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  • 7/22/2019 AO 820 Microtome.pdf




    @American Optical Corporat ion1979


  • 7/22/2019 AO 820 Microtome.pdf


    WARRANTYFor 1 year from the dateof purchase y the end-user,Americanptical will repairor replace, t its option, this productfor shippingcharges nly, if defective n workmanshipor material. contact your orderingdealer or instructionsandfurnishoriginal nvoice nformation'This warranty doesnot apply if the product hasbeenmisused n any way, or has beenalteredor repairedby otherthan anauthorizedAmericanOpticalRepresentative'THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES IMPLIED OR EXPRESSED' ALL IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBYDISCLAIMED.No one is authorized o make any obligations or Americanoptical not in accordance ith the above' Americanoptical shallunder no huute for special,ncidentalor consequential amagesrom any negligence,breachof warranty, strict liability or any other theory arisingout of or relating o the design,manufacture'useorhandlingof the product.

    CLAIMSAND RETURNSIf discrepancies re discovered, n immediatereport should be made to the customer'sordering point referringtothe packing ist number- ai l pactingshouldbe caiefullyexaminedo insure hat no small temsareoverlooked. claimsfor iosso, du..g. in transitshouldbe madedirectly o the transportation ompany.If , upon delivery, he outsideof the packingcaseshowsevidence of rough handlingor damage, he transportationcompany,sagentshould be requestedo *uti. a "Receivedn Bad Order" notationon the delivery receipt' If thereis no exterior evidence f roughhandlingupon delivery, ut concealedamages evidentupon unpacking he shipmentwithin 4g hours of delivery, ire transpoit.tion .o-p.ny shouldbe requestedo makeout a "Bad Order" report' Thisprocedures necessaryn oider to maintain he right of recoverl.'fron'rhe carrier'Customers re requestedo contact heir orderingdealer or permissiono return an y goods or any reason' Th erequest hould ndicate he datean dnumberof th1 nvoice, r packinglist. f arrangementsremade or a return, hematerial hould eplainly agged it h the customer's am ean daddress,arefully acked ndshipped REPAID'PRODUCT HANGESAmerican ptical corporation reserveshe right to change.designsr to make addit ions o or improvementsn it sproductswit^hout mposingany obligationon itielf to addsuch o products reviouslymanufactured'The equipment supplied may not agree n all detailswith our descriptionor illustrationsbecausenstrumentsaresubject o modification and mprovement.

    SERVICERepairs should be performedonly by qualified servicepersonnel- Complete epair facil_itiesre availableat manyAO authorizedOeaters,nJ eO iechnlial ServiceCentersn Buffalo, N'Y., Rosemont,, ll., No' Hollywood, Calif',Edison,N.J.,andDallas,Texas'

  • 7/22/2019 AO 820 Microtome.pdf




    RoTARY |CR0T0ME,00EL 20Basic Package Includes- AO Precis ion RotarY Microtome- 82 2 Knife Holder- 942 Knife- 961 Back

    955 Handle969 Pike OilReference Manual


    Figure . The A0 820 [ icrotome

  • 7/22/2019 AO 820 Microtome.pdf


    PRELIMIN RY PROCEDURETo unpack, use cloth tape to lift microtome3 or 4 inches to remove from die cut' Frontflap of di e cu t will then snap back under theinstrument. Grasp microtome firmly underfront and back of base and lift from box'Do not attempt to remove instrument fromUox bv using the cloth taPe.Place the microtome on a table wi th thecrank or drive wheel on the right-hand side,Fig. l . Remove instruction tag and protec-tive dust cover from instrument. Removerolled tissue from around feed barrel anddiscard.

    Figure . The LockingLever( A in Locked ndB in Unlocked osi l ion

    Figure3. FronfView of 820Micro lone

    THEKI{IFECLAMPMoving wrench M, Fig. 3, counterclockwisefrees ihe clamp fo r movement toward or fromthe specimen, remova-l from the microtome,and also frees the knife holder so that it canbe moved sideways on its base plate. Thisadjustment permits shifting the knife to useanother part of the knife edge without aJter'ing the tilt angle of the knife or removingthe knife from the clamP jaws.To insert the knife loosen the two clampscrews I, Fig. 3, until the knife E can slide( from either side ) into the jaws of the clamp.The edge of the kni-fe should be exactly levelwith the top of the back jaw. If not level,raise or lower each side by turning the twoset screws H until level. This will placeknife edge at the center of rotation of knifeholder. T i gh t e n the two clamp screws Ialternately unti l the knife is held f irmly.Hand tightening is sufficient.To adjust the knife angle move levers N andO, Fig. 3, toward the microtome an d rotatethe upper part of the holder until the desiredclearance angle is obtained. Scale ( Fig. 2),graduated in 2o increments may be used as

    The locking lever at the top of the wheelprevents forward rotation of the drive wheelih"tt moved beyond th e handle (position A,Fig. 2). To ur i lock' move the lever towardthJ front of the instrument to posit ion B,Fig. 2. .Do no t do so , however, until al l se tup-steps6ave been completed. Raisecover A,fig. -3 , and note the inclined surface of thefeJd, A, Fig. 4, and feed screw tip B' Re-move the piece of cardboard placed betweenthem to pievent damage dur ing shipment 'Wipe excess grease off surface leav ing athin coat. (Refer to Maintenance. )


  • 7/22/2019 AO 820 Microtome.pdf


    a reference. The proper clearance angledepends on the angle of the lcrife edge andthe material to be sectioned. The angle ma ybe changed by loosening the clamping mecha-nism, N, O, Fig. 3, and tilt ing the knife tothe new position, without loss of materialwhen the lmife is level with the rear jaws ofthe clamp, as the knife edge is then at thecenter of rotation. Be sure that all clampsan d set screws are firmly hand tightened be -fore cutting, to prevent vibration or creeping.

    Figure . Top Yiewof Uncovered20Mlcrolome

    To remove the knife holder loosen base clampnut by moving wrench M, Fig. 3, counter-clockwise and slide the holder from the mi-crotome. Replace by sl iding back on thebase of the microtome. Lock by movingwrench M clockwise. The clamping positionof the locking levers for knife angle N, O,Fig. 3 , can be changed. Removethe knife fromholder. Loosen levers and rotate holder upuntil it may be removed from its base. Un-screw lever until the hexagonal nut, D, Fig.5, opposite the lever can be pushed out ofits serrated socket. Rotate the hex nut inthe direction the lever is to be repositioned,reinsert into the serrated socket and tightenlever. The clamping direction may be re-versed by removing the lever and hex screwfrom each side and replacing them in theopposite sides, since one set has right-handand the other left-hand threads.

    The knife leveling screws and wedges can beremoved after remova-l of set screw I, Fig. 3,tilting the jaw back and lifting out through theslot in the jaw of the clamp. Replace the leftwedge in the left bracket and the right in theright bracket.ACCESS0RIES825 biecr lamp

    A ball and flange type object clamp #825 issupplied as standard with the tt820rr. Speci-mens up to 32mm by 27mm can be accommo-dated. Three lcrurled screws (J , K, an d L,Fig. 3 ) orient and rigidly lock the clamp intoposition.If an object disc is used to mount the speci-men, it is held firmly in the V groove be-tween the upper and lower jaws of the clamp.For use with a mold rather than an objectdisc, the lower (V grooved) jaw is removedsimply by lifting it out from the clamp.

    in e is adequate. . th e use of othertools is not onl.yunnecessary, but can

    828 oh ns opkins lamp

  • 7/22/2019 AO 820 Microtome.pdf


    Th e No . 828 Johns Hopkins Clamp can besupplied as an accessory wi th the "820".The clamp is 1-3/4'r wide. . . jaws have adepth of .5/8" and open to a maximum ofI-7/8" to accommodate var ious sizes ofblocks.829Thin Section dapter

    Object discs of 7/8' t ,meters respectively,accessory if desired.1-1l3' t , and 1- l /2 ' r d ia-are avai lable as an

    The 829 Adapter A, Fig. 5, can be clampedonto the diagonal feed surface of the 820Microtome and reduces the rate of feed by afactor of 20 . For example, with this at tach-ment the actual specimen advance when theindicator G, Fig. 3, is set at 20 micronswill be I micron. Th e adapter is held inplace by a clamp screw at the end of thebracket passing back of the diagonal feed an dleveled wi th the screws E and F, F ig. 5.Us e a light neutral grease on the new feedsurface, (Refer to Maintenance. ) The useof a glass knife holder is recommended withthis adapter.813, 12, I l 0bieclDiscs

    823Glass ni feHolder

    Th e 823 Glass Knife Holder, a ne w knifeholder designed to accommodate glass knives,is now available for use with the r?820r'Micro-tome equipped with thin sectioning adapter No.829.966Razor lade older

    The Model 966 razor blade holder is placedin the jaws of the knife holder with the setscrew of the razor blade holder resting onthe base R, Fig. 3, and the set screws Itightened alternately until the 966 is firmlyclamped in a level position.

  • 7/22/2019 AO 820 Microtome.pdf


    usEPlace the specimen C, Fig. 3 in the clampD; the lsrife E in the knife holder F; andadjust the proper angle for the material tobe sectioned. Se t the index G to the de-sired thiclmess by turning the lmob D, Fig.4, at the back of the microtome. Adiustalternately the three knurled clamp

    "".-u*", K, and L, Fig. S, unti l the ipecimen

    Figure5. A0 MicrotomeWirhThin Cuft ingAilachment A )

    surface is nearly parallel with the knife edge.Adjust the kni fe for the proper clearanceangle.Bring the knife close to the specimen andtighten the knife clamp. Before cutting makesure that the set screws and levers on theclamp D, Fig. 3, and the Knife Holder Fare firmiy tightened to avoid vibration.The first few cuts wili be incomplete untilthe surface of the block is squared off. Ifmore feed is desired between cuts, the crankC, Fig. 5, on the left side of the microtomecan be advanced by hand at the end of thestroke. Be careful not to advance too rapidlyas the specimen or the knife may be damaged.When th e feed screw reaches the end of itstravel , block E wili push against F, Fig. 4,to disconnect the feed mechanism and pre_vent jamming. Turn the crank on the lefts ide of the microtome, C, Fig. 5, to re_turn the feeding mechanism to the other endof the feed screw and lift up lever C, Fig.4, to re-engage the feed mechanism.If difficulties arise in cutting, refer to "Effec-tive Use & Proper Care of the Microtomeil.


    817 DisposableBlades,with DispenserDisposableBladesoffer quick accessibility o a fresh, sharp cutting edgeat all times. The75mm Blades(100 per pkg.) aremade of heat treated,hardened oot steel. Light coating ofprotective lubricant assuresong shelf ife.Blade Holdersare available o fit al l 820 Rotary Microtomes.Write for SB817.

  • 7/22/2019 AO 820 Microtome.pdf


    MAINTENNCETh e microtome is well made an d a long use-ful l ife of precision cutting ma y be expectedwhen the microtome is given proper care'After use, clean th e instrument by brushingor wiping of f any ribbon fragments. Para-ffinresidue ma y be removed from the knife holderwi th a cloth mois' tened wi th xylene' Theslides of th e knife holder should be kept oiledwith Pike Oil. Relubrication should be donewhen the cleaning removes the oi l or greaseand is necessary for free moving use of theknife clamP Parts.The microtome lubrication points are indica-ted in Fig. 6 and inside cover. Th e surfacesmarked'-G" should begreased every 2 monthswhen the microtome is used most of th e work-ing day and at least every 4 months-with aver-ug"" o"". Use a small amount of good lightn6utral grease. A few drops of Pike Oi Ishould be put in the oi l holes and sl idesmarked 01 and 02 in Fig. 6, every 2 weeksfor average usage, an d with heavy usage thesl ide marked 0L should be o) led every week'A iighter oil l ikl r\O #9?0 Cryo-Cut Oi l ma ybe requir-ed when the rnicrotome rs used rncold chambers or cold rooms.Af ter consiCgrabLe i . tse :he f r ic t ion on thefeed screw deereases ar-r.d rllst be tightenedfor conti nued regular cutliirg. When the handfeed c-ran4 q3y'..t i"e..-ft-hand Si de of the micro-tome rioes no l offer a slighf resistance or

    Fig e Lubr icat ion 0iagram for 820 Microlome

    orag, tighten th e screw at FN, Fig. 5, oneturn an d th e screw seen from the outsideopposi te th is one turn, a l ternately unt i l aslight frictiona^l drag is felt on the hand crankafter the cover is replaced. This adjustmentis also necessary shou-ld the pawl not i if t upproperly for moving the ratchet wheel"

    SERVICERepairs should be performed only kr;r qualified service personnel. Complete repairfacilities are available at many AO authorized dealers,and AO Technical Service Centers nBuffalo, N.Y., Rosemont, ll., No. Hollywood, Calif., Edison,N.J., and Dallas,Texas.


    Availableon Request.

    820-301 5/79 Printed n U.S.A.
