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Page 1: Art And Religion

By: Timeka Toussaint

Art and Religion

Page 2: Art And Religion

A system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic.

- Clifford Geertz


Page 3: Art And Religion

“Art and religion have gone hand-in-hand for thousands of years. Almost every religious sect makes use of it. It glorifies, protests, idealizes, and tells the stories of religion. During some periods of out history art existed for the sake of religion. Artists of our time are generally free to create and comment on whatever they choose. People, colors, nature, dreams or shopping carts might be just as interesting to an artist as the appearance of a crucifixion or an Indian fertility god. Religion dominated art--it commissioned it and used it as propaganda. Religion or its ideas were presented in paintings, drawings, sculpture, architecture-- you name it.”

“It seems that nearly all early art has its roots in religion. The Christians used it. The Taoists used it. The Buddhists, the Hindu, the Muslims, the Jewish-- all used decoration, painting, sculpture, or architecture to express their beliefs in a higher place or power... Art was a reminder of good, evil, life and death.”

- Anne Airaudi (University of Texas (student))

My Response This article was written by a student at the University of Texas who studied the

Cave of Lascuax. I agree Ms. Airaudi, art and religion are combined in many aspects. Art was used as a form of propaganda, it allowed for religion promote idea and ideals to the community. Comparing this article to the Cave of Lascuax, it is evident that those individuals used art as a way to describe their world. The depictions of animals amongst the caves could mean that they used the animals as a source of food or they worshiped them.

Art and History

Page 4: Art And Religion

As I stated earlier art is a form of propaganda. It is used to convey a message or emotion towards a situation. Art is also relative in some aspects, in order to understand the why reason artist creates this work is to look at the history. However, I must say that can not be applied to all works of art.

I previously read an article in The Nation written by Milton Glaser. The title of the article is “Art and Propaganda.”

Continued next slide

Art and Perception pt. 1

Page 5: Art And Religion

Within the article he states: “A while ago, I was looking for a definition of art's purpose. I came across

one that I liked… It's from Horace, the Roman philosopher and critic, who wrote, "The purpose of art is to inform and delight." I've been thinking about the purpose of art … Art is a survival mechanism for the human species. Otherwise, it never would have lasted so long.”

“But how does it work? How does it affect us? Primarily, it makes us attentive to the reality of our own life. The first cave paintings made its viewers attentive to the spirit and character of the animals their lives depended on. Sixteen thousand years later, Guernica made us conscious of how cruel the death of the innocent could be. Picasso and Cezanne help us understand that things can be looked at from several points of view at the same time. When we pass a landscape and think of how much it resembles a Cezanne painting, we become aware that Cezanne has made us attentive to how we see a landscape. Picasso and Seurat anticipated and illuminated the science of the 19th century, demonstrating that a landscape is an accumulation of color fragments and spaces. Art may be the only truth we can ever know. ”

Art and Perception pt. 2

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This is a video based on individuals perspective on art and it’s connection to religion. In this video there are responses from both religious and non-religious individuals.


Religion, Art and Culture

Page 7: Art And Religion

Art is universal. Many individuals can relate to a single piece of art work.

It also serves as form of communication between individuals.

Art is evident within religion. It is conveyed through the paintings of various religious figures. It is also depicted through the architecture of churches and the stain glass windows.


Page 8: Art And Religion

The halo around the mother and child’s head represents innocence. This painting can also be related the Christian ideal of Mary and Jesus.

By: Leonardo De Vinci By: Bernardino Jacopi


The Last Supper is a depiction of Jesus and the disciples. This relates to the Catholic religion of the breaking of bread and wine.

The Last Supper

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By: Giovanni Battista

This painting depicts the Crucifixion of Christ. The amount of people depicts the chaos that day. The colors are dark and gray displaying emotions of sadness, mourning and anger.

The Way of the Cross

Page 10: Art And Religion

The Cathedral of Saint Paul MN

The statues within The Cathedral allow for people to get a visual representation of Jesus or other disciples. The stain glass windows also serve as a visual representation. Among the stain glass windows are individuals such as the Virgin Mary, Various Saints, and Jesus.

Page 11: Art And Religion

PhotosPhoto of Mother and Child,


The Last Supper

The Way of the Cross

Quotes "Art and The Caves at Lascaux"  By: Anne Airaudi


Art and Propaganda
