Page 1: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing







Diana Ariningsih






Page 2: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing


Page 3: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing







Presented to the University of Muria Kudus

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for Completing the Sarjana Program

In English Education department


Diana Ariningsih






Page 4: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing




Man Jadda wa Jadda.

Impossible is nothing.

Think the best, do the best, and get the best.

This skripsi is dedicated to:

Her beloved mother “Sulasih” and father


Her beloved sister “Alfina Ariananda”

Her great motivator “Mario Teguh”

Her great advisors “Titis Sulistyowati, S.S,

M.Pd” and “ Drs. Muh. Syafei, M.Pd”

Her dearest best friends “Tari, Rezha,

Romando, Sigit, Lutfi and Samsul”

Everyone who knows and cares about her

Page 5: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing


Page 6: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing


Page 7: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing



Firstly, the writer would like to praise highly and express her gratitude to

Allah SWT the Almighty, The Most Merciful, The Eternal Hope, who has given

her mercy, guidance, and accompaniment, and allowed her to accomplish this

research proposal. This research proposal belongs to a classroom action research

and is entitled “Applying Quantum Writing to Enhance The Students’ Writing

Skill on Recount Text of Eight Grade Students of SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus”.

Secondly, the writer desires to thank all people around her who have been

helping, supporting, and encouraging her to get this research proposal finished

well. Moreover, due to realising that the writer herself would not be able to

accomplish this final without any supports, advice, and encouragement from other

people, she would like to thank them including:

1. Dr. Drs. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty of Muria Kudus University.

2. Diyah Kurniati, S.S, M.Pd as the head of English Education Department

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muria Kudus University.

3. Titis Sulistyowati, SS, M.Pd. as the first advisor who has always given

suggestion for improvements of this skripsi.

4. Drs. Muh Syafei, M.Pd. as the second advisor who always has carefully

read and given suggestions for the improvements of this skripsi .

Page 8: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing


5. Her father, mother, and sister who are always ready every time to

support her.

6. Wiwik Purwati, S.Pd as the headmaster of SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus who has

permitted her and even helped her in conducting an observation in the


7. Rohani, S.Pd., MA, as the writer’s motivator and inspiration, who has

presented seminar Quantum Teaching in Action fabulously.

8. All of the writer’s friends whom she cannot mention one by one, who

have been helping, supporting, and encouraging the writer in many


Finally, the writer would like to admit her imperfections in finishing this

research proposal. There are a lot of things need to be revised, and thus she

welcomes any suggestions, criticisms, and revisions to help make this skripsi


Kudus, December 2013

The writer

Page 9: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing



Ariningsih, Diana. 2013. Applying Quantum Writing to Enhance Writing Recount

Text of Eighth Grade Students of SMP 3 Jekulo in Academic Year

2012/2013. English Education Department, Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (1) Titis

Sulistyowati, S.Pd, M.Pd.. (2) Drs. Muh. Syafei, M.Pd.

Key words: Writing Skill, Recount Text, Quantum Writing

Writing is one of the skills which must be taught to Junior High School

students as one of the teaching and learning activities in English class.

Commonly, in junior high school students have dificulties to write. Most of the

students felt that writing is boring because process of writing consuming time.

Because of that, teacher must use method or technique that is apropiate to improve

writing ability of the students.

The teacher must apply some of techniques to develop the material and

make them more active and interest in class. Quantum writing is one of the

alternative techniques that can be used in teaching English. In this research, the

writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The

purpose of this research is to improve writing ability for the seventh grade

students of SMP 3 Jekulo in the academic Year 2012/2013.

The Quantum Writing design frame beginning from Enrol, Experience,

Demonstrate, Review and Reflect, and Celebrate. The teacher will try to motivate

the students by having them shout yell-yell together before starting the learning

activity to influence their subconscious mind and make them enthusiastic.

The teacher will also have to draw their attention to the material by sharing

a common experience and using interesting pictures as well as playing music.

Then she can turn the students’ attention to the material subconsciously.

Subsequently the writer will have the students experience directly the learning.

The students learn the model of recount text and learn how to make it.

The writer conducted a classroom action research to solve the research

problem. The research is conducted in SMP 3 Jekulo in the academic year

2012/2013, especially in the eighth grade students of VII B. The number of

student in this research is 26 students. The writer uses Recount text as object the


The average score percentage of the students’ writing ability in cycle I is

72.69%. In this cycle, some of the students still shy to shout yell-yell together and

still difficult to understand the material. So, the teacher and the writer continue to

the next cycle. In cycle II, the average score percentage of the students’ writing

skill in descriptive text is 80.26%. So, there is an increasing of the average score

percentage of the students’ writing ability in every cycle. Besides, the students

and teacher’s activity are improved and the problem that faced by the teacher

decreased in every cycle.

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The students enjoyed doing discussion by using Quantum Writing

technique that makes them easier to produce descriptive text. They become more

enthusiastic in the class discussion. They could explore their ideas freely when

they make sentences. The writer can conclude that the use of Quantum Writing

technique can improve students’ writing ability at the Eighth Grade Students of

SMP 3 Jekuo in the academic 2012/2013.

Thus, the writer suggests that a teacher must be creative, active, and give

support to the students in learning process using this technique.

Page 11: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing



Ariningsih, Diana. 2013. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis teks recount

Menggunakan Tekhnik Quantum Writing pada Murid Kelas VII dari

SMP 3 Jekulo Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013. Skripsi: Program Studi

Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,

Universitas Muria Kudus. Pembimbing: (1) Titis Sulistyowati, S.Pd,

M.Pd.. (2) Drs. Muh. Syafei, M.Pd.

Kata kunci: kemampuan menulis, teks recount, Quantum Writing.

Menulis adalah salah satu ketrampilan yang harus diajarkan di Sekolah

Menengah Pertama (SMP) sebagai salah satu kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas

Umumnya, siswa SMP mengalami kesulitan dalam menulis. Kebanyakan para

siswa merasa bahwa menulis membosankan karena menghabiskan waktu. Maka

dari itu, guru harus menggunakan metode atau teknik yang tepat untuk

meningkatkan pemahaman membaca bagi siswa

Sebagai seorang guru harus menerapkan berbagai tehnik untuk

mengembangkan materi dan membuat siswa lebih aktif dan tertarik di kelas.

Teknik Quantum Writing adalah salah satu alternatif tehnik di pengajaran bahasa

Inggris. Di penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan Quantum writing sebagai tehnik

pengajaran bahasa Inggris, Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan menulis untuk siswa VII SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus tahun 2012/2013.

Desain dari metode Quantum Writing ini dimulai dari Enrol (tumbuhkan

minat), Experience (alami), Demonstrate (mendemonstrasikan), Review (ulangi),

dan Celebrate (rayakan). Guru akan mencoba untuk memotivasi siswa dengan

cara meneriakkan yel-yel bersama-sama sebelum proses pembelajaran dimulai,

untuk meningkatkan pikiran sadarnya dan membuat mereka lebih antusias.

Sehingga siswa dapat mempelajari recount teks dan belajar bagaimana


Guru juga akan menarik perhatian mereka pada materi dengan cara

berdiskusi tentang pengalaman umum dan menggunakan gambar serta memainkan

music. Sehingga guru mendapatkan perhatian siswa untuk mempelajari materi

secara sadar. Serta guru akan mengetahui pengalaman siswa secara langsung

dalam proses pembelajaran.

Penulis melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas untuk SMP 3 Jekulo tahun

akademik 2012/2013, khususnya di kelas VII B. Jumlah siswa dalam penelitian

ini adalah 26 siswa. Peneliti menggunakan teks Recount sebagai objek penelitian.

Nilai persentasi rata-rata kemampuan menulis di siklus I adalah 72.69%. Di

siklus ini, beberapa dari siswa masih malu untuk meneriakkan yel-yel bersama

dan masih mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami materi. Jadi, guru memutuskan

untuk melanjutkan ke siklus berikutnya. Di siklus kedua, nilai presentasi rata-rata

kemampuan menulis di deskripsi teks siklus II adalah 80.26%. Jadi, ada

peningkatan nilai presentasi rata-rata kemampuan menulis disetiap siklus.

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Disamping itu, kegiatan siswa dan guru meningkat dan masalah yang dihadapi

oleh murid menurun dalam setiap siklus.

Dengan Quantum Writing para siswa senang melakukan mengarang dan

mempermudah mereka untuk membuat teks. Mereka dapat menjabarkan ide

mereka dengan bebas ketika mereka mengarang. Penulis dapat menyimpulkan

bahwa penggunaan Quantum Writing dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis

siswa kelas VII B SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus tahun akademik 2012/2013.

Dengan demikian, penulis menyarankan, seorang guru harus kreatif, aktif,

memberikan motivasi dan mendukung siswa di dalam proses belajar

menggunakan tehnik ini.

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COVER ......................................................................................................... i

LOGO ............................................................................................................ ii

TITLE ........................................................................................................... iii

MOTTO AND DEDICATION…………………………………………….. iv

ADVISORS’ APPROVAL..................................................................... ....... v

EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL………………………………………………. vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………. ix

RINGKASAN……………………………………………………………….. xi

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ xiii

LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………….. xvii

LIST OF FIGURE…………………………………………………………. xviii

LIST OF APPENDICES…………………………………………………… xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the Research .................................................................. 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems ..................................................................... 3

1.3 Objective of the Research ...................................................................... 4

1.4 Significance of the Research ................................................................. 4

1.5 Scope of the Research ........................................................................... 5

1.6 Operational Definiton ............................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW TO RELATED LITERATURE .......................... 7

2.1 English Teaching in SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus .............................................. 7

2.1.1 The English Curriculum of SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus.................... ..... 7

2.1.2 The Purpose Teaching English in SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus........... .... 7

2.1.3 The Material of English Teaching in SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus...... .... 8

2.1.4 The Method of Teaching English in SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus....... .... 9

2.2 Writing .................................................................................................... 9

2.2.1 Definition.............................................................................. ......... 9

Page 14: APPLYING QUANTUM WRITING TO ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ … · writer uses Quantum Writing as a teaching technique in teaching English. The purpose of this research is to improve writing


2.2.2 Writing Process...................................................................... ........ 10

2.2.3 The Component of Writing Skill............................................ ....... 11

2.3 Genre ....................................................................................................... 12

2.3.1 Recount Text..................................................................... ............. 14

2.3.2 The Generic Structure of Recount Text.............................. ........... 14

2.3.3 Linguistic Feature of Recount Text.................................... ........... 15

2.4 Quantum Writing .................................................................................... 16

2.4.1 Quantum Writing Overview.................................................... ....... 16

2.4.2 Framework of Quantum Writing............................................. ....... 16

2.4.3 Quantum Writing Design Frame............................................. ....... 17

2.5 Technique Applying Quantum Writing………………………………... 20

2.6 Review of Previous Research .............................................................. 21

2.7 Theoretical Framework ......................................................................... 23

2.8 Action Hypothesis ................................................................................... 23

CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH ..................................... 24

3.1 Research Design ...................................................................................... 24

3.2 Setting and Characteristic of the Subject ................................................ 25

3.3 Research Instrument ................................................................................ 25

3.4 Research Variable ................................................................................... 26

3.5 Research Procedure ................................................................................. 26

3.6 Data Collection ....................................................................................... 30

3.7 Data Analysis ......................................................................................... 33

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CHAPTER IV FINDING OF THE RESEARCH ....................................... 35

4.1 Preliminary Research ................................................................................ 35

4.2 The Result of Cycle I ................................................................................ 37

4.2.1 Plan .................................................................................................... 38

4.2.2 Action ................................................................................................ 38

4.2.3 Observation ....................................................................................... 39

4.2.4 Reflection .......................................................................................... 48

4.3 Analysis of the problem in the first cycle .................................................. 48

4.4 The Result of Cycle II ................................................................................ 49

4.4.1 Plan .................................................................................................... 49

4.4.2 Action ................................................................................................ 51

4.4.3 Observation ...................................................................................... 53

4.4.4 Student Questionnaire ....................................................................... 63

4.4.5 Reflection .......................................................................................... 65

CHAPTER V DISCUSSION ......................................................................... 66

5.1 Cycle I ........................................................................................................ 66

5.2 Cycle II ....................................................................................................... 67

CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................... 69

6.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 69

6.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................ 70

BIBLIOGRAPHY.......................................................................................... 71

APPENDICES…………………………………………………………… .... 73

STATEMENT............................................................................................. .... 118

CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………… .... 119

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Table Page

3.1 The Criteria of English Writing Ability ................................................... 32

4.1. The Students’ Score of Midterm Test of Eighth Grade Students of SMP

3 Jekulo in Academis Year 2012/ 2013 ................................................... 36

4.2. Criteria of Scoring for Students’ Writing Ability .................................. 38

4.3. Teacher’s and Students’ activities in Teaching English By Using

Quantum Writing to Improve Writing Skill for Eighth grade students of

SMP 3 Jekulo in the Academic year 2012/2013 in Cycle I ..................... 40

4.4. Scoring of students’ achievement test of writing ability taught by using

Quantum writing at the eighth grade students of SMP 3 Jekulo in

Academic Year 2012/2013 in cycle I ....................................................... 45

4.5. Criteria of Scoring for Students’ Writing Ability .................................... 47

4.6 The observation sheet of Teacher’s and Student’s Activity by Using

Quantum writing in Teaching Writing in Cycle II ................................... 53

4.7. Scoring of students’ achievement test of writing ability taught by using

Quantum writing at the eighth grade students of SMP 3 Jekulo in

Academic Year 2012/2013 in cycle II ..................................................... 57

4.8. The Result of Questionnaire in Cycle 2 to know the Student’s

Problem in Improving Writing Ability by Quantum Writing

Technique ............................................................................................. 58

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Figure page

3.1 Design of Classroom Action Research Used ......................................... 27

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Appendix 1 The Data of VII B studentsof SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus in the

Academic Year 2012/2013 ....................................................... 74

Appendix 2 Syllabus .................................................................................... 75

Appendix 3 Classroom Action Research Lesson Plan Cycle I .................... 79

Appendix 4 Scoring of Assessment Test by Using Quantum Writing

Technique Cycle I .................................................................... 89

Appendix 5 The Result of Observation Sheet by Using Quantum Writing

Technique Cycle I..................................................................... 91

Appendix 6 Classroom Action Research Lesson Plan Cycle II ................... 98

Appendix 7 Scoring of Students’Achievement Test of Writing Ability

taught by Using Quantum Writing of The Eighth Grade

Students of SMP 3 Jekulo Kudus in the Academic Year

2012/2013 in Cycle II ............................................................... 107

Appendix 8 The Observation Sheet of Teacher’s and Students’ Activities

By Using Quantum Writing Cycle II........................................ 109

Appendix 9 The Result of Questionnare in Cycle II to Know The

Students’ Problem in Improving Writing Ability by Using

Quantum Writing ...................................................................... 114

Appendix 10 Component of the Students’ Writing Ability ........................... 116