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Apostolic Leadership Summit

Washington DC 5 - 8 August 2015


Thamo Naidoo Sam Soleyn Sagie Govender


• The Intent of the Eternal Cycles

• The Spirit of Christ

• A Vision of our Prior Existence

• The Elijah Ministry

• Delusions and Authenticity

• The Benjamin Company

• Feast of Tabernacles – Killing the Bulls

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Note: The notes in this manual were transcribed as speakers delivered the Word of the Lord. Every endeavour was

made to capture the essence of what was communicated. These notes are not transcribed verbatim but are

reflected as they were encoded by the person who transcribed them. These notes, in their present form,

are unedited by the speakers and thus may or may not directly represent the intention of the speakers. It is

strongly suggested that the user of this manual read the notes of each session in conjunction with listening

to the audio recordings to derive maximum benefit and impartation. These resources may be freely

downloaded from (Go to the RESOURCES Tab; then select Apostolic Leadership

Summit Washington). Here is a directlink direct to the audio resources of this ALS :

© COPYRIGHT 2015 Thamo Naidoo

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Scriptural References:

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD

BIBLE (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1995 by the Lockman

Foundation. Used by permission.

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Table of Contents    

Session Speaker Topic Page

Thamo Naidoo Opening Address 4

1 . Sam Soleyn The Intent of the Eternal Cycles 6

2 . Sagie Govender Delusions and Authenticity 11

3. Thamo Naidoo The Elijah Ministry (Part 1) 17

4. Sam Soleyn A Vision of our Prior Existence 21

5. Sagie Govender Feast of Tabernacles – Killing the Bulls 26

6. Sagie Govender The Benjamin Company - Part 1 31

7. Sam Soleyn The Spirit of Christ 37

8. Thamo Naidoo The Elijah Ministry (Part 2) 43

9. Thamo Naidoo The Elijah Ministry (Part 3) 48

10. Sagie Govender The Benjamin Company - Part 2 53

11. Sam Soleyn Concluding Remarks with Personal Testimony 58

12. Thamo Naidoo Concluding Remarks with Personal Testimony 60


Shaun Blignaut General Word 61

Shaun Blignaut Word for the USA 62

Shaun Blignaut General Word 63

Shaun Blignaut Concluding Word 64

Elijah Morgan Concluding Word 65

Shaun Blignaut Word for the Apostolic Team 66

About the Speakers 67

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Opening Welcome Address Thamo Naidoo

From this venue I believe that certain declarations must be made. I think firstly we, from the rest of the

world, have come to thank God for the United States of America and for Europe. Many of us have inherited

much spiritual treasure from them. We want to say to the church and to the nations represented in Europe

and the United States of America – ‘Thank you!’ We have inherited so much from the Reformation, from

Pentecostalism and from the days of the innocence and purity of the Charismatic season, and for that many

of us have not only been evangelised and missionized, but also our lives have been indelibly marked by the

inheritances that we have received.

As we all would agree, no man is an island and all of our lives are connected to the past. In that way we

become heirs of the past, custodians of the present, but I also believe that we should learn how to become

architects of the future. We have also come to call the church of the United States of America and in Europe

to return to biblical ways. The church has been ensnared by the demonic ideology of post modernism, an

ideology that has removed the ancient boundaries. By returning to the royal law, which we refer to as a

return to Apostolicity or authentic Christianity, we believe that the ills and the pandemics of our present

society will be healed again and that God can bring governmental order.

We have also come not to protest but to declare the sovereignty of Christ and His purposes over illegal

decisions that are being made from influential centres like this. In the reformation of Martin Luther, he

penned his thoughts and pinned it to the gate of the wall and people referred to that as the Protestant

Reformation. His thoughts were used as the germinal seed to create such a transformation of the landscape

of Christianity in those days. But, when you really look at the word ‘protest’, it doesn’t mean protest per se

but the original intention was to release certain declarations and to share one’s heart with the leadership of

the church so that order can come back to the church.

I’d like to think that while we are to release certain statements through sermons that will be shared, that it

will not be viewed as an act of protestation of the present status quo but it would be the release of

declarations that will pierce darkness and release the light again. Not just in governmental circles but in

popular Christian circles especially the church that has been kidnapped by post modern forms of the

celebrations of our faith in the form of seeker friendly congregations, the felt need centred churches which

are mushrooming up, collecting and gathering hundreds and thousands of people but are not feeding them

with the true word of God. So my hope is that will happen.

Further we believe that a new epoch has dawned upon the church of Jesus Christ in the earth. This epoch is

accompanied by a geo-spiritual shift. For me personally it is not a geo-spiritual shift in the context of

geographical locations but it’s a geo-spiritual shift of people groups, that once were recipients of the grace

from the more advanced and developed church. These people today are now the beneficiary of that grace,

but are advocating for a new expression of God’s glory that is residing in and emanating from His Word.

We believe that there is geo-spiritual shift of a people that once were no people that had no reputation,

that were considered to be part of the world that was extremely poor and disadvantaged. We believe that

such a people is emerging from the different nations in the world. These people are scattered all over the

earth. I believe boundaries are being redefined presently. What we see in the natural migration of people

from certain parts of Asia to the other parts of Asia, or from Africa to Europe or from Europe and Africa and

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Asia to the United States of America, is only what is about to take place in the spiritual. God has placed

people strategically who have no reputation for a time such as this.

There is a fresh sound, a very clear blasting of the trumpet emerging from a people that were once not

heard nor recognised. They are what I refer to as the seven thousand and one company. They come from

places like Africa , Australisia , Asia, Europe, the islands, the Americas, and from the ends of the earth. God

is raising up the indigenous nations, the tribal people, the people who were marginalised, disenfranchised,

and colonised, for this season. We believe that God can raise a people of no reputation to antagonise those

nations who have become comfortable with being leaders in the purposes of God.

We believe also that these ‘no reputation’ groups will provoke the dominant nations into a new form of

spiritual jealousy. I think Paul speaks about jealousy in that context where the Gentiles will be raised up to

provoke the Jews to jealousy. We believe that the sound will be released from environments like this will

pierce the earth and confront illegal and illicit positions in the earth.

Further we in Africa have chosen to host this conference by the declaration of our intent that a new church

is arising from the echelons of poverty to finance the purposes of God. We have come here not to place

emphasis on offerings. The budget of this conference is in excess of $100 000 dollars but we believe that

Africa can finance it. We are not coming in here with a beggars bowl but we are coming in here like Egypt

financed the building of the tabernacle in the wilderness, we also believe that the church in Africa can arise

to finance God’s purposes in the earth. The poor church is now functioning in the abundance of joy thereby

generating the spirit that we refer to as the ‘riches of liberality’. So this summit is a declaration of this intent.

Countries like those in Africa and other poor nations will arise to come to a place of equalisation in

financing or putting finances at the feet of Apostolic ministry so that God’s eternal purpose and sovereign

glory can be established all over the earth. With that I want to declare this Apostolic Leadership Summit in

Washington DC and the greater areas of this region of the United States of America officially open.

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Session One Sam Soleyn

The Intent of the Eternal Cycles

God is combining the great strength of diverse peoples into one spiritual house. We have one sound – the

frequency of Heaven reflected in the earth. The sound is distinctly different. We have come to bring a

message to the USA – and prepared to pay for it. A different spirit is resident in the earth.

The sound in the earth today is a reflection of the original intention for the creation of man. There is a call for accuracy in representing the Lord in the earth. This is the time in which God intends to bring forth

the healing of the nations through His church. Our life is the light of men.

Men acquiesce to sin because the darkness is in them. This persists because the standard of righteousness

has been removed.

Jesus said to the twelve when He deputised them for function on His behalf: “As the Father has sent me, I

send you”. Thereafter the first thing He stressed is to forgive sins and so give life.

Sin causes the mightiest of nations to fall whereas righteousness exalts a nation. This is a season of grace

and righteousness. God is raising up His people and giving them light.

In Ezekiel chapters 1 to 3 – there is a reference to four creatures representing different spirits, with four

faces indicating different particularities. Four (4) is a number representing the corporate man. Four men

carried the Ark on their shoulders. The four faces were that of …

• An Eagle = The prophetic – capacity to apprehend the eternal

• A Lion = The ability to rule in the realm given to you

• An Ox = Unwavering persistence

• Man [All of the above are embodied in the form of the face of a man]

The four creatures are followed by wheels. Wheels represent cycles – the beginning and closings of epochs.

God has entrusted the influencing of epochs into the hands of those who are His corporate sons. The

eternities of God is placed in the being of the corporate son.

‘Wheels within wheels’ indicate broader purposes in the outer perimeters. Our personal lives are connected

to broader cycles.

God knows the end of every matter from the beginning. The beginning of a cycle in time initiates

something that is already concluded in God. Time does not determine what God intends to do. Time hosts

the cycles of God. Once we see the eternal cycles, we shall not be moved. It is time to have an eternal


Our common perspective of “LET US MAKE MAN ...” is that what was created was the image and likeness

of God as God intended. No it was not – that was only the seed of what He intended before creation. It was

not a natural man that God had in mind. In seeing the image and likeness of God in man, is meant that when God looked in the earth He would see the reflection of Himself.

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What would be if you were to see your image and likeness?” You would see yourself. God saw Himself in

man not as man but that of a spirit man. God saw before He initiated the creation of man, a reflection of

Himself in the earth. In the cycles of time, God initiated something He saw already completed.

Ephesians 1: 4-6 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be

holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons

through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the

praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.

Christ is a Spirit, who was in the man Jesus. This endowment of spirit is in us. When it resides in us, it

becomes our endowment. It is an investiture of total being. Man’s spirit comes out from the person of God.

The things God gives, when it comes to rest in us, it becomes your being. The nature of this investment is a

reflection of the nature of God Himself. The gathering together of all these components is what is meant to

be the Body of Christ.

The investment given into the person of Jesus was unlike any other. It was designed to reconcile all of

mankind to God. This spirit is called Christ. Jesus understood this. The fullness of God dwelt in bodily form

within Him. The first man contained the fullness of Godhead. Also, the same in Jesus, but it existed in Him

to produce the reconciliation of all of men back to God.

This epoch of time has represented a long decline. Reconciliation is necessary when there is decline.

‘Reconciliation’ embraces two notions. One is an accounting term – to come back; the other is a pre-

existing reality as a standard to which people must be brought back to. Fallen man has formed standards

which he thinks grant him immunity. You cannot simply, in the collective wisdom of fallen man, find the way

back to God. All you have is more confusion. The collective wisdom of the fallen is never light to those in

darkness. The obvious does not seem to evade us anymore. When you cant see the obvious, then you are

mentally deficient. There has to be a changed mindset.

The spirit that is Christ gives us the mind of a son. The spirit of Christ was released out of God to exist in

form of a son while God continued to view Himself as Father.

Of all the things that we might know about God, the thing that pleases most about Him, is His love. Even

His power serves the imperatives of His love. Before He was the Son, He was the Word, by which all things

were made. He came as the Son to submit to the Father to showcase the Father. We are here on earth to

show the Father. Anyone who has the character of the Father needs one commandment – to love the other

as the Father has shown His love for you. If a person is this, what law is required for his living?

At the cross, God loved the other more than he loved Himself, while the other hated him to the point of

persecuting Him. When God made man, He intended to see this representation in man.

First He made Adam so He would have the material with which to work. He understood Adam would depart

from Him and so the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the earth.

The plan of seeing His purposes in man was greater than the cost to ensure it. He made man knowing He

had to save Him. The intention of God is to put on display His love. Love is a completeness of being. Love

is an untested hypothesis unless it is actualised, (like faith without works is dead). You show your love by

your relationships.

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A spirit came into the earth in the form of Jesus – called Christ – the anointed one. He would reconcile all of

the sons of God who would return to Him through this Son. This one came as Redeemer – and part of what

was required of Him was to suffer.

The role of the Son is to be obedient. Obedience is not perfected in tranquility or predictability or furthered

in environments of symmetry. The nature of a trial is that it brings the worst out in you. Jesus learned

obedience by the things He suffered. As you respond properly in suffering, you will grow in favour with God

and man. You cannot see it coming – otherwise it is not suffering. Suffering is designed to increase your

usage of the mind of Christ - a mind intent on obedience to the Father.

Who the Son is has been established. You are just being joined to that which is already existent. We are

filling up the measure of what was lacking in sufferings of Christ. Each of us together fills up the full

measure. We must all learn to adopt the mind of Christ. The intent of the mind of the Son is to reveal the

Father. Whoever is joined to the corporate Son enjoys the right to suffer. Suffering is meant to bring the

soul back under the rule of the spirit.

The corporate son dwells amidst a culture of orphans. The corporate son will be the light of the world

because he has the mind of the Father. Swords will be beaten into ploughshares. No other order of human

being results in peace because it lacks the mind of God. The standard of the orphan is ‘me first’; it destroys

any notion to trust another. Whoever loves another while the other hates him is the light of the world. When

we model this corporately the nations will see wherein lies their hope for mankind. This conference is a

seed. This is a holy moment. We are a first fruits company. We are not here to contend with the nation or

rail against policy. We embrace the hope of Heaven as a seed given by God, based upon the promise that

God knows the end from the beginning.

We see what God has always known. We will co-ordinate the revolution of our daily lives with the broader

purposes of God. The plan is more glorious than our minds can conceive. Jesus was born, suffered and

brought to maturity. At His baptism, which simulates death and resurrection, He reached maturity in sonship

– the ‘son of man’ had become the ‘Son of God’. He would require this Son to lay down His life. He did not

reject the cross (although despising the shame of it) because He knew the intent of His Father. When a

thing becomes resurrected it becomes exponentialised. A seed dies to be resurrected as a tree. But there is

a growing season before the fruit becomes visible and testifies as to the nature of the tree. We hold all the

potential of what was present of Jesus in our corporate existence.

The first time Jesus handed over the mandate to represent Him is recorded in John 20:21ff.

John 20:21 So Jesus said to them again, “ Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the

Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained.

We deputise on God’s behalf. We function as God. We function for His purpose and by His authority. Jesus

is not saying, “there is you and me”; He is saying “I will now appear as you”. You function “in My name”,

i.e. “by My authority”.

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When you do not know the difference between sin and righteousness, you cannot judge anything. When

you come in ‘your own name’ you are always powerless – and you only find your reflection in the other and

whatever authority you have you excuse yourself in the other.

When you deputise as the SON, then your remedies include removing the obstacles that prevent men from

being reconciled. When you come to be the hope of mankind, clothed in the authority of the Son, the

alternative is not to condemn the world but that the world might be saved. Don't condemn them; their

condition condemns them already. The life of God is in the Son. The Son begins by addressing the problem

saying, “You sins are forgiven”. The first reflection of God appearing in men is the forgiveness of sins. This

is the time of re-enfranchisement of the sons of God to its glorious light. We are sent ones coming as sons

in the spirit of Heaven. God will see the perfect image of Himself in man and declare ‘This is my son.”

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Brief Summation of Session One by Sam Soleyn : ‘The Intent of Eternal Cycles’

The present sound in God is a reflection of the original intention for the creation of man. It is a call for

accuracy in representing the Lord in the earth. This is the time in which God intends to bring forth the

healing of the nations through His church. Men acquiesce to sin because darkness is in them. Our life as

God’s corporate son is meant to be the light of men.

In Scripture, the imagery of a ‘wheel within a wheel’ represents cycles within the eternities of God, which He

places in the being of the corporate son. The inner revolutions of our personal lives are interconnected with

the broader cycles of God’s purposes. The ultimate intention of God in the creation of man is that God

would see Himself reflected within man in respect to His love. God initiated the creation of first natural man,

having already seen the completed end of a spiritual corporate man, the Body of Christ.

The endowment of spirit given to man came from God who is Spirit and was meant to define the being of

man as reflective of God Himself. This spirit is Christ, who dwelt in Jesus in a unique fashion, because it was

intended to reconcile all men to God through Him. Reconciliation became necessary because of decline

into sin and a departure from righteousness. Reconciliation requires a coming back to a pre-existing

standard in God. In the fulfillment of this mandate, it is essential that we demonstrate the love of the Father

as He has shown us. Whoever loves another while the other hates him is the light of the world. Jesus

exemplified this on the cross in redeeming fallen man. The plan of fulfilling His purposes in man was greater

than the cost (cross) to ensure it. The plan was to put on display His love, actualised within the context of


The suffering of the son is designed to perfect obedience to the Father in our personal lives, while being

aware of and connected to wider Divine cycles. We will co-ordinate the revolution of our daily lives with the

broader purposes of God. Thus Jesus willingly laid down His life because He knew the intent of His Father,

which included a resurrection from the dead, having the effect of exponentialising the life offered in

death/suffering. The fruit borne to the seed buried, testifies of the nature of the tree. We are that fruit

grown through time and reflective of the Divine nature.

In this way, we deputise on God’s behalf, functioning as God, ‘in His name’, for His purpose and by His

authority. In expressing our deputyship of His nature we do not condemn men, for their condition already

does so, but we seek to remove the obstacle that prevents man from being reconciled by stating, “Your

sins are forgiven”. The first reflection of God appearing in men is the forgiveness of sins.

This is the time of re-enfranchisement of the sons of God to its glorious light. We are sent ones coming as

sons in the spirit of Heaven. God will see the perfect image of Himself in man and declare, “This is my son.”

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Session Two: Dr Sagie Govender

Delusions and Authenticity

There are four major problems that emanate from a grace-deficient culture:

• Marriage

• Medical

• Money

• Mental

There is a global increase in mental disease, e.g. v Schizophrenia – loss of function in socio-occupational arenas, etc.

v Bipolar – episodes of mania alternating with depression (sadness, reclusion, irritability, suicidal).

Mania characterised by a spirit of generosity.

v Personality Disorders – Borderline personalities - instability in every area.

v Paranoid Disorders

v Introverted Disorders

v Narcissistic Disorders - Personal Self-esteem

Symptoms of Mental Disorder 1. Delusions = a Fixed False Belief

2. Elusions = A distorted perception (e.g. perceiving a stick as a snake)

3. Hallucinations = Absence of external stimulus but there is still perception of false reality (e.g. no

stick is present but the snake is still perceived)

4. Auditory

5. Tactile

Many pastors are narcissists. Mental disorder will become a status symbol.

Jesus is standing at the door of His church and knocking to get in. The Laodicean church did this. It was a

blind, deaf, luke-warm church and they locked Jesus out. (Laodicea = rights of the people)

Examples of mental illness:

§ Nebuchadnezzar demonstrated narcissism (He said, “ .. I have built by the power of my hand …”).

§ Saul had Paranoid Disorder – jealous of David.

§ Madness as a technique to destroy the enemy – (In Gideon’s day, God sent the spirit of madness

among the enemy – they fought each other)

Deut. 28:28 The Lord will smite you with madness and with blindness and with bewilderment of heart.

CHURCH DELUSIONS: There is a battle between the normal and the abnormal. Only the Body of Christ has the mind of Christ.

‘We’ (plural) have the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ applies to the corporate.

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Examples of delusions in Modern Church that need to be corrected: 1. Fasting is only abstention from food. (Fasting without a lifestyle change is merely a hunger strike).

Isaiah 58 indicates expressions of a true fast.

2. Length of prayer is more important than righteousness.

3. Attire determines anointing.

4. Manifestations are more important than the voice of God. (Voice always followed the manifestation)

(E.g. Isaiah 6; burning bush; road to Damascus; River Jordan).

5. Building of Mortar and brick supercedes building of the man.

6. Yielding to the set-man is weakness.

7. Anointing validates the man – (no, it validates God).

8. Numerical strength is proof of favour.

9. Charisma is greater than character.

10. Evangelism more important than discipleship.

11. Delusions of Grandeur – false belief that one is greater than others; (e.g. Pharisee who prayed with

himself; Peter; See parable of the bramble).

12. Outward cleansing is sanctification.

13. Riches grant security.

14. Jews saved through relationship with Abraham.

15. Doctrine is infallible.

16. Because it is working, it must be right.


IN the charismatic church, ‘working’ means numbers, buildings and cash. Nebuchadnezzar had these

three things (slaves, buildings, money – image of gold). The end result was madness.

Jeroboam had the numbers, buildings and ten tribes joined him. He had 800 000 mighty men of valour;

He changed the laws. His system lasted for many generations and became known as the ‘way of

Jeroboam’. Thus LONGEVITY is another delusion. Because it lasts it does not mean it is of God. Jehu dismantled Jezebel, but not Jeroboam (a system of independence and calf worship). This system

could not produce a single person to face Goliath.

Measurements within the Apostolic that are Inaccurate:

Ø ONENESS is not a measurement of authenticity. Gen. 11:1-9

Now the whole earth used the same language and the same words. It came about as they journeyed

east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said to one another, “Come,

let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly.” And they used brick for stone, and they used tar for

mortar. They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into

heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of

the whole earth.” The Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men had built.

The Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what

they began to do, and now nothing, which they purpose to do, will be impossible for them. Come, let

Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”

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So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped

building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language

of the whole earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth.

They were one among themselves and not one with God.

Mark 5 – legion – demons operating in oneness. They were ethical when they said ‘You send us’ (they

refused to go without being sent).

Ø The Appearance of the Lord does not validate your location.

2 Chron. 1:3-7. Tabernacle of Moses was at Mount Gibeah but the Ark was not there – it was shifted to

Mount Zion. Solomon did not go to Mount Zion but Gibeah – and the Lord appeared there. The Lord

appeared at an inaccurate location.

Ø Faithfulness and Commitment:

At the crucifixion the veil was torn in two from top to bottom. Afterwards, there was a forty year gap. In AD

70 the temple was destroyed, but during this time – people worshipped inaccurately.

Ø The Glory does not validate the location.

Ezek 8 ; there were abominations in the temple. The ‘Image of Jealousy’ was in the temple entrance. The

glory of God was there. The entrance was equal to the exit. The glory was departing. This departure was

gradual and took 100 years. God was patient.

Ø External Expressions of Praise and Worship

Moses went to get the law and people built the calf below. There was great joy and singing and shouting.

All the external symbols of worship does not prove authenticity. David brought back the Ark on a new cart

and someone died.

Ø Father-Son Wineskin cannot be used as a measure in accuracy. Judges 17 – story of Micah; he was building an antenna to capture the presence of the Lord. He made an

ephod. He lacked a priest and so he consecrated one of his sons as a priest. He had equipment but he was

lacking a priest and requests a Levite to be his father. Even the father-son wineskin cannot be used as a

measure of authenticity.


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Another Delusion : BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT, IT MUST WORK. No, not so. î The first century apostles were all killed.

î After Hezekiah did deeds of faithfulness, Senacherib came against him. You will be attacked even

after you have served God. Bad things happen to good people.

î Jehoshaphat was attacked in a season of great faithfulness.

î Paul cast out a spirit of the python and landed in jail.

î In Ephesus believers were persecuted for doing right.

î Everyone in Asia deserted Paul.


The Name of the Lord refers to the nature of the Lord. The Queen of Sheba visited Solomon’s house. She

came because of the fame of the Name of the Lord not because of Solomon per se. The Name of the Lord

refers to His excellence, His manifest presence (two or three gathered in my name); authority of power (In

my Name they shall cast out demons). We must beware of the celebrity temptation – this is mental illness.

God told Israel “every place where my Name is I will meet with you”. Where His nature is, His righteousness

is there. Moses’ Tabernacle had to have the nature of Christ – every detail of it represented Christ.

Everything we build must be about HIM. (Our local churches are the set-man’s house)

LOVE – the singular indication of the Nature of God

His love is essential to His nature. This is agape – it is supernatural. It is only manifested in authentic

believers – it was installed in you at salvation. You must grow into LOVE. Jesus prayed to His Father – “Let

the same love you have for me be in them”. This is your genetic proclivity – inclination.

LOVE IS … ü Tolerant – it can put up with nonsense.

ü Longsuffering – In Noah’s day the longsuffering of God waited for 100 years.

ü Kind – willing to help; like Rebecca at the well feeding the camels at the well.

ü Does Not Envy (does not seek to possess that which does not belong to you – unlike jealousy – which

is focused on possession of what is yours); Love is not materialistic; love does not want to possess

things or own people; love will not want you to possess people even your sons – do not develop a

permission-based system.

ü Does not Parade itself.

ü Does not Boast. Is not puffed up; makes itself of no reputation

ü Love is not Rude.

ü Does not seek its own – is not selfish

ü Is not Provoked – not easily angered – there is a restraining quality in love.

ü Thinks no evil. Peter denied the Lord three times – but Jesus still loved him

ü Does not rejoice in iniquity; does not rejoice when your enemy falls

ü Rejoices in truth (Jesus rejoiced when His disciples cast out demons)

ü Bears all things (covers sin – does not expose it)

ü Believes all things – not suspicious (benefit of the doubt)

ü Hopes all things – there is no negativity in love; “Who shall separate us from the love of God, etc. .. In

Romans 8:35-39, there are 17 things listed that cannot separate you from the love of God.

ü Endures all things – trials and sufferings.

ü Love never fails. Your revelation and fluency in communication will fail. Love will never fail.

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Brief Summation of Session 2 by Sagie Govender : Delusions and Authenticity

There are four major problems that emanate from a grace-deficient culture, viz. marriage, medical, money,

and mental. Mental disorders and disease is increasing as a global problem. The most common is

delusions, which is a fixed-false belief. Narcissism is a common symptom of mental illness in leaders, the

end result of which will be madness (Deut. 28:28).

Examples of Delusions in Modern Church that need to be Corrected: § Fasting is only abstention from food.

§ Length of prayer is more important than righteousness.

§ Attire determines anointing.

§ Manifestations more important than the voice of God.

§ Building of mortar and brick supersedes building of the man.

§ Yielding to the set-man is weakness.

§ Anointing validates the man.

§ Numerical strength is proof of favour.

§ Charisma greater than character.

§ Evangelism more important than discipleship.

§ Delusions of grandeur – false belief that one is greater than others.

§ Outward cleansing is sanctification.

§ Riches grant security.

§ Jews saved through relationship with Abraham.

§ Doctrine is infallible.

§ Because it is working, it must be right. In the charismatic church, ‘working’ means numbers, buildings

and cash.

§ Longevity is another delusion – viz. because it lasts it does not mean it is of God.

Measurements within the Apostolic that are Inaccurate: § One-ness is not a measurement of authenticity.

§ The Appearance of the Lord does not validate your location.

§ Faithfulness and Commitment.

§ The Glory does not validate the location.

§ External Expressions of Praise and Worship.

§ Father-Son Wineskin cannot be used as a measure of accuracy.

Another Delusion : Because it is right, it must work. No, not so.


The measure is the LOVE of God. The Name of the Lord should be our focus. His name highlights His

essential nature and righteousness. His nature, and not the temptation of celebrity status, must be our goal.

Everything we build must be about Christ. LOVE – the singular indication of the Nature of God

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LOVE IS … ü Tolerant – it can put up with nonsense.

ü Longsuffering

ü Kind – willing to help

ü Does not envy (does not possess that which does not belong to you)

ü Love is not materialistic; love does not want to possess things or own people

ü Does not parade itself

ü Does not boast. Is not puffed up; makes itself of no reputation

ü Love is not rude

ü Does not seek its own – is not selfish

ü Is not provoked – not easily angered – there is a restraining quality in love.

ü Thinks no evil

ü Does not rejoice in iniquity; does not rejoice when your enemy falls

ü Rejoices in truth (Jesus rejoiced when His disciples cast out demons)

ü Bears all things (covers sin – does not expose it)

ü Believes all things – not suspicious

ü Hopes all things – there is no negativity in love

ü Endures all things – trials and sufferings

ü Love never fails. Your revelation and fluency in communication will fail, but not love.

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Session Three: Thamo Naidoo

The Ministry of Elijah

We are stewards of His grace and His Word that brings His grace to us. There is a corporate anointing

coming like a veil over the nations. The anointing of Elijah will confront every illegal and illicit position in the

earth. This is a season of judgement in every part of our being spirit, soul and body. Even in the contents of

thoughts, intents of motive, attitude towards finance, reasons for travelling, etc. will be judged. We are

discovering what it means to engage the mystery of poverty. Finance governs the motives of many. Physical

buildings, huge crowds and money does not legitimate apostolic ministry.

Mantles of anointing defines us, enables us, equips us and give us authority to do what we do in the earth

today. Our view of anointing must not be flippant. It is the tools, the equipment and resources that God

endows us with so that we can effectively function in the earth as His administrators of His divine intent.

We must learn to administrate the corporate anointing. The anointing of Elijah should caricature us.

Anointings set our boundaries of function. Do not function outside of the metron of your influence. Mantles

become the standard, emblem and banner of how we function. If you step out of that mantle – you find

yourself in a place called outer darkness (e.g. Korah and fallen angels). There are boundaries to our

function. Paul understood this - e.g. to the extent that the Corinthians received him. Our steps must be

ordered by the Lord. We do not have vision, but ambition. This is a postmodern concept. There is no such

thing as personal and congregational vision. There is only eternal vision. This is determined by the

household or tribe you live in. We have individualised personal goals and objectives instead of pursuing the

eternal purposes of God.

Governments are only legalising what we are practising in our churches. The order of God is defined by

patriarchy. The Old Covenant was given to us as examples and specimens of how we function today. We

study the type – the school-master. Everything in the Word will only expose Christ to us. So in studying

Elijah, we are studying an anointing of Christ expressed through the man Elijah.

The spirit that defines the Apostolic season is the spirit of Elijah. Apostolicity has nothing to do with the title

‘Apostle’. True Apostles do not elevate themselves – they live in relative obscurity. They decode the

mysteries of God and disclose the details of God’s plans for us.

Two significant things the Elijah mantle will do:

It brings you back to the WORD (law and the prophets).

It brings you back to the NAME of the Lord.

The name of God is FATHER. The name of God collectively is ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’ (Matt 28). Jesus

kept the name of his FATHER (John 17). A father is known only for love.

We must bring back the WORD of God. We have been so moulded by secular life, that even the Word of

God now tastes bitter. In Durban years ago, there was a great move of God in the Apostolic. Then it

splintered. There were negative effects of this. God did not want a false sense of unity. Many who were

affected have allowed their pool to be contaminated, such that the Word now becomes bitter. When Israel

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left Egypt, they were hardened, when the system of Marah (Bitterness) started to define them. They drank

water and it tasted bitter. Naomi had this. The spirit of Elijah brings you to a place where God’s Word no

longer becomes bitter. Before they left, they ate bitter things. To the pure, all things are pure; and vice

verse. In the world, our experiences make us opinionated even in the face of receiving doctrine. We must

remain humble and naïve in our reception of God’s Word. Moses threw a tree into the water, and the

waters were healed, and then they went to 12 wells at Elim.

Take away from your life political correctness. Innocence, purity and vulnerability must come back into our

lives. The Heavens will shift. There will be explosive eruptions from the throne of God. Doors will open from

the eternal realms. The Word will become living and alive. We will need vocabulary to capture what we see.

The law and the prophets must have meetings with the corporate Christ on the earth again (as Moses and

Elijah met with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration). There will be a metamorphosis – an enlightenment

and brilliance. Our clothing needs transformation into raiment of light where the knowledge of the wisdom

of God supplants every thought of man.

He who disobeys the covenant rejects God’s will for Israel. Disobedience rejects God’s law and ejects the

Lord from our land. Israel loses land continuously when they consistently disobey God. There will also be

division and a nation will be divided against itself. Whenever Israel broke a covenant, they permitted

demons to enter their land.

One of the greatest fears as a leader is to hear and lead wrongly. Then the whole house is misled and the

entire house suffers the repercussions. The state of the church is hypnotised into believing that all is well.

1 Kings 17:1-7 Now Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the settlers of Gilead, said to Ahab, “ As the Lord, the God of Israel

lives, before whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word.” The

word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Go away from here and turn eastward, and hide yourself by the

brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. It shall be that you will drink of the brook, and I have

commanded the ravens to provide for you there.” So he went and did according to the word of the Lord,

for he went and lived by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and

meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he would drink from the brook. It happened

after a while that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.

Note the names : Elijah, Tishbite, Gilead

Elijah = El + Jah

His name places concentration on his ministry to bring the nation back to the Name of the Lord.

EL = the might and magnificence of God; the only true God who is mighty in expression.

JAH = the sacredness of His name. Moses asked God who should he say sent him. God responded “I

am that I am”. God said ‘HO JAH’ sent you. The same word is used in Gen 1 - Let there BE light.

BE = HO JAH. This is a difficult word to explain. HO JAH means the following: ‘I will exist in you,

sends you’ ; ‘How I choose to exist in you, sends you”; “I will be in you, and when you go to them

they will know”; “You do not become something and I will be who I want to be in you and they

will know it is the appearing of the Lord.” Let there be light = self-revelation of God.

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The Elijah ministry is an incarnational ministry. You do not become the voice – you are the VOICE.

‘El –Jah’ suggests a God who is sovereign and mighty will appear in us and His name will be exalted. Elijah

brings you back to the absoluteness of God. The term ‘holy’ does not indicate morality. It means to be

separate and distinct. God is separate and incomparable – that is how He will incarnate Himself in us. A

corporate people carrying the name of the Lord – we become a reflection of everything God is. Allow God

to be what He wants in you. Do not try to be something outside of what He desires to be in you. There is

too much ambition and competition in apostolic circles. This is a season of relative invisibility until God

raises you up.

Elijah is the most compact focus on the name of the Lord (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). We must know God

as DADDY; not just using His principles. We must preserve the name of our FATHER. Be possessed by this

name. To keep His name of Father is to exhibit the supremacy of sonship. Elijah seeks to reconnect the

nation back to a patriarchal view of God (not a theological view).

Malachi 3:16 Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord gave attention and

heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord

and who esteem His name. (NASB)

Malachi 3:16 Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and

heard it,

and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that

thought upon his name (KJV)

Many orphans are taught to survive. We are defined by our relationships with our Father. You know you are

an orphan when the price tag defines your perspective to life.

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Brief Summation of Session Three by Thamo Naidoo: The Ministry of Elijah (Part A)

Text: 1 Kings 17:1-7. Mantles of anointing define, enable, equip and give us authority to effectively function

in the earth as administrators of God’s divine intent. They set our boundaries of function and prescribe our

metrons of influence and so order our steps. Many do not have vision, but ambition. This is a postmodern

concept. There is no such thing as personal and congregational vision. There is only one eternal vision. This

is determined by the household or tribe you live in. We have individualised personal goals and objectives

instead of pursuing the eternal purpose of God.

The anointing of Elijah is a corporate anointing that should caricature us. It is the anointing of Christ, once

expressed through the man Elijah, and is now probably the most pre-eminent mantle attending the

corporate son of God within the present Apostolic season.

Its intent of the Elijah anointing is to confront every illegal and illicit position in the earth. The mantle of

Elijah will result in judgement on God’s house in the earth in every part of our being - spirit, soul and body.

Even the contents of thoughts, intents of motive, attitude towards finance, reasons for travelling, etc. will be

judged. Physical buildings, huge crowds and money does not legitimate apostolic ministry.

Two things the Elijah mantle will do:

• It brings you back to the WORD.

Many have been so molded by secular life and experiences that have embittered them, that even the

Word of God now tastes bitter. In the world, our experiences make us opinionated even in the face of

receiving doctrine. We must remain humble and naïve in our reception of God’s Word. When innocence,

purity and vulnerability come back into our lives, there will be explosive eruptions from the throne of

God. Doors will open from the eternal realms when the Word becomes living and alive. Disobedience

rejects God’s law and ejects the Lord from our land. There will come great loss to those who reject

God’s Word.

• It brings you back to the NAME of the Lord.

The name Elijah comprises of two parts, viz. El and Jah. His name places concentration on his ministry to

bring the nation back to the name of the Lord.

‘EL’ relates to the might and magnificence of God. ‘JAH” highlights the sacredness of His name. Moses

asked God who should he say sent him. God responded, “I am that I am”. This is the Hebrew term ‘HO

JAH’, which means the following: ‘I will exist in you, sends you’. God is literally saying, “You do not

become something and I will be who I want to be in you and they will know it is the appearing of the


The Elijah ministry is an incarnational ministry. You do not become the voice – you are the VOICE. Allow

God to be what He wants in you. Do not try to be something outside of what He desires to be in you.

There is too much ambition and competition in apostolic circles. This is a season of relative invisibility

until God raises you up.

‘Elijah’ is the most compact focus on the name of the Lord. The most comprehensive name of God is

FATHER. Jesus kept the name of His FATHER (John 17).

We must know God as DADDY, not just using His principles. We must preserve the name of our FATHER.

Be possessed by this name. To keep His name of Father is to exhibit the supremacy of sonship. Elijah seeks

to reconnect the nation back to a patriarchal view of God (not a theological view).

We are not defined as orphans by the conditions of our context, but as sons in relationship with God our


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Session 4 Sam Soleyn

A Vision of our Prior Existence

We will see simultaneous uprooting and building. God demolishes that which obstructs the view of the real,

and simultaneously erects the real. There is nothing in the American landscape that Sagie left standing in

the morning session. Strategic demolishing is required. Then Thamo came - A rod was given to measure

the city, its foundations and its inhabitants - he masterfully presented a return to the Divine standards.

There is demolishment and the return to the standard. Human history will produce that which has existed in

heaven. Hear each speaker together. When Peter stood up, the other eleven stood up with him. My part is

to say what the thing is - a vision of what it is.

A renewed mind is required to access a different identity. When man departed from his Father, the thing

that was corrupted was his vision. This redefines the creature by the corruption. Before Adam sinned, he

lived differently in creation. He was Heaven’s viceroy. The message is of Father and Son, but the purpose of

this wineskin does not end with a relationship between the two. The father’s qualification is that he knows

the FATHER. One is qualified to be a spiritual father who himself knows the Father. A young man

overcomes the devil. When you come to leading a household – you are the carrier of that standard. Jesus is

the Everlasting Father who is intent on showing the FATHER. Every father configured by the standard of

Christ exists to show to another, the nature of God the Father. If you cannot show the Father, you are not

qualified to father. Until the character of Father is formed in you, you are not qualified to father anyone.

When man separated himself from God, his vision of himself was corrupt. His vision of everyone else was

corrupt. The nature of God to him was corrupt. Who his wife was and who he was, was corrupt. We still live

out of that corruption. We consider success in human existence of how we master the art of living in a

corrupt vision. We assume its mandates and functions, and come to be learned in this and when we are

threatened by the thought of something else, something superior, our instantaneous response is to recoil

from that challenge. We are predisposed within ourselves against the truth.

What lies within us is an endowment of spirit being that came out from God. When we get re-acquainted

with that being encompassing the totality of our being, a miracle occurs, and we are born again in such

completeness of being that our prior existence is described as having died and our new existence as if we

are raised to life.

Birth implies a process - also packaged in language as a ‘child’. No birth occurs as a mature being. There is

nothing wrong with being a child when you are a child. What is not appropriate, is when you have to part a

man’s beard to give him a bottle. You must put away childish things as you go through the stages of

maturation. That is why the glory of God lingers – He waits on you to make the choices. When He departs,

it is the only way to produce the requisite dryness to perhaps activate a migration in you. As we mature, we

carry His presence with greater competence.

When your circumstance becomes dry, you have come to disobedience. The kindness of God departs but is

not far from you. He hopes that you will run after Him. One of the poisonous sounds that appeals to

Americans is flattery.

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It is with great trepidation to enter the halls of Heaven containing mysteries hidden for ages past and to

have scrolls put into your hands – when you come out to bring it to the people – it is without precedence.

Hence OBEDIENCE is required. It is not a good thing for God to resist you because of your pride. He gives

grace to the humble.

In the corrupted vision of man, what is lost is his eternal existence. See yourself before your existence in this

world. Eph 1:4 – You were created in Christ Jesus before the creation of the world. Predestination is not

about heaven or hell. It is that God intended to show Himself in creation in particular fashion – He

deposited himself in man and called it spirit – and in spirit is the entirety of your mortal being. The thing

that was corrupted is how God was supposed to appear in us.

Most of us are defined in earth by our race, education, family culture, where we were born, etc. Nothing of

these things is accurate when you are perceived as spirit clothed in flesh. But we take pride in the wrong

things because these things are valued above other things; it comes down to how much money we can

generate to erect a perimeter around our being. This encourages individualism to the neglect of anyone

else. The notion of a Christian celebrity is an abomination to God because it is an affront to God who

desires to appear within the collective Body. By being assembled together in the person of Christ – we see

the exactitude of the standard by which God seeks to be known in the earth.

Maturity is very much about how we leave individuality behind in favour of corporeity. When God is your

Father, you change location – you become born from above. We engage a new mind. Death is a canceller

of prior memories and obligations. We owe an obligation, but it is not to the flesh – (Rom.8:12). You are

born from above – a different identity. This identity reconnects you.

Every human spirit originates in God. Adam’s spirit was released into him in his body. When you give

something out of that realm of spirit, the realm itself is not diminished (unlike the economy of the earth

which has fixed measures). The fear of man in giving is of being without. But God, when He releases, His

intent is that He will be all the more visible. Hence He is not jealous or begrudging in His gifts. His gifts are

contained within Himself. Hence, when five loaves and two small fish are given, there is more left over.

When something is given out of the natural it passes through the membrane of the spiritual and when it

passes through the spiritual to return into the natural - it exponentialises.

God’s divestiture became our investiture – He invested us with being. Being is all what is implied when God

desires to be seen as God. The invisible God can only be seen as He appears in you. The component of

God in you is not all that there is to God – so you are not God. A bucket of sea water has the composite

structure of the sea. The bucket tells of the components of the sea. But you can’t go fishing or sailing in/on

your bucket. God determined the qualities of His nature that He intends to put on display in what has been

imprinted in all of our spirits. It takes the whole of Christ to put all of Him on display. Now, through the

church, the manifold wisdom of God will be made known. What He already intended to do, He will


What was it that God saw with finality within His mind before He said, ’let us make man’? The corporate man is a spirit man comprised of individual spirits endowed by God with the possibility of representing God, returned to God and assembled in God.

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One of the reasons we are not God, is that every gift (of spirit) represents the intention of the donor; and

the donor must release this intention. The recipient must receive it. When this happens, the gift transaction

is complete. The donor can no longer lay claim to ownership of the thing that once was His. At this point, it

becomes the property of the recipient. It does us no good, unless we model the behaviour of God by

giving back that being to God in a reversal of the process. The manner in which God receives it is different

from the manner in which He gave it. Receiving it back goes back to a preordained purpose. It can form

Heaven into you. When it is received back it is received back in the earth, in which venue God wants to be

seen. We are received back into heavenly beings but assembled back in the earth - God is assembling

many like us to show forth His corporate reality in the earth.

The spirit within the man, Jesus, had the authority to receive every spirit that would be given back to God

and to assemble it into a pre-existent standard – to the restraint of Christ – the pre-existent Christ, whose

leadership sits on the throne of Heaven. The vision of the heavenly will pervade the house of God.

Everything that we will do has been codified in your spirit. Without an assembly, it would be impossible to

show forth the nature of God.

What did our prior existence look like? Do not see yourself according to the flesh. The old has gone, the

new has come, but it always existed in God. Now we have a basis for the selection of what we do. Divine

purpose is like the banks of a river through which your life flows. Banks channel the useful flow of a useful

thing. That is why the man born of the spirit lives forever. He is vested in a purposeful eternal existence.

Who am I as a spirit without dimensions? We are a complex being. When we are like God, what does that

look like.

Ezekiel 1:4 And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire

infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of

amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four

living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

Four is the number of the corporate man; Four porters carrying the Ark. (government of God upon

shoulders). We having human likeness but we come from somewhere else.

Four wings = the angelic – ability to move between the realms – something only possible in Christ – ‘you

will see heaven open and angels ascending and descending the son of man’ – a type of angel ascends and

descends – their point of origin being the earth. To John, God said, “Come up Here”. Both Heaven and

earth are in the house of mortals. We are assembled in the earth, but operate from the heavens. It should

be normal to be suddenly allowed to access the heavens.

We are the current reiteration of Christ’s representation in the earth. When you are spirit, you are neither

male nor female, you are a SON. You have wings - the mode of transportation for ascension. Your life as a

spirit being has access to God to the throne of heaven – to the mysteries. The four creatures have the

likeness of humans but having four wings, four faces, four characteristics or competencies in God.

Eagle : Prophetically; you see from the heavens – soaring between the realms.

Ox : Determination – no longer equivocate – you do not call evil good and good evil; persistent.

Lion : Face of rule. In Christ we access the rule. There are spheres of rule.

Man : This is the face capable of being kind, gentle, while you are all of the above.

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Brief Summation of Session 4 by Sam Soleyn : A Vision of our Prior Existence

Before Adam sinned, he lived in creation as Heaven’s viceroy. When man separated himself from God, his

vision of himself become corrupt. His vision of everyone else was corrupt. The nature of God to him was

corrupt. Who his wife was and who he was, was corrupt. We still live out of that corruption.

What lies within us is an endowment of spirit being that came out from God. When we get re-acquainted

with that being encompassing the totality of our being, a miracle occurs, and we are born again in such

completeness of being that our prior existence is described as having died, and our new existence as if we

are raised to life. Obedience to God is required for our maturation into a complete son. It is not a good

thing for God to resist you because of your pride, but He gives grace to the humble.

In the corrupted vision of man, what is lost is his eternal existence. You were created in Christ Jesus before

the creation of the world (Eph. 1:4). The thing that was corrupted is how God was supposed to appear in


Maturity is very much about how we leave individuality behind in favour of corporeity. Every human spirit

originates in God. Adam’s spirit was released into him in his body. When you give something out of the

realm of spirit, the realm itself is not diminished. When God gives of Himself, He is not diminished but

intends to multiply Himself within a corporate sonship expression.

God’s divestiture became our investiture – He invested us with being. Being is all what is implied when God

desires to be seen as God. The invisible God can only be seen as He appears in you. The component of

God in you is not all that there is to God – so you are not God. God determined the qualities of His nature

that He intended to put on display in what has been imprinted in all of our spirits. It takes the whole Body

of Christ to put all of God on display. Now, through the church corporate, the manifold wisdom of God will

be made known.

What was it that God saw with finality within His mind before He said, ’let us make man’? The corporate

man is a spirit man comprised of individual spirits endowed by God with the possibility of representing

God, returned to God and assembled in God.

God deposited spirit within man as a gift, which the man owns unless he elects to give it back to God in

reciprocation. In receiving man’s spirit back, God revives it unto His preordained purpose. We are received

back into the heavenly being but assembled back in the earth. God is assembling many like us to show

forth His corporate reality in the earth.

The spirit within the man, Jesus, had the authority to receive every spirit that would be given back to God

and to assemble it into a pre-existent standard – to the restraint of Christ – the pre-existent Christ. Without

an assembly, it would be impossible to show forth the nature of God.

What did our prior existence look like? Who am I as a spirit without dimensions? We are a complex being.

When we are like God, what does that look like? Ezekiel’s vision answers this somewhat (See Ezekiel 1:4ff).

Four creatures, with four faces, four wings, having the likeness of man, is seen. We have human likeness but

we come from somewhere else. Four is the number of the corporate man. Wings suggest the capacity to

move between Heaven and earth. It should be normal to be suddenly allowed to access the heavens.

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Four faces represent four characteristics or competencies in God:

Eagle : Prophetically, you see from the heavens – soaring between the realms.

Ox : Determination – no longer do you equivocate; you do not call evil good and good evil;

Persistence in obedience.

Lion : Face of rule. In Christ we access the rule. There are spheres of rule.

Man : This is the face capable of being kind, gentle, while you are all of the above.

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Session 5 Sagie Govender

Feast of Tabernacles - Killing the Bull

This feast was called the Feast of the Booths. Israel lived in booths. Every family left their house and lived in

booths for seven days. This was symbolic of their journey from Egypt; of their transience and towards

immortality; of death of individualism and a celebration of corporate-ness. There will not be rain if the

church in the city does not come together regularly.

The local church was meant to be the stepping stone to the city church. The Queen of Sheba visited

Solomon and was taken aback at the steps leading up to the temple. There is one temple in the city. To the

Corinthians – Paul said they are the temple of God. The local church is not the temple. The local church is

where the stones are shaped to fit into the temple. The local church is akin to the quarry where there is

noise as stones are shaped to silently fit into the temple. We have to be delivered from local church

mentality and pre-occupation of it as an end itself.

In the book of Haggai, God said “This people say the time has not come yet to build the Lords temple –

and yet they build their paneled house”. Panelled house = local church; Temple = City Church. ‘This

people’ = local church builders only. ‘My people’ = temple builders. The land is not healed by politicians or

academics. The land is healed when prayer is made ‘in this place’. Apostles and prophets must have the

wisdom to bring forth the manifestation to build the city church. It will not take everyone; it will take a

remnant. Only 5% came back from Babylon to build the temple.

Many are individualistic and ambitious. They are sitting in the temple as God. The war is in the house of

God. The Shebna order of leadership will be expelled and replaced by an Eliakim order of leadership (see

Isaiah 22).

There are many references to the ‘Corporate’ : Some examples …

• OUR Citizenship

• WE are the circumcision

• OUR Worship

• Rulership is plural

• Consecration – Present OUR bodies A living sacrifice.

• Transformation is corporate – ‘We ALL beholding the glory of the Lord’

• Exact Representation- As He is so are WE.

• Prayer - OUR Father which art in Heaven.

At the Feast of Tabernacles, three branches were placed on the altar. A citrus tree was also placed upside

down and then turned right side up as water is poured on it. The three trees represent Deity. The upside

down tree represents man with an upside down mind - deranged mind. During this feast there is mental

transformation. The Scriptures speak about the ‘mad rider on the blind horse’ = mad pastor on blind


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Other terms/concepts used for the Feast of Passover:

• Feast of Outpouring of Water – from pool of Siloam.

• Festival of Lights

• Feast of the Open Book – Revelation

• Feast of extraordinary sacrifices

Feast of Extraordinary Sacrifices Numbers 29:1ff And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, ye shall have an holy

convocation; ye shall do no servile work: it is a day of blowing the trumpets unto you. And

ye shall offer a burnt offering for a sweet savour unto the Lord; one young bullock, one ram,

and seven lambs of the first year without blemish.

This commandment recurs repeatedly throughout the chapter with slight adjustments in the number of

animals sacrificed. In total 70 bulls were sacrificed. 70 = nations scattered at Babel; 70 elders chosen by

Moses; 70 were sent. Hence 70 = delegation; the apostolic is about delegation.

Also, a variety of sacrifices was offered.

Types of Preaching :

• Informational preachers

• Inspirational preaching

• Impartational preaching – something happens to your spirit.

Our altars must be filled with sacrifice otherwise you will only be an informational preacher. Broken hearts,

thanksgiving; joy; lifting up holy hands ( is as the ‘evening sacrifice’) = at the evening sacrifice, a prized bull

was offered; integrity, consecration, praise, giving.

One of the greatest sacrifices was the sacrifice of 70 BULLS. Many heathen nations worshiped the winged

human-faced bull. The Egyptians also worshipped the Apis bull – peculiar marking on tongue and

forehead. The Canaanites worshipped the bull god, Baal. Hindus worshipped Nandi – bull of the god

Shiva. The bull is symbolic of power, strength, fertility and prosperity.

The Canaanites worshipped Baal. Israel operated through the priesthood. The average Israelite had no

access to the Tabernacle - no concept of God. They just saw the Canaanites worshipping the bull and

began to be influenced by this. The following scriptures highlight that in many aspects related to God, the

bull was used as an imagery to depict certain realities:

Num. 23:22 - God has strength like a wild ox (bull)

Numb 24:8

Psalm 94:10 - wild bull = fresh oil

Oil = dimensions of the anointing (there were different kinds). Fresh oil – bearing fruit in old age;

flourishing like the palm tree.

Hence the picture Israel had of God was a bull. They finally worshipped the bull. In Exodus 32 – Moses

delayed and the people made a bull to worship. Aaron said, the people are set on evil – and the people

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wanted gods. He was under pressure from the people. Moses crushed the golden calf, put the gold into

water and made the people drink it. Idolatry has negative consequences. Gold was given to the people to

drink. The ingestion of gold has side effects.

• Gold overdose – pruritus = itching of the body = instability

• Jaundice – you look like gold

• Decrease in white blood cells; cannot fight infections; overcome by your enemies

• Proteinuria – you lose protein and never gain weight.

The worship of the bull featured in the time of Jeroboam. He set up golden calves. Jehu (post Elijah

anointing) could not deal with bull worship.

In the Feast of Tabernacles, 70 bulls were killed, starting with 13 on the first day to 7 on the seventh day.

The number 7 denotes rest. There will be no rest until the bulls are killed.

The bull is a universal symbol of nonsense / foolishness.

Bull = power and strength – Institutions have their power and strength built around bull worship.

The term ‘bull’ denotes stupidity.

The term ‘Take the bull by the horns’ denotes confrontation.

Our strength cannot be built on nonsensical belief in the church – this ‘bull’ must be killed. We must be able

to discern the bulls. Be a bullfighter. Be a matador. Fight the good fight. Raise your red flag in protest and

have your sword ready. Here below are some BULLS that we must kill.

What are some of the Bulls ?

• The RAPTURE is a big bull.

The Bible does not teach disappearance of the saints. The term “caught up” cannot be literal because the

earth is round so that if we all ascend there will be a movement away from each other and certainly no

meeting in the air. The term “meet” means to ‘meet and come’ (not to meet and go), i.e. ‘to welcome’. The

reference to ‘two shall be in the field and one shall be taken and one left behind’ : ‘taken’ = destroyed. As

it was in the days of Noah and Lot so shall it be at the coming of the son of man:, i.e. the wicked shall be

taken – not the righteous.


Heaven does not have streets of Gold. The bible references one street of gold, which is a metaphorical

designation of Jesus Christ – the only way.


The Fathers house is not heaven. Where was God before the creation of the heaven? God contains the

heavens. The Fathers house = Fathers family – ‘dwelling places’. You are the dwelling place of God. Place

= cross. We are Gods dwelling place. Your destination is not heaven but the promised ONE.

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Other Bulls:

• Isolation

• Gift-centredness

• Abstract doctrine

• Tradition dependent mentality

• Local emphasis

• Spectatorship

• Documental validation

• Membership

• Inflexibility

• Mixture

• Legalism

• Superstition

• Religious application of the blood

JOSIAH told the Levites, “Carry out the rubbish from the holy place”. These wrong doctrines are ‘rubbish’.

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Brief Summation of Session 5 by Sagie Govender: Feast of Tabernacles - Killing the Bull

The Feast of Tabernacles was also called the Feast of the Booths. Every family in Israel left their house and

lived in booths for seven days. This was symbolic of their journey from Egypt; of their transience and

movement towards immortality; of death of individualism and a celebration of corporate-ness. There will

not be ‘rain’ (blessing/fresh doctrine) if the church in the city does not come together regularly. The local

church was meant to be the stepping stone to the city church. The local church is akin to the quarry where

there is noise as stones are shaped to silently fit into the temple. We have to be delivered from local church

mentality and pre-occupation with it as an end itself.

Apostles and prophets must have the wisdom to bring forth the manifestation to build the city church. It will

not take everyone; it will take a remnant. Only 5% came back from Babylon to build the temple. Many are

individualistic and ambitious. They are sitting in the temple as God. The war is in the house of God – a

tension between individualism in the local church and corporeity in the city.

At the Feast of Tabernacles, 70 bulls were sacrificed. 70 denotes delegation; the apostolic is about

delegation. We are sent to deal with the bulls.

Influenced by Canaanite nations who worshipped the bull, and imagery in Scripture indicative of distinct

aspects of God, Israel eventually worshipped the bull – the golden calf. Moses crushed the golden calf and

put the gold into water and made the people drink it. This ingestion of gold depicts the negative effects of

idolatry, viz.

• Pruritus: itching of the body - instability

• Jaundice: you look like gold - false reality

• Decrease in white blood cells: cannot fight infections - overcome by your enemies

• Proteinuria: you lose protein and never gain weight - no authentic spiritual development.

The bull depicts power, strength and prosperity but is also a universal symbol of nonsense / foolishness.

Our strength cannot be built on nonsensical belief in the church. This ‘bull’ must be killed. We must be able

to discern the bulls. Here below are some BULLS that we must kill:

• The Rapture Doctrine

• Streets of Gold in Heaven

• Mansions in Heaven

• Isolation

• Gift-centeredness

• Abstract Doctrine

• Tradition Dependent Mentality

• Local Emphasis

• Spectatorship

• Documental Validation

• Membership

• Inflexibility

• Mixture

• Legalism

• Superstition

• Religious Application of the Blood

Josiah told the Levites, “Carry out the rubbish from the holy place”. These wrong doctrines are ‘rubbish’.

Be a bullfighter. Be a matador in the spirit. Fight the good fight. Raise your red flag in protest and have

your sword (the Word) ready. In the Feast of Tabernacles, 70 bulls were killed, starting with 13 on the first

day to 7 on the seventh day. The number 7 denotes rest. There will be no rest until the bulls are killed.

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Session Six Sagie Govender

The Benjamin Company Part 1

Benjamin is a type of a prophetic company - a first fruit son.

Lamentations 5 :1-8 Remember, O Lord, what has befallen us;

Look, and see our reproach!

Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers,

Our houses to aliens.

We have become orphans without a father,

Our mothers are like widows.

We have to pay for our drinking water,

Our wood comes to us at a price.

Our pursuers are at our necks;

We are worn out, there is no rest for us.

We have submitted to Egypt and Assyria to get enough bread.

Our fathers sinned, and are no more;

It is we who have borne their iniquities.

Slaves rule over us;

There is no one to deliver us from their hand.

Micah 4:8 “As for you, tower of the flock,

Hill of the daughter of Zion,

To you it will come—

Even the former dominion will come,

The kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem

Although love is tolerant, there are certain things you must not tolerate. Your love must also be with

knowledge and discernment.

Episcopalian System – leader cannot make decisions

Congregational System – congregation controls the leader

Presbyterian System – elder tells the leader how to run the church

Independent System – Pastor is Jezebel

Have autonomy but know how to submit to an elder in the city.

Tower of the flock – first fruit remnant company.

Some cities will not manifest the city church = goat nations.

Benjamin is corporate – there must be a corporate son in MOST cities.

It is a first fruit company. Whenever there is a first fruit – God reckons as the whole.

Elijah represented Israel on the Mount with twelve stones.

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This last son will come to Jordan (descent) Exemplify humility by submitting to humanity. Some deny human

officiation. Every pastor has to be connected to some apostolic grace.

Curse = desolation = grace deficient environment.

Leave Galilee – cycle; descend – submit to human officiation; then you have an open heaven.

There are several signs of an open heaven – see Dr Sagie’s website.

Benjamin is the twelfth son; 12 = government.

Rev. 12 – The woman in labour about to give birth to a son. This must be interpreted historically and


Rev. 12:1-6 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon

under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried,

travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven

heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the

stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which

was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth

a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto

God, and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place

prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

Historically the woman is Israel (Joseph’s dream of sun moon and stars bowing to him ; the sun was Jacob –

Israel). Child is Christ; 7 diadems on head = Roman empire (Herod tried to kill the man child).

Prophetically ….

• woman = church – mature church;

• sun = revelation;

• moon under feet = rulership;

• twelve stars = dominion;

• man child = mature son;

• caught into Heaven = operating from the right hand of God.

Benjamin = ‘son of my right hand’; the right hand is a position of rulership and overcoming.

One company operates from heaven and one from earth. There is a battle between the mature and the


Shulamite = mature church vs. daughter of Jerusalem = immature church

Journeying from outside into the Holy Place = immature; Others journey from the Most Holy Place - inside

out – from the presence of God to the Holy Place. The Church is a descending reality, not an ascending

reality. The two companies meet in the Holy place – where there is tension. At Zerrubabel’s temple, the

young rejoice while the old weep = battle between the mature and the immature.

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Overcoming nature of Benjamin: One company is wrestling on the earth; the other company from heaven,

tramples – for all things are under their feet. The Benjamin company is a company of overcomers.

Revelation speaks extensively about overcoming (Ephesus – Must overcome the following : leaving their

first love and disconnecting from grace; pride when disciplined). You will not survive with your IQ, EQ, PQ –

only because of GQ = grace quotient. The twelve were ordained to be NEAR Jesus (Demas forsook Paul;

Jonathan forsook David; Pharisee forsook Jesus; Orpah forsook Naomi; Namaan forsook Elijah;)

Smyrna must overcome Afflictions; Tribulations; Jezebel; luke warmness; blindness, democratic mentality;

strife; flesh. There are a series of sufferings within the Apostolic. This is not for the weak (spiritual enuchs).

Break denominational control – you must be able to hear from God directly and implement what He

requires of you.

Benjamin operates from the right hand position – a position of rest – rest in Christ. You must be

passionately in love with the Lord.

Gen 35:6-21 So Jacob came to Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, that is, Bethel, he and all the people that

were with him. And he built there an altar, and called the place Elbethel:because there God

appeared unto him, when he fled from the face of his brother. But Deborah Rebekah's nurse

died, and she was buried beneath Bethel under an oak:and the name of it was called


And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came out of Padanaram, and blessed him. And

God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob:thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel

shall be thy name:and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty:be

fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come

out of thy loins; And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy

seed after thee will I give the land. And God went up from him in the place where he talked with

him. And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he talked with him, even a pillar of stone:and

he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon. And Jacob called the name of

the place where God spake with him, Bethel.

And they journeyed from Bethel; and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath:and Rachel

travailed, and she had hard labour. And it came to pass, when she was in hard labour, that the

midwife said unto her, Fear not; thou shalt have this son also. And it came to pass, as her soul

was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Benoni:but his father called him

Benjamin. And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem. And

Jacob set a pillar upon her grave:that is the pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day.

And Israel journeyed, and spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar

Benjamin is born after hard labour and travail. Benjamin will not be born to an apathetic church – only to

a travailing church in prayer. Travail is not manufactured. It is a work of the Spirit – with groaning. Learn to

pray nuisencial prayers - Luke 18 - the importunate prayer is powerful. Paul said, “I travail again until Christ

is formed in you”.

Jacob’s labour was a culture – it lasted 20 years.

See Gen 31:38-42: He ensured there was no miscarriage; bore the loss stolen by beasts; served 14 years for

his wives and 6 years for his flocks. He travailed to produce a family.

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The second travail - when reconciled with Esau.

Third travail – he wrestled with the angel of the Lord.

Hip joint = seat of your loin. Dislocating the hip = “I desired truth in the inward part”.

Rachel’s travail = an event; Jacob’s travail = a culture.

God blessed Jacob with a 12th son. You can’t advertise for sons; you can’t poach or seduce them. The son is

given. Position yourself to receive the sons. A pastor without son remains unfulfilled. The labour of both

Jacob and Rachel births sons.

There are different kinds of sons:

• Handicapped son like Mephibosheth (Rebuke him – he cannot go anywhere)

• Servant Son

• Tenacious son

• Repentant son

Read Ezekiel chapter 8.

25 men defiled the part between the porch and the altar – but we must weep there by the spirit of grace

and supplication. Benjamin’s mother named him Benoni and his father re-named him Benjamin.

Up to this point all the women named their sons. But Jacob asserts patriarchal anointing and renamed him

Benjamin. He aborts feminisation of the church. Biblical masculinity = naming according to destiny and not

according to circumstances; According to the finish and not according to the beginning. Born to Israel

(maturity) and not to Jacob (immaturity).

Benjamin will not be born to immature churches.

Jacob laboured for 14 years for Rachel (v.20). In verse 21 – sets a pillar on her grave and Israel journeyed =

disconnecting from sentimentalities. This is a season of speed – do not be robbed by carnal sentiments.

Benjamin comes from Bethlehem = House of Bread. When Elimelech left Bethlehem – he died. Travail

outside of Bethlehem is a false travail. Travail without loving the Word is a false travail.

Laughter = Isaac born; still continued laughing instead of taking care of the baby; Phantom pregnancy –

travail that only produces wind; Do not get involved in false labour – they produce nothing. Falling down is

not validation of the anointing.

Benjamin was not involved in the persecution of Joseph. ‘Ten’ brothers (representing law – legalism)

persecutes the Apostolic.

He was hidden by the father.

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Brief Summation of Session 6 by Sagie Govender: The Benjamin Company – Part 1

Texts: Lam. 5:1-8; Micah 4:8; Rev. 12:1-6; Gen. 35:6-21; Ezek.8

The ‘Tower of the flock’ in Micah 4:8 is not the flock - it is a first fruit remnant company. Benjamin, Jacob’s

last son, is a type of a prophetic company - a first fruit, mature, corporate son manifesting in most cities.

The battle today is for maturity (instead of immaturity) and corporeity (instead of individuality). Some cities

will not manifest the city church. Whenever there is a first fruit – God reckons it as the whole. Elijah

represented Israel on Mount Carmel with twelve stones. This last son, like Jesus did, will come to Jordan

(descent), exemplify humility by submitting to human officiation. Some deny human officiation and thus

display no willingness to submit to it. Every pastor has to be connected to some apostolic grace. To abide

in a grace deficient environment is to invite desolation; get out of Galilee (circle), submit to apostolic grace,

and you will have an open heaven.

Benjamin is the twelfth son, twelve highlighting ‘government’. The name ‘Benjamin’ means ‘son of my right

hand’, the right hand indicating rulership and overcoming. These traits are graphically and prophetically

depicted in Rev.12 by the woman who gave birth to a man child.

• Woman = mature church

• Sun = revelation

• Moon under feet = rulership

• Twelve stars = dominion

• Man child = mature son

• Caught into Heaven = operating from right hand of God.

The Benjamin company is a company of overcomers. The letters to the seven churches in Revelation

highlight many things that we are to overcome. Denominational control must be broken – you must be

able to hear from God directly and implement what He requires of you.

Benjamin operates from the right hand position – a position of rest – rest in Christ. You must be

passionately in love with the Lord.

Benjamin is born after hard labour and travail. Benjamin will not be born to an apathetic church – only to a

travailing church in prayer. Travail is not manufactured. It is a work of the Spirit – with groaning. Travail is

focused on the formation of Christ within mature sons. Paul said, “I travail again until Christ is formed in

you”. This travail is both a culture and an event.

Benjamin was accurately named by his father, not his mother, who inaccurately named him Benoni. This

Benjamin company is named according to destiny and not according to circumstances; according to the

finish and not according the beginning. Benjamin is born to Israel (maturity) and not to Jacob (immaturity).

Benjamin will not be born to immature churches.

Benjamin comes from Bethlehem, the House of Bread, alluding to the Word of God. Travail without the

prioritisation of the Word of God is a false travail.

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Benjamin was not involved in the persecution of Joseph – highlighting the character of love for the

brotherhood. He was also hidden by the father to be released at a specific time. The season presently is

ripe for emergence of the Benjamin company.

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Session Seven Sam Soleyn

The Spirit of Christ

More will happen in a corporate environment than what would happen in an environment of singularity.

When we do not have the necessary character attendant with our inheritance, we abort the inheritance.

Before we focus on our subject, I just want to speak to a thought - Why are so many addicted to false

things? We have a culture that is intertwined with falsehood.

We are quite attracted to the notion of the one-man bishop concept so much so that we think that Moses

or Jesus were all bishops. We think that what persists has always been. The early church did not come into

being in a vacuum. It came out of the background of Judaism emphasised through the synagogue. So the

early believers defaulted to an order that was synagogue-based. The notion of presbytery was defined not

from the father-son construct, but by the synagogue model. The ruler of the synagogue had the only

authority to interpret Scripture.

The church was born within Jewish culture but was not Jewish – it was Heavenly. It had to be extracted out

from that culture

Jews were subject to Roman culture. Rome’s singular contribution to society is summarised in the

expression ‘Pax Romana‘, i.e. Roman peace, which was pacification through intimidation. [Hebrew Word for

Prince of Peace = ‘to destroy the authority that established disorder’]. ‘Catholic’ was not a religious term; it

merely indicated universality . Everyone who came into the church was influenced by the culture of the

Roman Empire. For Rome, there was a need for uniformity of doctrines – for Catholicism – hence the church

was catholic – pacification through destruction. The Romans demanded universality of thought. The first

Council of Nicea was called to universalize truth. Universality was valued more than truth itself.

The Greek Culture was also present. Roman culture adopted Greek learning, which stressed arriving at truth

through reason instead of revelation. Also, the Greeks were influenced by the Persian culture which

transferred thinking concerning the gods as separate from the people. In Greek culture, the central building

was a temple to the gods. In Turkey today, in the city of Didyma, there are still 60 foot marble columns

there (Didyma = ‘the twins’ – Apollo and Diana). To the Greeks, it was not mythology, it was reality. You

offered sacrifices to the gods to appease them and seek their favour.

We are not here today battling things that have suddenly come up. Our affection for the false is

unwarranted. The culture pre-existing the Greeks was the Persians – the Greeks overcome them. But Greeks

received and digested and formed the central thoughts of the Persians.

All of these influences pressed into the early church. By John’s time, he contended with Gnosticism which

has to do with knowledge. They were certain that spirit was pure; flesh was corrupt and evil. The notion that

spirit could dwell in one was unacceptable. Thus John wrote that anyone who denies Jesus as God has

come in the flesh is anti-Christ. John was attempting to realign to the original concept of God putting spirit

in man.

These early things that came in were positioned to oppose the truth in its central form.

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For the Romans, religion could not be a source of disturbance in the Roman empire. Early leaders in cities in

the Roman empire – e.g. Alexandria – centre of Greek learning – they opposed any thought of spirit coming

in flesh.

There came a point where this was so extreme they were demanded to bring resolution to it. These were

ones whose thought produced the church as we know it. The church had to address these influences. The

church addressed them for political conveniences and using reason (instead of revelation). But God

permitted it. God has to permit evil to ripen so that the solution will be complete. God raises up the light,

so that nothing of darkness will be hidden.

The Spirit of Christ.

Can the spirit of reconciliation between God and man dwell in us?

Zoroastrianism: They said Jesus’ flesh was different to anyone else’s flesh because He said, “Eat my flesh

and you will have life”. But Greek reason could transcend so they had to have a pathway to make it a

logical answer. So they said when a qualified officiant prays over bread and wine – it transubstantiates – it

becomes flesh and blood. This speaks nothing of the eternal gospel. What then became the next obvious

step? The issue of a ‘qualified officiant’ – so they picked the term ‘bishop’ – who became the ruler of the

synagogue. They said whenever the bishop speaks, it is God who is speaking. The bishop speaks ‘ex-

cathedra’ – therefore God appears vicariously through the bishop – hence he is the vicar. Then bishops took

to fighting each other for power, etc. So from Rome came the pacification – then emerged the bishop of

the bishops.

God is raising up new fathers taking us back to God the Father. As a father of an institution, your offspring

is a legal fiction. A father has no glory in old age if his son is a legal fiction.

We are returning! But to what?

Hebrews 12:18-24

For you have not come to a mountain that can be touched and to a blazing fire, and to darkness

and gloom and whirlwind, and to the blast of a trumpet and the sound of words which sound

was such that those who heard begged that no further word be spoken to them. For they could

not bear the command, “IF even A beast touches the mountain, it will be stoned.” And so

terrible was the sight, that Moses said, “ I am full of fear and trembling.” But you have come to

Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels,

to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God,

the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of

a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel

You have come back to the general assembly – to the point – ‘called out’ to be ‘assembled to’ – Ekklesia.

Not Sinai – but to Mount Zion – the Mount of the Lord’s house. It shall be established at the top of the

mountains (implications of ‘strength, promise, overlook’, etc). In this mountain, the authority of God lies. It is

being assembled to the firstborn.

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Col. 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the

dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

The firstborn is the first in rank – the primogeniture. In the earth, the firstborn is the first from the womb. If

this were the application, then Adam would be firstborn – but there is a firstborn before Adam. The

firstborn from the eternal is the firstborn in rank – the one with the greatest in authority. The term ‘born’

implies ‘offspring’ and describes a rank. He is the son who is most like the father and therefore has the

authority of His father. There is power in being like God; and being opposed to God has no authority in it.

When you are most like the Father, He will say “This is my beloved Son – listen to Him – I am withdrawing

and I will do nothing unless I do it through him.”

Obedience is a process by which we submit to God everything that opposes Him, that it may be crushed.

That is why the nature of obedience is required in the son. This is what maturity looks like. It is the nature of

the Father to acknowledge Himself wherever He appears. When Christ who is your life appears you will

appear with Him.

The Spirit of Christ is the pre-existent God. He did not exist only in the person of Jesus. Today he is the

angel who ascends and descends. He has all authority in heaven and earth because He was obedient even

to the point of death. Everything bows to Him – because everything bows to the nature of Christ. Instead

we want to be bishops over our own construction.

People marvelled at His authority and doctrine. You always have the authority of the one who sent you and

whose throne you represent. But you are processed through death and resurrection. Here is how you die.

You die DAILY because it is the restructuring of your culture. God in His kindness and mercy does not bring

all of your deficits up at once. What you do when it comes up is obedience. When you die – you actually

acquire greater capacity – you are resurrected and there is a vacuum in the place where you once were. In

the redemptive plan of God, God in its place will give you new things.

Saul of Tarsus was a focused man, stellar in his day. He orchestrated the murder of an innocent man in

broad daylight. He was licensed to kill having letters of authority. He was the hit man. He was mighty in his

strength; profited above his fellows. But he met the Lord, who said to him, “Saul, Saul why are you

persecuting me”. His was one of at least two encounters with the heavenly realm. The other was when he

was persecuted. He said that he met a man 14 years ago, whether in body or not, he could not tell. He was

caught into the third heaven. Paul saw the Lord’s glory – he saw the whole picture. He saw the plan of God

to redeem mankind. He saw himself as a reconciler of the Gentiles and Jews into one corporate spirit

known as Christ. Therefore we are neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, bond nor free, etc. but one in

Christ. Endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in bonds of peace. Paul said that this grace was given to

him to reconcile the Gentiles in the heavenly vision.

Eph. 3:6-9 That the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in

Christ by the gospel: Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God

given unto me by the effectual working of his power. Unto me, who am less than the least of all

saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of

Christ; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the

beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.

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When I am weak in Saul of Tarsus, I am strong in Christ, so I have learned to glory in my vulnerability.

Embrace your vulnerability in Christ Jesus. He is the firstborn – first in rank and authority. This is Christ –

when I am weak in my own strength, then I accede to the workings of His mighty strength. There is a

general assembling of the church to the first in rank.

Hebrews 2: 11-12 For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not

ashamed to call them brethren, Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst

of the church will I sing praise unto thee. And again, I will put my trust in him. And again,

Behold I and the children, which God hath given me.

HE is in our midst right now saying, …

“Father, I will declare Your name in the congregation –

here look with Me are My children that you have given Me.”

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Brief Summation of Session 7: The Spirit of Christ – Sam Soleyn

More will happen in a corporate environment than what would happen in an environment of singularity.

When we do not have the necessary character attendant with our inheritance, we abort the inheritance.

Before we focus on our subject, I just want to speak to a thought - Why are so many addicted to false

things? We have a culture that is intertwined with falsehood. The early church did not come into being in a

vacuum. It came out of the background of Judaism emphasised through the synagogue. The early believers

defaulted to an order that was synagogue-based. The notion of presbytery was defined not from the father-

son construct, but by the synagogue model. The ruler of the synagogue had the only authority to interpret

Scripture. The church was born within Jewish culture but was not Jewish – it was Heavenly. It had to be

extracted out from that culture

Jews were subject to Roman culture, which stressed pacification through intimidation. The Romans

demanded universality of thought and doctrine. Universality was valued more than truth itself. Roman

culture adopted Greek learning, which stressed arriving at truth through reason instead of revelation. Also,

the Greeks were influenced by the Persian culture, which transferred thinking concerning the gods as

separate from the people.

We are not here today battling things that have suddenly come up. All of these influences pressed into the

early church. By John’s time, he contended with Gnosticism, which has to do with knowledge. They were

certain that spirit was pure; flesh was corrupt and evil. The notion that spirit could dwell in one was

unacceptable. Thus John wrote that anyone who denies Jesus as God and has come in the flesh is anti-

Christ. John was attempting to realign to the original concept of God putting spirit in man.

There came a point where this was so extreme they were demanded to bring resolution to it. These were

ones whose thought produced the church as we know it. The church had to address these influences. The

church addressed them for political conveniences and using reason (instead of revelation). But God

permitted it. God has to permit evil to ripen so that the solution will be complete. God raises up the light,

so that nothing of darkness will be hidden.

The influence of Zoroastrianism: They said Jesus’ flesh was different than anyone else’s flesh because He

said, “Eat my flesh and you will have life”. But Greek reason could transcend so they had to have a pathway

to have a logical answer. So they said when a qualified officiant prays over bread and wine – it

transubstantiates – it becomes flesh and blood. They then described these qualified officiants as bishops,

which eventually became hierarchically ordered.

God is raising up new fathers taking us back to God, the Father. If you are the father of an institution, your

offspring is a legal fiction. A father has no glory in old age if his son is a legal fiction.

We are returning! But to what? Hebrews 12:18-24 indicates that we, the church have been ‘called out’ to be

‘assembled to’ the general assembly, being assembled to Christ, the Firstborn, first in rank (Col.1:18), the

one with the greatest in authority. He is the son who is most like the Father and therefore has the authority

of his Father. There is power in being like God; and being opposed to God has no authority in it.

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Obedience is a process by which we submit to God everything that opposes Him, that it may be crushed.

The Spirit of Christ is the pre-existent God. Everything bows to Him – because everything bows to the

nature of Christ. Instead, we want to be bishops over our own construction.

People marvelled at His authority and doctrine. You always have the authority of the one who sent you and

whose throne you represent. But you are processed through death and resurrection. You die DAILY

because it is the restructuring of your culture. God in His kindness and mercy does not bring all of your

deficits up at once. What you do when it comes up is obedience. When you die – you actually acquire

greater capacity – you are resurrected and there is a vacuum in the place where you once were. In the

redemptive plan of God, God in its place will give you new things.

Paul saw himself as a reconciler of the Gentiles and Jews into one corporate spirit known as Christ.

Therefore, we are neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, bond nor free, etc. but one in Christ. Endeavour

to keep the unity of the Spirit in bonds of peace. Paul said that this grace was given to him to reconcile the

Gentiles in the heavenly vision (Eph. 3:6-9).

Embrace your vulnerability in Christ Jesus. He is the Firstborn – first in rank and authority – this is Christ.

When I am weak in my own strength then I accede to the workings of His mighty strength. There is a

general assembling of the church to the first in rank.

HE is in our midst right now saying, “Father, I will declare Your name in the congregation – here look with

Me are My children that You have given Me.” (Heb. 2:11-12)

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Session Eight Thamo Naidoo

The Ministry of Elijah Part 2

Certain dominant features characterise each aeon of time. Presently, it is the spirit of Elijah. It sets the

stages for the literal return of the Lord to His Temple.

The name ‘Elijah’ highlights the supremacy and completeness of the God we serve. We are on the

threshold of seeing some of the greatest expressions of His might. Elijah seeks to bring us back to the

Name of the Lord. All the names of God in Scripture are attributable – He is indescribable – He is holy –

incomparable – no opposites. His Name is everything God is. The complete name is ABBA. Every single

human need is found in the name ABBA. This is a groan, ‘Abba’ – we cry ‘Abba’. Every single need is

addressed in ‘Father’. Security is in this name. He is your source. Find your rest in your source.

1 Kings 17:1-7 Now Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the settlers of Gilead, said to Ahab, “ As the Lord, the God

of Israel lives, before whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except

by my word.” The word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Go away from here and turn eastward,

and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. It shall be that you will drink

of the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to provide for you there.” So he went and did

according to the word of the Lord, for he went and lived by the brook Cherith, which is east of

the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the

evening, and he would drink from the brook. It happened after a while that the brook dried up,

because there was no rain in the land.

Elijah is described as the Tishbite from Gilead. He appears out of nowhere. These facts tell the historical

context. He was a human being – not a docetic – nor a phantom. He did not allow himself to be conformed

to the environment in which He lived. James 5:17 indicates he was a man just like us.

His foundations are in the law. He represents the prophets intent on preserving the law. In Matthew 17, the

law (Moses) and prophets (Elijah) meet Christ. Jesus is transfigured here.The written Word (law and

prophets) spoke with the living Word (Jesus). He was a protector of the law. All the prophets in some sense

functioned in the spirit of Elijah.

Tishbite = One who is an alien or stranger. A person lives in an environment but refuses to let his environment shape his behaviour. We are in the

world, yet not of the world. 90% of the church is still Samaritan – mixed with the world. We judge people by

the colour of their skin, we stigmatise, we practise prejudice; our eyes are jaundiced. We must view all

things from the vantage point of grace. We have a false view that white is better than black, and black is

better than white. We are all prejudiced against the other in some way. This ought not to be so. Nakedness

will only come back when we are detoxed from the things that affect us. Do not stereotype people. If you

do, you sterilise yourself from being productive.

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Paul confronted racism within Peter within the Apostolic. Peter could not deal with the pressure. Paul

rebuked Peter publicly to confront the error of Peter who was still prejudiced in how he dealt with other


The way Elijah (John the Baptist) dressed was out of synchrony with his environment. Environment does not

shape you. Balm of Gilead = prosperous. Gilead was one of the richest economies on the east side of the

Jordan. Elijah’s prophetic edge was fine-honed long before. Elijah had exceptional prophetic skill. A son is

able to outgrow private prophecy in respect to being reliant upon it as an orphan would. Elijah lived in an

economically prosperous city and could have peddled the Word for profit. Elijah refused to allow the

fashion of that environment to shape his behaviour.

Our body is filled with earthly desire and loves to eat dust. Do not compromise your value system and the

culture of integrity. You cannot view the system of this world as the source of your income. That is why God

placed Israel, the firstborn son, in the wilderness – to have a feast. The wilderness is the world system. In the

book of Revelation, the woman is sent into the wilderness where she is fed for 42 months. In an

environment of predatorial spirits where it is uninhabitable, God does not want us to be fed by the world

we live, He wants to feed us Himself.

The notion of ‘giving to get’ is a violation of ‘Thou shall not covet’. We give out of obedience without a

desire to get. Your giving does not generate your sustenance – it is your obedience. Deliver yourself from

the things you possess. We have a migrant group in the earth fueled by finance and not by the voice of

God. In the wilderness, God introduced His economic system to Israel. They had immunity and were

protected. Become an alien – a prisoner of Christ – not controlled by the world. Like Daniel, refuse to bow

the knee to the spirit of Nebuchadnezzar. Refuse to fit into the popular culture of your time. Live for the

Lord and the Lord only.

Elisha came from Gilead.

Gilead = witness and testimony.

Unless we learn how to live in an environment of total invisibility to heap up a testimony we cannot be a

part of an Elijah community. Like Cornelius – build up a monument in the presence of the Lord. Like Jesus

lived for 30 years in obscurity. Jesus went into the Jordan as a Lamb but came out as the Son.

After His baptism, some disciples of John followed Jesus. They wanted to know where He lived. Jesus said,

‘Come and see’. He wanted them to know how He lived. Do not be judged by website or facebook pages.

Come and see our wives, our kids, etc.

Some people use favour to manipulate circumstances. The message must become the messenger; the

messenger is the message. Become the declaration by who you are. Heap up the testimony.

Some families will leave us because they refuse to submit to Divine standards. Like Gideon’s army, God will

reduce His army to those who lap up water like dogs. Caleb (dog) had a different spirit.

Gilead is the territory occupied by half the tribe of Manasseh, whose name means to forget your fathers

house. He represents deletion of the memory of your father. Why did Joseph not inform Jacob that he was

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alive? Manasseh deletes the memory of your prophetic destiny. Joseph became a naturalised Egyptian,

married the daughter of the high priest in Egypt. Pharaoh renamed him. His memory was only reawakened

when he saw his brothers again.

Elijah lived in an environment that never recognised fathers.

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Brief Summation of Session 8: The Ministry of Elijah – Part 2 – Thamo Naidoo

Certain dominant features characterise each aeon of time. Presently, the spirit of Elijah characterises the

present Apostolic season. It sets the stages for the literal return of the Lord to His Temple.

Elijah is described as the Tishbite from Gilead. The word, Tishbite, means ‘one who is an alien or stranger’.

He was an ordinary man like us (James 5:17), yet he did not allow himself to be conformed to the

environment in which he lived. As a prophet, he was intent on preserving the law of God.

Ninety percent of the church is still Samaritan – mixed with the world. We judge people by the colour of

their skin, we stigmatise, we practice prejudice; our eyes are jaundiced. We must view all things from the

vantage point of grace. We have a false view that white is better than black, and black is better than white.

We are all prejudiced against the other in some way. This ought not to be so. Nakedness will only come

back when we are detoxed from the things that affect us. Do not stereotype people. If you do, you sterilise

yourself from being productive. Paul confronted racism within Peter within the Apostolic. Peter could not

deal with the pressure.

Gilead was one of the richest economies on the east side of the Jordan. Elijah’s prophetic edge was fine-

honed long before. Elijah had exceptional prophetic skill. Elijah lived in an economically prosperous city

and could have peddled the Word for profit. Elijah refused to allow the fashion of that environment to

shape behaviour. Our body is filled with earthly desire and loves to eat dust. Do not compromise your value

system and the culture of integrity.

You cannot view the system of this world as the source of your income. In an environment of predatorial

spirits like the uninhabitable wilderness Israel journeyed through or the wilderness in which God would

preserve the woman in Rev.12, God does not want us to be fed by the world we live in; He wants to feed us

Himself. The notion of ‘giving to get’ is a violation of ‘Thou shall not covet’. We give out of obedience

without a desire to get. Your giving does not generate your sustenance – it is your obedience. Deliver

yourself from the things you possess. We have a migrant group in the earth fueled by finance and not by

the voice of God. Refuse to fit into the popular culture of your time. Live for the Lord and the Lord only.

Elisha came from Gilead, which means ‘witness and testimony’. Unless we learn how to live in an

environment of total invisibility to heap up a testimony, we cannot be a part of an Elijah community. Like

Cornelius - build up a monument in the presence of the Lord. Like Jesus - lived for 30 years in obscurity.

Jesus went into the Jordan as a Lamb but came out as the Son.

After His baptism, some disciples of John followed Jesus. They wanted to know where He lived. Jesus said,

‘Come and see’. He wanted them to know how He lived. Do not judge us by websites or facebook pages.

Come and see our wives, our kids, etc.

Some people use favour to manipulate circumstances. The message must become the messenger; the

messenger is the message. Become the declaration by who you are. Heap up the testimony.

Gilead is the territory occupied by half the tribe of Manasseh, whose name means ‘to forget your father’s

house’. He represents deletion of the memory of your father. Why did Joseph not inform Jacob that he was

alive? Manasseh deletes the memory of your prophetic destiny. Joseph became a naturalised Egyptian,

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married the daughter of the high priest in Egypt. Pharaoh renamed him. His memory was only reawakened

when he saw his brothers again. Elijah lived in an environment that never recognised fathers.

Elijah would emerge to reconcile fathers to sons and sons to fathers, but abided in an environment that

despised fathering. Do not allow your context to erode the very thing you are called to restore.

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Session Nine Thamo Naidoo

The Ministry of Elijah Part 3

To be Christ-centred is to know the name of God, FATHER, by abiding in God’s Word. An essential aspect

of Elijah’s preparation for his ministry was that he chose to live as an alien in the earth. We must come back

to naked innocence to the Lord – our naivety in the environment in which we live. The Heavens define our

existence in the earth. Most embrace contextual theology. Environment dictates belief and behaviour in the

church. Many study the environment and allow the environment to dictate our theology. This is fig-leaf

Christianity. Your environment should not clothe you. Contextual theology is one of the biggest demons

within the church. As a result, we have compromised our core values. What you see is what you become. If

you catch a revelation, that becomes the next level of glory that clothes us to function effectively. We need

to become reconfigured in our thinking if we are to represent God accurately.

Jesus, and we too, must be the picture of the lamb – that which never lives for itself – substitution. A lamb

lives for another and is chosen for another. We are to never live unto ourselves, but for the benefit of

someone else. To represent your Father, you never live unto yourself. Teachings rooted in self-development

feed ego. To be a son of God, you have to live as ‘doulos’ on the earth. You must learn that in your Father’s

heart, you function as a servant even though you are a son. Elijah lives as stranger to popular culture.

When a lamb is sacrificed, a whole nation is covered. Atonement implies covering; also you become ‘AT

ONE’ with God. If we are going to produce the remnant, we cannot fall into the trap of thinking, like Elijah

did, that he was the only one. There were 7000 others. He was a representation of the 7000. Within a

firstfruit company, the entire nation can be represented.

Your representation will be compromised if you allow yourself to be contaminated. At the place of the skull

– He reconciles our mind and brings it back to God. To come into the fullness of God is to have our minds

renewed. Our greatest enemy in the apostolic is the establishment of false and illegal thoughts in the mind.

Elijah came from Gilead. God uses environments to prepare for the establishment of His divine purposes.

Caleb is one of the two spies who did not die and crossed the Jordan. To Caleb and his descendants the

Promised land is given. Joshua did not complete his assignment. In Joshua 24, he said ‘As for me and my

house, we will serve the Lord’ – he was accepting pluralism. Caleb lived through Moses and Joshua’s

leadership and came into inheritance of the Promised Land. Many of us have been prepared for a time such

as this.

Gilead highlights the need for us to develop a testimony. Why would God put us in places in the earth and

keep us in obscurity? Accumulating information does not create testimonies; it comes through great

suffering. We must heap up a testimony. There is no flamboyancy in being part of an Elijah company.

Gilead was an extremely rocky region – a difficult terrain – even though it was prosperous.

Gilead is that portion that was given as an inheritance to the great grandson of Manasseh, Maceh (Num.

26:29-30; Josh. 17:1-6). Manasseh – firstborn of Joseph. Joseph was a powerful man – second only to

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Pharaoh. Manasseh = to forget your father’s house. The environment that Elijah lived in was one that never

honoured fathers.

Joseph marries the daughter of the Egyptian priest of On. She was the daughter of Sidon – firstborn son of

Canaan, who brought into his culture, a spirit that seeks to discredit fathers. Joseph chose to disconnect

from his past. He became a naturalised Egyptian. Joseph had many opportunities to reconnect with his

father but did not. He was married to another spirit and so could not connect to his father. The spirit of

Manneseh may remove the pain of your father’s house, but also your father.

In the beginning of the second year of their journeying in the wilderness, a census was undertaken. The

effect of Egyptian slavery was still felt upon them. Every man must find his father’s house. The community in

which they lived defines steps of a people. They were encamped by tribes around the Tabernacle. The

organisation of the nation as a family was their army constitution and military might.

Before Christ was born, a census was released. Every man had to find his father’s house. A massive

migration took place. Joseph was of the tribe of Judah (king). Mary was of the tribe of Levi (priest). Over

Christ, the King-Priest principles presided. Thus, He is the Lion and the Lamb. From Nazareth to Jerusalem

was 70 miles and then 7 miles to Bethlehem. Migration is from one position to another. Joseph was not

going to allow the baby to be born in the wrong position.

The returning of the father to son and sons to fathers has more of a corporate than domestic application.

The ten tribes were headed by Jeroboam. Here we have a place of mixture, of contamination – thus we

have a Samaritan church made up of dregs. We have felt-need congregations – hyper-grace churches, etc.

God is awakening our memory of how to reconnect to Patriarchal grace.

Gilead, Moab and Ammon lived in the same region.

Moab = mocks the idea of patriarchy and entertains the idea of fraternity.

Lot was adopted by Abraham but never saw Abraham as his father. He saw him only as a brother. Lot never

saw the noble grace upon Abraham as the ability to father. Lot could not produce sons, only daughters. His

daughters used their father’s weakness against him and had sexual relationships with their father. They just

wanted his seed. They wanted the impartation but not the relationship. The first son born was Moab. Moab

= what father? This spirit assassinates the eternal spirit of patriarchy. The liberal world does not want fathers

but democratically elected leaders. This spirit mocks fathers. Moab will produce a widow’s house. Naomi

and Elimelech went to Moab and father and sons died. An economy is coming that will take care of us

within the father-son dyad. Connect to patriarchal grace.

The Church at Pergamos permitted Antipas to be killed. Antipas means ‘like the father’. Even though they

were Word-centred and Name-centred, the devil had a legal right to establish his throne in the midst of


Ammon = tribal (Ben ami = son of my brother). Brothers arise to lead in the absence of patriarchy. It

celebrates co-equality and democracy.

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Elijah appears after the doctrine of first things and last things. God allowed Elijah to live in that environment

before he is allowed to correct it. God is bringing us back to remember our father’s house. Some nations

will go back to Patriarchal order where true fathers will lead for the benefit of their sons.

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Brief Summation of Session 9: The Ministry of Elijah - Part 3 - Thamo Naidoo

An essential aspect of Elijah’s preparation for his ministry was that he chose to live as an alien in the earth.

We must come back to naked innocence before the Lord – our naivety in the environment in which we live.

The Heavens define our existence in the earth. Most embrace contextual theology. Environment dictates

belief and behaviour in the church. Many study the environment and allow the environment to dictate our

theology. This is fig-leaf Christianity. Your environment should not clothe you. Contextual theology is one

of the biggest demons within the church. As a result, we have compromised our core values. What you see

is what you become. If you catch a revelation, that becomes the next level of glory that clothes us to

function effectively. We need to become reconfigured in our thinking if we are to represent God accurately.

We too, like Jesus was, must be the picture of the lamb – that which never lives for itself – substitution. A

lamb lives for another and is chosen for another. We are to never live unto ourselves, but for the benefit of

someone else. To represent your Father, you never live unto yourself. Teachings rooted in self-development

feed ego. To be a son of God, you have to live as doulos on the earth. You must learn that in your Father’s

heart, you function as a servant even though you are a son. Elijah lives as a stranger to popular culture.

When a lamb is sacrificed, a whole nation is covered. Atonement implies covering; you also become ‘AT

ONE’ with God. If we are going to produce the remnant, we cannot fall into the trap of thinking, like Elijah

did, that he was the only one. There were 7000 others. He was a representation of the 7000. Within a

firstfruit company, the entire nation can be represented.

Your representation will be compromised if you allow yourself to be contaminated. At the place of the skull

on the cross, Jesus reconciles our mind and brings it back to God. To come into the fullness of God is to

have our minds renewed. Our greatest enemy in the apostolic is the establishment of false and illegal

thoughts in the mind.

Elijah came from Gilead. God uses environments to prepare for the establishment of His divine purposes.

Caleb is one of the two spies who did not die and crossed the Jordan. To Caleb and his descendants the

Promised land is given. Joshua did not complete his assignment. In Joshua 24 he said ‘As for me and my

house, we will serve the Lord’ – he was accepting pluralism. Caleb lived through Moses and Joshua’s

leadership and came into inheritance of the Promised Land. Many of us have been prepared for a time such

as this.

Gilead highlights the need for us to develop a testimony. Why would God put us in certain places in the

earth and keep us in obscurity? Accumulating information does not create testimonies; it comes through

great suffering. We must heap up a testimony. There is no flamboyancy of being part of an Elijah company.

Gilead was an extremely rocky region – a difficult terrain – even though it was prosperous. Gilead is that

portion that was given as an inheritance to the great grandson of Manasseh, Maceh (Numb 26:29-30; Josh.

17:1-6). Manasseh was the firstborn of Joseph. Joseph was a powerful man, second only to Pharaoh.

Manasseh means ‘to forget your father’s house’. The environment that Elijah lived in was one that never

honoured fathers.

Joseph marries the daughter of the Egyptian priest of On. She was the daughter of Sidon – firstborn son of

Canaan, who brought into his culture, a spirit that seeks to discredit fathers. Joseph chose to disconnect

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from his past. He became a naturalised Egyptian. Joseph had many opportunities to reconnect with his

father but did not. He was married to another spirit and so could not connect to his father. The spirit of

Manneseh may remove the pain of your father’s house, but also removes your father.

In the beginning of the second year of Israel’s journeying in the wilderness, a census was undertaken. The

effect of Egyptian slavery was still felt upon them. Every man must find his father’s house. The community in

which they live defines steps of a people. They were encamped by tribes around the Tabernacle. The

organisation of the nation as family was their army constitution and military might.

Before Christ was born, a census was released. Every man had to find his father’s house. A massive

migration took place. Joseph was of the tribe of Judah (king). Mary was of the tribe of Levi (priest). Over

Christ the King-Priest principles presided. Thus, He is the Lion and the Lamb. From Nazareth to Jerusalem

was 70 miles and then seven miles to Bethlehem. Migration is from one position to another. Joseph was not

going to allow the baby to be born in the wrong position.

The returning of the fathers to sons and sons to fathers has more of a corporate than domestic application.

The ten northern tribes constituting Israel were headed by Jeroboam. They were detached from fatherly

headship, represented by the tribe of Judah and Benjamin in the south. In Israel we have a place of mixture,

of contamination – thus we have a Samaritan church made up of dregs. We have felt-need congregations –

hyper-grace churches, etc. God is awakening our memory of how to reconnect to Patriarchal grace.

Gilead, Moab and Ammon lived in the same region. Moab represents a spirit that mocks the idea of

patriarchy and entertains the idea of fraternity.

Lot was adopted by Abraham but never saw Abraham as his father. He saw him only as a brother. Lot never

saw the noble grace upon Abraham as the ability to father. Lot could not produce sons, only daughters. His

daughters used their father’s weakness against him and had sexual relationship with their father. They just

wanted his seed. They wanted the impartation but not the relationship. The first son born was Moab. Moab

means ‘what father?’ This spirit assassinates the eternal spirit of patriarchy. The liberal world does not want

fathers but democratically elected leaders. This spirit mocks fathers. Moab will produce a widow’s house.

Naomi and Elimelech went to Moab and father and sons died. An economy is coming that will take care of

us within the father-son dyad. Connect to patriarchal grace.

The Church at Pergamos permitted Antipas to be killed. Antipas means ‘like the father’. Even though they

were Word-centred and Name-centred, the devil had a legal right to establish his throne in the midst of


Ammon means ‘tribal’. Brothers arise to lead in the absence of patriarchy. It celebrates co-equality and


Elijah appears after the doctrine of first things and last things. God allowed Elijah to live in that environment

before he is allowed to correct it. God is bringing us back to remember our father’s house. Some nations

will go back to Patriarchal order where true fathers will lead for the benefit of their sons.

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Session Ten Sagie Govender

The Benjamin Company Part 2

The symbolic method of interpretation must also be applied to the New Testament accounts, e.g.

(1) Man with the withered hand: man = perfect church; withered hand = dysfunctional or imperfect

church - wordless, no five fold ministry, cannot grasp; fixed-flexion deformity = selfishness – unable

to hug someone; unable to worship; problem with the left side of the brain; stretch out the hand =

healing of the mind.

(2) Bent woman: 18 years = 666 ; 7th day – instantaneous straightening. Highest level of prophecy is

scriptural exegesis. You cannot build your church with personal prophecy.

Benjamin (Continued)

• Benjamin = son of my right hand

• A company seated at the right hand of God

• A company of overcomers – of the world satan, and death

• 12th son = dominion

• Born out of hard travail as an event and a culture.

• A corporate Son

Benjamin : A Corporate Son

There is migration from the singular to the corporate:

Example : The term ‘Israel’:

• In Gen. 35:10 Israel is a man.

• In Ex. 4:22 Israel is a nation.

• In Hosea 11:1 Israel is a nation.

• In Matt 2:15, Hosea 11:1 is applied to Jesus. Hence Jesus referred to as Israel.

• In Isaiah 41:8 the descendants of Abraham are described as Israel.

• In Gal 3:29 we are Abraham’s descendants in Christ.

• Hence the church is Israel.

Similarly the name ‘Benjamin’ applied to a single person, it also applies to us today - it represents a

corporate son. He grows up in an antagonistic environment. Elijah was probably a Benjamite (1 Chron.


The moment you shift from local church to city church, you will be faced with many problems.

What are some of these antagonistic environments?

1. Fraternal = Ammonite; fellowship driven; rotational system; democracy; co-equal authority; lacks

accountability; Joseph’s brothers resisted him. Fraternals have to be decimated.

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2. Para-Church Movements = Moabite; people do not submit to a local church; self-governing – self-

propagating and yet not self-supporting; they use the resources of the local church but never support

local church.

3. Denominations = Ahab = Uncle; sectarianism; central systems of government; documental validation,

external emphasis, etc.

4. Independent = Jezebel; submits to no-one; controlling; lies and conspiracies; overthrows authentic

apostolic leadership.

5. Evil Network = step father; Nicolatians; conquer and rule; caging; evil, hypnotic; cannot work with

other networks in the city (Adonibezek – cut off the big toe and the thumb = paralysed)

Benjamin grows in the midst of these realities. You do not have to speak - Benjamin does not speak. The

whole of creation has been designed to respond to the son. When there is no son in a city – or the son is

abused, or is disobedient – the earth will vomit you out. Examples are …

• Adam – thorns

• Cain – shut heaven

• Israel was abused in Egypt = creation revolted with pestilence

• Son misbehaved = bitter water; water rebellion in Noah’s day; Lot – climatic change as Sodom was

destroyed; sons of Korah = earthquake

• On the cross, the Son was abused, creation rebelled.

City church is built on authentic partnerships coming together – like Peter and John who said to the lame

man at the temple gate, “Look at us”, then healed the lame man and walked together into the Temple,

which represents the city church. Solomon said, “When prayer is made in THIS PLACE” – that place was the

temple. Benjamin is not involved in the persecution of Joseph. Ten brothers persecuted Joseph. Ten

represents law which indicates legalism. Legalism and religion will be the greatest attack on the city church.

Until Benjamin comes, Simeon (intelligent hearing) will not be released. Without Benjamin, the famine will

not end. Without Benjamin, there is no reconciliation in the family of God.

Benjamin and Joseph come out of the same womb. Joseph called him ‘my son’ – Gen 43:29

Benjamin’s serving was five times more than the brothers – he embodies GRACE. Gen 43:34

He receives more revelation than anyone else. Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin.

You could be in a grace environment and receive no grace. Grace is internalized by covenant with an

authentic father through acceptance and obedience to apostolic doctrine, financial sowing, co-operation,

honour, receiving their proclamations, accurate positioning. Build an upper room for grace (like the

Shunamite built for Elijah).

Benjamin carried the silver cup in his sack; this speaks of false accusations. Old friends will leave you; false

brethren also. Be immune to the praise and flattery of human beings. Be prepared for betrayal.

When Benjamin comes, weeping is activated. Judah positioned himself between Benjamin and Joseph.

Judah weeps. Benjamin will bring forth the spirit of grace and supplication upon the church.

He gave Benjamin 300 pieces of silver and five changes of garments (Gen. 45:22)

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300 (multiple of 30) = maturity, and also in symbolic representation alludes to the four pillars of an apostolic

community (apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers); apostolic culture (4 pillars is

found thirty times in the Bible) – shift pass events into the culture of God. Samson took 300 foxes to burn

the fields of Philistines (doctrine); Gideon’s army of 300 (fellowship); The nard Mary used on Jesus was

worth 300 denari ; Enoch walked 300 years (prayer).

Notice that in the narrative of Joseph and his brothers, Benjamin is still quiet all the while. He does not

speak. Just his presence says it all.

Ehud who was left-handed, from the tribe Benjamin, killed Eglon, the Moabite. Eglon means ‘the bull’. This

brought in eighty years of rest. Judges 20 speaks of 700 left-handed Benjamites. Benjamin is left-handed

because he holds the right hand of God. In using his left hand, he functions with the right hand of God. His

feet are on the earth. He represents a ‘feet company’.

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Brief Summation of Session 10: The Benjamin Company - Part 2 – Sagie Govender

Benjamin : A Corporate Son

There is migration from the singular to the corporate, e.g. the term ‘Israel’ applied to a man, then to a

nation, then to Jesus and then to the church (Gen. 35:10; Ex.4:22; Hos. 11:1; Matt. 2:15; Is. 41:8; Gal. 3:29).

Similarly the name ‘Benjamin’ applied to a single person, but it also applies to us today - it represents a

corporate son. He grows up in an antagonistic environment. Elijah was probably a Benjamite (1 Chron.


What are some of these antagonistic environments? Fraternals, para-church movements, denominations,

independent churches and evil networks. Benjamin grows in the midst of these realities. When there is no

son in a city or the son is abused, or is disobedient - the earth will vomit you out. Examples are thorns

resulting in response of Adam’s sin; the heavens are shut because of Cain’s sin; creation revolting with

pestilence at Israel’s (God son) abuse in Egypt; water rebellion in Noah’s day; climatic changes in Lot’s day;

earthquake at Korah’s rebellion; creation rebels at the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross.

City church is built on authentic partnerships coming together – like Peter and John who said to the lame

man at the temple gate, “Look at us”, then healed the lame man and walked together into the Temple,

which represents the city church. Solomon said, “When prayer is made in THIS PLACE” – that place was the


Benjamin was not involved in the persecution of Joseph. Ten brothers persecuted Joseph. Ten = law =

legalism. Legalism and religion will be the greatest attack on the city church.

Until Benjamin comes, Simeon (intelligent hearing) will not be released.

Apostolic Doctrine precedes prayer.

Without Benjamin the famine will not end.

Without Benjamin, there is no reconciliation in the family of God.

Benjamin and Joseph come out of the same womb. Joseph called him ‘my son’ – Gen 43:29.

Benjamin’s serving was five times more than the brothers – he embodies GRACE. Gen 43:34

He receives more revelation than anyone else. Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin.

You could be in a grace environment and receive no grace. Grace is internalised by covenant with an

authentic father through: apostolic doctrine; financially; co-operation; honour; receiving their

proclamations; accurate positioning. Build an upper room for grace (like the Shunamite built for Elijah).

Benjamin carried the silver cup in his sack; speaks of false accusations. Old friends will leave you; false

brethren also. Be immune to the praise and flattery of human beings. Be prepared for betrayal.

When Benjamin comes, weeping is activated. Judah positioned himself between Benjamin and Joseph.

Judah weeps. Benjamin will bring forth the spirit of grace and supplication upon the church.

He gave Benjamin 300 pieces of silver and five changes of garments (Gen. 45:22).

300 (multiple of 30) = maturity; also in symbolic representation alludes to the four pillars of an apostolic

community (apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers).

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Notice that in the narrative of Joseph and his brothers, Benjamin is still quiet all the while. He does not

speak. Just his presence says it all.

Ehud who was left-handed, from the tribe Benjamin, killed Eglon, the Moabite. Eglon means ‘the bull’. This

brought in eighty years of rest. Judges 20 speaks of 700 left-handed Benjamites. Benjamin is left-handed

because he holds the right hand of God. In using his left hand, he functions with the right hand of God. His

feet are on the earth. He represents a ‘feet company’.

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Session Eleven Sam Soleyn

Concluding Remarks

(Refer to the recording of this session as there are personal accounts of processes that Sam relates from his

own experience)

You cannot be an instrument of God unless you and the message are one. Be intentional, although you are

not perfect. Allow God to show you how you are in the inside. When you see from the eternal – you will not

worry anymore.

You are assembled in the Body by the administration of the Spirit.

You cannot come to this mountain without making decisions.

Vow to say what God desires for you to say.

We should be empty of pretense. Be innocent of evil and excellent at what is good. You cannot be

excellent at good without being innocent from evil.

We must not just believe but we must become persuaded. {Paul said – ‘except for my chains’ – Acts 26:29}.

We have a wholesale addiction to the truth that we ourselves become truth. When you are assimilated into

an existing reality, you do not have the option of changing the reality but to be conformed into it. Do not

desire the praise nor the resources of men if we are to lead the people of God.

The mercy of God will rescue you – and give you a Word in season. Do not reject the One who speaks from

Heaven. It comes with an economy to transport you to the next level. God will be persistent until you

decide to turn Him away. Love is patient but not tolerant. Love is not unendingly patient.

You have your own commissions and the commissions of others who were unwilling. Upon you is placed

responsibilities others have rejected. When you reach a certain place in God and you are like Him, you have

His heart.

God will not continue to coddle you in your determination to stay immature or young.

When you began to hear God, what He was saying was so glaringly different. Over time, the intention of

God is to conform you to the mind of Christ. He will be what He is and draw you to it. We must recognise

the progression of the grace of God in them (those who speak) so that their voice is indistinguishable from

God. You and He are the same. Be confident and then execute. The economy that supports what He is

doing will support you.

On matters on which we differ, God in time will reveal that to you. Until then, let us live up to the measure

to which we have already attained! There is a responsibility that comes with hearing God. Live up to the

measure of what is already true in you.

Companion to revelation and insight, you have to go through lifestyle changes.

In your crisis, God gives you a little help because He is not done with you.

Learn the lesson of trusting God. Keep in mind the goal – you cannot carry the presence of God in an

unrefined vessel. Your sufferings are meant to produce the presence that unites and conforms to Him.

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We are being assembled to that existing corporeity. We are destined to arise in the earth in a condition

intended to host the person of God. When He recognises Himself in a son, He will say, “This is my Son”.

God shall be ALL in ALL.

The place of the assembly meets the standard of the firstborn. HE is the standard of the house. Welcome to

the family. Grow up in the family. It exists to show the nature of the Father in the family.

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Session Twelve Thamo Naidoo

Concluding Remarks

(Refer to the recording of this session, as there are personal accounts of processes that Thamo relates from

his own experience)

A servant said to Elijah – “Is that you my lord?”. ‘Lord’ is the Hebrew word ‘ADON’ and alludes to ‘one who

controls environments and manages atmospheres’. God took six days to create the environment of the

world before installing His son into it to administrate it.

When you are faced with needs then it is very easy to bow to the wrong spirit. If God sends you, He will

resource you.

Never measure the nations the way the nations do. See nations the way God sees them.

One of the streams that God has chosen to flow into the nations is coming from Africa. Never look to

receive. Just look to open doors for others. Find other valid apostolic expressions and bring them in. God

builds ‘grace upon grace’.

If you own nothing, you cannot lose anything.

You cannot see Acts 2:1 without having the last verse in Acts 1. Until the twelve are fully representative,

there will not be one-accordness and the Spirit will not fall.

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GENERAL WORD FOR THE CONFERENCE By Shaun Blignaut The core reality of Jehovah's covenant with Abraham was to "bless"(bring to blended knee) the NATIONS

through His Seed...that singular Seed (Christ) who seeks to express the Thrones dictates through His Body,

the Church...this QUEST for the nations is still one of Father's main objectives in completing Apostolic

purpose before the time of the end!

This has thrusted the true Apostolic Church out of its "parish" mentality and with it the desire to breakout of

a "church-service" orientation and the narrow religious "church-in-a-building" ethos which have defined her

for the past 100 years!

Father seeks to reclaim the grandeur of His eternal purpose among the nations and the legitimate

representation of ALL nations, tribes and tongues before His Throne in His quest for the ultimate conclusion

of divine intent in the earth!

So, the Lord is currently dealing with the nations like in the Book of Amos. He is taking an inventory of the

nations, NOT in terms of external performance such as: (1) Productive activity in the economic realm, or

(2) Political prowess, nor

(3) In terms of a nation's status and ranking in the earth, BUT based upon a nation's morality and ethical

standards in terms of a nation's:

(a) Relational conduct towards the Holy Nation

Values are being assigned to nations in terms of: (1) A nation's' track record in behavior towards other nations and towards God

(2) How nations either Value or Reject Divine Law, Divine Morality, Ethical Codes

These are serious indictments and they require that: (1) The people of God come into FORMATION of its HOLY NATION STATUS

(2) That the people of God ACT with REGALITY and KINGLINESS in all realms of our engagement

(3) That the people of God understand that they are God's ROYAL HOUSE constituted according to the

Sonship identity of Christ!

(4) That the people of God must submit to the THRONE'S DICTATES as Sent Ones (emissaries ) carry

Divine decrees into the territories of the earth!

This quest for the nations got restated by Jesus Christ in Matt.28:18-20 where a reenactment of the Edenic

Covenant is brought into sharp focus again in His authoritative declaration to Apostolically regather all

ethnic groups for immersion into the Name and teaching them to observe everything He commanded the

early Church Apostles!

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(1) Serious indictment against misinterpreting the divine TIME which has lead to behavior that

contradicts the crucial constituted events dictated by the kairos!

(2) Spiritual inertia, apathy and self-indulgent lifestyles which delay the primacy of the divine BUILDING


(3) Spiritual neglect of the true HOUSE of the Lord because peripheral Issues of secondary importance

have replaced the true, core principles of the true Temple.


WORD FOR USA By Shaun Blignaut For see, I have reserved for Me a remnant in this nation unto whom I will restore the former dominion, I call

you the Tower of the will be unto Me My strong nation...I will measure, yes measure the entire

nation by your commitment and your faithfulness to My prophetic purpose.

You will be My scale by which I will weigh this land: your compliance to My morality will be the compliance

of the nation; your commitment to Me will be the commitment of the nation...You will be My Priest, My

bridge-builder, My burden bearer, My reconciler, My Priest who undergirds the rigors of My prophetic tasks

and My redemptive relevance among the people.

For see, I am merciful, I work redemptively, however, I have weighed this land in My balance, yes: Mene,

Mene Tekel , have been weighed in My balance and found wanting!!! As I have dealt with

Israel in Babylon securing for Me a righteous remnant that will reconstruct, yes, reconstruct My House that is

lying in, I am in pursuit of the principle of My integrity...yes, My righteousness...I desire justice as

My measuring rod, yes the function of My integrity in this land!

As your forefathers founded this land on the principle of My integrity... return, return into your former

greatness. But you are impotent, you are weak, your spiritual fervor has been ravished... powerful forces

have ransacked My integrity within you.

My doctrine replaced by the wisdom of men, Oh, how the gold has lost its lustre.

Humanistic thought lays entrenched within the citadels of My Temple; the orphan reigns...wielding the

banners of intellect, reason and logic and men have fortified themselves within the "my-ministry-syndrome!

Oh, how My gold has lost its lustre, Oh, how My salt has lost its saltiness, Oh, My light has gone out within

My Temple...yes My glory has departed, and yet, a faithful remnant I have preserved, and for this,I have

sent you help from afar, a remnant from among you will return!

Yield to those I send, yield to My emissaries....receive their Word and you will live!

But first, I deal with corrupt leaders in both spiritual and secular spheres, those who merchandise you,

selling you for nought ...they are now reeling, yes tottering with the maddening wine of the harlot's


However, see, I am sending you My emissaries with My decrees to reconstitute you, to reorder you,to

renew you, to reform you and set you again into divine order!

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Allow me to re-sculpture you and re-furnish you to become a lampstand that will again illuminate regions of

the earth with My Present Truth light!


GENERAL WORD By Shaun Blignaut

The Lord is not impressed by the grandeur of external reality, but by the verifiable substance that underlie

reality! The Lord looks at the substructure of eternal reality...the unseen architecture of the throne.

What impresses the Lord is our compliance to the throne and how we advance the Throne's agenda in

realms of men.

Men fortify themselves in what is temporal, fleeting and passing away... This is the order...the arrangement

of time and space.

I am pooling My Net...see, a multi-dimensional shaking is activation of My voice of Present

Truth to topple rudimentary systems of man-made religion, tradition and humanistic efforts in advancing My


One of the primary factors which will define life in the future is the beginnings of a changing international

BALANCE OF POWER...the weight of influence of one nation over others, or a set of nations over others!

A GLOBAL SHIFT of EPI-CENTERS from North/West to South/East is underway to both DISCONFIRM and

TRANSLOCATE MY THRONE'S AGENDA From North/West to South/East to EQUALIZE the knowledge of

MY GlORY on the global stage!

The billions located in South and East have been readied to hear MY omnipotent voice through ones sent

in representation of MY THRONE!

The door to Islamic states will swing wide open as I deal decisively through crisis in these lands...all to

COMPLETE MY KINGDOM purpose in the globe!

MY NAME shall be glorified in the South and in the East...remnants, pockets...hidden groups...ready to

hear, to explore MY Present Truth Proclaimed!

South America, Oh, South America, My womb readied to birth to bring forth...I have kept you hidden, but

now to release your fragrance through a multitude of sent ones to invigorate the West.

See, I open China and Russia to equalize MY omnipotent Voice throughout the equalization of

nations is underway as MY ELIJAH dimension gains momentum, sweeping across the NATIONS...installing



Apostolic streams will converge, bringing forth ONENESS OF BELIEF, FULL STATURE OF CHRIST IN HIS

BODY and an END OF FRAGMENTED attempts to advance MY Kingdom....It is a MIGHTY VOICE

dimension...a collaboration of apostolic and prophetic streams for AMPLIFICATION of MY VOICE in the


All these indicators tells us that the prophetic landscape is in continual change and demands sight beyond

the natural, and external occurrence to inform us of our accurate building posture in the earth!

We cannot act like the prophets in Ezekiel's day, who refuse to repair the "breaks" in the wall, who became

therefore complicit in building a church unprepared to the assaults of the powers of darkness!

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Ezekiel stood in the midst of a fallen and corrupt and misaligned religious order as the embodiment of the

standard for holiness, purity, correct alignment and judgement

Ezekiel's prophetic architecture comes into play when a whole religious system had broken down and failed

because it has lost its spiritual and eternal meaning in the mind of God!

This falling away from God's original, eternal and heavenly intent, necessitates the activation of MY voice to

renew, reform, restore and reclaim fallen spiritual intent.

Co-operate, co-operate Oh, remnant to reclaim MY divine agenda for the earth.

*common tables (where we eat) become consecrated tables



These words are for you currently assembled, yet futuristic for all those still to come into what is being


The DC Conference was more than just a conference, it has become a place for MY speakings for the

release of MY Throne's Agenda through ONE common sound, a place of diffusion, dissemination and

proliferation of MY Present Truth Sound into the territories of the that through your Sonship

identity as MY Church MY manifold wisdom might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the

heavenly realms according to the eternal purpose which I have purposed in Christ Jesus the Lord.

The proclamation of MY divine intent is now invading your chronological timeframes with the constituted

events of MY Kairos to impose MY Primary Objectives for the entire earth.

The deep cries of true apostolic figures in the earth and the pains of apostolic burden are now being

realized in the formation of Christ within a corporate people.

These people....that refined, distilled, untainted first fruit company is now reconnecting with patriarchal

destiny and will make up the Breach and so reclaim original, eternal intent....

For see, I take the least from among you, a people not formerly considered to be of any value and

worth...the dispersed, those afflicted, those on the fringes of church society, and form them into MY

Oneness: having NO COMPETITION but RECOGNITION and esteem for one another; and celebration of

MY diversity of grace, ability and expression; walking in recognition of ranking for function, yet one in

expression, will and purpose!

Oneness, Togetherness, and Esteem for the least among you are imperatives that must be forcefully

embraced and pursued!

In that day...that day when you begin to arise with certainty and understanding in your own minds what is

MY foremost desire: MY FATHERHOOD AND YOUR that day when you begin to arise into

strong covenantal loyalty to one that day when you walk with confidence in your status as MY that day when you begin to step into MY authority as represented in My Name, FATHER"... In that

day of absolute internal certainty, of absolute confidence and conviction that I AM YOUR FATHER declares

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the Lord, I will turn your legal, objective stated position as MY SONS, according to the Scriptures, into

subjective, experiential reality and cause you to walk in that conviction and that revelation continually!

I am ASSEMBLING the lame...those who could not formerly walk in MY prophetic path and I AM

GATHERING you from out of every tribe, nation, and tongue...those who have been driven away...and

those whom I have afflicted; and I AM MAKING the REMNANT and those who were CAST OFF...those not

part of the establishment, into a strong NATION, MY HOLY NATION, and I will REIGN, exercise MY

sovereign power over them and administer MY Kingdom authority over them as MY Zion company. And

you are called the TOWER (place of elevation, strength, fortification and extended vision) OF THE

FLOCK(place fellowship, relationship, covenantal loyalty, generational building, fathering and corporate

care),MY stronghold, My mountain, MY Zion...and unto you I shall return the former dominion and MY

kingship authority....



Title: The Name of the Lord:

There was an awesome and weighty presence of the Lord in the Conference Hall, the intensity of which is

very rare. Sam Soleyn during his message paused and shifted in his posture declaring “I saw Him (Christ)

present“. Moments before he said this, I heard a voice say to me: “The Name of the Lord“. Some trust in

horses and some in chariots“. The Lord has destroyed horses and chariots and now the people respond

“We put our trust in the name of the Lord“.

Title: The Hand of the Cartographer:

I saw in the spirit how a curtain was drawn aside. A majestic hand holding a golden quill pen was drawing

maps. The voice said to me that the spiritual boundaries of nations are being cartographed. New nations

are being formed and new economies are emerging. Physical countries, provinces, nations, cities,

economies cannot no longer be the perspective from which the Apostolic ministry to other nations will be

seen. The maps being cartographed include an overlap of nations, e.g. South Africa can include Finland

while Finland can also be a part of the spiritual boundary of Egypt. Men have always viewed the Church

from a national, geopolitical, political, social, ethical, cultural and economic perspective. The Church

struggled to emerge as a corporate Son because of the prejudiced views of man. Economies have

struggled and dramatic negative conditions have dominated peoples and nations. The Apostolic ministry to

a great extent has functioned from this perspective. It will no longer be one Apostel traveling to nations and

creating a footprint there; or one Household establishing a new Household another Nation. It is literally the

birthing of NATIONS by way of spiritual cartographing.

Now the Lord says: Africa’s (South Africa’s) spiritual boundary includes the USA and other countries. The

implication is that the USA can only be seen through the Grace Configuration of South Africa and vice

versa. Even the provinces within geographical South Africa are being cartographed spiritually to include

other countries: The Eastern Cape Province has been expanded in the spirit to include some of the

following territories like: Rumania, Latvia, Turkey, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and others. KZN South Africa is be

cartographed to include India, Ethiopia, Mexico and other countries. Kenya is being cartographed to

include Brazil, Netherlands and others. The Dominican Republic is being cartographed to include Italy,

Spain, Portugal, the UK and other countries. We will continue seeing how new spiritual nations emerge

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NOT based on prevailing geo-political definition. Present carriers of Apostolic/Prophetic Grace will see in

the spirit and understand the spiritual boundaries that are cartographed and how to function within these

boundaries. The spiritual cartographing of nations will bring about economic, social, cultural and

theological-spiritual restoration and change.


PROPHETIC WORD FOR APOSTOLIC TEAM: Dr. Sam, Dr. Sagie, Thamo By Shaun Blignaut

See, I enlarge your spheres of influence within the nations ... your territorial and governmental deposits are

being enlarged corporately and individually, many will be added to you as I begin to deplete and ransack

the networks of inaccuracy and inconsistency, as I begin to reclaim patriarchal destiny within the earth, My

apostolate is in re-formation, re-constituting Apostolic Counsels based upon covenantal joining of true,

authentic apostles world-wide. The converging of all streams of eternal Present Truth into One Common


I increase the governmental deposit of My grace within you...remain focussed on the main objectives as you

together, and individually pursue My purpose within the domains of men..

See. I give you influence and favour in domains previously prohibited and blocked up: political, economic

and social formations will feel the tremors of My voice as I begin to loose what is dross and redundant and

incorporate only what is of eternal orientation into what is to be built within My divine design!

I hear the sound of divine laughter of HIM who sits upon the Throne, holding them in derision, those who

oppose, resist and scandalize...saying, "Why do the nation's rage and the people's plot in vain. The kings of

the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His Anointed,

saying, "let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us" The Lord, seated upon His

Throne, holds them in derision...and He speaks to them in His wrath, and terrify them in His fury, saying,

"As for Me, I have set MY King on Zion, MY holy hill" I will declare the decree: THE LORD HAS SAID UNTO

ME: "Thou art MY SON, today I have begotten thee, Ask of ME and I shall give Thee the heathen as an

inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as an inheritance and possession.

I therefore rejoice over you, I am glad for excellence in your duty...therefore step into MY prophetic posture

and begin to laugh: exuding MY confidence, certainty and conviction...therefore enter now, enter now into

the prophetic promise unto the only begotten SON...and ask, FATHER, give us the nations and make the

uttermost parts of the earth our possession!

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Thamo has been in ministry since 1985. He is a graduate of the Bethesda Bible College, Full Gospel Church

of God, South Africa and has earned a Master of Theology degree at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He

has planted two pioneering works in South Africa – River of Life Christian Ministries (ROLCM) in

Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal (1994) and GATE Ministries Sandton in Sandton, Gauteng (2012). Thamo

currently provides spiritual oversight to churches both nationally and internationally. Thamo travels

extensively speaking to church leaders. His purpose is centred on the call for the restoration of the church

to ancient biblical patterns of building and for the emergence of the corporate son of God in the earth. He

accomplishes this through leadership and development interventions hosted over the course of the year

that address current and pressing global issues. Two of these forums which are strategic and invaluable are

the Apostolic Schools of Ministry and Perspectives on the Apostolic. He is the author of Gilgal: Principles

Governing Transition into the Apostolic Reformation. Thamo currently resides in Sandton, Gauteng, South

Africa with his wife Mirolyn and their three sons.

Sam Soleyn

Sam was born on the island nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, where he spent his youth prior to

moving to the United States to pursue his higher education. He has studied English, rhetoric, and theology

and holds a juris doctorate from the University of New Mexico School of Law. Sam preached his first

message at 15 years old. Over the decades, he has spoken in more than three dozen countries and had his

messages broadcast on radio, television, and the Internet. Though he continues to travel the world, his

home is with his wife, Lucy, in New Mexico.

Dr. S. Y. Govender (Sagie)

Dr. Govender is the senior minister of Antioch Christian Tabernacle and founder and presiding apostle of

ABC Ministries. Antioch Christian Tabernacle is the local church and ABC Ministries is the resource centre

that resources pastors globally. Dr. Govender is the founder of ABC (Accurate Building Concepts) - a course

structured for the apostolic evaluation and accurate building of churches in this present reformation

season. He convenes the ABC Forum, a weekly gathering of pastors from Kwa Zulu Natal. Dr. Govender is

married to Rochelle and they have one daughter, Kimberley. In August 2007 Dr. Govender retired from

active general medical practice after 20 years of medical service to give more attention to this reformation
