
EFEK DEKOKTA PELEPAH DAUN NIPAH (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) TERHADAP KADAR TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR ALPHA (TNF-) HEPAR TIKUS MODEL DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE-2M. Karunia Fadillah1, Helmin Elyani2, Arif Yahya21 Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Malang

2 Staf Pengajar Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Malang

Email: [email protected] : Komplikasi DMT-2 berkaitan dengan penurunan fungsi hepar akibat kematian sel hepar. Hiperglikemia kronis mampu mengaktivasi mediator inflamasi seperti IL-6, IL-18, IL-1 dan TNF- pada hepar. Hal tersebut dapat secara langsung menginduksi jalur kematian sel berupa apoptosis dan meningkatkan formasi dari advanced glycated end products (AGEs), autooksidasi glukosa, dan oksidasi fosforilasi yang dapat meningkatkan reactive oxygen species (ROS) sehingga menimbulkan kondisi stres oksidatif. Paparan ROS dapat menimbulkan peroksidasi lipid dan mengaktivasi sel kupffer sehingga meningkatkan pelepasan mediator inflamasi, diantaranya TNF-. Pelepah daun nipah (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) memiliki potensi sebagai antidiabetik, antioksidan, dan antiinflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan efek dekokta pelepah daun nipah terhadap kadar TNF-( hepar pada tikus model DMT-2.

Metode: Penelitian in vivo ini menggunakan desain control group post test only menggunakan tikus Wistar jantan. Tikus model DMT-2 diinduksi menggunakan High Fructose Diet (HFD) dan Streptozotocin (STZ) single dose 35 mg/kgBB. Pemberian dekokta pelepah daun nipah dosis 200, 400 dan 800 mg/kgBB diberikan personde selama 30 hari. Pengukuran kadar TNF-( hepar tikus menggunakan metode ELISA indirect. Data dianalisa dengan uji one way ANOVA, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan LSD. Hasil dikatakan bermakna bila p0.05.Hasil: Pemberian dekokta pelepah daun nipah dosis 200 mg/kgBB, 400 mg/kgBB, 800 mg/kgBB mampu menurunkan kadar TNF-( hepar tikus berturut-turut sekitar 10%, 29%, dan 32% dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol positif (p0.05).Kesimpulan: Dekokta pelepah daun nipah dosis 200 mg/kgBB, 400 mg/kgBB, 800 mg/kgBB mampu menurunkan kadar TNF-( hepar pada tikus model DMT-2.Kata Kunci: Nypa fruticans Wurmb., Diabetes Melitus Tipe-2 (DMT-2), kadar TNF-( hepar.DECOCTED MIDRIB OF NIPAH LEAF (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) EFFECT TO THE HEPATIC TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR ALPHA (TNF-) ON TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS RAT MODELM. Karunia Fadillah1, Helmin Elyani2, Arif Yahya2

1 Undergraduate Student of Medical Faculty Islamic University of Malang2 Lecturer at Medical Faculty Islamic University of MalangEmail: [email protected]: DMT-2 complications usually connected to reduced hepatic function due to cell death mechanism. Chronic hyperglycemia can induce hepatic mediators of inflammation such as IL-6, IL18, IL-1 and TNF-. Thus, it will directly induce cell death pathway mechanism like apoptosis and also increase formation of advanced glycated end products (AGEs), glucose auto oxidation and Oxidative phosphorylation that can increase the amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which resulted in oxidative stress. Exposure with ROS can induce lipid peroxidation and activation of kupffer cell that will also increase the amount of released inflammatory mediators such as TNF-. The midrib part of nipah leaf (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) was known to be potentially having anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation effect. This research aims to prove the decocted nipah leaf effect to the hepatic TNF- level of DMT-2 rat models.

Methods: This in vivo research was using control group post-test only design on male wistar rats. DMT-2 rat model were induced with High Fructose Diet (HFD) and 35 mg/Kgbw of Streptozotocin (STZ) single dose. Supplementation of decocted nipah leaf with the dose of 200, 400 and 800 mg/kgbw was given orally for 30 days. TNF-( level were measured using indirect ELISA. The data were analized with one way ANOVA test continued with LSD. The result will be significant if p0.05Result: Oral administration of Nipah leaf with the dose of 200 mg/kgbw, 400 mg/kgbw, 800 mg/kgbw was able to reduce hepatic TNF-( level respectively by 10%, 29%, dan 32% compared to control positive group (p0.05).Conclusion: Decocted midrib part of nipah leaf with the dose of 200 mg/kgBB, 400 mg/kgBB, 800 mg/kgBB were able to reduce hepatic TNF-( level on DMT-2 rat model.Keywords: Nypa fruticans Wurmb., Type-2 Diabetes Melitus (DMT-2), hepatic TNF-( level.