  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    AmsterdAmdAnce event



  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    AmsterdAmdAnce event


    And festivAlfor electronic


    19 20 21 22october 2011

    An initiAtiveof bumA

    The Amsterdam Dane Event (ADE) is the leading eletroni

    musi onerene and the worlds biggest lub estival or

    eletroni musi. The event oers a unique blend o daytime

    onerenes, inluding interative workshops, tehnial

    demonstrations and in-depth round-table disussions,alongside a nighttime musi estival whih takes plae in

    44 venues around the ity. The annual event attrats 3,000

    business proessionals and 120,000 estival visitors rom all

    around the globe.

    With a wide range o promotional opportunities, the ADE is

    the peret plae to reah both international onsumers and

    business proessionals. In this promotional brohure you will

    nd various ways to present yoursel or your ompany to the

    international eletroni musi sene.

    Feel ree to ontat us with any questions you might have.

    Our ontat details are listed on the last page.

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    costum brAndActivAtions


    Ade conferencedirectory

    cocktAil HoursAde festivAlmAgAzine(dJbroAdcAst

    Ade sPeciAl)

    Ade conference bAg

    Ade vesPA cArtsPromotion

    Ade conferencebAdge & lAnyArd

    Ade iPHone &Android APP

    Ade flyer & Posternetwork

    Ade tv

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    DJBroadast teams up with the ADE or the oial estival

    magaine o the event. The ADE Festival Magaine (onsisting

    o 132 pages, written in English) will ous on both the

    onerene and the estival, eaturing the main players as well

    as the underground talent, lubbing and lie in Amsterdam,

    musi rights, agenda ino, books, gadgets, gear, ashion and

    muh more.

    The ADE Festival Magaine (DJBroadast ADE speial) will

    be released on the 5th o September, and has a irulation

    o 50,000. 35,000 opies will be distributed in Holland, while

    15,000 opies hit the shops in United Kingdom, Germany

    and Belgium. The magaine will also be inluded in the ADE

    onerene bag.


    2/1 page (ull olor) 450 285 mm 4.750,-

    1/1 page (ull olor) 225 285 mm 2.800,-

    1/2 page (ull olor) 205 130.5 mm 1.400,-

    Date o issue September 5th 2011

    Deadline or advertisements August 25th 2011

    Deadline or reservations August 15th 2011

    Ade festivAlmAgAzine(dJbroAdcAst

    Ade sPeciAl)

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    ADEs diretory is the most important soure o inormation or

    the international eletroni musi industry. Being used not only

    during the onerene but throughout the year, the diretory

    inludes all the neessary inormation or proessionals

    attending the onerene, inluding: a omplete list o

    attending ompanies, the our-day onerene and estival

    program and inormative artiles. The diretory ontains 256

    pages and is distributed among the partiipants o ADE.


    1/1 page 144 210 mm 1.500,-

    1/2 page 144 103 mm 900,-

    cirulation: 3.000

    Date o issue rom Otober 19 onwardsDeadline or artwork September 23rd 2011

    Reservations till September 19th 2011

    Ade conferencedirectory

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    The ADE conerene Bag (3.000 bags) is handed out to all

    onerene attendees. Inserting your promotional material in

    the bag is a great way to bring your artist, ompany or event to

    the attention o the international dane musi industry.

    The osts to have one promotional item inserted in eah o the

    3.000 onerene-bags are 850,-

    Etra thik items may be harged an additional ee. Flyers will

    be sealed in a pak inside the bag.

    Deadline or materials: in the mailing oe between Otober

    11th and Otober 15th 2011 (not earlier, not later)

    Reservations until Otober 3rd 2011

    Ade conference bAg

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    The ADE badge and the lanyard are probably the best ways to

    gain visibility or your ompany. The ADE badge and lanyard

    are worn by every proessional partiipant plus the badge is

    the most important identiation tool during the event.

    Pries on request

    The ADE badge and the lanyard are sold out or ADE 2011.

    Ade conference bAdgeAnd lAnyArd

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    The peret way to meet and soialie with your internationaleletroni musi industry network during the ADE is a

    sponsored drink/oktail hour at one o our onerene

    loations, where (potential) business ontats an be oered

    a drink and ompanies and/or produts an be introdued.

    Its possible to host a oktail hour at one o the two beautiul

    onerene loations alongside the anals o Amsterdam: the

    a o the Feli Meritis and the garden o the Dylan Hotel.

    Pries on request.

    cocktAil Hours

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    In the past years, several brands have used the ADE as a

    platorm or reahing a unique mi o industry proessionals

    and (inter)national lubbers.

    We an oer our servies in reating and eeuting a unique

    brand ativation around Feli Meritis, in the lubs or in

    temporary guerrilla loations in the ity. On the net two pages,

    two eamples are shown o events organied by ADE and

    Blueprint Media.

    custom brAndActivAtions

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    custom brAndActivAtions:

    red bull music AcAdemyPoP uP studio

    In 2010 Red Bull Musi Aademy took over the conrete store

    and reated a temporary hub and radio station where around

    70 djs like carl craig, Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson, Derrik

    May and Mihael Mayer popped in during the week or an

    interview and a dj set. The whole week the loation was open

    or publi, and there where live broadasts rom the lubs.

    The musi was aired 24/7 live on a loal FM requeny and

    online via and DJBroadast.FM.

    Photo by Arenda de Hoop

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    custom brAndActivAtions:


    For the citron DS3, a viral/soial ommunity ampaign was

    organied together with ADE where a ew luky people ould

    win a rst lass citron VIP arrangement to the ADE.

    Net to this, speially o-branded DS3s where oered by

    citron used as premium transport during the our days or key

    proessionals and artists.

    When ative, the ars where highly visible in the ity and

    when passive the ars were plaed right in ront o the main

    onerene loation: Feli Meritis.

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    During ADE, 8 Vespa Piaggio Ape 50s will ride through

    Amsterdam all day to distribute fyers to various relevant

    loations, like reord shops, lubs, aes, restaurants, beah

    lubs, and a network o (lothing) shops. ADE oers the

    possibility to brand one o these eye athers the week beoreand during the ADE with 6 posters on the sides and bak.

    1 poster, one week 100,- per poster (A2)

    One week branded art 500,- per art

    (6 A2 or 3 A1 landsape)

    Two weeks branded art 800,- per art

    Deadline or materials: Otober 8th 2011.

    Reservations until Otober 8th 2011.

    Ade vesPA cArtsPromotion

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    The peret way to promote your label or event is to be seen

    at the right plaes. ADE oers the possibility to gain visibility

    by distributing fyers on various relevant loations, like reord

    shops, lubs, aes, restaurants, beah lubs, and a network

    o (lothing) shops. ADE oers the ollowing pakages or the

    distribution o fyers and posters:

    Flyer packages (20 fyers per location, A5 or A6):

    WHERE cOSTSInnerity pakage

    150 addresses, entre o Amsterdam 300,-

    Greater Amsterdam pakage

    400 addresses, all Amsterdam 500,-

    Posterpackages (1 poster per address, A2 or A3):


    Innerity pakage

    150 addresses, entre o Amsterdam 300,-

    Greater Amsterdam pakage

    400 addresses, all Amsterdam 500,-

    Deadline or materials: in the mailing oe between Otober

    11th and Otober 15th 2011. Reservations until Otober 3rd

    2011. Pries o other sies than mentioned above on request.

    Ade flyer & Posternetwork

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    ADE delivers a program with editorial estival and onerene

    news items that is broadast under the name ADE TV onnarrow asting network Librium. Librium is hosting 1.240

    sreens in 155 trams o Amsterdam. The network reahes a

    stunning number o 500.000 viewers per week. In the last two

    weeks o Otober 2011, ADE will be hosting a show that will

    be dediated to the Amsterdam Dane Event. Eah item will

    be 15 seonds long and will be broadast 30 times per day.


    One week 500,- per item

    Two weeks 800,- per item

    Ade tv

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    Ade iPHone &Android APP

    To onnet and interat with your network and get quikaess to the program during ADE is very important.

    ADE will make it easier and a lot more un or lubbers

    and proessionals with a servie navigation app or

    iPhone and Android. This app will make it possible to nd

    your interative route to all ADE events, by using Layar

    or eample. There are several possibilities or sponsor

    ativities within the ADE app.

    More ino and pries on request.

  • 8/6/2019 ADE Promotional Opportunities


    Blueprint Media BV

    Postbus 3952

    1001 AT Amsterdam

    The Netherlands

    Oe: +31(0)

    Email: [email protected]


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
