  • Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 100:421–433 (2007)

    Asymmetrical Regulation of Scavenger ReceptorClass B Type I by Apical and Basolateral StimuliUsing Caco-2 Cells

    N. Peretti,1,2 E. Delvin,1,3 D. Sinnett,1,4 V. Marcil,1,2 C. Garofalo,1,2 and E. Levy1,2*1Centre de Recherche, CHU-Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal,Montréal (Québec), Canada, H3T 1C52Department of Nutrition, Université de Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Canada, H3T 1C53Department of Biochemistry, Université de Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Canada, H3T 1C54Department of Hematology and Oncology, Université de Montréal,Montréal (Québec), Canada, H3T 1C5

    Abstract Cholesterol uptake and the mechanisms that regulate cholesterol translocation from the intestinal lumeninto enterocytes remain for the most part unclear. Since scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) has been suggested to playa role in cholesterol absorption, we investigated cellular SR-BI modulation by various potential effectors administered inboth apical and basolateral sides of Caco-2 cells. With differentiation, Caco-2 cells increased SR-BI protein expression.Western blot analysis showed the ability of cholesterol and oxysterols in both cell compartments to reduce SR-BI proteinexpression. Among the n-3, n-6, and n-9 fatty acid families, only eicosapentaenoic acid was able to lower SR-BI proteinexpression on both sides, whereas apical a-linolenic acid decreased SR-BI abundance and basolateral arachidonic acid(AA) raised it. Epidermal growth factor and growth hormone, either in the apical or basolateral medium, diminished SR-BIcellular content, while insulin displayed the same effect only on the basolateral side. In the presence of proinflammatoryagents (LPS, TNF-a, IFN-g), Caco-2 cells exhibited differential behavior. SR-BI was downregulated by lipopolysaccharideon both sides. Finally, WY-14643 fibrate diminished SR-BI protein expression when it was added to the apical medium.Biotinylation studies in response to selected stimuli revealed that regulatory modifications in SR-BI protein expressionoccurred for the most part at the apical cell surface irrespective of the effector location. Our data indicate that variouseffectors supplied to the apical and basolateral compartments may impact on SR-BI at the apical membrane, thussuggesting potential regulation of intestinal cholesterol absorption and distribution in various intracellular pools. J. Cell.Biochem. 100: 421–433, 2007. � 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

    Key words: SR-BI; intestine; cytokines; fatty acids; hormones; fibrates

    Cholesterol is an essential constituent ofcellular membranes and also serves as aprecursor of bile acids and steroid hormones[Soccio andBreslow, 2004]. In fact, cholesterol is

    needed for normal physiologic processes, butexcess cholesterol production or intestinalabsorption can influence the progression ofatherosclerosis by increasing plasma choles-terol levels or by modifying the composition oflipoproteins [Mancini and Parillo, 1991; Turleyand Dietschy, 2003]. Until a few years ago, itwas thought that passive diffusion governsintestinal cholesterol uptake. However, severalfindings have very recently supported theinvolvement of a protein-mediated specificprocess [Dawson and Rudel, 1999]. Therefore,new impetus has been given to defining theinfluence of genetics, environment, hormones,and drugs on dietary cholesterol absorptionwith the confidence that growing knowledge onthe regulation will shed light on the inherent

    � 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

    Grant sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research(CIHR); Grant sponsor: Canadian Gastroenterology Asso-ciation/Ferring Pharmaceuticals Fellowship Award (CAG/Ferring).

    *Correspondence to: Dr. E. Levy, Centre de Recherche,CHU-Sainte-Justine, 3175 Côte Ste-Catherine, Montréal,Québec, Canada H3T 1C5.E-mail: [email protected]

    Received 14 January 2006; Accepted 15 February 2006

    DOI 10.1002/jcb.20882

  • mechanisms and the delineation of effectivepharmacological treatments for hypercholes-terolemia and the prevention of atherosclerosis.

    In the small intestine, scavenger receptorclass B type I (SR-BI) has been found inthe brush border membrane of enterocytes[Hauser et al., 1998; Cai et al., 2001; Loboet al., 2001], raising the possibility that it playsa role in dietary/biliary cholesterol absorption[Schulthess et al., 2000; Krieger, 2001; Werderet al., 2001]. We recently utilized immunofluor-escence staining and demonstrated that thedistribution of SR-BI appeared as a gradient,increasing from the developing crypt to thetip of the villus [Levy et al., 2004]. In an effortto better understand the cellular localization ofSR-BI, protein A-gold immunocytochemicaltechniques were applied to thin sections incu-bated with specific antibodies to disclose SR-BIin the human intestine. These electron micro-scopic immunocytochemical studies revealedsignificant immunogold labeling in the luminalregion of enterocytes, particularly associatedwith the apical plasma membrane lining themicrovilli. The labeling of SR-BI by gold parti-cles was also present in endosomal invagina-tions and vesicles. Within the cell, this labeling,although of lower intensity, was present in therough endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the Golgiapparatus, and the basolateral membrane. Inorder to define the role of SR-BI in intestinalcholesterol absorption, Caco-2 cells were trans-fected with a constitutive expression vector(pZeoSV) containing human SR-BI cDNAinserted in the antisense orientation. As notedby immunoblotting and Protein A-gold techni-ques, stable transformants contained 40%, 60%,and 80% the SR-BI level of control Caco-2cells and exhibited a proportional drop in freecholesterol uptake without altering the capta-tion of phospholipids (PL) or cholesteryl esters(CE). Confirmation of these data was obtainedin intestinal organ culture where SR-BI anti-bodies significantly lowered cholesterol uptake.These observations suggest that the humanintestine possesses a developmental and regio-nal SR-BI pattern of distribution and theyextend our knowledge of SR-BI-mediated cho-lesterol transport.

    Asmentioned above, SR-BI is expressedmorein the apical than the basolateral membrane.It is possible that apical SR-BI may allowthe uptake of luminally-derived cholesterol,whereas basolateral SR-BI may interact with

    lipoproteins originating from the circulation. Insupport of the latter assumption, early observa-tions documented that intestinal epithelial cellsbind apolipoprotein A-I and high-density lipo-proteins (HDL) via a receptor-mediated processat the basolateral membrane [Suzuki et al.,1983; Kagami et al., 1984; Sviridov et al., 1986].In this case, the vectorial distribution of SR-BIwould contribute to the cellular polarity ofenterocyte lipid metabolism. For example, pre-vious studies reported that plasma free fattyacids (FAs) were primarily oxidized or incorpo-rated into PL in rats and human small gutmucosa [Gangl and Ockner, 1975; Gangl andRenner, 1978], whereas free FA absorbed fromthe intestinal tract were mainly incorporatedinto triacylglycerols (TG) [Gangl and Ockner,1975]. This may be related to several factors,including differences in the plasma membranecomposition between the apical and basolateraldomains of the enterocytes [Brasitus andSchachter, 1980; Trotter and Storch, 1991]. Toour knowledge, neither themodulation of SR-BIin intestinal cells, nor the asymmetrical regula-tion of protein expression has been addressed.

    The purpose of the present investigation wasto test the hypothesis that the protein expres-sion of SR-BI in intestinal epithelial cells ishighlymodulated by various stimuli. This studyattempted in particular to detail cellular SR-BIregulation in response to the administration ofvarious effectors in the apical and basolateralsites, including nutrients (sterols and FAs),hormones known asmodulators of brush borderdigestive functions [epidermal growth factor(EGF), insulin, growth hormone (GH)], themicrobial glycolipid lipopolysaccharide (LPS),an essential constituent of the outer cellmembrane of all Gram-negative bacteria loca-lized in the intestinal lumen, which plays acentral role in the transcriptional activation ofhost defence mechanisms, and inflammatorycytokines and drugs capable of influencingcholesterol metabolism. To this end, we usedtheCaco-2 cells that differentiate as enterocytesin culture, can be grown as a polarized mono-layer when seeded on porous filters on Trans-well and allow access to both sides of the bipolarintestinal epithelium. Additionally, experi-ments were performed to determine whethera number of effectors favor asymmetry withrespect to the apico-basal distribution of SR-BIusing the biotinylation technique and simulta-neously impact on cholesterol uptake.

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    Cell Culture

    Caco-2 cells were grown at 378C with 5% CO2in minimum essential medium (MEM; GIBCO-BRL, Grand Island, NY), containing penicillin/streptomycin (100 kU/L) and MEM non-essen-tial amino acids (0.1 mmol/L), and supplemen-ted with 10% decomplemented fetal bovineserum (FBS; Flow, McLean, VA). Caco-2 cells(passages 30–40) were maintained in 17.5 cm2

    flasks (Corning, NY). Cultures were split (1:3 to1:6) when they reached 70–90% confluence,using trypsin-EDTA (50 g/L-0.5 mmol/L;GIBCO-BRL). For individual experiments, cellswere plated at a density of 1� 106 cells/well on24.5 mm polycarbonate Transwell filter insertswith 0.4 mm pores (Costar, Cambridge, MA), inMEM supplemented with 5% FBS. The insertswere placed into six-well culture plates, permit-ting separate access to the upper and lowercompartments of the monolayers. Cells werecultured for 21 days, at which time the Caco-2cells are highly differentiated and suitable forlipid transport, synthesis, and metabolism[Levy et al., 1995; Courtois et al., 2000]. Themedium was refreshed every second day.Transepithelial resistance, an index of cellconfluence and tight junction formation, wasevaluated using a Millicel-ERS apparatus(Millipore, Bedford, MA).

    Cell-Surface Biotinylation of Caco-2 Cells

    All stages of this procedurewere performed at48C. Following incubation with various stimuliin the apical and basolateral compartments,Caco-2 cells on filters were washed with ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; contain-ing 1 mmol/L CaCl2 and 1 mmol/L MgCl2)and biotinylated for 1 h through exposure to1 mg/ml biotinamidocaproate N-hydroxysucci-nimide ester (Sulfo-NHS-biotin, Pierce Biotech-nology, Rockford, IL) in dimethylformamide(40 mmol/L) present in the medium bathingthe apical or basolateral surfaces. At the end ofthe incubation period, cells were washed twicein ice-cold PB and twice more with iodoaceta-mide buffer (50 mmol/L iodoacetamide in PBS)to remove excess biotin from the cell surface andquench its activity, respectively. Cells weresubsequently lysed with 0.5 ml of precipitationassay buffer (pH 8.0) consisting of 50 mmol/LTris, 150 mmol/L NaCl, 1% (v/v) Nonidet P-40,0.5% (v/v) deoxycholic acid, 0.1% (v/v) SDS,

    and EDTA-free complete protease inhibitormixture, which included 0.2 mmol/L PMSF,0.002 mmol/L pepstatin A, and 0.01 mmol/Lleupeptin. The collected lysate (1 mg/ml) wascentrifuged at 10,000g for 30 min to pelletdebris. Biotinylated proteins were recoveredby rotating the clear lysate for 2 h with 200 mlof streptavidin-agarose beads (ImmunoPure 1

    Immobilized Streptavidin; Pierce) suspended in0.01 mol/L NaPO4, 0.15 mol/L NaCl (pH 7.2).The beads were recovered by centrifugation for1min at 10,000g andwashed twice in PBS usingrotation and centrifugation. Bound proteinswere eluted from the beads in Laemmli samplebuffer by repeated rounds of agitation andboiling, separated by SDS–polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellu-lose membranes as described later in thissection. Transfers were probed with antibodySR-BI. Specific staining was visualized bythe Enhanced Chemiluminescence technique(Amersham Corp.). For quantitation of thebiotinylation experiments, bands were scannedwith a laser densitometer.

    Western Blot Analysis

    Cells were harvested after incubationwith cholesterol (50 mmol/L), 7-ketocholesterol(50 mmol/L), methyl b-cyclodextrin (5 mmol/L),oleic acid (0.5mmol/L), linoleic acid (0.5mmol/L),AA (0.5 mmol/L), a-linolenic acid (0.5 mmol/L), eicosapentanoic acid (0.5 mmol/L), docosa-hexaenoic acid (0.5 mmol/L), insulin (30 mU/ml), EGF (50ng/ml),GH (5ng/ml), LPS (5 ng/ml),Interferon-g (IFN-g) (5 IU/ml), TNF-a (10 ng/ml),and Fibrate WY-14643 (100 mmol/L) appliedeither to the apical or the basolateral side. Cellswere lysed and rinsed in PBS. Lysis bufferconsists of TBS, 5mmol/L EDTA, 0.2% SDS, 1%Triton, 0.5% sodium desoxycholate, and a cock-tail of protease inhibitors (PMSF, BHT, andpepstatin). The bufferwas added to the cells andplaced on ice for 10 min. All lysates weresonificated for 10 sec and then centrifuged for10 min at 48C. The supernatant was collectedand stored at�808C. The protein concentrationwas measured spectrophotometrically usingprotein standard (Biorad). To assess the pre-sence of SR-BI and evaluate its mass, Caco-2cells were homogenized and adequately pre-pared for Western blotting as described pre-viously [Levy et al., 2001, 2002]. Proteins weredenatured in sample buffer containing SDSand b-mercaptoethanol, separated on a 4–20%

    SR-BI Regulation in Intestinal Cells 423

  • gradient SDS–PAGE and electroblotted ontonitrocellulosemembranes.Non-specific bindingsites of the membranes were blocked usingdefeated milk proteins followed by the additionof primary antibodies directed against SR-BI.The relative amount of primary antibody wasdetected with species-specific horseradish per-oxidase-conjugated secondary antibody. One ofthemost commonly used reference proteins is b-actin for endogenous controls. In the presentstudy, b-actin has been scrutinized under theinfluence of the various stimuli employed for theregulation of SR-BI and was found constantirrespective of the stimuli tested, which allowedus to assume that no significant, quantitativechanges occurred at the different experimentalconditions. Blots were developed and themass of SR-BI was quantitated using an HPScanJet scanner equipped with a transparencyadapter and software. Control SR-BI valueswere set at about 4000 arbitrary units after thebackground was substrated from control andtest measurements.

    [14C]-Cholesterol Uptake

    To study cholesterol uptake, [14C]-cholesterol(10 mCi), was added as a mixed bile salt micelle(6.6 mmol/L sodium taurocholate, 1 mmol/Loleic acid, 0.5 mmol/L monoolein, 0.1 mmol/Lcholesterol, and 0.6 mmol/L phosphatidylcho-line) [Levy et al., 2004]. Caco-2 cells wereincubated at 378C for 4 h.

    Statistical Analysis

    Results are reported as mean�SEM ofat least triplicate samples representative ofnot less than three separate experiments.Statistical analyses were performed using aStudent’s t-test.


    Thefirst issue addressed by our studieswas toexplore whether a difference could be noted inthe expression of SR-BI amount depending onthe maturity of cell differentiation. Indeed, ahigher level of SR-BI was found in confluent,more differentiated cells than that in thedividing 50% confluent cells (Fig. 1). Thus,increased intestinal epithelial cell differentia-tion could upregulate the protein expression ofSR-BI. Therefore, we decided to carry out thenext experiments, aimed at evaluating SR-BIregulation, using fully differentiated Caco-2

    cells. Interestingly, the membrane distributionof SR-BI in differentiated Caco-2 cells showedthat 58% was located in the apical site versus42% in the basolateral membrane.

    We also established the experimental condi-tions to examine SR-BI modulation in differ-entiated Caco-2 cells. Preliminary data withdifferent periods of incubation and concentra-tions of effectors revealed that the time length of4-h culture and the quantities of stimuliindicated in the present work were suitable forthe study of SR-BI regulation (results notshown). SR-BI values for most stimuli weresituated at the initial linear portions of theactivity curves when various concentrationswere tested.

    Fig. 1. Modulation of SR-BI protein expression in Caco-2 cellsunder proliferation and differentiation conditions. The effect ofthe maturation process on SR-BI protein was assessed in Caco-2cells that were grown until 70–90% confluence and transferredto polycarbonate Transwell filter inserts. SR-BI expression wasdetermined in (A) undifferentiated (5-day pre-confluence) and (B)differentiated (21-day post-confluence) Caco-2 cells by fractio-nation on SDS–PAGE, Western blot analysis and chemilumi-nescence’s detection. Results in the histogram represent themean� SEM of four separate experiments. *P

  • To determine the effects of sterols on SR-BIprotein expression, Caco-2 cells were separatelycultured with cholesterol (50 mmol/L) and 7-ketocholesterol (50 mmol/L) for 4 h at 378C.Sterol-containing micelles were added to theapical compartment, whereas identical concen-trations of sterols in albumin solution wereadministered to the basolateral chamber. Atthe end of the incubation period, cell lysateswere generated, resolved by SDS–PAGE andimmunoblotted with SR-BI-specific antibodies.Regardless of the site of supplementation, bothcholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol downregu-lated SR-BI protein expression comparedwith control cells (Fig. 2). A similar trend inSR-BI expression was observed following expo-sure of Caco-2 cells to methyl b-cyclodextrin, acholesterol-sequestering agent from mem-branes (Fig. 3).We next tested the influence of FAs on SR-BI

    protein expression. In particular, it was ofinterest to ascertain whether different polyun-saturated FA families display distinct effects onSR-BI. The supplementation of intestinal cellswith AA (20:4n-6) in the basolateral compart-ment raised SR-BI expression (Fig. 4), whileoleic acid (18:1n-9) and linoleic acid (18:2n-6)did not alter the amount of SR-BI protein incomparison with untreated Caco-2 cells (data

    not shown). Similarly, a variation in SR-BIprotein expression was also observed in respon-se to n-3 FAs, depending on the route of sup-plementation. a-linolenic acid (ALA. 18:3n-3)decreased SR-BI abundance only when it wasadded to the apical compartment, whereaseicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) was ableto reduceSR-BIprotein expression onboth sides(Fig. 4). Moreover, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA,22:5n-3) could not change SR-BI protein quan-tity. These data point out the divergence in SR-BI protein expression by n-3 FAs.

    SR-BI protein expression was then evaluatedas a function of fibrates, agonists of the orphannuclear receptors, that is, peroxisome prolif-erator-activated receptors (PPAR) that controlthe expression of genes involved in lipid meta-bolism. WY-14643, a known potent ligand ofPPARa, at the concentration of 100 mmol/Ldecreased SR-BI protein expression only whenit was added to the apical compartment of Caco-2 cells (Fig. 5). Therefore, these data suggestthat PPARa is an important regulator of SR-BIprotein content in the intestine.

    Since LPS produced by gram-negative bac-teria is aprofuse product of thenormalflora thatcan induce innate immune responses and maybe involved in normal physiological processes,we assessed its action on SR-BI expression.

    Fig. 2. Effects of cholesterol and oxysterols on SR-BI proteinexpression. Differentiated Caco-2 cells were cultured for 4 h at378C in the presence or absence of (A) cholesterol (50 mmol/L)and (B) 7-ketocholesterol (50 mmol/L) added to the apical andbasolateral sites. At the end of the incubation, cell lysates weregenerated and 50 mg of protein was resolved by SDS–PAGE,transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane, immunoblotted with

    anti-SR-BI antibody and developed by chemiluminescenceprocedure. The mass of SR-BI was quantitated using an HPScanJet scanner equipped with a transparency adapter andsoftware. A representative Western blot is shown. Data aremean� SEM for three separate experiments. *P

  • Figure 6 displays representative Western blotsof SR-BI lysates from Caco-2 cells incubatedwith LPS. The addition of LPS to the apical andbasolateral culture medium for 4 h at 378Cdiminished SR-BI levels.

    Similarly, given the potency of the proin-flammatory cytokines TNF-a and IFN-g ininducing inflammatory and physiologicalresponses in intestinal epithelial cells, weinvestigated their effects on SR-BI proteinexpression. Caco-2 cells cultured with 10 ng/mlof TNF-a exhibited opposite SR-BI outcomesdepending on the location of TNF-a supply(Fig. 6). Amarkeddecrease inSR-BI cell contentwas noted only when IFN-g (5 IU/ml) wassupplied to the apical side.

    To assess the role of hormones in SR-BIregulation, Caco-2 cells were incubated withEGF, GH and insulin. The presence of EGF andGH in the apical and basolateralmedia resultedin a significant reduction in SR-BI proteinquantity (Fig. 7). In contrast, insulin displayeda negative effect on SR-BI content in human

    Caco-2 cells only when it was administered tothe basolateral side.

    As theabovefindings show,manystimuliwereable to alter the total amount of the SR-BIprotein in Caco-2 cells. In order to determinewhether alterations in SR-BI protein levels weremembrane domain specific, we repeated theexperiments with the effectors making a sub-stantial impact on SR-BI expression. The apicaland basolateral cell surface proteins were thenbiotinylated separately and processed for immu-noprecipitation, gel electrophoresis andWesternblotting. The incubation of Caco-2 cells withapical EPA, EGF, and IFN-g markedly reducedSR-BI protein mass at the apical membrane(Fig. 8). Similarly, the treatment of the intestinalcells with basolateral EPA, EGF, and IFN-glowered SR-BI levels at the apical membrane.Limited changes were noted at the basolateralmembrane, suggesting that the regulatory mod-ifications in SR-BI protein expression mainlyoccur at the apical cell surface.

    To further study the functional outcomeof SR-BI modulation, [14C]-free cholesteroluptake was appraised following the treatmentof Caco-2 cells with apical EPA, EGF, and IFN-g. The apical compartment was chosen, sincemost stimuli regulated SR-BI at this site. Adecreasing trend was observed in cellularcholesterol content in the presence of EPA,EGF, and IFN-g (Fig. 9).


    The major transport functions expressed bygut epithelial cells are the absorption of nutri-ents by apical membrane transporters and theintimate exchange with the blood circulationvia the basolateral membrane. Human intest-inal epithelium is a polarized tissue in whichenterocytes have access to both an apical and abasolateral nutrient supply from the intestinallumen and the serosal circulation, respectively.Since SR-BI protein is mainly associated withthe apical membrane of the enterocytes and isless pronounced in the basolateral membrane,we hypothesized that its regulation may bedifferent depending on the stimulus location.We, therefore, used an experimentalmodel thatmakes it possible tomimic the prevailing in vivoconditions and to determine whether the effectsof different stimuli on SR-BI protein expressionare dependent on their route (apical versusbasolateral) of delivery. With Caco-2 cells

    Fig. 3. Regulation of SR-BI protein expression by methyl b-cyclodextrin. Differentiated Caco-2 cells were treated for 4 h at378C with 5 mmol/L methyl b-cyclodextrin added to the apicaland basolateral sites. SR-BI expression was examined asdescribed in Materials and Methods and in Figure 1 legend.Data represented are mean� SEM for three independentsexperiments. *P

  • granting access to both sides of the bipolarintestinal epithelium, not only could we demon-strate the modulation of SR-BI protein contentby lipids, hormones, chemical agents, andcytokines, but we were also able to underlinethe importance of the site of the stimulus in theregulation of SR-BI.In view of the small intestine’s high capacity

    to absorb lipids and elaborate most of the majorlipoprotein classes and considering the well-known actions of a number of nutrients andhormones on lipid metabolism and transport atthe intestinal level, the lack of knowledge aboutthemodulation ofSR-BI in thegut is perplexing.For thefirst time, thepresentworkattempted todetail the modulation of SR-BI in intestinalcells. According to our data, there is a discreteregulation of SR-BI from stimuli, originatingfrom apical and basolateral media, such as n-3and n-6 FAs, fibrate, cholesterol, 7-ketocholes-terol, methyl b-cyclodextrin, LPS, TNF-a, IFN-g, insulin, GH, and EGF. These hormonal,pharmacological and nutritional effectors have

    been selected in our experiments, since theyhave been demonstrated: (i) to be present inthe intestinal lumen and blood circulation withthe ability to play a central role in enterocytecholesterol homeostasis; (ii) to influence lipidtransport and metabolism; and (iii) to regulateSR-BI and its preferential HDL ligand invarious cells and organs. The rationalizationfor the utilization of each modulator is notifiedunderneath. They also provide further insightinto the parallel modulation of SR-BI proteinexpression in the apical membrane of Caco-2cells and cholesterol absorption.

    There hasbeen speculation that SR-BI expres-sion could be sensitive to cellular cholesterolcontent, with some of the most persuasiveevidence coming fromcholesterol feeding studies[Fluiter et al., 1999]. A high cholesterol diet wasfound to simultaneously suppress SR-BI expres-sion in rat liver parenchymal cells and to induceit in Kupffer cells [Fluiter et al., 1998]. Theobservations that in some cases dietary treat-ments can induce SR-BI expression in some

    Fig. 4. Fatty acid regulation of SR-BI in Caco-2 cells.Differentiated Caco-2 cells were incubated for 4 h at 378C with0.5 mmol/L AA (20:4n-6), 0.5 mmol/L a-linolenic acid (ALA,18:3n-3), 0.5 mmol/L eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) or0.5 mmol/L docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:5n-3) added to theapical and basolateral sites. After separation in polyacrylamide

    gel, proteins were transferred electrophoretically onto nitrocel-lulose membrane for probing with anti-SR-BI antibody asdescribed in Materials and Methods. Data represented aremean� SEM for three separate experiments. *P

  • tissues or cell types and suppress it in othersclearly indicate that there are cell type-depen-dent differences in the systems that regulate SR-BI expression [Fluiter et al., 1998], whichprompted us to explore the effects of sterols inintestinal epithelial cells. The results of thepresent study showed thatSR-BI protein expres-sionwas responsive to cholesterol and oxysterolsin Caco-2 cells. The downregulation of SR-BI bythese molecules suggests that dietary sterolintake or their subsequent metabolism affectsintestinal SR-BI expression. Further analysis ofthe molecular and cellular bases of SR-BIregulation and function should provide newinsight into the physiology and pathophysiologyof intestinal cholesterol metabolism.

    Diets rich indietarypolyunsaturatedFAsmaylower plasma HDL-C concentrations [Shepherdet al., 1978; Chong et al., 1987], whereas oleicacid-enriched diets were shown either to have nosignificant consequence [Mensink and Katan,1989] or to elevate the levels of HDL-C [DeLa Cruz et al., 2000; Judd et al., 2002]. Themechanisms responsible for this effect and theimplications they have for reverse cholesteroltransport and atherogenesis are not fully under-stood. Although the role of dietary fat in

    Fig. 5. Effect of WY-14643, a specific agonist of PPARa, on SR-BI protein content. Differentiated Caco-2 cells were exposed to100 mmol/L WY-14643 for 18 h at 378C. The fibrate wasseparately added to the apical and basolateral compartments.Following the incubation period, cells were harvested and SR-BIexpression was evaluated as described in Materials and Methodsand in Figure 1 legend. Data represented are mean� SEM forthree separate experiments. *P

  • modulating the expression of SR-B1 is notcompletely clear, Spady et al. [1999] suggestedthat polyunsaturated FAs might increase thehepatic expressionofSR-BI inhamsters, therebyaugmenting HDL-CE delivery to the liver andlowering plasma HDL-C. However, seeminglyinconsistent results were reported by otherinvestigators [Hatahet et al., 2003] and urge usto define SR-BI protein expression in response todifferent FAs in intestinal epithelial cells.Underour experimental conditions, oleic acid, linoleicacid, and DHA caused little change in SR-BIprotein expression in Caco-2 cells. Conversely,basolateral AA increased and apical ALAdecreased SR-BI protein expression, while EPAlowered itwhenadministeredeither in theapicalor basolateral compartments. It is not the firsttime that independent effects of distinct FAfamiliesor individualn-3FAhavebeenrecorded.In fact, dietary fish oil was found to markedlyreduce plasma TG levels in normal and hyper-triglyceridemic individuals, whereas vegetableoils containing predominantly n-6 polyunsatu-rated FAs had no impact [Harris et al., 1983;Phillipson et al., 1985; Connor, 1988; Harris,1989]. Furthermore, data from another study inrats also suggested that dietary EPA and DHAmay have differential effects on plasma choles-

    terol and TG levels [Kobatake et al., 1984]. Anexamination of the mechanisms underlying theSR-BI protein expression differences in responseto dietary FAs may provide insights into howthese FAs influence intestinal cholesterol trans-port as well as plasma cholesterol metabolism.

    A role for PPARa in modulating intestinalcholesterol metabolism was suggested by theobservation that Gemfibrozil, a pharmacologi-cal ligand of PPARa, inhibited cholesterolabsorption from the gut into mesenteric lymphin rats [Umeda et al., 2001]. More recently, firmevidence was obtained in WY-14643-fed ani-mals inwhich theactivation of intestinalPPARadecreased dietary cholesterol absorptionthrough amechanism that involved an increasein intestinal ATP binding cassette transporterA1 (ABCA1) levels [Knight et al., 2003]. Accord-ingly, our data revealed the downregulation ofSR-BIprotein expressionbyWY-14643 thatwasadded to the apical side of Caco-2 cells. Ourunderstanding of SR-BI andABCA1 is still in itsearly stages and additional information isrequired in order to propose a model of intest-inal cholesterol trafficking.

    Most studies have focused only on thehormonal regulation of SR-BI in steroidogenictissues. The expression of SR-BI appears to be

    Fig. 7. Modulation of SR-BI protein expression by hormonal stimuli. Differentiated Caco-2 cells weretreated for 18 h at 378C with 5 ng/ml GH, 30 mU/ml insulin and 50 ng/ml EGF added to the apical andbasolateral sites. Cells were harvested after incubation and their SR-BI content was measured by Western blotas described in Materials and Methods and Figure 1 legend. Data represented are mean� SEM for threeseparate experiments. *P

  • coordinately regulated with steroidogenesis inthe adrenal gland, ovary, and testis [Reavenet al., 1998]. However, little is known about thehormonal modulation of SR-BI in the humanintestine. In order to unravel whether SR-BI ishormonally regulated in the intestine, weincubated Caco-2 cells with three powerfuleffectors that are known as modulators ofbrush border membrane digestive functionsand the synthesis and secretion of lipoproteinsin humans [Levy et al., 1992, 1996a,b]. Theaddition of EGF and GH to both sides of Caco-2cells, as well as basolateral insulin produced asignificant decrease in SR-BI protein expres-sion in the present investigation. Identificationof the endocrine, paracrine and autocrinefactors involved in the modulation of SR-BIand intestinal cholesterol transport remains tobe fully elucidated in future experiments.

    Pro-inflammatory mediators such as LPShave been shown to downregulate the mRNAand protein levels of SR-BI in the monocyte andmacrophage [Buechler et al., 1999] as well as in

    hamster liver [Khovidhunkit et al., 2001]. Inaddition, treatment of hamsterswithTNFor IL-1 produced a reduction in hepatic mRNA levelsof SR-BI. Previous studies have documented theparticipation of TNF-a and LPS in the distur-bance of lipid metabolism in the gastrointest-inal tract and blood circulation [Mehran et al.,1995; Murthy et al., 1996, 2000; Dube et al.,2001; Bernotti et al., 2003; Courtois et al., 2003;Levy et al., 2003]. The results of our studyconfirm these in vitro observations and demon-strate for the first time the downregulation ofSR-BI protein expression by basolateral TNF-a,apical IFN-g and LPS on both sides. Therefore,intestinal mucosa that is constantly exposed tocommensal bacteria and their inflammatorycomponents or the invasion of pathogenicbacteria ormechanical breaks in the continuousepithelial monolayer barrier may undergoalterations in SR-BI levels and cholesteroltransport.

    Recent studies on luminal cholesterol trans-port have shown that SR-BI represented a facet

    Fig. 8. Differential distribution of SR-BI in the apical andbasolateral membranes. Caco 2 cells were grown on Transwellfilters and submitted to treatments with EPA, EGF, and IFN-gstimuli added to the apical (AP) and basolateral (BA) compart-ments. Thereafter, sulfo-NHS-biotin was employed to selectivelylabel the apical or the basolateral surface. The cells wereextracted with lysis buffer and the biotinylated proteins were

    recovered with streptavidin-agarose beads. Proteins were ana-lyzed by SDS–PAGE and Western blot. SR-BI mass wasquantitated using an HP ScanJet scanner equipped with atransparency adapter and software. Data are means� SEM forthree separate experiments. *P

  • of this lipid trafficking [Levy et al., 2004]. Infact, the reduction of endogenous SR-BI proteinexpression by antisense cDNA affected theability of Caco-2 cells to capture exogenouscholesterol [Levy et al., 2004]. In the presentinvestigation, the regulation of SR-BI content inCaco-2 by various stimuli essentially reflectedchanges in apical SR-BI protein amounts.Additionally, cholesterol uptake followed thepattern of apical protein expression modulatedby the specified effectors EPA, EGF, and IFN-g.These results support the hypothesis that SR-BI at the microvillous membrane of intestinalpolarized epithelial cells may undergo a thor-ough regulation, which may impact on choles-terol absorption.In summary, our data suggest that specific

    nutrients, hormones and cytokines may exert asignificant impact on SR-BI protein expressiondepending on the route of supply. The altera-tions of SR-BI protein expression following thetreatment of Caco-2 cells with the numerouseffectors, examined in our study, may haveseveral consequences on cholesterol absorption.Future exploration is undoubtedly necessary todecipher the role of SR-BI on the apical andbasolateral sides of the enterocyte and theintracellular mechanisms triggered by regula-tory effectors.


    All the authors have contributed to thepreparation of this manuscript. The authorsthank Mrs. Schohraya Spahis for her technicalassistance.


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