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  • 7/29/2019 Access Workshop 05


    Microsoft Access 2000 Workshop 5 Modifying Forms

    Designed by T. S. Wong 1

    Modifying Forms

    A. Opening an Existing Database Start Microsoft Access and open the ITClass Database.

    B. Opening an Existing Form

    1. Click to select the Forms object if necessary.

    2. Double-click the Students form.

    3. It can be seen that the two sets of navigation buttons in the Students form can be

    quite confusing.

    (Actually the upper row of navigation buttons belongs to Hobby Subform, and isuseful only for moving around hobbies within a particular students record.)

    4. Close the Students form.

    Two sets of navigation buttons

    can be confusing.

  • 7/29/2019 Access Workshop 05


    Microsoft Access 2000 Workshop 5 Modifying Forms

    Designed by T. S. Wong 2

    C. Modifying the Hobby Subform Form

    1. Click to select the Hobby Subform form.

    2. Click the Design View button to open the form in Design View.

    3. Choose Properties from the View menu.

    4. In the Form dialog box, click to select the Format page if necessary.

    5. For the Navigation Buttons options, select No from the drop-down list.

    6. Click the Save button on the Toolbar to save the HobbySubform form.

    7. Close the Hobby Subform form.

    1. Click to select Hobby


    2. Click the Design View


    3. Choose Properties

    from the View menu.

    4. Choose the Format

    page if necessary.

    5. Choose No from thedrop-down list.

  • 7/29/2019 Access Workshop 05


    Microsoft Access 2000 Workshop 5 Modifying Forms

    Designed by T. S. Wong 3

    D. Viewing the Students Form Again

    1. Double-click the Students form to open it in Form View.

    i. Note that only the set of navigation buttons for the Students form remains, the

    set of navigation buttons for the Hobby Subform form is removed.

    ii. Besides, the StudentID textbox is not wide enough to display all the contents.2. Close the Students form.

    E. Modifying the Students Form

    1. Open Students in Design View.

    2. Click to select the StudentID text box.

    i. Only the set of navigation

    buttons forStudents remains.

    ii. The StudentID text box is

    not wide enough to show all

    the contents.

    2. Click to select the

    StudentID text box.

  • 7/29/2019 Access Workshop 05


    Microsoft Access 2000 Workshop 5 Modifying Forms

    Designed by T. S. Wong 4

    3. Resize the StudentID text box by dragging the middle square box of the right edge

    to the right to lengthen the text box.

    4. Drag the bigger square box at the upper left corner of the StudentID text box to the

    left in order to move the text box to the left so that it will not overlap with the

    Remarks label.

    5. Repeat similar procedures for the Class and ClassNo text boxes, as well as the

    SAMember check box.

    3. Drag the right edge to

    the right to lengthen the

    StudentID text box.

    4. Drag this bigger square

    box to the left.

    5. Drag the Class text box to the

    left so that it aligns with the

    StudentID text box again.

  • 7/29/2019 Access Workshop 05


    Microsoft Access 2000 Workshop 5 Modifying Forms

    Designed by T. S. Wong 5

    6. Click the StudentID label (not the StudentID text box) to select it.

    7. Click it again so that it becomes editable.

    8. ChangeStudentID to Student ID (i.e., add a space between Student and ID).9. Use similar procedures to change ClassNo to Class No, SAMember to SA

    Member, andBirthday to Date of Birth.

    10. Click the Hobby label to select it.

    11. Press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete the label.

    6. Click to select the

    StudentID label.

    7. Click it again to

    make it editable.

    10. Select the Hobby

    label and delete it.

  • 7/29/2019 Access Workshop 05


    Microsoft Access 2000 Workshop 5 Modifying Forms

    Designed by T. S. Wong 6

    12. Click the Save button on the Toolbar to save all the changes on the Students form.

    13. Close the Students form in Design View.

    14. Double-click the Students form in Form View to observe the changes.

    F. Modifying the Students Form Again

    1. Close the Students form in Form View if necessary.

    2. Open the Students form in Design View again.

    3. In the Object drop-down list, select Hobby Subform to select it in the Students


    12. Click the Save button

    to save all the changes.

    3. Select Hobby Subform

    from the drop-down list.

  • 7/29/2019 Access Workshop 05


    Microsoft Access 2000 Workshop 5 Modifying Forms

    Designed by T. S. Wong 7

    4. Resize the Hobby Subform object in the Students form by dragging its right edge

    to the left.

    5. Click to select the objects (or select them through the Object drop-down list) and

    then drag them to the proper places on the Students form as below.

    (Resize the objects again if necessary.)

    6. Save all the changes and close the Students form in Design View.

    7. Double-click the Students form to open it in Form View.

    8. Use the Tab key to move around the fields on the Students form.

    (Note the order as the cursor moves around the fields.)

    9. Close the Students form in Form View.

    Drag the right edge of

    the Hobby Subform

    object to the left.

    Drag to the left up to

    somewhere here.

  • 7/29/2019 Access Workshop 05


    Microsoft Access 2000 Workshop 5 Modifying Forms

    Designed by T. S. Wong 8

    G. Changing the Tab Index of Fields in Form View

    1. Open the Students form in Design View again.

    2. Double-click the StudentID text box to open its properties dialog box.

    3. Click the Other tab to select the Other page.

    (Note that the Tab IndexforStudentID is 0.)

    4. Click each field to see its Tab Index.

    5. Change the Tab Index for the Name field to 4, Birthday to 5, and Address to 6.

    (Note that the Tab Index forRemarks has been changed to 7 automatically.)

    6. Save the changes and check the Students form in Form View again.

    7. Close the Students form and choose Exit from the File menu.

    2. Double-click the

    StudentID text box.

    3. Click the Other


    The Tab Index for

    StudentID is 0.

    4. Note that the Tab

    Index forClass is 1.

    5. Change the Tab IndexforName from 5 to 4.