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Al Qaeda is Zionist Fiction

Neoconservatism is Jewish

The well known translation of ‘Al-Qaeda’ is ‘The Base’. However, al-Qaeda also translates to ‘The Toilet’. ‘Ana raicha Al Qaeda’ is a colloquial expression for ‘I’m going to the toilet.’ Hardly a title a genuine Islamic terrorist fighting force would adopt.

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Al Qaeda is not a real organization but had once been the “database” of internatinal mujahideen, arms smugglers and terrorists used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerillas, arms and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. The Al Qaeda presented to us via the Zionist Mass Media is altogether mythical, a mere invention of the CIA and the Mossad — an instrument of covert intelligence operations. In 1979 the CIA (with Saudi / Pakistani assistance) created, funded and armed the Afghan Mujahideen and sent them into Afghanistan to overthrow the Pro-Soviet Communist Regime in Kabul — a trick to induce a Soviet invasion to protect their puppet government. Osama Bin Laden was the CIA’s point man in Afghanistan in the proxy war against the Soviets he even had a CIA stage name “Tim Osman.” When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan the CIA poured billions of US taxpayers dollars into the Afghan Jihad hoping to bog down the Russians in a Vietnam War-type quagmire situation which would exhaust the Red Army, destabilize the Soviet economy and collapse the Soviet union. Everything went as planned. Since the fall of the Soviet Union and thus Communism globally, the Zionist Jews who run the US needed a new “external enemy” in order to justify to the American people huge military budgets.

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America’s military might would be used to launch aggressive, endless wars against Israel’s regional enemies. In steps “Al Qaeda,” the Zionist media bogeyman blamed for everything from 9/11 to Global Warming. Nearly every scary Arab whom the media labels an “Al Qaeda terrorist” turns out to have connections to the Mossad, CIA or MI6, or just turns out to be a pathetic dupe. Al Qaeda is a scapegoat for what is, in reality, Zionist terrorism.

BBC now admits al qaeda never existed

Irving Kristol, the Jewish “godfather” of the neoconservative movement–which is nothing more than a Zionist scam to harness American military might as a proxy force to defend Israel–made the neocons’ Israel-centric agenda plain as day when, in 1973, he stated “Senator McGovern is very sincere when he says that he will try to cut the military budget by 30%. And this is to drive a knife in the heart of Israel… Jews don’t like big military budgets. But it is now in the interests of the Jews to have a large and powerful military establishment in the United States…

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American Jews who care about the survival of the state of Israel have to say, no, we don’t want to cut the military budget, it is important to keep that military budget big, so that we can defend Israel.” A fellow Jew and early progenitor of the neoconservative movement, Norman Podhoretz, made similar statements. Leo Strauss, also a Jewish Zionist, and early neocon “intellectual,” advocated the perpetual deception of the public by those in power for a “greater good.” This “greater good” that he spoke of was what was good for the Jews, not the Gentiles among whom they live. Noam Chomsky has argued that Strauss’s theory is a form of Leninism, in which society should be led by a group of elite vanguards, whose job is to protect liberal society against the dangers of excessive individualism, and creating inspiring myths to make the masses believe that they are fighting against anti-democratic and anti-liberal forces. Journalists, such as Seymour Hersh, have opined that Strauss endorsed noble lies, “myths used by political leaders seeking to maintain a cohesive society.”

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Necons are traitorous Israel-firsters

“Al Qaeda” and the “threat of Islamic terrorism” is undoubtedly one of these Zionist-touted “noble lies” advocated by Strauss’s evil political dogma. However, these lies are anything but noble, they are driven by a satanic Jewish hatred of Gentiles and a wish to do us tremendous harm. Two of Stauss’s more notable protégé’s were none other than Jewish Iraq-war architect, Paul Wolfowitz, and Abram Shulsky, another Jew. Shulsky was the Straussian who was appointed head of the Office of Special Plans by fellow Jewish neocon Douglas Feith. This office supplied the major portion of the fraudulent intelligence that was used by the Bush administration to justify the War in Iraq.

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It is believed that the OSP worked closely with Mossad to cook up the “Iraq WMD threat” hoax. For more information about the Jewish origins and Zionist machinations of the Neoconservative movement that engineered the Iraq War, see Michael Collins Piper’s book, The High Priests of War, and Dr. Stephen Sniegoski’s book, The Transparent Cabal." width="600" height="400”

Mossad fake Al Qaeda cell in Gaza

In December of 2002 Ariel Sharon claimed that al-Qaeda operatives were targeting Israelis, and used this as a provocation to launch attacks into Gaza

We know that they are there. We know that they are in Lebanon, working closely with Hezbollah. We know that they are in the region. Officials from the Palestinian Authority accused the Israeli spy agency Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza.

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The ruse ended when the Palestinian Authority captured three Mossad agents posing as al-Qaeda terrorists, (right), and paraded them before the international press. The Palestinians also produced documents that proved “the involvement of the Israeli intelligence in recruiting citizens from Gaza Strip in a fake organization carrying the name of Qaeda.”

U.S. Army Assessment of the Mossad

Just months before 9/11, the U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies was ordered to devise a plan for enforcing a major Israeli - Palestinian peace accord, should the United Nations ever authorize it. The Army attempted to predict events in the first year of a peace - enforcement operation, and assess possible dangers for U.S. troops from both sides. According to the study, a successful peacekeeping operation would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state.

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The paper referred to Israel’s armed forces as “Well armed and trained. Operates in both Gaza and the West Bank. Known to disregard international law to accomplish mission”. The Army intelligence officers wrote the following in their report in reference to the Mossad.

“Wild-card. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.” Although Army spokesman Maj. Garver said the study was “just an academic exercise”, this story was reported in the Washington Post just one day prior to 9/11.

Intelcenter & S.I.T.E. Intelligence – Zionist Fronts

Intelcenter is the source for most of the videos released by “al-qaeda”.

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Since 9/11 the company has conveniently produced frightening images of Osama bin Laden and other “terrorists”, just when public opinion is flagging. IntelCenter is owned and run by Ben Venzke, a Jew. The company is an offshoot of of IDEFENSE, which was staffed by senior PSYOP officer Jim Melnick, another Jew, who had previously answered directly to Donald Rumsfeld. IntelCenter was caught adding its logo and that of As-Sahab to the same layer of a purported al-Qaeda video in August of 2007. The company’s attempts to replicate Osama bin Laden’s likeness using computer morphing software and actors with different beard colors have been a running joke on the internet for years. Most commentators now believe Obama bin Laden is dead, yet Intelcenter recently released a new audiotape where he finally takes full responsibility for 9/11. For anyone who questions why there is no video, the company assures us that “audio messages are the rule, not the exception, and thus speculation as to health or anything else merely because the message is in audio form and not video does not hold up to analytical scrutiny”.

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Jewess Katz The other key group which magically ‘obtains’ and releases all of these scary Al Qaeda videos, and works day and night to villify Muslims as plotting, psychotic terrorists, is the shady organization calling itself SITE Intelligence, owned and operated by an Iraqi-born Zionist Jewess, Rita Katz, whose father was accused of spying for Israel during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. He was subsequently executed by Saddam Hussein. After the death of her father, Rita and her mother fled to Israel, where she served in the terrorist Israel Defense Force (IDF), and most likely murdered many innocent Palestinians for sport. Katz’ suspicious organization is the primary source for information (Really Disinformation) about “Islamic terrorism” used by news outlets, the FBI, the CIA and the US government. If Al Qaeda is blamed for a bombing it is because the Zionist Katz said so.

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Her wild claims are not questioned, but reported as fact by the Zionist-owned media. Essentially her organization “finds” all of its info on the internet by “monitoring Jihadist forums”. Yeah, that sounds real credible. This Jewish-run organization is in all likelyhood a front for the Mossad.

Jewish Al Qaeda

Jew Pearlman Also known as Azzam the American, this so called Al Qaida spokesperson has portrayed himself as a fiery Islamic radical. His videos threatening terrorist attacks on Americans even earned him a place on the FBI’s most wanted terrorists list. In reality he is a Jew named Adam Pearlman, and his grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was on the Board of Directors of the Anti-Defamation League!

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Phony and Ridiculous Evidence Indicates Frame Up Job

9 / 11 Oswald's

The still image pictured right is that of Ziad Jarrah and Mohammed Atta, two alleged 9/11 hijacker ringleaders. This scene where the pair are together laughing hysterically as if they just took a few hits from a bong, is supposedly from their “martyrdom” video shot a year or so before the big event. Do these men appear to you like hardened, ice cold terrorists about to depart on a “suicide mission” for Allah?

Hardly. An astonishing revelation came in the form of a New York Times article which revealed that Ziad Jarrah’s cousin, Ali Al Jarrah, was discovered by Lebanese authorities to have been a Mossad Spy for 25 years! Evidence uncovered by the investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker proves that the Mohammed Atta who was living and attending a flight school in Florida had a personality and lifestyle vastly opposite to the real “Muslim”

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Mohammed Atta who has been described by people who knew him as “shy” and a “pious Muslim”. According to Hopsicker’s investigations the Atta living in Flordia was a, “wealthy, chain smoking, drug dealing psychopath who spoke fluent Hebrew.” It appears Atta was framed by a Hebrew-speaking Jew (Mossad agent) impersonating him. The FBI admitted that several or all of the alleged 911 hijackers used fake IDs. Soon after the 911 attacks it was reported that several of the alleged Muslim 911 attackers were alive and well in the middle-east who had their passports stolen years previous — apparent victims of identity theft. Who is most known for stealing/forging passports to use on covert operations? You guessed it, the Israeli Mossad. Prior to the 911 attacks it was reported that several of the alleged future Muslim hijackers were engaged in some very un-Islamic fundamentalist behaviors — including aquiring hookers, getting drunk and doing drugs. According to the FBI several Muslim men had used credit cards to pay for drinks and lap dances at a strip club the night before 911. According to witnesses several of these “Muslims” were making loud anti-American statements such as, “wait til’ tomorrow America is going to see bloodshed”, and then left a Koran behind at the bar!

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Six nights before 911 Atta and several of his henchmen had a binge-drinking session in a Florida bar called Shukums, where one of the owners recalled hearing Atta get angry and shout obscenities including a peculiarly blasphemous one: “Fuck God.” Whoever these people were they clearly wanted to be seen/heard and identified as Muslims who were angry with America. The behavior of these men proves they were not Islamic fundamentalists as they have been portrayed by the Zionist media — they were not even religious at all. They were Mossad agents impersonating Muslim radicals tasked with deliberately leaving behind a false trail of evidence for reporters and the FBI to follow. This is standard intelligence work and a hall mark of past Israeli ‘false flags’. It is the opinion of this author that personalities such as Atta, Jarrah, and the 17 other alleged Arab 9/11 hijackers, were only used as misdirection. Such media villains as Osama Bin Laden are mere inventions of the Jewish crime network, and are thus hardly worth mention, save for their direction connection to the Zionist Jews who planned, orchestrated and benefitted from 9/11. There are a number of suspicious circumstances that quickly arose from the ashes of 9/11 which casts serious doubt on the veracity of the goverment’s official fairy tale, and strongly indicates that 9/11 was indeed an anti-Arab frame up.

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For instance it was claimed by the FBI that a paper passport of alleged co-hijacker of flight 11, Satam Al Suqami, SURVIVED the plane crash into the WTC, as well as the subsequent fireball inferno, only to be found a couple of blocks from the towers, unburned, intact and readable for the FBI to identify this indiviudal as a hijacker! This tall tale is proof that the Mossad went around planting evidence to put the blame for the attacks on Arabs. Amazingly, the lying US government claimed three of the alleged nineteen hijackers passport’s survived the crashes intact, and that another was found in the luggage of Mohammed Atta (more on that later).

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Why would terrorists even bring passports on domestic flights?

The Mural Van One of the more bizarre events of the day came in the form of a mysterious delivery truck parked somewhat near the twin towers in between 6th and 7th on King Street, with a mural painted on the side that literally depicted a jetliner crashing into the twin towers and exploding. This police audio transmission below indicates that the two suspects in the van started to run away when the truck was stopped and were apprehended shortly thereafter in some sort of struggle. The police recording also indicates that the truck subsequently exploded following the detainment of the two suspects. Further corroboration of this incident came in the form of a reference in the February 2006 Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (MTI) report entitled: “Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks”.

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Although the existence of the mural van is confirmed by this report, it basically amounts to a whitewash of the actual incident. The last sentence of the relevant quote concludes that this truck that had a painting of the 9/11 attacks on it, on 9/11, was just an “innocent delivery truck”. They also scrubbed out the part about the subsquent explosion of the truck, which the NYPD recording above confirms. It is said that the truck was rented to a group of “ethnic middle eastern people” who didn’t speak english.

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Israelis just happen to be ethnic middle eastern people. If the apprehended suspects were Arabs this incident would have been plastered all over the media as proof of an “Arab Al Qaeda conspiracy”. The fact that this incident was never mentioned in the official 9/11 commission report, and completely ignored by the mass media, is a strong indication that these “ethnic middle easterners”, who had painted up a truck with the future 9/11 attack scenario on it, were Israelis.