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Page 2: Angela Nuttle Speaker Bio-2016-3

Angela Nuttle is a Corporate Talent Expert who teaches business people how to show up with executive presence. She also works directly with CEOs, business leaders, and HR Team to discover and develop their organizational talent through talent remodeling™, consulting, and coaching. Angela is described as a dynamic, energetic speaker and thought leader who brings instant life to the stage at corporate events, conferences, and workshop seminars. She can be lighthearted and funny, then move into deeply meaningful stories that command the room and mesmerize her audience. She has a gift for connecting with the audience in a way that they feel seen, heard, and valued. Angela spent 3 years in Iraq as an HR defense contractor supporting the US military and contractors from all over the world. She was one of 16 females on base facing harsh conditions and difficult challenges as a woman in a warzone. She is frequently asked to speak about her experiences there, and her story is one of authentic leadership, emotional intelligence, and resilience, and she shares this in her presentation called Hostile Work Environments: Lessons Learned from the Battlefield to the Boardroom. As an author, Angela is focused on helping business people go from INVISIBLE TO INCREDIBLE through executive presence. In her book, From Invisible to Incredible: The Secret to Brilliant Executive Presence, She reveals profound stories, practical guidance, and tools that are highly sought after in the business world. Angela is the founder of The School of Executive Presence™, which includes career changing experiences for aspiring leaders, high performers, and talented people who are serious about discovering and showcasing their value so they can move into their calling and potential. The school offers public events, workshops, a cohort program, private coaching, and an online on-demand platform After a highly successful career in Corporate America with companies like Roche, Northrop Grumman, and KBR, Angela became the CEO of a rapidly growing consulting firm, Corporate OD Strategies. Angela partners with mid to large size company CEOS, business leaders and HR teams to create companywide value by developing people, potential, and processes for productive and profitable business results. She teaches them how to creatively develop and remodel talent around 8 critical factors needed to sustain companies in today’s marketplace. She also conducts sessions on future trends around key talent, how to discover and develop talent for business sustainability, and understanding how leaders can build people for top performance. She also speaks to HR groups and helping them to become trusted advisors to the business.    


BOOKING  INFORMATION:  [email protected]  

(317)  832-­‐9008        

Page 3: Angela Nuttle Speaker Bio-2016-3


 • Corporate Learning • Creativity • Executive Presence • Future Business Trends for HR • High Potential vs. High

Performer • Inspirational Success • Leadership • Talent Development • Women in Leadership


Some of Angela’s Keynotes

• Why Talent Remodeling™ is the New Sexy

• Hostile Work Environments: Lessons Learned

From the Battlefield to the Boardroom

• From Welfare to Wall Street: Success is a

Courageous Mindset

• Moving From Invisible to Incredible: How

To Be a Bright Bulb In The Room

• The Joy of Jumping Off Cliffs: Leading with

Extreme Faith

• ARTITUDES™: How to Build Whole Brain

Thinking For Business

• Women Trippers: Embracing the Women

who Wound You

• How to Be A Trusted Advisor To The


• SHOW UP YOU™: The New and Authentic

Executive Presence

• Preparing for the 2023 Workplace: Talent,

Trends, and Tools

• The Great 8™: Discovering Tomorrow’s

Leaders- Today

"Angie is an engaging and personable speaker. With a tremendous breadth of experience, I was drawn into both her story and her experience and instantly wanted to learn what she was presenting. Open and knowledgeable, friendly and expert both, Angie is an asset to any stage, program, or conference." Ann Walle, Organizational Development Director CWS/The Corporate Learning Conference 2014

"Angie a speaker who is authentic in her approach, meeting people where they are and guiding them, thoughtfully, through self-discovery to arrive at a new place. She tailors her style to the needs in the room. Whether challenging or validating, she knows when to apply just the right amount of pressure to help people stretch out of their comfort zones. She infuses creativity into her interactions that lets people retain deeper learning. Amanda Moxham, Alere Informatics

BOOKING  INFORMATION:  [email protected]  

(317)  832-­‐9008        
