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The power of Openness.

Open Data and Open Knowledge Ioannis E. Antoniou

Mathematics Department

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


[email protected]

[email protected]


Irreversible Non - Hermitian Extensions of Quantum


I. Antoniou


Mathematics Department

Aristotle University ,

54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

[email protected]

3rd International Workshop on

Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics

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• What is a Complex System?

Physico-Chemical Organization



Socio-economic structures

Communication Networks


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Complexity emerges in Open Systems Far From Equilibrium ?

Poincare, De Donder, Schroedinger

indicated the need

to extend thermodynamics

to Open Systems Far From Equilibrium.

Open Systems may receive Information

communicating with their Εnvironment.

Entropy S becomes the sum of

Internal Entropy SI and Entropy “Flow” SF

S = SI + SF


ΔSI ≥ 0 the Internal Entropy (2nd Law)

Complex networks

Social networks

Web of Knowledge

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What are the qualifying Features of Complex Systems? 1) Far From Thermodynamic Equilibrium Structures [Ilya Prigogine]

Complex Structures Self-Organize Dissipating Energy and/or Information!

2) Innovation

Complex Processes ⇔ Emergence-Creation of New Information

at each Stage Internal Time-Age Operator

Complex Processes are not boring !

3) Robustness

Complex Processes ⇔ Structurally Stable Processes

Why Complex Processes emerged in Nature !

4) High Interdependence of the Constituent Units

There is no constructive Way to represent the system

in terms of disentangled fragmented independent components

You cannot divide and conquer !

5) Distributed Non Local Processing

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How to describe


Graphs and Networks

The Structure of Complex Systems

Distributed Processing

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3 1







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The weight distribution defines

Network Function

How many nodes are linked with k nodes

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Crystals: The simplest netwotks

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Telephone Networks are not Regular

Renyi, Erdos 1960


(Public Switched Telephone Network)

Random Networks

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The Networks of Life

Are neither Regular nor Random!

Prigogine 1980

From Being to Becoming

Life operates between

The perfect predictable Crystals


The meaningless structuress Randomness

Study concrete Life Networks to identify

their qualifying features

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The Networks of Life


2 new Networks were discovered!

-Small Worlds

Social Nets


Synchronization of Fireflies

[Strogats, Watts 1998]

-Self-Similar,Scale-Free Networks


[Barabasi,Albert 1999]

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Small Worlds

Small Communication Pathways

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Six Degrees of Separation

John Guare wrote the play

Six Degrees of Separation,

based on this concept.

Milgram (1967)

“Everybody on this planet is separated by only six other people. Six degrees of

separation. Between us and everybody else on this planet. The president of the United

States. A gondolier in Venice… It’s not just the big names. It’s anyone. A native in a rain

forest. A Tierra del Fuegan. An Eskimo. I am bound to everyone on this planet by a trail

of six people…”


Sternberg Mike



Toyama Allan

Wagner ?

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Small Worlds Distribution

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Self-Similar Networks Αναξαγοπαρ:

“αρχας των οντων ομοιομεπειαρ απεφηνατο” [Αετιος, DK 59A46]

Emelard tablet Alchemy:

«As above so below»

P(k) ~ k−γ Power Law

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World-Wide Web power law

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P(k) ~ k−γ

as Fractals

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Real self-simlar networks Friendships (Moody J., 2001)


Potterat et al (2002)

Web) Airlines


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Brain-Web analogy Brain as distributed Complex system (Web)

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Web of Documents

• Analogy : a global file system • Primary objects : documents • Links between: documents (or sub-parts of) • Degree of structure in objects: fairly low • Semantics of content and links: implicit • Designed for: human consumption

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Web 2.0

• Wikis • Blogs • Flickr • YouTube • MySpace • Facebook

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Web 2.0

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Web 2.0

DRAWBACKS : • No data integration.

• Impossible to run queries in multiple data sources . e.g. which diseases are related to the heart AND have a prevalence

>2% AND in 2010 there where >100 publications about them.

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What is the Problem?

Consider a typical web page: Markup consists of:


information (e.g.,

font size and


Hyper-links to

related content

Semantic content is

accessible to humans

but not (easily) to


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Inter- operability

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Semantic Processing

the Engineering solution of Nature for

managing Complexity

Open Knowledge Transfer

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The unified open knowledge

The Vision of Encyclopaedists

Αristotle 384-322 BC

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Denis Diderot



le Rond d'Alembert

1717 –1783

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Mikhail Lomonosov 1711 –1765

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Open Knowledge

Libetation of Intuition

Bringing people together

for max mutual benefit

Help us give meaning to our Life

OKFN the universal catalyst

in the Planetary Transmutation

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