Page 1: aa^iTB. V. v.«AU8.)«u.'vm umn * · aa^iTB. V. v.«AU8.)«u.'vm umn * cou «.c. txxm, M. I ji^Js ' S NASHVaJLE, SATURDAY AUGUS

aa^iTB. V. v.«AU8.)«u.'vm u m n * cou «.c. txxm, M. I j i ^ J s S '

N A S H V a J L E , S A T U R D A Y , A U G U S T 1 8 , I 8 6 0 . I TWO BOULUtS DT AWrMSfCt, t irBm»xraxM!»mmf&3t.i

l i t . . U tkft ^ . t f A M t k v t h v m

E ^ T L W C L A L ^ J B d B W I R I I T

Bfeti^ ssit f s d ^ fisalKs BcalanU^vh aoncrite pliiaBa,«ttkDA n*sne%tE» a * ae-^ of Mtr otbcr dmc^ Is Aa votU t

JKCtCKCr tkal CM

LISEM^Mm iKtla.

d b s h t u -••n





TmTTSSS&TSS^ MiJ MttteitM «hftl>a. iti

. Jl.*tfan>

E S S r S B S S S . ' t S :


^ M, y,Baw I w ^ l " »T |ia i«ti« matat MM mUT

r,m.mimx h N ^ i i i t m i n i ^ t »rillIIII on


X V 2. A W , r , TWJLU,

F m lb. I<BciM> BoU-

K X C K P N A S A V K O S J M X D M K I C B K B S .


poiBtuB*iiiiA«rlj^a]rti«IaaB tbanaeo-tiim af exdsfed BeKiKH. Will, i f oar "ii-vtaEtj" Mnrpeeta tioi nlijeetba sek, i t es J1J* « Gur pcespeotcf 1*00*07 BBOffWfcflie Xock^gaa » a : St. Iriats h«>%lsks&

am m fciai mmt maotm, t k a t , b H oar mint li.»M ia skill,

i ^ a l ^ h ^ of « bTonbk iasiifr The «ra«r4 wnr deSmfed^irai aaramad h j iba Bitruld, taaa twaitj jtm» ago, or'tfc«r«-(jbrntu, «Tth tiw genoal ooaatreBM of B ^ t ^ cdinza tkttmehoat tfce •satxr. iadwibg

and Kcrcae. I t I a ai!-. a a t , tlwniac:, «id«& osr Wd t aa esaaj ta esre, and t&o; m s t Bstlta srpriaedS tbs at-BBaiif *f lB!4prav aaaaceAL '

' Bat v U k ioab tM ef I n r saamm, we think it pc^ertoaaT tkat, t v n , ^ S i I h w "donoc** MBBB tk« a m likvl; ta pne-

• OB ii|KS OS «ita tff>t He bees, kiwelf, m t b a c s ^ j BBiiteii tbe nsie aiiaMat, aod rcffsrerj i sf r ^ M onrcue, t&at, ia adtfi tioa • m m {trafioniaal

iw ^oanaies tka tinatkgs of

t fcnmjl^BHMil lemur' of hia own ears. %t»j i-id sV fpwa ; to oo i In * The Olinroh IfaadierV S ia i i ^ , ' ' palitgied 1947 and n ^ Ib&ed I35&.as*^tnisr»aBoat«f ikatnopla, }et beasnfiiL beaasae daXKly taag&t, ehdllb

vUah is tiM atreoA aad t&e gtair ef Bapt&ia,'' Br GrawcU tfai f .Uowiss las-goage, m p e r f ^ aeeorisea ni ik t!is pocitioB of the R t r g i i :

" Aa azsisded Bioilir muf apptj for ad-iB»anfe>a«atinrahiia&. Bvor? elnni i ftaii.

, a rigftt ta i<0BT9 aay ime wKoa it ^ fat tesibenkip. Tet eaeb

dmild m i £ i r dne npeot ta all etbert. aad •vtaiB propar vkocity. Saek ahnld pramBS t& t aaotbarkaa done rigbt is ex-da£i ig a v e m W , asi aot take sn)i7 aa eri-dmseeto tkeotatrart I f hekasbreawroagad, tite v m g a&ovld It iwtifiad wiicre it «>a

-aomiBttt^. ~ "ir, b o i m r , & d t o ^ eoosr, m w U ^ •ttBifeatlr, a aeaikr m i iapraperlT "B i J n v l f ezsLried, arf t&e elisr^ abnild penot B ntamn§ ta emee ba o o ^ t to haTe a lemcdj. An tAk tiarefa, beisg foils eon Tinnd diat hsfajoUtled to meabeniluip,'ik(mlii aftar niitaUB dai^ u d m auefal inveBt^atka ti t ia eaae-^<6tlw ekar^ bMB dal;

sottfied af tke^taBtiea—reeetTo kizn. Saeii a eue ko—taBwIdom oeeaxa, asd this eearse ia isaofiabie^eil* ia cztWBe oaeaa." (Part 3, A - f e W S . )

3riw,*iifaie»wy tywptam of owr ulaeni n l y i daraiBjpnnit. Let s ^ tk«i, e z a a ^ 4« reaa i s^o3 tte i tmg tk of wiiioit tiie «di-tar tk« Tattkmm "anaaja fata own lajing," aaj dsaianiie rigfat of a etiareb to teoeiTa per^ Miaa i^s t i j ex3aded fnm bl&er eharoltea ^ tii« jalpneat of cfcari^ tbat reaacanig ooa-ttioa as fe^tke t t e o y t o f tke oosudaratiasa

a(e(aa|)It>lied his otxro : acd it i review

w l l faa5Ie (a to deeida, wfaetker we ina;;^«afe' "be iff with tbe eld Jo»e, aad on with tie

June" u n ia this astter. I . Tin fhtekmoM auuataiBs that jadg

awn:«f thaehordi, as the body of Ciuiat, is axstadiog laeoiben, ia, when tx-mmui, the !rae ezpieac^ at tha inl l of Okiiai;" that "one oao diareh of Chriat kax

rigbt to oofc into t^e aoc« of acotber trse jHuffsii of Ciritf. ta diaerimioate between them, IB prrmonca oat right aad aaothar wroog, tr

- BbSrm OBeasd sailif/ aiwtlwr;'* and thUa*

agree witk'te that i f oce trae oh«re% of Chrut has the right to look Btfa> UM oeeradifia^ acta ef aaother t r n ehartk of Christ, to diaerimi-aate betwwa them, tOTaronoaaoe oae right aad asother wcoBg, to eonira oa* aad aallify an-other, i t onat haTo aaxqaal rithtte lo^iBto. aad to diBcgrimiBaie batw^thafafardtn^ aati ef that eharoh. The right aa i t be admitted a«<jh leipeet ta boft-danu of aeti. er wjth raap^ot to aaither ; for the aota are bat USa-oat xaroiaea of thie oae pnwer to r^:«Iate fd-l o w ^ . Whffl w« the aeeredited

8teaber,w(ksay that the ehardt ia the of thatpiwar shoald hare tzeladed him;

when we Moeive the c x d a M a M b w we wiy that the flhardi in the exs rm ef that p o r o •hoold haToaeere^trf htai. D M the ose «ayi«f iniade the jmregatiToa of the Aareh. a j ' t o r tictio amthaa tbeo ther? Who can •first it f

I L " I t laaat be rexMaberad," says toe Wait imat , "thaiperaoas exdaded feom the ehareh are atill, ia a peealiar.aeose aader' the «»»eh-e«reof that diaftb, far a d a o s i ^ , and if piiaf»b?e, far rwtoratioa. th« 8<«ptw*a expreariy te»e%." I t argues that the «»g Aareh a still aader law to Christ to rmpoet to A e rxeiad«a uemhv—viifT the l a» " Coaat h>n iia« as aa ecea;, bat adouxn-irt him OS aad thataoother Aareh.

t ^ f jre, has the right, by reeeiTiDg, to tell him Hie does right in eoa'emoin^ and tareir^ his baok ap^n tne adaoaitiona cf that eharei '

To aift this appf^ to law, let the Uw *pe»k. " I f any maaoboy not oar wjrd by tkia epistle, note that man aad hare so vKnpaay with him, that he may be aahamej.

eratat him not at aa enemy, hat a^-^noaivh him as a brother." (2 Tkeaa. Hi: 14, 15 )

(1 ) Oar firat r«a«rk. ia, thai this law has ao ptaoe.ia the eoatroveny. I t refera to eaaea

j iMezslaaon; bat the qieation at iaane respMts eaae<i where ezelasioo is arjist. A-J-atjaittoo of the persm who had beec eat cff firoa* aiaaberahip while entitled to it aader the Uw «f Chrirt, is no part eC the ehmah's daty: her daty lies ia eoafeasiea of the wrtme she «as done hiat, aad ia reparatioa for it While re foug todo thia, ahe taraa her back on Christ, aad the rietiaa of her ir j latiee may tnra his baek on her agdeserred admonitioci Bat waiviog thi» point—

(3 } The phraseology of tho law does not deteraine wii-siher the admonitioa as a brother' mnatjp before rxoommaoieatioa or follow after i t W.J bdta that it goes before 1. It is a plata dietate of eomnoa jwtiee, that there it •a admonition as a brother whieh man ga be-fore ezsaauB-ioioation—riaee aa offender bc-


^ & CO, aawos

ehurah i l i i d a ^ boo i^ to presaaie that i etiier ohan to er« ehorehes. and to a«t on

Muit preraaipttiB it tawit "aot eatertun th< appiisatiao «f o e who omes with a talo of a^jint exi^aaot fntm other eharohea."

We npJy. f l ) H i t e »w j aet of a ^arch OiiresHS'^e sill of C h r ^ bat only those aets whieh are ia eonfarmity with His law But aa ««ji5t*x«bR<int is not in eoaformitj with the law of Ciriat, aad thertfore dies not tx^ ia i his w ^ I t is directly igiiosi Hi.> • a t ss enbodwd in lh« law prescr biog the f9a}ift.<atiaas Rr ssewibetthip. aad eoaferriEg Membenhifs • • aU who poesaas thete

^iatioas. fj^.. (2 ) Wo^grmt the pasnaptian ia srery-eMe

[ c i s a a — O F A U .

TOHBSS* I I • 1 1 * 1 1 — N

. y lauLit

sf tzsiaaisw, that the ja^gment ef the rtaieh « right, s a l that i t docs, tzprcas a ^ oi Cknat. Bai prewttipwai oaJyT»galaJea ea ^wtj . does «ot forbid i t Aad whea eaqairj is in«itsted,pn«nBptiMt may be set aside by tmahelaiM} proof to the ooaatry. Lawpie .

j B a e eweryTpersoB *arged adtk eniae to be ^^ttoeaat. bat that does not ^ ^ a d e the ia-^ " ^ j i s i iiii vkish^Srags oat evideaeeof gaih. 5 Ifei pranse e»crj «»Ia«iBn to bo to

-•aaay l o i ^ i a t o t e cndeaoeiB aparttealar f S ^ a r i t h s i e s U e a o a B a ^ ostablisii the ia-^ ^ i ^ a s of the exnlaJion. A ^ a n h , therefore

eatBtain the api^eatsm of ezaiadcd her, aad jet aet « tho ja tsaaptka ^ exriaa^ is jnr t ; that is, shea^ay

npliae aa tQts antQ set aside amj esqwn whether n ^ pnoi


%k8B a cdtaroh isstitBts this esqaiiy haek of U « prssaaiptwa t ^

a O m S i peraoa laeka « e q t ta f i toa t^ for • - >«er ibed ^ t h « hiwof Cfenrt,

•aaUafcMelain ta poaseMtoa e< i i i t f lw I i lM t t b r B»»easaassagMa

terfwfiw rtanst & not a A a r A ; IM iMT ItaataraAid by oar with aiMtialiir dk i^Gat . I t limply «»•

what is ot,«»««y e b ^ aader tfr that i t is M t aa o i ia ih le ehan*; i a l m ^ t B e m r ^ t h e e z m i n o f di»

pvwer. Is ou i i aa t m a m ^ M Is it » j « t

D MS H antfemae or nqa iwa t raeh t "

not thoBRhtn. Shay t b a r w h t t o s o b a i o f the p ^

^ eash othen' sets Ispress the •ad to t zaa iM for theaisehw

„ iavolved ia the* arts. The

" ' ^ w t o g M—blrt,is asleaHy aad

tfcawiU of<ttrirt .»a« ^ ia s s »Ma«

[-aiiahiin,- Bat tho W-itteaJS

r who a o a ^ i r t ^ - b y r e g a l o r ^ d iaamim fcotateoA**""^

^ tha teaaa wft»ny.a*y»: ."TM

t la t tha aapliaaat is i f ^ S e d U wute a w > « 0 { ehnrt ; »e ^

'tte lUM—ipUna that .Oi* ooasla.-J ^ t a T v h o t i t e tha B ^ «» H t i a


tha tnUcBoa btmof^i. strikssas ia O * SHM

M r f i t o U B ; i f

^ A a h B w f c i f c w A W w t M ® ^ ? ^ * * ^

• • » » a i i iMi i ig Au^ bn Ui

t «

ins ; if tikrevidaaea sMknas ia thssaaw ^ Rjeet h is ; if it does Bot, «e wiU

raeesTe him " The impartial (sader, we per-*w*de otitselves, will ree«^ga:se the preei<e pu^ •IklinaofthetwaeaaesiBpriBc^le. HewtD

loogi to the brothrirhood antil that •eotenee is p r ^ m o e d a p w hint Oil) ineliaes to the Qptoion that the apoetle et j-^h«re , tkia prior adzaonitioa. Heary avows that opinion with oat qa^ifieatioo. Doddridge aid MaekntKbt, throw their weight, tbcajh less clearly, into the SUM seals. Who eaa eooTiot them of errsrm the premises 7 2. Ttiasiii: 10, we eoneeiTe; is entitled to bs reganied M a paral-lel Soriptare on this qteition. T&ere, the apostle ecjiias: "Aiaant i ia t ia aa h«ret>e.

the first sad seeoad adaeoitioni njeet.^ Ha rrqtnrea atwioe repeated admonitioa before exeommaaieaticn, bat breathes cot a word of one that fbUows after. I f we allow him tbe p r i r i ! ^ af aelf inVrpretatioa, then, the ad-moaiiion a*m bnSktr aast Im aalerstood cf this prior aimaaition. 3. M»tv 18: 17, is deaare to the same i feet We are taaj^t there, that the offssder who is separattd fh>R! the eharoh by ezeomtBitJsieaticn,mnjt be too^ ''as a heathen man &nd a p a h l t ^ . " Bat he estinot be to tu "aa a heatbai jpan aad a pub-lieaa," yet at the Fame time "as a brother!" The two ideas admit of no reeoneiliatnn; thr ooefxola'iea the other. We mt»t not mak* PMI ooDtradiot the Master. Toe admoeition as a ^^'Asr,'therefore, is the admf»i.ian that gies ^fora fxa-immoeteinn. Tho admoni-lion lAioa fclloTt after mast prooeed apoa the reoogoitton of the that be stands as

*m!y separated frota ail eooleriasiioal rrfation a heath<n man and a pabiiean; mn't pro

seed, that i*, npoa the reeognitioo of the faeJ that he is. ia DO sense, "a brother " In com-mon with the great mass of fallen btimaaitT •roasd the ohsreb, he is aa oVjeet of hrraym-pathy, her »oiiaitade, her iaterowum, hi>r in airootioD. He is tkaf; Ut "Uie wrath of m»o srorketh not th^ righteoa^Deas of G>)d." He i* mof'img wmrr; for exooBMoaieatioa is ezoim-maniestion, aad does not leare' those ia the chnreH wh<ni it pats oat!

i n Tae apprehensioB of the ITa'efcaMtn. hat the reoeptioa of fxeiaded members woaM

firvak ap the fellowship between ohorthes, we may dt»mii!S mere britSy

( l ) " Tho ^CharsH Member's Maoaal' teaehes that no ehareh is 'Obliged to held oAer ehnr3he^ or the mPSiSers of other ehareh^ or cf any thin^ eilled a o h a r ^ whether of the fa-ne desominalion cr n t, ia f ^wsh ip . onloss it oaa r>a«oiendonsiy do so; aor ia it boosd to ba aasoeiaV>d nor to rat« wi .h them, Btdcsa in its jadgtaeai tho law of Christ, rrqiires it." If, taen, tho oondition . f fe)k whip betweea charebes is, tbat a ehar^ •Itall BOt reeei«« applisaata who, ia her jadg mant, Mnesa &itk, rrg«jieratioo aad a godly life, and whom the Uw of Christ, therefore, re qairto her to reoMTo, tho may iaaooently er^

r ^ e r i t . Sheeaanot .innooently elingtoit,

at ^ axpeose of disabedimos to tae oomatand meat whioh Hs has gt««B fer tltt r a t i o n of her aetimi ia the premkMa. , , ,

(2 ) Woe'e tho right to nsoeiTe exeladed members has been rfaimed asd ex»T«sod (ja-dieioasly.) no disatttoaa haw followed sanderiag- t h . ^^ Aorehes. So tato^ those who hare the !arnat and the loagest ac^ tu i^ too in tb Bap tiat hktory. Etfiritmet deoidea agaiast the

( 8 ) Why shonli the fello^hip cf the e h ^ t s be any moro firvketf by fte re«ep»w rf exsladed, than by ikewj-otion of soer^tif ed •embers? In both ease, ••oppositeaadir-rcooaaiUable jadgaieBts • » qoestioa of eKgibtli^ to u s oharA Aas not p«r*B» the p ^

^ ^rith rindirtito ftelaig^ »

rf't^r^ i Jameat willooiMioft as litUo t ^ v m ^ i rf iti the •ther Bat i t r ^ r

mai^antttherehBTOlMaw®* tfca joke of tteir Bohallowrd

f41 Penrns aw often exolndod or mw&itui

from liLgm ky • f

• o q a i t t e d ^ g ^ . « '

hmM tit riykt U obty if. I t seeks a remedy for the ref««al fo/x«eate the law wiudi waHy apoltes to tho eaaa.

T . And itbisfcriiig* a* towhaithe Waiek-a m says, with nsptct tofhobRringef the da-eaewHj oa t ie indepesdeDoe of the eharekes It ar.k9: Sappose rxdadtd perroos to beaa ezaeptieBal OHO. wha«e appiieations for U\r lowifctp ^arehes are not at liberty CTCB to ooasider, are oharsh^w any tisa ks* iadepen-doBt oa thataeeoastT"

Certraly they are. To thi.t extent, the ao-ttca of the exolndii* ciar^i takes sway their right of as'ina. What tbs ha» done with her fidlow-.hipj f«bi4« them to do say thing e!*, eompels them to do preeirely that Ihiajt, w-'th theirs. They may b«Te "dirret r^-osil evi-desee of the ezelsded psrson's fitsc^i" ta en-ter their Oi-ncmntiiijn; bat t^jer sre "cot at lib-erty" to ad'oit him,b«c»n?e s^c hx" that th'ir d<iors, as Wfll s« her own, acaicst approsoh. There is a Uw caiitlia^ him to Ea'>-3»W>htp; bat they are powerless to it h?eaa'se

»ha baa exrre fed her an'b.nrity ia brCTkie^ that Uw, and will not eonS'B^ to v j eierri»« of sn-Ayrity on their part i t oSe<!t*nee' to th^ Uw If this be ind»pen3«!ce, is snWdina-tioaf Will Prabvtery, PfUcy, ai»d P^^-ry, elum orit that they take »»ay tka in-d»p«i»<eBoo of eh'arcbes oo?y in '-exeeptiooa! oaM^r*

The WcfekmoT, Ktraneoly sfii-m* that "therwptioBBf appliewifs ft-r feHowAio is ant a foneti'm of by the etiareh, as an "nrvsfi-d brdr, bnt i« an cxo'^ssioo of iodi'idml npiritaal faltowhip.'' Perhaps re-oeptioa n^tafaBO-^n of BOT»>nim n^ on/y.-bnt it is the OTanterp^rt of rzsUnon. whiab withdrawn the expro«»{r n of indi»i !o«l •pirU-a»l fellnw-ibio; and if eie!iHif>n is a faTjCt! )i> of {KTrfrnm'O'i, rf8ep'i'>n in9'«t be alM, whit, erer addif-^-'*' eharaeler it may wear. I f we grant to the Watchman, th»t*»ppli<r«it8 oir-aot bo "teeeiTsd by »«-re m^j'iriUes." thi^ eonld prore nothing mora than that, tha ehareh is rs-qoired, in the matter of reoeption, to «i^rci-e the power of « l f grremsieot^ (not as oa other qq*attons by the TOte ef s, !cai''ritT, ba') onW by a onanimr.tii mt?. 0,in piint, at leasts in eeriaig : Wh«n all the iTidiTi< Ti%ls orjpwU^ into a ehareh feel ooiritoal fe'liw^hip far an a|>oUe%iit, it is & 'aneHoo offfocrmmenf t i eide that they sbill atitexoTw- it by reotrriog him! And if that demrion He* rn an arjiist TOte of exeln«i'»n by another ehnrch. thi.a rote la the thiog that gcnfrns in too ea^w—sor-em» b">th 'eharoh<?9; wbieh is incocsiftcnt with the indfp-' r.dfneo of the ohnToh tb»t wi nld reoeiTo the appKca-at but is "not at lib-er*»"todoi>a!

We belirve in the "erjtire and absolute in-dependeocs" cf thfl o^amVes We a-lppt, ex-animo tho Uocaae-] of Dr. WaJUnd. quoted with approbatinn in " T h e C i n ^ ^ M»iii>>er'i> Mannal:" " Etsh obnreh is i"-dppendeot of erery other, m thonrb e«oh on-were the only ehoreh in OhrNtendom " Ar <J w* bold lh»t the (jrnnod now tiken by tl-o TFii/cAmoa i.i »?d rractienlly at T». rianoe with thin "siapV. yrt b»«atifa!. becan*? dirinely tanglt" principle N»T, dn^s it not teed to »bat the priwrplfl ont fmm tbe •whAl? Christisn world f I f fx-lnrion from one ebarc'' i-i f Xeln-Moo from all ebnrabw, is it not reawn-able to inffr that one ebnreh alote iDa<t n--'* exclude, hat thai all rtntehes are cBtiilpd, b^ their rtrpn*efi»a^Te<', tn hare a -•birf in the d«eiuoQ of the qiestionT Will no": the day cote" when thic infsreooe will be drawn ? Let n» paoae ia tim-s. It ia wisi DM t'L F»Ve tbe firft

st«p ia the lyrnag path, oeriainty ef nfefj.

There is no other

intiea«.t. H o ^ i f ,o< break a shBrob. wSy shoBld it b r e ^ ^

Alp bitweea two skaMto t J t ^ J i ^ k ibo fcUowsMa hatweea > rSa rch , mart BOt 5to«. who d T y ^ n g h t of ^arohes t > « « «

J , d a y tha right of »

b a W ^ j

B wwr* it i ftWowioB., T i ^ ^ *

FpmD th» TtR djit

I s J . R . G r a v e s a n E x c l u d e d M a n .

Th-* h«Te sarrendcred errry other fTouad of e^tmwmy—'hey haTC abi-dooed all cihcr e»a?es f jr strife uTid dj»!-i«>o atnnriB no, cxorpt the iiic(??e aiwinipfi.iD thai Eltbr O'tivts. kits been Itgal'y fxrlu<i-4 fro'n i!<* First Ckurtk, ai.i rhoulti 6< inaUd la mrh bt/ iks (ifnomitnfioit. T t " . t'ii-y i(-now tha ocly bano c-f ecnt'.efition, but whic^ they tay, icroWes ?aeh important principle-in Charoh polity, tbat a •"pUt itj th« daaomiua. tion is ine»itable, asl^s lili thi e^n-

ear in bis cxclaiBon and treat ki-n and th-Soriotj Street Ohoreh «« "oeh. Now, if thi; diS^ulty can be reoMTed, tbtJi we sorely n!-.; hope for peace. Thi.4 we think vre cin in; ar.d heoca we write. Let as then o^l!nly lot k its-to »bo fxa'r and histbry cf th' ctje.

O I thfr h of September 18.58 a sw-es of obargea were pfefcrred, is the First Cau-e'i, igainitt Elder Gr»Tes; l.a'^oi »«j-iant of his aVenoe. the pro^eoaaon dsf 'rwd. It wa^ beliuTed by a lirg? and r*>-pecuble rainorirr o ' the ChtiroH that th> m» t«r. cissplvn-d of were parely of a personal e^a-»e'i'r, "and to b'' <*>!cpn(od of pnr^auit to tbe iaw laid d-wa ia 18-h t)f Mstthcw; and fcj satisfy t&emselves letters were written to a taasHer .of the tso t letned andexperi«li!e<J D^riofta, and iselpl!T• arian^ ia tie Soath, in whisb 'he p^tnta of diffi-eaity were fally sHfcd, ar>d their opicionstnd adTiao fol'eiled. TaeiMrwpi-»B«e8werereo«i»ed, acd withont an exe^ptioa, ooafinn;d the Tiewa eitertained br tho miaari'y; that tbe proeee-l-i-igs against Eid^r QrsTes fc the 8th, were in open rioktiow- of lb? Lsw of Ciirt«^ as laid dnwa !a tbe IS^h of M^'tbew, and a clear ic-fraetion of the Charea eoaipaot.

Oa the eveGicg of the 12tb of Oe'ober, the oase of Elder Grarcs wis oalkd the chsrgss read, and ^ r oonsidtrablo delay, he WM al-lowed to f^ak . He protiuted s^inst tbe illegality of the.prweediDga, and read apw-tioa, if not all tho Isttera from the dis-tingaished brethrtn, referred to aboTo, in eon-Sraation ef bis opinion; a^it iasi^ltd tbattbo Uw ia Matthew shonld bo sdliered to, giring: it as his opinion tbat the d'Smlty cOntd be eanly settled in a frirate intcrriew betweeo himself and Dr. HowelL All those pr oposi-tions beiog rrjeoted by the m»i3rity, iie -pro-test agaiast tlKir r^gb t to try him as proposed, andraf«<ed toM»*frtothe c5aTgwi; the pro-oeedinga wara arrested aad it fcei g Ut. the

m»j »rity detertticed to adjinra Etdcr D\j toa arose asd bcgg-d the aadience of the Chareh, BBtil be read a paper in his h u d — Ae protest of the ininoritj—the majori ty Tcfdied to hear thoprjtewt, asd left the Iwa^e.

Themiaori^ (40 o*. 41) immediatrfy re-named tk«ir seats as t ^ chaTeh, read and rsti fti>d theprotest againi>t the praseediegs of the Bt j wity, aad adapted other meafiares inasHet-pauoB flf the fatnTO- There were same ten or mora of tbe moat dwCngaisbcd Bipiastrala Utfn ia all that regiMi. prwent at tbat eocfcr-eMo^wko rtaaiMd witH Utosnaerity usd aito-tarrcd ia tb« meawres they adopt^; r -oegoiw^ then as tha o<.>s«titatioBsl t of titeChar^

We do B«t pnteod to give all the details, batifcVaTO stated tie ftot* in the

IfW.keroreiawk: ETdcr Gra*M wa? aet exelnd^d on this-iigbt of the tSth of Oa-vok^r, baron I t e » * •• flight tteRnt Qitttob ia NsATille was diiiM 41 to 78, e*ati pai^y jS^MMg be tha Fitai; Ctiareh. Bight h>-Te i T t i i e ^ t BpOB wSieh the whole oonT^Tjrsy abovt t l * prats ol^SmpIiae, ioetlred ia this ease taras.,. Tha original OhnnA-oowgaet ?e dtfaaiwl i f '^ B s r ^ ara forBwd, cach.e^'m-isg tokotiU CitirdL The paxjy, which has aetod ia aoaWBiMa witii t h e ^ o r i ^ is evidsBtty Ae^ ^ t t i a f e a a l h o d y - ^ t who ia tu diiiiAi that igu^io&l ISretj JphareH is i a deMBd^ Md I w a C h S i .kni ^ Ciareb, ia NMhvnfr,

bat the wTtOTi^; v*^ tb« r e e a l t b a ' r e


oripoal eoastitatioB. Bat Oa First Chovek was sot aa isolated Hwaacamvadoi by auay. sister Ckarehee. ttd these,_as iadepead-ent bodies, had the r ^ l l aeeord th^r fel-iowssip to cither party,» to withhoU H fr.>m both, as jottlee and tratii rrqaired. Tklsr^pM of the Charehes did aataoaatitata-tteai ass-p i r ^ In4iridB«lly,jtor a eoort of appeals eol-leetiveiy; bat it was aa axpiessiaa of a rdi-gioa», pahlio optnisn, as to the r ^Uaad t ^ tereng ia this trai;aaetiaiw ^ agreemeat IB relitcKnis sentimeats of C i ^ t i aB fello asd fetlowsUp ot <»• prima fet^ proof of and praetzae; and sach osrd.'.d to tho iainority ' that regioa. ia isdepeodoit aad

j^asSoeia tbobssU tho es-^Mr^iaa with a a ^ e s ^ u

eeaearreneeia &ith reoogaitioa was ao-all Chonhas ia

eova do ia their bat

this wasthe Toicaof tiii||Baptist ia fit-tioaalidaiait of the aunprity

piiaeiplea wa ^ a l l feel it oar da>y to main taia, antil retiable and adcqaste preecdenta fi^ their past bistary, ara prodnorf contro-Temive of these pofiricms. - :

When, tiberefore, the majsrity aet on the erenine of tho 10 th of Ko'rembsr, serenUfn d ^ s after tho roao^ition of the aiaiority as the eoostittitianid Cbnreh, by the General A»-soeiatioa, aad, by aa proeeanassamed to try, (ia their ewa right,) EtdCr Otavea, be

tka aaastitatieiial t y X f [baiag a •esbar ia good standing in aa iade peadsat and daly reeognissd Chordi, orer wUeh thU msjirity had no oostrol, as oonee-dedbythsir ownaot; it is manifeat to erery

iprrjadioed m<nd that sneh an assnmption

mr of the eorstitatioa an4 siseaid bare settled the qnectioB.

N wo bold from ^ e Bight of~lho split, the 12th of October, tha majority had no eo-elesiutie*] power mar tho siiaority, aer aay member ef it; beeanse, aa tha body aad aspa-rated npoa a eaastitqtfio|al qaestioa, it mwst be first deferminedVWA of the eontartiag parties is nested wilwt) before ooaimtational pmptr oaa be e z e r ^ ^ .Vijarities hare a to goTera, oalji ia partaaQoe to faedamental or ooBstitatienal Uw; ctherwine the aets of aisj'nritiaa, howerer targe, are Eogatory and iaoperatiTe. Ia this 41SP, the proe^ings ef the sisjority had been deelared anennstitatienal by the aisority on -.he night of the I2th, bat that dedaratioa was aoaearred ia by all the miaisters present, sad it wast sabfifqapntiy ratii«d and eonfirmed by •11 the cbarcnes ia tbe atirronndiog ooantry. Proai that night, therefore, the m»j)rity was sham of ail eonstintional power orer the miaor. ity, or aty member of it Thas far, we bare treated thU sahjeet as a qiestioa of abstraet aonstitational rt^U or teclttiiuiiaU law; and hare Hhown how, in the abfenee of a l e ^ am-pire, tbe elaims of the oppoeiag parties are !iffi'm?d or dcni^, by the aetion of independ-ent and nnassooiatod Charebes; bat we OOOM

now to eooaider it as deeided by a oommaaity of Chorehee, and to isqtnre tato tbe rights and pi) vers of sach a oommaaity of Chaises to arbitrate qcestions of this sort. And here let it be aa jerstood that while eaeh Chtireh u cerfeetly independffiitt, aeortrdiog to the Uw of Christ; of erety other C h a r £ ; still Bap-tiots haTo sated f<>r the last two htnid-red years npoa the acsamption that the iMtmmanity or aasooUtion of Chnrohes was cot iscoTnpatable with their indcpendenee; •till in all eommnoities or assonationa of of Csnrohe-t, a eompact u entered iato by the Churches ihsi a-soeiated; and this cvmjxid of ootifederation, is regarded as the eonatita-tiis, rr faodamental Uw of the Chttfohea aa-•fioiatedT His binding on fhtst cssoeiaUd GhurcKts, and thtfi onlf. I f any Chnreh eon--iders itself wronged or oppress^, it baa the ri^ withdraw frcm the assoeiation and resume i u iD3<>pccdecee; bat while it remaina a member of the aaoeiation, it is bonnd by ert Tj c.^«ideration of 1,'oodUitb and jastiee to sbiCs by tha oompaet into which it hM rol-T i!ant»rily entered. Snah a eommanity of Geurchts was tho Middle Tennefisiw and Xorth AUbima General Acstiffi&ticF. The eonstita-eata of it wero bonnd together by a written ocmpaot, or oonstitnHoa, irawn ap, as we an-derstand, mainly, if not entirely, by Elder Howell. Oa.'t artisle cf this eonstitntioa in-bibitfd any Chareh /or membership, wbieh wu not approTcd by the body, as orthodox in do jtrioo and regclu in praetiee. Whether tu?3 -'soc-a-ion wi? inrested with an exeese of power (r not, we jhall not stop to ettqaiw; it is enoTj ti to know that it WM SO iuTestM by the •'ndeperdeDt frinohise of tho First Chnreh, ia NwhTillc, and it shoaM, iberef-we, be the last to eimpl-iin of its ex"rai%e. Naw, mark:

O i t!ie231of Ootober, 1858. elerea days afrer the Chnreh had dirided, the General As-%ctati. ti cf Middle Tfinaessao, and NorA Al-abama, m-?t in Lebanon, and each of the liti-fvai p-irt<es of the FirM Caaroh appeared and eUime l a vst in the assoeiation as the Chtireh N> aitcraatiTe was left the body; it had either to abir.don its ainftitatiaD, dissolroaod go h?ini>, or decide wbish of these parties was the ooDstitntional part of the Cbaroh.and entitled to membcriahip in the body. After a most pj'iect bearisg, cf the raajcrity at least, for the miaority t aid bat little, oinety-six to twen-ty-^e, dec'ar.d io f a^ r of the minority, as the oon5>.!>atioDal Chareh, and it was admit-itd t"-) asembcrship in the a^s'-oiation. There are tvo distinct a^peeti in wbieh this ded»ioB ef the a^fosianon may bs toiiFiderrd, in either of sbieh it« rc'd'ot mn>t be considered as a fioal a-^jiitaae it of the difEinlty, so far as the liti-geuts are cnnoerocd. First, it is atatnally appealed to, as a body of pioas brethren, to nctUe tbs matter in ~debate; and eaeh party, therefore, as ehriataiosand honoraUe men, is hoand to aeeept and abide by the deoision — la the <>:-oond pUee, the assoeiation had been cinstitntcd by tho free acd anoonstrainSd fraiieh^sci of the First Cbnroh as the sole arbi-ter of als snob easM, ooearring within the pcr-Tiew cf its oonrtitation; and, whether anited or divided, the membirrahip of that Chtiroh were* booed in honor and christian fidelity, to abide by tho deoisinn of an arbiter of ^e ir r.qra ereation and appointment. I n diis view of the snbjeot tho majority of the First ChinA decided agvntt ihemaelves; bemue it was ro done by their appointed agent and leaee they were preelwded from all right to interfere, afterwards, with tho eeelesiastied rcUtioaa of the minority, or any iMmberof i'-

Wa bare seea that Elder Grtm, to Ur from being exolnded ircn the First Chareh bitfore it split, had; Bothiog proren against him; and hero we reoapitaUte the aimaMBt ia dc3!Cc»t;atioB that he nerer was, and never oonld be If-gally, rightlally and pamaat to R.^pttst o s ^ . exoladed from the First Chnrdi by the msj trity, after tte Chtireh Corenaaf bad been infract^ the siimpiM dissolTtd, and 'the opptsi^ parties e a ^ olsitBiag to bo the Chareh. «ve have shown, in tho first plaee that, in tbe catare of all eoefedera«ies by oor-e&aot, or 3rstitatioB, that the mlaarity wata feotiriid, by tbat w y aoTeaaat, ia tha riflU to resiat all enetoaehmettis apua it «r v i^t ioas of it, by a msj<!rity; aad tnatifthe majority persiitia tho-trtapass, the minority kad the righ( to dissobo the? oompaat, or pUatiag themselres apoa aonstttatiM, resut the atiscosiitotioaa} seta «f UM We shown oaiolasiTely that saeh a dissiria tli>o of tho oompaet and disraptioa of eoa-fcdrratiat), for ersr diresta tha Biajority of all eanstitnfrteal cr legal i r ^ t to iaterfera wttk Ae minoiiiy or aay laaaber of it, a n ^ by adrqiato arbitrMioa it is ikava that ma-j)rity did not(ofcaott]|M ooT i ^ t . Wokare hhowo, also, that tho mirerially estpreased o{AkioB of tho Chareh^ l a the refrioB roaad ahoat, Ehsali hare b e ^ rmrd td ky ike par-t-esv and all others, as jaa sl^aate MUtrraaa of their diffoenoes. Ik the Kfiocd {daas, ira hare, Ehowalhat tho pimiwa had mataally ap-pnl^d to the arbitration of tha'Oeaerat Aa-sociftiaii to decide tkdr mattmtirdi&MBoa^ »n4 thatlhatbody decided ia bjarartheaie-oHty tbat whstkeT wa eoiHfd«r tko aa> tioapf the OeaeTsl Atbodatioaiii M a -ion «f abcdy ofreferies, •aiaal ly appaaled *9 bf the partiea; pf is a I M y of oiUtratfta appi«atiid f«r that M n e n by tka tOM rjfaSted fraai^te « r % First Ob«nA; J t btodtogapeBthe partie, keeaw Aty kad We*Mtiyaaaiimkd ti» tteakUcratiaa. Thas bavq wa de90Bstrato<|,lMjaat tka boaads t t <TnHpr that tfe au jor^ j watadismted b y f ^ m M ^ ipmi i t , « t v iU • • l ^ l b *

iaketaat fsrea « f eoresaat^ r ig^ , of aS legal or oiBatitatioiul right, to iaterfere ia aay way n d t the eedeaiasdea! reUtioas of miaori-ty or any mmbcr of it, from asd a f ^ ^ 24di day of Ottoksr. ' Aad as we kare -ahawo t Elder Graves was cot exiiaded from tha F in t Charoh, bef«e the diurapUoa rf the body, i t is as e l ^ a s asan-boaa that tbe anjsrity had no oocstitafiacal nor equita-ble right to try and exeinds him, or aay "of

ininoritj, after that erent; aadefpeetal-ly after tbe aetioo of the Getieral Aisaeia-

We ma i a t ^ , moreoTcr. that the prismplca of eooleriastieal Uw and Chnreh goTenmeat bete laid down, are theaa by whioh our aominatioB kaTabota goremed, as far baek as their kbtory has eosae to as; aad these

oa the part of the msjirity, was arrcgant, de»-potie, withont tite sbadoa of Uw or rigbi, aad oa t ^eo f all the asages of the denondeatioD —that tbe proeeedicgs bore tbe aapeH of prr-aoaal n d not fustiee; aad is thero-fere entirely nagatory and ine^tatiTe.

When theee faets and prineiplea are furly eonridered, it will be seen, not oil? that Elder Graves sad tho Spring Street Cecrch are Baptists in good siaading. bat that all that is aeoaaaary to a restoration of peace is, ikat th* majority diould so rtcognize ihem ,

for tbe T«nM«W« BTFTITL


Micco G B » K NATIOX ,

Jane la, 1860

MSSIBS . EOITOBS :—Some time sinoe, I saw

a eommnairation in the Ttntusset Baptist from

Elder Moses Great, propo?ing to labor ia Ikis Natioa as Minionary, provided his breth-

ren ia Tennessee wonld famiBh him a reason-

able rapport To diis proporition there was

»io response made, at least none pablie. Bro

Green eama to the Na*i(?n in the Spricg ef

1859, for tbe parpose of teaching a Bapdst

school Unfortanately the school faUed —

Bro Greea however, obtained for himsdf the

oocfidenoe and esteem of all; he provtd him-

aelf to bo an able, strong preacher of the Gos-

pel, a detp thicker, soand reasoaer and akill-

fnlexponnder of God's word and its doctrines;

he also proved himself to bo a good aebolar

and a very saocewfal teaohcr.

Bro. Green left the Natioa some time da-

ring the past Spring, after having waited for

aome time for an answer to tiie proposition

mentioned above. And may the Lord blerahim

and his little family wherever he. goes ia the

prayer of many hero.

The objeet of this writing is to express re-

gret that c9 answer was given to the above

eall. I onoo thoaght Bro. Green ao ncsaita-

blc man for an Indian Missionary, he seemed

rather too liigh atrnng at first, but nbseqaeol

aeqauntaoce oonvinced me that ttis joige-

nMit was erroneoas. Ha would make a first-

rate Missionary, ao I think and so do

Ofhers. Are there any individuals, Churohoe or Asso-

eiatioasia Tenresee. arilling or asxiotis to se-

eare a MUsioniry to tho Indians T Brother

Greea u tho man to get i f possible Do joo,

brethren, wish to ebow your faith by your

laarfcs and ocmdaet yoar mission independent

ly T attending to yoar own bosioess, rastw-

ing the respsnnbility yourselves, answering to

the God of missions for yoarsclvea at-d getting

eredit for yourselves? Bro. G r « ^ is year

man, or eb>e I am mistaken. I will not aay

more exeept that the field ia largt,the laborers

few, and that the Lord will hold yoa aecounta-

ble for the oppartaaitiea for doing good, whiob

are presented before yoa. Farewell.

Tour brother in Christ;

J . S. MO«B3W.


Tho following artiole from the the

B^Ust paper of Indiaoa, is richly worthy of

perasaL There a in many persons, a disposi

tion ta| overlook th* eUims of init.ividaal re-

ligioo^*' This should not be. Personal re

sponrfbilify to God, U tho dootrioe of the

Bible: P. IndtTidnsl BelUiOB.

The New Testament makes direct work witk the indiridind heart I t does not propose to rave by the nation, bat by tho iadividaal I t does Bot CTTB embrace tho;tribe, or &mily, bat the iadividaaL Jodusm was the nation-al, bat Chriatiaoity is the individual religion. The G o e ^ takes every man »s he i? foasd n a staka of satare, under tho dominton ef sin aad the aondemnatioo of death. I t providea for bis wanto, and thea applies the reiaedy to his soaL And this it docs without distinetioQ id raoe or oonditioa. Bank or edusatioa has nothing especially to do in the matter. Moa» nor merit, inherited or obtained by pilgrim-ages or hard servioe, ean proeuro the rcdemp

of the hamaa soaL " Marvel not that ye mast be bora a g ^ , " oomcs with terriblo power from the lips of the Savior of tho world, aad it oostes to every {ndividaal man.

Bat how difioalt to free tha worid, aay, to free the ektirah from tho old Jadviing doe-triao of a hereditary, aaUoaal TeligioB—a r«-ligioa that somehow dcseends from Uther to »sa, or from mother to tbildrea-rlhat soaie-kow MBHS a Beeeanty in tho line of desoeat, tad tkat beeaase aiy father was a godly saa, and my aiotker distisgnishied. by kar gfaaes, and tha fervor of her piety, and beoaaae I hare baea early bitnicht to the sasetuary Mid have there fimaad habits of religioB and have acquired its dUleet, and perbapa bare early pat oB ita ftraa, tiMrefrre I am a g»«d ateis-tUa, a d t i a of Ck>d, aad an h«r rf gkOT.— We aolaaiBly fear, that thoasaa^ and ftoa-aaada ara delwvai oa this v i ^ aeooaat, and a n dreamina of hearcc, wUIe tkey have BO perseeal part ia the mat««v ^ ^ Aagallofbi«araaia,aad1atkaatraaf bead of ia iq^^* Tkeawra f on s of r e l i ^ , or th« aasoeta^oBs ef n ^ o a , kowaver pleaaaat, wiU aot saw tho <hal from deatk. I t «.m« kava a persoaal inUraat is Ae atositig ba«b of GodL KveryoMBMst feel far hitateif a waM of Ua «wa pwaosail g ^ t aad noa ea Oa aaaoaat af At* owia da , aot tiieaa* i t Matkar, aad ka annt mska for hiaaelf a per waal nrndlder of al ike kasand i i toClrist Ha aaaaiA & it for another, aetOv "aka aa-atkar H far kioit* Wa dink^taM t h ^ M ^ aa aniliWi l a n w p a n a t ^ rotated aad. b ^ m d for k i a ^ d i i ikcra kas oat af tkat a veefU ahrtaka-ivhiob kaaie««fi4kotk>trai i tka taal rain of the pu^ jgTtu j or

B j I k M lOMtkt wa

^ ' - •

aigor kad hcalthfolaeaa ^ that ^

tottiadwkieheMiBaiidsneaMaiB t f t s j i a ^ ^ •weat af hamaa li£a l a addxtioa to a& ^ . t ^ areOwcs mra l toariragC i ^ aA

as eeaaelesay a a t i t t ^ ^ of tbe aad gently, from carTai j^ l j l i i i i j . mewaiag Aa

j^wrwter, acd Esag these pric!»lee rf aa-^oa whtdi weQ' aastan 'bear lioaseassts ia

the part of Oear eiu^ J^e'a ooofiie^s, aad wbii i elevate all wift irhosB they oi^oc ia ecotaet

Takeeoorag^ Aea,

Best etyiags aad t o n for tbe seab of their children- By ao Bieure. Ntfthisz bat sRfU. todiffereaee iriTl keqi pkraa parasts from desires aad Uters fat tkdr Uved aaadeaaed already, aad ^ w i a t k abMiag apoa Oeat. Bat mast not be pat in the pUae of t h « dies'-, and t km faith moat not ba wiafikwa for forsoBsi M f t on i'iC.

^ e same trutii holds %itk rrferaaee te practical e r t ^ dayJivieg 'before God. I f oar pamts are active in rdig^BB, wa often ex-easa aaradTcs aad fwl that wo ara iaeladed in them So ia oar ehareh rdati-ma Tl^ individval ia lost to a ftariol exteat ia ^ many. H^w trae iii is, tkat ia laost of oar ehurehes reputed as native and cfisieat, that few only have any real life aad aetirity ia tka eause—few have to do the speakiag aoJS pray^ tng—few eompaxatii^ do the teaahi^ — Uboriag ia the Sai^iath Sohool—aad very do tbe giving, and the faeto are,, oaly a peAsps very'few oat of Marshes af imka^f l many seoiea, do tha real living for G ^ aad heami. Tae rest haag oa by a M i ^ of sa-i eial attraotiOB, aad seem to expeot dtat aonu-: how it has fjTce eaou«ti to earry them throaj the swellings « f tke Jordan, sad tkat there {wety esioa^ in the«e few to give Oem all a. passport into tbe eternal hMvais, aad to at-i care for thom the approval cf tbe final jadg-^ meat, "Wel l done." Bat rtjader, "Beaf l^ deceived; G >d is not mocked, f jr whatseevei a man soweth that shall be also r e ^ " Eri man mast be bom the seooitd time, BO 1 than the first jtimo, for himset£ Evoy m w most live for himself no less than he must di<| for hiotself; aad erery man must be jodgef'! for himself ss really as ttioagh there was nai another iadividual to stand before the jadg? ment seat of Christ " Far every maa mar:

ve aceoaat of him=df to God." O then >w imp^tant that evtiy msa have now a per-

sonal interest in tite oiJy Savior «f siaaeaa, and that he, in his every day experienoe live for God and eternal life.


WOKTH OF T r a COaiSTUJr lEIHIBTHr.-" He west about doing good, aad kad not a

plaeo where to Uy his had," eomnrises the life of the author of oar holy religtoa daring his earthly pilgrimage; and sueh has been tim ae-tual experience of maltitades of tke bestaiiB' isters of the Gospel the worid ever saw, down to the preeeat day, and will be, until time shall be no longo-. Tho reason is, " Esaa so, PaUier, for it seemeth good in thy right"— God wills i t and that is reMn enotigh. I t was not intended that their reward ahmld be ia this worid, bat that t h ^ worka should follow The salaries of the olergy of the Caited States do not average five hundred dollars a year, aad yet, as a class, ttey are tbe beat ed-u e a ^ , the moat influential, the most aotive, r e f i l l and elevated of tho nation. With less oulture, with less eharae^, wil^ leai aiental power, there are mea, all over the Uad, who earn from one to seventy-five thonsaad dolUra a year. Bat look at the reanlta. Taking them as they ccme, the biograplues of a haadred clergymen who had fa i ^es show that, of their, aoDs, oae hundred and ten boeaaie adBiaters and of the rrmainder of the sons, by far th^ larger ntunber rose to irmineBoe as pr^earioeal men, merehaati', and scholars. *

As to the dattghteiK, titeir aaiaea are into others; bat there is

. j a "Maisterj of Oa word." Toumay f!eIstiaiteBea,aadattiMa graatiy diceoaiagcid, "beeau®!: of tka waf throaghnAieh yon are aalied to paas^Mt look at tke reward I The affjCtiMtataaadia-^peetfal reascmbcMw of tbane yaa oaee praaah-e i to, lorg after yoa are dead aad gtaa, aad fbi^attea rt may be, by ^s* g ^ t #a ld , baft t«ever I 9 jgst aa yoa aow Oiak vitfc ntveieatlal gratitade af the Bsa wka « * n y»ar eariy aiiciaten, aad will eaeliBaa to thiEktbas,nntiI]ife'kUt9tha«rl Aaddtaa whsksolid satisfaetBm is t h m in Uaviagi aad daashterj behisd yoa wko pi ate yoar sflacneea, aad live oat yoar ptek for gMEtatiooa to earns! That aoiqnl-eory pUnmeas ef limrr, aad that dearth of axasemeat and reereatiw aad "eejaymaat,* falaetyso called, whi<& yoar Stsotad maaaa entails on your ^ d n a i , these are the tUagi tbat will make them what yoc would raal'y hav« them to be—trae men aad wnaMa. Thsy do Dot. i t u true, ieher^ from yea aailfiaw « money, but yoa e s t ^ en tiiem thtf Btuuaaty of indastrioas aetirity, and tiut rational taa-peraaoe, which are at osee tbe foacdatm aC kamas happiness aad hamsE saoeesa.—floiTs JoMTTtal if Healik.

jKm thr inuMii lit aga*.

EnwjLUw', SSas.^aae 23,1860.

BSXTHIKX:—Tlie Baard of the Baptist State Convesdon ia desiroas, by and with tha oo-op«atioc of diarehea, aaaooationa, Marina Soard, and aay, or all interested, of haviag ^ e r y vacant pulpit in our Sate filled. eveiT Imooenpied spot t^kec poaaenoa^if sxd tilUd to the best adrastage for the Masia: Far tUs purpose, the usderrigned, ia casjaaetiea with Bro. 8. S. Granberry, S'.eretaiy of tka Cocvestios, was a ppwa^ a CatniBittoe ta eorrespond folly with ehor^es, aiinisteiB, as-•oeUtitm*, Boards, &e. As ^ Chatrmaa af the oomaiUee, and aa Bro. GraaberTy ia oa-eupied in getting ottt the Minutes, the uwia-spocdenee &Qs apes tka writer. And it is a dt-lightfal taik. Brethren, wiU yoa aid au f Give me infohaatios of preachers deoriag a home, wKh all particaUrs as to sice of Uaily, fiaess for toWQ or oonstry, prefersnaes, amaaat of aaiary rcqninte, and where be ean be p ^ eared. I wtmld »«ck fora general and sp«aial e-. rrespondecoe all over oar Sute, at least aa to unoeoupied groiud, the pr3< ieet«, aad tdiat ud ean be eotmtecl upon eertain.

We have two ehtirrfies in towns where tka best of sotdety ean be had—xAooU aad healthy ecmmnaity all arcuad. We'win waat pritty laaak all gra4« of taUat, whether mia-aionary, or tho palpit, or p a s t ^ ; a eaabi-aation u alwaya beet in the Ssath-wert.

I t is to be hoped, that the Baptists at Urge^ trill take ecarage, s ^ as all the hdp poarible; whether iafonaatioa, prayers, aaa, ormoeey. Give ai ceeoaragemest to ealti-vate osr own home field, and to do it aa it

_ ^__ahoaldbedone We have the means, aad wa aigaifieaat f ^ ^ k a v o the energy, if we would imly bs ap aad

whiob we do aot remember to.'hava seea ao^doing. M W PKii,a«. tioed in tiia| oron^on , that aot oaly here J Will Bro. Grave* and Bro Feadlstoa w^ j , bat in EafSBdj«where titles are so bigbl^sai l givs a good word in oof bi half, so wa aaa prisid, and thaiposaessicn cf "geatle blood'senlut good men, asd traa-mca, to ease to is a passport to high places, it ia very a(ic^lliaris«<ppi«^ aeareh oat the kxit, from tka referred to as a matter of note, as i nd ioa t^a^ lQ i f i ^p i Btrer to theGalf waters, sad tkas safety and refpeetsbilit;—His mother wi'^aid the eaase ai well as greatly obHge a dear Bty 1 the daughter of a olergymaa." We'irill Ten tare the opinion, that three-fourtiis rf the great sien of tiiu nation aro aot ovar two de-grees removed from dergymen's fiuulies, er from families strietly Kligtoas. When it oan be sai4 t>f a man, cr wooaa, tbat ike father. Or grandfather, was a clergyman, then is a fesltsg withia us of a oertaia devatim t i aharaeter, a kind of guaruteeof respeotabili-ty of b l o ^ or pnrity and iate^ty.

We need aot ask if Ae history of any oth-hundred fiailies, taken as they oo^ts, of re-

nowned general*, of great stateamen, of eue-cessfnl EertAants, of splendid orators, ar em-, neat phyrieiaos and Uwyerr, ean give aaatheri hundred and ten sons to oceupy pcaiti rcf pcdable aa their own—sever, j»or U any approach to i t

Half of our " FOocaiBfai" mer^a^iti dk poverty eventually, whOo their sons giua in habits of idleness and early dissapa'' (as is alao tb* ease, more or less, wiA — the children of prominent men;) wastes thrir bo^es, the disease whish nates fi«m deotor^riag indslgaioef; whl the mind itiel^ from tbe wsnt cf a rafiesfc^y stitBtSdi to eoergy, dwindles to a point be ~

brotiierT P .

aCATTKKIBQ ATO TST ZBCRKUIHO. There is sound wisdom ia riddle pat

forth by good old Fafter Hwest, ia Basyaa^

nenr wss a isas, (thongk mtw^Ul eeant Ua isad)

Tbe mote he cast away, the ann be bad."

a«d in the sclatios givea by the hoafitable

Gains: «• " E» who bestovs ins foods apoa the poor

Slaan have as raodh again acd un t ian aun."

The Lord ia a sata paymasta, aad has gir-

fons to oceupy''iwriticBsaSan his word that to tisose that grve it ri^Il ka - - " o, good oMasare, pressed down aad da-

together aad rancirg over." Tkere ara faois whidi seem to akow OatOis is tke

^•ftt vbcfc pCTBOiW do aot give witk aa eye to'Gad's gl?>iy.

" I do E'rt girt money for s ad obieats," said a akeptieal physieiaa, wko sras applied to for a oontributioa to tbe Bible B o d ^ .

» Y-iu will loss nothiog by it. evea in a f i f i ^ S »<»Wly point of view," eaiS the agfiit.

point be^ ° I f JPtt ^ Pkj-low mediocrity. Aa to the d a a g h i O T of the t B«an, " I wiU tryrt for oaoa,'* a a d g s ^ ^ worldly eminent, ^ a t beeomes~af theiaT— They devt>M themselves to faahioa, and dre^ and revelry, asdavainahow; tobe wooed won by men 7ho grew ap without oeenatiott| lookirg for their father^ fortnae; or by ad^ venturers who lire by. their wits—the e ^ be4 iog, that most ineongraoas of all OMabtaatioasr poverty aad pride, witii that most boodess aU ambitioos, to keep ap •thai

twenty^ lu" . Tbe agent nqtesied Usi to watch tbe providesoe of God. and see if k a m

[not le^aid doable. « I shall take eaze j^that," was e emphatic aaswR'.

SooB hs was ealled am to attend a woaltiiy [old gSBtlemaT ^a a very critical iinadilm Whoa bis b^ll was made eaSa n a of tka maa

I toskkim oae side aad reqasrted ttat, aa Us fihiks was so and hu miad so set apoa

which, a atsra hidexW; p a i a ^ aad aasUi i^ f kis •ooey, he wodd m ^ ing hamaa ««dd a w oa braseat to hita. Mid he wtwid make ap tiia coanter. Ia8hort ,^rarest«faa iana iBgi kaUaoe. in this country is, to find a graadduMaaji^y r - I am w^U-ngto l^ theba i to j w ^ ieg the firtune pemfiem ef the graadpa |er," ke ^ i e d . «-Whrt do j aa fluak ka reats, if. indeed, there be asT graadal^at a« fwoald be willing to . . fedby waatof oeeapatioa, 'gradjo«ttke^5 « Well, ka watdd aot cljaottoiwa kaadred aad quite early, too, ef Oe ekitdrea of thtldollara," said the aoe. s world AdaoghtBrofoaeof'keriiieBtiBeairf Tho physieiaa took tka awaey, aad wkaa America ten years ago, karad^ tka wife of cfaext to saw tke a g m ^ i ^ ^ t t o j i a i g t . great maa, has aaatuadaat,wkaaewkeJada^aad tftld that tha U r d h a d n ^ k i ^ i ^ it fa to keep her from iatexieatiaa. Aas«k*|/>>M> Aoaldart k a ^ thaaghl o f • a s g daughter drank raveaoaaly ker otdoKaa vatar^aver one hudred dcUA in' esae for waat of spirits or apia;^, aad ^ ia k ^ a gay joang flaatcr, oa being ralBsd infatuatiia. One of the most splendid voBM^iby kis oompaaioes for p m g to m a d to of our tiate degrades herself, at rarjing ntdr-j eka i ^ parpoaes > vate, b j a regaUr draskca boat

T^aa it is tiiat we regard tiie privatioa tke povectj of Ae e ler^ as a neaas of petaating tke iaeatal vigor, tho real Arift poaisaoaofearaatin. Tkay are litaraflj salt of aartk{ aataaly Etspmerriag epla of ta-day, kat foe fktna tiaM. '

" Toa do sibt aedeniiaad i t—I am I by my libetaK^, ktt far ewaiy five daBats I giro tke L«rd, his piavideaae ia aoato way Iriagtaie baek a haadred"

Hew maeh better to give of oarjak iNa w isarp ir i ta f Ohxia^IaTa. J . K L .

w iv^ to ksar thmr prasaat kardea U b n aad daiSy stiatiac.. P l ^ rttwdBrga^ l ^ i a (dotkiag, pUia food—aad m a tki^ aver abundant—a»y ke tksir awtiaa kera low; but, beside tka raward aba ka koaored aad affeatioaatoly whan t k ^ are diead aad gaaa,ky tiwTwy^FpIoy^MBt fw aH wko p i e f * whop tksyhkoead, aadwte allaw..^^ ArSaiaBfiaas. tkfBtof isaoaaaaa^ Mk i te . Bat ttaiala - -- -aaotkar n d h i g W reward Oaa k a W a ; pr«da*i«»—their nSwesaas far goad ara per

«<T>»ba ampti^ed,]* to ka kappj!" asid ly. I f i e kad-aever said aajtkii^ riaa,

>S*||eaiheriBpcoseor versa, ke wonM kave de-BoSsemd the estMia o f p o r t a r l ^ . Ibr iewaf ka^ iha good of iHMBrty—ia eaunuwy af tsxaa, "ia

tikeseaaiity of lifaaad pmpeity, it ke atiaspK for the State to finaadi a d r q M »

" * arewBMKp]sja£—


p e t B ^ ia thair ahildiaa, bodily, a maial,aad tUs U tba of tU« artiek-.; Tha sGraitesed maaaastaaaea cf •liiistaiii UmSiM gtva that kiad of praatnni that fsdweaen and pnaacatioa -aalJ i f^ ia after yaa»,wl|tk is toaasawa. Hanag avtUagtar tkeraialtiar tkcirawa ezarf' UtfB to bo aelf^rdiaat aad wttabc tk fc ihek ;«*a*aalar

l a a lU i t i p a ' ^

f i e :

B^dayauat WBatave^ pkysinaa, aa i Oaloa

tho We.

^aaiua feapptaeas. ertiy da-]j[ 1 — fertak g a a q ^ e a ^

» o ta i s e t l l a l f f m tka

Sjdaay • a n S b U f a l ^ i "

kb.kaadwriti k ^ k tOB^ t ] ~

imt assBTt a T

Page 2: aa^iTB. V. v.«AU8.)«u.'vm umn * · aa^iTB. V. v.«AU8.)«u.'vm umn * cou «.c. txxm, M. I ji^Js ' S NASHVaJLE, SATURDAY AUGUS

B A P T I S T .

lesTH Attussr m wuux" AUG. IS, isaoy

• $yiiaff<ri, ae< «m ftwHWHt, amd fn-^ ^^BStm tthae, Mkomld he

Jflk GfaiVia, (Private.)


IwriiiwifcM«» a»jwi iiii| «r"«n.a IIB aiPim'c»iaUBiMHmcn>-<)«-rii*«»*iaibi4i liiUi n II Pt iamtkm tba SMr. T. C. g ^ m toil {««>. Ut (Mir aw «

InUibfthwof wotta-w tl» gcawad ot mm^ mtmOmV llfc.fiaq^ of oftl<sa la OoUl'te pppiMitia t a Um «C;ft(tto-tt» inw ~ iBiaw te tljSS^ Ctaiwit 3.'Vta ^ i r t iftKified Um fiuTM sainei* iBto

.fstto, il» SUB, tli« Oa^ S^irit-^ k M( JirniMdrJamiitCkmimmm lte(,la !ibr I lapiiae into tlie uuseaof tltsM three Jev-i^wartU«,aiia Mdct»4dM oiTMdf by tW faiaple>,tit>cCb>ttf iatm eimegsmmded mmlti^-m iate tSum ! WmUmt tmrymmtaf U im jMrttfcrfj ^rMUta mttt «rt I«> iudf.

htBOttrnmphiiAly to t ^ worU-wida prBKiiie of iatvpnta&n ofan Uv—'Hte spei OotiMraroitstkL&li Oim prehibitioa of ever; ocharf Wooldaot ercrr eoert inttomiUKd varM tnstra Um ia Id* pastiail 7

troaiiliciii>tbesdencntiati,»ant£tatftl tw-Uikmofthebivof CBrut,a«adiBo impiaQS dece-

«z«bida Ua, H kko wooM fi>r the TioI»Uoii of Uir iKtii yKin hw, aa leUI the MedHed tamocat iiilia oonvkted aeeoriiBg to the ^neticM ot m&t.^ a

Korli^ k iBembw bceomfrk part; to tho «»-IifiaB«etko aK fMiX of OhiiiA Kiair dott. tTpea Us «stmoee into tiiat kiogdom te took tlMoOh teltj to Christ, thkt lie wonld be tnte U him and hii lawi, tho^ he was tl>e ooljr one io the miTene thlt might be fiuthfiil. Ok &uiilsI<aM«i waa not made to depeod npoQ HuaSkks BujMtaes. When he entered the ehuAh he did not uinender hia eogaocBoe to t)w dedaioa of a majori . He caaoot onicede hi* rigkuordirart hinttdf of bisdatiaaaBd nbititiaik Of aQ that Chiiat haa coomtaaM, of an tjUugt Ite haa aikjoined to be obaetred hj hin fidlewen in^ndaally or coIIcctiiTdy he ia to jisdge, and hani« it swocn to obcf. If tte ttreraembenhipofhiadiBidirewaTedto gofiw ward in what he eonai tioasly betierea to be a TndatioB of th« lam of Christy he cannot, he

eiationafth«ord2saiiee fi>r«imieas£dminiaterof|mii Chriat hidds him reipcnisi-tiM Carpel to baptiae into tte naateaof these i bte to Ifim S>ra atrict obedience to Ua laws, and tteeJcwsl TiiJt^iL - ithe dadwoa* ufall the risible dorehea in the

4. When Christ aommaaded tliesolject to be | work! cannot rdiere him of it. Anti-Christ re-mwmE*—a« e«ery Btaaiard Gtedt achoiar, aDp-lqmteaof hiaral^tathatth^ T eldnpthriron-parMd by erety otsndaid Leneoa, will admithe|«c>ancei to the dec^ns of Holy Chordi, but

llaalllnjmK*. AwwlaidnaM<terf c. , tti*4Wmllti ancririte adM«r>* t«CttM.tMtir

•.• iMt lUHBi. teOr MM4-ar Wtr L ibrta, «B. 9. tetiB, M>i.a.aaMii sa.a!MkiM. au-w. a bvIm, >u la a* our

m. taClMkiiMaita«KkMilaa;li« wiMirttfi wM^ m. CMriia knmlodi:-mw laiiiBii

U Ite AmU

<Bii,whenhewedtiw tern &ai«i»—did he not u poiitiTeir (brfaid him to be »prak!ed npon, or pomed npca, to be raoistmed on the forehead

the wet hand « fingenl Let tto candid Christiaii decide far himartf befiire hia God.

5. WlMChriat apadfM the dkiri^ to be faaptiaed, and tha* diaiacier tlM one bdiaving, —»<itethat bdisTeth''—didhe aotaapontinly for-bid the bapttaB any •'dur daiactcr, aa the nn-briJerer, or an ueeaadoaa aftnt, faie^abte of hearins Ae Qoapel or of einrei^ fiiithl May I not as teaaoaaUy dsm to baptixe an aaMwacr, %a infidel or athdat, npon the plea that Chriat haanotfabidden it,aB yon am to baptise the Boo-bi eving infimt npoo the same pleat If one woaUbecontiairtoaatlMrityand a&scctation affatiptisD,WDaidnottke latter be eqcaUy aol Let ftea iMitB think of thia.

Apply thia principle to the arAr qiedfied.

Cariat reqairea of hi* gubjeeta that they yidd thatr ooDKiaoce* to no man or men, neither ^arch nor to ooondla, bat to act aceoiding to it« decMooa enlightened by his word, regard! coneqgences. He may not folkiw the moltitode to do eril, whether that mnltitnde may be in or o«t of the church.

Haa it not been dedded by the reader that no Baptist would be jotifled in simply ntterii or reccHrdiag hia pntia ag^t the act as a sin, ai yet go forward with the majority of the diorch into iniiust iprinkUag or open commonioa. I* aat hia pmot oTecwhelmed by his a<t, and is he oat eqnally guilty with the ehordi 1 .He mnst withdraw Cram that ia&nt tprinklii and open oiMUnomon body, and repudiate it as a body in rwbtOBon to Christ. If this be so, he most not only protest bat withdraw from a diardi that readvea to act in open violation of the ta«s of Chrat, wbetha it be in his own, or the arraign-ment of any brother. The law that forbids the

to Tiolate, forbids him to sabmit, or in

^^ with ^^^^^^ Usaam jutM egwgioa* I mean to M ^ ^ taow,shai few ««t« fteBonU. tlwt iaMeonte qnot«&M'are made, I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ pf»«mrt to Aretare bnawe mioiaWn an embamiwd, and forget | g^ ^^ ^ ^ iaoctlaord alaveryt ltdar W. C. li^ttlMy un to ny, bat beuue tktj ueiBji^ was perhapatheflrrt to dtelarek. He kMt iatimatelyaMttUBtedwiai the Uagaagel^cterlqr so.

wiAthewatenteof themsp'.redpag«y too, tor the heresy!! Bat an •attsetiiey do cot atady them nffidently.— I know that the Tiews ofalinost f>««cy man In the Tkey do not Uka David, meditate oa the law I geam' ,ebeeBraat«lallymr'd! not radically of the LMd day «il lurtt There is not a J changed tenchlng the InstltnUoo sloee the Bntsgl-

T. * i j V » I •*th<»»aad«taea«ai8«Bthem State, who held «iaer It be ^ for ^ p.., i^or year, ago, who a« toAay

f«etlieypmeli,te anksft tffoit to ^ ^^^ soesoftbo SsaUi.tobe denomxw! and fiaultattK themselTas with UtOM portiona of | the pnsa. acd visited, la whaterer po* As Word of Goi of whidi they wish to araU htiai, they may be toond,^by thebB*httog.wfth«riDg themselTM in their wrmw* Thia wOAjSdin- b«»afproscripaon1 Is thia the ipWt of tha txw Tol»e ft pitiStable Mteroise ot the Ctcnlty of iMmory. Any BUB who will try, eia Msi«it« tte habit o{ qaotiag Seiiptue eoneatly. Lft j ao bM dapnte the tnth of tUa aUteqaeitt tiU be makes «a euaeat (ffirt to do vbat ia bare leeommended. How diffsrently would ianj •enaoaa a|>peftr if they leaded ia aisoarate qaotatioBB of the Word of the^rd I How maeh, too, woatd eoagregalioaaJearD, ia thia way, of the holy Swiptares! I arge yoang auniaten to acqaaiat tbemielTea4s tboroagb-ly aa poiiible with the Bible, aya to ne to it that dMir qatrtatieaa fram itAre datiBgaithed fbr perfeet aeeaiaey. P-

r«r tk* Tmmm Baitirt. WHO la mABTf

Ennoas Taaaasaaa Barut :—I tee bcqaent ia-thaaUoo* in yoor raper, and espedtUy In a ielegtaa in the naaber of J ^ 21, that Eider Pendlston hu beni slaauitrti and asur prtnatsd by somebody caUed kU «iMmMS. Ac. I am now oat of the imta Baftul, and hara no looger any ccntiot of iU eohmia, and thhik U t{«bt yoa sboald give me a ehaiM at vindicatfaig mjaeU before year rfadns. I bave ehareed Fwdieton with cnteit niog anti-sUveiyandeasanclpaUaavkws,aaex|>ieised In his Isttcn, In the jdabcst and stnnavst lacgoage, and nothlcgamethatlteawmber. Will joo do me the Joatke then to say. In what I have tJuubraiorata-nyrvMBisd hbn t If I have dene ao, I wish tore-

otabBsfaed by Christ in the Commistion. Msywe hope, with imponity, to fisregardor wiMUly

^ T d W he not coamiissttm those who had been I "X *»J bo aocessory to tho violation of the J 'i^'^^ct slander and ^xaothenl Doea he anthoriza any othe»— j ' When Baptists c»n dwprove this hitter positicn

teIMsMmi vfll Mm Mb* a kk Br« fc<« W ishtr. ; KA a onrz. <WM'tKii~> IBW t*«M etfld7ua.s«mia«a*iBbht wewis «Utii k><na



« viSM ak ill SEleste*

ttmt iiilin «C>ia»r

r af (v Jj—ifcrtw; aiia »

Vir-iii» honcit a .it.tmiljiiuimi

the mifcaptizadi Kay m, then, who are en-trasted with the fiuthfol ezeeatton of thia law, eamnaman or eneoorage by moni or by aef, an anbaptixedmantopttaehthe Goapri or tohap-tixe. those who may have believed ia Christ throi h his jneadiing} Haa Chriat ai where gives msftsinaf eamtj Has h* aaid, if we are satafiedt maa ia a pioaaman and deeply cg*-sciilfwiv, we may sad shoold sncoatage him to preafdk as a gonpei minister, and to receive those

properiy baptiaed whom he may have im-mcfsed If Chriat haa not granted this Uosnse, may we, will vadare doit!

7. In tte order of obegence has not Christ plaadti* Omnmei^Ai mgfpv afltr immmiom

• jss tawa Mft tki Sofmt 7&m 7— Thia mast be gcu^ far, the Supper was one of the ''(hkei" which Christ had institated lod cammaaded, and onoa he did not menttoo it as thii« to be obaarved teptin, it ia anqnes-

tMsadbly embnced in the things whataoew" that ha commanded to be observed aftw baptism. Hsa aof Charts ia the anivane the authority to iawt thia eeified «xrd», and the sapper befare bottom, or baptism betoie personal £ath 1bChrist? If a memberoT tiiat Chan —if it eoald be oiled a Chort —woald I be }nsH9able ia the of God or man to partidpate in what knew and mt befare God to be a gross violatron

of the lawa of Chriat, and i rinkle my infioit* and pott^ of the Sapper with the onb tizisd, pn-

1 maid Ms^ atttr sr netrd mf prolmt a^amM At Tialatwt 1 Woald it ezcal^

Tin mEi aKuns-aa toe erkio to aaaa to it nttsxMiMf m iiti II »iiitr«f wiaM 'VI III* srtlte <*nw

• tMUttant-• auBinc, Sc« rarikta^n*. t'rfllBriiHiixtatteal. a. s. ranii» «f ar—^

yfcj» ! f i ttta •MlttllHSW.irf 'MM. >B(Lii.w.4am mmrifaatr. ji*.—v*a>a>i*T«t TOg<aiM> —la UMavKaaa t aWiiWMta. njmumaf «< ikikiES ivn

biB»ir sn BonC w


juna utMMT. 1 navAsaicsa. { S.K.XAnK. J t«Mr

WDtnr a [cdtaBiite. MiUi't

HO. i xixmwa.iir omittm, »»»•«.

&omgailt, toriaeands^, "Brethren, I, for one, "knew and fad thia iavettis! of tha order ea-' estabhahedby Christ, to be a gnat sin, nd

SOlW VSiTO of his vidUe Kii dom, and enter " my protest, as the Charch has decided to " sfoakle ioGmn and to opoi eommnniootie, I

OroL If he haa spedftod toe process of law, I the «nbr to be obeerved in the treatment of a I

or 90001 oflrnrB, (&»' he reeogmxes bat I two dasses,) mnst not order be im idtly | obsemd? Has any chardi, by even a« vote, the r%i.t to disregard or to invert that! order? Woold she not aaamse the attitode of | open rebdEon to Chriat shoold she doit} Isnotl the ofi&r of thslur ef disdpGne as deuiy edr I Sod S3 t}» order of the law of baptism and con-{ momoa in the eommissimil

bitapvanofdSenceto'betieatedl Whatiaj the moccssT

they vrill discover to Pedobaptists how to escape -from the argoment against spiinklisg and faifant baptjsn.

The cotanms of this paper are open to any one who will attempt it.

Leat we be misrepreaented, let all nnderatand that, we hold that it is the daty of each chtudi teaetKxordiog to her unprejadicCd cODvicdon* of doty enlightened by the Word of God. If,a member excesses his conscientioas opposition to aa act or coorae aa nnseriptaral, the church should give him a pa^t hearing, and give henelf time for a calm ezabuaation of hia positkin. If after thisaheis saUsfled thu the member is wrong, andheperdata in his protest she should kindly and a&ctioaatdy labor with him, and if thu faiU she dtould exdude him. He can apply to any other Baptist diorch for membership, and it is the rij^t of any chort if satbfied that he was right in the coarse be purroed, to recdve him faito her fellowship. See IF. R. Wmiaut, Hay-ta^ Uimr, CnmW, Ucaaud w»d Haai Book, Dagf, Ormefimk and all standard Baptist writers.

Letters to Young Preachers. No. 9.

I>«Aa Baxrnaxa:—T&e Bible ia the atore-h<nsa of Theology. It eont«ns the revela-tion of God to man. It ii aalike all other booki. Rsad it aa ofton as yoa may, yon will

mejisd Moietlusg new. Other boolu eia bool

aadehivalraes aota of the Soath, or of wortUeas asptots to the hocort la thia the spirit ofthr trae gnsrdiaaa of her hcoor and b« beat taterwU 1 bthb the s ritof afidlavtr of Jerasi ThegiM masa of oar peopK as we have aald, have, ftom a itody of the sabject, and from a knovkdce of the rtsalu of emandpatkio In the Weat In es, and of cfdonlatlloa In Airicx; of the coodmsn of the free Uscks In Cscada, la the North and asMrg as, ceUre-Ij changed lh<>lr views of slavery. Whoever msy be eooddered ODsbond, they, of all men are, and abaaM be ooi^md the moat safe acd tf lablei. Bio i* of this nomber. He frsskly declares his chanii at views, and ewAews every sentiment held or writ-ten In 1849, favorable to emandpaltai-he is satis-fled that it waa diimerlesl, and woald have resnb-ed la disaster.

Now whatmoie ia demanded of him 1 Those who have imijW Ms ruin, and those who have to the at aKist In tbeir power, aidtd. biefiecUDalt, having ez-ksuated their calignity, win not the people who «wl no erpcdU Interest In hts deatratUon, having 00 maltee to graUf/, take a right view of this mat-tn. and as the eontroQeis of thn pabllc {»ea, whli tfwy are, since It could not exist or speak withont toelr snpport, put a fall stop to this anholy persecu-tion 1 let the people dedde. We should not hava written this article, had not Bro Lee, ealkd apon as to dellne. We have now deSoed, making no penooal application of our remarks. Car brother tee, mast dedde If the part be ha* actcd towards brother P. hss leaned to the dde of charity 1 Hss he attempted to cast the kind npOe, or labored deepen tbe sntpidoa and widen the Impression that EMer P. U an abolhlonlst or an emsndpaUoniat, an unsafe naus 1 He knows, we do not, for we have aeen only a f« w bsaes of hia paper since this came ap. Ho hss pubHcly er-mcted the imprrufon made by the caption of that artlds-cf ooane. Win ha fsvor us with a copy, and we will take pleasure In

California Correspondence. Soaoaa, C ^ Jaaa, a^ I860.

BaoTKxa <S»Avast-Jla via have temporal vaata as wan as spiiitaal,» may not ba «mi»to aend an oesadosd letter o thaphydcal resowees aadchaiactoristics oTthis State. Tbe healtW-ness oftheclioiato is anrivaUed; andits bcMty cannot be imagined by dwdhns intha East. The heat and cold vary consideraUy, in different localities, owing to toe txado vrinda which came ftom the ocean daring the smnmer, and from.the south-east, across the hot pidns,in wintw. The most pleasant part of the year, in Ssn raadsoo, ia the winter and spriBg months. The summer is cold. When yon go oat, you must pot on ^tj, golden your overcoat or shawl, and when yon cooie in, towns and cities you ar glad to gfet near a comfortdde fire.— Tlunk of that, wlule yon are pantii for life on-to the Waie of a July or Angmit san! and -re-dnced to a jdly in a pnliat furnace. The winds coming from the ocean with tremendous force, make your teeth diatter, and your cheeks tii le, aad upset all yoar notions of heat for summer. But when these winds change early In — tumn, everything is reversed, thedr U balmy, and "December is asifeasant as May." But m the interior, that i east of the otaat range of moant ns, summer ia summer, die heat becomes intense, greatly modifed however, by the pre-Tdliz« winds. The winds rise about 9 o 'd^ A M. and ccmtinne through the day, rendering out-door labor, not only bearaWe, bat pleasant. lamlivingdioatiaOmilea £pMn the coast, find the weather die most delightful tS*t I have over experienced at this season. My dalaren are as fresh as young rose-bods, and my wbe has been a sufferer many years, is becoming etrt.^ and vigoioos, and bids fiir to live life over agais The temperature here h remarkably even—it bw ing neither so cold or hot as to be uncomfortable-The nights throughout tbe year are perfectly do-lidous, a blanket always being necnssaiy. Sleep ia not merely a necessity, but a positive luxury.

gi^attiaetioa to draw gvast pi nlation heie ^ Gold haa. dng thoa8and|<]r a^es of caaala aad

wl^ will seree the puipoaea ct the maoo&i Mr and agrictiHarist, ages n&a tha minrxia qSDtta), nvei ^ tbepagea tf Untarj. Themigh .deaeftaor ITtah, New Mexico, and Kansa ate Batsally f^ilc, but for want of wa-ter tla^ bimaaa aterOe, and cany terror to tha heart of th« emigrant. Snt the gold £eger will come, vrith his winding ca^ and gracefol fiumea, and then the deserts Stanaly as the rose." Htow wondlriw are the wa^ of God Thermilliona of etpiatef that afew yaaa apf-were considered abool l worthless, on aecoont (feCBrnslbaircnnesa l itowbeghmingto smile

aid Edoh ike gardfos; . . ^ingap among tha

Bocicy MoimtuBSt, as^lt eastetTi base of the Sierra Kevada; the ,fa eoa<& rm» twice a weA over a ic gnifi<»|t Warai highway two tbnvtond mitea long, jt atcting the BCsdasippI with the Btdfie, a ^ t ^ 'dectric wire'win soon flash hnmaa thoo^t occin to eeean, in leaa time than it takes to wri:a this Une. What a vast field is openl; far Christian use{itiBes| 1— . How active shonld oMChirdies be in |»epaiiiis the mea to acoompa»^ emigrant train, and apea np the *Hrdls o^Hition" in the desert.

TheKbledescribefealistine as "thegloiy of alllaadft." But CsKjmit strikingly resemUes that "gooffly land," share in the heav-enly benedietion. ^ t was the laad of »the olrre,tbe Tine,and fig,' soisthk. ThatJaod vras famohs for "aa^, talk, and honey,° so is this. That land ha s 'Hariy and later nia^" »o has thia. In shofr -therus a maiked smilarity mdimate, awl, In felnesi prodnctioas, moan-tains, plaitis, winds, £($inis ieaithruinesa, beauty, dt»ini>!eisess, lay this isnd be aa highly &vored i n ^ revaationsof Jehovah'a majesty and glory, in the abandast s>at-poann^orhiss{Kri ^hisam Chnrdies! H.

mlstepreaectathm removed from bo. Tbe telecram In the Thmism B^ititt of SIst of

Juty, is as fcJlowa: ** WE are receiving an aeeesdon to our list ftom Loa-Isiana, OWIBC to the unealled lor eonr* f the

bSrblSnoStoour'iS*^ S the fl^f thi I publishing It WUl our brottier entreat the Z««tnuui | Xewuiaaa SttfUti have been destroyed. WeshaU | to copy brother P.-s article of August, 1 lib. sot Irok it up. If has ehars^ what our brother | ^ ,ccompacy It with soch remarks aa he ihlnks


l-S VOBK8. It is no trouble to sleeft and no trouble can keep I We have rso^P the tot forms of hi* you from sleeiong. The trouble is to get up in | Qnek Tastameat [jd. Qnnmar. They .az« themoming. If a manon't livetnsocha d i - 1 t b a ut typogra ieaL mate as this, there is no place for Wm this ride of j ^^ graatlaber. They arc beaven, and I had almost said he would be t - j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gaeoefal praoe^OB

of bia Mi«on wo^ Taeybear the ia^ri-maiur, aa they of %e Doawatia ani Indian MiaBOn B ^ ^ of tkt Soathera Bap-tiat Conteaaon, p|thoat te name of tka Chajleaton Sometj^ded, asreweteiafaqpei waaatfiratdetorslio^ Had

isfied even there. MiaCRALS. Nearly all in the East assodate CaBforma with j

giddonly ; but the truth is, gold is only a drop I in the bucket, the small dust vf tbe balaiKX. If | there were not an ounce of gold in the mountains, Calit would be one of tha richest countries | on the globe. Her mineral wealth, b«ideB gold, I gratie, a ^ offered o do, andbopal

of doiagjwa did not ck-of oat House npon it,

says he hss even Dawson says It's not so." I should be glad to know what Charge the last sen-

tence refers to, aa I have oev»r charged him with aboUtlcBiiB. anlM In the first article that appeared In the Lamisiatui A ftK, which waa some hew BO-IntenUocally.bymeatleast, captioned "Pendleton an AboUUoeist." I think If tbls caption waa edi-torial, It waa written as a questkm, • Pendletra an AboUlioaistr' him wUh abdlSoohm, 1 think tan wUl aUow me to say, that, however my cootfe towards Pendleton maj be viswed.thesabseilpdaD Ust of the LontuM Baftitt la larger than ever before, and is cocstacll; on the Iccreaae, Vei7 respectfully, H, Lai.

Ml Lcbinoe, La., July, 1860.

Bro. Lee his.showed us klcdness and we i ppie-date it. In retiring fMta the presa, he bears with him oar prayers for his present and eternal welfare.

is inexhaustible, and can supply the demands of trade for ages to come. She has silver, copper, lead, iron, platinium, chromium, nikle, antimony, cinnabar, magnesia, sulpher, salt, OT®am, mar-ble, granite, coal, Jtc., i:e.


Spiritual Drouth. The literal dronth wbioh most parts of oar

In EO other way did I cVer charge j ^^Arj have been nffering fbr wceka past, ^^^^^ inspire salntary rcfleotiona. If the God of besren r^arda tbo &I1 of a sparrow, He eontrols the eloada, aad eommsnds them when to ponr ont, and when to withhold thor watery trea-iarea. He sends rain on tbo jut and the nnjost. If hia ageaoy & conoemed

tho bat of .tbo Board

Xha JSowd has j sfiactory ruoni for aoid-ing it to Ifcw Y o f ^ be at a gaat ooat, ratk-

than having it There are vast regians of the Sttte covered I waiting 10 bear Oem.

iwith magnifl nt fore^ of , " ^ ^ t o aay thawa did act ultimately jidd more wealth than haa been dug | ^^ c f c T S C^

»rt«i«e4 bifc. eridenoe i i i

Riks—Thelelrgramwasinpart an ae»w« to al , , v correvpccdent in Louisiana, who sent us a li.ttrf w giving nhowan and fniitfal seasons, who new subecrlVrs and Informed tSs that the course of j will say Uie aaaie agency ia not ezerolaed when the iMxsioM BeefAa towards one of the editors of | (j y re wltbbdd T The Seriptaras do not

leave na is danb . Hoaes was eommanded to tell the I&iaelites tfa*t if tbey were disobedi cnt the heavens would be aa brasa aad the earth as iron. That is, thwe wonld be no more rain in tbe heavens than if tbeae wm eompoeed of brasa, and 00 more vegetative power ia tbe earth than if made of iron— Men are proae to forget thrir dependenoo on

1 this paper waa giving great dlssatUaetlon In his vlelnity, that It deserved a rebuke, for tbjugb he! may have favored emanclpatloo under certain dr-cumatances, as thcnsacds of the beet men in every Southern Sate did, twelve or fifteen year* Jgo, yet It j was a vile slander to call tbem abaliUmiUs, then 01

We cued tot to reply to our brother, Lee. We have forborne until now to do so, though hia paper with the charge made In t^ capU^ which Bro. Lee explairs to cs, has been placed before our eyes, '•Pianuioa aa Amutioxisv." The cotrespon t Informed as that it bad so charged him. This was more than Djiwsoa bbaself dared do-but. even Dawsco acquitted him of the charge and declared that

m* AMd tUrftd HI We lefcrrtd to thUas a Artiit. Thu

no aiore thu U Bro. Lee had. charged Bro. P. with kbcU-tioniim, lUwson had denied it.

If Bre. Lee wlsbea to know of oa "who ia meant" when the "esemiea'' of Elder Pendletra are referred to In thia paper, aad what of all that hsa been saU of him is denominated daitJn- mmd aunfrtstnia-

from the mines. The lumber trade has hardly been commenced,

yet there were, two years ago, three hundred and eighty-eight saw milU in operation, cutting in the I aggregate five hundred million of feet per year. Thess mills cofct in their erection two and a half million of dollars, and yidd to thdr owners about i seventy million of dollars per annum.

ASSICULTTRE. The amount of land in this Sute adapted to

the porposes of agriculture, is estimated at forty-two milUon acns, exdusivBof the swamp, and overflowed lands, estimated at fire millions, which when reclaimed will produce every variety of| crops. The amount of grazing land is estimated j at thirty millions of acre making a total of sev-enty-seven mililons acrcs of land suitable for sg-Ticultural and stock raising purposes. In 185$, seven hundred and fifty-scren thoiisaad acres, were in cultivation, and ime million one htmdred

not anSoient, did oSdr to the B< to make T We

be exhaasted of their eonteats. £very idea tbey eontain, exproMod or implied, may be gleaaed &om their pages. Kot so with ^ Bible. It is an isexbanstilile miae, tbe rieb-nets of which eaa only be partially explored;

•^^^toynurdedsiora^Tl^withyorUj^tt^J®®®** carry oa your wpbrationa as J ^ Jl^u « tha peaea of tha Church." Let the Chrisaaa tar as pomblfc Kvery aiaistet la ttnder tbe j explains oaf y i f f ^ " *« readsr dedde this. i m»t aaered obOgationa to learn aa madi as be

8. Appiythiauaciangeab;eandiavindh]eprin-|«anabcat tbe Bible. He oannot know too dpia to tho execn'tiaa of the difc asory bcs mveb of tbe B)ak whiob il able to make wise

onto salvatian tbrongb fiutb in Christ Jesna. Haaoe, aa an aeqaaintanoe with the urigla-

al Hebrew and Greek in whiob tbe Seriptnres wore written, u greatly proifi dTo of a knowl-edge of fiie iaapired records, I advise every minister who eaa, to Meorae a Hebrew and a 9reeX aekolar. Thia adviee I can hardly ex-pect to be iafloential, except with yoaag mea Tboaa wbo have readied middle age are ninal-ly too madi oseapied with other matters to deroto mneb time to the aeqtiisi on of laa-

, naget. are all yovg ministers able > t step. The brother daiming to have been i n - H e b r e w and 6«ek ssholara.

bi».whfto^;SrormapabBcman»i,and T h c t r o f •nUl it to hia^ in ssdi

a way as will ba best cal- oonficed to their moaSr toagua. Jrft toem not calated ta bring hm to see aad auka rqaiatioa j be diaooaraged. The Eaglisb Bible, thoogb

COICFOBT. Thia if tbe a Bcmon pra^iii hy

Elder H. F. Baek^, oa tbe «oeam of tha deadi of Mra. 3f. Marrow. SisleiM. waa Hiiaionary amoag^o Indians aad ba i o ^ in tbe Indian Twritory as eariy gave.— "Bleaae^aretbed^ who die in tbeLord."'

1. The Sermon c#broUter Baoknwit foBdad on the words, "Wi^ore oomfbrt one er witb these w j ^ " Tb« words eiaraee the eontext. It i ahcwn inat tbe first tord of comfort haa r^*noe to tbe state ai th»' pioas dead. "Ai^"—'^eep in Jeaoa."

2. "Tbe second cf comfort baa re&roea to the ground of^ar fsitb v>d hope ia ^ God »nd it ia a merey iu Him to remind them I and sixty thousand acres, indosed for grazing, „ , ^^

of it. The American naUon needa often to maldng almost two miUion acres of mdosed land reenrreedon, andlfaal happiness of aU wfe be reminded of this fact How we forget God ! When for a series of years He bestows the blessings of his Providence on w, we bc^ to look on it as a matter of eoaree that we arc to receive ki» ftvors. Tho uniformity with whiah his mcroies are <5on/erred- be very

I in the Sute. Wheat,barley, rye, oats, com,buck-wheat, beans, peas, potatoes, arc raised of the finest qualities, and in enormous quantitieft I fear to tdl tho whole truth, lest yoa wni

I charge me with exaggeration or at least with 1 having be«i gulled by some one. Bat, I write with an offidal work before me, tailed the

aleep in Jesna." S. "The ffiini^l^of comfort haa refeie&ea

to Ibe ecrto»/jr, lii aioanrr, and the cnw-gufHctt'cf Chriat acoonu ooming."

Let the reader famine the First Spiatle to the Th»saloaian4|Ckapt« rr, and be t ^ b*

thing wbieh chonld intendfy onr gratitude— j fomia Kegister," which gives the mere average becomes the means of promoting a strauge forgetfalnesa of God.

Is it wjnderfijl that our land langaishes, 1 ti murr mmta • • • » a* ««., we win answer &»ily. and without refer- aad that the products of tbe idd arc K> ence to the Xoaift^ BafHtt, for we have seen 1 onsly diminished T Is there not a eause 7— very little of what has ipeared In that paper. Bro. j When blest abire every other psople, wo were Lse, who ki»ws what ho has writtrn, must jadge U L^j tbankfoL When onr snbstanoe was al-anjthing applies to him. Lost miraonlously inorciscd, we did not futb-

faUybonor the Lord Mid I buskds per «:re. In the com district, the ave-Wi.b be first f ^ ^ We rob- rage U100 bushels per «:resome sections wiD

is unfriendly to the South to-daj, sentlmenU he bed God in the paltry, meagre cffennga wc not produce this pain, held In eommoo with the hundreds ot thousands of j i to bis treasury. We praotieally aud, "

productions, and mentions nothing of these ex-ceptional cases, wi h result Cnun more careful cultivation. The wheat crop of 1S58, emWaccd 186,464 acres, and averaged 20 bushels per acre. One county bad 1G,000 acres, and averted bushels per acre. Orie lu^ of 200 acres, averaged ^bushels per acre.

Bsrlcy is very extensively cultivated, and is a very renumerative crop, fiequently averaging 70

tbs apprcpriato sennon is a c ^ t fcr to it a^n < is brooght ont B^&t Pablie

! of theco divisioasi Tha c-no. I Bball probablyw-

; baINi more ieisnra. K-I atylaby the Southsnu

Sadety. E

hie to I S » t h e m men ten and flft»>en years ago, are I ^^ ours, and the Lewd in-considered acd spoken of by this ptper as bis L^^, ^ „ k ow tfcat tbey ara bis. Hoaea

.The or latimation, „ , ^ . The very means

for his aiuug. To go to him am^y to obaerre tbe proeaaa ot

bnr so aa to briag tha broths legally before the dtordi, wooMbeaviida&mafthelaws and

Thm la a ptmeipte of idterpratation, old *• toe Bataaa Oddli lauu i atodlnto the lawa nf afl dvil-izad notiaBa, tkatmda thna: »Sp*eifieatio Uniaa mt azdaaia aitodoar* tha ^ dacadoa of oae thing ia te pR&ihitios of oveiy other. le ia so adfeviifanat&a« ij: Is s& aziom in aU taw.

Tha maocar or tbe lawgiver, ia not requiied whaahaaaaMandaaaartaihthing tobadaaa^or m. eeitai&gra«at8r ardartobaohaai laJ, to paaae, sodspedfieaSy ptuhib|t the aancyt. or thetdB-oer, ur iikjiinr aftte ficon doing taia Of that or thtt odar, oatii ha haa mawrratrd

cBOBBitiMft tiaag thai srii kt bat doM For UlivMliM: If a aartir £tatt his 11 na II iiiiiyiiJliai tii ilij.Tiii Ti aotreqtdtadto

shsmaal wjjBaar eaa,aadaaC tosp9ftiail^ aia r>aa., Btiljie baa apariftaj amy eooeeivabki

• Liqpiaea aamaet mi^t do. His spe-In i&ntoba4wi,lsapo«itiveprohilii-JaMNgntMmdMk Wbao GodsMBmandad

taf Capfar wo^ ha fochoia

ta makaOB adt oftba OofOMnt atmurn ^ andmtt^it wiUi 9dU, ha Snteda hia to

at it nf Uaftm aasrf aad atariay tt with iriHs. ISiii wiy utherwood than that spadflad ban awd, tte OBoaaiaad af God woald hava beaa vio-

bmrad. Tha • cx- idUmmjm'mfmat. T&a viaiatiaa of thia : prfedplaaf ii.iwfaalalljai ihH tfaa moat Ig^

~ paiiBW JiaafaBataaJs>ail •waa aatiaawMmbaNk-Ja^aafew tha

^iUttStl^aran. Ooif


iwt a perfeet, is a good version. Many, many abla ministera bare t«ad no other; they bava pieadied tbe truth as they have learned it fimB this version, and God haa erowned their labors witb ndaat8n }»«s. Andbero I of I ooane eall in question tbe Kundneai of the

2nd step. If the first step &ila,then take tiro or three impartial brethren, ecjoying tha confi-denee of both sarties, and make another honeat,, , > l- l ^ - xi. ^ x v dicrt toshow'T^leader his wrong, n adgt^t which d^des that a man must bo a sMoeda tha matter is settled, and the diurdi bagaat before be u a prcacher. Such a de-naed not know aaytUag abort it, or only know | ««ott I do moat heartily disapprove and «{u-t h a t tha ofltoa had beea aattlcd acoorfing to the lawoT Christ. If the injored bother b satisfiBd smdy eveiy odter brother in ehristcnd<»i oag t to be, prodded the irftenee waa porriy pmaaaL

Srd atepw If he wHI not hear these brethren, tffM t tdl it to the duueh.'* The chordi Am aad not before, irtohear it azri fa to labor

:deiaB, Bat it waa my parpode when I oommeneed

and ImprMnons into circulation, to Sre the mine of pnbUe saspidon and indigsation, prove* the Incendiary and wicked character of the trans-action. Tbe prlndpals have operated in the dark, under ficUaona dgnaturea, to put forth garbled xetract* from artidea wiiuea in the Intense rman-dpatioo exdtcment of 1849. Tbat man could not bo found, even in this dty, who was willipg to Imperil hb character to do that thing mr ku own a au. "Donlos" Cy the way a fit csme fur the mssked aasuiic) dare not to-day eoof<sa hb name. Nor the one who puts a * to his pieces ia Elder Howell'i organ In this dty.

Using thtse "dark 1 intern" articles, aeveral Biptlst editurs and correspondecta bave carried

. . . . . . 1 on the war against Bder Pendleton with the tblt ktter, to Ob yoteg ^ tatenUon to mta Mm neeoaaity of «ueb a famOtar aeqaaintonoe with' tbe Soriptvrea as will reader tbe quotatioci they mab, aeearata. It ii astonisbicg how few preadter whether old or youag, ean

Oae of tiM chief exoellenoea of a sennon oocsiab in a •utabie interspeedon of Sariptnra in all it* puta. If a propooition ii to be ettaUidted, to bo (ffeetnally dene, it muat bo proved by tbe Word of Qod. If a tbemo ia to be illtu-tntod, tba Bible fumishea the moat apt illus-tratkoa If motim are Defied to eieite to ao&m, the iaapired volnmo atpplies them in ridt Tariety. How important, tben, tbat aiin-

said to the Israelite, " The Lord thy God giv. em ojed to put the' diargea I otb tbee power to get wealth " How f«wbon

estly rec>gaii) taia faot! In onr worldly prosperity we usually aaffer *piritual drouth

coionnno^ioirrixa OF DKACOSB. We call «tt«^n to jthe asswm ti the

Bdigiaus EtraM: to two qatriee, wkieb will especially inter«:, our readera at tiistime.

The declarat» tbat"TH« aisiLl-OKOCBB OF 1-ai ^ is o» thar boadarg luits" abould bolilitten in c^tila.

•rAl QmerlM. "ABaptist"aeiifetwo qoerjas, which sa jest a general rtanark, niAsary to be borne in mild when

considering aU iries of thdr class, ^trufi^ I battle-ground of is eaihtir iauubij-UtUs. Where tk i er works are enrrendoed, the •

Potatoes are raised in immense <iaantitic$, and of such qudities as are seen no where el'^

In seme counties, particularly in the south, cotton is raised of the finest quality. "The qual-ity of the artide raised in El Dorado is fine, soft, and silky, and white as the driven snow, and that | cjudel most. in da|5»soii,eapiiaUt» Whsbttwe of San Diego, in the extreme south, has been pro- j shill miiatain oija aadon a priodple, is ded. nounced equal to the best So* Mand staple." j not » much on i sjuesUon, May we opcny repu-

1-fo'rget 'onr obUgationa to God, forget our I The portion of the Sia'c adsptea i s d i a t e itt «ion t i ^ ^ inritous q i ^ ^ ;;S.?^rgettbo roTe nities of judgrn'ont and veryfarge, and .psblc of ...doing an forget the retributions of eternity. Has not population. Tobicco, hemis tl»x, nee,, sugar of ivlfeTiti are introdccad that seem-our country North, South, East and West, t r ^ i=gly change tbe t» a ..parai depanmmt rf been « f f ^ g spiritual drouth T Is it not ' d a ^ ' l if «.r b. not the a..ver u. oeen buum g t- • comfort ottins wotdcrftil State. ouerics wiU t^e it so. we hope, now lying under tbiagnevousoalamityT-j _ ^^^^^ our communion

net torwaortoiTiiare^anactofezdTtdaiijbat, tobriagdieofendartoaee,oonfcsaaadin«drhiaUw»<«®^®"« Bib^ oorreoUy. WTtB«,>f diedmrdi decides that Vhas donei«bief exoellenoea of a sermon a wiaag. B it is masiiirt dot the o&Bded oe tha "two or does btethrei '' or the dinrch haa itat lauoiad In the spirit'and for tha end esjmned by Chiiat-'4be iepentanee'%if the loother, then, the fawta vMated and the whoI» procednre ia nIlaBdv<t»d. AH this it idf«vident. Bntnow apply to this case the prindple onder i£scasskm.

Soea not Chriat aa oj^tljr forbid aiqr dmrch I Utera ba a^aai tod, intimately witb tba Word I from, aad proteded agdn. the appewance of

Ood. b^importont'tbat their aer-1 an»,-ou.arUd-In th- But., tbat of aa bfitaftf If tka nptrifVitirm of <00 thing,] Bons bave direot refereaoe to tbe Biblel— •r^ «r <s<Ma,te tha fa^On pnUbitiaD of aay {Some may icquiie witb amaaaneni, if all aer-

arc07ae,4seaa0ttheadylMgiver|B0Ssdfrn0tkaTe thia relereamT I answer, ao. Sane senaona baae very little to do witb tha Btble. They are Essaya on TtrtM noral-ty, ScA; cash Esaaja aa the pUIooopby of Soeraua witbast tba Bible, woold esabie one todelivar.

Had they bed brethren, and actuated by the spirit o( the Oospel, they troald have been alow to bdleve evil, and have pat a charitable constracilon npoe views published eleven yeara ago, when those views were entotaiued by thaaaelvea. It may be! It Is univemOly conceded that m«0wt alone act in this way, anaUe to find anything In the preseat go bach aad hunt the iu past for aoate *I!p. Why waa not this matter bronght ap before thii parUcular tlmel h haa beoi known to these men for eleven "yeaia paatt Whythb outcry Jut at thia Umel Why have thHe guardiana of Soathetn lointsts b«rn re-Cteact to thilr troafai aU this UbmI ChriaUan mea never act ao, anless onder the hifiaenee of the grcM enemy. 80 gross Was the aa*asU that ttveo the editor ef £ld. HoweQ'a organ shrank

tnl^fiirtUapeiaaaid oOHMa to ba brooghf bdbcethadrar^ iaany otbv way? And doea ha not focUd tha charA to take cc dzaDoe of ,{t, when hroa^ coataary to Ua fraeSoQ? Coald tbaaMMwmteUMiof atboaaaad cardiaa aad coMBaift doddoaefan tbe aagdajoake the art af that dntt^ dg^ oc aaytUachatrer i bdSoa to Cknrt that w'eoM aatetfaia a areoi^ia vfelafin*^ tiWa l«r,aBdattoBpt

toe anooyiaoaa artidea In tkal fvr-]>sper had been eatabUihed fOr a eertala purpose diat paipose moot needs be vsoempUshed by It, aai be waa Bxeed to yMd. Be kaew it waa a fcol act i«id woaM reedl apoo Ua head aa party to It. ' S. All thooe statomenU and tntfaaatlaca that have appeMed in any paper, eateulated to make the pregdea Oat Sid. P. Is an atotOsnss'st or that he is now aa emaadpatlonht, er that his praaeot vlewa are IntheleastaaMandly totoe Soalh, or reader Mas tin least anaa^ aa a pablie Instracter o( the yoath

A sena<» ooght to be vital witb Senptsral „ held anddedaicd by thb papCTto (nth—tbe tratb aa it ia in Jecas. And wben aa dbrt ia Bade to expm tbat tmtb in tbe

I be jiMKttrs and amfomMd mitrtf^umMima. Theae repieaenlaaoiia have been mads and penU-

edialfcefitee ofBdcr P.tavawed atetemeatato the «aidiary-laaeteee<rf the atasemeatof theCbonft toXeatodty.ofwhfcaiEiderP. waa Pastor fcr aeariy Vnrnti^im^Vbm^ oftheatataaaat of BMer W. C. Baek, tbe verv maa with wbon BAar P.

I t oonto^ of -die a

tbafaratediaigedtoyiddsobeuiaiDato{laagugeof t ^ nmotm-Tbe e8M af a fkilarr to footo


mart theatailMrfaand traateeakthe XlaivrMity ta wl^betaaehaa4te the fiueof the lepaated

afSMtr P^e»«ditertathia paper lAe kUiualswiltianita onihe aal'Jiot and what

_ i1 Bwdy aBOfctb aMaselaltaaaoBt ma. Bgnaat typek aooH dbRgard aad deaplte aa theaa ta Ite (An to anUli Ttatim to tba heaiv

«Bat Bdcr P. waa la Atvor of eaundpatUa IMJ." ooeas aay, '^lMarecd«a Um acaafe ftrUapoaUoB." We giant ha waa, bat do aat aD know tliattkoaaaad* aad tosa of thoastnda cf the »«> V^Beaiham B>ento ewn Boathem State, th^ tobcu m m m

I ia view, aad B i ^ bs«a aatabliabea Us pod* tion if be bad qaoted aeeanUaly Bom. w. 1. IBtetlidkeestabUabitiibnbe qwtodJbwTl :"Slten^beiagja*tiiedrWabaTa peaea irtA §«1 tfcwgb Obxiat." Tysi

doesaM'^ofii^ iaalraaM aU^ i ^ l b ia ja^UiMlm^ b«t Oat we bare

ijGMLbl fci^' A different point] iatakfwlaa «1lkeniBmb^ jaatiileaby

inttir j i ^ Iiwill{ .aa tba

ku^ M* paitT^rPSSB* 9i

raciTS.-This is the paralyse of frdt growers. It is vain

Ito attempt a description of the froits. Who I would think of describing colors to a blind man ? This is the home of the afi)le, pwdi, pear, j um, • cherry, quince, mcot, necterine, orange,

11. If, at any . (the asQiU invit:; [ baptist, in whom Ohristisn, aha ' ' asa£;e. V wodd it Uke a

Here and there a ahower baa fallen on tbe parehed 'fidd of 2ion, bnt bow partial haa been ite refreshing inflasnoe! Tbe general snrfaee of the fi^ld reminds oi of tbe moun-tdnsof Gilboa, on whieh David vrishedneith. ^ er tbe rain nor the dew of beaven to deeoend. j pj^^ promegranate, almond, J t® eonceive tl^ihe priodple of ratricted Haw few tbe revivala enjoyed tbe present | „pj. gtiawbemr, raspberry, gooseberry, Sanion should bfi ntained ia such a ease. nn vnn fnr L. nrindrfe does n»s6»« oo want of foil coofid<

''.I"™' p«tik. t or shou ifcey rrfuse lemon, I J iim T "

liariiig been givenj afado-hare the foUest confi lmw as a loogh well • acqMin ted wifc our •mans our eoDmunieatt*;— ir the deacooa ta allow hA ta tobaBdtfaeca:>!«ais

year! Christians, God is laying on you for jonr disobedienoe, bia obastidng rod. Would yoa have tbat rod removed T Heartily and penitently eonfess tbat yon deeerre H. Jaati f j God acd condemn yonrjelvea. The ebild, cbastised by a judieioas parent, ean most speedily bring tbe ebaatiwment to an «jd by acknowledging its josUea acd repenting of tbe disobeiTienoe, rendering ite itflietion neeea my. So witb tbe children o f j ^ . Qod deidetb witb ns as witb sons. What eon « be wbom Uie fittber ebastenetb notf Bat tbe ehaatiaemeat esases when the purpose forwUdi it is inffieted bM been aooompliabed.

Tbe language of Ao Apaatle Jaaea is wy

currant, graiies, and fig^ Great attaition is given to fruit culture. Gai

dens and ordiards are planted aD over tho State. Hardly a cabin is Rmnd without its girdea of choice fhiits, and losdoas grapes. A rciwrt be-fore me spea of apides, sixteen anda half indies in circumference, and weighing twopounds each, pears foorteen and a hdf inches in drcumferenoe, quinces thirteen indies, peaches ten inches, and grape vines, two year* oW f«m the bud, bearing one hundred pounds black Hamburg grapes, grown in the open air. The Malaga grape of com-merce, growa to great parfection, aad the same may l»aaid of dl the choice foreign grapes. The nadve grape is equal tothe best fordgn. Wine isbtii^ mann&ctured very extendvely, and


Foreika Si By the arrival cf the Jdriadcatl

^gn European datea toOe fint i Pain cey, thai lotd Pug

Strand's nstiaod defoase* has genatian. Some writeta ay that «BS CJt Kfto the maiijteaance tte two n*tinn<. A cutrc mdad i ffiTold tndnim ia various ftates ' at all tbe navd oSsera oa i I,een ordered to nipre-t thnmdves t The naval rcassve had bsEn French fleet In the Meditemmii ia to twenty tail •4' the finfi, Ulfitary J go on witii unfiigirp tcthiw far lb pemtion, which is stated ax twenty t teases artinetT and avdrr. AU tii

ia the EiglLih dock yiirds ai* Rtady to meet an aaetpaxr, la eept the isoposals bf interveBtiaa Cosrvcntion at Paris, with Bme Tlte .{•fr 'tc brings 3GQ pegeng ii, i Franklin and nieoe. A proqieetiB snedfora pca to fietablsh a -Fjstm an tbe

That ^ prindlJe does noS|»« on want of full coofidencB." in PedobapUrta fes Christian*.- U imU on . law ef tbe Kew stanent, rcqoiring "tka ^ . ordtnaace of Chl inity" ta precede every jiamWrt ' .,- iustitction givw^the church ; tha law, an othsrr. t;-

appropr'ute iTtbeie times'of spiritnal deeoU-1 tabdng mannftctured very extenstvei and Um : - Be afflieted, and mourn and we« : let very generally used by aU that can aflord n year langbter bo tom^ to mourning, and One cooaty alone ia 1857 produced 35( 0% gal-Dg,

Humble yonreATCsin be AaH lift fCa your joy to beavincM.

tbe dabt of tbe Lord, and ap " Bbune, bumilUtion and bitt^ aorrow b»-eome tbe people of Ood Hia ean» ia, in an im-portant aoaae, ia tbeir baaAn «d tow impo Feofly bare tbey miuntaused itedigaxty aad Broinot«4«te intereatel Wbat optuMmaaaat ^ of Ae world bare of tbe religion of Jem Chriat, if Hair views of it are &rmed from tbe exem^eaaons of tbe ^riatiaa aiMt as exhibited in moat <f tiioea wbo are eaUed by tba name of Obriat! .Tbe light ofttjaawto profeea to be tbe lig t cf t h e ^ ^ Inmeroas inataneee, beeomeiarkneee, aadbew neat ia tba darkaoM t rLr t tite people of God bamUe ^madTee iia Hie eight. Let tbem repent Utterly of tbdr baeuidings, and eenestly implore re-Moxias metw. Howeru tbay may Wi&rw tbe ^jsied drtmtb, aad boweaar aanoaily tbey aiay deaire ite raaoTal, let tbem tbini witb d e ^ eoBoeni of (pirit-W ditmtb tbeweoidaare anffiiriag, a»d let

It 'followed by »aA • tbei

of dhriaa ^ ^ will oaaae tbe fielda of Zioato witb wdore and witb fruit. Let emy abrfd ef Ood pcay, "0 Lord, i«vm thy wk." Then «e may, witboat pesamptma, b^eye tbat droatb tbat affiiete tba land will be from^e of f^V^y^

loDs. Wine making is one Isture of CaBfixnia, and win sotm become a loorce of wedth to all engaged ia it. CaTTLE JUin SHKIP.

This Stato is admirably adapted to tocV rai*-the dimate bdi« so mild, and ps urage

bei>% so fondant, aU kinds of stock floniish with bat little care. Catxie and b(»»es are being and Improved by the mtrodactioo 'new btee^' and it U AScolt to eoacdve of finw spedmens ia the animal kfogdoam, thu can be aeenhere.

In 1858,. theie Were 500,tX» sheep, the number cannotbe lesa than 1,000,000. There are

maey flw*aof the finest bkod. Almoat fitba-toM aricea have been paid for Moino, Cotewold and £aon bodes. Seine have brought aa high as $1,5001 neyiadaaaa withwnndeifiil rapidity; oaethoasaadawas often yidd thlrteea or foai^

knndtedUmbe in toe qaing. This btaadi of hndwSdryjsexo^n^y ^Stable;, and will becooM for mote ai aawDolea maanfoctOTies beK come catal sbed tlitot hoat tbe State.

I haw merdy gjlaoced at sOTie of the resoorcw of the Sta^ bat I have iakl enoB®h to ahow y ^ t h a t e a K f o r m a possesaea.all thedementtof waalth aadgteat»es8,-independeBtofher vathoa*aDd .qoarcaaleaofpM.

words, deman' b itism as a ioo " in tha ' accoontable for Pedobsp*i*t. ia manicanta, in the prranhie* mpondbSity,

coioddence rf Pedobapast fosd. whkh oor-usaage cooii shoe

sacntoeetd liiwiplasbip' of 'aacramsnul

ippiiT. Qod hoida ihMMA ; tothuUw.

iting himsdf wmiag t^ egas-the d«udi» n ieadKIily B kiwn Shi amat maat tlda Thc'deaeep*,aatetifiiocts.

iiluldmectii;i|kholdiBg-i?w«letla»te-'' (la •pasdng torn tUirSw we *»k : KiaiidthstnidiBg tha

it ant ba that ths Uusdt with toe hope ef are-

a neana of totgesdag odism, ortaaezpectatiaaeit . it aerv* aa an enteriag wadgifl

that ttsuage T) »• impta<>a for « Bapiiat. •riwaa-P»dobai*i»u. to so fusa to duw htschndtoec of the Hdy Ttidjy r-h* ea-st it. aad rrfodng totaka any


ta te ovvttliww - 9. W»W is?

T^adtdaUv-ikdr sigeait wit, apriakledin thai Itring his pr-'— partinthei • We eoacdve the qnaklingi departsaeat ef < oftfaehosbaBd <1 remo,vedtothe< hUoUigaiMBl

;H would: The^ las to duld, thoogh l ^ wiflda tha which isvelvaatba daSgatiaa..

ifeqaiieBMBt, asMsniigly 't ef duty wUd iavdl^

tsraast wid«s"«r hia wife. But.v«ioriIhl«s » -ohim^^ ddon.- and to. aitosaitf. whk* he m«*f«—te f t tbeccerdse ^ ^ ^ what bia hoa«i5Tdigi«m -When after aSeiN** coasalladoo, h««hs®a wife Idlto a t t ^ p t r t o . C ^

the tad rftha ftidly. udloi^ wtatiim the raspaaaihiSty Vedo aotW phy.«d diitd;bi ri«iV.thathe t oaimaaitf cause those trample oate fsafllv—outoaga ciatj-, with

Ma tte cBKraa cf p»v»t th.apriaBi««af iba U virtwW^afeial -

ita. he hM feibane

ia thaal8Star.W b»-a,S, . gMnpUdi thdr parpoaa. tha divtoa soastitctieB of-the

Page 3: aa^iTB. V. v.«AU8.)«u.'vm umn * · aa^iTB. V. v.«AU8.)«u.'vm umn * cou «.c. txxm, M. I ji^Js ' S NASHVaJLE, SATURDAY AUGUS

B E P A E T M E N T . GEK£RAL n e w s

Od taf rtD tbs




<f Ua i Tkei am

r mai-

for BMk-

flf L vaa

tloi inui4

ittuLoxd." ^ziaauiiad

oa JW&-

firatvord I •taieaiAs:;

• nfimw [iuip«h >01 sU via

•f tfc« idiek wOi

. t&irtiaa.

pr ihv aasTw ta

>auifijatsia u a iwiftvor oita^;— I k aUoir hum to

TanxKA SiuunazT. tl« aimal a< tlM .i*Mfe •«Hnr Totk,

^ ^ImpwiftrtwtafeefiatiBrtKBt. hattm S iMiPknBT, tisfcLordPiIiaeetaAmedion

m M . In. S IIWB lilt iBtioaB aJam l^feltBto tbe maintcmiee of poneWtweea f ^tronKtmo^ AcucnspaadntoTtteLiBiaaa 1 trali iadalgei ia TuiDOB wtriike raoon, od ' giua &at aU t&e raral oScen on fatkmgli bad liM (Bdend to lepnrt ttteaac^ witboat ddaj.

' aawal roerro lad bed called out. the ]^«^fl^mtiM3lta£tetriamiitolM latnd

, »t«8itT«iinr tlmHiw:. MHitary pnsperatio* . with anfl ging KA'tity fx Uis Sfriaa

, vUek ia (tated at tivea^ thooaod men, iirtiUeryaod<»ralTy. JUIti«!Tfmr»l«un>

I tte SngKah liock yards are to bn Bade r to maet an ODo eocj. Tiirke7 Iub ao-tthepr^aaahfcrintarieBUauiBadcbrthe ntian at PB l wtft aoate modigcationa.

'i^Jdriatie tiriDg»asap«*iiget»,indod&*Udy ftuklia and auee. A pnapBctuii hsd been (aedfo'anevteteiim^ cmnpur, wiiidt pniix>-

to tl» aoittiaieeBeo rf the *ii gbe^ ed bj tiM Pawen. ¥iukiA gmtiMM nn Locd J^An^OMdlto^fx-ber. XlwaKi»eft-|ttsKttrRar aoU to Jadce Ociffia, of WuU tw

adc tad. MotWiiew]Mt}iaitatedl^^'7> "lieietoGazibelS^eeieMBl.. I

- a«aj>oB-1 nA famMlmitz ct SJBBO too, l.IW if «Udk ai« t»a»»tfflfc«l|BiilB»«iid-€hm1iaJa«»tmth«e.|ima«'«^ AlMlite A Oaofatfka agreed to by GarabafiG «>dand jronac—120 CBaty.ij.ttecitad.lofM^-faawfflwtir.u'^**'^ * ^ V.d cf and tte tbe town. Tbe. Gartbaldian ealorawffl take e nal oak witk tbe Neapolitaa flig. It ia nimored

•atoflMablab a »jpU«n oq the peaa paatige ifcindple, and amnjr lueajgaa of femjr rtaanrput of En and, at tbe toufiitia nte of one lUUin Aa fcrfhumtiiT firacCoa bad been

ifbnned, w^a.ea{iitalarXlSO^ Efbrtanaife atKewfinmdbnd i^iLitliu^ Atiaatie Oabie ban OOed. Mr. HM7, Oa deetridiB, in bis nportfit^: "Bjr bairi anSnBi pfecw of tbe aUe wen rawd.^ unan lengtba, ajr mlxag ia •atD«w«aoiita,bttttbecable ia rKj^ i^ke il4bart£itaaoai,aBdts«aa ae»a«,ry »t U«t to d-nto the att«Bpt» In ^ tj,, fctah P r f b ^ npoo a.., ^ ^ «9i«s, Lord foUowa:

b« not bUl«l«b.«m«a« whsao BtBd,«baM lidiiiea

Oat the royal tioapa are aibovt to eracoate tbe citadel ol ICeaiBBa. Ebmffitiea an aa«ended. Itwaarefiarted tbat Quibaldi waavonnded at KdaBo wberetbehMMi tbe SicSIiam vem

Kapleaia tna^SL, W agitaSoa p e t ^ in

(taUn (teek of {unlig implmMts, etc., an far ifce •sa o«[»iir hosdicd Oooaud diiSui. laadfition to tbb, Itr. Cn](c n«mt» th6 i>i<n«it Tear** crop of eottcn asd em, dereo Umitj setraata.


moa or "qracb mnasAJtiW .

tha giett jupalirt r ol Qract: (of wbk* 80,000 ccplei bate been aoM.)aHJ aaiwte. «* tWa book,1boo«ad» of readaia. It traew ibe Urtotjr •t a pertdd of aort- tragle fcteM«*-a» nagioBa pereecnUoo ia4Aitoleraoc8 wiieb narked t&e niga

and tbs trials add tat-

Mazried. Oa th* Wh bwt. 1 A

ai uiM "t"^ — ° jnmBf.


of Cbailea U., of Si>et(Dd, —The CItj Cotmca of S»w ;b«Ji7, Icdiasa, b«» j teOnsi Ibtongb Which Bnojaa vu called to pew. u appropriafrnlotbe lUror faf tbe n v ^ I ^ to tot pare Uai to be tbe amSbet oftbe im of an fne negtoea from that town -mho *a re«iain« I " . „ in Indiana oaisraty to hT. j morja " Pngtim** Piopeei."«narreitoateChica#>,j aaa »n» laaMi ait of n. and Walter F. Cbadviel is Koelk Uteod. diaryd | ^ Ytrk Smi»*r aafa: wiib ooMplifec to,bBn» tlw nlUtwd bridfre aeroes I \ Tmmaa- baW bete anotber work

. . * , tbe Wiilntppi at B.^ IdanA A bin of tofiiet. " ^ badirfosedtoaaoptanroftbeiaaawwrecoa-laawtwaaraundMait^ ibrUBiig tatet^ w m w"»aedbTtbe Fiendt . -ddedareaIAl t i«e^aaaMty ofcla4«auaabte antborof that Wghly popnlarbook, llairBnnrao, J «« irencn^amjj^^ J tke UhH dangbter of tie fmmortal dnawr. la te-

fwred » repeatedly to M» antoblognqfhy and o»b«

U90S WUJUi OOU>BaBi ne next aearioa tbia laadta^ «m Um

flntlfanaaybiSesteaber. Veareandtfnany^ ngttloDatoovnamaroM ftiacd^ fwpaat patren-tge; andferfalnre fBOOMagemeBta. Weareb^ py to Inforaitbeni, tbat »eba»e added to auecfpa of K«cben.tbe Ml»«Motdloa,arflIlaaWaHa»i, UetrfjnaerBiiaeteacher;

A«ptoartangr»eoto bate been made teboaid-tte naawroa I in* »«»tbe iBaUtnUon. Fw^wtolaia apply to

mM^^mm B.D.8nraBsaaa,

ItBriiMBbaco, Tems.

tfcrt if tbew neanirea are fere^ npoo Ua, be | b a«est rf Use St Lwi."Ob»i»ber of Coometce ««1 vul uandoa bis State. Fcaxa were entertuned } certain pardea wbo have udia i>radtB|c a;ainat tbe tbat Gaiibftldi mkrt>t «« tk. t> I brid«e. Chadvick b attorney hi the eaeee. The pat temtory. A Torin dispatch of tbe 26tb aaya I aaid to be eocclolTe. tbe adiiipB of tbe Uanioia do U Greca to ParU ia enenWe Va. KaO. lon« a wWed miaUter to briag about a compcoouae, by wbieb tbe King | of tbe Prabrterlan Cfanrcb, ^W„aged rfgh^.tw of Kapiea voold secnre tbe remit of luuTmal

UOOOABB. n< Onttr I AOw fnmiMm.

- . - - - - . , B. H. Brockway, represeauate of the OroTer * workii.. She waa abont twelTeyeara of age U^iyj, Bew««« lladitoe Company, offers a spedal Baujaa was loptlsoaed in Bedftad JaO, ind ^ ^ ^ one Handred DdlaiaCarii, far the beat amlety onberbrfiaW was oneof bis priaripaloaoa-j ^ ^^^^ eahibived' at NsahTille, eaof dlstresilahisloog imptiaooBwit. Sept. lOlb. 1880. As drawn by M™. Port, bercbaraeto seems to| ^ ^ ^ ^ hedooe by a lady, a iwidfot ol

dTragein ScOy, sbooid-tbe Weatem Power. I S l^ ' f te .^a™!. : Tears, at bla rctidrsce ta FbOadelpMa on tbe I . • mftjert* and lordiness, and I ^^ • - f naerly PresldS cf Dick-

Sn^teo tbe integrity of tea d<nuniQi>a on tbe j^y 39 YortaUre, Cmranaos mam land, and pcerent Garibaldi from landing | Coonty, H. Y..Uw wife of James Wheat was foaud tbere. The latest adrices &om Rome repon tbat i <t«ad. H-r hmband was deriareJ gaUty of marder, > un w .w^^ tv— I by the CcroneiU jorj. Oa Weduajday he was con-k »e£tioua bdlbas been posted tbere anoouneuis ' ^ to J%a in EliioW, sad ooSituMsy he iU-an approaidung terolation. I dond to Use onighbon who tisi.ed him the fsct

The whde worid, as wen aa onrselTO, bate 00- U>at bis fkUier and mother aaeliited Mm—the f^er - . • . .1 itrascUna Uie TicUaiwltb a handkerefciet caasm to rejaoe at tbe splendid crop prospects of tbe Xortb in I860. Wbile there ia every reiKiQ to beUrre tbat onr Wbole Western coontry will yield tbe most magnificent of barrests, tbe re-1 killed fa thsit &a»e by thetornado, s!«y-fl»ehoni« T«e, it is feared, will be the ««. in tbe South-1 I


the story of her loTe for WilUam Darmer, and of-his deaUi f« tbe canse 'of drll and religioos fteedom, 1 has mnch of tbe palheOc element In it. Mra Ford b e»ident!y Uiotongbly «« fatl to d>e toddenta of Banyan's famfly bUtory, and to Uie topography of Bedford and Elstow. We can saldy predict ft» U>e | work an exteraire sale.

The A'.* I'ort Aoajrfut says: The rimple to-cideots of Banyan's Hfe, Ms protracted imprlson-

Ho persons oocmected with oar office wiUbe peiw milted to contend far the prsmism.

Aog lltb—Im.

aUactrd to eammeiv •dwhMegloriea nifikeoparatiar uase diirfly bsen in reladon to J—«nebanationcannotbeexpeet-^ SiS ^ entJw r tarf from iuforarr toeompriend all tbe beseda i iC* jga thtt wwUd aiiie&cm p<«eefaland •ffU'Jl -ialreJatta* I hope mocb ftom tbis tisaty, tzeair aiooewoaM baafiail s3s3iity toa

States. Heavy rains have considerably tbe cropa in England.- From France

tbe acooonts are men rassnring, snd it is hoped tfaattbis will beagoodanrageyear. From tbe Baltic ports tbe aoconnta are ma&Torable and also firom Naples and parts of Sjpain; bat t^oghoat Italy generally tbore is a prospect of . jt good harrest.

RA&E OPPORtraiTT. Isaac Hsle, Je. * Ca, Hewbaryport, btasa., will

employ Hate and Females to act as local or tratrt-lag ageots. Those no» fa their ehiploy arerage

, „ , from |80 to ISO per month. We cann<A, in tWs^-—The- Iowa City B-porter counts up from tt* bis heroic endurance and lofty faith, am of I ,ertlsemen parlicularias Uxe basUeas, but we wiU

most reliable «sta one hmdrrd ar.d tw per ns the deepest at»d mosttbrilUng la- m a drcdlar, (free of oost) to all who address ns "'"needed cnly picture of bis blfad upon subject. ThUUa ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

faCaoton county. whSl. the estimated amom»t daughter M i r y , In her genUeoess and paU«ee m>. tboae out of employmeot to obtato an honorable



^4taati(ikiUetUs,wah rCensiTe intercsta, wldi 'gimt waaltb, sod wboae ibcm an more epa. to te attaA than the land Crontin-of any eooitzy. bo-esaae, wbenaa, apsD a bwuiFr tbe polata of Wtaek can be pretty w»B gasased, sad can be gear* •d; a orantiy wbaas bautiefa an tLe sea Is open to soadcataay poiattowhidkaBSDemy abletoosn-ssnd tbe sea may dtoOM to firect his eppos ftao^ tbeicbao I azy it would be foQy to rdy apoD the flUure eSrcta of the iniamerclil tzeatywbnwc know that we bate Talneiahle poiiits wbii require •rtifitial deftoaaa, and thai we have (be masa of provMiac tboae artUdal " Is tbere cotbing to the «ato of Katope tbal leads us to think that we migbt by tbe coarse of erects be caOad upon to detaid ouiariiTes agaiost boetOe at-.tackl We see to Francs aa army of six bond^ and odd thousand men, of whom lour bmuL'ed and odd tbnasind are actnaUy Bids arms, azid the re-mainder are merriy en rcrtongh. and can be ealM into tbe ranks to a ibrtclBbt. That army ia greater thaaFtaneatequbcafirtbepBrpaseaofdeteaa. Bo nattoD fa the worM would tUak. snpnmJwd, of at-taeUng Ftanas. Hothlog could be gained by H; b« sue coold expect to dismember Fiance, and aocoe wodd tare otbsrwiae than in who seotsicd upon an acpronriked attack apon Fianes; snd.tberefn, for Uie detaiae of France we may prooamee dmt vast

army I do aca aaean to say tbat that army iaraiaed far tbe teUbefxM parpoie of acgree-risB. I trust tbat it la not, bat tbe possceslan of powsr to awtieas fieqUBnIly rea tbe desirv to do SB. ToacaBnot, joaarenotenOledtocclyantbe tebaaaaeeof asttoBgerneighbiK. Touarebosnd tomaka your dtAustre means foportionale to his maans of miesslni But it is ocly on land that-Ite anxBg-mects of France are dbproportiacsto to hsr necsaiiit» far dotaaes. "We know that the utmoat exertiona bare been made, and stiU are makio«, to create a nary .rerv aeadr equal to oar own—a narr whidi cannot 1<p nquired to pattwees of detese of France, snd whid, U erefare, w« are juBiaed fa knkfag upm as apcariUeamaccnbt we ssay ban to eceoonUT. a nary wUcbwosOd ^ to BUT aetghbon tbe meacs of traasportbr within a few bams a large and far nrthbin aomber tf troopa to our coast. WUb on the imebscd, the Freecb nary baa facnosed fsr be-jod asT SBHmst that it baa tmebed tince tbe ecd of tbe taat war, COT nary baa. OB tbe otbsr, from Uie lT1ii__i tbat baa taken i ace fhim sailing sbipa to . diminiibed fa uumben.'' This eedi baa drawn &om Louis apdaon tbe

fcilowing remarJcable letter, addressed to bis Em Tiswiiliir in TnniTmr. dated July 25tb. He saya:

" Skxa the peace of ViUa-ftanea, I bare had but oae tbaa it. one I to tnancurato a new eta of pcMB. sad SB n«e an Uw bnt terms with my neigh faesa, and espedaily with En and. I bare anntsed f SareraadBIee. 'XxaaDcd&ary to Piedmont sloce

"of property resehes about wx hundred tbcawnd J ^^ mlstortune, to gire completeness to tbe I (ttoaUon. Sm doa'anT Tbe number wounded to lows teaches two hondred and flte.

—Gire a man the neeeaaries of life and he wanta the conreniencfi. Gire bin the conrmiences and he erares the Inxnttes. Grant him the Inxuries and he sighs for tho eieg«r.cles. Let blm bsre the gaccies and be yeatu lor Ute foUiea. Gire him aU togetlier snd he cocplains that he has bees cheated both fa the price and quaUty of tbe artidea. —A man with a ricgular name, but wto eeeais to

hare been able to turrire Uie icfllcUon, is Uricg In

tragic yet noble scenes in wbieb Banyan flgurea, so modestly yet grmidly conspicuous. Tbe aaOmr of Hie-LX a o , . . ^ - ^ the roJume befbre us bss carefully gatte«.d up«.eh U exp«ri«eed " ? ' f^^M^'^^ i^ tJ , historical facta, aod Uwy are fortnnately numetoas BootUng Byrt® far cbUden teeOii , wMcb grea^ and wen authenUcated. as could U»ow Ugbt upon fhcUitatos U» her satjecl. and has employed .tb«a with peat [ guma, redndng gadty and effect in Bie contoicUoo of her story,

the tWrins toira of Rioing Sao, Ind. His name | com{diabed authorees of Grace Trbman, will seod a fa Solomon Pineborn; he was bom In the Cfty 1 - arfirtt through thousands of bearta. Tlih

wn b e U wlth an ««.usU.- ^ y equaU therefore 135 years old. H(« Is and has been for ed. Tlitalf of Uie iubj«S, the persecution of John €tly years 1 Justice of the Peace. I Bnajan, hSs family and the times. Who does not

—n is a ftet mue known, that for tbe fltsl fire 1 want to hear him as ho pleads his cause before un-years of onr Goremmect, ihe Uclted Statea Senate | iadires, and members of churcbest bis wife, ta glwajs sat to secret. The Bnrt time the doots were I . . . . v.., m opened f6r pnbl!c dlscuielon was on tbe contest s»

CKSnJS OW HASHinUX. The ceossa takers are now busily engaged to making oatUieirreturns. Withfa tbepast fewyears our city has been tOfiag up r^idly, and at the same time thouaanda of our dUx?na hare left the dnst snd ivat of tbe dty, and are now rending fa Edge-tdd and the raburba West, North and South. The present papulation will pnbalily not reach SS 000, which store than douUetiiat of tbe lastcessus, and abogeUnr a reiy credltaUe and at tbe same time healthy increase. It, boeerer we cnoid be sScwed to add our suburban reeldents, say 15.000, many of whom do busiceas in tbe dty, wa would be faollnrd to do same taQ biaggtog. We can say tbia anidi, that those dsiring to purchsse buildli sites fa the corporate £miu cannot ohtidn them, and hence, are compiled to locate eu'side the dty.—Oustta. We were struck, to ridfag through South Hssb-

rme laat week, at the unprecedented growth of tbU part of tbe dty withfa tbe last few years. Hotltss leas than Are Church edillcea bare bean ereoted or are nsw fa process of erecUon. and to tbe center toweta tbe magniflcwt "Howard" ftee school build-ing, tbe fioestpuUie ediSce, sare tbe capital, fa the city. A large trade b sprtogtog up fa South KaA-riile. supported by a dense suburban and cocntry popalaUon, that care not to pay "Square pricea* for tbdr goods. Bat decidedly g ^ stands with build toga upon them are scarce.

Our attention wss called to a store on tbe corner of Salberry and Cherry streets, that is oOaed for sale. We stopped and passed through It. Wewere surpriaed to dad so nice an estaUishment fa an Its I whre or icised, U to ootatitote a ccaomisslon of apprintments fa South Hajbrille. Tbe store-rocm inquiry Into the sctual conditioo of temporal affiit* on U» first floor is of ample wdU extending back 1 to toe Stales of tl» durch, «>d baring " - -

The Jsnritaa Baptist, (N. T.,) says: The an-nooncement of a new work from tbe pen of die ao- ]

and U sure to regulate U»e bowds. Dqpenduponlt, mothers, it wUl gire rwt to younwJree and reUef and health to your lalinU. PcrfeoUy sife to all cases. See adr«t]semeut to another column.

March 2i-ly.

T T r s t t t i n p K a c l u n M .

J > AntTtrm* F I N A N C I A L ,

a m son wa. » nOKXT ST B. BUM. e

••smif y . —

lalKiwmtt — t s - f l s . a aliaslar

F o r S a l e .

A 8TOBB WITH EKSmKNOK AJ-iar a aCly *•« — ^ "i'Jg'^^

Z asHiwiLixn, •as) MaU Knkar, HaMBa, tM.


iaM Utnm

I I I H O L E S A L E P B I C E G n B B E H T < i


Kar , ]a«.J.K »a»TW,


F B O S F E C T U S .


•'CLxwm. i S s . -

The subscribei ptopotes to issue, as sooaaa One TbonsuidSabsertbensbaH bate beam obttfned, J, D A Y T O N ' S ji&S.*

B A P T I S T M O N T H L Y ,



Aa gdflul axulo* •( BaUaas USatatan.. UaMitaU «ot lam ttaa alitj laat fafis. Tea »»iitWT taSeW^ SaatactdteaateaaaaathataaBtalaaka* fwia a Mts —sagy* VaanTViC"is*- laths

•ntal De^wtMat wmaaMar.kaaUaaa-wttl atibuittaBaaaaa atthatvtnl t«a I. tt. a aatlaa al aanatHaa W tha asMw U tha: atjlaar "tSMS-Ja fcaaat-arf ite •laMaTk Baatk'ar." aaatlkatkoMWukalatMUS «• «aae& 1


sawtstva*. »»SBiT»

aus ruam.


CnatnlKM Kmtm^ w ...ft... .« tnik.eraafcM aaautafartaBiiailthwa . Ra wUltkaaWtnttaaaaBKlOiWOXOnT aa<mOUXT FaaaCMa, SaaMaa anwat aaaSar wwka. aa tha QUI IS-nsxL aarnxtn, *«.. a*. Tk* SaMatk SslkMl Dspartmsat

wm eoatala. MSaa ottat aattara flaM«ftoSA»at» t^tnolt,iUiatratmmfmd txr^mrnttlmi ^ Ot acT^trnm



tsn ^ Y-** M

to the right of Aibeit Gtllatto to Ssiate.

—Of 1000 sradoatea of Mlddjebary Cofltge, Vt, about one ball of those wbo hare lired to s euf-fldentage bar.- ecOercd the Binlstry, and of thete, thirty bare betn mitalonaries. —The saSes cf public lands of tho Oaited 8s.\tes ia twenty aer n Te<ira. hare reaHi-d orer one bua-dred and twrnty-six milUons of dollars. —For erery thing JM l>ay or tell, lend or hiri-make an exact bargain at flrst. and cot to b«> put <.ff to an hereafter by one that aaya to rua -" We sLall not disagree about trifles."

I —The doeneaents and &ta pre^t-d and r"-I ported to tbe General Conference of tbe M B Chnrcb. Nonh. at BaffJo, fix the jear 1766 as tae dote of Methodism ta America.

she seeks his rrffas*. fix)m Uie gloomy prison ceU 1 a seat fa the | his poor bitad daughter, as «be triea to help her

Judson Pcmale Institate, xaaiox, Auaaaa.

nPHB TWENTY-THIBD ANNUAL 8 E S weeping mother bear the burden cf her be«are-l J aa wiU Weia «• Voxiar. Ort.ut. Mas. tv« J«< a»a n«nt1 Itu by no means unUmcly at Ud. daJ. teui'u'^i ^ a ' J S ^ ' ^ ^ t ^ when so many shrink from suflering for truth and liberty cf speech. Tbere wlD be mary a mcisteoed eye crer tbe beautiful pages of toucitag scenes fa tb? history of one whom aU know only to tore. Be-fore it was cut of Uie press Are thousand copies bad been ordere.!, and we Coubl not it wUl bare an Ita-menso sale. It contains a few cats illnstraUre of tbescenes.

Tbe Bridgeport StMdard says: This work re-lates the Incidents attending tbe lUto of a blind danghier gress. IWed

5ruS"ealUr.lli " ef t*i>e»l. mini aai diuaetar. U-ai lataiMta an aoaUaS ta VOAB X. DAVM, Prtaetpat,

wka kai vtm* hlaaaU <«BaI ta tiOa dlOsait aad Im staal " te raaal<7 •< iHtJntloa a»atn« <K

rimax »or9»ou ui> tucaaas, IihUm Thaaanlaiaef

Hr. mitea K. Bacoa kara W« a«niTad laatiaator ta lUtkasatlaa airiBa«Ilia Ltt»;atara. Mr. U wall aa t»«'otM» Frtaltot. ' a laac aailaa o( naia, or th* loathan BaftM mia Oal anas W


a aa< U aU aaiaata aa* taacktta U InHtlag kaartadgatstWyauf. Ikla »m>araiTraUak:a. Tka iBtatMieat Oapartmaat —

Illat«SadtoaKbneaaiaaarl e« aaah liataeomaralae taaoaUalioaaKaT kagaaekiun to vkaaS an tkaac j jg^ " ta dwacra >naanaSloaUa;arauMatiam. Wa aaaaatfe^ aaltdt <»atr.k«UaM aaS saMlala for fWa pntton af eagg war*. ** n s Faaatlr aa« I««Ua> DapaxtasMaS g vm >a (IM wltk nc tklafi a< mty nat «Uk ynCt aa ^ laUjitt latJwraaad Mtbaia. k-ottea aat alatn, T®"" uSoU. Tha Ifrrit——"— —•* n—m*- ?


TSAS. I s &

t.nattatlMaawkDknrtbaaa<uaofOkitrt,a>i aayaaianr ? HHIlS, lllnla:wa af tka CoaL

esssed me to amnma to desire to see re-united to France prerineeaeawnttonyFreaji. but it wffl be idihctedta. Tea wUb far peace, and JOT incnsaae immodecately tbemiStxryfareeaof Fianc& I deny liietaEf fa erery sense, tbat my army and fl rt had SOT tUne fa tbcm a tbieatesin dianeSer. -My steam nary iaerea from befag equal tc oareqidreaeBta, and tbacumber of doe» «*neariy equal tl«t of saiBng sbipa thougbt nry fa tbe ttara Of louis Pbiltpp&

I hare faar hundred thomand men under arms but deduct btat Ods amount sixty Uiensand fa^ geiia.BX thousand fa Bome, dgbt thousand m Chi-na, twenty tbouaad jaadarmss. Uie and new OBadstB. and yon wiB see my regimectt are o> fm.n—• edtamire atiecgtb tfeaa dazing tbe preceed-'^Tto mlT addition to the army Hst has been by tiiecreatioa of tbe Imperial Guard. II<iyorgr,wblle wlabiocpsace,Ideatrealsoto organlss ^ taM

mi tito best possibte fcnascets haw only seen tta

some 130 IM, fuited to botii dry goods and grocery busfaess combined. Orer the store rocms, are the famOy rooms, fire fa number, beddea kitdien, ser-rsnt's room, bath room, "suppHed with hot and ccld wuler, and erery conrei^ce. The family rooos cnsmnclcato with a nice front or rather tid* yard, tastefully ornamented wilb shrubbery, and cbdcc fruit trees.

This is stidto be tbe best business stand south of BreadeBy,*oommsadi£g as i> does tiie trade of two roads. We bare said this much, not knowing bat that tome good friend of ours might wisb to secure

good store, and eotree fato a nice busfaess in SaabriBn. We would rect bis attentioa to thi: ddightful luopeitj, which drcmnsuncoi compel the owner to dispose of.

A. B. Shankland, of Ibii city, is sgeot for itt sale and win take pleasure fa answering commanica tiODS. See his adrertisement to another eolnmo.

widi to teaiedj- Uw. Harlng seen Uma J bare, »noeTdlafiaBca,n«itber done or ereaUtoUgtt . mxtbinawbidicoold alarm any ona. "W^t«rdettoa:aru4 to bstrueUpaa wWeh I gare Km. were coBflned to 'Use enrr dbn to amfatate tbe slala fas. Tbe fa-. ierest«rf Franew is Umt Turkey sbouUHre as kmg : SS tiieailih 1 Sapolaon then touciea cn Syrian affiurs, saying

tbat his firat tfcougbt in tbe matter was to come ' tosnand<daten£ngwitb England; asdaaks: < uVhat otbei interest than that of humanity dn d I toduceme to send troopa to t b j i c o j n ^ ^ ^ > M.TBtbx£tha!nSeriiira(aanixatiaaef FTiore,andto . SS3«and^^ttoasti.fyit» -Uwsa ' S t f a t m e t o o o a e t o an understanding wlto iiSS « Uie sabieet of Ceutral ItUy, btasa^ 1 was b^byUiep^atVniafranca. JjtoSoathm • SS^lm taitoengagementB, andask noUiins K t S SSsSJ^ira^Sl® Uils a. on S t o la Hsarwa'snaamihttbe mfnaim^t the d of Ae Baglto Ooremment lay adde petty b S a ^ d mduat miatrusl.; leti* undeotand i T S S s t to goi «silb.Hke taamifcen. aa « S S t o tlSIw^Jedie to cleut e ^ e ^ .

or^"^ I pHs nm'ent-Uie VtlT fags oi bU Ibmil 4c. Por-1 wtm^ oa M useiiblsge at R rae. of dUUngnUhed Uon« of Uie book refer to scenes occurring during 1 Mr. t «. Blaiadall, dries»tes, admlnUtratire or deputisfd, from er'rj I tie Grust PlagUB to London-to the prcfligacy tha MaHfl Da»»rt»aat4a-Romsa CathoUc power la ^ world. Tto b^y, | ^ ^ f charles II, and Uie mtaerable | rtac tk* r««l<» wUi wattom* la ckwaa aa Dir«tor ol

cnndmon of Kigland, genially, at that period. It win be found fall of Interest.

The dkroatde sayi: ThUistbelsst product from the pen of a lady whose writings are rapidly becoming popular. Her last work, "Grace Truman," had a sale of orer SO.OOO copies, and tbh one Is said to be a better and a more toterestfag book. It is a rery pleasing tale of fiction, Uie soeno of which la In " Morrie Engiand," and tbe chief character, the ImmorUl and nerer-tobe-forgotten John Bnnyan, writer of the Pilgrim's Progress.— Hani & Miner hare it for sale, and it should be par-cbssed for taOy rea ng.

Published by Sheldon A Co., 115 Nasnn Street, New York. For ssle ^ Grares, Marks ft Co., NashriUe, Tccn.

Tka wkala et eratj 4»jart»at ta U ta»a a iaal4.Hr rai t iauakanotar. I inHaaa iiaw anikaamt taaillitilr-^

I tka laaaa o( tka am aastar ta aay saa eka arm aak< Ua ae SnaiaaSatkMoaatataBT. .

HoaaaawdkaaataialaaaaakaslkaraBmtka aaaar | |ta« IraS. Taaaa :-*wa Bo-U'S fcr a yaar-Oaatollar maatln

anarteatakaacBtta i.a»a»10a. ^ Cola Mttat aaS Fisfilalar. aaakrlfla, Taa¥ Aa* tt-tf.


TTnivemty of Hariiville. xamcat sxraasaxar.

. collected c»Jm and unprejudiced statements oa erery topic, 1 dra» up a report snsgwting to bis Holiness whit 1 amount of popular reform is really required and should b? granted, aa well as what portion or por- [ Uoos of iLe demands of his subjects be refused.

r^aiatesa » ^^iag witkiB tba^ liiB abiisaSiBa.

dre Italy tSmSA .b ta fa ;^M wtthotft tedga toterreatimi, and Uiat my tre^a SaSdbea^toquit Bcb» wiUwat comprondsfag be obliged to und«-

wiid, " ^ ^ i J ^ ' S S ^ not only tbe lassmrni of Chrl

S S t e i S s e t ear CooaiAtes, Uie Insult to a ^ ^ ^ d ^ P * aimiastoriaa wMdi were aa-

I t e U ^ w « l e eridently distrnating ^ImnetMvlaglad rf any occaaion wbiA b«s aBdto^prafeaaioo of sadt fiiendly aeatial^^ •ad'truaU tbey fatoi&dow a poB«gr under wlwi to may «doy peaca without bdag tooEO-oom-Madto support an the bardeaa of war.

A ^ to Damaaca. are to tbelOtb ef iaJy. tbedtidsl oocasied by Algarimi^-de A ^ to the auntbar of l nUabgatrtsaa of 590 we« b-cti"


c m TO OSCHAKI). Daring the ab«sice of our renerable Bto. Orcbard

to attend upon bU sick wife, bis house was broken open and robbed of an fliisres thought worth car-rying cff—to the amount ef $100 or more. We thiiilE ba kss friends enough among our patrons to unkeup thU amocnt and'gladdm bis old heart, sad coarincB him that there aro hi«rts oa this side of the great waters, tbat lore bin. Ha is not able to tose so much. The winter will soon come on.

We hare recdred the foBowicg: J. Hampiries ^

Humphries ^ J, Ferguson.. 50

CaocTAW Coaaxa, July 30,1860. Daax Bao. Gaarast—Ton wffl find fcdoaed one

dollar. Uie pledge of sister H. BUd, for Uie buUdtog up of Spring Street Church. As fsst aa they pay, I wffl remit to you; I am only sorry more of teem barenotpaid. This wOl put tec brick fa Uie cburdi. Icannot dose this epistle wlUicut girfag you an ac-count of a meeUng that dosed last erenfag, fire i^a from Uils place, where I Ure been preadifag. On tbe ith Sabbath the good Lo^ ea»e us fadica-Umis of His mercy; tbe meeting contfaued eight days and the happy resolt was, toere were thirty bopefd conrwts bapUxtd to Uie fdlowship of Uie church, aid we know of many Uiat bad a bcpe fa the Wrssed Bedeemer, tbat did not jofa the chnrcb There was raie inddent Uiat I must be permitJed to _nlion, whidJ wiU snceurage your heart, and streoztfitB jour z Tbcro wst a gentleman who wsa bora and raised a MeUiodist, be baa Ibur broth-era Uiat are Uetbodist preachers. He rtated tbat

ConresUcn Oat he bad been mis«able, and could not be saUsfied without Jolnfag tte cbtatb of Chrirt. He U about fifty or sixty years old. Tbisfanot Uie only case, by many. Tbe learen is at work. Bro. Wright and L L.DewlUsUended tbe meetfag. We hare not had any rafa sface yoa left U>e Comer. Oar crops •remined. Tbebealtilyrf tho coantry is good.

God bless you, my brother, U tbe prayer of yours

The MfTnorial Bordeaux says that near 8U Serler there lires an old soldier with a false leg, false arm, a glaaa eye, a completa set of f Jse teeth, a nose of of allrer, corered with a anbstance i-aiUUng fl-sh, and a lUrer plate repladni part of his skult He was a soldier under Ktpoleoc, and these are bu trophies. —An Ingenious Freoch pbiloeopb»r ia at present I maintainfai tho hypothesis tbat the fee<UDg cf ihe [ negro rat^ coatfauously or exelusirdy anlma! food won'd tSscX their conrersloo Into white men! He gTwads his bell.?f mainly os the tiit that m some dlstriets, wh«re a I»rue quintUy cf bu h fwd is co -aume the peculiaiiu« of U:< c vro pbysiogomy are onsideraUy redaceJ. —The propriea* ct a hot'i in iUj c i{>i;al of a Wealem Sate, posted tbe following notice fa th hall-way leadicg to the dining room : " Members cf| the Assembly will go to tbi UbU flrst and gsntle-mao aflenraids." —The Orerton Hotel, now in procreM cf con-stru-.tioo m this dtr, has bi a UafeJ at 22 500 per ancum, to Ohalvidc &:id Sjkes, of the Girani H-JUse. cf PhiladelpMa- Tbe'entire eoat of this magnificatt building win be about JIOO.OOO. A S mSieni paper expressi* the cocfllent belief thai, fa tbe erent of Mr. Lincoln's election, no man wlU dare to accept c&x under him in any slare b<Mfag State. To this, the Looisrille Journal says: •' We »hou'.d regret exceedingly to s»e Lin cota de=ted, but sooner than let all tbe offices in Lraisriile remafa racant, we abcu'd take one of tiiem ooiselres—if only to show wo were Lot afraid."

u prooi all parts of the StUe. almost, wc hear ecmplainUoftbedry weather. At lEdepende-!CT> wo m«pn»ODs from nearly all portions of the Wert, I questions farolred ta tbe secondary title. With good acd they »ay they can at tbe brsl nuke no more I in truth, it classcs Ualrersalism, fadndlng

^ ^ ^ modem Spiritualum. as It Is a plafa denial cf tbe S L ^ k tre^M^g^^'y'.';^ r ; true teachings of tbe Bible, with a denial of the mustDeriib wlUiout theyrecelre aid befbr* lorg Dirlne rerflation of tho Seriptnree and the bdng - ... .. ^ .V . .

wLU ka aubtaS ky a WKaltf af tomr oik2n. wko Sarota tkaawlTM axe aamly to thla kraaek. Xr Saaaaat I. C. Srraaay,

I wm raaaaiakia Satlia tka iIsm o'tk* Saaalo*. I Ika D-puuuut at Drartag aa4 PaiaUai wlU ooatlm 1 I 4*r dlno Joa of Mtaa a X. Bartiaaa lasMatloa tkaat kwkw 1> »ika moat rtMai-t l»iU. ci wklak tk* *xu»>f«aaiy iucaas of tk* last ttaauiaU nfistaat • Bfti lataa. , AaatlrarnMihtairwiaihralwnctlaaiakaT laanaf*. I tkal tk* k** adnsti(ia la >atk twfiac aaiipaaaUi f 1111 k I xaa7 k* aaowwi to tk* fapUa.

M. a. rellaaskca.

Tbe codbsb iss)-n will

—SM —aU

iOraakal. Hhi.ra(» loaaoco. ^

3 r How'to Send Money. maiUiapomtte,procmirtatiedtar

y^tA vayabU to omr order ; tAm »at, l^sSmeiMdimdmdtOKttiat « -dote tius money and deponti UtM the Po^ ^mae » tie lumdwajf, Idtmg 90 ma, iftataatihe F . JL,i mm tie

fraa Taakwfw. wUI Fnatia, itartet tka aaj. la tfc* «talj Hall, asS taanat ta asgHak kTaadxa. XIaa Starr K. Bhanasa

The senior editor reports the same from tbe Eaatera Li-a of » God. There Is a logical union } TVTIIMBEK OP STUDENTS, IN YEAR | ..ueital to>ai.l :«>««»»<atjuaaialatioo lw yag ^ ^ f r o m which he basjost returned-Texo. j | Baptist. jji author's plan. If tho came arguments are

-We r ^ o i e ^ to cur lidy toe fol^- ^ extended works, Uls doubted wheUi-inn feufnl oWfClion to a most execrable fashion: I , . . . "YOTOg girto wearing st:a» bau wiib little be l l . «thrj are any where condensed fa so smsU a space, pendent from tbe brim, will, ta the abort space ol | and at the same time made so c<»clualre, so attrac-two months, become cross-yed. InstanCM hare | ,0 suited to the wants of the masses of in-

i 1

atfima xooa brt «» atatBBMtt mar ^ e a B S " ^

i i SlrfthaSulLitotBnabtba t ^ ^ , tolettaw - y t t a * pmt tfy acahirttte Tai* 00 aaaoa* of O m M - a ^ ' O-diS-te say. tba eydhaia P ^

^»iml«t,aad aa eariy d a p a ^ — tart rf •<—• tbat of fataluntinn

to » » to tie SidB-s tion. UOM—^itwaaaxp^tadtbat

ittberipwdt It waa snp-te Sate w« d«fi«tta mum^


H. GooDwn. Uxaaaxjk—That la eneooragfas- Uotapreaub-

tog ia Alabass was blesatd of God fa canrerticg one diristlaa ftcm a3or-fi«m toCowfag men to fcl tow Christ—we fed rewarded. Bat we bare learned of ^rgalafteady.

PaotoxTO*, Alabama. BaaTa«xa*nnoBs:-Wek»ro soawgt^ n ^

f Bes« Orore) commeBCed on Sat^y Defore toe 4tk Sabbath la Jaly; It otmUnaed ten d ^ Wed-IbMrttaed Uiee. and Wt U»t erwteg. SSThiinStoliad. Pannfagton aad Eeonada to S ^ i ^ ^ a S S i i ^ i ^ W t Friday; tbe a s tin«Snnrf^to Monday, tk« 10th. I

SSa^^i'Tte^nr^simsSto"* w^^foatamisttd meia tUa w«»T3. Btaea, 8. S ^ S d r ^ o w d L Iwffltofarm yoarM. asttaago baptism, or aaiitote that took plaee last Babbatb ercetagby rite^^raUl^ Tbe

Mwwta. 7 to na ber. aoato S my infarmant said SSETd^^tffcbanlt of tbe Patot Koek,

" " ^ S a r . assy S^woSdMewstraigMcatwftbunt Ifc^ w«Bt

S w ^ to!««« » " " n S ^ S i S ^ S ^ g to bold

fjiumi Lirtat»;<»». f " laW*!'* D»o t«r: or, Ommw tiun* otwti Atbdam, loSMit;, a zKi Cnl»«tmajiii. By A. C. Piytiai. PuUtWad by Orarra, Starta a Co, SaahrtDe. Ibis Charming volume, so 1 mg delayed on ac-

ccoant ot the projacted inn»aa of its author, has recenUy been Issued acd pressed through one edi-tion. The second ediuon U now issued, and ready fcr orders. It has receired the highest commenda-tion froio th- press. The following b from " Tke rme Witaesj

This long promised rolume bss made ita appear-ance, and Is WOTthy of an earlier tntice tbanapres-sare of other dalles has permitSed. Those whO hare ri-ad tbe anthor'a txmer rdumes, " Tlieodoaia Ernest," 1 and 2, will readily beliere tbe prasen; rolume Is a treasure that wiU weU rtpsy a studious reading. It is truly *«2f«sa «a parm —much fa Ut-ile space. It Is not a mew compend or fadex j but It is a masterly and popular discussioa of tbe great

win m4«* Im tk* aakool rooa, aa< fir* laMnetlo* ta Lalta u4 Ibc'-lik tmlt— Tka nfoutioa aJmSy attakUakS ky B*lT«*latk*klck*>tarfn* v wtU«alatato.kyth*lr*a.r»T anl aaal. t^kifk nptatloa of tka J« aoaaiaSamlMiJof l-araltt- tk* FrUaary »cik**l tkrool

a>Taiiil':o3Ui«twoaUtka»nasE-acf thaalaaa. i,'i •Steal all tim la . . aanaat aii- I a»>mn> of te Cor iMtat. U »!tS: lUtltE^aa^ teTOr hhkt^totapiSaa^ aaStkorooak taanetl.., (fall <»e* oalyJlS. F r . ^ iaaSaaw. »»: 8«S«adg. to eaittraU wasarlr tka mla tka mtaaara t<>4 Ika k«art. I SM. (JS. . . . . . . Soiart?a3larlt aa aati, a,*. aaaa tkr>a,h tka aa- Soc<1)i*r«»»oaa k!pr--«t«* fcrM la fi fat tJ iSS.1: .aJiSn.. kit « aUlVta., farth-r l i S ^ o. oatalo,« • D. totfcataet,tkMla»rra«ml>*r*wb«t«o*:T*tk*Ir **ilyti»la I W K. BOWljaO, lac M»r kaoa. aoaaa kan to aoB IatatkalT oauaaot atafy. •SklTf tka sayarlot baMSta o. adraM Utacaiy ooataa aw af tia mloaa Srrartm-Bta o( ait. aad tku axailBC te tkaai aal'M Ika Wabaiaor tka Tk* koanlar aaaanmaat wUI eoatlBB* aadar tka maaaf*-Malorilt.J.H.i.<U

.Jmoo thatytman rtmOmg w r n a ; m liECTUBES naAme,Aeeer-

-a « fOorfeq^tfa oai» 6 e / b ^ node ctkerwite wS mat le t t

'"•vruL t S r Bemtmber, i f i t i i w v o m a U M

wmio ^ywno,<md yom itulwimt m paper, tag to, and yoa aluil ham itjmffl joQcanpty. Tbotc w^^o^ ^ ^ amdpt&dmtie U 0 / H u d O u a v^wearenow maUagomL

GBA YES, ABKS A 00. MardilT. tf

Acknowledgement of Paymenti.

jloadaylaBowiakar. Tknaa ft Jaaalats 0. tn'omat ol Aaataay aai Pfcj Igr.BMTtaaUatoy.M-B.fnAaaaralOhawlatiTaW Vki O-Vrriaatai W-BuProtaaataf KalatUHailaa antXa ! A.'H.aSlSt'^a. PiofcJiot a- Satilaal AaaUay a. »,*SlLTSD«.M.B,P.-oeM«r atOkafatiiaa aal Siama WJ. of f..«!,».a;a.a ft-tU « rfa.^W *• Ot.laitltataa aU hactlaaat

, atiaaat Fkobaaar aal WlttianT.B-<fg*,ILV tara' Aaatsay. ... _ fka laatMaljat laaaai win k* oyaaaS mt,Mauta aa ' ^ r S a ^ t ^ ' B ' S S ^ ' y ^ tka snaat-a.^


Aaaaa-. U-lt _ _ s

Diaa s! tha laealty, aaariUay Ta^

axrtxsiB. Tkfl • luiwi-a ar* tk Uckt aa la may otk«r IcatitaUon aC ; afaataK* (tada la Ik Eoalk. Taltiatlaadiasa>d01aa>ta.(Cct!iak,>- - t4C to - I,*atui*a,lIi4U>orraa kj - SS SS " Maila aad aaa a( lutmaat. - - SO W DrawlDf Sa OS Falattac, *0 •• Board par ntonik. IS SO Iaaldaatala(aaa of Uktaiy, raa!. as.,) 3 w To tkaaa axvauaamnt k* adaad aoat a( koota. >lla«t anile, aalattac mMartala, As. Tka aixt ot eiotklsf la ISmttad ky tk* Callaca On*a yraaatlkai. Waakhiit to SI M _a>lk. a>- Am>oueaa»'stfartk«Baaaloa at ISSS-•St, aat k-llikad. aoatalBlaj fall aaztualan aa* k* kad oa antleatlOB 4a tka niaalpal. a B. K'iia, Pi*aid<p.t ot tk* Boaid ct Tiastna. 8.B.rOWUCI8 Bucntuy. Aa«»'tea. Mississippi College,

ojxiox, BIBBS coiniTT, aissiaopn.

Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Emer. r


arruas ixn>aai.i.T coax* j tdaas.koQa. aad oU aaaaa, aaiaia karaa, and acaMa,

k i S r U d fa atea, aralUM ol tka y a t t ^ S a S T T ^ utar..B<okaakn«ata, ttaatrf fkac acd akUUalaa. ta bc acb.ralaUtkabBa,aaam\t(aaadtka«aatlaa. f-Vals KOIat tak*a lataraaOy, akwiM ka atellaiatad aMIk or watar. or mada »(• a ajra» wltk coac a bw drops oa Bafal aataa wiU bo B lajikiaf alaa. su pftcms BiuonoHA-W.aatka attaoUoa af aaary mciSo- Wtw •tto.i.- froot cl tk*** a«ta « . , <hu Ok Mtovlaa laOar. laaalial aaaaOalUd, IM Bm Xa ara. Taaar Bana * Saa—e*«n«m :-*n»w

Iha toOowtBC a'* «abaBrlk.» ka»* paM isn:

ir-.hs ntkAac,

ia*talaaad.«ll. Tka Taatk Oallaca Taar wtS « I Moaaay, Oct<.kal &, U*]. •mbua mt Uae racalty.

I I.B.rnar, a. A., Pwliaat aad ProiMior of UMUl and Hktal Pklr rky. a. a. auad. M. *., Profaaaor of Lasm • - ' ro datt ktfaaaxatlo* abd XataraS occurred of malfcnnatlcn of the eyes, caused by the wearirg of these little beBs.

—Capldn Kndl, tbe agent of the Attantic Tebv graph Company, wbo waa s«nt out to take up tbe ITewfcmndland end tf tbe cable, has succeeded it. raising a porUun of it, after some weeks of labor and has discorered a serious defect in it, causfd by its res^. and chsflag cn s ledge ot tbtrp rocki orer which it was laid, a mile or two from Bay of BuU's Arm, Trfclly Bay. It bas recsiUy been proren that the London

Times Is owned by the Bothchilds, and tbe fiict creates considerable sensation in London. Tho statement of Mr. John Walter, M. P. fa Pa Usmen tbat he waa not the prindpal owner, weU as the course taken by tho Times fcr msry ytart, prores and confirms it slL Not one single more cn the poUticsl dseasboatd of Europe, that would hare any tendency to iijore the ktcn'lU-s of any naUon that were cr^tors of the home of Bothcbilds, par-Ucularly Austria, but has been reheaenUy opp^ by theTIaws. —A N»w Ptow.—When cn a recent risil to Geor-

gia we taw a Com aad Cotion plow the recent ta-rentkra of Dr. J. L. Wilson, of Wayneaboro, himself

sarcrssful planter. It will shorUy be broagbt before tho public genrraHy, as be It cow securing ageota fa all tbe States. Tbe largest planters in tbe State gire it the prefrrrnee orer any other plow.

Tbe plow s:ock U rery simfbr, fcarisg ndUier BOrtisr, weld, tenon naU. nor staple sbout It. Toe hed pfa has no top, and wiil hdd the hoe at sn a ^ reqoiied, perfectly steady, and tbere is no frictioi CD tbe bdre, snd of couzse there wffl be co wear. It is also arranged seas to plow with along or tlKirt boe. by dupirg «be key up or down, un^ tbe hoe geta so sboct tbat it wlU not ansaer the pappose of « the belre nerer prerentiog it ruttJjig fa Uie ground. AU old pSiws are rradily fitted oa this stock ; tbe oidy altrralioa aecesaary U to make tbe square an obloeg boia.

—A writer ta tbe New Brgland Farmer says: To UB rermfa «a cattle or fowla takaeommoa lampall and rub It to weU back ol the eara and all dosrat the hack. SotUa escs a week, aad the Termto..a}n dSsappear. Uls salh. Tobaceo wiU UU Hce,bat aboold be saed cautiOBsIy. Bab lamp dl on tbe back of tbe bead, ander the wtogs, and erer tbe po«»erfata of any fBwl cBce aa(Bnlh aad H win dear oatannoe."

X eorrct mdent ot tbe ClnctoatU Pricd Cur-nut, wriiine frsB TttnriUe, Fa, saja 7,000 baireis of oil from tic earth bare been oWaia from tha wdis fa tbat regiao. sad sjM in York U tlS nrbarretof 40 galloca- Some (bitty walk bare JeBred socessaful, ylddiug together aboot 400 bar-rdaperday.

—Tbe meanest man ta this ooactry is in KoUe G«at> Si''««"a- Harlng procured a dirwoe from te^^abewas left witbeot tbeBMamofHrteg. aadiConaequenUy becaass attergeoa tbecoaatiy. It, heiBC tba casta* ia tbat secttai to lei oat tbe Uto pewae who witt keep ^ tor tto this man underbid tbe wtole parish, u H ^ matoUias bis (ormer rrife atdto pubKc ex-

•Tbe laca^ ainag tbe Hodswa tim, is tba ri-

quirers, as in this book. Tbe massire srgumcnta acd posltire proob for tha being of God—the di-rmlty of the Bible—the ttrength of the Gospels claim upon the InteUl ence and beari, and tbe fear-ful pern of rejecdng oay of tbrw great truths are rery dearly presented, and eo^Uy urged. Some what sfkcr tbe siyle of the parables of tbe Grea-Teacher, these great fouada'Jon tratha are attrac-Urely strung upon tho tbieads of a story of peraoo-d history. This assists tbe faterest and memory o tbo reader, and is by no means an obstade to tbe student. We know not where tbere b so much mat-ter, of so great ralue, embodied so aUractirdy, to so little space, as in tbia fl roL of 871 pagea.

Let yoir sons and your daughters read tbls work. Place it withfa their readi, acd they win md it-w and add to It tbat Historical NarraUre, Ifary Ban-yan, by Mrs. Ford.

^awnratim arana^^wmnn u r ^ T h e n e w a a d c o r r e c t e d e d i t i o n o f t b i a w o r k i a I

n o w r e a d y f o r o r d e r s , i f e n e u p fa r e r y h a n d s o m e

s t y l e , a h a n d s o m e r g i f t f o r a f n c n d f o r t h e a m o u n t

o f a l o n e y , c o u l d n o t b e b a d — b e s i d e s t b i a i s a b o o k t h a t s b o o l d b e r e a d b y a l l b o t b o l d a n d

j r v u g , m a n i e d a n d s i n g l e — a n d w h i l e i t w i l l a f - 1

f o r d g r a t i n t e r e s t , i t w i l l b e a t t e n d e d w i t b h a p - !

p y r e s u l t s , a n d i f r e a d c a r n a l l y a n d p r a y e r f a U y ,

w i n b e a a r e t o m a k e h u s b a n d a b e t t e r h u s b a n d s ,

a n d w i r e s b e t t e r w i r e s ; a n d t b o s e n o t i a T w e d i n |

t h i s e m s e c t i o n , w i l l b e e n a b l e , i f t h e y d e n r s

to b e c o m e s o , j m S e i o n s I y . D o n ' t & i l to s e n d a a d

g c t a c o p y i f y o a w a n t s o m e t h i n g i n t e r e a t i n g a n d j

p r o f i t a b l e to r e a d . R .

QOKBUa. Why do some of our Bsptist adnistera, wbra tbey

hare a large cocgregation on Sabbath, pnfer eal3> tog oa some PedobaptlatbNtber,aatbeyai»9)eaacd to caU him, to lead to pxayar 1

Do tbey totecd to let Sbdr PedobapUst brelh rsD know tbat *Jiey are ready to commaae witb them wheaerer tbe barrier at aapUst usage can be dose away witbl

Or do tbey totend to acknowledge tbat aU tbeab-surdliies fa tbe doctrine and prseaoo Pedob) tistsara faaccaidance wiUl tbe teacbtogs of tbe Hw Testament 1

Or do tbqr expect to conrtoae PedobaptMs tf dadr erron, by acknowie [ing tbcaa to be right t Or do tbey expect P«4oba| • salaries T

D. a WUUaaa, M. A., Pcofaaaor c I a.. Tatu. M. a. aaaka, B. A.. Tatar. M.J. Tklffu B.a, Tarn. W. 8. OoBpaia, B. P., Taaakar la Pnparatory P partuaKt. Bar. H. Wllilaci. Oaaaral SfSnt. A A aiaakany, OoUictlag agaat. Tk* amw kiiak Oaay*!. lis bat Viae, ky S< bat wU*, aad tkn*Bto<l**klak l> a'roady U aa*. aaa br tkasrasbcaf tk* Saaaloa U Ooloiw, atU •atli«!y e*airl«t*d. TklakalKlag. witkItaUrr*taa-ara?a mla tk* baaomaat, iaeo ' wltk tka atkar th>«a Ootl*t* kalldlafa. will (taally tka auaaa ol laattaattos. ^^

eko1ar»t.n4aa« a«ddl«e»ltlw,aawOM ^ ^ . It tkat rrw^ ta fcalllaa. I »*n«S aU rrto*. aid a*. »aoarto«a >a»..d Mrrm atoawtti kaowMct. W. ka.> It aaOM akl* fci^ ••tl^i. • lu B<* b oidtaaiy aaaaa wank saaa <ksa tMtlwMMiy ot oikan auag mr ae aalataa •taadybrarakla. My alai|>aM to^ kukaat taaaiaaabaly MadJala*. Mhalaiallia I M>M*a karaaalata a* U raraaa aad ta Sr* XlU*rwaaHttrtk* kaatmadlatB* aaad

Toaoa, LateXSttsraCCkHatlaa Tax PAIH rrT.t.»a HaakaataatadU atatr r a ^ IlatT*yeakaewataAearlaeaa. Itla^i inSJ^aS^tUaaUa W-4 •( tba Uaala^. aM^

Ska hJl«ilat aakacrik«a kan paU «a tka latk aanm. ' SXcCalloek.VKI Ikoa «a.t».i BBiJla^

Zre*tm,WM Elas Jaa Wiai«a»,0 » tottnU. »nkis Dtjkna, maatlS Callatt, »tHaUaaa,»i H a a w o a , . ^ H a f e a r , S C k a i v a , B t a d i a K SCI.

C a a £ > S » w t a i a a k « I k i a k a T a f a i a t > t f c a i t k r I r a a m a a i i r l S W f T H Otalf 1 Jaly, Iba Ifdla A KiDy B (M. - IhaiBlto»ia«a«»t«a«a»Ma»aUi»tka istataaaMai to kabaaaaalortan: Boa M SwaStr « B a » t . 2 X S t M l a * t S a r . W a I t a a s a l »

B a r t . 8 W J a A a « M > a a a . I a « a a T i e a a * 4 laft, S «altto t S K O T . I T B a a a U I I H a y . C A V m a a » M a c . Wsi l a M . t B * p t . J B T « k t l « a . S K B a d V r «SBaa.« Wnttankaa

» l > a a . T B O a k a ^ k y t n a r a X a r . l O d M a K a r l t a I S • a a . J a « C a | f W a a a 4 l a y t .

T>altaort»as«IMr<katak.n>ald U t o a d a t a a a r — a a i e late WW far tasL A H l . > s a M ( 9 J s l T . W a UrtlfySi » s l y . / Caaarty • Jaaa,JtKaao>sar<I.O VOnarM Ww •ns-sm JSJ«ly.aidJTll!»iall.»»OUy»Jm»y. teakaS teqi H

K o T . a A B a U a t d S S i a l y 0 » a a « a a . i d J S J a a . J T X a k M BAat a*»actart«lTynJaa,»artdHaaa«»T*,«ail»a SHay.SrJooAliaakllM It. Cka«kJl« • iSoaa.» fcylaa « Jmaa. Jaa Piaak Bodj-» «ai. W W ««a«y » »««, Alaak It Hay, «aas l| aiirtJaaa.» PSoaajaa. Mlaeraa^diaa. Jaa«Tffl.U».aSO.t.AWa»Iltafc pju tvay a afju.6 WC earraatISialj. Ika Mlwla* sakaarttars k a t a *aH Sa t k a d a t e a M a e e l l *

Lati a i a i - * - ' * * * • Al&adBaiTiaXtP*k X U I 6 f t i d £ a « K a r . J 0 B a k a r a H

A ^ » a « U T M l a m . W A B a a r t a a t A m J B l a a a a t W » flaadwla S Jaly. Aaaa B ardaaa 4 >».•. K * laMtr II W a a l a a ^ l * » > 1 1 . W a t t a r 1 * W «

t a i a s n i a M . W l M i a g s a k H d k a a k a a a ^ V . t k . M a a m l

tothalrBaaanlKlMt: B d i e S a t a n U P i k .

TkaBaftlat Stat* Ooaraatlaa. at Ltxl toa, Waa. iala*dtk*aedawaaattaada»tf>aa«ks ndaMtwa •aadal|ktkaBdnd«oUaa <USl.aAi) Wltk aaek am anfow | ] „Mdit<anwlAaKt It. ea*£4amt tkat tka dbalyDma I Ba aan JO* aan iar ajat gat tka caaai'>a. kolaakis aaaal to I —I aau af tka aamy waaudaaa aaKinaa « >aadal|ktl aaaattoa atala It, Uaada aam ka wtUka d«d!ad aadkaattklkl. aadtka tkat al Ika Boat laapMtakla OoHar or tha aautry.

TkaMaadaartkaOjt'acoanaowaatStad iaiaSiiaf asotke kaadnd tkaanad dolIa.V ai.*aaa«at. ilkaaSUan of aaaaAiwad eoUrcaa a*md cS atadamta ferrlaomaanor laalm9ai,tk*ytaka baa tkalrfaakau tk*

i ^ S Z ^ I*a a. aea ahaeld tniat «i|jy PA1» iwadl _ . aaidttKi gy aMlatSamyr

aaoaat at tkalrtamaa. an aat aa cbeaaatm

. Pia^tan fce too Boatk aai Waat.Otoal.aatl. Sold wkalaiala ky W. •"ST-iiT'lI?'^ ~ '

^ 'a fc^ tf OotecI .^wiSYoZ!

s c h o o l t . t b r a t i aaa,tmaaaifcarolat»d«aaaii* Caaarall'** "**~

taiama kuiy k*ja wtlk tkolT lew aaaeiarakl*, ar riekiee wUktkalrBRtalailttaa. . TkaUfhaalUartaraahatenhlvaadnfma dlaoirUM*( tUat.atnatla«.aialaytd); OaUffaa aad UatraiUoaa, tna(*titr.



Business Coneapondenee. WO.WItLU«AIM».-*aaia»«lwaB»atlai. 1

sn BaftM fall ta A aat Ji, IMS, a«w yaatsata attndadta. ____ VWaksra !ta;aaatt

rt" »aa«yt»ssil.iiilasas aaDs r^aaOStaa

Talllam amd at atl «oelaa kg tka wkol* y*af. • tst SS Boudiaa f*i maatk, (ladadlrg faal,watMat. n^araat .tla.da.aa, aad a*^ tkn. J-J}^^ ^ , adbaaa Ua PnaHamtaC tba Oal-

I 8. B. a t;ato to nlK. kalf m |«kaMa.aC«. •« - CM

l o b a p t i s t t to p a y t b e i r |

O r d o t h e y I n t e n d to ( r o r e t b a t t b e y a n a e l B ^ tistat O r d o t b e y a a d i d J a d a a , i a l ^ to b e t r a y t k e m e -

i . s M t r ' a c a n a e i a t o t b a b a a d a o f M a « M B i e a , w i t k a k t e f a r p c p a t o r i c y l

W e t b o a l d O k a t o k a a w k o * k r n g t b a d s ^ w t n ' i a t b e t r s t s s p B d t y , a a d U t e e m o e e a a to

at aumM. Xlaa WM wia bmrd a Calalarn. %aat iaalaa ataM. Oetatac t^ USD. asgw-f. IJnion University,

KVBPBXnBlBO, TBSB. fpHK NEXT SESSION OF THIS POP--L idu laatltmllea, will aauMsM aa Komday. tha M •(

Steattr. Oa«.W.i*i«a..Pnal4aal.aia. 4. •.PamdMoa. PnCat Tkrelacy. at* /.A.»*lka,PratltatkaBatl*a. *<a. a J. Saitia, Pnt i.att. t acaaci a.dUtar.tan. «.e.MaCaa,Pn£eroakI,uit«*«*a.d Utaralmn. Wataaafaacaataa taagktkr tbaHaaWaat aad Pi jf—n I

Bondl.tOTn,aa.tohad<M t-a i» twain Mian far { noMh-HMtbaoaaitiy.farakMtaMtdallaB • a aa a( Oa Pan:ty. Katnaaakaea*. Tkaa. 1. lUtOBBk. Bas. Baud ar Tnataaa

Grover A Baker's CKLSBkATKa BOISiKSS

FAHILT SEWmG KACHIHE. MMW nam AT kik qxv psicm-

T. HABTWXIX, acaas. W^iirSrJ*^ tha Oalak3i.»i.ll» n m M It AaStMM. " AamWaxraa. PtMaaaadtaraOtaalat.

^ Wanted

- Jar, - - . 1» «. V . . .

It - -jj. » J. . .

IrtkatBatga-Haadl fWdaa., - -' litaakkgr OQ.

t ttafnaa-aaaf a fckPod, a«t tatWto aattar».t »« •• saadlt.aaifca tba •• Itonla, a.l It tt g^ t^ mad as tka nrt!taat.,..44t«n:»a "Atom lta.1 tSfMr. Sato " '

•VUlhcaawlaaMtasirsdttaMaa tarttsfara aOi se rr-'-kayatttaaaaertaapBdO^a. aasstossmt^ BrttarAwg^SMasstoa tkaandttiiaiti. »• * fel tk* Peat Oeea aad ic Atf ye .»t W*>«n.>awaaat.siffiWlSii af.ii Sa,airfwM«M

BUkathkMll. Stv.MaQaiM OQ

H a r r i s and Manied Iii£i| ST

J . M. D. G A T E S . S E W A H D C O S K S ^ X X D

BC>*Bdt.eoliia*aa.dkaak, • - - Ptalaaiatii. • - -

MkywanftafaU. « B A T B S . 1 U X n * Aafll—tl -

OHANDLKK 4t TDENKB, Attaneya sad uai. Jftfa. «naa. wM fiafai ia sB OeOaaflsaCaasaMw ataxia tto Blittlat'SSaf tta - -- im. waiMtoadl. Iba kaatana at thajaaMha Pfartalattaarfca to Iba aaaaaBaaat Jtaa.tte arS^aaa

Amali^Tn Bells. r*BUBOHSS, 80&OOL8.

i rTrafa.irw«»aafar|iaa«, , y sisitks; saw aa* (Im ta | K. 0.aUMmK * |

A BITOATiOH AS HOU8E-KK16PEB p m ^ W ^ ^ P ' J S i f ^ l O

^ Vasn CaaaiaASanwi;

AaSHTL£llAir. WH0iTS A TO1.L |

t>aiaataatWm*thtwaij indaUtosaiaasa- e a ^ ^

Aiat am

• • ! t h , « a a . « . a .

The Origin of the Baptiits, TH Ty BX6K ST


EmartfOt Tka lalmnilajimli esili la ma»m»

tfBATSL by latyS-tt

K w m , p j B T O ^ a E W ® ^

Page 4: aa^iTB. V. v.«AU8.)«u.'vm umn * · aa^iTB. V. v.«AU8.)«u.'vm umn * cou «.c. txxm, M. I ji^Js ' S NASHVaJLE, SATURDAY AUGUS

lb, Kr MB, SMk-.

llu It aar tbiMlniilf ftrltali I—*laiiilli><i»ffl»rMi fcwfc aymiiifeiai wiifct

01IIII • ! •« Iirr''i Iilir'Til mlTtoii Ilmnt nim Hn i»

mg^etm-. guaftniii ^mfcflvjuimti

•MKHiiteW* JSTinmtm—«ir v* MUMaMsr.

a t* <Hr MMiiiulla OMt J

i^r»t* I I* lilt V mini

CUn. 12 eautlin tto J aiticfe ia r r ^ tst"Aa&-

a ci ooiM." ^ jUttf feR bcadt aMfifctd} vUp tliamgaiTip

Cid tianmretgmms ' raffar HUi.jodgs vhc, f« the fcrttB-of tk] ' " -

VM-teCMdintar.Bmi. ropK JBiHuioBxrr.

Hk. EBHcait—T tuiiMH " iwr readm mm «rt t»ijiiwiwig ta^^qi&n trty H i» fhM A ttl SiTiriamst itaa iu<l« *> fffitt foate«t ioa iix M bi iBMB ra. Mr ETimaim kis ia TtfanliBa to paint <l<t u ; crrpr m Us bocA Z pnWKiwril Ria« «ad poifi •dlcmt ottetfi isdMi, km «ltkI!«>Ked Ote pgsf i» pnmt tiw tM pmf niitnrj, « bffio retorM m, whidt b 'hmiiUli tiia tsy !»c m i f y -pTtntu *D!l ever; (ffirt tg inw ttff taa ktttntiMt of t&a pvblia fitea r-'U bakMB n. If, tin fticsda Xr H. ^isk t ^ ^ ^ » dimtcmtRii wnmn ef . n - iwa—ittsfc fmtr auiuft«4ad U» tsMitkr

- --. Md rarfi m low tyatem of qiiWiliag to tha iKtnrts I htwv mied—JriH Iwcet'

Tlr a in As tyw af wfMibla aiea, i«t ftem 5n«r«d. Why. Mr. Siitsr, jnt tmi tke "s"- srtSsIa Anti. and potttt out the fi-»t«t-urap? to wok any teas betwaes w. It re-» nd4iiie,«ryaf soma pa«R>, ^atrsK^ lore-

irjitMn «in kad i f n t mar ;ear in b-fiBK to pienvada raaw RiUy

_ that wtJrthj af Ws »ffTjtwiMi; W Iwv{«t adyprtd plaa of tkwm-ti>4iig iwni«i£. «lmnm|{k&s papezr, aa4 begituw r-m-t ^ SodV iak^ w «am« and mrr; htr. JTr.a tii* «araeM-app9aI« fbr ooraa ^ to ~ 4 '•iBBo.J •rTB*"modo«tIo ia Iictbosom

ix Vttii ma thcnich ier ar=t« wre «>T»ii tiw wmpdaa a t a x y env«%r vnnld faU in,

Sia a Kka Ota wfnaa wfao, af^ atrrj other

MXfnimu bad tuled, aunp* t&epTu of pts; isic mrxInHT-r to Ha Almighty to wad her a bvkbad. Oia nmm?, pnyin^ fer va«tl*,aa avlaiifkM'ahoTe Wlic^ and aamatmadi "ifim! who I nh. who! ah* t&oa fcc twaa aa a Tiriae {rna fceaTen, and alapSTB hw Mds, rxalraed, "aajhod? Lari—cDjbodj—w^ a Mm/" A* T am % luiufiad

mmi, Mr TEEor, ! s|int beg ^daaSoatha iffjoiiao^ eatrtti; b "fsD rrto Um anas" ar ne«!e is tb« i>i»Qm at BIr EartW* A i ^ If Mtfctrg alia wSl da viiL pn- fihem to jama mm wbo vssid !a»iT te">A& atetke ants" and naatle in i&a bmoa of tiUa poor, distrrasd

ctratara — TTnid itwtba riah, if *r. a.% aanty s&ould tSTB imt to be a tutUrt Ywng viiUtrs ar? alnja ta ka«a juiiiwi to *-&U rato thffir arer* end ttaitfa

IB fbmr bwnur and vsaid it Mt Vi (nvT to SaasTer that tlie O-Ittittfeaai BMte af WijiiariB Tratb (taf;;«ther with Hnasof tieJHesdiJ baitakn lefoi ba soack Ot^^intwiia folda a£ srimrftBe and ateali tb^ UdtBi; I koix' ^ y win kaira a pkaiaai tim", lia!:. wiQ br w>re tar mts tkn tka litis ^y at tke OT ma «ka ojatook ass of tfaeae trids (pnadia appQcd«^ for-a-ttnt and anpt uddarv but tir ki« nitar awatenaHkt aoco nm against rid}. H k

llM atimfCtoaiMp «qt «f ike nagentle aaniy >t>iak on Of. Boak bj npiig no bub? vaa aiUsd s sidesi aBiiicmptibl<L Bat Anti •sin ika qaaliBn, " will tfao aip St do «qp dasr* Tia aapmade by A«ti v m perfiutly adjT ad to tiM tuadof Mr. H. T am nxpas ' I did not £s«iTer it soqiht Tba !ocf doaer tatim m faHa tal AitMa, aod tka emrnaai «x artation ta ptay fir fargi«tag metay, i> irair

bjBrfgnu hr a maa ia. Dfc. H 'a prseat po-rition;; aad bow tratiifol tke bsqiuga of A ^ mX bow wdl it sppliaa wliei ba nyii, "die cpirit ia bis amiifnted (m hi* booh) ia vot

apoit of Ckii^'' El9T ansaaablti tk« exbortotM, tiias Sr^ akooid fxll oa bx» kaats aai pray 6ad m farnira bia far tallmg tboas aboiBiai i* Usehood* m Mr. J>»ywiL aad tbarbe w«!d:f<i to Ckria* aad le«m b *> Beak and tndiAtL" I bope Mr H «il< taks tba g«id advise Aitr kaa -girai; d wwild fSggatt," tb , wbiM b« £1 prortrstiBr biamif in tkadastk kii biaodaappaiat admj of and vxjft fiir kn be&d£

m. Atti lAariEaa ne witb zaiRSc ib* wry of jMmprfiant, mai m p t " it it a trick

^ by latiii mmds es m)pd in a M •SI - • " B» ref«T<^08 to tba srtieta af Aati m Airatd of Fib. U wiH bo rteo

. tan exy of panaeatwi raised by As u ' by j>wr oswatdly pnvtaiiiTa oi a r okxiniaa ipMlamao," &a. Now. rir, »3 Aati rated ika arr isunaad of mym^ br rsada (trfiita I&e paLlk, oonTfated by bis sarr 3iiiT»»ca«ar wa^ gooay-baaded ttt*iatt

ia »bBd4>«Mb Tka aaknowlcdjcnien' b truly w u b m w M f , b«t tta tnithfaiacBa it

Bisnfeis is aD bia mriitdes. Tbs KHripibbitBg rawrtad lt> by And is

ttinaaaB to tfce qnotatjo wiieb Mr. H. sayr ia aa nca Vi is Tneo^am is oswor y as T"~innSft-ii. "-r mivdad, aaadid. or tratbfal wrirSE . ITa Mr S fitar, I did a i, SOT

tbat a q-mtiaB ia sot in a baak •atsl FvaadflvvryiiiM aad pof to a«aartatn te uK. Mr. GL ia^atly man I kaov ol

«ilL r& k bis rajpttaHini fg^tntb on saab aa.iana. I «atd tin aotaitv^v:: noi-oa a imuin p»g> aaiddibata bwafrnd <n t&aipa^ i&y fael kMws Aati bave itr doaad is*

It will bo TMoiltatad timtl dcteetad Aati :a a piaii via aiateaMat «f tmk ia refrrsoee to thaIii«Koaiiaa< Dr. Wall aa ifaoted by Mr H. 1 AotMi ia ny laat taa-ii wsa mot " wxribt wor^ md "vai a fjllable aheiTd.' a» Aatiioiitfliod. To ciei>s« pabUa expoiBn laaKatofta to laogk it alTby aayiagitwa

a lUghc graeatatieml fiforepanay.'^ Wall lir, lufpill it WM a graouBadaal snaB . waf^ttettoafeatke acnrtioB aav ttMbaaaiyaaboadr WooMttbo/aef Oat i« was sTrii w ieef era eala itn," ward for ward"* mad ilabla fer ijaablo r T did not

if it waa gaod grmmiarv bat icqoirad if Hr. H fidaotaltar Dr. W ^ n tangmis*-— Tbemply wa»,aata.«9aaUi kadbaaa tar-ad. At tefa^iaal^tet ABtibMinds a fiiar ilaliiaiaoi'. I akatE faaM biia dminfaw

" -- "'.i ftri?*. irbeBSTCT tba E .iao^'^crdl aaaia tWaBmrxaf Xe. H t M n M th« jiplBlannr ber biiSmaaR, IgmahawiQapply tolnc Ha woald d» watl to iipwji|M)iir, xiad ap tba|iRlua-tariaa* eatiar^T•riria.l* ffioW •omstoilfi W. P. HnriKKi mains knnadf ^ i i W i r ni giiiia if MTnn, w m I — vhakaaiiwt It ««itd bo fiika «Bto acnfiag » woripM to aafak AhWc.

lU^ riii^'AMti^ IkaipaalBBg of tba ^ • la i^am^ •Iwu 1. tkw attirfo is tba [WBei'berieiAetamttewdeeii ' tbck

n i HiatQB wfllttanrtw : •Wijnfcfci wty* Bar*, Mr.

of tetaaad . BL Io laAmaa to


^ mo i^^mw^^m^m

Otmm, Vt w M h L t

I aik, nr, if asy o«lnr iaw doood raAft«o«r^Krv KSBfJb kwMri ^ R ttM op lddttMre Muai bo

wfl^ BeeSiiT^iSedsof m j S ^ j ^ v i ^ ^ w m k tUaJtoM, I win lay <9aB w «kd»-asttrr, aad. a^cm s adaaqirtw fi&tf off i iiMpliaa oa tiw 1 ing ps^o. By tniig

t««e. "and iad Urn Tirtaaliy fi^ tiw fiwa to aoawB iJi ^ yoxwiQ fod it It aiamdmtdf I p^^^^iiOnrtoward ItMt lint' isMir .a^" Aed a g ^ **KaaIly. a ftar «adb liaoo li* Iwkolo MBoea -otaeed n

aa, vh«n tka Bibiovai itm}»Sl«iKt-ndorM a vwy karalaas iaapoo-

iTenvi^i* endtttoj aa o!m «r tiw asoaday ««g. tbat Mr. H. iaiwdod to mtVr AeiwNodoatkat tba BiUoITakm vaa Mt oaly VHtoolrad,'but entirely'aboadoead'and <knufceB by ita fineadi, and tbst^ dm tbia ^sd idn plaee jaii aboot Ott tioia bla book

By tiraiBf to page 63 ia bi« H win bo seen t tbe only ream he

'{Tw wby tboTTBioB bad bean •abandoned* » f w wadU* before, waa, Of. MeClay, it* f reiidnit bad reaifcaed, «td a Bap^ 1>mp«r a Phladelpbia, mAIidied tkmt Dr. HoGia; %ad rengnra, aM that Uie Usion w«a a fkQ ne &tt:, ; bat girei no datea, aad aayi aot one word aboat wbait Dr- MeClay reoga •d or wbm tba paper in Pbiladdpbia war edtiiHad, bat I«»«ea it to be infmed tbat all jecaited'a few weeks'befawB bia book WM pab-Ifehed. Now. fir, tbat Dr. MeClay reoifned •in oiEae, and tbat tbe Bitptiot paper in Pbilm-•lelfAia pabli«Ited tkat t^ Uoiaiiwaaa <ir» and many oUmt IbtBca. ia tH fMly ad aiitied. Bat, dr. wbea did Dr MoCSay rerigaf «nd wbca «a« tkiB Baptirt paper published T If wa ean asawer tbcM qnaetiotta, and tb«D ueertaia wbea Tkeopbilai was pabliibed, w« aaa teU to a outainty vbetber or not tbe Bi b!eTToi<»waa*£aaolradaad <abaad«^'at cbe tine tbe book was pabHsbed. Dr. M<>-Clmfli letter of >«iwmti'm i* dated May 13 1856, aetioo waa taken oa it by tbe Boarf Jane 4,1SS«; &o Bap&t paper is PbiUel nbia, giyiog ail these &»tf, was .pal-liibed vboat ti» same tiam, aad Tbeepbilat Ytiltoo

(if I bare been oometly iefomedy waa pnb t»k«d ra ApriLor M»t. 1858, seaily. orqaiic. •wo yeua after Dr. MeClaTV reOT««»toa.— S<>w, air. admitt g tb»* tbe BibV U'ioo •iisnJvtd and abttmdmid io Mar, 185<). (abieb ta not tra.-) woaH H jastify Mr H. in ptib-*i*bicg is May, 1858 tbm* Ao tbipg had jti» uwsr^, and mnif as a roaon tbe reaina don of Dr. MaO'ay. wbieb bmi taken pt^ two 5««rt btforo f Wky, sir, b« ooold, witb the satae pvpHety, bmya said tbat the Amai etn Caioa was jntt ditaolred, and aaugncd u a reason tbat Gen. Harrison died before bi> rsm of oSse ezptrvd. Asd tbisia Ae man wto ia beld ap to oar view week afler week ss a HMidel of tnakfubuss aad eandor, a^ eTery way worthy of oar eoEfidecae and estMm. A gaia nio pR Maai to be parfeody famiEar with mil tbe workngaof tbo Bible Ualos, bat eovld aat asjcrtadn in two wbetber or aot tbe

ef Dr MeCiay bad broa^t abva* « and total abmndonieest of tbe

S^ty I aak yea, sir, and I a»k e»ery eiw-duf man,if aa attei^ to palm off laeba&aM leesption, to isjare a Ssc ty, oai t aot to

irand ths aotbor f ^ $(trruii libame and dis-j|T«e ? and more ' eeiidly, as be bad all tbe meaas ia bis power, eoaif bare kaowa, and •ioabdess d d know, tbat • new Preaideni bad been eleotad % ifcwt timo irfter Dr. MeClay reti|!asd; Aat so ditoola ioa takw plaae, •igtmT is dallais bad .beea eontribated, Sv^rsds of fHeods were added, and tbat tbe ?odeTy & Hsy, 1858, was in a proaperoao wa£ti<>o. and roing oa qnietly asd baraoai

Shame! dams! etenml tbame, oa -•ae a xnu. Ba siosiiST.-

W»neomaiciid Centre Spriag disr«& ^ 1 aoamnittao to Visitld&BHsr ebtoA

_ IB bdr to -r«eap»-mir lm aeta reia^ taT {be ^ of B ^

a ^ ^ eaetasoa of Brou fityiear^ litdaljnto takoair^ (iaigai agdait Bro. Bttisa, aai gi** thna a tkmagk, iamtiga-tioa. All of wbieb ia raspeetfallT aabaiitted.

A. F. Laoiuaa,: Cbainnaa. Upoa BOtka. - Bro. Frjtear .was reodTod

aad ritb kaad af feUowdiip extwded. lil oHtluaoba book,' aad a oopy

be swt to &e iRsas B^^/Hst and T n

Bt pHit for pablioation; aod ako a ooai •tatemeak of tbo aots of Ubwty ebnreb.

y. J. Hvnos, Mod. H. CaiiwLr, Clerk.


n a . « flau»nAHiA jb. i.axcastkxu

RwasDOthnttsb^we wMv'ieitled apoatote. cxjrd tbadit of oorTiUe "Kale," inmtcbed tma 01 witboot a wmrDlog. It was the shadow of death that tto p««Md owr tlse threshold, wmniotr as ef Ma Bcarom to as. How earnestly we red dod that dtefUDily otSsbtbeipared from the farther rava^ of the destroyrr.

Bot a tew looaiha paurd befare we saw the «««3 of death let apca the am of tba -flrst bom. W« wmtehed her as slw slowl; wasted mws widi' rmpid eoosampdao. She vms fbr some 'time p«rf«etl; eoe-•doasof ber approscfajDji end. Bat bo trmr, no rm, s tatcd her S6B} or Its calm repose apta the anB of that SsTior in whom 'ihe bad IraiM in her

What m ttinmph for the power of christUc. Ujr wsa schieTed In her case! In tbe momics of ti'e, !a the vidtt of Us brightest emrthly hopes asd mu tieipaUaaB, from the eoibtaces ol a htwbind thai idoSiied her, from her firit bom, mad a daoghter thai had bat Jost leatsed to call hra mother, frooi pa leots and a faraSy drele whw sSWetjoos were bennd aj> ia her—frost all these to be taken 10 jonng— how great laasit bSTs been ihe strcgale! Yet alte cheerAtilj yielded to the will of her StTior, and ez-pteesed her desire to depian. to be with him. Tbat 8a-Tiorabe inted more than al] these. Tht* last brealh-«a«s of that swet. patieDtsBa'.irer was, "coTseLoid Jesoi. lad teceise mj spirit," and when she •snkizr Sruth, tbe briaht tiamph was ic her eje, a «mile of lieaTecfy 5wt*Ece»s SMmird to pl»y npon her featores Vfbo cnld K-ak q;<ob ihrnc facr, and cot feel coo-•Wniard to sif, iU'rij 11? was with her io ihe daik

acd the siarfow of death 1 SBdth*!wipnr Eirlmnalicrmilstknagil tbe;;loiliB.'

Mrs. Christiana E. Ltacuter was the eider, dansh-ter of D-. Geo. aid Hota 8ci;!«r,of Jackson, leun 5bi> profmtid Aiith in Christ at tb« a«a or sixteen ;«ais, and was baptised by Elder J. K. QraTes, into the fellowship of the ehnreh in J jcksoc.

Io. 185. , ihe was married to John Lancaster, of Sew Orlemoa.

Of the children of this nnVcn, one daughter remains and one, the "smile AoBa," preceded its mother, by s«ie Booths to the belter land. M-s. L died oc the 1st day of Jane, 1S60, aged 3J yean. Let m>-die (be death of the rigcteoB snd let my bat end be like hsi. O.

t •Mtmk'Hi* Prwltet,


waAs sat-ikU U) «c wM t*nL «9a.> St llMSi Ptsl-

rAcsnynr. ateirfttiM

aiterLXawm wsa a j ons, devoted aod toy ssal> oasduMiaB. Sstlarwaosashe —biaaWy » in tbe da ya of her giSabbo(id,'saatain<4 bsr

UtOea-u thmany r^Tes^friwfc}; S S g ^ y t S S S t l S i K S r ^ i t i S S ^ S ^ tomeora htr death.. Aadber wtnafa>w»pqsa tn tb iinse, d. oseby of Mule JIary QcantiB to; infutda Bghtn. tlwit on the 8J» of laat March, WenttI to dwell'iHtb bw Sartor. Wm. A. Wanstrr. . j

f m r w m T M A J t m ,

Died W Typhoid,Fbenmaoia, in NiUehei, iss, ane-lOfl i, ISMi ' IfytaD Harsh was bom M Sanger-fhdil,,OtJiida emty, New Tork,>Iatch 25 1835. Be was a safMBbw of theWalHNreet Baptist ohnieh to Ois city:. In Us dsadCmbright star has set in earth abad(s,'bQtiisraiaHecran tosmliglK shiiMii mortal. He wsacoe Oteae me tne spirits, whose fiiatdshis < sie le ^ and wiiass hsppinesa so maeh consists U1 nakbig others happy. His taioitswera of a hi|}t. order, asd dnUtated by careful reading and st^y J wbic he somdmw linnd lima fdr, amid tbftooBMnt and |»essicg demsnds of a lai|p«»d thritlnB ci mmeretai basfeaesa. His basiness uid ^ teUMtnalendowiaeats were scarcdy excelled in tbe commnnttj. , -

At a Clb-istian, his life was neT«r eqairocal, lit principles were avowed. His motto was, " we lire, not in paseaatry, and honrs, and fi^nm; bat; in principles of tiatb and heart throbs, and noble deeds." He was an earnest Baptist, free froiti ait the inns, and cidoricgs of popular igaoruce. Tbe •tidenw of his reli cn ffu in his life, in death it did not fiai him. "I know ihi>t my Bedemer Useth," wai the theme that ic hii last conscioas mo-menu B'ied his sool. He is yet in meisory, and in atbeUos hstliTca. and in imiaortialttr.

1 W W K

Asthma. WHiTCOMB^ BKttEDT.—

italiMU hi* tma ty UaU <tMir.'aB aa ««• o( rsnit astkatie dunetar Ksilt aiM ta giti Tiiniilii i

em WlSktett.

K»t«a of Tnitioa.

<r vutioa frm ta* niaa, ktaui* at ur mw rivtiMttd -tiiuM au I'lTntrTiMc ta

auil Call^gts.

Cold Female Watfer Baptiat Seminary.

eaoLaaeaa, imuasir

n^HB EXERCISES OF THE ANNUAL ^ wUl-,lw>uaB>*l lit HwUj la 8«pteitar

•txt. Pacwttri

Wia. 1. Bl>rota.a. M, FMlSMt. sM rrat at Mantal tmt Umi S'-tean, Swlaat »a<l •'• •n' Lucaw". _ .la.. J Bcir jau, a. M, Fw. Ma<h«m«Tlr» aad Satan!

feiipiKv. Kin lico.«. foni, VoeU tKl Itw»»«a«t»' Uuis-

' Mrv 4 M. ail J «!«»• mtuncvrr '>a»a-t»>»«t. MUa r.llM H. karrrsu rtnaarj B«parte«rt. W. I. BtnrBta ai4 Eia», »ta«ani'« iX»utmaa>.

Tarma yar Eaaalaw mt Flra XoBtlu. $11 «» . P~i»ra«or»i . . . . >4 OS Ooifatlit* » to Waaii-anaaoandeutsr.mb M C.. of Iiut>»m«t. t M i>r»aci«at>Ii<aMlH«istk.- - - II Ott J>r»»i»(c» «rith »«ia<'af 1« wmtar oolon l» Oli Vttick SnKU u4 I'-allu. (Mthn or all , n C* Biai4,las.-B*tattaat liMa.baa>aattt*<Uta(, » fti LacMaBtaUax. aaeS .aail, I "O

Pnplia vUl kf a<tmltta4 at aar tlx>i.%s< It lirarr isatb to Ml; latamt ta aatar at t» ofaatsi af tb< SMat-ja. I« all

uiakia (•! ^ tsa


in eompliasee with tbe ebarob at Little areek, and tbe rtqaest of tbe ebareb at Little ersrk, Wayne owty, Georgia, SIdera J B. J<n>e> and D. Carry atet at tbo meeting boaae .f tbe ebnreb, tbe second Sabbatb s Jaly. far tbo pnrpoao of- aettiag car bi«bly astoeated -•wtrtber, "Wm. T. E. B o ^ , to the work of tbe ministry. Hying bands apon bim. The ordi-aation lermra waa delirend bT tiie candidate, fbe dumrge was delirmd by Eld J. B J asm Tie prayer by E'der D C Carry. The Bible prwcBt d by Kid. D. C. Carry. Tne bstnedio-tion by E'j. JhBMS.

After the ardisatiai tbe door of tbe c areb wia o{Kn far tbo re^tion of mesb^ Thre same forward and' gire nti aeUon of taeir eonrersiin.

On tbe' fbartb SabbaA tbo door of tbe sbarak was open again; two came forward, two were bapt *>d, tbneo ramaiiwd oandidater fjrbsptisai. D«eby order of the ebareb wiuleMttiog iaeanlawnae.

Sid. JAns B. Jons, Mod. J. A Huraa, CSeik.

CtKiiaiwC SprtsK Bwptlat ChwTck.

r» C a n f t m e * Julf 14.1860 G r m u r i U t D i s

triet, Setdk C a n l i m a .

•Wbereai*, The tnno has fully owne, wbcn m« will aot wsdaxa Knmd d wtrine, and many iwTe departed from tbe faitb; acme baTo gone ot firoa aa beeaose tbay wera not of as, and

many ban beoome so aritmble ia tbeir feel mgs M to aoeept ud praotiea tba teadnsgs of tnen for ll doetrinea of tbe Gos^; we-think it timo for tbe lowers of tratb to stand ap a*-bold Boldiars of tbe Craaa, and earnestly eon-cend for tba faitk occe delirered to tbe saints; tb afore,

Maolf^ lit, Tb^ vs daly appreeiafe tbe oBOQTca cf tbe Soatb-'Weatera Pabliostion Board, and that w» kaartily Teeave, temeh and reeommosd to oar dtocminatios in general— tbe boob acd papers pabUsbed by Ormre?, Yu-ktA Co., aad espMBaUyOo Sabbatb Sebool hocks.

Si, That ia oar opinion it ia wrong fbr Bapdsti •«» to yatroaiix tbe ITnioa books, aatbsy teaeboalyapartof tba tratba of tbe 0«cp«l, and maay aaeia to be eoat«it fbr tbe teaohiags of Pedob tiets to fill Taoaaoy.

JZiiBtaadrSi, Tbat we raoomaMnd all lovaa of ^tk. wbo wtsb to adtaaoe tbe omaae of tbeir Bodeemer co esrtb, to taaob Uuit dil ^dr«B&«wnab. books, as jrilL baa Am tbe tmth aad wb<de tratb, to by it, tbey aad sra atoto bo jttdoed ia tbo last day; and tbey, and tbey onfy, win baaUa to ataad aa tei^ ers wbo ba«« ^gbt tbe gre|t doetrina of tbe

wiAeat addititta or disiaaifon. IMaid dtk, Tbat tkaae reaolutiaiia b« sent

to the SVtnmH R g ^ i i t fat pablieatkm. 'W. L. Baixsb», Mod.

H. L Hasbnsps.Cb.CIak.

XBg. crausxA a. kat. Died, at the restdence of her haaband, in Panda

connty, Mlsiteippi, on the f!6 Ji day of Jase, 1E60, Mrs. Indiassa J. Kay.

Bhe was the dsaghter of E!dtr C B. acd Sarah Tooog, and was bom in Vaks coonty, Korth Caro-rms October 18 b, 18J6. Bh? came to MirsksD ooonty. Uisrissippi, with ber paieDts, in the Spring of 1S«); pro'eeaed religion, and joined th« Baplist chnich in 1S33 and was married in I>rcember of tbe same year, to Ur. Jas. M. Say. . Her last iilnets wa dlstreMicgly painful, fcat she bore it patioitly, Sl-..! sabmiUed to her fate with diiistian fortitade, leaTing to her friends the most latirfaftnty testimoo thst she was entering npoa an inunoitaltty of bleswdneis and joy.

She left a bnsband to monm the lo«s cf a kind aad demoted wife, mrd two HtSle cMldrct—i girl aad boy—too yoocg to rraiiss tbe great loss Ihey were saitaimng in the death of a food mother, be. sid«4 a Iszge circle of friends and relatires, who will ioog fed tbe stroke witich deprived them of one <hey ioisedlso well and i6 Jaitly.

" Dearest sister then hast left as. Here th» loss we deeply feel;

'• But 'tis G d who hath bereft as, Afl our sorrows he can heal." J. I P.

Sder A. B. Fr}rear waa ezaladod from LibCTty AttrA, ^ fer April eoafareaoe. At tba May ooafmaae «f CAtre S^iag dtareb, Bro. F. pre MS ted bimself fbr laemberabip, praaentl g abo tbo intteeediBgt of Liber^ ebanb ia kis so oalled oxdasoa, Geatre Ssriag'ckandi, after koarjag tkeso {oooeediags r ^ aumiated ^ following ooamittee to taftiato tie astttor aad report at 5 o'doek r. 3e , to wit: A. F. Lsoaard, B. J, Taady, a. &OW&T aidTlJ. Battoa.

At taaa appeiataa tka Mmetiiee maie tbdr report wUeianadt a*Jdlain : .

AAsr:iiitte« ia tofigatisit vf iaga of Ltkutj ukaisk,aaitia»i»tty Ifa-ata tdaiiva to tb« exdanBiaf B ^ Fiyrcar, waadwMrCaatre 8pt6igafcar*t»ieeaiie^ ^ Aeir#tiafWsk iisElbefiaUwto|ereaseM:

naaatiw of Wtertf A m k ia tbe txalar^ rf Bnx Fryrear, was aaaa-

LfcytU W M fT aakeaid of ia B a ^ iitey, aad a ^ i» W l ^ i t m m , S p j g a ' " -

f L TMrt « iewMMd Bra. Vrjnutm Maanaly pataak agaiMt tke v^MAItpri.

lalatiea M tba

af mt ank fw-:^;

M » a M «ha« aKt fcittel iptltilii^

KARTHA GIBBS. Mrs. Martha Gibbs, wife of Bro. Alfred Gibts,

deacon of Timber Ridge c?ihrch. Sitter Gibbs was a ^ 47 years and 17 daya. Departed this life Feb-rsarylS.h 1860. She waskindacdbeceTolenttoJiet friends, and was a esod member in the cbnrcb; at tended regaiar her church meetings rret since tbe proirsiied in Christ. 8 lie united with tbe church tt IVfeated creek, br expe-uwo scd Uaptam, Jnlj, 1847, and lired a devoted member onlil «he End her hoabacd witbdr«>w ijy. letter, iLd were o 'ORitnted at Timber Kidge, Btacan coonty, Tennessee, where she wsa a f itkfal member until desth, when she left a brfght teetiiaony of her experience witb G.>d throosh Christ, by ssBiag her frieniJs to ber to sdmooieh them to meet ia HeaTen. Fatly resigned to the win of ih> Iiord she had BO fears io pasisins through the dark railey acd shadow of death, as Jesns was then to go withhsr to that blessed abode where Saints will dwell ia tbat manricn Sar above the tmnbles and toils of thii worid. W. GioriB, Paster.

JOHSSOX, D."parttd this life, near Coocord meetirg house

in DividTn cocnty, Tecnessee, on the 14th day of Jaly, 1R80.

Brother J.->fcsoo «?» bora the 12th day of Octo-hMt, ISO! ifH di'd U-e 59 b y*ar of his age. He pr«fe««ed r'UsiTO NsTriot>.T 24.b, 1831 j very soon after wb b time h-" was bnpl'ied into Ih? fellowship of the Baptist church at llipeweD, Sumner county, Tecaessee. •The year prerions to his death he iieaune dissat-

i«9>d with the Missionary Baptists, and connected tiimfclf with thewnti-Mtssioit Baptbt church at CoBCord, ViiUiamscn cpunly, Teocessee. Bat his coDdnst in changing his chut rritOionahip was so prodent that he maistained undl the day of his death tbe e eem, the Chilian fellowship and the lore of Us brethren &cm whom he had separated.

F<r weeks before Us death be seemed to have a ptewmUment tbat his dissolation was at hand. The dtseeSB whidi doard his earthly-'career was Icflun-

of the bowels. Daring his Ulneas be oftra ke of dying; told

Uslka^ that Us time had««n«» asd ttqoested thess to meet him in Hearec. He died ths death of tbe righteoos. Traly, a maa has fallen.

Bro. Johnson has left JI fa&hfal' oompanioa with many ehQdrcn, rdatlses, lored ones aed brethren to lameM his death. Bat why should we weep 1 Since we aB believe be has enta*d mto that rest wMch re-m^o^ to tbe people of Gad.

Wk. a. Wmtsrrr.

WJL C. FOSTER. Died at his resid<«ca ia Caddo Parish, I.iatsisr«.

on the Jwae, 1880,-Mr. Wm. 0. Foster, aged 52 years, 6 months and 15 days.

At a legnlar coafeiecee at the Keaehi Baptist diareb, Lsuiriana,on the tih Jaly. ISSO.the foOow-ing prcambJe and rwoIalSons were cfTrod and ncanl-Bously adopted by tka church:

Whereas, In the proviaence of Afaalghty God. w bdoved aid ssadt lassected brother, Wm. C. Fasten has been jsmuied bom our midst by the band of death; there tore,

gtiiiitd, Ve deeply laaam the decease of oar dear bro^, for many years a fkithfol atembcv of 9sr A m ^ asd a a>*Iaas cfiser of the saaw.

Sctsiesd, That wa i&eRriy sympaihias widt onr keteavcdSster Foster asd fkmSy-in tUs sfflieUve gspnaatfam, aad that we tender to tlnaaewi eonde Isoee, with a copy of this refoIa'Jon.'

Jbsufeei, That a copy of the same be placed npon the teeords Of tbe dioreh; also, that a c iy be tr-wariadtolbe flwus^cs S a / t i a fat pabikatte, wift a ivqaM thattha miutaiia Bopliit aad dhrO. Iia» /ado oi^ thesaaw.

Bnaaaroaa, SIoC J. Boww, Ch. cierib "

' ' ' . Annerxa. a^o. atAaoa. Departed this ttts aemx Lawqa*, iSatbetted

T i ^ OB the tod^ ot W y, 1860. ~ S^lbmwaathateaiihtev of n e M ISM, aad waa tata On the

^ ^ p t ^ ' B 3 I » o . j o a t h rike fa*>e her tto nil j^jMbiptSn if tntn the Mtoiishrpaf

ttkt; J tb'tlsM a( aawa rw artGTMstiealanraMMaa ^

WtULUt I. «Ba«TW tv.

I la si«aaa«<,} from of thifasalo*.

An ll-lt. Okabhom.

Fall Branch Seminary. •yHE NEXT 8KSSIONJ OP THIS IN-1. s!tta>l<w wVlaowm-n-a McaSaj, Ai<. SStb, t>SI>,*t*tr

tbaaa a&4 «aie*at uarrae'ton of PruC r. M. Fla-th ar ma. vbola K,t>0H»-( '(ta'aala «» Bamt: OoUm». laS rOBa« w*U m» ab> aad cump.tittt 'cv taki> eiltrta cf tka fa-tra'.ttoa of lulaSi aiw h»art» a' T akiek ttThaitXaa tSa mutaM ta aaaaia tk<M> M-klait aU-xtart laRltatMB'O'tVj' •<>•• thla UaXllkatf. .la<JT>!>iali>rafall.<va J«ta as<>«k<«asx)i aluatloa. tt >kall •ot b«Iai>rtslt>aa7 la East T.U. Ti* b.a Shfalnaa. U tba )c«aUoa.tV el»»%»«i»»« or toa taltlou -aJ WTd, aad >b-D ra lt« cf tt* r 'r'*. nftrlar airulaf* te tbm •ba ara la panan of aa mr-tum. Rataa mt TaiUon par Seaaloa of TwaBtyWteaa.

1st Clua Prlsiazy tehoUra, 19 fO -4 . . . . .

«U ttb rU

1 tm s to

to 01 oa

A ma or twcstt wcratu

faltJoa ivassi aateaaraUa at AaJwa nv,' . J'tw J, waunra. VHadaa:

X H E TENT J5 o(t1>!»Iartna «r The

garraTtstwtth S«!l aruUer MtaaaaSnak It <n

03BtlBr«t IM. « «> Owd '<oa.-41n cu b« bad f.-m tt 14 to t> 00 aiS

IlrtUM«»pt«t JSfcSSR OBOrCS. Praa. af Board of Trastacs, Pall Bn.kcb. Taaa.


Albemarle Female Institute, CaiBLOtTSTILI.1, TIBOnriA,

SB33I0S 186C-'61, Bxr.tss Mosdat, Seit. IOtu ISCO—Closss 25™

JcxE, 1861. '

rJECE'S OF ONE WEEK AT"CnRI8T-b Kai->< atlfb <tn«tt M*laactadtb«ttb«»ckoai «<:>

banora> 10 n-w ba!ld1a««. aov «T«etSs« CD a kaaatifa* •JtM Jii»t (ntof toes. wtlbaliTWfroaada a arkM. Tk*l*-stltB->» la eoa lb- jssarty of !aetpal. who

vtiff'tt««vt.-r«xtnl.ia *n fatwntu hub*r tba a!T«»t; h<fti atandard of r«qatTa4 la tta x~adai:«*. Tb?. mb- aJ'all ba .i l-d hj sum™ ta Ib- .l-»at tbf>rt>0)t>ia»<. »11h »ki«k th« nij eu tato lb- jrndaallBf »-« taagbt. Th<». •4 jtraa»»air«t.diBt«»..o «:bcak,ra« ithatiiftka OoUa«iata !>.parlm»au

1 AaMra- tHurw:*' ""tf a««««T > X M- d«ra Lft-caaaasUwo &a.aM<7 > 1 yatbamatica. * Moral PiiHaiiaaiT. t. natural 8el»B«.a. a Hlatorr aad Lit«r»t»r« T B^I>)lUM»(»^C.B,,.ltI».

IMy'ovai an avardad la tb«.a KbooU avparat*!?, bat a]' ar. oa'atary toaiAkaa *• Orilaar* of tbalia Itaa* T1iaPr>-a-.arTO<ta'<ailaohi4«<lha lajTlib

n iattsvitb «i«)aaat. 0; rtatar,! clcc-w ai»d I'fbfa tna /vranlla Deyir.awst la itt't*-* lor asall ik. dna.

OBtiirs uid TcMhcr*. Jak* Ba.t. W. A. y «f Tl-j-ala. Prtw-sa'. Katk

•vatlea. HIKCory aad U-aratara, Sr c.iiiti aad Co«i;a«ii tun. H II. Harrl*, H. AifUalTarvlTTO! Ttrfl!i%> Ab«!«»; laa-

WAd— Laaam-cw Matsxat S-taaoaa. aW A a B-owa. Ka al Parxn; . H<.< a A C'aak and Wlla L I- ALOBR. AulstaaU la Lsa-

(Vf4«aad aa'b.saatloa Mfs L. r. A14» aai Siss V C. Orf«t Prajttorr I>e»itt MiM W. O. Or i . 7a«aar« IVyartinct. jur. Tbmt't. rsj-da. V;«ala»d laatiamatttfti Hasls. Mr... V. Cauda. Otsaa<t% 11«»all» Work. S7 O. od Isa'raetlaa vi'l b> »n)TlM -U tba rsHoai kUd<

mt ft'auaf.t' H«ra«h««l ba C a Ma. T1CRJIS.

aite i» sBTisot, ati-iacs 1st c» Sisca. JcaaalJa PTxr'Bl-a: SO OS Piarararorr !> r*m«Bt, . SO (0 Col'..Y:at« I>«pattxii#aW faay Ibrta »«:o >lt, 12 (<0 Kai'anaPiaae, - « 01 Waa- la Gla*t (foir UaiOBS par veak.) IK 03 tli« of toa'rasaaat. - 1» SI B«rd(la<IllU|cfa«IaadUcb»J - ISO)

stalrat'famlrh tbalr an taaaiSjind nlpUss. B«oki tsd l(.ia>a Mpp'l-d at .aun rot Oa'a; ga«a f«UarlB!»nnUoa. aiirMt tka Pila •1941. St Ca'icttaaTS;.. Ja!yt8-St.

To the Patrons and Friends of the Mary Sharp College:

TBE i9Tn SESSION OF thpi iksti-tmt'sar.>aa<4aatka)»lk«r Jaaa aa KMnlaa

tloa that art l«T»c*t e-m a klckar dftaa of proMtaaay ttiaa ba Va attajKtd by tba dvM.

TkaIa«t<t>tlMksa ftMan d!T ma fn-Ksiif. thaklhaat analtlaa ainw tka laaHnttoaa of o«r lagd. Its uatalana aia tkayaa>>ajlBi ISO tboaa tiat ofonttbraa kaadnd atadaata Aaafwfaet w tka eamlaraa aloa azaaa* Bora B mlaitthaathat**, a-y yaatiatlam. Tba TrEstew kaa-•a>ana!a*>< ta do all«tki<r powar to xsaka tba askoc stlU asn <iaarrli>B at tba rttnxsaaof tka tabtto Tka T vtaaa aa'ra kitbarto laborad asdv aaibarraanaat

In tho ataitBlaaatln af tks aSalia at tka las'Ifttela, fra tnt aSaets of tka (r>dn tyi ai. that kss yrs ae ditw -

•jwaatosamaoylatmaa'a- A lana oitat.Bdia( (abt Saa tb> rnsfajr artin-Irb fiTT-l-rn-*— towaStbaaalattaaa' tfe. tMckm, laask of wbieb. as* alMVi,r baoona wdrlblafa. aadtMnaMnraialria- tiwa aad <jnid<aaMa •»»>asi ta ooUa-.t Is aMt seadad. TlliylMitianmkntay a tb'aflir tkavatfaraaf thaaaheel.t« pmrlda afaia.t neb- laaasa ta fitara. We at* m I SM tbat tba Taatttatloa aaaaot cai>eart TOb kMtaa. Tba Tr«>i«a> bara fUt tbaauatnS eaaagOad .0 Mirastsat iMixaashbads.asthabssttnaU. . nay tak; UU awai ta laSarn all tba o! i rraM -f Us*

acb»'. tfes aainm aSBp>.ad at tba Ma saaaal naatiEg ol tka B.anS. ' 1. TbatbaraafurtbarcbotaaU; vaarirtn enejataa batoae arbroXea aaai<a «t H anatka-aiaUif on tba lit Maada, (aS.rt.,taaa«i.r«>T,vlt!>Ts;k kMiays « tba Paiataf js d*m aniBert>iiTa. ' 1. liat a* aabolar wTl ba uUleaiatad '®r a ti»t .baa

It Is k> tar t a' baat for bnt'-. tka taacira t h o ' M , 'bat tb-j aba«M aatar at O* i t g i m x l v cf Val,tbayw>UbB*nm»tsdto aartar at aay tTina < S )><

«nl«t tba w. -m» U l f l k i i taltlon fw IS Bobtha. U

isan jaavtwn. wtU baiaaUM laa<nsfa,BU tbaraaaia-<taratthe«tuaa> tbaral». Ia rua af r>«tia:taS iJaaia, tbe ore*et ded«etl=B *m esle. ItsTbi tbataaeM -arUlfte any rtaan. aak tba Tra>

tnta afCrtbra tklsnia ab» It win ba tu asilat f' I a aa^ ta bono* a tilttnc sess—tb* haU pavH at <«uSm far t aoatbs • f kla k trtkaat at a bbar, thsa Ic, tlwtiwdmsabsmvtbmsaulsata kaavy as.amuloaa this Ma Kct iadcda taard!.-c-4ka paMt Wirg.!«» to

«ak* sacb snarvsmit sfJitbsSltwsaa aaS esirilBrboaa-aa ka eay ba a**Ia ta d TbaWastadavafnaEtbaaVantaartaalsad. aad P» »!»•»?

WaasM alaatadPltaidWtu' ba .in ba a»latadb/aa a teaanaa-rtatdbar*. Rata si's far gnatar satS ^ n tbsa bmtaArSk

Tai-naa air TwUhna. Uaat, IS aaaatbs.

-ssr iaalar

m . It ! »' ! 4* ' «t

Waal: oa Etaao, par • CaaafPlaa*, «aitar.

•rlsaOaWtrk. Paesrasiiha »aa«aWork. OUPalattK. Cia-aa, PMal. WscacCsiwa. anMt. TdialMssia. «ia imm tas. hen plom.

M n

|S .J,.ss

' Ss t

. a .

btraaal. ««>aM

itbalat WaadaTlaL CT oaaca oi m aoAsa.

G A B D a k ^ LADY. At PBESENT ACTIKft Pria-

YaJobusha-Baptist Female* Insti tute.


tl»!» Iaamatl>w. a f l l o a Hoaday, tb* Mib tbala.t.aaal.»..a.lU. Ta-r^alM .11 rSna-1

«»»!» ' .»«»«» a fail ab!< aoa «.a »«nt Bunt U lastnKtluB. AuiaBro ibicnaLaa. b aa q.<« ar ITS caWla p™ Tbe 4»lrtB< lar.>rmall>a e.ue«ralaa Vwd ra-aa of tal-

ttoi ra liy. «ar-« of ata<y aad otb-r nkaiatian tf tb. IsMitaUoa alU b t.ralabal w th Ca>a'ocaa- r .atsiciai tba

'i«,by aaiajappSftttiMby raUl or o-b-rvlta. b> JalT M-S3. Or-aada. MiMta-ttfl.

Sonthe^ Commercial College, itASUTILLE, Tr?CK.

"PHE IMPORTANCE OF SOUTHERN-JL th#»r cHildrvboa vh«r«

-wottllbafr frrtw the tsSsvM* of Nortim fao«tt«r, V«tMtoUH»vftC»'>U»bia«2'to; tb* sbdve lestlttttlott. ftc4 tts •ukMae&t «huttr tn IBM. froMPcrt, to 8U th* vutaw d-ptftaoa**. Wn mW

t4id ffTMit ears, la of th«ir pncUcAi •laeiienM tth? SriTate w«rtH-nfiy kav to mtk* tt vortliy o' i1m> MtroMr*

of tW«boU e»eiktrf. an-i to U %9oa fcbMii tafftdot u 00 irfmtUr «ei>«fs*{ fit vorUL TbiivUicnUiUT petMt ta loo« e*UtapM> of St«d»»:i

»!ko pocttloss Is »n p&na of tb« Cnfooa ThtTI ftllOBM aay tlmTjir ockdol H pmtfaet u mti o' M food FtoosrkMMn. O iW


For fanhmt pt^rt'eclsr* M^drtm ScQtb^ra C'smmprUt N«4'ii«tU«. Ttttts .ft* Glrr&I**- Att^i Cstsi'M**'

nPHE «- alloE

Wake Forest College, SObTIt CAROUSA.

F.^LL TKKM OF THI3 Oollege op»» »•> tba rootf ilosdar la JaU a- !•. Thaw Is a

fat! oanP" of ofiwra la cbar(a af 'h* rajloaa aad tbe ..ottTM af invtnxe lia sa aa tboniscb asd c.prabaa*lTa tbat of aa,T otbar CsUa(<. Sot aov aa bItH-rto. « ntnbara vltb tb« Pr#p%-a*ot7 IV

aartaivat -.b- P.-3r-a»»ra d-rota -JtymaalTM fXelB.|T»]T to '.baOalaflataelam. ' Tba ©armui laataaea, >• <rrt! a. tba Pnaeh. fbrma a part f Iba TTfala' Qa;:Taa firtbar la'oraiatlaa may ba dfrtTad fron tba Catalona o'

tblsjaar: tor a copy of »t(cb ai.r;» to „ .. wu-anTALi.,

Jiaa »-6t. flanatan ol Panhy.

Lightning Eods from Nashville. TAMES EaWIN^cSON S HARDWARK

tJ doa<». baad OaiatateM. « d. J. R. OtnTta t! thu paper. W. aitaad calla alihlo a bnadrad mUaa. asd ncd mat«1al.

aey ilstasfi- altb fittnr^ at-l lUre-'lolt. to pot op A ao COST ball* adaarrut •iH:afii aUbai a'd aabstantlaW

pat ap. 40 TA-k waraat'd. aad pne. ao mMptata tbat al ako waat e.A ajord to poretiase.

adJ an SST4T A DClTIjOX, 801 821 KaabHllo. Taon

Itai.- piawimlB la-r'tj taatl-ooy to iba "aajoiuiW-rtdbo im»ai;tis:lStJto»>or Wr Brraa and to a tiaras lar of hla wk. H-'uMdonatllajraktoisy eatlrs a«;!» •icU a. H. (aaolt iro of HaiiTilia, eaa bi ra'jad 00 : aai 1 haart! y c.--iaiaau<l hla to al nbo waat taa ba»; qaa.lty ot rode, b*!!ji aiid wiadowfaataalit J. Qaaras. 4.H l'--,f

The Howe Sewing Machines. PSTABLI^BED 1.S45. STILL. MAIN ^ tala tbe!r >ap«rk r r«pa*.ati jo for tallor'a, boot aod thca

b*raaB«aad ca-r.lf'msk-Ta .bd fanti qafl Tha family a-Ji a aew. (wrt Ijiit aod b-ary wotk.froi:

• na Itib'aal -o tba baavlat • a»<:ll.l rt-s araiuaa. I tM. It o«.t»d to oar P%TS0S5

'ortSe b.»t ap toai of at-nn, a»b.>>i;-d at tSa celt aaaca', Staia Pair. mHeaclcir in. It

'•OSSBS09.. 4»-at«. i«dll-if- M OoJlua Bian, IfaaS.Ul. Tur.

Valuable School Property For Sale.


ll£( or a a>ir« d' o m.ka E-on*?. .tag It—It.

tl. ieoo' smprty, la tba>ofof B daTlilo ooaaia .aralTIOKaait Itao acao'tl Yooica A Tai eafe.

«ro n aisssirr £J1 Tia-, K

TEACHERS W A N T E D . / ^VE TO TAKE PHARGE OF JONES V-/ boroBKh Bvp-l.t l,.»t t-te. Wa pr-ar a ma- l-f irvataaa «ltb amalt faml y. ft e wa,.t a Bkui lb-roaaiN

t'-> t.aeh a'l tbe bt-taieva aoaaUa taofb* In f loaU -eb -ols uf hvb ebaraetar. A B>pt et ttt^lat- r prvferra A w to taka-ba-itcf Pail Br*ael:-Mala Samir.ary, Apa.l-ae". 1 r ib» o*oaab b<vt'- »'J1 a'«>aa. adi .a

». W. *CM.*H'ORE Prul'ett .f TraareM Joo-twraab. r.oa. Tlwrj PaI! B.abcb. atldiata WILLIAV MCLLBSIX -e . TaU Br»nth E. r.ixB.




A la Tt»» Ptras Nrrs.'j»i At aaUaUM wCl haifa, ma m lerf: n 'Mtmi /asnOai. tt I.

•Ttj de-l7ab> to bare aosa eb-tap aad <K>BTva:aat aar ISr ra paMac raz«?ta[Hfe.'ToyB. Crockery, Ao.

PPAiDITO S PRlPiBlB OLUl aMU aT! -ri-b eoKtrrnMrtw, and 00 boasitbaM can aOoid ta V wltboa! it. It u ii-aayi ready pat cp to iba atlcfcio. pclBt There If bo l-jocr a oeoeaidtT Sor IbspisMt aha;,-.- apItBtert-d Teuear*. baadlesa dan*, attd kiMi cradles. It 1> Iwt tb- artlola 'or ctamtkfU. aod otber ortiaeftoul work, m pcpBlar vi- h ladlaat.r reda.>aHn>t ao taet«< Tbt. adairabie nreparattos ta 0"wd eod. batzjc

bald la aoiatlOB. as-d poaMtinjr ab tbe TaJsabW qaalltiea » tbe b-at caH»atm»k«-*a j;ae. ii raaj he aaad Io {be plaM a ordloarr o«'la*e. h-ta* vaatly csora adbeal.*.

"CEimi, IJI ETBBY HOCat-H. 'lH—A Brsah asroapacleii eaeb bottle. Prlra, SS casta.

•WbeHeaJa DjV«> No. H Odar atr~l, B»» Ti ji.

AdtTMS HRSRY C. 8PAI.DIXC A. CO., Box Ko. 3.600 JTew Tcrk.

Pot np Caaler- IB C»m<i eoElaiaJaR foar, elrbt. tvelfa daaeo—a baaatifsl l.itb.jfrap!U« Bbsv Card acooapaa. i«f aaeb package.

bott> ot SPAIDIKG"? PRSPAI n BLCS wiu «a»» ten llBtea Ita coot aaBaally to Tearr bOBrebcId. Sold by all promlBeat StatloBeta. I>rt>j[xl«U. asrdnrs aeJ

Parmltiar* naa<«n. Oroeeta, asd Paaey StoM. OoBBtry »-rehant> aboald icake a BOta of RPaU)IHO>

PJtBPABW elPB, »b»a Bp tbeJr Hut. "

«aat tmn jwm this remedy ba wttb «aad IB tbcamdi jifeaaea

It «astatan f>oiao»

ajoy ellaata. JtartnnaB' Jaal<-ly

W. MAXEX dt eo. Dosaiew m Tl^ PLAT*. Biiwat TM. ooFi-aa, omr xbos.mai

PJpa, Wtea, Iron sad Tla Blrati. PtsBban' Tools aad SUtarta!. MA&stJOzn laoN miktub paklos Biurm.

Oaoklag Oigeae. Keatfata • InrrnaT Tinanaail an 1 flOBCoB TIB Waras. ho. il. StSe e5 Mxrtot St.,

SaaiTin*. Tt»rsss»>. SVP. 8.—WtvUI knys?ssUatlTeakasd TlB-aold'sWa

akloesand SscKketa* t i ^ U f p r f i ^ . Swltb A Oo..BoBtk <BStaB.CCBB. W.W.AOO


J. W . Tolson & Co., PAOTOKS ASO

GOMMISSKJN M E R C H A N T S , Ha 9!^, Hortb Comateree Street,




' tlDBS of tb* World, craprtalatt s m«ra] atevof tba ori«ry a«4 isaBdlttoa of tba eaaloat aecta of Cbrl'tiaoa, ^ JaWBaad tbaHabvaaataaa; aa«a4taatbe PaaB Sorsaa of rat-C'Oe' WTOiMK ta tbe JTecaat eomttlee of tb* ea-tb with abatcbavof ts fcBBdare of Tsrtosa raisSovi swta: fr •iaat aatboiniM: by

VIHCElrT I.. aiIZ.VBB. Tba f».«« and IsBartlU Bbtary

o(tl>aKeV°«sI>»><nBtB<>t!M>Bf tka Wotla,ta a«oraaa« eaal-Bt or ref,<«aaa, aa* at a pa sitbia tba. 1 • an baelBdmdtkaPablabart* (Ar tb* preeeat-mlaae to tb-pab ir, aa sm'jiac a «aat ••« Silad ay aay "Ae- work a f tb-tl-d. aad at tba nnavfaaa all tb* fmpa—aat fweta ef tba Ursaa-arka tia «T|«Bela«.tbr tb* c*«Tatr.««.T nwtltba.bMreadtruatbar-a'awtbattt* <>*rfc is etrfet. twpartlal. vblA tfwt It a nlaa abn« atW «t>< ka tt rittaa bt <armaeie<Bao Af<rtlimlarta< Tbabaak vfli baaaM *.e a' e*i*IybysBbeerlFtiea. XteMtafti«*a«rSie»a|r-a*eca*a; ten U'tn'sSwia MSkrolpOTtraltsef dm-tabeS Msfaa* *< ibaearlawsec'B atSntts* a B*«ary reeBoct,iaBsa»>riM i-yha. Pr<eaSl.«« W*ami4 a(«>a t.r Baayaa CM a)w* Wwk-. a lari- nour* TtJcMsf aaai-lr na Bagw. kaai tMU' lUBS-rarad. pablaaad. attb Saa see*! p'a'aa. Prtoa wdy SSM. AS**. Pl-***<*#!e Lflk af 0brtst.B!:4BU *»*a<Ms.wltba RIatoiT af tb* Ja>B..IlBatpa tad stna l«Ss*atBdaa4aarsaa tBtaesraataaa, tka Sjcaned-tioaat lUa treat weak pabllskad. P m* aaly SIM XKbSr sf tbe ibmaboefc. ss.t poataB* paid, ta aay aSdttsi. •* re aatrtaftbaariea W* pay tk* Isnaat emlnioa ta artta* aad 11 SM«-t>i» Afsailw

j.w.Baat>i,«T i><kaaht «< Xo'tb Pontb Siraat, PbBadalpbla.

K. a-'W*ksTC asailj laady a b ntlfat edtjaa ol P»sl.-e aihl*. ntWB •» aspre > SBtBta. ia. Tatttas str*. bf WaCisa.asnfBBtBpneabnsttaSiallaea.- ArntaaBdCaa. nataea wti! Sad n ta tbalT sSnstaca t» Bsad fbr m OaUlBraa -Itb faR - IraiMit. *

i ^ n - a m .

XXsliaaf »*iaikSialBSiJ, HHns>« praa>:aidtaa. Itat to tb* aMiiae sotaa h SM •( (ba <X«th VMtan fltetMt BIw ktvMMfMltet tttvi^li fl^brtvi^^^Mrt X ^teBM

' oiK^^ttUSSlSs e » ' | i r ' l b » aaja a» afc a»tjjIl»i.Bwa^,Ta.


• n B c a m s , J V tfc.w.aAii—1 afc .nm

wbAtaesi; aa laa»t ssay takaIt

*«ati«»o»ii?,TyVMsT It. nST. «B.a«anR.'-I tak* ateukr* 1* eta<4Bc tbat tin Wutdar

fill assets ol "-Wbitaerob a Benedy for te Irtbaia," «i ay wttaL abekadeaffera-toryearatxiratkAaoiypee caadKeribe with tfcosrtaaodlc Cms of tbat tartiUa <iMw> Asaana"

twsly* r-BM la a »es» tka mbroetbt tc &» my latet •b, reostrlBe tin et tlire* vatebara eoeatiBiaa, for Jaar

r*l da aad irtiibn la sttoeeaalsii. A: iIbm- fiir bosaL tt vaaM aiB7jHtf«iw.Jm«ab asMk ttaiaaL Wt wn ot>a(*tts aiMB doore and artedswi IB mM sriBtcr, aad to rant-1 taaeery aofkaii tbst aaeetloBa*<sMd«fte tokeqt kcridaa. AlaMttBasbawaaaatarcoaatbatbar BbT ISB -toald B»I SHiBt bar pdlse. At Iaa«tb I ksard •f «-Wbltta»'ya anoe-dy." ItadadUkescbam. UcssMed bar tatlwfqaM ia s ISw lalsarsa. • » • • t sa s Wetfcndlst elwiraaa. sta. tbsedhera. I**U.b*jiappy tiarsewtsay ioqal'tesreeel iBbareaa*. aod rcaaraat tlbertr ta Baka sbt aaa of tie fonoSBjc • tbat vm bnaef tb* sasetaL

.oantTtaly, gllfSALI. H*Ot«T,

Asthma. Ksvssbtsobt. Peb, SS 1SS«.

GM«.a«» Tt Is sow Be*.*y aifBSlie e'T-e I reeef*-ad Stat bAtt!* of yoar ealaable stedklM- tn tbe eara of-be ArtbTOt. I »»«<l«tir-ffitind t>»»ncnitli tlla!. «Bd tf «o«el»<j*meBeWtbattt»astbi»»-b Iteefccts ttat l»a»be. Ib« ao iBstdt booated bafnrr lwrfnay>->B. lata EKT*aan.e-d «b«« B!» paief tr«tB i!0» af tbe -avn. aijfTa-esHEt, jr-et dia trandBB aad iBoat icvaUralliq; dteonlen that em affiictad a koaaaa b-teij, Jj it-.rtSale<l rtolle to tils f-nmiT. fcr IblrtemTaanlaoSeesd ariib th» Sisiksia. aad dun*( tbat tl«» tbara -.T* hJ-t (e« BKrtha !a arbleh t did BSt raSer »ni aparos** that antSr-lT rroatrated toe for two or tbr-e dart aad aomattaea tnocai. ft »tew opot •>« tn .»»»Hty SBtU Ar. tats aad >«• I nr o'.Bjf.J fcniiotba lo««f»ee;' to ! tsrebatr: an] tbaioast aatleaexwsiae •os.'d hrla* <MI a pai ortaw ofeailwee rr* eernre Ibat I onalt aa-t cpa- aa iBob fr* 'ICB'". Bat ft la oaedtMBfor •» to iaagiba tba terXre W tb «ps«»odl«asfiitsa. T>MK»fOTwboB! tMr!-«sS-«d«rkMa !ls-l arell wba? It la and I «in laa»<*T aar. that tnm tba tiBle i took tka Sretdoeenf year-SCT-d»" to tie prxieet boor hare Bot bad a bad atta-k. a: oov Biv rratets Is ao free !>»«> It tbat Ibe aiott astlee exanstaaAot aspmreteeUoa baaaxr otb»re«e« tbaa to allsbtlj ra.trie! be lijrre your laedletai

- Stajwis ftat seaMMlaa. s&i t taa eawy elstai atreara) frotn tbe torateictcr. ndaa* a tbe torateictcr.

WH ir»ear rssj-zect: »B«- o!>-dt fs nf J. H. BBASBOS.

' Asthma.

:—I }i**e Bar>oee> d.laya(t wrltlBi to yoa «*jti; Ib»4tbor<7tish!y1e««»eite sj Mo* WblteOToi-l Bera-d". far tbe ii-t> ma ) at dllttect anaoce ci tbe »a«r. for t bad oi tao obtaited trtief- for a ebon (rtiib earirea ot t8«JWB», •««! •» Bo peBi»r~t (toyl eS-ata. TSbs ba.»-1 tried Bsot- tSa» thirty 4ir-T--t «;,-e»e» far <b- A«teB>a. aati: I had bMrm- voro <*<s*n by -ilaasi acd altanet tlao-Hirat'.d-•STire I taklar ilcfoe I b—B aSIlcte.- <»l!b tie aboct t»-rty yeara It la ef tbe «r-a»odlJ-kled; aad fo a bad attart I b»»e frsq»«ttW («et ap ali ee-olcbte ta naeaeeteas. taklcy&ar ciadictne.lloBne ar aoaoewton.4 relief KT h-altb porf "t.-eacth (*. fp-trr*. 1 bee* gained abonl tw.;. fT ivtLade (r. weirtr. aod ITT-avafntlrr,}. bo at- Kas. irteiT »e*l -afe ertBr-tciTO rm-n-le* a fea tea awoBfcIs oftbe taedfclM Is reS-leBt t» re r»OT» It. • It aceme to Be that tbaTeery fjardaMoa of my' dtaaa>« b*.

been btoVec ep. aed tbM e-xm entirely Itaee wta. At ajr rate, awe tljat h»a eoff-ee.1 vbat 1 haT*. keretttfrnpa. aM *r jwad t"ke bealtb tbat 1 baTx. ejij.>yad 4aet tall, o»i her tat* he!l.'V« tbat tbara t« a vooderfax pMvar !b Jooaa Wbt' <v3cVR«B>e<y fer tbe Ailbtaa. aee.>-<rtf»nT, yours

, K. B. VOIvB. Joca* WbHer-B'-'a Betsrfy f-r Afbma Is prepared crfT

lO-iBP-H BtTBSKTT A CO-, tJ C-=tral atr»»i, Boatos. Boi fa aa>%yl>rB)rl«t« feeral.y.

S. A.ALLEN.S WORLD'S HAIB -'BLfiAmrM. th« ooJy nliAhi*

f fr»T SUir tu yotithfW oole? vit&oct tojartiif •ct.l?.

Ha not a Df« 'TmS Iw! f!»«B Itft »tr«Bftfjorf d«e«Tfaif rsotj* Of S%!r ftrodaeioc ft Tirotti xmi b«ft*txt« i*. hM ia twjfstr Tvarc. i oftc wJio hM.4 bw B&I4 G w for wear* t«atitad to fW xaerita. Sroti vhiei

cxtTact tbt fi4lawlat: LAT*PMSIUIVT J.H »iTO?f.I.t

Otum CnimiTrf .VerfrnyfcwV, SVbacuo. ilai; Uir «f V.w 6. i. A

IwN Worir PilT Sa-Mirwr. ti- o* of ba!- tm9*> Esa Tbtct; fT."« of rtlehftr. Oc

ST. My (iilri* caw TtofvJ if natwaJ ealcr. oaMa-ro fall oS.

Vm rj Mymi'v- "Mt «J>ai»c»»< to tt»a»frai coMr, A? ••

> -P D Cv Gmeen H. "My Hair wfele: w t j i f m ^ , ow aarwAlooor. •

D " ie- H'... --1 et ad-l ray -.ivias} ft mr frTat-**

De T. Wood Re T. -Wr rwr, b% r haa fr»a > rWcrwai. fci^r- that 6f f>a« of ibt faia' T ••j •• beeamlBe arr, i. p. TajttBe ft. Ce, Tba whii* haiT U b»

fvtaijiz n i formtss " k. Ctmk.'X T. -It hi? t>ro«Jw-!lew

-ff»et o» Br ud I cab a» 4 iar* rw^m^t^ tt " 5Ut. A. 8M«>rt S. B. T«pt

of roar v-ru-rfy Ac." ^ R?T. B C ' itfc, y. T. "I suTprt-w! tefir.

ta-» ifraj fcatr 'a-c a» I •»» r-Bne-* pastor a{ D SL-Cho-rsfc N T. a-

D jron « Rfrr? Tf T. H 5 r*r»tt 'Huitodai XrT. 'W'mj t t«t n» cc? cnoTtc-frf. try It.

Mns. 8 B .ILLEX S ZTLOSALSAMCM. Or WotWV H»t? 5rca.'.»3 rwnit:*' o*»> with Bmor

ftad t« th* tlilr fi" o-d HP roarag - x t t n l . h* fa* ofraa Afiacio?* ia c m of h»ir faJJitc- A-e... U ar»7 bat4. or >»T»6f« with dWaaw ef

aaU t**-n-aJa. md tb* !n<x« cf Hiia ALLSJT?' It cri »e or br all tisft -rtacJpaJ mh'jM.

»a4 r«t*U ia»reV.»at» ic ki rr«lt*-3 C«>a cr C»ra4a CM i rvT. rr Toaa

Mrs. Aa Winslow, A N KXPKHIE.NCED NURSE AND PE ^^ aaft' Ais lo xii^' c

SO OT H I N C S T P ^ fu: Chiidrw rhlsii 57>atij tt-

KT tb jn*,.- • ar ^ trJMaattlao •luatlay ATMS afijit. I w f ^ r f . k T* i t a V l . A T t i Sii > li^pfni it, Goth-rr itvV . r»w? to •e-tirtt rtra*. tn-f Kf'-Uf M t to rear i»**r.t« W* pa- aa sod foU artl fct tia ••-ar*.

of li what ha*, w- oKTs-"lA'xj t f of RBT e t b w s n d i d e

k * j i t f t U s v i . l B MB£ laaGy^ta-ljutii*

an* SOOTH 1X<3 -tttr»ry ?»YRUP ^ ixh ct- -oceana t-mu ' of eocLE datt.

CMt-eal "F t* ad rf-aw ijs tij •sj»tt«r * - s-ipraci*. aaji-

cnr f s T e j l w a t o? w b i ! c -cUt^ la a'ir09T " " i f a T a ' a i l fa vtrfT'^v* fxntt jaifl ad wv u LiUkStv:

•bo f T-rac {B aAfttrlwr?»d tPuparation le fu nucfiptirn tjf crof U>

.acrt »t.4 "-aTava u ac ««•«» wtih .i-a* *T-(r«w> in TV-awuniwaf OtM

T* E»©totiTy«>;i«T-? ti .1 (r-3 pin he*. !« t «%onaeb e^rrr-.t" atfrAiv* an-* etvva S m - ••vw.

1 1 W" 1 Css.-a: «n=i*o?!y pw Jst?. prlr io th« N.W- -- aTvi -aiBwiid. M-J \r- rnrTtiT rie fc-iWr* f th Wt aal ia tb« <a atljsaaof T)tw.». •.S XIil G. tair aol n •7hr5{B,arh«tL»r It nr ft iff an* ctfe«-T

raas-. We ere To eeery Btot.her art? •laa a-«b(:.d taSer'oe froia my tbe eetBplalBts-Oonot !ot ros- cr-ioilrea. nor tbe jajvc-s of otVm, staiil b-t»»*oy<« »Bd •onrioeers cHlJ. an-J the relhf -tatwll be SBT*—Tea, abeointl, eare to tbe of*, of tbi- EMMit do , tr thBely B-wJ. Pall iireit- w for win a/rol ilc

«o>"»»B»»»'B«;*s. tbe fa« »tet!> o; * PKRKtitS. He. V-ik, 1» oa -ttell- *ri=rer. f5o:e by Drartlee. tbmcrbfiBt tb* aoSd.

, Prtrclp..! Off ee, 13 f «d*r fclrc«, T. JBarSt—It Fe-cs • »X.T '.p CaeTi.-St S'TTTI.

i!p«lal att«»tJcB (Tltea to all chtcc-e diaesaaa.-. InStreBT*. Af*hT»., Broadkltla


C-jttt. CroBp 0-cei _ _ CI d:>ea.«aa of tb* ftc. Mostb. Tbrnat, aad Lavc; Stti

rf cTe-T t-ewntptlae irtxMefery creat-J;-Lt,3:!>aso. vjiBibar Ahereess. •,--•!!!» BheannSlim. Poet, Weo-aVn rij!yiifc«l>i}*I>.y.orCoi!rat<l«a«.I>)i,et». Oraaat/n.ri arrblBa. The retr car.* o.' ft a lirt IM ilMao-e of tbe StTBacb. Li-tej. ire eomla. Tkin-e art =iSBy dlaeaaea ijfcfldaatll to wtjajen lad cilliirasi wliinb sn <lmt>y!a<ur. Er. Baaie-san jaote;*era tho3ea»>da-rtl«-JtsstJ Wt perf»t e3r-«oalB cs-!n« JJaacera. CIJ Sorer, or rie«rs-EtpIHBO«-e. PTsialSBf eeervdj-ecrttlra. Jtcaldlfmd *«ra, Pciypasol aow. or tl layoawr rirtaf -.'•» iody.


ofsTBiT rlpa«t, aa tboct 1 ba «•« af t<:a taO-o, cr ua mt<txt iBstrooeits. Thaae 1»»;>ied dieHBas eiBB« be

BOCTerpecdaBev: tbeoefora ail sBa!: pUl«!t3 kbsi 5l»tta™».Te» taadcr tb* Sexter'a p>rao=al alpei-rtjloB. Doctor Bsskae b»S aade s!!»»-djsoorarr ef a " Plirid,-tbn

-Oaatratl, 'tj;irsstc.-ena sSa^^e "' ^ lUT4!e

KVK5 AXDEABS. an racsiwaftiny tisaied »«2xwtt>. St. of ft* tJT r«4 l.Baiakee- bas ooMrtsstly an baad. at blr oCea, a »».-» eiteo •Ira aw.-ttnast c." HxtrUSi

ASrmOIAl. ITJH. AND TTtejJnfS, CB Kis-TwmeS

of Saperiw OBttoa-CHai. ^ttfWV. FRRRT-to., AI.4, '

Qrover: F A M I L Y

d Baker's Noiseleu -

sEWIKG MAiHINESa Taa rwtr ta Bsa, ^

N O s n a i l L S .

a o » TWO spfiois. la-aACHisa cs.;-

B- EL. BROCKWAT. No. 4 Pttl^S^parc, NaeksiUa. To AprC H.-«f ' •


a j M M i s s i o i t M S ^ a J S k r



jt' lMES M. HUM, ' A T X. A W ,


an!a -ioar Gaae acd <l<-ae4 tt-tlo!tia< poll BimHabTocit-i«i-ntifl-Bt lat-.t1< BTB-slta I>e«ere la

pjasar, St FORBES,-

ITBiaa Sta.. L5 A.VD BS fAHi^E^

Ptfots, Oil*. Vf, iti -a- Wf.1, La , ratty TJSSaJrS: tee Seaa. a r» Wta-* — f Bl l



mH Bslr SraaH.., gn^ i^ji^ Tackt- of at! kiBslt. Kbe PslBte

Sarjeat Biork I. -be city J Aba^n^ o(TTa_SlaUsl*rn>-. P» -0(.<pk auta*. . ^ ^ rrrtyp &n>-.jpArtl«'* A aratas'aad'Cb.

arcase it-ur iB i W- CSBS " "

falP ; sosnt] tbat«ewtnirat«.*larr-lTmfh«£rlct*-r-a£ tccmll isiHka.. loeeasevbeeijtf ts bora. J«e •

> eueeU erj&:dia-<nir >lnsa!nva<tt*t c l.adel::i::a. a-ry raepec-fttU, ral' tba aUetiiiaaf

ntrr BS«Tebattnd CUM tA OB stock, ead aOMts t»; wtn IrB: lar—IT u tiab- loser-ot —

S E W - € N E E H O U S E , . anixs TTXiBsyKK:

WK. 'Rg|iRRTS, Fropn^. Jaly It-da* ; ;

Dr. Sh^enberger s Antidote.

TS A SAF%A^D EAmCALCDiBFOR 'I. f'tetaid 'jr aMlfT-t; <»l<jW:r.Bt <icVn»»aaTeii:t-

---nmA-ClaeSK bn^ a It Peeer, diiiaW*aa. aal an Cxaa ef ira-artoos or'r a. A fae> doaa* efftl IB?v aay srdlBsre cBBs, ead asie Saos fat

rtabiys-epetb"? 'W It BOBrsme aatblac IB tkrlasi d*. i e* bartfa] t * J ie B., znc.^T any i "ii iibi laiwaa, siid Barer produce* n teoalea art .F-cta atr,d tbe uiiiae aid eceo's la ceBesa]BSB. It caraa eev-ybrm • lerbanrtgtaa: a'dealy aet:det*fcrBW»-Tia. .V>k for iiar..iterrel'e PeiB- aad A*ee AilUMa. aadbs.«areTm( , ^ ^ ^

CuTOB, OcS XtA, IMS. I bsTe beaB usiM l>r, stsB-sbrrter a Pnar sad Acae pi.

ta EySiBit!ye<-.T M tkts a year, ant It-ee nobaalta lh •aytee rfbai 1 biKatt tt-aia totK tb<beat rreedy aosia n 'ox PrTer s«< tj . Tbey kaTa aeatir fkl-ed 1B w* ta vblcblbBTatSrabeai. 9. a BnBBL

P lor ad tbe Baptist C&ai CaatBB. ajK M-ISTS. irM?:a?J, ?;-Tei!»oB a 0«, of CSciJmIbb. e c,

To ar- a»pt g a larfcat wbclsssla draf dastes iB aa 5c5itb,-wrl:e at : .

„ _ t , t «"»»w»-S-«J.,IaB.5IJi.l6S». Geaitr—Weta»»3pLlea.Bla»tati(tbar ToterSse *<r

Mr- sa-ee-ei-B aa* -tbrn »ei* ea>"a«Baw* to a Etaid t-fetai-jcnri enecBttam I. la^ to t.,T n.>,r a -atb*. » j.<rsiaiaat etls aad plsBlee of Bsaa-fiTt DaPtrt«£« BpMrsa a.-.etrat;>4 If »e k-jrt glatla»

.Ashii. -r!a.r.otira«»lMrir4iitBe«a,jDtla-ortb» f I >*caed tbwa dP-<.«r Tbey »s«e;B'»d Bite

.aeastali Zt'tnm . lastessssw iBoet S'rMy trjioa asB ndsr ^ ». I rsa twfOv • f ra* |[aB( ml

eperarjTaa, Steoa ddekm d-ws - aBd -T-TT o siaiCTared by tbe ttsidy

P! 1»; T»a MfteO tb.» «n>B>a T pcaa-is-tba ooSJEtja ta tlb


rep led en .jec Be foe CI _ cepa o» tb-

a3ttIBr.It. IB trTlB»d.ct abtmr t»ol »lth F-»-t aaa. T - Jial?! -roac>4 eri-ar* OeesralWi

t a - i

- S

ie fur Tiijepse, »W!S.P*XBLStC5,A oa, Ka-baiBa. -Bilett and IVctOfT ererrvb*.*. '

A P 83 tLi.BXBBKSn A Oa_ JHe Propri«tns,t-ehts ar, Pa,


S l o o d PxtJrUIeirt Hie g r A ^ reaeds > s the i D i M i , aad J i t matl ddi->

c i o i a m d d d i g l t f e l C a r d i a l r o t T S i a l m .

FT 13 Sl^^eTLT A SCTENTinO AS© A Tejtah)-F-«w''T--.b <;»tIPA toB»f Boots,


-tee D. K<.cd Boat. BV« Bsot, »s» Ba.lrard ri,ca,<5miestiT tBtaftBrBlt-arrlT. r- medtit rrtirfBSe nf eacb is^

errracted I7 lay • ev al <lcUiBea. pa tbe saaat fafU-

id* i<-o-rallB»t2!-«M*ae.*-»stem a-d taalatifl* Md deijiated toa^ tc beattb ss<

* ^ PTn»5GTHs?nia oosbiai, '

. L.actdf -rfrBBd eaee (or idtfHsl l __ ? V tJee Esre trw. tcH C r mt i * si*

le-b- aad eajiartna WRi jo-ltlfto Tie! Jlertle-J-.,-TdBcla* a tfi l-le r-tB-de rh* ai-k, Alrllttb. Vet' •m -troBte Itieame

ttara •E-«..rKili' _ . _ . taKeeas e'bV .iSr-e b-ai. i-ap«3B ar i>-a4, ir.-ti:artj; theb ait, Sseeeur weSfbt latbs -ckeMiT oeklsr w eaffeeaUBc Umtf^t^^hrm •yfxif 4c»ti.drFr Mior ?»;io<r=>-«.Tf tie Alo u>d -(«s Wtakt

'raaTi 'n tifl s»5tn cf ttebesfcaiwtr -of hi-v «f (K tta. ftwblM

l-?-3»a,l*ats«-i-£30cdea«T or aey I inTra d ai IBS m tCp-bM. ra'tif* - - '

a o'.Tlls HfotV, a- d 'BStSti-anee ba- it t • --«'ta« Who-|tl:*>a »tlt eaSe* fr.-.T3 •

«-ta a JTRIS5IBS •'ISO CC ffo Hem-eta re-T'T a.-leqtut£ Idea ifT

ud a-sae*; BilS-t. iBKdaaed Ow. 1 .V. eteasrd. •e4<ll•' ef BBd ^ u ^ i a f ^ i r - ^ n t Mjtlmu

ebeitar br b-itfaa t-y er--e, -ae.k liy aa e, ok tmtalzsa T e cjkl:«rt tbsvtxedSLd c «f£lsst2ar artstae A ft»-yirtK-e a-d v-u-. ^

iiTSeS o be.* cnBHaVBa nf deblw frvm attad. casee, Sjid McL-a-a ftxeEr- '' Cmdlal a tbat-

-atb reeeoe* "fer M tbe eT<ew ; atrf wbo ts*y baT* ti t d *h SBTpT-T-'r "Bdabreutea, will tt?« !»ttibi Cor-ta. aoenala r-creT.

f THK ianiKSt Mci.i:A!t«n''s«wrBi:msae( a waieeiaa sad

care foe Je -tj-cleooaea'?.:-*, «bit*..«b«tTBHad sr ISc. It SeaaVilaiaoa. lucootlretre of arte* or ti.ek.»r •!—» • ••.•"«•- c* rt- 'Kcib -iMisssa Islitl aoo a > to Te a la 00 Ktatate aboat tt Belle- Ba KKgm lake- U Bs-

eoT ortew ttooa. It wU etbcaU''! i atateycB aad Vora eif beal% tc BascSEt yacr aj- ln, BTwrraptfi- !» warrSB'-! ta jtea eaiaitojoo.

PC* cmiiiBKi: r T.-BTel!PI»T:e- "f-kV, • o-y « eSlobi elecBV Of-

Slal wlB teaitky. bl.^ retort. Jtaian BOtAM-s-ct. tryit, im WX Ir ll'ls datdauSB •jua. 4 CAmOJ5.-§le#aT»of Crarc'a'e ordetfii wo BST :

opou .0®BJie Ctta-, <!r SaTaapai<na tia-i. wtfcb tbep. 0>'B bey t eas'Ve jtBC It le jaatae tsBd. Ai«d ascb ms. Aa> Hsr *rl-a'i"JfeBs':J:«-!r,j rn'tHI. tad T»t- mlV f ->«• ISi» T-Biely !>»t*E! ircnfr ti» WaeS tb«-o b . acd -ai»e 'Iffl* ttr-r|tb tbm eyxteta. 0«« t>'eepe.iara 1 tahm .vt* y w r s i e ^ tmfOtm te aewealB

eroeettheliietiwlttactiV* and f.T—, y n* Arar, or a y Br.Tal'a' dtssatH. It te pat nr ta larj botl Piles saty »1 pw-hntf e S bofJta an'ji.

J. a. usiuM, , tbtaCoiflsl.

^ A-MKrUvi'rTclmi'lr Of Uaawet. P-lBe**C-=T*-Be tbt. mawT r< Tbbd aad PfB* Bu sta.

.At-Iods Kar ft.T BIBPJ A OaiSCTttLB. W tTX Taca, axj

all .-epertiijamfr.e' rteta »T-Tr-wi«re.

*.Bll«!»OS.i I . P. B. JOSS', Lai* Kt Bead. A Oc.. Hais t"- Kdfcssa, Ky.

UHSLTll^ CO^ O O T T M ^ ^ Ketspbia. T«m. ApcnS-tf.

It I? A MI Ii Y M E DI C I N E S.—OF ASL £/ l«Mlsrn&«BaaiBaBaUtbuaratbsrB*aDtzlaa,«a«!\ sranca* att pobHe espireW ao fss_-tbs_6«J«a- J

are salt e tor altbcr n i a;:d an a laiertti ta J-. TnloBtea. Bar-Trcjcpeta cf arerr dMcrffUv Hetyof lfcW article kBctBn hitbaa rH lar atactt


a»Bt of b«aati!ki and dntis ABTtCICIAi HAIfns.

alSb tba Am td. BItow actSAliBtsBt.; ABTI?»CIA1. rBET irv tbe fcBkl^ iM aod Ksee-IolBf nflS^t Tiere arUtfee ara aet-ra.!. todadajtoi AreltiMr

aesia ba amrt tr> iu».pcrto! tta Btirid. Al. «a«t of Tn!a«» Car fiereta or K«*» of irerr d,=jcr;>tS-« •or aStter aai TrBSte> sarSrfirty ads 'te- teaSta te Doctor Caakee tl ace of tb* EUai eel-iratKLsBi A'lItW

pky^«. tBd SCTTM SO. Urb . H!. faawis kooro —r ^y ta rrwryDdftl clg of ts»«t>rld. Vlirtters directed t«CT.&u.kae matt ecartaiatafi orsts tc

paypostAfjtacidcjtaleretMt. A:tei..*Ble 41wa.sB«r batrtateaby »«T»~o4a.«.,i,e*! -•til MIBtlOB-d, ftlA

Tork<Hty. *«;TI_tf

1860! 18601 Hart's Superior Cotton Gins!

•pSKSB SUPERIOR COTTON aiKS txasd II j»Tj<.»-<iJSa«ie

^bysi^R t»«»bi* raifcrwr, HsasSlcfBditi 1 »l3>aarare2ai>lj m m c u i t o bettw uy «-«« bb* 1 aoTWas^

^ to "*k asaer aadstxrts

popalsr iB aaa U tbu or Btbsr BPBDtzlaa, cat* list psbUe npecUtloa ao ibfir aa tbs eiiD'- ? . _

BSEEB! PAMSiy PI.AltT»TO» KSSIClVBS. Tkiyssa. al-: at eraa daareot KadldB-a. bbissk wbiA bS taa waTty ' ' befcMd ooaanetiisappticsbiateBioslSlBiaeea tsalOntla tils cosxtiT. K sertSti s< thr——^ aatfcti aS lria*fci5STtls». t . _ ef tba epaatiy4|niBW.egIin:Tti<Wbaer!bac». aa ' "

. So farti.'y aT tatb«to»aj lillajla i>ft<-aaeiB04bstfc ttOMBSrnarsSjC* . IseaaBortMasaslsitlie&B

aWab oSIbeBDrl iiasfSM pkld raea «f batuc-azM jai

stBOiT imoncBt , ^ — a—JrtsatSWMtbBa

Tba Oigfcgberg - . , VUttim. C». "

arsApKrSja CflS aar.taST ran afsdAcB* T takkt rye-Ixj-Jaa-—i. Gr.«i 'MantsQ Baaltb W a ^ Haayi of m i r ^ -mr P9ET exvuBKBs psu cstSs ta

«par.s*, aa tbs iaoas|« af isai

Sabtmof cksr;*. tear»-tf rnwaB'iii , T«ni.

> AKBarcA!' wovsa aits canau^ ' aotjjBBtryfciSui.niisaSaaaoeyagb fm tSasaaM.oaawe'

i»irtstfaeisa>ASfctfe*GaJaadBta:te laBOaaaKtiy rai CBnj NP45ACBAtSBSD*nsaa<rls( a Iks

OwMOa Od Btiflcdanaie th* aacttad cunsaw. bb< suy b* ip«ai«_»iatrai t»$H»BBb«ee's»eUTO ait. Hit

rblt-i aai otiMr

amthaarniae, MASSSAUrr


Em. SSAGOi PROWJGR BROKSH, SJtd Sawial OBoateioa HsKbsxt. cBc* Ib Saacui

^ * " •ta®* '" tils aay. «»SM»st IT ar«e.ei«»

tteataclBeatlck. •rasitlw:. PiS-

Floanu Cultivators, Haxrows Ac. WOULD RgSPgCTFULLY CALL

^ " - - -


<Kr«l| a

snot. •Stan.

s r-T txctie. or Ire battiea laz IS. BBS a>-e* watkiBSB is s2 tbasam ta Tl «ilt U aay aixrs »a tbssa

T Wast, aay -JM alabea - tf nt&nsanaitta.ScSaa tX raUC psisss,

tariWOnssSaM .-r-sayabWebas* nmstft * Bsfians as asC a pns-

sr tba'T M i a f te *tasi. S)« t a t ^

toT^nmh «(aa» aMKBt

Wthsvscst. > O k r i -

.'teiswetiatWj t»ta