 sertifikat 136

Pelatihan Radiografi Level 1

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Annual Report118 BATAN 2012

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 119

Results of Performance Evaluation and Awards Received by Batan in the Year 2012

Hasil Penilaian Kinerja dan Penghargaan yang Diterima Batanpada Tahun 2012

Chapter III - BAB III

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Annual Report120 BATAN 2012

As an effort in increasing the performance in accordance to the duties and functions in supporting the national development program as well as giving results which are of benefit to the people, Batan continues to conduct evaluation and improvement to the performance accountability system, implementation of activities and the budget in accordance to the valid regulations, as well as commitment in implementation of the bureaucratic reformation with the roadmap and target which has been stipulated. Besides independent evaluation and appraisal conducted by the organization, Batan had obtained an appraisal for the performance from other institutions which have the authority as well as obtaining the mandate to evaluate performance of Ministries/Institutions from the President of the Republic of Indonesia. The results of evaluation as well as the input from Batan stakeholders, in the form of awards as well as recommendation for improvement, is a trigger as well as a reflection for Batan in its efforts for further improvement.In the year 2012, Batan had obtained several awards in connection with the results of performance evaluation from the authorized institution, among others:

III.1. Reasonable Without Reserve (WTP) Opinion in Financial Performance Evaluation by the State Auditor (BPK)In accordance to Law Number 17 Year 2003 regarding the State Finance as well as the provisions in Law Number 15 Year 2004 regarding Examination in Management and Accountability of the State Finance, towards the implementation of the State Budget, examination is conducted towards the Financial Report by the State Auditor (BPK).

Reasonable Opinion Without Reserve (WTP) or Unqualified Opinion from the State Auditor (BPK), meaning the Financial Report (LK) has been presented reasonably, and there are no material uncertainties. The financial position (balance), business results or the Budget Realization Report (LRA), Cash Flow Report, are in accordance with the general public accountancy principles. The explanation of the financial report also had been presented adequately, informatively and had not created any mistaken interpretation. Whereas the term “reasonable” is meant that the financial report is free from any doubts and dishonesty whatsoever, as well as complete in regard to the information. The understanding of “reasonable” is not only limited to the amount and accuracy in classification of the Active and Obligation balance, and what is most important covers the disclosures which is mentioned in the Financial Report.

In accordance to the attachment of the Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) TA 2011 which had been submitted by the Head of the State Auditor to the President on the date 30 May 2012, the financial report of the National Nuclear Energy Agency is one of 67 Ministries and Instituions that have succeeded in obtaining the term “Reasonable Without Reserve”. This defends the opinion of “Reasonable Without Reserve” (WTP) which had been obtained by Batan for Financial Report of Ministries/Institution (LKKL) of TA 2009 and TA 2010.

In order to maintain the WTP opinion, the planning process, budgeting, implementation, control/supervision, and reporting also must continually be enhanced in its quality, and besides that the budget must be well managed and precise in target by effective, accountable, and efficient on the side of costs.

Results of Performance Evaluation and Awards Received by Batan in the Year 2012

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 121

Sebagai upaya meningkatkan kinerja sesuai tugas dan fungsi dalam mendukung program pembangunan nasional serta memberikan hasil yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, Batan harus terus melakukan evaluasi serta perbaikan terhadap sistem akuntabilitas kinerjanya, pelaksanaan kegiatan dan anggaran sesuai aturan yang berlaku, serta berkomitmen melaksanakan reformasi birokrasi dengan roadmap dan target yang telah ditetapkan.

Selain evaluasi dan penilaian mandiri yang dilaksanakan oleh organisasi, Batan mendapat penilaian kinerja dari institusi lain yang memiliki kewenangan serta mendapat mandat untuk menilai kinerja Kementerian/Lembaga (K/L) dari Presiden Republik Indonesia. Hasil penilaian maupun masukan dari pemangku kepentingan Batan, baik berupa penghargaan maupun rekomendasi untuk perbaikan, merupakan pemicu serta bahan refleksi bagi Batan dalam upaya perbaikan ke depan.

Pada tahun 2012 Batan memperoleh beberapa penghargaan terkait hasil penilaian kinerja dari institusi yang berwenang antara lain:

III.1. Opini WTP dalam Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK)

Sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara serta ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemeriksaan Pengelolaan dan Tanggung Jawab Keuangan Negara, terhadap pelaksanaan APBN, dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap Laporan Keuangan oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK).

Opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) atau Unqualified Opinion dari BPK, artinya Laporan Keuangan (LK) telah disajikan secara wajar tidak terdapat ketidakpastian dalam semua hal yang material (no material uncertainties). Posisi keuangan (neraca), hasil usaha atau Laporan Realisasi Anggaran (LRA), Laporan Arus Kas, sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum. Penjelasan laporan keuangan juga telah disajikan secara memadai, informatif dan tidak menimbulkan penafsiran yang menyesatkan. Sedangkan istilah wajar dimaksudkan bahwa laporan keuangan bebas dari keraguan dan ketidakjujuran serta lengkap informasinya. Pengertian wajar tidak hanya terbatas pada jumlah-jumlah dan ketepatan pengklasifikasian aktiva dan kewajiban, dan yang terpenting meliputi pengungkapan yang tercantum dalam Laporan Keuangan.

Berdasarkan lampiran Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) TA 2011 yang telah disampaikan oleh Ketua BPK-RI kepada Presiden pada tanggal 30 Mei 2012, laporan keuangan Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional termasuk salah satu diantara 67 Kementerian dan Lembaga (K/L) yang meraih predikat opini WTP (Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian). Hal ini mempertahankan opini WTP yang telah diperoleh Batan untuk Laporan Keuangan Kementerian/Lembaga (LKKL) TA 2009 dan TA 2010.

Untuk mempertahankan opini WTP, proses perencanaan, penganggaran, pelaksanaan, pengendalian, pengawasan, dan pelaporan juga harus terus ditingkatkan kualitasnya selain itu pengelolaan anggaran harus dikelola dengan baik dan tepat sasaran dengan cara efektif, akuntabel, dan efisien dari sisi biaya.

Hasil Penilaian Kinerja dan Penghargaan yang Diterima Batanpada Tahun 2012

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Annual Report122 BATAN 2012

III.2. Appreciation Award for Management of State Owned Goods (BMN) by the Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), in this regard the Directorate General for the State Wealth (DJKN) has given appreciation to Ministries/Institutions that have shown good management performance of State Owned Goods (BMN) in “BMN Awards year 2012”.

There are three categories of appreciation conducted by DJKN, which are the Utilization of BMN, Discipline in Reporting and Realization of IP (Inventory and Evaluation). In each of these categories also is classification based on 3 groups in accordance to the number of work units. In each group, group I (10 work units) amounting to 36 Ministries/Institutions, group II (10-100 work units) amounting to 23 Ministries/Institutions and group III (more than 100 work units) amounting to 26 Ministries/Institutions which are involved.

The award of appreciation which involves 85 Ministries/Institutions was given in the month of November 2012. In this BMN Award 2012, Batan together with the Ministry for Research and Technology, as well as The Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology has obtained the appreciation as rank number two for the category of Realization of IP (Inventory and Evaluation) of State Owned Goods.

III.3. The Predicate “Good” in evaluation of Government Institution Performance Aaccountability Report (LAKIP) by the Ministry for Empowerment of the State Apparatus and Bureaucracy Reformation (Ministry of PAN & RB)

In consideration of Presidential Instruction Number 7 Year 1999 regarding Accountability of Government Institution Performance as well as Regulation of the State Minister for Empowerment of the State Apparatus and Bureaucracy Reformation (PAN & RB) Number 20 Year 2010 regarding Guidance in Preparation of the stipulation of Performance and Reporting of the Government Institution Performance Accountability, as every institution shall be obliged to submit a government institution performance accountability report (LAKIP) to the President through the Ministry of PAN & RB. The Government Institution Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP) is intended to give a clear illustration, transparent, and accountable in regard to the performance of a government institution. The results could help the leaders and the whole institution in carefully looking into various issues as a reference in preparing the performance plan for the following year. Therefore the performance plan in the following year could be more focused, effective, efficient, measured, transparent and accountable.

In the year 2012, the evaluation results of LAKIP 2011 which was conducted by the Ministry of PAN & RB, stated that Batan is included among one of 17 Ministries and Institutions (K/L) that succeeded in getting the predicate “B” from a total number of 82 K/L being evaluated. The Predicate CC was received by Batan for the LAKIP evaluation for the year2012 with the grade of 64.07, whereas for LAKIP in the year 2011, Batan obtained a predicate “B” with the grade 67.77. These grades reflect the efforts of Batan to continually increase its performance accountability level towards the performance achieved in accordance to the bureaucracy reformation program that has been announced.

III.4. Appreciation in Openness of Public Information

Law Number 14 Year 2008 regarding Openness of Public Information (UU KIP), which was endorsed on 30 April 2008 and enacted since 30 April 2010, is a regulation for openness of public information as one of the characteristics of the life of a democratic country where all the management of public bodies, in the process of administering the state and government, shall be obliged to be accountable to the people.

In the frame of applying Law Number 14 year 2008 regarding Openness of Public Information, the government has awarded an appreciation to public bodies which gives the best information service, in the central level (ministries and institutions) as well as in the provinces. Evaluation is conducted by the Central Information Commission using the Law for Openness of Public Information (UU KIP), which is regarding information obliged to be announced to the public (through website) among others the existence of public body profile information, performance, financial report and regulations in connection to the public body mentioned.

In the year 2012 the awarding of an appreciation was conducted by Vice President Boediono, at the Vice President’s Palace, on Friday, 28 September 2012 in line with the International Right to Know Day which is commemorated every 28 September. This award is given for two categories, which are for the Information Obliged to be Announced periodically and the Information Services which is Available at Any Time.

The results of the KIP evaluation in the year 2012, Batan obtained awards for:

• The category of Information Obliged to be Announced periodically (through website), obtained award for rank III (grade 86.41) from 10 central public bodies which obtained the highest grades.

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III.2. Penghargaan untuk Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara (BMN) oleh Kementerian Keuangan

Kementerian Keuangan RI, dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara (DJKN) memberikan apresiasi kepada Kementerian/Lembaga yang menunjukkan performa pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara (BMN) dalam “BMN Awards tahun 2012”.

Ada tiga kategori apresiasi dilakukan oleh DJKN, yakni Utilisasi BMN, Kepatuhan Pelaporan dan Realisasi IP (Inventarisasi dan Penilaian). Dalam setiap kategori ini juga diklasifikasikan berdasarkan 3 kelompok berdasarkan banyaknya satuan kerja. Dalam masing-masing kelompok, kelompok I (10 satker) sebanyak 36 K/L, kelompok II (10-100 satker) sebanyak 23 K/L dan kelompok III (lebih dari 100 satker) sebanyak 26 K/L yang terlibat.

Pemberian apresiasi yang melibatkan 85 K/L ini diberikan pada bulan November 2012. Pada BMN Award 2012 ini, Batan bersama dengan Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi, serta Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi mendapatkan penghargaan peringkat kedua untuk katagori Realisasi IP (Inventarisasi dan Penilaian) Barang Milik Negara.

III.3. Predikat Baik dalam penilaian LAKIP oleh Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Kemen PAN & RB)

Instruksi Presiden Nomor 7 Tahun 1999 tentang Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah serta Peraturan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 20 Tahun 2010 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Penetapan Kinerja dan Pelaporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah, setiap instansi diwajibkan menyampaikan laporan akuntabilitas kinerja instansi pemerintah (LAKIP) kepada Presiden melalui Kementerian PAN & RB. Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP) dimaksud untuk memberikan gambaran yang jelas, transparan, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan tentang kinerja suatu instansi pemerintah. Hasilnya dapat membantu pimpinan dan seluruh jajaran instansi dalam mencermati berbagai permasalahan sebagai bahan acuan dalam menyusun rencana kinerja di tahun berikutnya. Dengan demikian rencana kinerja di tahun mendatang dapat disusun lebih fokus, efektif, efisien, terukur, transparan dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

Tahun 2012 hasil evaluasi LAKIP 2011 yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian PAN & RB menyatakan bahwa Batan termasuk sebagai salah satu diantara 17 Kementerian dan Lembaga (K/L) yang meraih predikat “B” (baik) dari total sejumlah 82

K/L yang dinilai. Predikat CC diterima Batan untuk penilaian LAKIP tahun 2010 dengan nilai 64,07, sedangkan LAKIP Batan tahun 2011 mendapat predikat B dengan nilai 67,77. Perolehan nilai tersebut merupakan cerminan upaya Batan untuk terus meningkatkan tingkat akuntabilitas kinerja Batan terhadap kinerja yang telah dicapai sesuai dengan program reformasi birokrasi yang telah dicanangkan.

III.4. Penghargaan Keterbukaan Informasi Publik

Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (UU KIP), yang disahkan pada 30 April 2008 dan diberlakukan sejak 30 April 2010, merupakan regulasi untuk keterbukaan informasi publik sebagai salah satu ciri dari kehidupan negara demokratis dimana semua pengelolaan badan-badan publik, dalam proses penyelenggaraan negara dan pemerintahan, wajib dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kepada masyarakat.

Dalam rangka penerapan UU Nomor 14 tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, pemerintah menganugerahkan penghargaan kepada badan publik yang memberikan layanan informasi terbaik, baik di tingkat pusat (kementerian dan lembaga) maupun provinsi. Penilaian dilakukan oleh Komisi Informasi Pusat menggunakan UU Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (UU KIP), yaitu mengenai informasi yang wajib diumumkan ke masyarakat (melalui website) antara lain adanya informasi profil badan publik, kinerja, laporan keuangan dan regulasi-regulasi yang terkait badan publik tersebut.

Pada tahun 2012 penganugerahan penghargaan dilakukan oleh Wakil Presiden Boediono, di Istana Wakil Presiden, Jumat, 28 September 2012 seiring dengan hari Hak untuk Tahu Internasional (International Right to Know Day) yang diperingati setiap 28 September. Penghargaan tersebut diberikan atas dua kategori, yaitu informasi yang wajib diumumkan berkala dan pelayanan informasi yang tersedia setiap saat.

Hasil penilaian KIP tahun 2012, Batan memperoleh penghargaan:

• Kategori informasi wajib diumumkan berkala (melalui website), mendapat penghargaan untuk peringkat III (nilai 86,41) dari 10 badan publik pusat yang mendapat penilaian tertinggi.

• Kategori informasi wajib tersedia setiap saat, mendapat penghargaan peringkat III (nilai 75,5) dari 3 badan publik pusat yang mendapat penilaian tertinggi.

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Annual Report124 BATAN 2012

• The category for Information obliged to be available at any time, Batan obtained an award for rank III (grade 75.5) from 3 central public bodies which obtained the highest grades.

These awards are which drives Batan to continually give information services to the public as a part of increasing the performance accountability.

III.5. Appreciation of Innovation by the Business Innovation Center (BIC) – State Ministry for Research and Technology

In order to bridge the role of the three sectors in the national development which are the Government, Academician, and Business Actors (ABG), the State Ministry for Research and Technology had established a Business Innovation Center (BIC) on the date 13 March 2008, which is an organization which functions in developing synergy between ABG in the case of innovation which until now has not been optimal.

In the activities of BIC there are efforts to identify the Implementation of Technology Transfer as well as business commercialization of the results of research and development. Every year since the year 2008, BIC has conducted selections of Indonesian Innovation Creations which are most prospective from all levels of the Indonesian people, specifically the inventors, researchers, and scientists of Indonesia who want to present their innovations, and to have more opportunity for empowerment/commercialization. The innovation creation selected shall be published in the Book of Innovation of Indonesia.

In the years 2008-2011, Batan participated in sending the innovations of its researchers, and these innovations have been included in the Book of Innovations of Indonesia No.100-103. In the year 2012, Batan researchers have again sent their innovation creations and on August 2012, six researchers had obtained awards of Innovation Creation of the Year 2012 from the State Minister for Research and Technology, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Gusti Muhammad Hatta, MS., as well as entered in the Book of Innovation of Indonesia No. 104 in the Business Innovation Center (BIC). The List of Innovation Creations of Batan in the year 2012 is as follows.

III.6. Appreciation of Cultural Area of the Intellectual Property Rights

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights, in the frame of commemorating the Dharma Karyadhika Day in the year 2012 has given an award, the Certificate for Cultural area of the Intellectual Property Rights to Batan for the category of Government Institution in the Field of Creativity and Innovation Technology. This award is obtained due to efforts of Batan, to make a culture in recognizing patents and increase the number of patents, which are produced from the results of research of the researchers. The award was given by the Minister for Law and Human Rights on the date 30 October 2012, at the Ministry for Law and Human Rights. Besides awarding Batan, awards were also given to the Indonesian Science Institution (LIPI) and the Agency for Research and Application of Technolo

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Penghargaan ini merupakan pendorong Batan untuk terus memberikan layanan informasi kepada publik sebagai bagian dari peningkatan akuntabilitas kinerja.

III.5. Penghargaan Karya Inovasi oleh Business Innovation Center (BIC) - Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi

Untuk menjembatani peran tiga sektor dalam pembangunan nasional yaitu Pemerintah, Akademisi, dan Pelaku Bisnis (ABG: Academician, Business, and Government), Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi mendirikan Business Innovation Center (BIC) pada tanggal 13 Maret 2008, yaitu suatu organisasi yang berfungsi untuk mengembangkan sinergi antara ABG dalam hal inovasi yang sampai saat ini belum optimal.

Di dalam kegiatan BIC terdapat upaya identifikasi pelaksanaan transfer teknologi serta usaha komersialisasi hasil penelitian dan pengembangan. Setiap tahun sejak tahun 2008, BIC melakukan pemilihan Karya Inovasi Indonesia paling prospektif dari segenap lapisan masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya para inovator, peneliti, dan ilmuwan Indonesia, yang ingin menampilkan karya inovasi mereka, agar lebih berpeluang untuk didayagunakan/dikomersialisasikan. Karya inovasi yang terpilih diterbitkan dalam buku inovasi Indonesia.

Pada tahun 2008-2011 Batan turut berpartisipasi mengirimkan karya inovasi para penelitinya, dan dari karya-karya tersebut telah ditampilkan dalam Buku Inovasi Indonesia 100-103. Pada tahun 2012, peneliti Batan kembali mengirimkan karya inovasinya dan pada bulan Agustus 2012, enam penelitian memperoleh penghargaan Karya Inovasi Tahun 2012 dari Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Gusti Muhammad Hatta, MS., serta masuk dalam Buku 104 Inovasi Indonesia pada Business Innovation Center (BIC). Daftar karya inovasi Batan tahun 2012 sebagai berikut.

III.6. Penghargaan Kawasan Berbudaya Hak Kekayaan Intelektual

Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Azasi Manusia, dalam rangka memperingati Hari Dharma Karyadhika Tahun 2012 telah memberikan penghargaan Sertifikat Kawasan Berbudaya Hak Kekayaan Intelektual kepada Batan untuk kategori Instansi Pemerintah di Bidang Kreativitas dan Inovasi Teknologi. Penghargaan ini diperoleh dari upaya Batan, membudayakan paten dan meningkatkan jumlah paten, yang dihasilkan dari hasil penelitian para peneliti. Penghargaan disampaikan oleh Menteri Hukum dan HAM pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2012, di Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Azasi Manusia. Selain kepada Batan penghargaan juga disampaikan kepada LIPI dan BPPT.

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Annual Report126 BATAN 2012

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Profile of the National Nuclear Energy Agency

Profil Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

Chapter IV - BAB IV

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Annual Report128 BATAN 2012

a. assessment and preparation of the national policy in the field of research, development, and utilization of nuclear energy;

b. coordination of functional activities in implementation of the duties of Batan;

c. facilitate and foster government institutional activities in the field of research, development, and utilization of nuclear energy;

d. conduct guidance and serving general administration in the field of general planning, administrative procedures, organization and structural administration, employee administration, finance, archiving, legal affairs, codification, procurement and household administration.

In accordance to the duties and functions, and in support of the national development plan which shall enter the second five year plan period in the frame of the National Long Term Development, Vision and Mission of Batan has been designed in the 2010-2014 Batan Strategic Planning as follows.Vision of Batan : “Nuclear Energy as an Accelerator of the Nation’s Welfare”Mission of Batan : a. Conduct Research, Development and Application

(litbangrap) of Nuclear Energy, Isotope and Radiation (Enisora) in Support to the National Development Program.

b. Strengthening the R&D Institutional Management System and Competence to Support Research Activities, Development and Application of Nuclear Energy, Isotope and Radiation.

IV.1. Position, Duties and Functions

The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 year 1997 regarding Nuclear Energy, and the Presidential Decree Number 197 year 1998 regarding the National Nuclear Energy Agency, stipulates that the National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) shall be the Implementing Agency, a non-departmental (non-ministerial) Government Institution which shall have the duty in assisting the President in formulating the policies in the field of nuclear energy and implementing the utilization of nuclear energy. Batan shall be under and directly responsible to the President.

Furthermore, through the Presidential Decree number 103 year 2001 regarding the Position, Duty, Function, Authority, Organization Structure, and Procedures of Non-Departmental Government Institution, which has been several times amended, with the latest being the Presidential Regulation Number 64 year 2005, it is regulated that the National Nuclear Energy Agency shall be a Non-Departmental Government Institution (Ministry) which has been formed to implement certain government duties of the President under the coordination of the State Minister for Research and Technology. Batan shall have the duty to implement governance in the field of research, development, and utilization of nuclear energy in accordance to the provisions of the valid laws and regulations. In conducting such duties, Batan conducts the following functions :

Profile of the National Nuclear Energy Agency

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 129

IV.1. Kedudukan, Tugas dan Fungsi

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 tahun 1997 tentang Ketenaganukliran, dan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 197 tahun 1998 tentang Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, menetapkan bahwa Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (Batan) adalah Badan Pelaksana, Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen (Kementerian) yang bertugas membantu Presiden dalam merumuskan kebijaksanaan di bidang nuklir dan melaksanakan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir. Batan berada di bawah dan bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Presiden.

Selanjutnya melalui Keputusan Presiden nomor 103 tahun 2001 tentang Kedudukan, Tugas, Fungsi, Kewenangan, Susunan Organisasi, dan Tata Kerja Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen, yang beberapa kali dirubah terakhir dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 64 tahun 2005, diatur bahwa Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional adalah Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen (Kementerian) yang dibentuk untuk melaksanakan tugas pemerintahan tertentu dari Presiden di bawah koordinasi Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi. Batan bertugas melaksanakan tugas pemerintahan di bidang penelitian, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Dalam melaksanakan tugas tersebut, Batan menyelenggarakan fungsi :

a. pengkajian dan penyusunan kebijakan nasional di bidang penelitian, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir;

b. koordinasi kegiatan fungsional dalam pelaksanaan tugas Batan;

c. fasilitasi dan pembinaan terhadap kegiatan instansi pemerintah di bidang penelitian, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir;

d. penyelenggaraan pembinaan dan pelayanan administrasi umum di bidang perencanaan umum, ketatausahaan, organisasi dan tatalaksana, kepegawaian, keuangan, kearsipan, hukum, persandian, perlengkapan dan rumah tangga.

Sesuai tugas dan fungsi, mendukung rencana pembangunan nasional yang memasuki periode perencanaan lima tahunan ke-2 dalam kerangka Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional, telah dicanangkan Visi dan Misi Batan dalam Rencana Strategis Batan 2010 – 2014 sebagai berikut. Visi Batan : “Energi nuklir sebagai pemercepat kesejahteraan bangsa”MIsi Batan : a. Melaksanakan Penelitian, Pengembangan dan

Penerapan (Litbangrap) Energi Nuklir, Isotop dan Radiasi (Enisora) dalam Mendukung Program Pembangunan Nasional.

b. Memperkuat Sistem Manajemen Kelembagaan Litbang dan Kompetensi untuk Mendukung Kegiatan Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Penerapan Energi Nuklir, Isotop dan Radiasi.

Profil Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

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Annual Report130 BATAN 2012

IV.2. Organization Structure

The organization of Batan has been prepared in accordance to Presidential Decision No. 166 year 2000, Presidential Decision No. 103 year 2001 and Regulation of the Head of Batan No. 392/KA/XI/2005, Regarding Organization and Work Procedures of Batan. Next Figure shows the current organization structure of Batan.

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 131

IV.2. Struktur Organisasi

Susunan organisasi Batan disusun berdasarkan Keppres No. 166 tahun 2000, Keppres No. 103 tahun 2001 dan Peraturan Kepala Batan No. 392/KA/XI/2005, Tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Batan. Gambar berikut Menunjukkan struktur organisasi Batan saat ini.

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Annual Report132 BATAN 2012

IV.3. Human Resources

The employees of Batan as per 31 December 2012, number a total of 3003 people which are spread out in 4 (four) Bureaus, 14 (fourteen) Technical Centres, 2 (two) Centres of Dissemination/Partnership, 1 (one) Centre for Education and Training, 1 (one) Inspectorate, 1 (one) Nuclear Technology School of Higher learning, and 1 (one) Centre for Nuclear Standardization and Quality Assurance. The education level composition of of the employees of Batan are as follows: 95 people are Strata-3 (Doctoral Degree), 299 people are Strata-2 (Magister Degree), 1079 people are Strata-1(Fresh Graduate) and D-4 (Bachelor’s Degree), 409 people consist of graduates of D-3/Bachelor’s Degree, as well as 1121 have education < D3/Bachelor’s Degree. A number of 1072 employees have followed a career in 21 specific functional positions, among them recorded are 73 people having qualifications as Executive Researchers, and 26 people as Research Professors; Pre-Nuclear Executives recorded are 4 people; and Executive Designer/Engineer recorded are 2 people.

With the number of employees totaling 3003 people as per 31 December 2012, and with a trend of reduction until the year 2014. In accordance to the bureaucratic reformation roadmap of Batan, the number of employees is expected to be approximately between 2,700 - 2900 employees with







TEKNIS 1872(62,34%)

ADMINISTRASI 926(30,84%)

GUSKAMTIB 205(6,83%)

JML 3003


K. PUSAT 253 117 370

P. JUMAT 527 213 740

SERPONG 1052 284 1336

BANDUNG 121 53 174

YOGYA 318 65 383

JML 2271 732 3003


IV 589 19,61%

III 2075 69,10%

II 327 10,89%

I 12 0,4%

JML 3003































< 26 4826 - 30 24831 - 35 13036 - 40 15441 - 45 46646 - 50 85351 -55 88450 - 60 18761 - 65 33

JML 3003


I 4

II 23

III 104

IV 218

JLM 349






an education based composition of Human Resources is expected to form a pyramid with the comparison S-1 : S-2 : S-3 which supports the research institutional competence ratio of 9 : 3 : 1 and integrated through a career scheme and development with the target of increasing the level of Human Resources through a functional position career which shall total to about 50% of the total number of employees.

Besides that, Batan shall continually increase the competence and professionalism of its employees through technical as well as non-technical education and training which support the duties and functions of the organization domestically as well as abroad to become a continuing program, therefore at the end of 2014 in accordance to the mandate of the Batan 2010-2014 National Medium Term Development in the endeavor to become a Centre of Expertise in the field of nuclear science and technology could be achieved.

Through education and training centers, Batan implementing and conducting education in collaboration with universities in Indonesia by sending Batan employees (PTB) to follow the nuclear science and technology programs S2 and S3. In 2012, a total of 26 employees in Batan graduated college selection and get PTB. Batan PTB who have completed and graduated from S2 and S3 in the year 2012 was 31 employees.

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 133

IV.3. Sumber Daya Manusia

Pegawai Batan per tanggal 31 Desember 2012, berjumlah 3003 orang yang tersebar di 4 (empat) Biro, 14 (empat belas) Pusat Teknis, 2 (dua) Pusat Diseminasi/Kemitraan, 1 (satu) Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, 1 (satu) Inspektorat, 1 (satu) Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir, dan 1 (satu) Pusat Standarisasi dan Jaminan Mutu Nuklir. Komposisi tingkat pendidikan pegawai Batan adalah 95 orang S-3, 299 orang S-2, 1079 orang S-1 dan D-4, 409 orang terdiri dari tamatan D-3/ Sarjana Muda, serta 1121 adalah dengan pendidikan < D3/ Sarjana Muda. Sejumlah 1072 pegawai Batan meniti karir di 21 jaBatan fungsional tertentu, diantaranya tercatat 73 orang memiliki kualifikasi Peneliti Utama, dan 26 orang Profesor Riset; Pranata Nuklir Utama tercatat 4 orang dan Perekayasa Utama tercatat 2 orang.

Dengan jumlah pegawai 3003 orang per 31 Desember 2012 ini, dan akan cenderung berkurang sampai dengan tahun 2014 sesuai dengan roadmap reformasi birokrasi Batan, jumlah pegawai diharapkan akan menjadi kurang lebih antara 2.700 - 2900 orang. Komposisi pendidikan SDM diharapkan dapat membentuk piramida dengan perbandingan S1 : S2 : S3 yang mendukung kompetensi lembaga penelitian sebesar 9 : 3 : 1 yang terintegrasi dengan pola karier dan pengembangan karier dengan target peningkatan SDM yang meniti karier jabatan fungsional menjadi kurang lebih 50% dari jumlah pegawai.



PJBT FUNGS21 - 25 426 - 30 5131 - 35 4436 - 40 4541 - 45 13946 - 50 30151 - 55 30156 - 60 15861 - 65 29>66 0



IV 375III 684II 13I 0



I 1II 2III 17IV 5













PRANUK : 419AHLI TRPL 165 254


















T I N G K A T P E N D I D I K A N1 0 7 2

Di samping itu Batan terus berupaya meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme pegawainya melalui Diklat teknis maupun non teknis yang mendukung pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi organisasi baik di dalam maupun luar negeri menjadi program yang terus dijalankan, sehingga pada akhir tahun 2014 sesuai dengan amanah RPJMN 2010-2014 Batan menjadi Pusat Kepakaran di bidang Iptek nuklir dapat tercapai.

Melalui unit Pusdiklat, Batan melaksanakan dan menyelenggarakan pendidikan bekerja sama dengan perguruan tinggi negeri di Indonesia dengan mengirimkan pegawai Batan sebagai Pegawai Tugas Belajar (PTB) untuk mengikuti pendidikan iptek nuklir jenjang S2 dan S3. Pada tahun 2012, sebanyak 26 pegawai Batan lulus seleksi masuk perguruan tinggi dan mendapat PTB. PTB Batan yang telah selesai dan lulus mengikuti pendidikan jenjang S2 dan S3 di tahun 2012, sejumlah 31 pegawai.



Seleksi Akademik Pusdiklat Batan untuk Jenjang Pendidikan S2 dan S3

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Annual Report134 BATAN 2012

1V.4. Facilities for Research, Development and Engineering

Currently Batan possesses 3 research reactors which are the Triga Mark II having capacity of 2000 kW (the initial capacity: 250 kW) in Bandung (1965); The Kartini Reactor having a power of 100 kW, in Yogyakarta (1979); as well as the G.A. Siwabessy Multi-Purpose Reactor with a power of 30 MW in Serpong (1987). Besides the research reactor, as a facility for research, Batan possess various main and supporting nuclear facilities/installation which are located in the Batan nuclear areas, which are:

1V.4.1.Bandung Nuclear Area

Bandung Nuclear area is located at Jl. Tamansari litbang include a unit of work, namely Nuclear Technology Center for Materials and radiometric. In this area, as well as reactor Triga Mark II, there are facilities / laboratories as follows.a. Laboratory for Radiometry Analysis Technique (TAR)b. Laboratory for Radioisotope Process Technology (TPR)c. Laboratory for Environmental Radioactivity Analysis (ARL)

1V.4.2. Yogyakarta Nuclear Area

Yogyakarta Nuclear area is located at Jl. Babarsari, besides The Center for Technology of Accelerator and Material Process, there is also The Polytechnic Institute of Nuclear Technology. To support research and development in the area, there are various facilities / laboratories as follows:

a. Laboratory for Chemical Analysisb. Laboratory for Materials Characterizationc. Laboratory for Accelerator Technologyd. Laboratory for Nuclear Analysis Techniques (TAN)e. Laboratory for Process Technologyf. Electromechanical Workshop

1V.4.3. Pasar Jumat Nuclear Area

In Pasar Jumat Nuclear Area there are 3 units of work litbang, 1 unit of dissemination and 1 unit of Education and Training Center. Facilities / laboratories and major equipment that is in the area, include:

a. 4 (four) Cobalt-60 gamma ray irradiator units, i.e. the Gammacell-220 (10 kCi), the Multipurpose Panorama Irradiator (IRPASENA, 80 kCi), Natural Rubber Irradiator (IRKA, 400 kCi), and the Gamma Chamber 4000-A (10 kCi) Irradiator.

b. 2 (two) Electron Beam Machine units (MBE) of low energy (type EPS-300, 300 keV/50 mA) and medium energy (type GJ-2, 2 MeV/10mA).

c. Laboratory for Plant Horticulture d. Laboratory for Tissue Banke. Laboratory for Geochemistryf. Laboratory for Mineralogyg. Laboratory for Processing Ores & Waterh. Laboratory for Health and Environmental Safety

(KKL)i. Laboratory for Cytogeneticsj. Laboratory for Radiation Dosimetryk. Laboratory for InVitro Applicationsl. Laboratory for the National Radiation Metrology

(LMR-N)m. Facility for LMR Calibrationn. Laboratory for education and training of nuclear

science and technologyo. Nuclear science and technology demontration center

1.4.4. Serpong Nuclear Area

Serpong Nuclear area is the largest R & D region owned by Batan. In the areas specifically prepared to support the development of the nuclear industry in Indonesia, there are 9 R & D units, 1 center for partnership and 1 center for nuclear standardization. In addition to the main facility in the form of RSG-GAS reactor research, this area has a variety of important installations such as:

a. The GA Siwabessy Multipurpose Reactor (RSG-GAS) with a power of 30 MW

b. Installation for Temporary Storage of Spent Fuelc. Installation for Experimental Fuel Elements d. Laboratory for Materials Testing (LUB)e. Installation for Radioactive Waste Processingf. Installation for Radiometalurgy g. Installation for R&D in Production of Radioisotopes

and Radiopharmaceuticalsh. Installation for Reactor Safety and Techniquesi. Installation for Design Engineering of Nuclear

Instrumentationj. Installation for Neutron Spectrometry

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IV.4.3. Kawasan Nuklir Pasar Jumat

Di Kawasan Nuklir Pasar Jumat, terdapat 3 unit kerja litbang, 1 unit kerja diseminasi dan 1 unit kerja Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan. Fasilitas/laboratorium dan peralatan utama yang ada di Kawasan tersebut antara lain:

a. 4 (empat) unit iradiator sinar gamma Cobalt-60 yaitu Gammacell-220 (10 kCi), Iradiator panorama serbaguna (IRPASENA, 80 kCi), iradiator karet alam (IRKA, 400 kCi), dan iradiator Gamma Chamber 4000-A (10 kCi).

b. 2 (dua) unit mesin berkas elektron (MBE) yaitu energi rendah (tipe EPS-300, 300 keV/50 mA) dan energi medium (tipe GJ-2, 2 MeV/10mA).

c. Laboratorium Pemuliaan Tanamand. Laboratorium Tissue Banke. Laboratorium Geokimiaf. Laboratorium Mineralogig. Laboratorium Pengolahan Bahan Galian & Airh. Laboratorium Keselamatan Kesehatan dan

Lingkungan (KKL)i. Laboratorium Sitogenetikj. Laboratorium Dosimetri Radiasik. Laboratorium InVitrol. Laboratorium Metrologi Radiasi Nasional (LMR-N)m. Fasilitas Kalibrasi LMRn. Laboratorium Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Iptek Nukliro. Pusat Peragaan Iptek Nuklir

IV.4.4. Kawasan Nuklir Serpong

Kawasan Nuklir Serpong merupakan kawasan litbang terbesar yang dimiliki Batan. Di Kawasan yang khusus dipersiapkan untuk mendukung pengembangan industri nuklir di Indonesia tersebut terdapat 9 unit kerja litbang, 1 pusat kemitraan dan 1 pusat standardisasi nuklir. Selain fasilitas utama berupa reaktor riset RSG-GAS, di Kawasan ini memiliki berbagai instalasi penting antara lain:

a. Instalasi Simpan Bahan Bakar Bekas Sementarab. Instalasi Elemen Bakar Eksperimental c. Laboratorium Uji Bahan (LUB)d. Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Radioaktife. Instalasi Radiometalurgi f. Instalasi Litbang Produksi Radioisotop dan Radiofarmakag. Instalasi Keselamatan dan Keteknikan Reaktorh. Instalasi Perekayasaan Perangkat Nukliri. Instalasi Spektrometri Neutron

IV.4. Sarana Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Perekayasaan

Saat ini Batan memiliki 3 reaktor riset yaitu Triga Mark II berdaya 2000 kW (awal 250 kW) di Bandung (1965); Reaktor Kartini berdaya 100 kW, di Yogyakarta (1979); serta Reaktor Serba Guna G.A. Siwabessy berdaya 30 MW di Serpong (1987). Di samping reaktor riset, sebagai sarana penelitian, Batan memiliki berbagai fasilitas/instalasi nuklir utama dan penunjang yang berada di kawasan nuklir Batan, yaitu : IV.4.1. Kawasan Nuklir Bandung Kawasan Nuklir Bandung yang terletak di jalan Tamansari mencakup satu unit kerja litbang, yaitu Pusat Teknologi Nuklir Bahan dan Radiometri. Di kawasan ini, selain reaktor TRIGA Mark II, terdapat fasilitas/laboratorium berikut.

a. Laboratorium Teknik Analisis Radiometri (TAR)b. Laboratorium Teknologi Proses Radioisotop (TPR)c. Laboratorium Analisis Radioaktivitas Lingkungan (ARL)

IV.4.2. Kawasan Nuklir Yogyakarta

Di Kawasan Nuklir Yogyakarta yang terletak di Jl. Babarsari, selain unit kerja litbang Pusat Teknologi Akselerator dan Proses Bahan, juga terdapat Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir. Untuk mendukung litbang, di Kawasan tersebut memiliki berbagai fasilitas/laboratorium sebagai berikut.

a. Laboratorium Kimia Analisisb. Laboratorium Karakterisasi Bahanc. Laboratorium Teknologi Akseleratord. Laboratorium Teknik Analisis Nuklir (TAN)e. Laboratorium Teknologi Prosesf. Balai Elektromekanik

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Annual Report136 BATAN 2012

1V.5. Program and Budget

In pursue of the objectives and targets of Batan, in the years 2010 – 2014 in accordance to its duties and functions, Batan shall conduct a technical program and a management support program including technical as well as supporting activities, which are :

A. Programs for Research, Development and Application of Nuclear Energy, Isotope and Radiation (Enisora), which consists of 13 priority activities and 3 supporting activities, with details as follows : Priority Activities :

a) Development of Nuclear Industry Materials Technology

b) Development of Accelerator Technologyc) Development of Nuclear Biomedical Technology,

Radiation Safety and Metrologyd) Development of Exploration and Technology in Nuclear Ore Processinge) Development of Nuclear Fuel Technologyf) Development of Radioactive Waste Management

and the Environment g) Development in Design Engineering of Nuclear

Instrumentationh) Development of Reactor Technology and Safetyi) Preparation of Program for basic Infrastructure in

Support to the National Nuclear Energy Programj) Development of Isotope and Radiation Technologyk) Development of Production Technology for

Radioisotope and Radiopharmacy l) Dissemination of the Results of R&D of Nuclear

Science and Technologym) Increase Partnership in Nuclear Technology

Supporting Activities :a) Operation and Utilization of the Multipurpose Reactorb) Development of Nuclear Informaticsc) Development of Nuclear Analysis Technology

B. Program for Management Support and Implementation of Other Technical Duties of Batan, which consists of 2 priority activities and 6 supporting activities, with details as follows :Priority activities :

a) Conduct Nuclear Technology Educationb) Implementation of Nuclear Science and Technology


Supporting activities :a) Conducting Supervision and Examination of the State

Apparatusb) Conducting Education and Training of the State

Apparatusc) Program Planning, Preparation of Budget and

Program Evaluationd) Development of Human Resources and Employee

Administratione) Guidance and Management of the Finance, Means

and Facilitiesf) Enhancing the science and technology Institutional


The funding source or budget post obtained from the State Budget (APBN) for implementation of the program and activities of Batan during the year 2012 amounts to :- Enisora Program amounting to Rp.657.788.570.000,- with

realization reaching the amount of Rp.623.119.664.000,- (94,73%)

- Program for Management Support and Implementation of Other technical Duties of Batan amounting to Rp. 114.002.549.000,- with realization reaching the amount of Rp. 107,968.038.000,- (94,71%)

The total budget benchmark of Batan in the year 2012 amounted to Rp.771.791.119.000,- with realization of the budget amounting to Rp. 731.087.702.000,- (94,72%).

1V.6. Bureaucracy Reformation

The year of 2012 is the first year in implementation of the Bureaucracy Reformation in Batan which started with activities in socialization and internalization in order to develop the same perception, commitment, consistency, as well as involvement of all levels of Batan employees in implementation of the Bureaucratic Reformation. Furthermore, monitoring and evaluation have been conducted to monitor the implementation of every program and phases of activities that have been stipulated in the roadmap document of the Batan Bureaucratic Reformation.The target in implementation of the bureaucratic reformation of Batan in the year 2012 is in accordance to the Batan Bureaucratic Reformation Roadmap, is developed into the system, however a part of the program is already in the implementation phase in conducting the Bureaucratic Reformation.

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IV.5. Program dan Anggaran

Untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran Batan, pada tahun 2010 – 2014 sesuai tugas dan fungsinya, Batan menyelenggarakan satu program teknis dan satu program dukungan manajemen beserta kegiatan-kegiatan teknis maupun dukungan, yaitu:

A. Program Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Penerapan Energi Nuklir, Isotop dan Radiasi (Enisora), yang terdiri atas 13 kegiatan prioritas dan 3 kegiatan pendukung, dengan rincian sebagai berikut : Kegiatan prioritas :

a) Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Industri Nuklirb) Pengembangan Teknologi Akseleratorc) Pengembangan Teknologi Biomedika Nuklir,

Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radiasid) Pengembangan Eksplorasi dan Teknologi Pengelolaan

Bahan Galian Nuklire) Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklirf) Pengembangan Teknologi Pengelolaan Limbah

Radioaktif dan Lingkungang) Pengembangan Perekayasaan Perangkat Nuklirh) Pengembangan Teknologi dan Keselamatan Reaktori) Penyusunan Program Infrastruktur dasar Pendukung

Program Energi Nuklir Nasionalj) Pengembangan Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasik) Pengembangan Teknologi Produksi Radioisotop dan

Radiofarmakal) Diseminasi Hasil Litbang Iptek Nuklirm) Peningkatan Kemitraan Teknologi Nuklir

Kegiatan pendukung :a) Pengoperasian dan Pemanfaatan Reaktor Serba

Gunab) Pengembangan Informatika Nuklirc) Pengembangan Teknologi Analisis Nuklir

B. Program Dukungan Manajemen dan Pelaksanaan Tugas Teknis Lainnya Batan, yang terdiri atas 2 kegiatan prioritas dan 6 kegiatan pendukung, dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

Kegiatan prioritas :a) Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Teknologi Nuklirb) Pelaksanaan Standardisasi Iptek Nuklir

Kegiatan pendukung :a) Penyelenggaraan Pengawasan dan Pemeriksaan

Aparatur Negarab) Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Aparatur

Negarac) Perencanaan Program, Penyusunan Anggaran dan

Evaluasi Programd) Pengembangan SDM dan Administrasi Kepegawaiane) Pembinaan dan Pengelolaan Keuangan, Sarana dan

Prasaranaf) Peningkatan Jaringan Kelembagaan Iptek

Sumber dana atau pagu anggaran yang diperoleh dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) untuk menjalankan program dan kegiatan Batan selama tahun 2012 adalah sebesar :- Program Enisora sebesar Rp.657.788.570.000,- dengan

realisasi sebesar Rp.623.119.664.000,- (94,73%)- Program Dukungan Manajemen dan Pelaksanaan Tugas

Teknis Lainnya Batan sebesar Rp. 114.002.549.000,- dengan realisasi sebesar Rp. 107,968.038.000,- (94,71%)

Pagu total anggaran Batan tahun 2012 sebesar Rp.771.791.119.000,- realisasi anggaran sebesar Rp. 731.087.702.000,- (94,72%).

IV.6. Reformasi Birokrasi

Tahun 2012 merupakan tahun pertama pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi Batan yang dimulai dengan kegiatan sosialisasi dan internalisasi untuk membangun kesamaan persepsi, komitmen, konsistensi, serta keterlibatan pada seluruh tingkatan pegawai Batan dalam pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan monitoring dan evaluasi untuk memantau pelaksanaan setiap program dan tahapan kegiatan yang telah ditetapkan dalam dokumen roadmap Reformasi Birokrasi Batan.Target pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi Batan tahun 2012 sesuai dengan roadmap Reformasi Birokrasi Batan, adalah tahap pembangunan sistem, namun demikian sebagian program sudah pada tahap implementasi pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi.

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Annual Report138 BATAN 2012

In implementation of the Bureaucratic reformation in the year 2012, Batan has given efforts in fulfilling the target accordingly, in accordance to the Batan Roadmap. In general the target output from 8 bureaucratic reformation programs in the year 2012 could be achieved. Important matters which need to be mentioned in the frame of implementation of the Batan Bureaucratic Reformation in the year 2012, which among others is the implementation of :

1. Education and training of the agent of change, 2. Signing of Commitment to Change which has been

signed by every Batan employee starting from the Echelon I up to the staff members of Batan.

3. Preparation of a Regulation Draft of the Head of Batan regarding the Guideline in Preparation and Evaluation of the Work Target of the Employees (SKP) of the National Nuclear Energy Agency.

4. A Progress Report in Implementation of the Bureaucratic Reformation in Batan until the year 2012 has been submitted to the Minister for Order of the State Apparatus.

5. Preparation of reorganization concept

6. Review and uniformity of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

7. Development and use of e-government applicationBesides that, in connection with the Bureaucratic Reformation and transparency of information, several acknowledgements have been obtained by Batan, which are :

a. Acknowledgement from the Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Centre of Information as the BEST III Public Agency Centre in the case of “information obliged to be provided and announced periodically” and “Information obligated to be Available at Any Time”.

b. Acknowledgement from the Ministry of Finance RI as the Second Winner in the Category of Realization, Inventory and Evaluation of the State Owned Assets.

c. Obtaining WTPd. Obtaining LAKIP B grade.e. Radiation Standards and Calibration Services of

Batan in the top 10 public service competition held by The Open Government Indonesia (OGI).

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BATAN 2012 Laporan Tahunan 139

Dalam pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi pada tahun 2012 Batan berusaha memenuhi target sesuai dengan yang tercantum dalam Roadmap Batan. Secara umum target output dari 8 program Reformasi Birokrasi pada tahun 2012 telah dapat tercapai. Hal-hal penting yang perlu disampaikan dalam rangka pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokras di Batan pada tahun 2012 antara lain telah dilaksanakan :

1. Pendidikan dan pelatihan agen perubahan (agent of change)

2. Penandatangan Komitmen Perubahan yang ditandatangani oleh setiap karyawan Batan dari mulai Pejabat Eselon I sampai kepada staf di Batan

3. Penyusunan Draft Peraturan Kepala Batan tentang Pedoman Penyusunan dan Penilaian Sasaran Kerja Pegawai (SKP) Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

4. Telah disampaikan kepada Menpan laporan kemajuan Pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi di Batan sampai tahun 2012

5. Penyusunan konsep reorganisasi

6. Review dan penyeragaman format Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP)

7. Pengembangan dan penggunaan aplikasi e-government

Di samping itu terkait dengan Reformasi Birokrasi dan keterbukaan informasi beberapa penghargaan telah diperoleh oleh Batan, yaitu:

a. Penghargaan dari komisi informasi Pusat RI sebagai Badan Publik Pusat Terbaik III dalam hal “Informasi yang wajib disediakan dan diumumkan secara berkala” dan “ Informasi yang Wajib Tersedia Setiap Saat”.

b. Penghargaan dari Kementerian Keuangan RI sebagai Juara kedua katagori Realisasi, Inventarisasi dan Penilaian Barang Milik Negara.

c. Mempertahankan WTP.d. Nilai LAKIP B.e. Layanan Kalibrasi dan Standarisasi Radiasi Batan

masuk dalam 10 besar kompetisi layanan publik yang diselenggarakan Open Government Indonesia (OGI).

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Annual Report140 BATAN 2012

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List of Recipients of Awards in Innovation in the Year 2012

List of Batan Patents in the Year 2012

List of Indonesian Nuclear Standards stipulated by the National Standard Agency in the Year 2012

List of Food Grain Varieties from the results of the Batan Research-Development-Engineering

Daftar Penerima Penghargaan Karya Inovasi Tahun 2012

Daftar Paten Batan Tahun 2012

Daftar SNI Bidang Nuklir yang Ditetapkan BSN Tahun 2012

Daftar Varietas Hasil Litbangyasa Batan

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Annual Report142 BATAN 2012

ATTACHMENT I / LAMPIRAN IList of Recipients of Awards in Innovation in the Year 2012 / Daftar Penerima Penghargaan Karya Inovasi Tahun 2012

NO Bidang Judul Inovasi Inovator Status Paten

1 Ketahanan Pangan

Pertumbuhan Sehat dari LautanOligoalginat Iradiasi Sebagai Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Organik

PATIRTita Puspitasari M.Si; Dr. Hendig Winar-no; Dr. Darmawan Darwis; Dian Iramani; Dewi Sekar Pangertini B.Sc; Sri Susila-wati; Nunung Nuryanthi S.Si

Telah didaftarkan

2 Ketahanan Pangan

Hama Tamat, Ozon SelamatMenembus Pasar Ekspor Buah-Buahan dengan Iradiasi

PATIRDra. Murni Indarwatmi, M.Si; A. Nasroh Kuswadi; Indah Arastuti Nasution

Tidak ingin dipatenkan

3 Ketahanan Pangan

Nasi Warna-warni Pelangi BernutrisiPeningkatan Mutu Beras melalui Fortifikasi Pewarna Alami (Pelangi) yang Kaya Nutrisi

Hendris Wongso, S.Si. (PTNBR) Dalam proses pengajuan

4 Energi Baru dan Terbaru-kan

Aditif Pelumas Karet AlamPeningkatan Indeks Viskositas Pelumas dari Kopolimer Radiasi Lateks Karet Alam-Stirena

PATIRDr. Meri Suhartini, M.Si; Akhmad Rasyid Syahputra, S.Si; Rahmawati, S.Si; Prof. Marga Utama

Dalam proses pengajuan

5 Teknologi Kesehatan & Obat-obatan

Emas Cerdas untuk Kanker HatiPembuatan dan Pemanfaatan Nanopar-tikel Emas Radioaktif Terbungkus Den-drimer PAMAM (198Au-PAMAM) sebagai “Nanodevice Brachytherapy” Kanker Hati

PRRAnung Pujiyanto, S.Si; Herlan Setiawan S.Si; Mujinah; Dede K; Rien Ritawidjaya S.Si; Dr. Abdul Mutalib; Hotman Lubis, Triyanto

Telah didaftarkan

6 Material Maju Bijih Plastik dari Limbah BiomassaBijih Kayu Plastik dari Komposit Serbuk Kayu Gergaji, Sekam Padi, Limbah Tapioka Menggunakan Teknologi Radiasi

PATIRDrs. Sudrajat Iskandar

Telah didaftarkan

ATTACHMENT II / LAMPIRAN IIList of Batan Patents in the Year 2012 / Daftar Paten Batan Tahun 2012

NO Judul, Inventor, Unit Kerja JENISPATEN





1. Proses Pembuatan Bata Tahan Api Untuk Tungku Pembakar Sampah Radioaktif Berbentuk Silinder dengan Bahan Utama Pasir Abu Batu Henky Pudjo R. (PTNBR)

Paten P.00201200408 25 Mei 2012 Terdaftar

2. Proses Pengolahan Monasit Menjadi Re2O3 Bebas RadioaktifBudi Sarono (PPGN)

Paten P.00201200409 25 Mei 2012 Terdaftar

3. Proses Pembuatan Graf Tulang De-mineralisasi Steril RadiasiBasril Abbas (PATIR)

Paten P.00201200410 25 Mei 2012 Telah memenuhi syarat formali-tas no.HKI.3-HI.05.01.02 2732 8 Juni 2012Dapat didaftar-kan substantif

4. Proses Pembuatan Peningkat Indeks Viskositas Pelumas dengan Teknologi RadiasiMeri Suhartini (PATIR)

Paten P.00201200407 25 Mei 2012 Telah memenuhi syarat formali-tas no. HKI.3-HI.05.01.02 2631 tanggal 31 Mei 2012

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NO Judul, Inventor, Unit Kerja JENISPATEN





5. Hidrogel Absorben Berbasis Kitosan dan Proses Pembuatannya dengan Teknologi Radiasi

Erizal (PATIR)

Paten P.00201200411 25 Mei 2012 Terdaftar

6. Metode Preparasi Sampel Tanah Terintegrasi untuk Analisis Free Water Tritium dan Organically Bound Tritium

Poppy Intan Tjahaja (PTNBR)


S.00201200080 25 Mei 2012 Telah memenuhi syarat formalitas, surat no. HKI.3-HI.05.01.02 2708 tanggal 8 Juni 2012Dapat didaftar-kan pemeriksaan subtantifnya

7. Sistem Pemetaan Radiasi Nuklir

Tjipto Sujitno (PTAPB)

Paten P.00201200406 25 Mei 2012 Terdaftar

8. Detektor Nuklir Surface Barrier Menggunakan Lapisan Tips Si-Sib-Sip-Au

Prof. Tri Mardji (PTAPB)


S.00201200154 30 Agst 2012 Telah memenuhi syarat formalitasSurat no. HKI.3-HI.05.01.02 4118 tanggal 5 Sep-tember 2012

9. Elektrode Dan Metode Pengelasan Tig pada Penyambungan Tutup dan Kelongsong Batang Elemen Bakar NuklirIr. Saeful Hidayat (PTNBR) Perubahan Dari:Metode Pengelasan Tig (Tig Welding Methode)


Berubah dari:

Paten Sederhana


Perubahan dari:


30 Nov 2012

23 Juli 2010


Perbaikan hasil Mediasi tanggal 21 Juni 2012


10. Proses Pembuatan Lapisan Tipis Si/Sib/Sip/Au untuk Komponen Utama Detektor Nuklir Surface BarrierProf. Tri Mardji (PTAPB)

Paten P.00201201103 30 Nov 2012 Terdaftar

11. Alat Uji Korosi PortabelIr. M. Husna Al Hasa, M.Sc (PTBN)


S.00201200245 11 Des 2012 Terdaftar

12. Standar Radionuklida 137Cs dari Lim-bah Bahan Bakar Nuklir U3Si2-Al Pasca Iradiasi dan Proses PembuatannyaIr. Aslina Br. Ginting (PTBN)

Paten P.00201201149 11 Des 2012 Terdaftar

13. Metode Pengulangan Proses Oksi-dasi-Reduksi Pelet UO2 Sinter yang Mengandung ZrO2, MoO2, TeO2, dan Ba0 untuk Pembuatan Serbuk Bahan Bakar NuklirDr. Ir. Sigit (PTBN)

Paten P.00201201285 28 Des 2012 Terdaftar

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Annual Report144 BATAN 2012

ATTACHMENT III / LAMPIRAN IIIList of Indonesian Nuclear Standards stipulated by the National Standard Agency in the Year 2012 / Daftar SNI Bidang Nuklir yang Ditetapkan BSN Tahun 2012

NoNo. Identifikasi /

Nomor Keputusan Kepala Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN)

Judul SNI

1 SNI ISO/ASTM 51818:2012 / No. 60/KEP/BSN/4/2012

Praktik dosimetri pada fasilitas berkas elektron untuk pem-rosesan dengan radiasi pada energi antara 80 sampai dengan 300 keV.

2 SNI ISO 17874-1:2012 / No. 69/KEP/BSN/4/2012

Peralatan penanganan jarak jauh untuk bahan radioaktif – Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum.

3 No. 135/KEP/BSN/12/2012 Pangan Iradiasi – Bagian 1: Rendang daging sapi steril

4 SNI ISO 9915:2012 / No. 129/KEP/BSN/12/2012

Coran paduan aluminium – Uji radiografi

5 SNI ISO 4986:2012 / No. 129/KEP/BSN/12/2012

Coran baja – Inspeksi partikel magnetik

ATTACHMENT IV / LAMPIRAN IVList of Food Grain Varieties from the results of the Batan Research-Development-Engineering / Daftar Varietas Hasil Litbangyasa Batan

No. Nama Varietas Tahun Pelepasan Dokumen Resmi


1 Atomita-1 1982 SK Mentan No.879/Kpts/Um/12/1992

2 Atomita-2 1983 SK Mentan No.TP.240/369/Kpts/Um/6/83

3 Atomita-3 1990 SK Mentan No.582/Kpts/TP.240/8/90

4 Atomita-4 1991 SK Mentan No.97/Kpts/TP.240/3/1991

5 Situgintung 1992 SK Mentan No.606/Kpts/Tp.240/11/92

6 Cilosari 1996 SK Mentan No.632/Kpts/TP.310/7/1996

7 Meraoke 2001 SK Mentan No.552/Kpts/TP.240/10/2001

8 Woyla 2001 SK Mentan No.553/Kpts/TP.240/10/2001

9 Kahayan 2002 SK Mentan No.124/Kpts/TP.240/2/2003

10 Winongo 2002 SK Mentan No.125/Kpts/TP.240/2/2003

11 Diah Suci 2003 SK Mentan No. 386/Kpts/SR.120/7/2003

12 Yuwono 2004 SK Mentan No. 573/Kpts/SR.120/10/2004

13 Mayang 2004 SK Mentan No. 574/Kpts/SR.120/10/2004

14 Mira-1 2006 SK Mentan No. 134/Kpts/SR.120/3/2006

15 Bestari 2008 SK Mentan No. 1012/Kpts/SR.120/7/2008

16 Pandan Putri 2010 SK Mentan No. 2366/Kpts/SR.120/6/2010

17 Inpari Sidenuk 2011 SK Mentan No. 2257/Kpts/SR.120/5/2011

18 Inpari Mugibat 2012 SK Mentan No.2419/Kpts/SR.120/7/2012

19 Suluttan Unsrat 1 2012 SK Mentan No. 2436/Kpts/SR.120/7/2012

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No. Nama Varietas Tahun Pelepasan Dokumen Resmi

20 Suluttan Unsrat 2 2012 SK Mentan No. 2438/Kpts/SR.120/7/2012


18 Muria 1987 SK Mentan No.18/Kpts/TP.240/1/1987

19 Tengger 1991 SK Mentan No.106/Kpts/TP.240/3/1991

20 Meratus 1998 SK Mentan No.899/Kpts/TP.240/11/1998

21 Rajabasa 2004 SK Mentan No.171/Kpts/LB.240/3/2004

22 Mitani 2008 SK Mentan No.1013/Kpts/SR.120/7/2008

23 Mutiara-1 2010 SK Mentan No.2602 /Kpts/SR.120/7/2010

Kacang hijau

24 Camar 1991 SK Mentan No.109/Kpts/SR.120/3/1991


25 Karisma - 1 2008 SK Mentan No.337/Kpts/LB.240/3/2008