
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

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Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6

Advanced 2 Unit 2

How much do you know about Digital Media? Match these web terms with their definitions

Activity 1

a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual.



a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media.


hacking a form of marketing that utilizes social networking websites to produce content that users will share, resulting in an inexpensive form of advertising.

gain unauthorized access to a system or computer.

a photograph that one has taken of oneselfselfie


action which results in identifying someone else in a post, photo or status update that you share

How much do you know about Digital Media? Match these web terms with their definitions

Activity 1

a feature that allows users to show their support for specific comments, pictures, posts, etc. in social media sites




any word or phrase which allows you to see other posts containing the same keyword or topic.

an image, video, piece of information, etc. that is circulated rapidly and widely on the Internet.

people you don’t know who access your posts in social media


Watch the video “Aspirational” and answer these questions.

Activity 2

Kirsten Dunst is a famous and respected actress who has appeared in both blockbusters and art house films.

1) Does Kirsten strike you as the type of celeb who generally hates being accosted by fans?

2) Do the girls know anything about her other than the fact that she is famous?

3) Are they tongue tied because they are meeting their favorite actress or, perhaps, having lost the practice of talking to people, they prefer texting about the encounter instead?

4) Would you say they are more exited about the prospect of getting more followers than the fact that they have actually met Kirsten?

5) What is the message of this short film?

Activity 3

Chupacabras attacking cows

Heavy UFO presence Close encounters of the

third type Indian ghosts Haunted houses Headless horsemen Grave robbers Changelings Vampires

There are enough supernatural occurrences in the Bridgewater triangle to keep agent Moulder busy for the next few years. However, the following list contains some extra mysteries not mentioned in the documentary. Check the ones that are actually mentioned.

Werewolves Haunted forests Satanic cults Bigfoot sightings Ancient coursesWitches GnomesMothmen Doppelgangers

Activity 3

One reason for using reporting verbs in the passive is when we cannot verify the source of the information, as it happens to be the case with the Bridgewater mysteries. Write a short report on the mysteries.

Useful Language It is thought

/believed that bigfoot…

It was alleged that the corpse…

The UFO was reported to…

Satanic cultists are feared to…

A disembodied face was said to…








Activity 4

In an effort to advertise an expensive brand of mineral water, Jennifer Aniston makes a viral video about making a viral video.

She resorts to some cheap tactics to increase the number of viewers. Which are they?

Can you find examples of successful social media add campaigns?

How effective do you think they are?

Activity 5

His two victims made mistakes that helped Elliot hack them. What were they?Should only people “with something to hide” be concerned about hakers?

Elliot represents a new generation of hackers who use their powers to fulfill their own sense of justice. They are often referred to as hacktivists. If you cross somebody like him, you’d better have good online security measures in place or he’ll turn you life upside down –and take your dog to boot.

Elliot is a hacker with trust issues. Watch the clip highlighting his exploits regarding his psychologist and decide if he’s using his skills for good or evil.

Activity 5

Your first line of defense is good judgment and a strong password. Which of these do you think would take Elliot the longest to guess?

Use this service to check how long it would take for someone like Elliot to crack it. Can you create a stronger 12 character alphanumeric password that you can actually remember? Compare with other classmates and see who created the strongest one.

1234567890 password 1qaz2wsx

letmein qwertyuiop starwars

dragon237 Dylan_2791 1stmaster

A sinkhole has suddenly appeared in Bridgewater and the amount of paranormal activity reported in the area has increased exponentially. A police detective is investigating the event and a reporter has been sent to the site to interview him/her.

Activity 6

Detective Reporter

Activity 6 Student A

This is what people tell you: The sinkhole appeared overnight in an empty lot. Witnesses swear they’ve heard strange voices coming from the deep. One man recorded the voices and claims they say “The end is at hand” when played backwards. All household animals in the neighboring area fled the scene. A woman whose 15 cats escaped says she saw small anthropomorphic creatures coming out of the hole.Useful Language:• The sinkhole is believed to…• It seems that… • There are thought to be…• It’s reasonable to assume that…

You are a police detective sent to Bridgewater to investigate the fantastic claims of the residents regarding a sinkhole. You don’t believe in any of that paranormal stuff and your language will reflect that.

You are a TV reporter sent to Bridgewater to investigate the fantastic claims of the residents regarding a sinkhole. You believe in the paranormal and the government conspiracy to hide the truth.

Activity 6 Student B

This is what people tell you: The sinkhole appeared overnight in an empty lot. Witnesses swear they’ve heard strange voices coming from the deep. One man recorded the voices and claims they say “The end is at hand” when played backwards. All household animals in the neighboring area fled the scene. A woman whose 15 cats escaped says she saw small anthropomorphic creatures coming out of the hole.

Useful Language:• Detective, how can you explain…?• What seems to be the cause of…?• What is the government doing to investigate claims that…?• Can you confirm sightings of…?
