Page 1: Back to Church Bulletin Guide

We Prioritize

Read Matthew 6:24–34. Things of this world will not last. Jesus tells us, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. … But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. … For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19–21).

To that end, a church seeks to focus on the things that will last—namely, people! The church in the book of Acts provides a great example of how we can do this: “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need” (Acts 2:44–45). They were smart about their resources so that when people were in need, they could provide help.

Likewise, let us focus on how we can make a difference for God through the investment of our time, talents, and finances. We want our schedules and budget to reveal a commitment to people, not things.

Consider your own schedule and budget. Pray that the Lord helps you prioritize the important treasures.

We Invite Others

Read John 1:43–49. Inviting others into this authentic community called church is the foundation of Back to Church Sunday! But it’s not something that should be done only for one day. God mandates us to share His Good News with others on a continuous basis: “Go and make disciples of all na-tions, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

If members of a church community strive to remain devoted to each other, worship in praise and thanksgiving for who God is and what He’s done, grow spiritually, and emphasize relationships over material things, church begins to look like Christ—to bear His image! Isn’t that a community you’d like your friends and family to be a part of with you?

Your neighbors won’t know about God’s love and His church unless you walk next door or across the street and tell them. “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?” asks Paul. “‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news’” (Romans 10:14–15).

Commit to inviting a friend to church next Sunday. Pray for that friend throughout this week.



daily devotionalSConneCtion

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Date: ________________________________

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City, State Zip:_________________________

Phone: ( ) ______ - __________

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Please update my info

Please indicate: Regular-attender Visitor Out-of-town visitor

Please circle your current age group and school grades of any childrenAdults:18–23 24–29 30–39 40–49 50–69 70+

Children:0–3 yrs. 4–5 yrs. K 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 College

Male Female Single Married Single Parent Widowed

I made a decision today to: Receive Christ as my Savior Recommit my life to Christ

Page 2: Back to Church Bulletin Guide

We Worship

Read John 4:23–24. God deserves our worship, and as a church we have the opportunity to worship Him together just like the early Christians did: “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God” (Acts 2:46–47).

We glorify God through worshipping together on a regular basis, singing to Him, and exalting His name during services (Psalm 34:3). We also glorify God through praying together (Acts 4:24). Lastly, we glorify God by investing our time and using our skills to honor Him. Paul urged the early Christians to offer their bodies as living sacrifices as a true and proper form of worship (Romans 12:1). We, too, recognizing His great mercy and love for us, are motivated to worship Him with our lives.

Memorize Psalm 86:12 and commit to regularly worshipping God.

We Grow

Read 2 Peter 3:18. The groups you’re a part of likely promote personal growth of some sort. A sports team practices on a regular basis to hone athletic skills, a book club meets to understand a text better, and moms gather to discuss raising children more effectively. Similarly, the early church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching” (Acts 2:42).

Church is a place where you can grow spiritually with the help of others—no matter where you’re at in your spiritual journey. Through small groups, Bible studies, and other ministries, you have the opportunity to learn more about God’s Word and how to apply it to your own life circumstances and relationships.

In Ephesians 4:12–13, Paul addresses the early Christians, stating that Christ uses pastors and other leaders “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

Pray that the Lord helps you grow in your faith. Devote yourself, like the apostles did, to regular times of Bible study and prayer.



back to church SuNDaY 7


I would like more information about: Becoming a Christian Getting Baptized Becoming a Church Member Spiritual Growth Small Groups Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Women’s Ministry Evangelism/Outreach Ministry Places I Can Serve Baby/Child Dedication Other _____________________________ Please Have a Staff Member Contact Me.

Share a Prayer Request:







My prayer request is confidential.

Share a Praise:







Welcome to Back to Church Sunday! Whether you’re a regular attender or you accepted an invitation from someone to attend the service, we’re happy you’re here. We hope throughout this service you’ll experience God’s amazing grace and His remarkable love for you.

For some of you this may be a new experience. It may be your first time attending, or you may have been involved in a church but you had to stop attending for one reason or another. Still others of you may already be involved in a church somewhere else and are coming just for this special service. No matter what the reason for your attendance, we welcome you to our church community! We look forward to getting to know you better. We are here for you and your family, and we’re committed to equipping and supporting you in your spiritual life.

This Back to Church Next Step Bulletin Guide includes a sermon-notes page, small-group or individual study questions, six daily devotionals, and a tear-off Connection Card that will help you connect to our church and take the next step in your spiritual growth.

We will share with you an encouraging message from the Bible. In fact, we hope that after you hear today’s message, you’ll walk away inspired

and with a new appreciation for the importance of a church community and how it can impact your life

for good. So let’s get started …

Page 3: Back to Church Bulletin Guide



Copyright © 2012 by Outreach, Inc., Vista, CA 92081 All rights reserved. Written by Heather Schnese. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

We Belong

Read Acts 2:42–47. The church was created by God to be a family where we could grow and experience His love and blessing. An irresistible force to carry on His work in the world, the church has five purposes and priorities:

• Authentic Community—where you can experience relationships the way they were meant to be.

• Worship—where you not only experience God’s love and goodness but learn to wholeheartedly give love back to Him.

• Growth—where you can become the best you that you can be! It is a com-munity that values and prioritizes personal growth.

• Stewardship—where you use your gifts and talents and invest in positive priorities—the things that really matter for eternity.

• Outreach—where people hear the Good News and are adopted into God’s family; where we learn how much we are loved and share that love with others.

The church is not just a place you go to—it is a family you belong to!

List some of the benefits you receive from your local church and ways that you can be more of a blessing to it.

We Are Devoted to Each Other

Read Romans 12:10. A sports team, a gym, a book club, a Facebook group … You are likely a member of numerous groups. You probably even have a card or two validating your membership to a particular retail store or restaurant; with these you are afforded special discounts and opportunities. The church is also a community where you are a valued member, but one of the significant aspects that sets the church apart from all other groups is this: In a church, people are devoted to each other in love, and this devotion creates an authenticity where you can thrive.

The New Testament sheds light on how we devote ourselves to each other. First, we are honest, confessing our sins to each other and then praying for each other (James 5:16). Second, we hold each other accountable (Colos-sians 3:16). Third, we encourage (Hebrews 10:25) and help each other do life together: “Carry each other’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2). And most of all, we love each other the way Christ loves us (John 13:34–35).

Pray about becoming a devoted member of a church small group. If you already are, ask yourself what you can do to show the love of Jesus to those in your group.



daily devotionals


Page 4: Back to Church Bulletin Guide

Read 1 Peter 2:4–10.Jesus is called the living Stone in verse 4. What do you think this means? What characteristics come to mind when you think of a rock or stone?

We, too, are called living stones in verse 5. Do the characteristics of rocks and stones you thought of always describe you? If not, how are you unlike a rock or stone sometimes?

Despite our weaknesses, what does verse 5 say God is doing with us as stones when we come to Him? How do your spiritual sacrifices become acceptable to God, according to this verse?

What happens to a wall if a stone in the middle is pulled out? What does this say about your importance to God and your participation in church?

Read verses 9–10 again. List the various names used to describe Christians in verse 9. How do they make you feel? What does verse 9 say is part of your purpose in life?

What does verse 10 say about your past? What does it say about your present? How is that possible?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:12–31.What does verse 13 say Christians have in common?

Who created the body of Christ, according to verses 13–24?

What does verse 25 say God wants for Jesus’ body and the individual parts of it?

How do the various parts of the body work together? What does that say about the church?

What feelings or insecurities may cause you to think you cannot be part of the body of Christ? What do verses 16–17 say to bring you some assurance?

In what ways are you a part of the body of Christ? What are your skills and gifts?

SMall-GROup OR INdIvIdual STudy QuESTIONSRead the following Scripture passages, then answer the study questions. Discuss with others if this guide is being used in a group or with friends. Pray that God would use this time to help you better understand your part in His church.

back to church SuNDaY 54 NEXT STEP GUIDE

Page 5: Back to Church Bulletin Guide

Read 1 Peter 2:4–10.Jesus is called the living Stone in verse 4. What do you think this means? What characteristics come to mind when you think of a rock or stone?

We, too, are called living stones in verse 5. Do the characteristics of rocks and stones you thought of always describe you? If not, how are you unlike a rock or stone sometimes?

Despite our weaknesses, what does verse 5 say God is doing with us as stones when we come to Him? How do your spiritual sacrifices become acceptable to God, according to this verse?

What happens to a wall if a stone in the middle is pulled out? What does this say about your importance to God and your participation in church?

Read verses 9–10 again. List the various names used to describe Christians in verse 9. How do they make you feel? What does verse 9 say is part of your purpose in life?

What does verse 10 say about your past? What does it say about your present? How is that possible?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:12–31.What does verse 13 say Christians have in common?

Who created the body of Christ, according to verses 13–24?

What does verse 25 say God wants for Jesus’ body and the individual parts of it?

How do the various parts of the body work together? What does that say about the church?

What feelings or insecurities may cause you to think you cannot be part of the body of Christ? What do verses 16–17 say to bring you some assurance?

In what ways are you a part of the body of Christ? What are your skills and gifts?

SMall-GROup OR INdIvIdual STudy QuESTIONSRead the following Scripture passages, then answer the study questions. Discuss with others if this guide is being used in a group or with friends. Pray that God would use this time to help you better understand your part in His church.

back to church SuNDaY 54 NEXT STEP GUIDE

Page 6: Back to Church Bulletin Guide



Copyright © 2012 by Outreach, Inc., Vista, CA 92081 All rights reserved. Written by Heather Schnese. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

We Belong

Read Acts 2:42–47. The church was created by God to be a family where we could grow and experience His love and blessing. An irresistible force to carry on His work in the world, the church has five purposes and priorities:

• Authentic Community—where you can experience relationships the way they were meant to be.

• Worship—where you not only experience God’s love and goodness but learn to wholeheartedly give love back to Him.

• Growth—where you can become the best you that you can be! It is a com-munity that values and prioritizes personal growth.

• Stewardship—where you use your gifts and talents and invest in positive priorities—the things that really matter for eternity.

• Outreach—where people hear the Good News and are adopted into God’s family; where we learn how much we are loved and share that love with others.

The church is not just a place you go to—it is a family you belong to!

List some of the benefits you receive from your local church and ways that you can be more of a blessing to it.

We Are Devoted to Each Other

Read Romans 12:10. A sports team, a gym, a book club, a Facebook group … You are likely a member of numerous groups. You probably even have a card or two validating your membership to a particular retail store or restaurant; with these you are afforded special discounts and opportunities. The church is also a community where you are a valued member, but one of the significant aspects that sets the church apart from all other groups is this: In a church, people are devoted to each other in love, and this devotion creates an authenticity where you can thrive.

The New Testament sheds light on how we devote ourselves to each other. First, we are honest, confessing our sins to each other and then praying for each other (James 5:16). Second, we hold each other accountable (Colos-sians 3:16). Third, we encourage (Hebrews 10:25) and help each other do life together: “Carry each other’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2). And most of all, we love each other the way Christ loves us (John 13:34–35).

Pray about becoming a devoted member of a church small group. If you already are, ask yourself what you can do to show the love of Jesus to those in your group.



daily devotionals


Page 7: Back to Church Bulletin Guide

We Worship

Read John 4:23–24. God deserves our worship, and as a church we have the opportunity to worship Him together just like the early Christians did: “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God” (Acts 2:46–47).

We glorify God through worshipping together on a regular basis, singing to Him, and exalting His name during services (Psalm 34:3). We also glorify God through praying together (Acts 4:24). Lastly, we glorify God by investing our time and using our skills to honor Him. Paul urged the early Christians to offer their bodies as living sacrifices as a true and proper form of worship (Romans 12:1). We, too, recognizing His great mercy and love for us, are motivated to worship Him with our lives.

Memorize Psalm 86:12 and commit to regularly worshipping God.

We Grow

Read 2 Peter 3:18. The groups you’re a part of likely promote personal growth of some sort. A sports team practices on a regular basis to hone athletic skills, a book club meets to understand a text better, and moms gather to discuss raising children more effectively. Similarly, the early church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching” (Acts 2:42).

Church is a place where you can grow spiritually with the help of others—no matter where you’re at in your spiritual journey. Through small groups, Bible studies, and other ministries, you have the opportunity to learn more about God’s Word and how to apply it to your own life circumstances and relationships.

In Ephesians 4:12–13, Paul addresses the early Christians, stating that Christ uses pastors and other leaders “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

Pray that the Lord helps you grow in your faith. Devote yourself, like the apostles did, to regular times of Bible study and prayer.



back to church SuNDaY 7


I would like more information about: Becoming a Christian Getting Baptized Becoming a Church Member Spiritual Growth Small Groups Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Women’s Ministry Evangelism/Outreach Ministry Places I Can Serve Baby/Child Dedication Other _____________________________ Please Have a Staff Member Contact Me.

Share a Prayer Request:







My prayer request is confidential.

Share a Praise:







Welcome to Back to Church Sunday! Whether you’re a regular attender or you accepted an invitation from someone to attend the service, we’re happy you’re here. We hope throughout this service you’ll experience God’s amazing grace and His remarkable love for you.

For some of you this may be a new experience. It may be your first time attending, or you may have been involved in a church but you had to stop attending for one reason or another. Still others of you may already be involved in a church somewhere else and are coming just for this special service. No matter what the reason for your attendance, we welcome you to our church community! We look forward to getting to know you better. We are here for you and your family, and we’re committed to equipping and supporting you in your spiritual life.

This Back to Church Next Step Bulletin Guide includes a sermon-notes page, small-group or individual study questions, six daily devotionals, and a tear-off Connection Card that will help you connect to our church and take the next step in your spiritual growth.

We will share with you an encouraging message from the Bible. In fact, we hope that after you hear today’s message, you’ll walk away inspired

and with a new appreciation for the importance of a church community and how it can impact your life

for good. So let’s get started …

Page 8: Back to Church Bulletin Guide

We Prioritize

Read Matthew 6:24–34. Things of this world will not last. Jesus tells us, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. … But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. … For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19–21).

To that end, a church seeks to focus on the things that will last—namely, people! The church in the book of Acts provides a great example of how we can do this: “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need” (Acts 2:44–45). They were smart about their resources so that when people were in need, they could provide help.

Likewise, let us focus on how we can make a difference for God through the investment of our time, talents, and finances. We want our schedules and budget to reveal a commitment to people, not things.

Consider your own schedule and budget. Pray that the Lord helps you prioritize the important treasures.

We Invite Others

Read John 1:43–49. Inviting others into this authentic community called church is the foundation of Back to Church Sunday! But it’s not something that should be done only for one day. God mandates us to share His Good News with others on a continuous basis: “Go and make disciples of all na-tions, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

If members of a church community strive to remain devoted to each other, worship in praise and thanksgiving for who God is and what He’s done, grow spiritually, and emphasize relationships over material things, church begins to look like Christ—to bear His image! Isn’t that a community you’d like your friends and family to be a part of with you?

Your neighbors won’t know about God’s love and His church unless you walk next door or across the street and tell them. “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?” asks Paul. “‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news’” (Romans 10:14–15).

Commit to inviting a friend to church next Sunday. Pray for that friend throughout this week.



daily devotionalSConneCtion

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Date: ________________________________

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Address: _____________________________

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Phone: ( ) ______ - __________

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Please update my info

Please indicate: Regular-attender Visitor Out-of-town visitor

Please circle your current age group and school grades of any childrenAdults:18–23 24–29 30–39 40–49 50–69 70+

Children:0–3 yrs. 4–5 yrs. K 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 College

Male Female Single Married Single Parent Widowed

I made a decision today to: Receive Christ as my Savior Recommit my life to Christ