
Net Natives Online & Social Marketing Experts for Adoption

Social & Online Adoption Recruitment Marketing - Best Practice, Tips & Results

Sept 2013

What should success look like?

Reaching before and when your next adoptive parents search for information Increasing volume of enquiries for Adoption Increasing volume of applications Adoption Increasing volume of approved parents Reducing costs for each stage Reaching a wider community Generating positive brand impact for your Adoption services Building relationships now with your prospective parents for 2014 / 15 / 16 Improving online customer service Tracking and reporting on every £ spent and ROI

Stop thinking about ���“social media” ���

���There is a difference between ���“social media marketing”

and ���“social media advertising”���

���(...and should be just a part of your digital strategy)

The Decision Journey of the Digital Consumer


Why Online & Social? The Targeting...

How it works Google Advertising - Search

How to adopt a child

How it works - Display

Page Post Ad

Sponsored Page Like

Sponsored Page Post

Targeted Advert

How it works - Facebook Advertising

How it works - Online & Facebook Remarketing

How it works - How to create campaigns

Data is King...


Converting interest into applications

•  What are your Call to Actions?

•  Soft and Hard

•  Registration over Application

Landing Page - Best Practice User Friendly Clear & Concise Campaign Relevant Collect Data!

Social Media Marketing

Social & Online Customer Service

•  Broadcast AND Engage

•  Timed posts

•  Consider mobile

•  “What if, what now” strategies

•  Moderation

•  Guest edit at planned times

•  Create the correct calls to action to share

•  “share the love” and “like if this makes you...”

•  fill in the blanks

•  “click like if this was useful...”

Collaboration is good...

• National awareness

• Worked with consortiums

• Best practice & knowledge/data sharing

• Simple enquiry / lead sharing

• Economies of scale

• Economies of scope (shared creative and campaign brand in area)

Thank you

Any Questions?

Ben Billing t: 01273 783 847 e: [email protected] @netnatives