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Page 1: Analysis of Rihanna - Stay

Rihanna - StayRihanna’s video for her song ‘Stay’ illustrates the story of heartbreak within relationships. This has been portrayed through the different types of camera angles, editing techniques, narrative structure and character types.

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To begin with, in terms of characters, both Rihanna and Mikky Ekko are introduced from behind, with Ekko being introduced further into the music video, rather than Rihanna being shown to the audience first, revealing her to be the main protagonist.

Rihanna’s tattoos are the first focus of her character; the tattoos of the stars going down her back could possibly to suggest the idea of her aspirations and goals. This is further insinuated within the audio codes with the lyrics quoting phrases such as ‘I want you to stay,’ and ‘I can’t live without you.’

Page 3: Analysis of Rihanna - Stay

The close up and extreme close up camera shots of Rihanna’s facial expressions and lack of makeup explains the narrative in terms of the ideology of heartbreak in relationships. The bare face and emotion in Rihanna’s facial expressions show sadness and anguish, with this idea further developed by her bloodshot eyes. The panning shots reveal how direct address from this character isn’t often used, as well as the lack of lip syncing to the music where Rihanna seems distracted

This challenges the common conventions of a pop music video, as the artist would stereotypically make direct address to the camera and would sing to the music usually word for word. This creates the narrative of the artist’s character possibly thinking and reflecting back at what has caused her sadness, also suggesting the idea of not being able to ‘look you in the eye,’ possibly representing regret or guilt.

The main protagonist is further shown to be weak and vulnerable when considering the camera angles, due to majority of the shots of her character being high angle shots. This would support the stereotype of females being weak and submissive, which would be further shown in terms of camera angles when looking at the male character of this music video. The angles which Mikky Ekko is usually filmed in would be mid shots or low angle shots, creating the idea of the male gender being dominant in comparison to the female.

Page 4: Analysis of Rihanna - Stay

Laura Mulvey:

Laura Mulvey’s male gaze theory could be applied to this video, in terms of representation of characters and genders, due to the narrative structure and the camera angles. This can be applied due to the lack of clothing which the female character is wearing, being naked and bare would support Mulvey’s male gaze theory as the nakedness would have been used to satisfy the male audience.

However, this ideology is subverted due to the female character being naked in the bath would have been directed to create the idea of innocence and emotion, possibly using the water to represent tears and depression. The lack of sexual objectification towards the female gender is further shown with Rihanna’s position being crouched and hunched over; suggesting her being concealed or protecting herself.

Although Mulvey’s theory is subverted, the non-sexual representation of Rihanna’s character still supports the dominant hegemony as the idea of the male gender being dominant in comparison to the weak and confined character which Rihanna portrays. This is further suggested when analysing the audio and technical codes, as the idea of the female character being weaker than the male is suggested with the female character singing ‘I want you to stay,’ rather than the male.

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When analysing the setting and iconography, the music video appears to be set in the same location, but different rooms. The way in which the female character remains in one room and one place in the bath, suggests the idea of being restrained and restricted, also showing how she is feeling in terms of her sadness towards the relationship problems she is having.

However, Mikky Ekko’s character is shown in what appears to be one building, but the different rooms. The way in which Ekko is introduced next to the bath tub;, being the same bath which Rihanna’s character is featured in throughout the whole video, could represent in terms of narrative structure, that the they are singing at different times. However, this could also be to continue with the suggestions of their relationship being a failure, as they don’t see each other anymore and feel distant towards each other, although they are in the same room.

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The location of the bath, as well as close up, slow motion shots of the tap running, could be to represent the tears and emotion of Rihanna, which pushes the narrative being featuring around sadness and heartbreak. The bath may be to symbolise the female characters safe haven; but also possibly to suggest how she is trying to cleanse herself; possibly suggest regret.

The narrative is explained within the lighting in the music video, being dull, dark or natural. This lighting could be to suggest the idea of how both characters are feeling ‘dull’ or emotionless in this video. In some shots with Mikky Ekko, the lighting is dark which represents their relationship; as the audience can see clearly how the narrative is based on these two character’s relationship. The dark lighting may be a reference to the darkness in their relationship, with the only lighting revealed being the natural lighting from outside; suggesting how this character thinks that the only way to happiness is to get out of this relationship.

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Iconography is used within the setting due to the use of colours being gold, or natural, such as the wood. The natural setting, with materials such as wood and plants, is consistent throughout the music video, as nothing is superficial. However, the use of the colour gold in this setting could be to pursue the narrative of the relationship problems. The colour gold is shown in Rihanna’s rings and the overall setting such as the mirror and golden taps. This colour scheme symbolises prosperity and hope within the video, suggesting that although their relationship is failing, there is still hope for them to be together.