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إن احلمد هللا، حنمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ باهللا من شرور أنفسنا ، وسيئات أعمالنا ، بسم اهللا الرمحن احليم أنمن يهده اهللا فال مضل له ، ومن يضلل فال هادي له ، وأشهد أن ال إله إال اهللا وحده ال شريك له ، وأشهد

.وعلى أله وأصحابه ومن تبعهم بإحسان إىل يوم الدين وسلم تسليما كثريا صلى اهللا عليه ، حممد عبده و رسوله أما بعد ،

)Writting(حينما يطلب منه كتابة إنشاءتبني يل بامللموس وسنة بعد سنة بأن تلميذ الباكلوريا قة ذا النوع من باللغة اإلجنليزية يواجه الكثري من الصعوبات املتعلقة باجلوانب الشكلية واملضمونية معا املتعل

.الكتابة اليتردد يف التعبري عن معاناته مع اإلنشاء اإلجنليزي كلما أتيحت له فرصة التعبري عن تلك فتلميذ الباكلوريا

.املعانات وعلى ذلك تصبح يف نظر . فاإلنشاء اإلجنليزي يعتربه التمرين الذي السبيل إىل حله أو إجنازه بشكل ناجح

وتفوقه يف اإلنشاء اإلجنليزي هي مسألة حظ ختضع ملزاج األستاذ املصحح ال أقل وال التلميذ مسألة جناحه .الشروط الضرورية لكتابة ناجحةأكثر، وليست مسألة توفر أو عدم توفر

لتجاوز بعض اأمتىن أن يكون هذا اهود املتواضع، املبذول يف إخراج هدا الكتيب، معينا آخر لتالميذن

ذا النوع من الكتابةالصعوبات املرتبطة


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1 إستراجتية املثالية للتفوق يف إختبار اللغة اإلجنليزية

.متأخرة تبدأاليت املقررات وىف منهجية تدريس املادة يفالوزارة لفشلها املهول واملسؤولية الكربى تقع على عاتق

.اتذة األسعدم توفر ة حتت ذريع

تدىن إىل هلا سيؤدى إمهالكمألن ,الوطيناالمتحان وتى األعزاء على األقل حىت ميرال جيب أن ملوا املادة اخ املهم .العام مما يعىن السقوط ديد املعدلوبالتايلمعدلكم

الباكالوريا سيكون النص واألسئلة اجلديد المتحاناتاملرجعي اإلطار يف املهم

COMPREHENSION 40 نقطة من أصل 15على.

. نقطة15على grammar and vocabulary والقواعد

. نقاط10االنشاء على writing وىف األخري

ويعوضوا ىف 8/20 أو 6الذين عندهم ضعف أن حياولوا على األقل الوصول اىل نقطة جيب على التالميذ .األخرى املواد

ولكسب وربح النقط ىف املادة

.أمهها ميكنك ان تعتمد عى عدة أشياء

.النص واألسئلة سيأخذ منك وقتا كثريا ألن grammar عنقم أوال باالجابة 1

نقاط6ستكون قواعد اللغة على grammar ىف ال

6على vocabulary وال

.والباقى على قواعد أخرى

.ستتطبق عدم التسرع وافهم معىن اجلملة والحظ وضعيتها ىف الزمان حىت تعرف القاعدة الىت حاول

. نقطة15جيدا ألن هذه الفقرة على هم النصركز على فCOMPREHENSION ىف ال

.بدا لك صعبا جدا اقرأ النص لعدة مرات توالية وحاول معه حىت وان

.فهم النص وموضوعه ركز على عنوان النص وعلى اجلملة االوىل واألخرية فاا مفاتيح

. نقطة اىل عدة فقرات15وتنقسم هذه ال

.النص أسئلة عامة حول

.أجب بصحيح أو خطأ

.انطالقا من النص تعطى لك عدة كلمات وتطالب باستخراج مرادفاا

. نقطة15من أصل 10فقط قليل من التركيز واعط للنص وقته لتحاول على األقل كسب

writing ىف املرحلة األخرية

درستها ولن خيرج عن الىت "units 1-10"سيعطى لك انطالقا من الوحدات writing اعلم أن

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.هذا االطار

النص الذى أعطى لك ىف وأمجل وأحسن شىء ان يعطى لك انشاء ىف عالقة مع

COMPREHENSION .األفكار ألنه سيساعدك ىف استخراج

أنت مع أو ضد فكرة معينة هل(املهم معظم املواضيع الىت ستعطى وحسب العديد من األساتذة ستطرح حول .(واعط حجج ودالئل

citizenship واطنةامل مثال سيكون املوضوع املقترح هو

.ىف نظرك العمل االجتماعى الذى يندرج ىف اطار املواطنة شىء اجياىب أم سلىب هل

.حجج على ذلك واعط

.الداللة ىف االنشاء ضعوا موضوعا يتميز بالبساطة واجلمل البسيطة الواضحة

ركزوا على مقدمة جد منسجمة وعرض متسلسل وخامتة متقونة

املنطقة ىف املوضوع االنشائىتوظيف الروابط ال تنسوا

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2 بعض اخلطوات املهمة لكتابةwriting


: أوالً بعض االشياء اليت جيب االنتباه هلا

.كبري وواضح Capital ان تبدا حبرف /1

. مع اية كل مجله واضحة(.) ان تضع /2

.ككل ة حتتوي جمملها علي فكرة املوضوعابدا املوضوع جبمله رئيسي /3

.التنسيق والترابط العام للموضوع ان تراعي /4

اخطاء انت يف غىن عنها ولكن استخدم جتنب استخدام اجلمل املعقدة وااللفاظ املركبة اليت توقعك يف /5 .والبسيطة اجلمل ذات املعاين السهله

.املوضوع طر عند كتابةصفحة كامله للموضوع ويفضل ان تترك س خصص /6

اجتهد يف حتسني خطك الن هذا يعطي انطباعا جيدا للمصحح ويسهل علية فهم ما تريد اجتهد مث /7 .تعبريه

..جبمله عامة تفهم املصحح من خالهل املوضوع دة عن اية ابدا /8

ال تقع ف االخطاء االملالئية اجلمل تكون ف املضمون وجتنب اجلمل الطويله حيت /9

( my favourit: مثل(جتنب جتنب ان تتكلم بصيغة امللكية /10

: ثانياً

: قسم املوضوع إىل هذه العناصر

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(البداية-(املقدمة /1 (جسم املوضوع( املوضوع /2 (اخلامتة(النهاية /3 : ثالثاً

(مثالً كالتعليم(كلمات تنفع مقدمة لألشياء املفيدة

.يف حياتناشي مهم ...... نتفق مجيعا انWe All agree that... is important things in our life

.االيام له دورا حيويا يف هذه....... نتفق مجعيا انWe all agree that ...has vital role nowadays.

.يف حياتنا.......... كلنا نقر بامهية

We all admit the importance of .... in our life.

.له اثار اجيابيا علينا...... قلنا ان اذاال عجب No wonder if we say that ... has/have good positive effects on


.يلعب دور هام ف حياتنا ...... كلنا نتفق انWe all agree that plays an important part in our life.

ناحيات والذي يعلب دور حيوي ف.... اننا ندين لWe owe to ....which play arole part in our life.

(كالتلوث البيئي(لألشياء الضارة

تقدمنا ميثل عقيه ف طريق.....حنن نستطيع أن نرى ان We can see that ...... stands for an obstacle in the way of our

progress. .

خطري وضار هذة االيام........ من راي اعتقد ان

In my point of view, i think that .... serious nowadays

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.جمتمعنا من وجهة نظري اعتقد ان جيلب الشر ايل

In my point of view, i think that .....bring all eveil to our socity.

....ونتعاون من اجل مصلحة بلدنا ضد البد ان نتحد

We should and stand shoulder for the sake of our country against

تعترب وباء اجتماعي خطري ف جمتمعنا

is-are aserious social evil in our society.....

.هي واحدة من اخطر الظواهر ف حياتنا...شك فيه ان ما الThere is no doubt that ..... is one of the most dangerous

phenomena in our life.

.حياتنا_احلايل وقتنا_بلدنا_هذا جيلب لنا اثار سيئه وسلبية يف

.bring us bad and negative effects in our country_nowadays_in our life.

.بلدنا يف......... هناك اسباب خمتلفة ملشكله There are various causes for the probelm of ...... in our country.

او فكرة جديدة بعض الروابط اللي ممكن تستخدمها مع بداية كل مجله On one hand ناحية من on the other hand ناحية اخري من

addition to that باالضافة ايل ذلك Moreover عالوة علي ذلك Above all وفوق كل ذلك At the same time يف نفس الوقت

Howeverومع ذلك

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و ھذا ألفیدكم. نشاء في مادة اللغة اإلنجلیزیة أقدم لكم أحد طرقي الشخصیة لكتابة إ : المقدمة

X: إسم الموضوع

phenomenoun = phenomenon whate = what

: العرض X: إسم الموضوع Y : الفكرة األولى Y1 +Y2+Y3 : االولى تفسر الفكرة ثالث جمل Z : رة التانیةالفك Z1+Z2+Z3 : التانیة تفسر الفكرة ثالث جمل T : الفكرة الثالثة T1+T2+T3 : الثالثة تفسر الفكرة ثالث جمل

عندك و ھكدا ، على حسب األفكار التي ...

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: الخاتمة

X: إسم الموضوع U : العرض' في فكرة واحدة تعارض ما كتبتھ أكتب '

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phenomenous = phenomenon

لي طلب واحد و ھو دعواتكم لي بالتوفیق. لي في ھدا المنتدى و أخیرا ،وبما أن ھدا الموضوع ھو األول

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:االوىل اخلطوة

و (writing) دقائق للتفكري يف املوضوع املطروح يف امتحان االجنليزية 10حاول ختصيص هلا عالقة بنص املوضوع املعلومات اليت استحضار

فسوف نستحضر دهنيا كل Mobile phone نص املوضوع هو كمثال نفترض ان مع ختزينها يف الداكرة mobile phone املعلومات املتعلقة ب

:الثانية اخلطوة

را استحض اليت mobile phone التسويد كل املعلومات املتعلقة ب على ورقة اكتب دهنيا يف اخلطوة االوىل

/technology /advances/mobile phone مثال

advantages of mobile phone: 1

...shortens the distance/ facilitates communication/ enables us to know the news/ has many options

disadvantages of mobile phone:2

...traffic problem/ students use it as a tool of cheating /communication isn't face to face

:الثالثة اخلطوة

يف مجل مفيدة Mobile phone بصياغة املعلومات السابقة املتعلقة ب االن سوف نقوم :كااليت

The world technology is dominated today by a small .number of advances

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. Mobile phone which is probably is the most popular global in the world that because it has several


.It shortens the distance and facilitates communication among the world

.( It enables us to know the news about our relations (families and friends

. It has many options like taking pictures, sending messages, listen to music, and sharing files with


Mobile phone has many disadvantages which impact on the users like when the driver's talking on the mobile phone he can make a traffic problem which

leads to death .

.students use it as a tool of cheating

.the communication isn't face to face

:الرابعة اخلطوة

بكتابة اجلمل السابقة يف اخلطوة الثالثة يف اربع فقرات مركزة مع اعتماد ادوات و االن نقوم :و الفواصل و النقط كما يف املثال التايل الربط

The world technology is dominated today by a small number of advances but, mobile phone which is

probably is the most popular global in the world that because it has several advantages. First. it

shortens the distance and facilitates communication among the world. Second, It enables us to know the

news about our relations (families and friends). third, It has many options like taking pictures,

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sending messages, listen to music, and sharing files with friends. On the other hand mobile phone has many disadvantages which impact on the users like

when the driver's talking on the mobile phone he can make a traffic problem which leads to death.

Moreover; students use it as a tool of cheating. In addition to that the communication isn't face to


Finally, although these disadvantages mobile phone still more important in our daily life and which can't

be abandoned.

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بعض النماذج اجلاهزة

:subjects es and disadvantages

Here is the first part of a composition about TV:Read it and complete the compossition:

TV is one of the most popular ways to spend our time. Nowadays ,more and more peopleand particularly teenagers spend twice as much time in front of the TV than reading books or playing games outside. As far as I

know ,there is a great variety of opinions about television: some say that it’s very useful, and the others that it’s harmful. I would like to mention

some positive aspects. In the first place, it keeps people informed. There is news, which inform

us about the events which happeni all around the world. Besides, advertisements on TV give us more information about the new products

and goods in the market.....................................................

:obesity ): 2(subjects

Obesity is considered today as a disease.Write an article to your school magazine stating some of its causes- like bad eating habits_ and effects

and suggest some ideas to get rid of it. :Immigration ): 3(subjects

A large number of Moroccan people have emigrated to Europe or

Canada.Write an article to your school magazine stating thereasons why people emigrate and listing the problems theu may face in the host

country. :Working woman): 4(subjects

some people believe that a mother should not work.Others argue against it.Write an article to a newspaper and consider the problems a working

mother faces and give your opinion.

:Suggested essay

Nowadays it is important for women to work outside the home because of economic reasons.Yet; this idea is still debated by many

people. Some people argue that the family, especially small children, may be neglected. I believe that every woman has the right to work, but she

should carefully consider the many problems she might encounter. The major problems a working woman faces concern her children. She

must either find a reliable person to look after them or a nursery school that the children can attend. But the big problem is that when the mother is at work, she may worry about her children. She may wonder if they are safe, if they are learning good values, and if her absence is hurting them

emotionally. After a mother takes into consideration all these problems above and

perhaps other problems, she must decide if a job outside home is worth it.

I believe that in spite of all these obstacles, many mothers do work and manage a family successfully.

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In Conclusion, it is a woman’s right to make this choice and only the woman herself should decide this matter.

:pollution ): 5(subjects Advances in technology and sicience have solved many

problems.However,they have also created new problems:The most serious is the problem of pollution.

Write an article showing some causes of this problem and give your opinion on how to deal with it.

:Suggested essay

Nowadays, technology has brought many conveniences to facilitate our life.However,these same advancements in technology and science have caused some dangerous problems. The most hazardous of all of them is

pollution. Our land, air and water are all polluted. Perhaps the most serious threat to our planet is the loss of the ozone layer and the warming of the earth’s

atmosphere which are due to carbon dioxide emissions from factories. Besides, the chemicals we use for cleaning and chemical wastes from

factories go into our water systems and pollute the water we drink and the fish we eat. They also kill much of the wildlife we need for our food. In conclusion, these problems are growing daily because people don’t want to change their lifestyle. People need to be educated so they will

stop damaging our planet. Furthermore,governments should take actions to prevent individuals and

companies from harming their environment. : Morocco and its culture):6(subjects

Morocco is very rich culturally. It has many dialects and traditions which

differ from one region to another. The more we move towards the center , the north, the south , the west or the east things start to change. This difference is what makes our country attractive and a destination for

millions of tourists every year. Morocco offers numerous delicious dishes and comfortable hotels available everywhere. Another advantage is the

suitable weather that appeals to foreign visitors from the five continents. The Moroccan people are tolerant, generous and ready to give a helping hand to the needy. They welcome their guests and try their best to make

their stay as enjoyable as possible. :Empowering women and development): 7(subjects

Women have for so long been likened to slaves, created just to serve and execute men’s orders. In some cultures, they were considered as a part of the furniture of the house. The situation is not as acute as it used to be. However, girls in some parts of the world are still unable to go to school

because life in the countryside needs help even from children. Thus, illiteracy is so prevailing in rural areas. It undoubtedly affects

development and prosperity. As a result, the government has launched many campaigns aiming at fighting this problem which is an obstacle in the integration of women in the development of the Moroccan society.

Women in all parts of the world have struggled so as to get a place in the sun. The fruit of this hard work has been the family code. Many claim that it’s a triumph for Moroccan women. Others, however, believe that it has complicated things and has widened the gap between men and women..

The point is that women need more rights to be able to efficiently contribute to the welfare of the society. For this reason, we witness today

their emergence in political parties and organizations to raise up their

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voices against gender discrimination within the same society.

:?Why do children leave school): 8(subjects

Write an article to your school magazine showing some of the reasons and the effects of this problem.

:Suggested article

One of the biggest issues that some families encounter is their children's dropping out of school. This is due to many reasons. First, most children who live in rural areas can't attend school regularly because it is situated far away from where they live. Their parents also need them to help with

the housework. Another reason is that poor families can't afford to provide their children with all what they need for school, as books and school

things are getting expensive. The problem is also due to family problems and divorce. Children can't study when parents often have rows. In cities,

small children leave school early to go out to work and support their deprived families. As a result, these poor kids get lost in the world of adults. Some become addicted to smoking and drugs. Others turn to crime. Generally speaking, they are victims of circumstances and are,

thus, often emprisoned.

:Brain Drain): 9(subjects Write a pargarph showing some of the reasons why some highly skilled

and educated people leave their countriesand what effects this phenomenom has on the home country

:Suggested paragraph

One of the most serious issues in the world today is the brain drain

phenomenon. Thousands of intellectuals leave their native country in search for a better life. There are many factors that breed this situation.

First, the lack of job opportunities is one of them. Moreover, the host country offers better work conditions and ensures a comfortable life for these new comers. This “Capital flight” as many people call it has both positive and negative effects. It not only helps these brainy people to

improve their standards of living but it also enables them to contribute to the development of their home country when they come back. One way to prevent this is to offer to these people tempting salaries and opportunities

to ameliorate their potentials inside their home country..... :Technology ): 10(subjects

:Suggested paragraph

Advanced technology has transformed our lives completely both physically and morally. Every day people are assaulted by new gadgets on markets. As a result, life is becoming more and more comfortable but complicated as well. Unemployment is spreading because machines are taking man’s place. Armed conflicts break out here and there due to free arm trade. More and more refugees abandon their home land in search of peaceful shelther. Technology is something good as long as it serves humanity.

However, when it makes a mistake, the price to pay is very high : human lives!

:The Internet ): 11(subjects :Suggested pargraph

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Many people consider the internet as one of the most important sources of learning. It not only gives sound and picture but reading texts as well.

Besides this, it enables people of different ages to widen and enrich their knowledge about a specific topic. The internet is a bank of information

where one can find anything he or she dreams of. Although some people still dread using the internet, it remains a powerful and vital means of

learning............ Describe the involvement school observance of World Environment

Day In commemorating the International Day of the Earth and the

Environment allocated secondary second half of the morning for the day Saturday, 17/04/2010 station mission to embrace a range of

environmental activities contributed to the activation of pupils and students in the organization and were framed from their teachers and the various components of Directors, where he was during remind everyone

the importance of maintaining the planet and thus creating a clean environment to ensure a healthy life for all. In order to motivate everyone to engage in a project to create a healthy atmosphere has opened a multi-institution works with a group of pupils and students clean the classrooms The second group has planted some trees and flowers. While costing the third set and frame the professors left the national anthem on one wall

organization, as well as do some murals and the municipal workers pruned some trees, which increased from an aesthetic enterprise in an

atmosphere characterized by a spirit of citizenship and high all participated in the success of this day of the week allocated to the land

and the environment. Financials cris

The financial repercussions of the crisis resulting from the mortgage crisis, which surfaced in 2007 because of the failure of millions of borrowers to

buy houses and real estate in the United States to pay their debts to banks.

This led to a crisis for the American economy, reaching consequences to the economies of Europe and Asia in the process of throwing out a large

number of major banks and international financial institutions. Failed by the hundreds of billions of dollars pumped into global financial

markets to put an end to the crisis in mortgages, which has been brewing beneath the surface, even evolved into a global financial crisis, has made no secret of many officials fear that the global economic systems DASHES

up and its implications to many parts of the world. Secret immigration

Morocco is among the countries that suffer from the issue of illegal immigration in particular because of its geographical location. Illegal

immigration as a dream of William embraces Europe. And the desire to achieve lethal to the west and other remains reflected in various regions of Morocco in particular and of Africa generally balanced between hope and despair. They decided to mount the vessel through death unknown. But nuclear weapons to consider immigration dream non-confidential for unemployed youth work and my father crossed many other reasons for

true paradise ... suicide illegal immigration side adventure of using solutions for Tadert eliminated. And unemployment subsistence, poverty and weak labor market and the system of social fragility and economic

reasons most important to assemble boats of death unknown.

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Brain drain Brain drain is the departure of educated or talented persons for better pay

or jobs elsewhere Economically speaking, brain drain means an emigration of trained and

talented individuals ("human capital") to other nations because of conflicts and lack of opportunity. It parallels the term "capital flight" which refers

to financial capital that is no longer invested in the country where its owner lived and earned it.

When a highly qualified professional chooses to leave his own country for another, he does so for one or several legitimate political or economic

reasons. The loss of such bog number countries, but also to the scientific of skilled immigrants results in huge losses that are very difficult to

compensate for even in long years to come. The brain drain is actually affecting the economies and social structures of a country, especially the

emerging countries that. Have to do everything they can to stop this phenomenon.

Finally, I do believe that it is the responsibility of both governments and individuals to try harder to stop the flow of highly skilled people from their

own countries resulting in a brain drain that affects each and every society. Poverty

Poverty is becoming a serious problem for many countries; it affects the whole society and delays the development of the country.

Poor families very often have health problems , because they have lot of children , parents are unable to provide medicine for them ,also they cant send them to school since schooling is expensive , they send them instead

to work and bring them money , so when members of society are unhealthy or illiterate this affect the development of the country .

Poverty is a serious problem, an enemy that government should fight by trying to make all members of society benefit from the resources of their

country and work for its development. Working children

Child labour is one of the problems that many countries face, there are various causes that drive children to work some

of them drop out of school in order to help their poor or sick parents others have to work because they are orphans. In addiction some parents

are ignorant they think education is a waste of time. Working children face a tough life; in factories and mines they work in bad conditions no fresh air, long hours they may be injured by machines they

are also deprived of education and childhood. Young people

Old people are more annoying by far. They are so quick to degrade and stereotype younger people even though every group has had their

criminals and bad apples. They are rude and think they can say or do anything to anyone without the other person having any recourse. I have been victimized numerous times by older people and all old people can do is keep degrading us. So I chose Young people because that has a no one

can touch me attitude, demo and think they know everything

Advances in technology Technology is a broad concept that deals with a people’s usage and

knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects man’s ability to control and adapt to its environment. In the last two centuries, humanity has

witnessed great technological developments that are not to be paralleled

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with any other past times in history. To begin with, technological advances have helped people use tools and materials that made life easier for them. To give one example, the use of

the phone and the internet has made it extremely possible to communicate with any person on any other part of the world. Spatially speaking, people managed to set their foot on the moon and discover

things that were in the past only myths for many of us. has to look at the other side of e I believe that on, For all these reasons

the coin and believe that technological development is double-edged. To conclude, and as far as I am concerned, technological advances are a

major step in the development of nations and societies and it is imperative to make good use of those developments and make it

accessible to all individuals in the world. The advantages and disadvantages of technology

In fact, technology has changed the way we live and communicate, but at the same time it is the reason behind many problems and phenomena in

our daily life. Mankind is grateful for technology’s benefits in different domains. For example, with internet people can get information easily, sending résumés to companies and booking rooms in hotels In addition, technology has helped doctors to find cures to some chronic diseases.

Despite its advantages, people’s health is getting worse and worse because of the fumes of factories and the smoke of cars and buses. The most dangerous inventions are rockets and bombs which kill innocent

people and destroy everything. Moreover, workers are replaced by machines in companies which increase the number of joblessness in many

countries. It all comes down to saying that people must be aware of the use of technology, since this latter aims at improving people’s life not killing

creatures. Natural disaster

A is the consequence of when a potential natural hazard becomes a physical event (e.g. volcanic eruption, earthquake, and landslide) and this

interacts with human activities. Human vulnerability, caused by the lack of planning, lack of appropriate

emergency management or the event being unexpected, leads to financial, structural, and human losses. The resulting loss depends on the

capacity of the population to support or resist the disaster , their resilience.[1] This understanding is concentrated in the formulation : "

disasters occur when hazards meet vulnerability".[2] A natural hazard will hence never result in a natural disaster in areas without vulnerability, e.g.

. Strong earthquakes in uninhabited areas. The term natural has consequently been disputed because the events simply are not hazards or

disasters without human involvement. Women’s position

Nowadays, we all notice that women’s position has greatly changed in society. Their efforts have been crowned by getting an equal position to

men in all domains. Women could not go to school and stayed with their parents at homes. Thus they were regarded illiterate and ignorant as well. Their jobs were looking after their husbands, cooking daily meals and washing dishes as

machines. They were not allowed to vote and were under the authority of men.

Everything has now changed, women have become aware of the significance of education, and so they go to school and get good marks. More than that, they have been appointed teachers and directresses in

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great schools. Because of their strong struggles, women can share with men some political posts like working in courts as judges or lawyers. In

addition to that, women wear whatever they love and go to cafés as men All in all, the marginalization of women in the past led them to suffer a lot and live a difficult life. However, women struggled to show their existence

in society and have finally got their rights as men. Personal values

Personal values are one of the most important things in our life. This Life as we know it now wouldn’t be possible without personal values that

regulate it. Indeed, the more values a person has the more respect and admiration she/he gets. For instance, people who value hard-work often

end up being the most successful. I have never known a person who works hard and never succeeds in life. Likewise, honesty is another value that is key to success in life. Honest people earn the trust and reliability of others. They are valued for their honesty and truthfulness. Undoubtedly, there is nothing more rewarding than knowing people with such values as

honesty and hard-work. With these people one can establish fruitful relationships that are to the advantage of everyone. True to say, honesty

and hard-work are two cornerstones for a good and successful life. children relationship-Parents

Parents-children relationship differ from one family to another. While some parents complain that their children don't listen to them anymore, children on the other hand complain that their parents don't understand

them any longer. My relationship with my parents is a good one , I respect them and

understand them, the allow me to choose my friends my cloths to travel alone and to invite friends home, however , they are very strict when it

comes to my homework or staying late out late at night . To have a good parents-relationship is very easy thing if both parents and

children make efforts to create such a kind of relation ship.

Human rights The concept of human rights has existed under several names in

European thought for many centuries, After the king violated a number of ancient laws and customs by which England had been governed, his subjects forced him to sign the Magna Carta, or Great Charter, which enumerates a number of what later came to be thought of as human

rights. Among them were the rights of the church to be free from governmental interference, the rights of all free citizens to own and inherit

property and be free from excessive taxes. It established the right of widows who owned property to choose not to remarry, and established principles of due process and equality before the law. It also contained provisions forbidding bribery and official misconduct. The political and

religious traditions in other parts of the world also proclaimed what have come to be called human rights, calling on rulers to rule justly and

compassionately, and delineating limits on their power over the lives, property, and activities of their citizens. In the eighteenth and nineteenth

centuries in Europe several Philosophers proposed the concept of "natural rights," rights belonging to a person by nature and because he was a human being, not by virtue of

his citizenship in a particular country or membership in a particular religious or ethnic group. This concept was vigorously debated and

rejected by some philosophers as baseless. Others saw it as a formulation of the underlying principle on which all ideas of citizens' rights and

political and religious liberty was based.

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In the late 1700s two revolutions occurred which drew heavily on this concept. In 1776 most of the British colonies in North America proclaimed their independence from the British Empire in a document which still stirs

feelings, and debate, the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Life in the countryside

Many people believe that life in the countryside is mush better than in the city ,well they are wrong , living in the countryside is really difficult ,going

out at night , for instance , is useless since there is nowhere to go to enjoy oneself, another thing is that when a person falls sick it is difficult to

find an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital .another misconception is about pollution , the countryside is not wholly clean , the

air we breathe is not as fresh as people think ,many houses are not connected to the main sewage ,and do you know that many factories exist

in many villages lobalizationG

Globalization refers to increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political, and ecological spheres. Globalization is an umbrella term and is perhaps best understood as a unitary process inclusive of many sub-processes

(such as enhanced economic interdependence, increased cultural influence, rapid advances of information technology, and novel

governance and geopolitical challenges ) that are increasingly binding people and the biosphere more tightly into one global system .

There are several definitions and all usually mention the increasing connectivity of economies and ways of life across the world. The

Encyclopedia Britannica says that globalization is the "process by which the experience of everyday life ... is becoming standardized around the

world." While some scholars and observers of globalization stress convergence of patterns of production and consumption and a resulting

homogenization of culture, others stress that globalization has the potential to take many diverse forms.

humor I think that the best things to relief from stress is to watch some sitcoms or hear something funny like jokes ...person should develop his sense of

humor and he should be cool , Comic and optimistic, because some expert of mental. Health has noted that we can't imagine going through a day

without laughter. Humor will make every part of your life better.

It will help you trough difficult times and it will help you make the good times even letter, also I twill attract good people and good situations to

You. So cheer up. Citizenship

is membership in a society, community, city or town but now usually a country and carries with it to political participation; a person having such

membership is a citizen. Citizenship status often implies some responsibilities and duties. It is largely coterminous with nationality

although it is possible to have a nationality without being a citizen legally subject to

a state and entitled to its protection without having rights of political participation in it); it is also possible to have political rights without being a national of a state. In most nations, a non-citizen is a non-national and

called either a foreigner or an alien Citizenship. Cultural values

Groups, societies, or cultures have values that are largely shared by their members. The values identify those objects, conditions or characteristics

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that members of the society consider important; that is, valuable. In the United States, for example, values might include material comfort, wealth, competition, individualism or religiosity. The values of a society can often be identified by noting which people receive honor or respect. In the US, for example, professional athletes are more highly honored than college

professors, in part because the society values physical activity and competitiveness more than mental activity and education.

International organization International Organization is a leading peer-reviewed journal that covers

the entire field of international affairs. Subject areas include: foreign policies, international relations, international and comparative political economy, security policies, environmental disputes and resolutions,

European integration, alliance patterns and war, bargaining and conflict resolution, economic development and adjustment, and international

capital movements. Published on behalf of the International Organization Foundation.

Sustainable development Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the natural environment so that these

needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. The term was used by the Brandt and Commission which coined what has

become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising

the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three

constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social. Racism:

Racism or racialism is a form of race, especially the belief that one race is superior to another. Racism may be expressed individually and

consciously, through explicit thoughts, feelings, or acts, or socially and unconsciously, through institutions that promote inequality between races. In the 19th century many legitimized racist beliefs and practices through scientific theories about biological differences among races. Today, most

scientists have rejected the biological basis of race or the validity of "race" as a scientific concept. Racism, then, becomes discrimination based on alleged race. Racists themselves usually do believe that humans are

divided into different races. There are two main definitions of racism today. One of them states that racism is discrimination based on alleged race; the other - newer - one state that racism has started to include also discrimination based on

religion or culture.

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3،2.......................................بار اللغة اإلجنليزيةتإستراجتية املثالية للتفوق يف إخ 4،5،6.....................................1الطريقة Writing ةكتاب لبعض اخلطوات املهمة 7،8،9.....................................2الطريقة Writing ةكتاب لبعض اخلطوات املهمة 10،11،12.....................................3الطريقة Writing ةكتاب لبعض اخلطوات املهمة

21 إىل 13من صفحة .........................................Writing بعض النماذج اجلاهزة
